Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Modimolle Local Municipality



1 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

The purpose of this phase is to provide municipal status quo in terms of demographics, spatial rational, socio- economic status, financial viability, good governance and institutional capacity.

The phase was compiled through desk- top study, bi-laterals with managers, interaction with IDP stakeholders as outlined in the IDP framework, reference to Community Survey 2007

STAT SA and Census 2001, Municipal Demarcation Board; and through intense community participation.

It provides an analysis of data collected and development implications of the analysis.

In a nutshell, it provides a clear identity of the municipality.

2 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

1.1 INTRODUCTION Integrated Development Plan is a 5 year strategic Plan of a municipality. All municipalities are required by the MSA 32, 2000 to develop the IDP and review it annually. Integrated Development Planning is a process through which municipalities prepare a strategic development plan through an intense consultative process with its stakeholders. It informs all planning, budgeting, management and decision making process.

Through the Integrated development planning process, which necessitates the involvement of relevant stakeholders. Modimolle Local Municipality:  Identifies all needs and challenges; and key development priorities  Formulates a clear vision and mission  Formulates appropriate strategies  Develops the appropriate organisational structure and systems to realise the vision and mission, and  Aligns resources with the developmental priorities.

1.2 BACKGROUND Modimolle Local Municipality is a category B local municipality within the Waterberg District Municipality. It is 6227.9480 square meters in size with a total population of 52 605: Community Survey 2007 (72 000: STAT Census 2001), see MAP: 1 . It is strategically located, with the passing through, connecting the Southern neighbouring province, of Gauteng to the North the province of . It shares borders with all local municipalities within the Waterberg District Municipality.

The municipality is also located at a strategic position at the intersection of two provincial roads, R33 (connecting the East to West) and (connecting the South to the North). This provides a business development opportunity of developing and marketing Modimolle as a distribution point to support vast growing development in Lephalale and Polokwane. Modimolle town in particular is equal distance from two

3 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 developed cities, Polokwane and , and provides a cost reduction benefit in logistic should Provincial and regional offices located in Modimolle. See Map: 2

Map 1: Modimolle Local Municipality (NP365)

Source: Municipal Demarcation Board

The municipality is predominantly rural in nature, with vast areas of land either under cultivation or being utilised for game farming purposes. The area is characterised by a number of prominent rivers, such as Mokolo river, which dominates the landscape. It is characterised by settlement patterns of Townships, farms and informal settlements. The areas are Modimolle/phahameng which is as a growth nodal point, (Mabatlane) and Alma (Mabaleng) as a service points. The new demarcation has excluded 76520044, 76520055 registration & voting stations and Elandsfontein 427kr.

4 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Modimolle Local Municipality is a water service authority and provides bulk water and electricity to its community. It is also responsible for the construction and maintenance of local roads and storm water drainage, collection of solid waste, maintenance of municipal facilities and provides local economic development support to its communities.

A SWOT analysis has been conducted, through the IDP review process, the development of Spatial Development Framework (SDF), the desk-stop study, internal one-on-one interviews with managers and the Local Economic Development (LED) strategy; and outlines as follows:  Strength  Tourism which is mainly game farming, game hunting, lodges (accommodation)  Agriculture: The environmental analysis indicates that natural resources (type of soil, climate, amount of rain and available underground water) provides an agricultural potential.  Administrative hub: demand for accommodation for rental is growing due to growth of the administrative sector.  Strategically located along the N1 and at the intersection of R33 and R101.  Weaknesses  Unavailability of skills to match economic comparative sectors  Though the municipality is strategically located, there is poor marketing of the town from the N1.  No Marketing strategy to encourage and support business development and investment.  Lack of institutional capacity. There is no planning Unit; planning functions are being shared between IDP, Technical Services and Corporate services, which make it challenging to coordinate those functions.

5 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

 Poor tax base: A larger percentage of our community register as indigents are receiving free basic services. There is lack of implementation of the debt and credit collection policies.  Most of the land is privately owned.  Lack of adequate water especially in Mabatlane. A few farms that have been declared to have streams with enough water are privately owned and their prices are exorbitant.  Opportunities  Retail sector not being utilised to its full potential  Good Road Network system.  Threats  Land invasion: People that are displaced from farms usually occupy public open spaces, especially in phahameng, which contributes to Infrastructure and housing backlog.  Conversion of privately owned land from agricultural land to game farming.  Lack of land use management strategies and policies. This threatens the growth of the town and agricultural growth, especially subsistence farming. Subsistence farming is another way of reducing pressure on poverty stricken families.  Lack of water, especially in Vaalwater(Mabatlane) poses a health risk  High water table in Alma (Mabaleng) development: Due to the unavailability of sanitation infrastructure poses a health hazard through of contamination of underground water.  Municipal land available for development is sandy, which makes development expensive.

6 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


Modimolle population community survey 2007




30000 Series1 20000


0 Black Coloured Indian or White Grand Asian Total

Source: Community Survey 2007

Modimolle local municipality has a total population of 52 605 of which 43304 are black, 8554 are white, 481 are Indian and 264 are coloured. 25 882 are woman and 26 717 are men.


Age Male Female Grand Total 16 428 496 924 17 431 809 1241 18 383 624 1007 19 423 476 899 20 427 443 870 21 485 532 1016 22 611 517 1129 23 875 560 1435 24 630 434 1064 25 526 432 958 26 456 338 794 27 478 589 1067 28 562 406 968 29 584 468 1052 30 515 372 888 31 615 348 963 32 512 524 1036

7 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


Age Male Female Grand Total 33 478 276 755 34 487 434 922 35 591 411 1003 Grand Total 10499 9490 19989 FIGURE B: YOUTH PER GENDER

Table 1 and figure B, clearly indicates that we have more males than males though the difference is of a small fraction. Table 1, also indicates that we have most 23 year olds and the least 26 year olds. The total number of youth is 19 989.

1.3.3 DISABILITY Disabled persons are those people who are physically and mentally challenged. These people may not fully enjoy or access facilities that are designed to fit a person that is not physically challenged. It is therefore the responsibility of the municipality to budget and ensure that all municipal facilities have easy access for everybody.

The Municipality has established a disability desk that is coordinated from the Mayor’s office. Its main function is to oversee that the needs of the disabled are attended to. Al municipal facilities has basic infrastructure that enable the disabled to access services. There is room for improvement. The main municipal building is currently not conveniently accessible on the first floor.

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Source: Community Survey 2007

Figure C indicates that 91% of the population are physically sound, 6% are institutionalised, 2% are physically challenged, 2% are emotionally challenged and only 2% have sight disability.

1.3.4 EDUCATION TABLE 2: EDUCATION Grade 0 830 Grade 1/sub A (completed or in process) 1776 Grade 2/sub B 1982 Grade 3/standard 1 2072 Grade 4/standard 2 2370 Grade 5/standard 3 2944 Grade 6/standard 4 2766 Grade 7/standard 5 3269

9 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

TABLE 2: EDUCATION, cont. Grade 8/standard 6/form 1 3467 Grade 9/standard 7/form 2 3193 Grade 10/standard 8/form 3/NTC I 3406 Grade 11/standard 9/form 4/NTC II 2372 Attained grade 12; out of class but not completed grade 12 1035 Grade 12/Std 10/NTC III (without university exemption) 3952 Grade 12/Std 10 (with university exemption) 1177 Certificate with less than grade 12 279 Diploma with less than grade 12 158 Certificate with grade 12 331 Diploma with grade 12 974 Bachelor's degree 423 BTech 198 Post graduate diploma 240 Honour's degree 166 Higher degree (masters/PhD) 141 No schooling 4808 Out of scope (children under 5 years of age) 5156 Unspecified 114 Institutions 2998 Grand Total 52599 Source: Community Survey 2007 STAT SA

Table 1 depicts that only 1177 obtained grade 12 with an exemption and 1168 are able to obtain tertiary qualification. Number of individuals not attending school is about 4808, this includes school leavers and elderly people.

Due to the fact that Modimolle LM does not have tertiary institutions, you usually find most school leavers migrating to other municipalities of other provinces. In comparison with our neighbouring province, Gauteng, the province has many, if not most tertiary institutions in South Africa.

10 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


Employment capacity of municipality depends on various factors such as businesses, sector competitiveness and entrepreneurial initiatives. Factors that people need to be employable, are the skill, knowledge and the willingness to work.


Source: Community Survey 2007

Figure D depicts that Mogalakwena is employment base is competitive as compared to all other municipalities. Employment refers to both formal and informal employment, unemployed is those individuals that are currently seeking employment and economically not active are those individuals not seeking employment. Vendors have a status of an employed person.

