THE WAYNE HERALD Morning in the School Years, and Mr

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THE WAYNE HERALD Morning in the School Years, and Mr ''',' '".' "'.',,; 1-1<"·' '" !;,~l?1:, A husband·wlfe team trom the five~day scr'les in recent South SiOI)X City will be co~duct. y-ears and claims an Intmediate log a "Five·Day Plarf' series o'r success rate of 85 to 90 per cent. meetIngs i,n Wayne, 'beginning Some smokers pick up their did " . ' ,,',' ,: THE(. , , " . WAYNE HERALD T'Hlj'RSDAY;"AUG,O,S~ ~lt~~1~~',"hi:~tt: tQ'~,~e,J:, S~c)~,'r.~~: '~~~'~"r~n~u:;~tmO~~~~,b~t~~~ second "C1.u rost~ge .p~"id at W~yne. vJAYNE, NEB"RASkA 68787, 28. j"1J75 Published Ever)' Monday' and 'I'hui'sday. at ­ ONE.HUND~EPTH yEAR NUMBERF'FTEEN 114 Main, Wayne., Nebr..'ska 68787 'IPJla'c'oqr'd' u(5c""d,' h"""e' ·s'e"ll·e·s" "OsO!'!>of"'V".' cent·:it~ th~, ::e.n.( of"J,!x' monfhs;' W In Pastor 'Osborn ~aid: . ,", ,'. lT1~e,til'}g~,-,!n'l1ing,:, ~ac~. nlg!:lt T.,e!.'Flve,D~y ~!an't9nS,ist's-..of ·at'. "at '~lce,':o~':'t~,e" ~:,,~~«(~INq,i peg,e III '. :~~[~'Jt~~:\~J~re~~~,~~~ Dixol1,Cedar County 4-H'er.s,'. Seventh Day Adventist Church- es. His wife, Mary, Is, a regIs. 's II I IA • Audience Numbers 2,500 'eT",;'e~~~i:DaYPI.nwas~ri9;n, ',e Ca ves at Laur~uctJon ated 14 years ago by"a ~venfh~ ''', . Day Ad.ventist pastori-Elrnun J.~" DIXon 'arid Cedar County 4-11 value of an-imals sold was -:-::When Theobald Dry Goods H()~pital Falkenberg... ,and an 'Adventist' beef producers picked up a total $38,578.10': store ·was located, where Bill's New Opening The ',grand· champion ~teer at At physician, Dr.., J. Wayne MeFar- of $4,171.07, Itt premium money Satur~ay th'e show- ·was owned by Jon Cafe' now Is? lilnd. Since then,' the plan has night, at.the 26th an· An audIence of about 2,500 was Benedictine Sisters of Norfolk, flected the area from during fhe first four months at ErwIn of Concord.' The cross­ wii helped- over 10,000,00 persons to nval taurel calf sale. prese~t Sunday afternoon for the who wilt operate the facility, funds and suppor! tor fhe m i- fund raisln.g which began late in qUit 'smoking.. _. _ . Yoongstes from the two coun· bred steel' tipped' the' scales 'at --T~Sou'fh Sioux City pastor ties collectively marketed 75 See CALF SALE, page 10 Feeders Group Planning ~~~~i~~~~e a~~df:a~n c~~~:~ ,i~ ~;;I~a~;Oyv~~en:=~ t~ir;:a~: ~fsd~ ~i:~edc~~~~~decaH::kln~,d~aerro~l~ ~~: ~:~~~~l ~,~~n~:i~o;ns:~~~, said he' has conduCted .several of head, tb~allng 76,820 'pounds of , • r 'South.Sioux Clty·Met.t Wayne Ilrst rate hospital." Winside, Laurel, Wakefield, tional $:<>7,000 has been pledged an avefage weight of 1,024 Mrs, Richard, KeideL', presi. 'He said' the hospital is a Dixon, Concord and Wayne. since then and $634,000 of the pounds." AveraQe appraised Warrant Issued Teachers Start The annual fall 'outlook meet. dent of the Wayne HOSPital mcihum~nt of the willingness of A total of S866,000 was raised See HOSPITAL page 10 value was $4-'1.78 a hundred. p~ople weight. _ In Check Case ing of the Northeast Nebraska Foundatlon.-welc.omed guests the 9f the area to pull Workshop Todoy An average of $5.43 a hundred­ A warrant has been Issued for ~~~Sf:k h:'~d;;~t.A~so~~at~~~ ~b~fe~daf;~f ~~hg~~~~ a~ct~~~~. _~~g~~:;.~~~= ,~~~~~esources '~' t;\-;,1.,.' ?:AI) :t·, ,:p, ",t'. weight was bid in premium a man Who allegedly .has casheq__ ,.?'!£~..Q(;,k.----Sf~a"-~OU5e· in-'SouttT, ~- .-- The guest regIster signed by Pre·school workshop sessions money. Ave~~~e_. .sellln~ __~.~l'l~L .ov-e-r,'·~Sl)--r-n--1nJlfchecics··Tn SIoux City. ' _During his keynofe address, visitors during open house tours w..~~JI5tL2~Tor for ¥Jayne-Carroll feachtrrs starL a---coml;lTned mar· Wayne. The social hour will begin at 7 ArchbIshop Sheehan said the follOWing the dedication re· -".