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Alum191610.Pdf (9.870Mb) I I THE MISSOIJIU UN ION Columbia Club Olfers to H-0lcase Building to New Organizatiou-Boa,·d 0£ Directors 'fakes Tmpo1·tant Action for Imme­ diate Development UN I V"ERSl'rY-ALUMNI Year's Enrollment Shows Gain O,•er Last- Story of the Univers"ity 's Pinunces- Novembcr 4, Date of •rexns Oame, Ahunni tand M Men's Homecoming-News of M. U. People Everywhere-Alumni Reunious TIOER ATHLETICS Bright Prospects fo1· Winning Football 'ream­ Simpijon the Great to Europe-Brewer Makes Sports Pay r- .. .; ·•• .. ~ THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS $1.00 $1.00 + Ile. Yes that's right. Last year students got a $1.11 for a $1.00 at -•~Slore Books of All Publishers OHIO Alumni Business I t Will P ay You to have your card in this and Grover C. Hoaford, LL. e. '10 Professional Guide Attorney and Couns.e11or a t Law Business Guide 1509-10 Union National Bank Building Thts gulae la lntt!ndM tor the conven­ ience or .M1111ou.rl tt.lur'ttn1 and t a.rmer Cleveland, Ohio. atudenta ot lhe vnrlou11 prorealon• who wlah to obtain oorn11J)Orldent.a at a dlll• ta.n<."6 lo transact bu,tneiJJJ tor the111. Al. FC>OTBALL U. men or All protenlona who $1"(1 l fl ILLINOIS a, po,Jtlon to be ot service to other ,1. U. men are ln\•lted to place their cardt1 Oct. 7-Central* In thl-11 guide. Jtat.u on &pplle&llon. 14. HARPER MOULTON. [l. S. JN AO. 'Jti Oct. 14-Washington• $pHlaJ Agent With TM Pro,•ldent Ute & Tru•t CompRn)' Oct. ~ ,-Ames• or Phtladelphlu. Sulle 1905 .. 08 I hurls LAWYERS Trust BldJ.C, Cl\lc(lgO, Ill. Oct. ~8-0klahoma MISSOURI At Norman Nov. 4-Texas* INSUll.ANCE 11-Kansas Aggies Emil Roehrig, LL. B. '07 Nov. At Manhattan Lawyer MISSOURI Nov. 18-Drake* Prosecuting Attorney Wari,cn Cotmty Horace R. Oavla, A. e. '10 Nov. 30-Kansas Warrenton, Mo. Montllly Income and Business Life In• At Lawrence suranee *On Rollins Field. Five good 1001-08 Wright Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. home games. H, W. T lmmonda, LL. e. '07 NOV. 4, TEXAS GAME Lamar, Mo. ENGINEERS Sixth Annual Home Coming Plan to soo tho Kan,u Oamo at La,i,•• .PU{E•TTOD ENOINEER!NG COMPANY rence 'l'hank-!lgh•tnv our CoruiulUng Eng1neers For tleketa or tnroruut~lon tn reaard Daniel W. Pike, Uo.rry Tidd. to any guua oo Rolllnll Jo"fold, or KatJ• • Pro1:loent. Vlco-•Pre•. au Game ac. Lawronee. address 0. E. (Colb>• CollOJ;O) C. E. "l! (~IIOJl<IUrl) Walker &. Walker Wate.rworkJ, Stworogo 8>••\em11, Pa.vlnl, C. L. BREWER Lee Walker. A . .8. "10, LL. B. '12- Uaht a.nd Power Plantai, Pl&M DlreCLOr of Athlel1ca and b'peplftca.tlons.. Guitar Bids. Columbia, Mo. COUJMBIA. MISSOURI Su.tte 411 Scarritt Bv.11<1.log Kantu: City THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS Vo1..: v,Kc.1 CoJ.U~WIA, M o ., 0CTOIJ8R 2, 191 6 PRtCll $2.50 A Y ,!,\ Missouri Union to Get Columbia Club Building Whcm al umni ,.and fo rmer sludents through 01; rnpidty os ,,o:;1-1 tble +so that Expect Big T hings of Union come to revisit the Unl\•cralty nnd see tho Union may ha\·o tho bcneftls or It was also decided by the dlroctort the Tigers 1n action thh; toll, they will ttnn rtcrs ne csrrly 1n Lhe achoo I year that If women graduates und torruer ftn,J n now lusUt uilOll at the old school. o.s I>osslblc. lt wns expected thnt the studenl.8 tnlrn ,mmclcnt lnter~t In the They will Bnd tho Missouri Urtton. Uulon would occupy the club bntldtng Un ion. temI)(1rary quartel"8 will bo pro­ gr own In l'l (ew rnonths from n new­ No\'cmbcr 1 nnd soon thereafter to open ,•lded fol' them. The Columbia CIUIJ born orgunlzatlon with n C'onsl.ltulion 1t tQ nlumnl ns their Columbia home wlll 1:t-0 aulttthlc: only for the use or and a lot o r good will as Its only as­ nnd to Ktudent~ and faculty rne,mberR men members. Tl Is exl)OetC() llhtt 00- sets lnLo nn Institution housed In Im as their clubhouse nud common gath• rore Jong an adequate women's bul1d· O\\"O qunrtcrJs nnd hcralrlf'! d ov0r thr erJng l)lnee. The committoc wh ich had Ing will be provided by the slate. 