1.3.5 OCCUPATION TABLE 3: OCCUPATION Legislators; senior officials and managers 1692 Professionals 1305 Technicians and associate professionals 520 Clerks 1654

11 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Service workers; shop and market sales workers 1792 Skilled agricultural and fishery workers 1520 Craft and related trades workers 2634 Plant and machine operators and assemblers 919 Elementary occupations 5099 Occupations unspecified and not elsewhere classified 2420 Not applicable/Institutions 33045 Grand Total 52599 Source: Community Survey 2007

Table 2 depicts that 5 099 are within the elementary occupations category, 2 634 are within the Craft and related trades, 1 692 are senior official and managers and 1 305 are professional and 33 045 are unaccounted for. Modimolle has agricultural and Tourism potential. There is quiet a reasonable number of people with agricultural skills and skill in tourism related activities has not been determined. There is a clear indication that there are a high number of people with Craft and related trades skills. It is therefore important that we ensure that the municipality invest or develop the latter mentioned skill since it compliments or play an important role in the tourism sector.

1.3.6 EMPLOYMENT WITHIN VARIOUS INDUSTRIES TABLE 4: EMPLOYMENT WITHIN VARIOUS INDUSTRIES Agriculture; hunting; forestry and fishing 923 Mining and quarrying 31 Manufacturing 2241 Electricity; gas and water supply 202 Construction 1249 Wholesale and retail trade 2989 Transport; storage and communication 650 Financial; insurance; real estate and business services 1476 Community; social and personal services 2942

12 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Other and not adequately defined 2656 Unspecified 3963 Not applicable/Institutions 14719 Grand Total 34042 Source: Community Survey 2007

Table 3 indicates that we have 932 persons employed within the Agricultural sector, hunting, forestry and fishing, 2 241 in Manufacturing, 1 249 are in construction, 2 656 not adequately defined and 14 719 not applicable.

It has been noted that Modimolle Local Municipality has Agricultural and tourism potential and only 932 persons employed in Agricultural sector. It is important that we invest in skills development to match or complement our most competitive and comparative sectors. Tourism is not an independent sector, it cuts across most sectors, therefore its economic and employment contribution cannot be clearly determined.

1.3.7 DWELLING Table 5: DWELLING House or brick structure on a separate stand or yard 29231 Traditional dwelling/hut/structure made of traditional materials 936 Flat in block of flats 136 Town/cluster/semi-detached house (simplex: duplex: triplex) 219 House/flat/room in back yard 190 Informal dwelling/shack in back yard 2533 Informal dwelling/shack NOT in back yard e.g. in an informal/squatter settlement 13070 Room/flatlet not in back yard but on a shared property 2674 Caravan or tent 26 Private ship/boat - Workers hostel(bed/room) 551

13 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Other 35 Institutions 3000 Grand Total 52601 Source: Community Survey 2007

Table 4 shows that 29231 individuals live in brick structures with separate stands or yards, 936 live in structures made out of traditional materials, whom mostly are farm dwellers. The total number of 15603 informal dwellers shack-in out of back yards. Currently a total number of registered people for RDP houses is about 300 (ward 5 & ward 6). This number is usually escalated by repitative registration, registration of youth and individual members within one family. There are 2674 staying in rooms or flats on shared properties. It has been noted that most of this dwellers have relocated to Modimolle for work. This is a positive impact to our municipality since it is contributing to the Administrative sector and encourages property industry to grow faster which will eventually contribute to the municipal tax base.

Refuse removal is provided to a total of 30287 of households at least once week. Currently we have two licensed Landfill sites, one in Mabatlane and the other in Modimolle/ Phagameng.

Most Households about 38 029 are using electricity as a source of energy, 10 264 use candles, 1244 use paraffin and 64 use Gas. Most of the people using other sources than electricity are staying in informal settlements. In 2007 to date we have had an average of one household fire per month. The growth of our informal settlements is also a threat that is envisaged to impact negatively on capacity of municipal emergency services.

1.3.8 ENERGY SOURCES Out of 38 029 households that utilises electricity as a source of energy, only 9082 use it for heating. Out of 1244 households 573 are using paraffin as a source of energy, 134 housel use coal and 88 households use gas for heating. Due to the high price of electricity most people opt to use gas. It was during the load shedding that most

14 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 people had to buy gas heaters. Since the price of Gas has increased it is important to identify other safe and cost effective sources of energy.

1.3.9 SOCIAL GRANTS Table 6: SOCIAL GRANTS Old age pension 2181 Disability grant 946 Child support grant 8816 Care dependency grant 227 Foster care grant 25 Grant in aid 31 Social relief - Multiple social grants 126 Not applicable 37250 Institutions 3001 Source: Community Survey 2007

Table 5 depicts that about 8816 children depend on Child support grant. This is mostly received by orphans and children without financial support from their parents. Our total number of disabilities is 2208 and only 946 receive disability grants. Only those individuals that are not in a position work due to their nature of disability qualify to receive a grant.

Stat SA census has a higher number of persons that are not accounted for in Modimolle data analysis; among other reasons, it is due to lack of co-operation from the community during the counting period. Either way it is the municipality’s responsibility to encourage our communities to be co-operative for better results. The total number of population has a great impact on the determination of our equitable share and planning. Our equitable share was R21 480 231 in 2007/8 and now R 26 839 126 in 2008/9.

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1.4 SPATIAL ANALYSIS Modimolle Local Municipality is characterised by different form of settlements, which are townships, informal settlements and farms. The 20m quantous around the three towns provides an opportunity for affordable development. There is a mountain range that goes from the East to South Site and a few mountains on the South. Mabaleng and Modimolle/Phagameng has a concentrated network of streams, which provides an opportunity for agricultural initiatives. See Map 6

Sixty eight percent (68%) of land is privately owned and 32% is municipal owned land of which most is developed. See Map 7. There is no municipal vacant land available for development, and private land prices are exorbitant.

Only 1% is government land, which is within farm areas outside a 25km radius of the existing engineering infrastructure. About ±30 Land claims are currently being gazetted. No land transfers have been executed in Modimolle Local Municipality. Ownership of some farms has not been established though there are commercial agricultural activities taking place on those properties.

Property development is growing, mainly townships. There is a lack of land use management strategies, hence unstructured development. The municipality is currently developing a Spatial Development Framework (SDF) and Land Use Management Scheme. See Annexure B: LUMS

1.5 INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS 1.5.1 Road Network System Modimolle Local Municipality is strategically located, with the N1 passing through from our neighbouring Gauteng province into Limpopo province. The R33 is a freight corridor that connects the east and the west. It is used mostly by trucks passing through Modimolle to Lephalale Local Municipality. The road is very narrow and a lot of accidents have occurred due to trucks. However the road is currently under the process of being changed to a National road and it is being upgraded. The R101 is a mobility link that connects the South to the east and trucks are restricted to use it; a

16 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 fine of R10 000 is being stipulated for non compliance. Trucks driving from Bela-Bela to Modimolle use Eersbewoon road pass through Modimolle town and then proceed to Mokgopong or Polokwane using the R101. The economic contribution of this trucks is not yet determined and are instead damaging the roads. Trucks are currently being restricted to use Kranskop road that links Modimolle to Mokgopong. The two roads that link Modimolle town and Mabaleng are gravel roads, which pose a challenge on our public transport system. See Map 2.

The existing road infrastructure within Modimolle municipality’s jurisdiction comprise of both provincial and local municipal roads. In general, road network within municipal area consists of gravel, concrete block and surfaced roads as summarised in Table 6 and function at different levels in the hierarchy of the road network.

TABLE 6: ROADS CONDITION Area Surfaced Gravel Roads Concrete Block Total Roads Description Roads Length (m) Roads Length (m) Length (m) Length (m) Modimolle 66,414.00 7,600.00 - 74,014.08 Phahameng 8,208.00 48,828.90 65,477.98 Mabatlane 8,740.00 34,112.80 940.00 43,792.80 Mabaleng - 3,094.90 - 3,094.90 Total 83,362.00 94,636.60 8,381.08 186,379.68 Note, that the lengths in the above table, excludes the road links within the various “private residential developments”.

The existing local municipal road network comprises of a total of 186,4km of roads, which 83,4km are surfaced roads (±44,7% of total local road network) and 94,6km are gravel road (50,8% of the total local road network). Of particular importance is that the bulk of the surfaced road network is still in a relatively good to fair condition (±85%) and subsequently, with appropriate and timeous intervention the integrity of the majority of the existing surface road network can be preserved.

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For practical purposes and based on the visual assessment of the in situ soil conditions it is recommended that block paving be considered for upgrading of all gravel roads to surfaced standards. This is deemed to be the most cost-effective technical solutions for various reasons , i.e :  Low expected traffic on most of these roads  Can be constructed by means of labour intensive methods  Low maintenance (Reference: Modimolle Road Master Plan: Annexure xxx)

Road Agency Limpopo has follows the following criteria for tarring of roads: – Connecting the Province. – Connecting North to South and East to West. – Creating a grid pattern. – 10km to a tarred road for everyone. – High traffic volumes (600 vehicles/day. – Linking settlements with areas of social and economic opportunities. – Prioritizing neglected/isolated areas. – Connecting mining, tourism and agricultural dev areas.

In Modimolle the following roads have been prioritised in:

Tourism  Modimolle-Vaalwater-Lephalale: Rehabilitating 120km at R240m.  Modimolle-: Rehabilitating 83km at R166m.

