SHS Web of Conferences 50, 01005 (2018) CILDIAH-2018

Toponymy of Region as a Part of Linguocultural Space of the Region

Mariya Chupanovskaya*, Tatyana Maklakova, and Albina Nikitina

Irkutsk State University, 664025, Lenin st., 8, Irkutsk, , [email protected]

Abstract. The article deals with the toponymy of Irkutsk region as a significant component of regional linguocultural space. A brief history of the territory development is offered, as well as information on indigenous peoples due to the fact that the toponyms of Eastern date back to different language sources. The paper examines the ethno-linguistic layers of toponyms, analyses the results of cross-language contacts reflected in geographical names, and draws conclusions on cultural syncretism on the region's territory. Authors analyze captured in Russian and foreign toponymy peculiarities of the world perception by local old residents, their attitude to a man, family, family line, flora and fauna. Value orientations of the locals are identified. On the material of official and unofficial toponyms the following phenomena of regional ethnic culture are described: ethnic unity, life, traditions, religion, rituals, and symbols.

1 Introducing state, which consists of toponymic system of individual regions. Consequently, to represent the geographical In recent years, onomastics research papers [1], [2], [3] names of the country holistically, it is necessary to are of particular importance for the scientific describe the regional toponyms, thus, determining community, since the onyms of any ethnic group contain increased interest of modern science in studying local valuable historical, ethnographic, and linguistic toponymic vocabulary. information. The authors turn their attention to the toponymic The toponymic material analysis [4], [5], [6] is one of system of Irkutsk region as part of the toponymic system perspective directions in studying the names, and various of Russia. However, the importance of studying these aspects can be taken into consideration. lexemes is not limited to it, since the description of Toponymy as a discipline inevitably relates to other regional toponyms also reveals specific features of the ones of the Humanities, hence, opening for linguists a linguocultural space of Eastern Siberia: local vast possibility of using new approaches. According to "geographical names ... reflect the resettlement of the Stephan Fuchs [7], research interest in toponyms and people on the territory, cultural and historical material culture has been revived in recent decades while background of the eras, the world perception of the studying the symbolic meanings and policy of spatial Siberian old residents, cross-language contacts (contacts inscription. Names of places and physical objects, such between autochthonous peoples and the Russian people) as public facilities, monuments, and buildings, provide [10]. access to complex aspects of history, memory and place, In addition, as scholars note [11], names of places but studies on toponymy and material culture often do (toponyms) can be considered as an important mirror of not have a coherent integration. It is this question that is local knowledge and understanding of the ambient living considered by Stephan Fuchs in his article analyzing the space. preservation of history and heritage in two towns in the Toponyms tend to accumulate and preserve cultural Midwestern United States. information. They are verbalized indications of the The work by Joshua Nash and Peter Mühlhäusler culture of a particular region. Their study and description discusses the lexical fields that are used to illustrate the are necessary in order to preserve cultural and historical key criteria of the relationship between knowledge of heritage of the region, including the Irkutsk region's place and linguistic knowledge [8]. The article by heritage. Patricia Beatrice Mireku-Gyimah, Anthony Armstrong There were the following sources of material for this Mensah examines the original local names of some study: towns in the district of Tarkwa in Western region of 1. The data obtained during the survey of old Ghana [9]. residents of Irkutsk region. Toponyms are geographical names, when assembled 2. The data of district and regional of together they form general toponymy of any country, Irkutsk region.

* Corresponding author: [email protected] © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ( SHS Web of Conferences 50, 01005 (2018) CILDIAH-2018

