3 Plants Pat on Notice Hatco, Catalin, Heyden Given Fivc-Day Notice by Township to Stop Air Pollution; Restrain^ Order from Superior Court Eyed $45,000
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WOODBRIDGE AU-AMCRICA CITV EDisonf ronbi MEACON Woodl>ridRc, AvenrI, Colonia, Fords, Hopekwn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewaren and Edison Vol. LVII - 29 Woodbridge, New Jerwjf, Thursday, September 23,1965 AT f 0 woodtmtlM M.J. 3 Plants Pat On Notice Hatco, Catalin, Heyden Given Fivc-Day Notice By Township To Stop Air Pollution; Restrain^ Order From Superior Court Eyed $45,000. However, Perth Amboy and Carteret, Attending were Councilman Joseph Nermo facturing of Fertilizers, versus Van Keuren, WOODBRIDGE - Based on a report by refused to cooperate he said. Laszlo Ssabo, pollution expert for the Divis and John R. F,Ran. who reside in the Second a Jersey City Police Commissioner, the court ion of Health and Dr. Antoine AttaQft, Direr- Ward; Mr. Szaho, Dr. Attalla, Stewart M. held that the latter wan within his rights to for. Mayor Walter Zirpolo announctd yes Hutt, Municipal Solicitor, Norman Rnbbins, go into the plant, which was polluting thfe air To Go It Alone lerday that he has directed the Legal Depart- Corporation Counsel; Nicholas Campari, and close down the operation. Ho indicated "Therefore we will go it alone," Dr. Attalla ment to take immediate action against Hatco bend of the Division of Snnitntion and Charles that although the decision still rests, they had continued, "for every dollar we put up, the Chemical Corporation, Catalin Corpbration Beagle, head of the Department of Public no intention of imposslng such police state Federal government will grant two dollars^ mid Heyden-Newport Chemical Corporation, Works. It was decided at the meeting Ihe tactics. Instead of three if all three communities had, all of Fords, for alleged air pollution IjJ viola- mayor said, to take every possible legal slip cooperated. We have spent $12,000 to $15,000 tion of the Woodbridge Health Code. to make the plants "cease the air pollution " Sees Heavy Fine* on new equipment and personnel and we Have "A new air pollution ordinance has nKn If the pollution is not stopped by Wednesday applied for $30,000 from the Federal govern- The plants will be given five days notice to been drawn up by the Division of Health.'1 morning, plant officials will be summoned be- ment to continue our program." abate the "nuisance which is detrimental to the chief executive continued, "and I expect fore the magistrate who, if he finds it is Mr. Sznbo also noted the new r^alth center tho public health," the mayor said. If no to call a special meeting of the council--pos- warranted, can impose fines of $100 a day to be constructed near the Woodbridge Senior steps are taken within the five-day period sibly the early part of next week, to in- under the present code until the nuisance is High School will have a fully equipped labora- Urn corporations will be "hauled into munici- troduce the measure for this is a very, very abated. tory to measure and identify air pollution. serious problem. pal court," Mayor Zirpolo declared. The pollution in Fords area was pinpointed On Tuesday night, the mayor said that he At the same time, he revealed, the attor- "I am also writing to the mayors of the to the three firms, the mayor said, by actual and Councilmen Nemyo and Egan, were investigation and use ol equipment by the "completely fed up with local firms who tell neys will start action in the Superior Cflurt to neighboring communities asking them to take like action. We are taking all the steps we can Division of Health staff. The situation in us one day they are not polluting the air, apply for a restraining order preventing the JHSO'SS NKW TRAI'KIC I,I(1UT; (nuncilmun Harold Mortcrmen, left, is shown otillininu (he design ia our own town, but are powerless to do Fords was so serious Tuesday that a few but continue to do so the next day." three concerns from releasing obnoxious 0l proposed traffic flow chanKcs al the Intersection of Port KradlnK Avenue »ml It.ihw.iy Avenue anything in the neighboring communities, fur people had to go to the hospital for treatment. "1 am putting every rum in Woodhridge on odors. fiih Rev. Alf* Nemeth of Ihf First Prpahytrrnan Church whose historic rhuwh is at the intersec- the wind blows toward Woodbridge." Dr. Attalla revealed that the Federal fiov- notice that the stage for talking has passed. jjjiin. Included In the design prepared by the Woodhrid|{e Division of MnidneerlnK is a proposal for Mr. Hutt said it would be very difficult to ernment will provide funds for an air pollu- We are now equipped to deal with firms that istiillalion of an additional truffle signal directly acriwn from the church. A full report is heln|* sent Action Planned do anything nbout air pollution' in nearby tion center. If three c«mmunities band to- pollute