Agriculture  Mokgopong- Alma- Thabazimbi: Tarring 138km at R552m  Bela- Bela to Alma: tarring at 47km at R188m  Marekele National Park- Leeuport: Tarring 47km at R188m  Mookgopong-Alma – Thabazimbi: tarring 138km at R552m

18 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Roads targeted for rehabilitation  Modimolle –Vaalwater- Lephalale: rehabilitation of 120km at R240m  Modimolle-Marble hall : rehabilitating 83km at R176m

1.5.2 Public Transport System We have four taxi ranks, one in Vaalwater (Mabatlane) and two in Modimolle town and one in Phagameng. The distance from phagameng to Modimolle CBD is about 3kms in which some people prefer to walk to town. There is no taxi rank in Alma(Mabaleng) and most people use lifts from private cars.

The railway line connecting the South to the North is currently active and being utilised for both passengers and freight of goods. The railway link from Modimolle to Vaalwater (Mabatlane) is currently closed and was previously used to transport agricultural products. The station in Modimolle industrial is currently not utilised in large scale. We do not have a bus industry in Modimolle Local municipality due to the population size and movement from one nodal point to the other.

1.5.3 Housing The municipality is characterised by townships, farms and informal settlements. Among other reasons the growth of informal settlements is a result of displaced families evicted from farms. There is evident decline of the agricultural sector due to conversion of farms for agricultural activities to game farming. Most people loose their jobs in this shift and as a result are evicted from the farm. This challenge is increasing housing backlog in the municipality.

Most of houses structures are mainly build of brick and cement and informal settlements are 100% tin houses. Housing backlog is 3000 units.

The municipality is encountering challenges in terms of addressing housing backlog due to:  Lack of experience /expertise regarding technical aspects around housing.

19 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

 Lack of well located, developable land for housing. Most of the land which is well located and well suited is privately owned.  Insufficient housing subsidies  Lack of Spatial Development framework to guide development.  Under staffed Town planning Unit.  Poor communication and information dissemination between Limpopo Provincial Government and local authority regarding housing matters.  There is lack of proper coordination on allocation of houses between the municipality and provincial department.  Lack of Housing integrated planning and development. Housing will be constructed without roads infrastructure and connection plans to the main bulk sewer line.  The municipal sewer plant in full it is capacity and new developments are just threatening the capacity of the plant further.

Proposed priority projects for housing in Modimolle are:  Phahameng X9 (700 units)  Phahameng Ext 11 (200) consultant appointed for town planning  Phahameng X10 (1200 units) to (1000 subsidies already approved) in progress  Mabatlane (Leseding) X3 (500 units)  Mabatlane X4 (500 units) in progress  Mabaleng (2000 Units BNG Project, including 500 Low income units)  Modimolle Town (500 Gap Markets units). Consultant appointed for town planning

1.6 BASIC SERVICES Most of our engineering infrastructure is dilapidated; as a result we do a lot of repairs and maintenance. There is a need for forward planning since our infrastructure is under-capacitated and cannot accommodate new developments.

1.6.1 Water

20 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Modimolle local municipality has a total number of ±30 000 registered households (source: internal administrative records). 20676 households have piped water inside their dwelling houses, 23828 have piped water inside the yard, 3252 access water from communal taps and 951 access water from boreholes(Source: Stat SA, community survey 2007).

Donkerpoort Water purification plant supplies part of Modimolle Town and Phagameng with water does not supply the required amount, as a result our reservoirs at times runs dry. There is a shortage of water supply in Vaalwater (Mabatlane) and we are currently using water carts to supply the community in Extension 2 and part of Extension 1 with water and we are also busy upgrading the water pipeline to the reservoir. There reservoir capacity in Mabatlane is only 3mgl. Capacity of Modimolle reservoir is currently 24mgl. There is a need for another 24mgl to be in position to provide for further developments.

Some private farms have been identified as having enough water to supply the community of Vaalwater (Mabatlane), but it is a challenge for the municipality to acquire those properties due to the exorbitant prices. We have sufficient water in Mabaleng, its source of water is boreholes (Rural Water Supply Scheme). Currently there are no water backlogs in Mabaleng. The community have both household connections in the yard and communal taps. Backlog in terms of bulk supply for household connections is 500 for Mabatlane Extension 4 and 70 for Mabatlane Extension 3. Backlog is 150 for Modimolle Extension 2, 70 for Mabatlane Extension 3, 30 for Modimolle Extension 11, 300 for Phagameng Extension 8 and 1 003 for Phagameng Extension 10.

There is a need to extend the Donkerport dam water, to increase capacity. There is a need for generators at the dam in cases of emergencies. The generator is for the purpose of exerting pressure to supply reservoirs with water, to avoid them running dry.

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1.6.2 Sanitation Modimolle sewer plant is currently running at its full capacity of 3ML/day capacity, but it is currently being extended by another 3ML/day. This is challenging the development in the municipality. The plant is over flowing and should more connections be made the municipality will encounter environmental challenges, such as contamination of underground water. We are having a lot of household blockages and the stench has been unbearable. This challenge is also a threat to our tourism industry.

In Mabatlane we are currently using sewer ponds and there is a need for at least 3.5ML/day sewer plant to accommodate both business and households. The sewer pond in Mabatlane is about 10m from the river, which also pose environmental challenges especially in rainy seasons with possible spillages

In Alma (Mabaleng) there is no Sewer Plant. The estimated cost for sewer plant we need an investment of approximately R11m. The Municipality supplies the community with Waterborne facilities in Modimolle town & Phagameng, however, in Alma (Mabaleng) and other informal settlements we do not provide sanitation facilities. 4 456 households are affected by this backlog. Backlog on sewer reticulation is 2387 households.

1.6.3 Electricity

The municipality is able to supply to all Households and current businesses, but not major and future developments due to power capacity constraints. Our current capacity is 20MVA, we need to additional 40MVA to accommodate new developments. The municipality is in the process of upgrading infrastructure network to enable more connections/ developments. The infrastructure is dilapidated and need to be maintained often.

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The unit is currently under staffed. There is a need for additional staff to manage maintenance programme efficiently and effectively. The municipality is challenged by budget constraints.

Targeted backlog was 3 390 households in 2007/8 and 1 037 households have been connected, currently (2008/9) connecting 1003. Backlog on street lights is 2640. There is a need for high mass lights; designs for Mabatlane and Mabaleng is in place.

1.6.4 Roads

The municipality is responsible for 181 242Kms of local roads. Our current budget is R500 000 (2008/09) which is mainly for the maintenance of roads and storm water drainage. About 65% of roads are surfaced 35% of roads are gravel. Communities of Phagameng, Mabatlane and Mabaleng are experiencing unsafe traffic conditions during rainy season, poor storm water and sub surface drainage within the area; limited access to public transport and emergency services and soil erosion and dustiness. Total Backlog of re graveling of roads is 50km in the whole of Municipal area.

1.6.5 Refuse removal

Refuse is collected on a weekly bases and the service is provided to all residents of the municipality, including registered and non-registered indigents. We have two licensed landfill sites one in Mabatlane and the other Modimolle/Phahameng, with a total capacity of 320 000m³ and total general waste collected and recycled is 840 000 m³ per year . The legal status of the land fill site in Mabatlane is being compromised by the encroachment of informal settlements. The municipality has identified suitable land for the relocation of the dumping site but the land price is exorbitant. The legal status of the land fill site in Modimolle Town will in time be compromised due to the development in extension 10. The municipality has identified a site, South of Modimolle town for its relocation.

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1.7 Complaint Management System on Service Delivery

We have a complaint management system in place. The community reports complaints on municipal services to the customer care that is currently being served by one personnel and the service is manual. These complaints are recorded and forwarded to the relevant departments. About 2831 complaints have been reported in 2007/08, mainly on engineering infrastructure. The municipality has set standards on response time to complaints, which minimum reference is done to the standards, therefore one cannot begin to assess or measure the efficiency in service delivery.


1.8.1 Community facilities and Social Analysis The total number of municipal halls is 5 and 25 sports facilities. The sports facilities are accessible; we have about 30696 households within 2kms of these facilities.

We have 4 clinics, 2 hospitals and about 2 mobile clinics operating in the North and South of Modimolle and the other two in the South and North of Mabatlane areas.

1.8.2 SCHOOLS TABLE 7: EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS Type of school Secondary 7 Special 1 Primary 59 Combined 10 FET/ higher learning 2 Total number of institution Schools 77

Learners Male 7807 Female 8123 Total learners 15930

Educators Male 199 Female 334 Total educators 543

24 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Learners per educator 20 learners per ration educator

No of classroom 540

Learners per classroom 29.5 Learners per 29.3 ration educator ration

No of schools with Electricity 49( 64%) services Water 58(75%) Sanitation 35(45%)

No of Public schools on 59 Private land

We have 59 Primary schools and 7 secondary/middle schools (Source: community Survey STAT SA). Most farm settlements only have primary schools. This poses a social-economic challenge to our communities and increases illiteracy. Due to lack of secondary schools, children drop out and start working on farms, this consequence contributes to the high rate of illiteracy. The road infrastructure is not up to standard, which makes it difficult for public transport or transport provided by Department of Education to access the areas.