3. Scientific and popular science papers on local-lore domains and customs of aboriginal peoples. They could study (Irkutsk region). keep the land previously used by them – for hunting and The collected material includes the following: fisheries, rangelands. Colonization of this territory by the 1. Official names, for example: the city of Irkutsk, Russians was usually by "wrapping" the Buryat and the town of , the town of Baikalsk, the village of Evenki villages or "inclusions" of Russian villages with Goryashina, the river of , lake Dabahtay-Nur, the consent of the local population into their compact , the Kartagonskiye peat bogs (the peat bogs placement. In colonized parts of Siberia, as a rule, there of Kartagon), the Sayan mountains, and others. was no evidence of forced evictions and especially 2. Unofficial names, for example: the settlement of destruction of the natives. In general, in Siberia, since its Mironikha, the settlement of Bedushkina, the settlement joining the Russian state there was friendly good- of Kukuy, the settlement of Nakhalovka, lake Utinoye, neighborly relationship formed between local peoples lake Chertovo, field Ugol, Uzkolugskie caves, mount and newly-arrived Russian people" [17]. Popikha, and others. Soon after, the Russians in Irkutsk region were Unofficial names refer to microtoponyms, i.e., followed by Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Lithuanians, "proper names of small geographic objects ..., known to Chuvashs, Tatars, Germans and others. Thus, Eastern a narrow circle of local people" [12]. Such names are not Siberia is multinational, and this is reflected in the recorded in official documents and maps of the region. toponymy of the region. They are used only at the level of everyday There are the following kinds of toponyms in terms communication and, most likely, will never be included of origin: into the category of official names. 1. Russian names, for example: the village of Based on the understanding of linguocultural space Granovshchina, the village of Paberega, the town of and its components by E. V. Terentyeva [13] and dealing , the river of Talovka, the spring well of with toponyms and microtoponyms, we believe that we Tarzanov, the island of Ryzhev, and others. can consider the following as the components of the These toponyms represent the most recent layer of linguocultural space of Irkutsk region: geographical names of Irkutsk region (they began to 1. Ethno-linguistic layers of toponyms. Interaction of appear only in the 17th century). Initially the names were languages. created by the Cossacks, the state peasants (attached to 2. Regional perception of the world, as reflected in the land), newcomers, escaped convicts, ascetics and the toponyms. others, to mark the place out of a number of similar, and 3. Peculiarities of regional ethnic culture captured in even secure it for themselves. For example: toponyms. Granovshchina, a village in Irkutsk region. It is Further, each component will be considered designated after people with names Matyushka and separately. Senka with last name Granin, who received the permission to settle there for tillage in 80's of 17th century by Decree of the Irkutsk voevoda office. 2 Ethno-linguistic layers of toponyms. Donskaya, a village in Bokhansky district. The Interaction of languages toponym derives from the onym “Don” (the river of Don). Both the settlement and its name were created by This component is associated with a complex concept of Russian settlers from the Don river. "ethnos". Traditionally, in the Russian Ethnology terms The village of Zhigalovo was named after a state "ethnos" and "people" are used interchangeably. Still in peasant (attached to the land) Yakov Zhigalov, who is everyday language these concepts are synonymous [14], mentioned in historical documents of 1723. which is reflected in this work. Smolenskoe, a village in Irkutsk region. The name is Distinguishing ethno-linguistic layers in toponymy of believed to reflect the occupation of the population of any region is directly related to the history of the region, this village, that is tar distillation. There lived smolyagi - the past of the indigenous population, development of people involved in tar ("smola") distillation, and the new land by new peoples. place was called Smolyaga, later - Smolenshchina. Historical data show [15], [16] that the history of Besides, according to historical sources, a man named colonization of Eastern Siberia begins with the upper Mitka Smolensky was exiled to the Irkutsk Ostrog in the Paleolithic period (40-50 thousand years ago), which can 70's of the 17 century and became a state peasant. be inferred from finding at least 150 sites. Prior to the Geographical objects were named in honor of famous development of Eastern Siberia by Russian Cossacks (up personalities as well as Orthodox churches, memorable to 17th century) the territory was home to the , events, important items, etc. For example: Evenks, Yakuts and Tofalars. It is believed that the The village of Voznesensk in Cheremkhovsky Tofalars occurred as a result of complex ethnic processes district got its name because it appeared on the territory in Southern Siberia and the Sayan mountains: the of the wine distillery belonging to the Voznesensk Tofalars' ethnos is influenced by Samoyed and Ket monastery. tribes, , as well as the influence of Turkic tribes The lake, located near the village of Tunguska, is and the Mongols. called by locals as Poganoye (meaning "nasty"): As I. A. Tyunkova writes, "an important feature of according to the legend, followers of Kolchak dumped the development of new territories of Siberia by the dead bodies of the killed there. Russians was the preservation of territorial and national

