Phase 1A Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment
Phase 1A Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment I-81 Viaduct Project City of Syracuse and Towns of Salina, Cicero, and Dewitt, Onondaga County, New York NYSDOT PIN 3501.60 Prepared for: Prepared by: Environmental Design & Research, Landscape Architecture, Engineering & Environmental Services, D.P.C. 217 Montgomery Street, Suite 1000 Syracuse, New York 13202 P: 315.471.0688 F: 315.471.1061 Redacted Version - November 2016 Phase 1A Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment (redacted version) I-81 Viaduct Project City of Syracuse and Towns of Salina, Cicero, and Dewitt, Onondaga County, New York NYSDOT PIN 3501.60 Prepared for: And Prepared by: Environmental Design & Research, Landscape Architecture, Engineering, & Environmental Services, D.P.C. 217 Montgomery Street, Suite 1000 Syracuse, New York 13202 P: 315.471.0688 F: 315.471.1061 November 2016 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY PIN: 3501.60 NYSORHP Project Review: 16PR06314 DOT Project Type: Highway demolition, reconstruction, and/or replacement Cultural Resources Survey Type: Phase 1A Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment Location Information: City of Syracuse and Towns of Salina, Cicero, and Dewitt Onondaga County Survey Area: Project Description: Reconstruction of I-81 and adjacent roadways in Syracuse, N. The Project is considering 2 alternatives – a Viaduct Alternative and Community Grid Alternative, described herein. Project Area: Area of Potential Effect (APE) for Direct Effects totals 458.9 acres USGS 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Map: Syracuse East, Syracuse West, Jamesville,
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