Approaches to assessment of energy security in the region (by the example of Chelyabinsk oblast) BRANCH-WISE AND REGIONAL ECONOMY UDC 620.9(470.55) © Vorobyov A.G., Myakota Е.А., Putilov А.V. Approaches to assessment of energy security in the region (by the example of the Chelyabinsk oblast) The article presents the results of analysis of key aspects of economic activity in the Chelyabinsk oblast by the example of assessment of energy security in the region. The article shows its dependence on individual elements of the fuel and energy complex. The authors calculated indicators of energy security and identified possible solutions of problems related to the potential threat to energy security in the region. Energy security, energy system, economic analysis, fuel and energy complex, innovative technology. Alexander G. VOROBYOV Professor, Doctor of Economics the Head of the Department of Economics National Nuclear Research University MEPHI
[email protected] Ekaterina А. MYAKOTA Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics NNRU MEPHI
[email protected] Alexander V. PUTILOV Professor, Doctor of Technics Dean of the Management and Economics Department of High Technology at NNRU MEPHI
[email protected] Energy security in the region is the most The Chelyabinsk oblast was selected for the important economic aspect of the market initial analysis of approaches to economic conditions, when different types of energy assessment of the regional energy security. This markets are appeared, the government regulates article is the first attempt of economic analysis the tariffs and there are seasonal and other of regional problems by the example of energy. fluctuations in energy consumption.