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Burkovo, a village in Cheremkhovsky district. A long 3. Syncretic names. The following subgroups are time ago, in the beginning of the revolution, the Buryat included: people created squads against Kolchak and his followers. – Russian-Buryat, for example: Those squads were located in a small village. Soon the Russky Zabituy, a village in Cheremkhovsky district. Buryats began to come to the village from other Translated from Buryat "Zabituy" means "made a stop", territories. There were so many of them gathered "halt". Buryats were the first inhabitants of the village. together that a Cavalry Regiment was formed, it was Now in Russky Zabituy there is no Buryat resident. called Big Buryat Regiment. The name came from the Apparently, therefore, this village became known as clothing of cavalry soldiers – burka (meaning "felt Russkiy Zabituy to distinguish it from the village Zabitui cloak"). Since then, the settlement has been called of Alarsky district. Burkov regiment, and now Burkovo. Verkhniy Bulay, a village in Cheremkhovsky district. 2. Foreign-language names. The following subgroups According to one version, the name came from the are included: Buryat word "bulay" (meaning "the pit"). The Russians – The , for example: added the spatial-orienting word "verkhniy" (meaning Nukuty, a village in Nukutsky district. The name "upper"). came from Buryat word "nukhen" (meaning "the pit"), Sharagunchik, a creek in Cheremkhovsky district. "nukhud" (meaning "pits", "place with pits"). On the Toponym is formed with the help of the Russian village territory there are depressions in the topography, diminutive suffix -chik-, attached to the Buryat word sinkholes, funnel-shaped pits, formed by ground "Sharagun" to indicate that it is a small water object. subsidence due to leaching out of the land of water – Russian-Turkic, for example: soluble rock gypsum, limestone, which are common in Bolshaya Yelan, a village in Usolsky district. The the basin of the Unga river. name comes from the Turkic word "yalant" (meaning Nur, a lake in Olkhonsky district. In the Buryat "plain, valley, meadow"), i.e. a place which is a large language "Nuur" means "lake." The word "Nuur" ("nor") depression, the lowland. To give another qualifying combined with some attribute often forms proper names: characteristic of the object, the Russians added to Kukunur is a "blue lake", Ongonur – "sacred lake", existing toponym the word "bolshaya" (meaning Kharanur – "black lake". "great"). –The Evenki language, for example: Similar is observed in the following example, only Turuka, a river, a village in Ust-Kutsky district. In the Russian word indicates that the river is small. Evenki "turuka" means "salt". There is a deposit of salt, Compare: back in 1639 famous Russian explorer E. P. Khabarov Malaya Ordynka, a river. The name comes from the near the Turuka river initiated the salt production. Turkic "orda" (urda) (meaning "camp", "headquarters of Alendar, a river. The name comes from the Evenki an influential rich owner, prince", "main village" + the word "Alan" (meaning "pass, the road across the ridge"), Russian word "malaya" (meaning "small") as opposed to and -dar- (changed suffix -dyari-). the similarly named the Ordynka river (respectively Biryulka, a village in Kachugsky district. It is named perceived as a large river). after the Evenki word "Bira" (meaning "the river"). – Russian-Evenki, for example: – The Turkic language, for example: Bolshaya Iret, a river. The name originates from the Baytog, an ulus in Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district. This Evenki word "irecte" (meaning "larch"), "irecteg" name can be comprehended in the Turkic language as (meaning "larch forest"). Indeed, in the Iret river basin follows: "Bay" is an ancient Turkic word meaning "rich, the larch zone of the territory called Prisayanye large", "tag" means "mountain", so it means "great begins. There is a river Malaya Iret. The Russians added mountain". Indeed, it is the highest place in the the corresponding Slavic words "bolshaya" ("big") / Kudinsky steppe. "malaya" ("small") to foreign language name to indicate Yelan, a village in Cheremkhovsky district. The word the size of the object. "yelan" ("yalan") comes from the Turkic word "yalant" Verkhnaya Iret, a village in Cheremkhovsky district. (meaning "plain, valley, meadow"). The toponym arises from the name of the Iret river (see Zaglik, a village in Bokhansky district. According to above). There is a village of Nizhnyaya Iret. As in the one version, the name comes from the Turkic languages, previous case, the substrate name is specified in terms of meaning "healthy, prosperous", "good", "clean", the location due to the Russian lexemes "verkhnyaya" "drinking (of water)", "anything calculated". ("top") / "nizhnyaya" ('bottom"). – The Ket language, for example: – Turkic-Buryat, for example: Kitoy, a river, a tributary of the Angara river. The Karbulak, a small river valley in Bokhansky district. name is believed to mean "wolf flow" in the language of The name comes from the Turkic Word "kar" ( meaning the ancient tribes of Kets. "snow") and the Buryat word "bulak" ("spring, source, , a river. In the language of Kets it means: stream"). "ta" – "cold," "sheth" – "river" or "water", so "Tayshet" Khayta, a river in Cheremkhovsky district. Toponym means "cold water/river". appeared from the Turkic word "khai"("cliff", "rock") Foreign toponyms on the territory of Irkutsk region and the Buryat suffix -ta-: "hai + ta" means "rocky are the most ancient class, called the substratum place". toponymy. – Evenki-Buryat, for example:

