THE WAYNE HERALD Morning in the School Years, and Mr
''',' '".' "'.',,; 1-1<"·' '" !;,~l?1:, A husband·wlfe team trom the five~day scr'les in recent South SiOI)X City will be co~duct. y-ears and claims an Intmediate log a "Five·Day Plarf' series o'r success rate of 85 to 90 per cent. meetIngs i,n Wayne, 'beginning Some smokers pick up their did " . ' ,,',' ,: THE(. , , " . WAYNE HERALD T'Hlj'RSDAY;"AUG,O,S~ ~lt~~1~~',"hi:~tt: tQ'~,~e,J:, S~c)~,'r.~~: '~~~'~"r~n~u:;~tmO~~~~,b~t~~~ second "C1.u rost~ge .p~"id at W~yne. vJAYNE, NEB"RASkA 68787, 28. j"1J75 Published Ever)' Monday' and 'I'hui'sday. at ONE.HUND~EPTH yEAR NUMBERF'FTEEN 114 Main, Wayne., Nebr..'ska 68787 'IPJla'c'oqr'd' u(5c""d,' h"""e' ·s'e"ll·e·s" "OsO!'!>of"'V".' cent·:it~ th~, ::e.n.( of"J,!x' monfhs;' W In Pastor 'Osborn ~aid: . ,", ,'. lT1~e,til'}g~,-,!n'l1ing,:, ~ac~. nlg!:lt T.,e!.'Flve,D~y ~!an't9nS,ist's-..of ·at'. "at '~lce,':o~':'t~,e" ~:,,~~«(~INq,i peg,e III '. :~~[~'Jt~~:\~J~re~~~,~~~ Dixol1,Cedar County 4-H'er.s,'. Seventh Day Adventist Church- es. His wife, Mary, Is, a regIs. 's II I IA • Audience Numbers 2,500 'eT",;'e~~~i:DaYPI.nwas~ri9;n, ',e Ca ves at Laur~uctJon ated 14 years ago by"a ~venfh~ ''', . Day Ad.ventist pastori-Elrnun J.~" DIXon 'arid Cedar County 4-11 value of an-imals sold was -:-::When Theobald Dry Goods H()~pital Falkenberg..
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