the air and we intend to prosecute to tin- State Highway Department asking permission to install the SIRIUII. Yesterday morning a meeting was held in towns unless those towns cooperated. He also gether, they would only have to put up $5,000 the fullest extent permitted by low." he con the mayor's office to plan a course of action. noted that in an 1872 case, Manhattan Mann- ench and Ihe federal government would grant eluded. Rehabilitation Training No Chief Of Police Post Woodbridge to Get New $300,000 tffered Health Nurses Seen In The Near Future, Galassi Tells Reporters Plant in Avenel, and $500,000 WoODBIUDGE — lii «wpera-|Nemyo was. appointed chairman.drive from October 24 to Novem- with the Woodbridge Division «f the 19& American Rehabilita- her is. and the funds raised will | WOODBRIDGE - From all in-, to rotate the men in the highrt •alth the American Rehabill- tion Foundation Fund appeal com- be applied to their n itionnl pro-^ications tncre nre nn p|.lns jnit'sehelon so th.i! they will get liun Foundation will train Di- mittee in Woodbridge, Assembly- gram of resoai-ch am: continuing ln(, imm«liati! future for Ihe to know each ilher's jobs K>n of Health nurses in rehabi-jman Maurice Brady, chairman of education as well ;*• its newly appointment of a Chief of Police, Discussing possible appoint- Addition to Ronson Corporation m work, it was announced {the state-wide fund appeal an- initiated programs in rehabilita- but Police Director Joseph Ga- ment of fi Chief of Police, Mr. y. liwunced today, tion education on the local level lassi at a press conference yes- Galassi stated that if the Town- Turning his attention to other plants under construction In leanwliile, Councilman Joseph The Foundation will conduct its:which Woodbridge h; terday, indicated that three or ship grew larger and more men WOODBRIDGE-Construetion of a new $300,1100 manufacturing Woodbridge, the mnyor gave the following report on pla-.t , _ The Foundation also ffors pro-1 fnur men are now t^ing groomed were appointed then it might be plant will begin within the next two weeks, Mayor Walter construction now going on In the Township at an estimated • fessionnl advisory assistance to;;is futm, candidates for the necessary to apixilnt a chief to! Zirpolo announced today. cost of $4,750,000. communiUes wishin. t< improve; !M>si(ions of Chief and Deputy delegate some responsibility. At' It was announced that ltonson Corporation obtained a building oung Green Street Man the quality of their rehabilitation!hjf present he KHN! he was doing the permit yesterday to build a M.OOO square foot addition to its 1 services. Mr. Galassi also revealed that work of the director, chief jud present warehouse on t Ronson Road, estimated to cost close 75% Complete long Coiuiciln*3 Nenno has lie no longer has a contract with deputy chief by himself. ' to $500,000. •Union Cirhide*Wc*i« buUdti| to Keasbey :s 75 per cet.t history of K'Uioroys ' activityr ill lero Of Trjick Accident the Township, that as of January Asked who he thought would! The new industry, Continental Plastics and Chemical Company e<mpletft.Pl*u^op««UttM'are expected to Wart duri»# tie qffic i Mr. 1, 1964,"when the new form at chief, he said (JwtL "Will tocate in..the Woodbridje lodiuitriaLiPcuck. Route-1, thuft week of Ootob*. tfte plant, in a hetivy hulutriftf^ i BtVa*? government came into being, all ore are three or four, who are NeN w JJersee y SttStatee P1f"risoi n att WjvdhridgeWdhid . will manufaquire fclT^./i aojl qxygea,-Wtt *Hft' cb« p\ i a story was irfrftdMbiaivV get the Woodbridge the Hupdawn First Aid Squad contracts were terminated and now reeelvinc training or will be The new 30,000 square foot ntfiA,' described as a "clean indus- million AitilkJte i^Ji afreddy nfon installed under the Rtiri' ,v „ a truck, laden with a*phaU Emerge«7 truck in a hurry since! has served as a delegate to the he is now serving "at the pleasure trained at Northwestern Univer- try" by the mayor, will manufacture plastic sheets that are used River leWlrtffipOe-TiUBlum plant ami a pipe line to iiayw,-., lich overturned bl •(tempting New Jersey Slate Fireman's As equipment was needed to get the , , . "* ,|of the mayor" sity who will undoubtedly be con- by other firms in the manufacture of plastic items. leading to the Hunwe Oil <^mpany, will be ready for onemti'in avoid o rolHiion. Tte driver door open. sociation and has served several, sidered. The mayor said that similar operations have, been investigated the third weak in October. taken to the Perth Amboy In the meantime an unidentified Asked lf h was "It will depend upon their and there is no odor or noise involved as they do not manu- terms as president of the Hope-1 « satisfied Boise Cascade plant in Keasbey, estimated to cost $2,0O0,OTi')) eral Hospital suffering with Mr man nished over with a crowbar lawn Alliance, an association ofj - t5alassi's services, Mayor capabilities", he said.