FOOTBALL Are Sure to I^Ake Yoiir Home Team

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FOOTBALL Are Sure to I^Ake Yoiir Home Team ••'.7 ■ .'.''-'r '• ■ ■- *•'- -i j ' 7 ' ... r/ .:-v -i;-. 1^ ‘-- .. ■ - ■: ^ " , , ,- . I .. *• , “ - - s '• ' ■ f. /»Av- | # E N T Y ''y . ■ ■/' 1 lUti ■Hbi ■.'ll. V i ■ . 3<mt^ Tt4leiiu^avt|iUon mk Tennant, Plarta -for Mto- enta^qinmenbeaf 11 ted- their the kiiliMU of Coluittbua lUOUiii / A lltel^ T b ^ ; ehinut’a n«t« third clim', trtWi e n t i t l e = Those' MQ of Ifr. iind Mri. Raymond irlary yeater- Night dinnerVand celebration m S ept 24 for Thideau, T1 Jarvla Rd„ ha* boon phrt^. Oct. 11 include a. speech: by a '’ nil* i o t t i siiVfctioB > ^ s i« a ! ia S c h o o l wrlll mept «m aHigqied to th« Ul.'S. Naval prominent" Italian-Aniericaa '"'Anil lihts. ■ '..'rj'r— ' DaMr Um dlmtion of 'BaaamMMi;, ttavalbpinant'8<iuad/on 3 baaad at; < Thineew party ilaublly held by marimba /, playing Ay. • J to n i Advanced typing and C. f9U r Oirtaonv ”»«U Sun V. 8. Naval Air SthtS' ‘ tW( Arm ^ and N avy Auxllianr on O'Bright. / (^ontriM^ to the ,an4 AaoModSy 304 individu^Ai hy glasses vrill ' meet V «uy ft /or jSiJflaiinelf ,lai^ aty. N. t f«r dm,^ — Monday niphta wlfr not be; held im un^rnent jmsde; in laat night’* listen t room 18. , ■: r- Herald ^ere' will b* no'doooing. eveiUng ~ S r - to Uk* gg^^i*** i, „ llaUnS. lh thi N this, copiinp Monday becatHie'.or iiaiafss„whii eoMMCti^ % w til* UlUi h* prewoualy' ] ? f ro m the town election. The'card na'^fr, will A,ai Ititg hooking elasaei trill nieM _Mi«. Michael MieqVich, ^g Well itar Mondays in room 18. hltatat; Rii ind at- tiea will be ream ed orf tRc foltow- HMng aM MM*u,;;inir Mb s T „ M « I « Mll1[iL<«ire<ft ill Mmm- Iny Monday. -v:- BiV aM Mrs. Joseph Kbihesch of The cOuint by U aa fpl- \ /TKe. English class fo i foreign ah(M Ooiulacy reOcI^ boriiwlH iHHt Wl Wed­ :hu»ottS5r«ui b^Biprtftry Andoyqr yesterday attendOd a Iqws; Woodwork!: m Ur^ j^tKdcil M th* ftppoiltt,«l luncheon, send conference at the 7, aewing'Ml, nesdays jn roofn 1-7. \ \ ftlCTIIICItY IS O U r iUSiNiSSx Miaa Bdlth Lane of WeaL Hart* stenography 1 ^ atehMyaphy II ford, preaidant of the Rebekah Aa* Hotel. 9 ^ e r in Hartford. The WeAave tBnelaiea m|lsl|iM«t ferieet and repair pf J Intel ^William, yras conferedee Was’ od -'*rhe.'lmpoif- 10/tjrm g I T ^yplpg M 4 5 , Eng­ etsurtsr A^ iea. v lA g e r*g«|nt«Ai. d Mra. William Col* aembly, and herAaeociate officers, H n r?> M ^ A iid Mra. T, win inake^their official visit to ten'ce df Tnycntlona. and Patents.” lish for th e foreign born 20 ind rug Denteon,. IMxaa).. Sept; lA I ^ yX a Y i s G H I ^ ^ A S i f y o u T R A O i H S R t V. tha American I* la the ;fOmter Claire Sonaetl^'Ilebekah h o d g / MohdAV hooking M .. X I Attended thi The MkncMsteivO^een PTA wlM ^ li niarlag Breen Stwnpa FKEM n^tk: liiy, ddSOghter of.» Mr.,.... ^..y.and Mta.-*... *venlhy at 8 p.hi. and confer the hold, its andual ’’Vbmiiy i'alr” to- Advpiiced woodworking. CiasiMc, i . ’m'E Ml j ot the Paat.Dlatrict ey, 106 cai'eaWutNjLC on * clam o, candidates. eet Mondays and Wednes- fr- ^ b «f the Vlrat t ‘mqrrow^om 10 a.m, to 2"p,m. on jrge Aseirti ^ HMr. and Mra. Bari Hutctiina are in the sChOol pl:,ygTotmd. The tMuai dayi and beginning claasea. TueS*. YOU*M tills HAVIM0 RICENTS H m . Vfeal Lake M. sk lfF eu l A. KellyT^^taurteC^ olmrge of the auppe^v^at 6:30 p.ra. eifiAptlons for the children ahd ys and Thursday* In the Bernard '^ra. M i^ ^ nh. At eMI^eaa Opk St/recently arrived at Inchon to ^ served Jn lhAbanquct hall. lildlng.