-'4adaY'-fftmrs-cfavr-and---cont-inue kef and premium average of AccordIng to detective' serg· p.m., followed by dinner at 8. fhrough Saturday. $55.6J a hundredweight, eant Ron Penlerlck of the Way· Tile key event of the evening ~uperlntendE!nt Francis Haun Total appraIsed value was ne Rolice Department, the man wit! be' a discussion of the City Council Cut Short W,lS slated 10 welcome tea'chers S34,407,0~. When the premium is described as being about 40 coming year's nvestock market at 8:30 fhis monning, foHowed money IS added in, the total years old, six feet tall_ and outlook by a panel composed of weighing about 160 pounds farmer-feeders, bank execu By Omission of Notice ~:e aSf~i~e-~:~:'1s:~sS~fg~:~~: Tractor Vandalized- The suspect open-ed a checking tives, a market solicitor and a tion. See CHECKS, page 10 - representative' of a local meat The Wayne c'lty counc'd meet ters by c'lty adm·mistrator Fred Also slated for today are a The Wayne Counfy sheriff's packing firm. ing was cut short Tuesday night Brink session of "Curriculum and department said if was discover because a legal notice of the Brink r~ad a letter trom the You" by Donna Hirt and 'he ed AuCJ· 25 that an International meeting was omitted from Man State Environment Control De­ staff 01 Educational Service Unit track ·type tractor belonging' to day's issue of The Wayn~ Her parfment, approving ·a grant to 1. an all·school dinner at the Wayne Cflunty district three had Date Hi l,.o Precip, ald. finance improvement in the cify elementilry lunch ,room and be-en vandaliled. The Weather August 20 86 68 City attorney audd Bornhoff sewer lagoon. ' mee.ling<; with school prlnclpats The fraclor had been parked August 21 94 68 advised the mayor and council The first two steps involve TOpics lor general se'isions about 3,5 miles west of Winside August 22 95 67 10 not to act on several matters, planning to determine what F1'iday will include use of video !'.ince Auq, 8 . Augu'st 23 96 73 including ordinances covering See COUNCIL, page'1O cquipmenl, and "What's With Damaqed were the radiator, Augu~.t 24 98 71 delinquent payment 01 utilities School Lunch" 0:(>5(,1 pump (lnd six 9uag('0" In August 25 99 57 _ bills, the. cHy adminis-f-rator's A'i.j~1iST26 Dc.pilltm~nt,)1 meeting r)re <1C1dition, the of! -dipsticK, (l ham - 7g 49 salary and the creation of a Dollar-a-person schAdlJicd lor Salurduy and les mer. <lhout four wrenches, a Total preejp. fol' Auq.: 2.69 do;;"'ntown improvement district. son plans will be due from cilbfe cU/f('r and il pal-r of pliers Bornhoft said that in his optn Is Jaycees Goal teacher., were reported missing ion, the council could not act because of the state public dis Son Gets NU Degree closure statute requiring ad During Telethon Winds Shorten 'Euphoria' Flight A former Wayne man, Gary ~~~~i~ ~~ii~:.of Ihe meeting by Wayne County Jaycees will be lorenzen, received his doctorate The council members dId ap ~~~;~~gh;~~p;h~~e~e~nk:~~,~a~ 5tronQ brE'e'1l's S<,1turday kepI ~~~~ :~~~~~~e~fu~h:e~~Oa~~e ~~ :~r c~,~i~~ef:riSa~:~~~~ti~~u~~~~ io~g;e~n~n ~:~~~~~~~~t~S~~~~ . the hot air balloon "Euphoria" prove minutes and claims and inq local pledges in coniunction on <l o:,hort tether at tht· Gibson's get off the ground in the balloon personal'injurles were susfained the University of Nebraska were intormed on several mat ~~t,he:~~nJe~~~ L~w~~~~~~~r ~~: Disc~nt Cen!yr parkin,g lot in gondola, according to Gibson's 'In the mishap, Glass said. Lincoln Aug. IS. SO. Wafne~entually grounded gr~~~e~~~n~~~;e~<H;rA~I~~~nsed 50~~~t"i~u~I~~~~riSa~~f~etli~~;~ lorenzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. quare anclng tr:~liage, chairman of :the the craft The 60 foot tall nylon balloon balloon pilot Richard Jaworski by 56,500 cubic teet ot air heated :I~~~:~r ~~rr::~~~c~fa~a~;:iu~~ Class Planned Wayne Counfy telethon effort, - often referred to as the" Big to limit ascenf5 to about 20 feet by a propane burner. When tion for Lincoln.Lancaster 'Men- said fhe show can be viewed Red Balloon" because of ap At about 3 p.m. a strong wind filled, the"SOO·pound b~l!QQn,1la.5.- --tal-Hea#h-C---enterattt~.'Rrs- SqUare dClnclng will be the ~~t~Y~~tny.KCAU-TI/J-channel 9, pearances at the Unlvorslty of 1~~P;:~d:~b~~~~~~~'71-:r:U:~fI~:~C:::ec~~ied V:;:~.'a~a;%~~,lsKt~e~~t~ug8~3f ~~ "~'~~:~:'~ej~~ :;~n~~~~~ ~u~~~~~ DANIEL'Sheehan was the k('ynot~ speaker .;; Nebraskd.J.~b-allgaInes: The local Jaycees w111 begin ARCHtUSHOP Sunday afternoon at dedlc.;ltipn of the Providenc~ ~t -- _' Wi!. 'm -wayne-os part of the The balloon tilted stdewaY't 'for the scheduled 1 p',m. Intla· Wllyne. this fall by Northeast Techn'ical _~~~n;'e~a:~~ ~~e~0~h3~ p;~~.~,aa~_. the Chamber of Commerce Balloon into a parking lot Ugh' pote flon and kids and adults joined Community College and Wayne ~. MPa-i-eaf.--ti"nft:\r--+n-Wa-';'TTE":--oth('fl'jonorecfq'u---e;;tspictured Days promotion which punctured the nylon In the process.
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