Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 8/Friday, January 11, 2002/Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 8 / Friday, January 11, 2002 / Notices 1501 comments should be submitted by Fremont County forwarded by United States Postal January 28, 2002. Rector, Jason and Elizabeth Baylor, Service, to the National Register of House,2174 Bluff Rd.,Thurman, 01001542 Historic Places, National Park Service, Erika Martin Seibert, KANSAS 1849 C St. NW, NC400, Washington, DC Acting, Keeper of the National Register. 20240; by all other carriers, National Arkansas Atchison County Register of Historic Places, National Earhart, Amelia, Historic District,115– Park Service, 800 N. Capitol St.NW, Clark County 125,200–227,302–315,318,324 2nd St, 203– Suite 400, Washington DC 20002; or by Arkadelphia Boy Scout Hut, 8th 305 North Ter, 124,200,300 3rdSt, and fax, 202–343–1836. Written or faxed St.,Arkadelphia, 01001526 205,112 and 224 Santa Fe St.,Atchison, 01001543 comments should be submitted by Hot Spring County January 28, 2002. Cowley County Rockport Cemetery,US 270,Rockport, Carol D. Shull, 01001527 St. John’s Lutheran College Girls Dormitory,6th Ave and Gary St.,Winfield, Keeper of the National Registerof Historic Perry County 01001544 Places. Hawks Schoolhouse, Co. Rd. 7,Ava, NEVADA 01001528 CONNECTICUT Churchill County Hartford County Connecticut Churchill County Jail,10 W Williams Clark Farm Tenant House Site,Address New London County Ave.,Fallon, 01001546 Hazen Store,00 Reno Highway,Hazen, Restricted,East Granby, 01001554. Slater Library and Fanning Annex,26 Main 01001547 St.,Griswold, 01001529 GEORGIA SOUTH CAROLINA Tolland County Fulton County Aiken County Spotswood Hall,(West Paces Ferry Road Captain Nathan Hale Monument,120 Lake MRA)555 Argonne Dr., NW,Atlanta, St.,Coventry, 01001531 Zubly Cemetery,Forrest Dr.,Beech Island, 01001548 01001556.
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