^ ' . I am.'Mtr eel.. n gsni* • ( iqitvice la < Manekeeterf te “aaoBton foUoilrinf a dejkMUa> adp* their parents are|belng^'areangad/ ibikir Dfif Sttrii ,ye«:ean leek, fee I 1 kire ferJMnreBt of .the.year. .. ~ Harbor aboard thp transport Obn. '^ o ee electing sewing for. Mon­ AiitAkirik. ‘ John D o la ^ o f Briatol A. W, Brawater to ^}6ln the 1st Members of the Manchester Fire /^Miss Janet A. knofla, 30 M^dpiO days and Wednesdays will nsbet in :9 TM weted chhlman for tha Marine Ofriaion In Koran, . Dept. Atesaaked to report in uni St., and William: B- Sandberg, room 22.of the Franklin^uildlng, comkVJieaf andiua. Harry Bvceel 'V form 'at ft)W tomorrow night yt 27;Lillcy. St., witt.\ 0 # marriad to- and those electing foC ' "HW^ted aeertlary, iZ /iJiiO 5 CRWIIE ■Denver, Oct. 2 (fl>)-Pre8i--'^«9kn*nt ahorti baas* will h* sstab- *■■ -i agmund Htvinchyfc/ . 33, J64 the firehMB^comer of Main and morrmv afternoon 'At 3 o'clock In Tuesdays and ThurMwi will meet Hackmatack 8 t.,. an ^ aaaembly Hilliard AtreatA in order to, take thfj^outh Methodlsr Oiurch on those' night* 4h ,Me East Sid* V n l X i sTBTion dent E isenh^er’s headquar-^ — Kavy-supknuaid.^- Supre^tiCorand Maater Dairid p art ija a paradA<-In Bloomfield: esbrkcr *t-Pratt. A Whitney Afcr- reception following la the ehtdeh Bee. ,X. / , ■v'. ■■ tors' announced today tha The United so W r haS ^Didaaoa^^SBBt^ Mm. will be ernfb th.SSaat liaiiford. joined the Thoin!'^^ planning'; t'oNparttcipate In parlors. ~ 1 Beginning atphogn^y 0 Asses / ’ Advtrftikig th ^ k r a d e iii Windiioi: Locks Sun­ ■ i 17 >i > *• . i Hd A*. u H f i» f r , C o f' I United States will aenX a refrained, from staking, doy claim leer- ai^thao^Manchanter PaSlce Dept, today aa will meet Wi,4hAiACalil^Bull<hng, to territory in the Sourii Pole area, tral Frgnce t(xiay; day afternoon are requested to ' A son was honi Tuesday' at the room 13, HrmitfyH and ^'Wednes­ ^ ID'S SI«N CO. atokil Navy-direct^ qkpedi- Ba'r*n(iB,/had been hiding 0(it ' _ , 'I - the iikapare police officer. For SO f 4 M r hiit the importance of the' region rien’a . conw years A'reeidcnt of North Coverf* report in uniform at the /lreh«wse Hartford Hospital to Hr.'and Mrs. days. Mltdidf 3-12*1^ --tioh to th^ Antarctic.v^in area since he was qpestiOned througiK a t 1:30. John Wbiss, 48 Lynesa St. Begt^ng' typing eAsses ^will In the event of a'w ar with Buysia out'the night .dr Sept. 21 by .coun­ ' acdiodtfled', ftr BuhdAy* O et S,; he haa'lived In Manchester' of great' potential strategic, Ion* has been Under study by mili­ In Ofantk All l o r 't h e / i ^ three yea.ra. He' and importance in tire event of tary expects. U. S., b»sea there terespionage. agents about how' (op gen are TCOUeatM^ be X . French defense seCrets found thrir hi* wiferMargarwife. M argaret have two. chll dm war. '* ‘ ,'^U'X would, he of great" value. way into the hands of the Uommu- iXl. .Bennett, M IBaldwin ■i^nen, a boy an'd-A. j^ l . ^ / x : T]ie brief anouncement *t the, , The Soviet. ypllMi, too. haa rec- iiist party's high' command. n £ . ffeleat apeaHnr ait the, •X >\ Denver Whits House said the de-' 'ogntsed the strategic value of the Ignored SuniinOnn 7^ meeting ahn«mce<f7 ot:',ii^ cision to dismteh an Icebreaker to .Antarctic siitd has sent one expedi­ .''iM etlnc^;^ Me South Mothodiat tion there without making a claim An order w ent' out to >poUct thm wui uMjliua Sunday at 7 p.mi Monday;nlght « 0 he , wiyer t»f the South' Polar area "is in Itpe forces all over prance: "Get in tha .d^iur^Aarlof, He wrill tall Jaycee Tnomheim . 