TABLE 8 : WELFARE ANALYSIS FOR MODIMOLLE – BENEFICIARIES RECEIVING SOCIAL GRANTS Type of Grant Number of Beneficiaries Disability 1561 Old Age 2986 War Veteran 7 Combination (Old Age +Child Support) 1 Grant in Aid (Old Age not in old aged Institution) 20 Foster Care 451 Child Support 11783 Care Dependency ( Disabled from 18years and older) 65 TOTAL 16874

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Food parcels contain the following: 5kg dried beans, 5kg sugar, 2,5kg samp, 1kg milk powder, 1kg soy mince, 1kg iodised salt, 800g soup powder, 810g peanut butter, 2 litre`s sunflower oil, 1,5kg tea bags, 1kg washing powder, 4 bath soaps, 50kg maize meal.


TABLE 9: SAFETY AND SECURITY FACILITIES Area Police Satelite Ambulance Fire and Vehicle Magistrate`s Station Station services other testing court Mother Emergency and Station service licensing facility Modimolle 1 - 3 1 1 1 Mabatlane 1 - - - - - Mabaleng 1 - 2 - - - TOTAL 3 - 5 1 1 1

There are three police station, Rankin’s Pass, Vaalwater and Modimolle police station (Source: Municipal Demarcation Board). It has been noted that the crime rate in Modimolle Local Municipality is very low; this is a strength that provides a conducive environment economic growth, especially the tourism and retail industry.


TABLE 10: POST OFFICES AND AGENCIES IN MODIMOLLE Area Type of facility Grade of Facility Modimolle Town Post office Levels Vaalwater/Mabatlane Post office Unbranded Alma/Mabaleng Retail Agency Retail Postal agency : Type C RANKIN~S Pass Retail Agency Retail Postal Agency: Type C Kokanje Retail Agency Retail Postal Agency: Type B Modimolle Utti Quorier Retail Postal Agency

26 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

TABLE 11: MUNICIPAL LIBRARIES Area Type of Facility Modimolle Town Main Library Phagameng Branch Library Kokanje Branch Library Abraham Kriel children `s Home Book Deposit Vaalwater/Mabatlane Library Alma/Mabaleng Book deposit

1.9 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 1.9.1 PRODUCTION STRUCTURE AND GROWTH PERFORMANCE The SWOT analysis has indicated that Modimolle LM has agricultural potential and opportunity for growth in the retail sector.

Figure E: Sector Production Structure – Modimolle LM, Waterberg DM and Limpopo (sector contribution %)

Figure E indicates the production structure of Modimolle LM, Waterberg DM and Limpopo in 2007. Mining sector contributes much less towards the total GDP in Modimolle compared to Limpopo and the Waterberg District. The transport and finance sectors are very strong in Modimolle indicating a strong tertiary markets.

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Table 12: Sectoral Production Structure (1997-2007) of Modimolle as Percentage Contribution Sector 1997 2002 2007 Primary Sectors Agriculture 5.6% 8.0% 6.5% Mining 1.8% 1.6% 1.2% Secondary Sectors Manufacturing 5.8% 5.0% 4.5% Utilities 1.9% 1.2% 1.1% Construction 3.6% 3.4% 3.6% Tertiary Sectors Trade Sector 16.2% 14.3% 13.5% Transport and Communications 14.6% 22.2% 23.3% Finance and Business Services 20.6% 18.3% 21.3% Community Services 7.8% 7.0% 6.5% Government Services 22.0% 19.0% 18.6% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Table 12 illustrates the changes within the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sectors of the economy in Modimolle LM. Most of the primary and secondary sectors have declined with the exception of agriculture, which indicates a strong agricultural sector. The tertiary sectors have increased the most in terms of production output indicating a move towards a service economy.


It is clear that Modimolle is experiencing various performances in the individual sectors. A critical element associated with sectoral performance is the employment levels and related trends at a local level. This element stems for the dire need in South Africa to ensure that unemployment levels in South Africa are halved in line with the Millennium Development Goals. The subsequent section presents a discussion of the employment trends in the “formal employment segment”.

28 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

TABLE 13: SECTOR EMPLOYMENT Sector 1998 2002 2007 Agriculture 31.2% 28.4% 23.8% Mining 1.1% 0.9% 0.9% Manufacturing 12.8% 11.1% 10.8% Utilities 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% Construction 5.5% 5.5% 6.9% Trade and Accommodation 10.8% 12.7% 16.0% Transport and Communication 2.4% 1.9% 1.8% Finance and Business 6.1% 8.3% 9.9% Community Services 16.1% 17.2% 15.7% Government Services 13.5% 13.6% 14.0% Totals 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% SOURCE: URBAN-ECON

Table 13 illustrate the formal employment figures for Modimolle in 1998, 2002 and 2007. Table 13 illustrates the formal employment figures for each sector while Table 1.13 illustrates the formal employment as a percentage contribution by each sector. Agriculture sector is the highest contributing sector to employment at 23.8%, followed Trade and accommodation at 16%, then community services at 15%, Government services at 14% and construction at 10.8%.

The sectors that contribute least to employment are, mining at 0.9%, Utilities 0.3% and Transport and Communication 1.8%.


Economic growth has direct implications to formal employment levels. While informal or second economy employment, also plays an important role in providing access to household income.

We have 202 registered informal traders or hawkers. Most of them are selling vegetables, sunglasses, belts, hats, earrings and watches. Data is currently unavailable for the contribution of this sector or economy.

29 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

The municipality is currently in the process of formalising this sector to a level where the formal and informal business can co-exist and support each other. The current municipal by-laws requires hawker to be 2 meter away from the pavement and two meters away from the shop. Our pavements in town are about 3 metres from the shop to the road, therefore do not allow hawkers to operate in town.

The municipality has a responsibility to support local economic development including the businesses in the second economy. The municipality is in the process of constructing market stalls at the taxi rank in both Modimolle and Mabatlane towns; also and Braamfisher street in Modimolle town.

1.9.4 ECONOMIC CONCETRATION AND COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE Modimolle Local Municipality has a Tress Index of 51.7, which it is a clear indication that the economy is neither diversified nor concentrated. The economy is reliant on more than one sector and thus not vulnerable to external impacts.

Agricultural sector is the most comparative sector with a high local quotient. This implies that the sector is serving needs beyond the sector, exporting goods and services from this sector.

Mining, Utilities and Government Services have a low local quotient, this implies that local needs are not being met by residents sector, the municipality is importing goods and services in this sectors. See Annexure D: LED Strategy

1.9.5 AGRICULTURAL SECTOR Natural Resources The agricultural activities in Modimolle are both commercial and subsistence farming. Commercial farming mainly focusing on grapes, watermelons, citrus, seed maize, vegetables, stone fruits, strawberries and vegetables.

30 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


Map 2 depicts that land use SVcb17 (mountain bushveld) of about 11-13 ha of land use per year, SVcb12 of 8-10 ha is central sandy bushveld and Gm29( Waterberg Magalies Sourveld) is about 14-17 ha land use. Land Use Capability


Description Area (ha) % of Total Very Low 82,946.90 13.32 Very low – Low 139,953.43 22.47 Low 329,099.20 52.84 Low – Moderate 70,870.80 11.38 Moderate 0.00 0.00 Moderate – High 0.00 0.00 High 0.00 0.00 High - Very high 0.00 0.00 Very High 0.00 0.00 Total: 622,870.33 100.00

31 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Table 1: Land Capability Very Low - Mode High - Very Mode Hi TOTAL Availability Low – Low Mode rate - Very Low rate gh (ha) Low rate High High 163.5 3547.6 2945. 7039. Not Available 382.37 4 8 70 29 1236. 3008.4 55725. 10800 70770 Cultivated 19 8 10 .97 .74 7782 13656 26976 57108 54126 Vegetated 7.94 2.58 5.17 .01 3.70 Available – 44.93 16.12 61.05 Degraded 3719. 3735. Available 16.32 23 55 Source: ARC Agricultural Activities


Red shades on map 4 identifies areas of current economic activities, which are mostly concentrated in Alma(Mabaleng) and dispersed in and around Modimolle town/Phagameng.

32 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Table 14: Natural Assets

Natural assets, what they are used for and problems associated Man made dams Municipality Names of rivers Mountains dams No No of Other forests springs natural Natural Natural Natural

0 3 0 berge berge Groot Nylrivier Sterrivier Sterrivier Sandrivier Sandrivier Sandrivier Melkrivier Melkrivier Hoekberge Doorndraai Swaershoek Hanglipberg Hanglipberg Donkerpoort MoKolo rivier KleinNylrivier

Used for

Eco- tourism Irrigation Irrigation / Household Household Irrigation Irrigation / livestock Irrigation / livestock Irrigation / livestock Stock watering Irrigation / Stock watering

Problems associated None None None Silting Silting -Silting -Silting -Silting with these erosion erosion erosion Pollution Silting –Silting erosion –Silting erosion Source: Department of Agriculture

Modimolle Local Municipality has a network of rivers and streams concentrated mostly in Alma/Mabaleng and in Modimolle/phagameng and far South East of Vaalwater/Mabatlane in the biosphere areas. Vaalwater/Mabatlane is mostly dry with lack of under ground water. This is a challenge to agricultural initiatives.