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Olkha, a river and a village in Shelekhovsky district. Analysis of the toponymic material has identified the The toponym is believed to come from the word of following important components in the regional picture syncretic origin "alacha" ("kill", "stab", "score") and of the world. means "a hunting place". First, there is anthropocentrism of toponymy: many Bugutuy, a small river valley in Bokhansky district. toponyms originate from personal names: The name comes from the Evenki word "bugu" Allaguy, a village in Olkhonsky district, is named ("strong") and the Buryat suffix -tu-. after the founder of the Buryat of Alaguy family line of This group of names, including several subgroups, Bulagat tribe. indicates the close relationship between peoples, their Bayanday, a village in Ust-Ordynsky district, is respect to each other, cross-language contacts, cultural named in honor of the Bayanday – the founder of the syncretism taking place on the territory of Irkutsk region. Buryat of Bayanday family line of Ekhirit tribe. Cultural syncretism is also reflected in the changes Stolbova, a village in Irkutsk district, is named after the names have undergone in different periods of their the founder with last name Stolbov. functioning. The phonetic transformation is rather Secondly, of great importance for the local frequent (when foreign names were subjected to the population, was the cult of the family, clan, tribe, as influence). evidenced by toponyms like: The name of the village of Malta in Usolsky district Anzyeb, a river in Bratsky district. The origin of the originates from the Buryat word "moyelta" ("bird cherry name is associated with the following legend. Once on place"), which was difficult to pronounce for the Russian the shore of a small brook there lived an old Tungus people, thus, it was phonetically transformed. nomad (Evenk) named An with his wife Zeb. They had a The toponym appeared due to phonetic son, whom they named An-Zeb. This name was given to modifications by the Russian explorers of the ethnonym the river, and later to the village. "buryaty" ("Buryats") into "braty" ("brothers"). Gorokhovo, a village in Irkutsky district. According According to sources, in those days it was very difficult to locals the village was founded by four brothers, whose for the Russians to pronounce the word "buryaty" last name was Gorokhovy (Gorokhovs), resulting in the ("Buryats"). name of the place. For the same reason the Russians changed the Nygda, a village in Alarsky district. The name of the substrate name of the village in Katangsky district: the village comes from the Buryat word "nygdykhyn", village Erbogachyen originally had the name which means "unification". Legend says that the village Nerbekechen (in Evenki "nerbeke" means "hill covered was named to honor the unification of several Buryat with pine forest"). family lines. Of great interest is the history of phonetic Tangutov, an island in Cheremkhovsky district. The transformations in the name of the village Chernorud in toponym originates from the Turkic-Mongol word Olkhonsky district. In ancient times this area was "Tanguty", designating the people of Tibeto-Burman inhabited by Buryats of Shono-rod, that is a family line group who spoke the Tangut language. "Shono", which means "wolf". The name "Shonorod" Thirdly, it is possible to speak about the importance was initially modified by the Russians into "Shernorod", of water as a source of life, since the toponyms of the then – into "Chernorod", and finally – into "Chernorud". semantic field "water" are abundant: There is also a derivational transformation of Arshan, the name of villages in Ust-Udinsky, geographical names. Names like "Bolshaya ("large") Kuytunsky, Tulunsky, Alarsky districts. The name is Iret", "Malaya ("small") Iret", "Verkhnyaya ("upper") derived from the Buryat word "arasan", "arshan", which Iret" and so on are formed by means of lexical and means "a mineral or warm spring of curative value". syntactic method: the combination of a foreign word and Gorkhon, the name of several small rivers, streams a Russian one becomes a new name. New names could and settlements. The toponym comes from the Buryat appear not only by using the words "small" – "large", word "gorkhon" ("river", "stream"). "upper" – "lower", "near" – "far". Other lexemes could Muntbuluk, a village in Nizhneudinsky district. The be used in the formation of toponyms. For example, the name goes back to the Buryat phrase "Mungutu-Bulag" village of Klyuchi-Bulak in Bratsky district was ("Silver Spring"). originally called in the Buryat language "Bulag", which In our region there are the following Russian names means "key", "source". The Russians added their word of settlements: Rucheyek, Rechushka, Sukhoy ruchey, "key", and, accordingly, it resulted in the name Goryachiye Klyuchi, Klyuch, Brody and others. "Klyuchi-Bulak", which is literally translated as "key + Fourth, flora and fauna were of great importance for key". the old residents of this area, as evidenced by the large Thus, the toponymy of Irkutsk region includes number of toponyms of this semantic group: Russian, foreign and bilingual toponyms, analysis of Listvyanka, a village in Irkutsk district. The name which shows the natural fusion of different cultures in was given due to larch trees growing here. the region. Travyanistaya, a mountain on the range Khamar- Daban, South of Utulik. On top of this mountain (altitude more than 1000 m) there are grassland 2. Regional perception of the world, as meadows, rare on Khamar-Daban, resulting in the name reflected in the toponyms "Travyanistaya" ("grass", "covered with grass").