1'ho laud ns "the Hniverslt.y or Missour i 's b~n n1>polnted to lool< Into the mat· Union wm a8$1St In tlw work ror this grCAtost stc1> rorwnrd.'' tor ot nvnllnble (1\11\J' tera was empower• Lmildlng. Plnn1' tor tho. Inter 1>erma• By action of l he Hoard of Directors ed to rnke fl:nnl action w i th regard to n('nt Union huiJdlng nlso ln,.lude ac• September 23, th" Union woa pro,·tded lens ing che bulldlog. This committee commodntlon~ for women members Is ronwosed of E. Stephens, P~sl• with a home. This Is t ho Columbia w. nnd gueats. Club bufldtng nt Nlnlh ood E lm Rlroots, donL 11111 and S. F. ('onlcy. Fifteen or the twenty memhors or Just across from the Cnmpus. 'rhc All the ,,·orl, or geltlog the Union Lhc Bonrd or Olrectol'fl were present club proposed to r eJenae. the but1dlng mnchh1e1·y crrecth•cty stnrtcd. of Ob· al the meeting. Former Mayor Crlt• to th(l Union November l nod to 1:1ell tnlni ng annual and IUo mombershlpa, tenden or City and .Judgo C. Che furnit ure. It was the o.xrWlclntloo of Unanclng and conducting tho or• ll. Faris or JelTerson City attended fo r or t..ho board members that U1c m11trnr gunization and tts home will be under lho ftrst time. 'fhoy mado good on be ftnally set.ti ed at once so that ah1m• tho supervision ot a cenlntl committee nl headqu11rtere might. be lmmedhu.cly no1>0l11ted by R. 13. Calclwell, president pr(!\•lous 1nomlse111 or Interest. •'If this 010\•erueot la do,•elopcd on a transferred to tho U nion building and ot the Union, nntl comJ\.OSed of the rot­ the stude.nta an(l faculty men have tho l owing members: Fonner M(lyor •r. 1'. brood seope." said Mr. Crittenden. " It advantages of tbclr common meeting Crlttend·cn, of Kansas CHY, chairman; wlll ho the bCfJl tbtng tbal has (WCr gr ound Lhrougbout prnellcally the en• R. 13. Caldwell. Kansas City: F. C. Don, OOen undertaken ror Ute University. tire year. nell, St. Louie; E. W. Steph ens and When U1e word goes ouc. over the A pln.n was nlso adopted by which Pro•ldent 11111. Columbia; and Don D. eountry that tho Mlssou.rl Union 1s 3 the organl,atlon wil l b<l adequately Patterson. otthe atudont body, An early concrete, purposeruJ organization sul)­ supported In Ila days or ~rJy growth meeting or the committee was 1>lnnnctl portcd by students, faculty member s and by "\\?btch It& growth nn(l d0\1810P• to bo held In St. Louis so that work and Columbll.\ nlumnl. ther e wm be a ment wm be energetfen.11y rostered. The among tho al umni muy bo begun nt rally or tor A Ima Mntcr 1111mb<lr or lire memb<lrshlps nt $100 once. 'rJ1l s committee wllJ also he on among our whole former gt uden t wna raised to ten. with n prosl)eet or the 1ool.;ot1l for an alumnus or former ranks." gottlog at loru,t nrty within a rew student \\.'hom Uicy nlar cmI,toy aa n. President H ill laid alrcss upon the pormnncnt organizer ror the Union. to weeks, tbue providing more thim $5,• runcuon ot the Union bu ilding ns & 000 ror tho brontl pUfllOSes or the Un• visit alumni centers nnd by various common mcetln~ ~·r ound ror raculty Ion. An oggreas1ve eamp.a.tgn ror an• means to arouse interest and ncth•itY memhel's. alumni nnd students. ror the Univers ity nud the Union. Later nual me.rnberEJhlps will be carr ied on ''The members or the faculty are nmong alumni, racultr and studen ts. plan3 for tlrn hoped-tor $250,000 alum• anxious to meet the students outside ot-atudent building wl11 engage the best Ann ual duoa weto placed nt $5, e x­ or the class roo1\.1 ." President Hill ce1>t that students In at.tendnnco and errorUl of this committee. said. "'Vo can meet them In small non-resident alumni and toriner atu• At mai;s meetings or the .iStUdC''lts groups And nt rec:e1ltlons, but lhls ts clouts wtll pay $2.50. Theso nnoual this Call, alumni ond studoot spenke1·s not satisfactory for we. want to moot dues wm cover act.Ive mombershlp In wlll outline the work 3nd benefits ot Lbc.m aJJ on a eoznmon ground. W c tho Union, an the prlvlleg.., or the tho Union. Every ctrort wlll be made clubhouse and a year's subscrJptlon to to obt.o.ln a lnrv;:e number of student wnnt to meet. them tn n. place where . wo wlll both 1,e At ease and coo chat Tbe Missouri Alumnus, which will b<l members nnd to organize stro1\g local publlabed twloo each month •• the &UJ)J)Ort. Tho work among stude11tf.i ns man to man. I beltovc that the official organ or the Union, wlll be conducted by Don Patterson. students are as anxtoua to meet the Union at Homo In Nov ember member or tho UnJon'a contral com­ members ot the roeulty as we are to Tbe arrnngement.s with r ogard to mittee, and Lue C.
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