5*1^ be held X '- With continuing United State*- in- to'tdiritory. The While House announcement Baranes at all coafs," after he / g thaVwm% bm §r <kme in Jhdia Ttieaday lUght w 8 o'clww in room 7 ^tereat ih tbe..Tegion.’’ . /ailed /to answer a summons to , 'V 'X / by tb* ilev. and two. chailea |tey- Mr of theX ^ii^a bunding. The x : X • The e*peditlpn. will Ml out soon did not say who will lead' the''Navy I-hndqn, .Oct. 2 ' (/P)— Friiulce' antlThcr jflgh-t AlUfes hive expedition and official* .on - hand appear: bofprS the military jnvestl ncMa, BdaatioiiMriiM-air tha''^charch, name of the pnguiisatlon will and-sremain four or flW .months. gating magisSrate in .Paris last reached full agreement on a systt^ nfEoBtroHinf Wiest Ger­ probablV Ae thjp<rJa5rcee WiVetf' A m a M n . ih « White House said, here Were linabl* to provide that «dM taavn aoat .41) i» b ;a ^ alldea InformatlM.- X. Thursday. He waa believed to have man reariisiiment, Belgian Foreign Hinister/Psul-Uchri SiMak vrtUoh Mr. Sahnett T^^uar. A or^ the .,*^ayco*^ttba.” Hartfoipi / 16^7 Ex^lUon «et\. .been making for the Swiss' frori-. said today. - v. Now Haven"^and y^d so r Locks A ^ . Rh^dird R Byrd, (ret.) a. M bit davoUdnal nartbd wUt be In It added tfist addition to map-' veteran Antarctic- explorer, has tier when caught. ebiuye .kt- Miaa Barbara^ alraady Jufve similar orgnniaations making attd ^llectton of- scienu^c Sitnounced he plans to return and Baranes is a' Red newspaper. Tbe BMettils la 0|>aR to au to support the aqilviUeB n»an who was a police informer.” London, Oct.
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    MM partl DIRECTORY BY OPL, SYSTEMS COUNTY U POLICE 1S1pP,TE FIRE FORESTRYOpSp `p` O COMPANIES TO REVISED LISTINGS 1, 1949 4/ka feeZ means IessJnterference ... AT HEADQUARTERS THE NEW RCA STATION RECEIVER Type CR -9A (152 -174 Mc) ON THE ROAD THE NEW RCA CARFONE Mobile 2 -way FM radio, 152 -174 Mc get the greatest selectivity with RCA's All -New Communication Equipment You're going to hear a lot about selectivity from potentially useful channels for mobile radio communi- now on. In communication systems, receiver selectiv- cation systems. ity, more than any other single factor, determines the For degree of freedom from interference. complete details on the new RCA Station Re- This is impor- ceiver type CR -9A, tant both for today and for the future. and the new RCA CARFONE for mobile use, write today. RCA engineers are at your Recognizing this fact, RCA has taken the necessary service for consultation on prob- steps to make its all -new communication equipment lems of coverage, usage, or com- the most selective of any on the market today. To the plex systems installations. Write user, this means reliable operation substantially free Dept. 38 C. from interference. In addition, this greater selectivity Free literature on RCA's All -New now rhakes adjacent -channel operation a practical Communication Equipment -yours possibility - thereby greatly increasing the number of for the asking. COMMUN /CAT/ON SECT/ON RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA ENGINEERING PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT, CAMDEN, N.J. In Canada: R C A VICTOR Company limited, Montreal Á#ofher s with 8(11(011' DlNews ERIE'S FIRST TV STATION Says EDWARD LAMB, publisher of "The Erie Dis- telecasting economics.
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