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Babagayta, villages in Zalarinsky and Luchikha, a village in Bratsky district. The toponym Cheremkhovsky districts. Toponym was formed from was formed from the Russian verb "luchit" ("to fish", "to the Buryat word "babagay" ("bear"), "babagayta" beat the fish with a fish-fork at night, by lighting from lit ("bearish/ bear's"). splinters fire". Thus, the toponym is associated with Fifth, in the toponymy of the region it is possible to fishing villages located along the banks of the Angara observe the representation of the geo-object perception river. by the locals. The attitude to the referred object, the 3. Folk traditions. feelings involved in the act of nomination are reflected, The names reflecting the Buryat national traditions for example: are quite common, for example: Mugay, small settlement in Bokhansky district. From Anyutka, the place near the cape Ryty in Olkhonsky the Buryat-Mongolian word "muukhay" ("dirty, muddy, district. The toponym derives from modified by the filthy, ugly, hideous, nasty, despicable, mean, Russians Buryat word 'anyurkhla', which means "to close repugnant"). eyes to a woman or to blink before the holy place". In Muka. This River used to be called Talmyshan but the old days women were forbidden to set foot on the was renamed Muka ("torment") by Russian explorers, cape Ryty. Faithful men and shepherds also could not because part of the road along the Lena river portages to move around the Cape: after visiting it, they had to leave the mouth of the Muka river was the most difficult, there insoles from their shoes. complicated, and painful. The toponyms include those that reflect some Nygdushka, a river in Cheremkhovsky district. The traditional activities typical of different peoples of our name is formed by using the diminutive suffix -ushk- region: from the Buryat word "nygda" (see above). Bazarnaya Bukhta (bay) in Olkhonsky district. On There is no doubt that the identified constants of the the shores of this convenient bay before the revolution, regional language picture of the world, captured in the they traditionally organized the Olkhonsk trade fair or toponyms do not constitute a complete and bazar. Therefore, the bay became known as Bazarnaya. comprehensive list and may be enlarged or clarified, as Znamenka, a village in Zhigalovsky district. In the the toponyms of the region is a treasure trove of 17th century the Russians founded Ilginsky Ostrog conceptual and cognitive knowledge on the world (prison) on the Ilga river, and they built Znamenskaya perception by Siberians. tent-shape type church, which has been preserved up to the present time. Then the village was named after the church. Northern Russian traditions were clearly 3. Peculiarities of regional ethnic reflected in constructing wooden churches, with bell culture captured in toponyms towers and tent-shape roofs. 4. Religion. The toponymy of Irkutsk region reflects the following Toponyms record shamanism of the Buryats and the phenomena of ethnic culture: Orthodox faith of the Russians, for example: 1. Ethnic unity reflected in the ethnonyms, for Yedogon, a village in Tulunsky district. The name example: originates from the Buryat word "odegon" ("female Uda, a tributary of the river. The name is believed to shaman", "sorceress"). originate from the name of the Merkits' tribe "Ude" Vvedenshhina, a village in Shelekhovsky district. It ("udeit"). was named to honor the annual Christian holiday of "The Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district. The toponym is presentation of the blessed virgin Mary", celebrated on associated with the names of two main Buryat tribes: December 4. Ekhirits and Bulagats. Ethnonym "ekhirit" is not 5. Rituals. interpreted properly yet, but they believe that "ikir", Toponyms reflecting this phenomenon are mainly "ekhir" means "double", "twins"; "ekhirid" is the plural represented by substrate names highlighting the rituals of "ekhir". The ethnonym "bulagat" ("bulagachiny") associated with beliefs of the indigenous peoples of means " hunters". Irkutsk region: 2. Peculiarities of life, lifestyle, for example: Zakuley, a village in Alarsky district. The name Bazoy, a village in Bokhansky district. According to comes from the Buryat obsolete word "sukheli" meaning one version, the name is derived from the Buryat word the skin of sacrificial animal with head and legs on the "bozo"("barda") (the sediment remaining after the long birch pole. The name reflects the past of the shaman distillation of lactic vodka)", indicating manufacturing culture of the Buryats. specific alcoholic beverages by locals. Yandy, a river in Ust-Udinsky district. The toponym Tyrgan, a village in Olkhonsky district. The toponym came from the Evenki verb "yandy" ("kalmunit'", originates from the Buryat word, "terge" ("cart"). The "shamanit' around the campfire"). So, Yandy is a place the name is considered to be associated with a new form where in the past the Evenks conducted shamanistic of transport among the local population – "terge" ("cart" rituals around the campfire. or "farm wagon"). Overall, it can be noted that the 6. Symbols. Buryat toponymy involves names associated with Toponyms reflect the peculiar symbols of Russian characteristic features of economic life, especially with culture and the culture of indigenous peoples of Irkutsk household innovation. region, for example:

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Burgutun, a river. According to one version, the 8. P.B. Mireku-Gyimah, Anthony Armstrong Mensah, name originates from the Buryat word "burged" ("golden The Extractive Industries and Society, 19-23, (2015) eagle, eagle"). 9. M.N. Chupanovskaya, Philological sciences. Issues It is possible to assume that there was ancient cult of of Theory and Practice 1, 175-178, (2017) the eagle in the Buryat culture. For the Buryats this bird 10. G.F. Capra, A. Ganga, P. Filzmoser,, C. Gaviano, S. symbolizes power, strength and courage. There is a Vacca, CATENA, 89-101, (2016) bronze sculpture of an eagle in Tazheranskaya steppe of Olkhonsky district: Legend says, a formidable spirit, the 11. M.N. Chupanovskaja, Education Science 3, 224-227 king of all shamans in the image of an eagle descended (2016) on Olkhon. Since then, all shamans perform the dance of 12. Е.V. Terentyeva, Vestnik of Volgograd State the eagle. White eagle is a symbol of Olkhon island. University 3 (19), 184-188, (2013) The names of many official settlements, unofficial 13. Е.Yu. Lipets, Historical, philosophical, political and names of territories, as well as some rivers are connected law sciences, culturology and study of art. Issues of with the bird cherry: the town of , the Theory and Practice 2, 113-116 (2014) village of Cheremushki, Cheremushka village 14. The peoples of Eastern Siberia by the arrival of the settlement, River Cheremshanka and others. This is no Russians, URL: coincidence: in Russian culture this tree is associated with nature's tenderness, purity, and love. Some of the _k_prihodu_russkih (date of access: 03.03.2018). Russian people even think the bird cherry is a symbol of Russia. 15. Indigenous peoples of Irkutsk region, URL: Thus, the toponymy of Irkutsk region provides an opportunity to present and describe linguocultural space oblasti/(date of access: 03.03.2018). of the region in different ways. Origin of names can 16. I.A. Tyunkova, Vestnik of VSGAO Geography demonstrate multi-ethnic character of the population, a Department 3 (4), 4-16, (2011) large number of bilingual names and the extant substrate toponymy highlight good neighborly relations between the peoples of the region, their cultural relationships. Toponyms preserve the memory of different historical events of the region since ancient times, they broadcast information about the way of life, occupation, traditions and beliefs of indigenous peoples of Eastern Siberia as well as the Russian people who came to these lands in the 17th century. Toponymy of the region shows close fusion of the Siberian nature, the human struggle with the elements, faith in man and his powers, the importance of bringing people together to explore our vast territory and improve life.

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