Department of Agriculture has assisted previously disadvantaged people to acquire land for farming purposes. The Department further supports the upcoming farmers by training and identifying markets for their products. Table 15: Livestock Census Animal type Numbers Cattle 63770 Sheep 12000 Goats 2190 Pigs 21050 Horses 420 Mules 20 Donkeys 450 Dogs 2519 Fowls 21000 Ostriches 2100 Source: Dept of Agriculture

33 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Table 15 indicates that we have 63 770 cattle and 12 000 sheep, which implies that there is a high demand of grazing land.

Table 16: Cattle Owners DESCRIPTION NO. OF FARMERS NO. OF LIVESTOCK Commercial 978 122 329 Communal 40 3190 TOTAL 1018 125 519 Source: Dept of Agriculture

Table 17: Livestock Value Adding Facilities TYPE NUMBER Feedlots 4 Auction Pens 4 Abattoirs 2 Butcheries 6 Tannery 1 Source: Dept of Agriculture

Table 16 indicates lives stock value adding facilities. The growth of these facilities especially the abattoirs and butcheries, is challenged by the state of our infrastructure.

Table 18: Projects in the Municipality TYPE PROJECT NAME SIZE (Ha) ENTERPRISE LOCATION BENEFICIARI ES 1. LRAD Itereleng 38 Grapes Rietfontein 25 Mothethea 21 Vegetables, Rietfontein 11 Piggery Matshega 21 Vegetables Rietspruit 4 Calabash 103 Vegetables Doornkom 11 Marumofatshe 1129 Livestock Vlaakplaats 10 Dabchick 864 Eco-tourism Kliprevier 4 Skilpad 5 Livestock Leeuwdrift 4 Modimolle 56 Vegetables Driefontein 5 Youth Group 2. SLAG Leeuwdrift 35 Livestock Leeuwdrift 21 3. Matabane CPA 1400 Livestock, Melkrevier 79 RESTITUTION Cash crops, Households Eco-tourism Modimolle 13 000 Eco-tourism, Modimolle 700 Community Livestock, Households Development Grapes Trust

34 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

4.PRIVATELY Brunza 34 Baby Susanvale 4 OWNED Enterprises Vegetables Monyebodi 46 Vegetables, Zandfontein 10 Farming Piggery Mphahlele 89 Livestock Witklip 10 Farming Mokaba Family 411 Vegetables, Rhenosfontein 4 Livestock Malebitsi 486 Livestock Buffelsfontein 4 Jacksim 8 Vegetables Rhenostepoort 4 Kgothala 21 Poultry Grootvlei 5 5. LEASED WATRAP 4 Vegetables, Phagameng 7 LAND Poultry Modimolle 427 Goats Modimolle 8 Dipudi Co-op Busy Bee 2 Vegetables Phagameng 14 Tirisanommogo 1 Vegetables Phagameng 4 Balimi Crop 20 Cash Crops Mabaleng 4 Farmers Gemcord 3 Vegetables Phagameng 6 Sedilame Co-op 2 Poultry Phagameng 6 Ya Rona 25 Essential Oils Vaalwater 7 Maluba 25 Essential Oils Vaalwater 11 Alma/Hydropho 7 Vegetables Alma/Mabaleng 0 nic Mabaleng 37 Vegetables Alma/Mabaleng 6 Emerging farmers

Table 17 indicates that about 18276 hectors of land is currently being used for agricultural projects supported by Department of Agriculture. There are 203 people and 779 households that are benefiting from these projects.

TABLE 18: AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE MUNICIPALITY CLASSIFICATI SOILS WATER CURRENT POTENTIAL MARKET ON SOURCE COMMODITIES COMMODITI S ES High Potential Yellow Red and 1. Sand ~ Groundnuts ~ Pecanuts ~ Grain Soil 1 (Alma Red Sandy Loam Revier and ~ Seed Maize ~ Citrus SA Basin) soil with 10-35 % Grootspruit in ~ Tobacco ~ Essential ~ BAT clay with minimum the Mogol ~ Soya beans Oils (Canola, ~ Export effective depth of catchment. Olives) 750mm. 2. Tweestroom High Potential Predominantly Red Klein ~ Stone Fruits ~ Pecanuts Export Soils 2 Sandy Loam Soils Sandrevier. ~ Strawberries ~ Citrus ~ (Watervaal) with clay content ~ Vegetables ~ Essential National

35 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

of 10-35%. Oils (Canola, Fresh Effective depth of Olives) Produce 750mm. Markets ~ National Fruit & Veg. retails High Potential Yellow Red and 1. Boreh ~ Tobacco ~ Essential ~ Export Soils 3 Red Sandy Loam oles ~ Seed Maize Oils ~ (Vrymansrus soil with 10-35 % 2. Sterkr ~ Baby ~ Citrus National Valley) clay with minimum evier Vegetables Fresh effective depth of 3. Kleins Citrus Produce 750mm. and Markets ~ National Fruit & Veg. retails Low to Yellow, Brown and 1. Boreh ~ Grapes ~ Olives ~ Export Marginal Red Sandy Loam. 5- oles ~ Watermelons ~ BAT Potential Soils 10 % clay content, 2. Klein ~ Citrus ~ Grain minimum effective Nyl ~ Seed Maize SA depth of 1200mm. 3. Groot ~ Vegetables ~ Nyl National Fresh Produce Markets Non- Arable Sour Bushveld Boreholes ~ Livestock ~ Nguni ~ Land (Grazing) characterized by (Bonsmara, ~ Afrikaner Auctions Boekenhout, wild Santa Getrudis, ~ syringe and Brahman) ~ Animal Feedlot Lekkerbreek. ~ Small Stock Production ~ Retail (Dorper, Pedi, Value Chain Boergoats, Pigs) ~ Game Not Accessible Soils irrelevant, None or rain ~ Game Venison ~ Game characterized by Processing Auctions Suikerbos Trees. ~ Trophy Includes Sandrevier & Meat Mountain range Export and Swaershoek ~ Mountain range Tannery

Source: Department of Agriculture

36 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Generally the municipality has potential in the produce of the following products:

 Venison Processing Value Chain  Essential Oils  Bee Keeping  Groundnuts Processing Value Chain  Crocodile Breeding for Export  Ostrich breeding for export  Herbs and Spices  Meat and Milk goats for export 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Modimolle Local Municipality has a rainfall of at least ±550ml per annum. Mabaleng has less rain in comparison to Mabaleng and Modimolle/Phahameng. The soil in all areas is moderate. The general combination of the type of soil, the amount of rain and the amount of available water under the ground supports the vision of the municipality to develop Mabaleng into an Agri-Village. Most of the areas are generally sandy which requires expensive and specialized skills in development. Modimolle town is mostly polluted by noise of trucks mainly around 22h00 to 24h00am. The encroachment of the informal settlement in the land fill sites in Mabatlane and dusty roads pose a health challenge to the community.

The sewer pond in Mabatlane is about ±20 meters from the river and over flows in to the Mokolo river. The sewer plant in Phagameng is also about ±16 meter from the river. Both the sewer pond and sewer plant are beyond their capacity and are also a threat to our underground water. The graveyard in Vaalwater/Mabatlane is also within the flood line which may eventually contaminate underground water. The outcome of the feasibility study done around the Modimolle Abattoir was that it has contaminated the underground water.

The municipal area is mostly wood and forest land. The chopping of fire wood especially in Vaalwater/Mabatlane is not just threatening our environment but it is illegal. The concentrated network of streams in Modimolle/Phagameng and

37 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Vaalwater/Mabaleng may be development challenging and eventually lead to urban sprawl patters, but may enhance the rural theme and identity of the municipality.

1.11 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Our total budget for 2008/09 is R148 2454 222 and salary budget is R42 387 507, which is 28.59% of the total budget. The salary budget has increased from R33 625 922 in 2007/08 due to a salary increase of 8.3%. Budgeted Expenditure for purchase of bulk electricity is R21m, and purchase for bulk water is R5m; and repairs and maintenance is R4 029 000. Planned revenue on electricity and water is R42 542 385 and R17 381 690 respectively. It is challenging when consumers do not take the responsibility to pay for services, which make it difficult for budgeting processes, especially on maintenance. Most of our servitudes are old and are maintained and repaired often.

1.11.1 Financial policies Financial policies ensure good governance and financial viability. These policies provide a framework within which the municipality should operate in order to sustain, maintain, and provide service delivery and equal opportunities for its communities. Debt collection and credit control policy The objective of this policy is to provide credit control and debt collection procedures and mechanisms. Our debt for 2006/7 was R2 500 000 and R3 347 353 for 2007/8. In this financial year the municipality has taken the initiative to vigorously hand over debtors to legal department to reduce the debt. The municipality is encountering challenges in implementing this policy due to the lack of personnel. It is again costly to hand over debts of minimal amount such as R500 since legal fees are more than the debt.

The policy further makes provision for indigents, that is consistent with its rates and tariff policies. The policy also outlines powers to restrict or disconnect supply of

38 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 service, service level agreements, disputes, extension of payments, change to prepay and penalties. Indigent policy An indigent household is where a verified total gross monthly income of all occupants over 18 years of age does not exceed R1 100, or such other amounts as the council may from time to time determine such households qualify for subsidy on property rates and service charges for sewerage and refuse removal not less than a rebate of 50% on monthly amount billed and will additionally receive 6kl of water per month and 50kWh of electricity per month free of charge

Only households where the accountholder or property owner has registered as indigent in terms of the municipal annual registration programme, and whose registration has been accepted and entered into the register of indigents shall qualify for the above concessions. Currently the municipality has registered 3036 indigent households.

The objective of this policy is to ensure that indigents receive at least basic municipal services.

The challenge is that there is no way of verifying whether the households still qualifies as indigents or not and that there is lack of management in the review process of the registered households. Supply chain policy Supply Chain Management policy is developed within the legislative framework of, the Constitution of SA, MFMA, PPP Framework Act of 2000(Act No 5 of 2000), Broad based Economic Empowerment Act (Act No 53 of 2000). It outlines procurement processes within the municipality. Among others, it outlines the competencies and delegations of the committees and officials that manage the procurement process, such as the evaluation and adjudication committees, the CFO, the Municipal Manager and Supply chain/ procurement officer.

39 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Currently the system is not centralized, which makes it difficult to manage the procurement process. The asset management policy is not linked to the supply management policy which makes it difficult to keep record on assets purchased and the movement of assets. This eventually affects our financial statements. Procurement services are at times requested from service providers that are not registered on the data base, and this compromises the principles and objectives of this policy. Cash and Investment Policy The investment policy aims at gaining optimal return on investments without incurring undue risks, during those periods where cash revenues are not needed for capital or operational purposes. The Investment policy is dependent on the accuracy thereof together with the cash management programme which must identify the amounts surplus to the municipality’s needs, as well as the time when and period for which such sources are surplus. In 2007/8 the municipal investments was R31 995, 836.18 and external loans of R4 696,942.85 and has accrued a total interest of R571, 582.81 in three months since end June 2008. Fraud Prevention and Anti Corruption Policy This policy intends to set down the stance of the municipality to “Fraud” as well as to reinforce existing systems, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations and regulations of the municipality aimed at deterring prevention, detecting, reacting to and reducing the impact of fraud.

Currently the municipality has had only 3 cases of theft in the last financial year. The Municipality has installed CCTV cameras, improved physical security and installed a palisade fence around the municipal main building.

40 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 Provision of Bad Debt Policy Purpose of this policy is to ensure that collection of debt remains cost effective and written offs are authorized at an appropriate time by Council. This policy must be implemented in line with Credit and collection Policy. All collections must be exhausted before any account is considered to be written-off. No accounts should be written off where services are currently being rendered. Cut off procedures should be instituted with immediate effect.

Generally, challenges encountered by the municipality on financial viability are:

• Challenges relating to collection. • Most of the customers are indigent. • Backlog relating to spending on capital projects. • Lack of skilled personnel. • Inability to spend money timeously


Modimolle Local Municipality is a category B municipality, with a population of 52 605. Its jurisdiction is outlined in terms of the Municipal demarcation Act. The municipality consist of an administrative and political structures, which are established and assigned responsibilities, powers and functions as outlined or guided by the MSA, 32 of 2000. The Municipality has 8 wards with a total number of 8 Ward councillors and 8 PR councillors .

Table 19: Powers and Functions Function Definition Air pollution Any change in the quality of the air that adversely affects human health or well-being or the ecosystems useful to mankind, now or in the future Building regulations The regulation, through by-laws, of any temporary or permanent structure attached to, or to be attached to, the soil within the area of jurisdiction of a municipality, which must at least provide for: Approval of building plans, Building inspections, and

41 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Child care facilities Facilities for early childhood care and development which fall outside the competence of national and provincial government Electricity reticulation maintenance of the electricity reticulation network, and Bulk supply of electricity, which includes for the purposes of such supply, the transmission, distribution and, where applicable, the generation of electricity , and also the regulation, control

Function Definition Local tourism The promotion, marketing and, if applicable, the development, of any tourist attraction within the area of the municipality with a view to attract tourists; to ensure access, and municipal services to such attractions, and to regulate, structure and control. Municipal airport A demarcated area on land or water or a building which is used or intended to be used, either wholly or in part, for the arrival or departure of aircraft which includes the establishment and maintenance of such facility including all infrastructure and services. Municipal Planning The compilation and implementation of and integrated development plan in terms of the Systems Act Municipal public transport The regulation and control, and where applicable, the provision of: Services for the carriage of passengers, whether scheduled or unscheduled, operated on demand along a specific route or routes or, where applicable, within a particular area. Pontoons and ferries Pontoons, ferries, jetties, piers and harbours, excluding the regulation of international and national shipping and matter related thereto, and matters falling within the competence of national and provincial governments Storm water The management of systems to deal with storm water in built-up areas Trading regulations The regulation of any area facility and/or activity related to the trading of goods and services within the municipal area not already being regulated by national and provincial legislation Water (Potable) The establishment, operation, management and regulation of a potable water supply system, including the services and infrastructure required for the regulation of water conservation, purification, reticulation and distribution; bulk supply to local supply Sanitation The establishment, provision, operation,

42 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

management, maintenance and regulation of a system, including infrastructure, for the collection, removal, disposal and/or purification of human excreta and domestic waste-water to ensure minimum standard of service

Function Definition Amusement facilities A public place for entertainment. The area for /Beaches recreational opportunities and facilities along the sea shore available for public use and any other aspect in this regard which falls outside the competence of the national and provincial government. Billboards and the display of The display of written or visual descriptive material, advertisements in public any sign or symbol or light that is not intended solely places for illumination or as a warning against danger which: promotes the sale and / or encourages the use of goods and services found in:–streets The display of written or visual descriptive material, Cemeteries, funeral any sign or symbol or light that is not intended solely parlours and crematoria for illumination or as a warning against danger which: promotes the sale and / or encourages the use of goods and services found in:–streets Cemeteries, funeral The establishment conduct and control of facilities for parlours and crematoria the purpose of disposing of human and animal remains. Cleansing The cleaning of public streets, roads and other public spaces either manually or mechanically Control of public nuisance The regulation, control and monitoring of any activity, Facilities for the The provision of and/or the regulation, control and accommodation, care and monitoring of facilities which provide accommodation burial of animals and care for well or sick animals and the burial or cremation of animals, including monitoring of adherence to any standards and registration require Fencing and fences The provision of and/or the regulation, control and monitoring of facilities which provide accommodation and care for well or sick animals and the burial or cremation of animals, including monitoring of adherence to any standards and registration require Licensing of dogs The control over the number and health status of dogs through a licensing mechanism. Licensing and control of Ensuring the quality and the maintenance of undertakings that sell food environmental health standards through regulation, a to the public licensing mechanism and monitoring of any place that renders in the course of any commercial transaction, the supply of refreshments or meals for consumption

43 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Function Definition Local amenities The provision, manage, preserve and maintenance of any municipal place, land, and building reserved for the protection of places or objects of scenic, natural, historical and cultural value or interest and the provision and control of any such or other fa Local sport facilities The provision, management and/or control of any sport facility within the municipal area. Markets The establishment, operation, management, conduct, regulation and/or control of markets other than fresh produce markets including market permits, location, times, conduct etc. Municipal parks and The provision, management, control and maintenance recreation of any land, gardens or facility set aside for recreation, sightseeing and/or tourism and includes playgrounds but excludes sport facilities. Municipal roads The construction, maintenance, and control of a road which the public has the right to and includes, in addition to the roadway the land of which the road consists or over which the road extends and anything on that land forming part of, connected with, Noise pollution The control and monitoring of any noise that adversely affects human health or well-being or the ecosystems useful to mankind, now or in the future. Public places The management, maintenance and control of any land or facility owned by the municipality for public use Refuse removal, refuse the removal of any household or other waste and the dumps and solid waste disposal of such waste in an area, space or facility disposal established for such purpose, and includes the provision, maintenance and control of any infrastructure or facility to ensure a clean and healthy environment Street trading The control, regulation and monitoring of the selling of goods and services along a public pavement or road reserve Street lighting The provision and maintenance of lighting for the illuminating of streets

44 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Function Definition Traffic and parking The management and regulation of traffic and parking within the area of the municipality including but not limited to, the control over operating speed of vehicles on municipal roads. Municipal public works Any supporting infrastructure or services to empower a municipality to perform its functions Source: Municipal Demarcation Board

1.12.1 Political Structure

The political structure consists of the 3 full time councillors which is the Mayor, the Speaker, Chief Whip.



Audit Committee

Performance Management Audit Committee

Ward Committees

Remuneration Committee

Council Sub-Committees (Portfolios)

45 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Roles and responsibilities are as outlined in the Municipal structures Act, 32 of 2000. 1.12.2 Administrative Structure Municipal Manager

Chief financial Manager: Manager: Manager Officer Technical Social Corporate Services Services Services

Modimolle municipality makes provision of 279 posts in the organogram, 275 are permanent post and filled and 301 are part time/temporary. Most part time workers are labourers and employed in the Social services department for the cleaning of streets, cemeteries, cleaning of municipal facilities, and maintenance. The number of vacant posts varies from time to time due to high labour turnover.

The Municipality is divided into 5 Municipal departments and each being headed by the section 57 manager who reports to the Municipal Manager.

The 4 departments have Corporate services, Social Services, Finance, Technical services and Planning Unit. The IDP unit is within the Office of the Municipal Managers.

The 4 departments have sub components as depicted in the attached organogram.

Currently we do not have a planning department and planning issues are shared amongst the Corporate services, IDP and Technical Services departments. The Municipality will established a planning unit for 2009/10. See Annexure G

46 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

1.12.3 Employment Equity

The Municipality has two female section 57 managers (Manager Technical Service Manager and the Chief Financial Officer). We have only two female divisional manager and 14 male divisional managers. 26% of the employees are females and the 74% are males.

The Municipality has developed and approved an Employment Equity Plan, which seeks to address issues of equitable representation of both genders.

The municipality has employed only two disabled people. It is a challenge to employ disabled people due to the municipal lack of capacity to provide proper infrastructure that will meet the Occupational Health and safety required standards.

1.12.4 Affirmative Action

The municipality has the intention to employ 70% of previously disadvantaged individuals and 30% of previously advantaged (PDI). Currently top management are all PDI. Table 20: Affirmative Action POSITIO MALES FEMALES TOT N AL AFRIC COLOUR INDIA WHI AFRIC COLOUR INDIA WHI AN ED N TE AN ED N TE Section 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 57 manager s Division 10 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 14 al Manage rs Level 3 182 1 1 7 59 2 1 8 261 employe es and below Total 194 1 1 10 62 2 1 8 279

47 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

1.12.5 Skills Development Facilitation. Skills Development Facilitation Act, requires municipalities to ensure that it capacitate the institution through training and any other means that will ensure the development of skills. Just in the first quarter of this current financial year the municipality has already provided about 15 trainings.

The municipality has developed a policy on training , which include bursaries for internal and external loans; and a study bursary policy, which makes provision for or granted to the indigent family children exceptional academic excellence (MFMA secular 8, 2004) and children who come from middle class earning families. The bursary is granted to pay 100% of the bursary holders study fees. A study bursary may also be granted to a municipal employee to enable him/her to improve his/her qualifications.

However the number of bursaries to be awarded will be determined by the availability of funds every year.

This policy does not include or outline adjudication committees that will oversees the awarding of these bursaries, which may pose a challenge to a municipality in cases where the municipality will be accused of unfair practices.

1.12.6 Internal Audit

The internal audit office is under capacitated with only two officials the Head Internal Auditor and internal Audit officer. Currently the unit is utilising the assistance of two learners.

The office has developed an audit plan which provides a schedule of when municipal function will be audited. A risk assessment programme is being coordinated and managed from this office. The Department of Local government and Housing has

48 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 employed Price Water Coopers PTD (PTY) to assist the municipality with the risk assessment programme.

An internal audit committee has been established and oversees both financial and performance issues.

1.12.7 Performance Management System

Municipal SDBIPs for all section 57 managers were developed and approved (2008/09 financial year) within 14 days after budget approval, as required by MFMA. There is a gap in terms of the alignment of the SDBIPs to the IDPs objectives and budget. This was also due to lack of capacity within the municipality.

The Municipality is currently in the process of developing Organisational Performance Management System. Training has been provided for by DBSA to all divisional managers.

1.12.8 Reporting

Managers meetings sit once a month and all managers report on all Key Performance Indicators

There is poor coordination of information for reporting purposes to external stakeholders. This is due to lack of emphases of this element in the communication strategy. The strategy has been developed and approved and will be reviewed annually.

The municipality has previously received unqualified reports in the previous years and still awaiting response for 2007/8 report.

49 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

1.12.9 Communication Strategy A communication unit has been established and currently under-staffed. The role of this unit is to ensure that there is proper internal and external communication. It should within it communication strategy identify appropriate and effective mechanisms of communications and ensure that communication is in line with Municipal Structures Act, 32 of 2000. It should also emphasise on issues of protocol or line authority; and identify all structures, forums and committees and outline the flow of information between these structures. See Annexure H

Currently structures are working in isolation and there is no information sharing.

1.12.10 Institutional Challenges

• Lack of understanding of performance management System. As a result the roll out of the PMS has been challenged.

• The municipality has only two disabled employee. It is a challenge to employ disabled people due to the municipal lack of capacity to provide appropriate infrastructure that meets the Occupational Health required standards

• No staff retention strategy in place. The municipality is experiencing high staff-turn over. Most employees will resigns after being with the municipality for a minimum period of 6 months and maximum period of a year.

• Lack of implementation of policies due to shortage of staff and under- capacity.

• Lack of support staff in all directorates. Managers are at the most held up in meetings and with no one to continue with the administration/ office work.

50 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

13. WARD BASED ANALYSIS AND NEEDS IDENTIFICATION Ward based meetings were coordinated by the IDP office. Communities were invited through the media. The dates of the meeting were advertised in both national and local news papers. Loud hailing was conducted a day before and few hours before the meeting commenced. The meetings were chaired by IDP portfolio head and managers of internal departments attended the meetings.

The purpose of the meetings was to outline the IDP process and to primarily involve communities throughout the IDP process. This meeting has been one of the IDP consultative meetings which the municipality was able to focus on individual wards and allow communities to prioritise for themselves. Ward 1 This ward includes Leseding Extension 1, 2 and 3. Settlements patterns are township and informal settlements. Dwelling houses in extension 1 and 2 are mostly made of brick and cement and extension 3 are mainly tin houses and the settlement has encroached into the land fill site; currently challenging the legal status of the landfill site and it is a health threat to the community. Most streets are not surfaced. Shortage of water is a primary challenge and the municipality is still being faced with the challenge of acquiring land that has been identified to have sufficient water to supply the community due to exorbitant prices.

The following issues were forwarded during an IDP Ward meeting held on the 5th November 2008.  Shortage of water supply at Leseding  Need of sale of electricity after hours at Mabatlane  storm water problem at Leseding a huge concern poor community members losing their furniture due to running storm water into their houses  unemployment and poverty at high rate  need of street names in Leseding to ease emergency services and police  RDP houses are of poor quality and  Council to consider integration of communities during consultative process  Need for sewer reticulation in Mabatlane town residents

51 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

 Need for stop signs at corner Sanddrift road and Mabusela street  Need for staggered junction at town clinic  Improvement of road markings and closure of the storm water channel along R33 to Lephalale  Need side walking pavements to protect school children from the roads especially at Waterberg street  Need to adjust library hours  Books at the library are very old  Incomplete housing projects at Leseding  Leseding rocky and poor people unable to dig pitlatrine toilets  Multi allocation of stands in Leseding to the few individuals who turn those into shebeens, tuck shops and cottages  Need of crèche in Leseding ext.2  Need programme on women empowerment in business and skills development  Municipal hall rental is high and NGOs unable to utilize  Need to have police station to be built on government property as currently challenged to improve at private property  Need connection of toilets at Mabaleng RDP (houses)  The Municipal IDP Analysis discussion document written in English only and that poses challenges to the members of community to interpret  Need of sport facilities in Mabaleng  RDP houses have major cracks and most roofing are blown away by wind  Need the informal settlement in Mabaleng to be developed  Youth Advisory Centre Services not reaching youth in Mabaleng  Need bursaries and information must be distributed in time  Need sale of electricity after hours  Need Apollo lights

52 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Ward 3 Ward three is mainly farm areas, including WitKlip (24 rivers), Boschdraai (Tretson/Melkrevier farms), Doorfontein (Driefontein farms) and (Lombad (Nylstene factory area). The roads are nit surfaced and are accessing water from bore wholes. Most agricultural activities (ALRAD) projects are concentrated in the area. The area has been identified as an agricultural hub in the SDF of Modimolle. This implies that no township establishment will be approved in the area or rezoning from current zone to residential. The farms will not be converted to game farming or any other type of zone.

The following issues were raised during an IDP Ward meeting held on the 10 th November 2008  Land for settlement (agri-village)  Security of tenure at Boschdraai (Baber’s farm) for those families with many years residing on the farm  Electricity connections  Water supply to family yards  Public transport  Information on how to start a business

Ward 4 Ward 4 includes Modimolle town (weesgerus, Kokanje, Bosveldsig, Korokreek) and Phahameng ext 10. The area is highly urbanised, mainly townships and few surrounding farms. Extention 10 is still under construction and it still has to be connected to our sewer plant, which is currently full to capacity.

Ward 5 Ward 4 includes Freedom park (ext 7), part of Phomolong (ext 8) and Park ext 9. The area is mostly characterised by informal settlements and RDP houses. All households are currently receiving municipal services. Households access water from communal taps and have prepaid electric system. The roads are not surfaced. The ward is characterised by an air strip which is mainly utilised for sky

53 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

diving. The informal settlement is within 2meters of the air strip which compromise the legal status of the strip. The strip is threatened by life stock and community members who break the fence and potential fires from grass that’s preserved from grazing on the ERF adjacent the strip.

During the IDP ward meeting held in Nov 2008 need for houses was prioritised. No other matters were raised during this meeting.

Ward 6 Ward 6 includes Mandela village (ext 5 and 6 and part of Phomolong (Phahameng). Part of Phomolong is characterised by township and informal settlement. The dwelling houses in the latter mentioned extensions are built of brick and cement and Freedom Park is dominated by tin houses.

During the IDP Ward meeting housing was noted as a pressing matter.

Ward 7 Ward 7 includes Phahameng Township (Old section) and Middlefontein farms. This ward is characterised by a township settlement. Dwelling structures are build of bricks and cement and have access to all municipal services. Households have piped water connected to households and are mostly registered with the municipality. Most streets are surfaced and connected street lights.

During the IDP ward meeting held in Nov 2008 issues were raised in the following order of importance; roads and storm water drainage, insufficient street lights, inadequate electricity supply to households and none maintenance of a parks in Ext 5

Ward 8 Ward 8 is mainly characterised by township settlement and CBD. It includes areas such as Hospital view (ext 15) eastern side of R101 up to cyferfontein and Holme park farms. All households are registered and receiving municipal services. Most

54 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

roads are surfaced and street lights functional. The CBD is mainly characterised by retail stores, and an industrial site. Dwelling structures are built of brick and cement. Dwelling households are mostly stand alone households and flats. The ward is for highly densities; households have big stands that provide an opportunity for subdivisions.

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Strategy Development phase mainly focuses on development of strategies that illustrates how the municipality is going to address challenges and needs identified in the Analysis Phase.

Internal departments develop broad strategies and take into consideration available resource, skills Institutional competency; SWOT analysis; and powers and functions of the municipality.

This Phase includes: • Development of Micro strategies that illustrates how challenges and needs are to be addressed. • Demonstrate how the municipality is going to achieve its Vision and Mission. • It address the six Key performance Area as outlined by “New” IDP guide lines, which mainly emphasise that the IDP must be spatially orientated.

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2.1 VISION Modimolle Local Municipality is an organization delivering affordable services in order to improve the quality of life to all its communities.


To achieve customer satisfaction by:  Safe and Healthy Environment  Optimum Utilisation of resources in an open and transparent manner  Accessible, uninterrupted services and quality control  Sound Financial management


 Infrastructure development to support provision of water and sanitation; and development of roads to support Economic viable nodes.  Institutional transformation  Economic Development: Promote Business investment and Market the municipality  Job creation and Poverty alleviation  Enhancing Public Participation and Good Governance

2.4 MUNICIPAL BROAD OBJECTIVES  To provide our local community with services as prescribed by the Constitution of RSA  To create a conducive environment for local economic development and business investment.  To develop municipal infrastructure so as to support economic development and growth

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 To develop our local community so as to create a mature and self sustained society  To ensure optimum service delivery through institutional development.  To develop planning framework that will ensure value for money.


CONSTITUTION OF RSA (108 OF 1996) Section 152, outlines the objects of Local Government:  To provide democratic and accountable communities  To ensure the provision of services to communities in a suitable manner  To promote social and economic development

Provincial Growth Development Strategy (PGDS) The PGDS is to set pace and tone for growth and development in the province. It is underpinned by the reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), the National Spatial Development Plan (NSDP) and all provincial documents that have bearing on growth and development in Limpopo

The PDGS is framed by programmes and targets set out in the state of the National Address. In particular targets have been set for poverty alleviation, infrastructure delivery, sills development and intergovernmental relations improvements including improved alignment of Planning framework and structures for improvement government –civil society interactions.

The PDGS set out the following objectives:  Improving the quality of life  Growing the economy, sustainable jobs, innovation and competitiveness  Improving institutional efficiency and effectiveness of Government  Attaining Regional Integration

Modimolle Local Municipality will ensure that the PGDS objectives are through the Local Economic Development initiatives within the LED strategy framework.

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Development Facilitation Act (DFA) The primary objective of the DFA is to promote the implementation of the reconstruction and development programme (RDP), and hence to facilitate development by speeding up the development process, to experdise housing delivery and to rectify the desperate urban form.

The Municipality is currently developing the SDF and Land use Management Schemes to ensure that the DFA principles and objectives are achieved.


Broad Development Strategies are KPAs focused. Strategies outline how the municipality is to address Key Performance areas, taking into consideration available resources, such as natural resources, financial resource and human capital.

The “new” IDP guidelines outline six Key Performance Areas as follows:  KPA 1: Spatial perspective  KPA 2: Institutional development and Transformation  KPA 3: Infrastructure Development  KPA 4: Local Economic Development  KPA 5: Financial Viability  KPA 6: Good Governance and Good Public Participation

Broad development strategies are Key Performance orientated. These broad strategies are developed in such a way that available resource are optimally utilised to achieve the key performance areas mentioned above.

2.6.1 STRATEGY 1: KPA 1: Spatial Rationale The municipality will ensure strategic planning through development spatial development framework, to provide direction and guidance for future development.

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2.6.2 STRATEGY 2: KPA 2: Institutional development and Transformation To optimally employ Human and Financial Capital and ensure optimum output through relevant training and moral boost.

2.6.3 STRATEGY 3: KPA 3: Infrastructure Development developing infrastructure within a National, provincial and local government Space framework and employing 100% funding provided (both internal and Grand funding) for development within required time frame.

2.6.4 STRATEGY 4: KPA 4: Local Economic Development To create a conducive economic viable environment for business development through development of Local Economic development strategy, investment development strategies and policies, and capacitating LED Unit.

2.6.5 STRATEGY 5: KPA 5: Financial Viability Ensure financial viability through institutional capacity building and review of financial policies.

2.6.6 STRATEGY 6: KPA 6: Good Governance and Good Public Participation To promote good governance by providing training to senior management and councillors on municipal process and procedures; to develop and engage in a awareness campaign on municipal processes and engagement.

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2.7 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES 2.7.1 KPA 1: SPATIAL PERSPECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STRATEGY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR INDICATOR Spatial Development To develop spatial development To develop a spatial development framework Approved Spatial framework through the assistance of DLG, DLA, OTP DWAF, development framework District and DLGH by end June 2009 Land Use Management To develop land use To develop a Land use management Strategy Land use management Scheme management strategy to strategy developed by end optimise effective land usage June 2009 Land use Policies To develop urban line policy to To develop Urban Line Policy through consultation Approved Urban line Policy avoid urban sprawls and with all stakeholders within the SDF framework by end June 2010 preserve agricultural land Geographic Information To develop an infrastructure in To review and update the GIS GIS information to be System formation management system To employ a GIS Personnel updated on monthly bases. To offer training to GIS users in the municipality, which include all Managers and Divisional managers in Technical Services Department by end June 2009

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2.7.2 KPA 2: INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION KEY PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STRATEGY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR INDICATOR Organisational Design and To develop an organisational To review the organisational structure through Reviewed and approved Human Resource Capacity structure that will enable the identification of organisational components such organisational structure by

municipality to achieve its Vision as Capital resources, positions and job description end July 2008 and ensure that strategies are developed to ensure that these components are structured in such a way that the municipality is able to achieve its Vision. Skill development To provide appropriate training To develop a skills development plan that is to be Develop skills development to all levels of employees informed, among others by Performance Plan by July 2009 To ensure that employees are Management reports. skilled to be perform their duties Gender Equity To ensure that the gender equity To make reference to the Municipal Equity plan requirements are met during employment process of all posts to be filled in 2009/10 Performance To ensure implementation of the To develop a monitoring and evaluation system as Approved PMS Framework,

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Management System IDP to track the performance of the municipality PMS Plan, Individual PMS policy and SDBIPs: 14 days after budget/IDP approval PMS quarterly reports

63 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

2.7.3 KPA 3: INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT WATER AND SANITATION KEY PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STRATEGY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR INDICATOR Free Basic Water Services To ensure that all communities To review the indigent policy. An approved in digent of Modimolle has access to To review and update the indigent register as policy by end July 2009 water guided by the indigent policy and through the An updated indigent assistance of CDWs. register on quarterly bases To review our revenue collection policy to ensure A reviewed and approved that the municipality is in a position to subsidise revenue strategy. indigents. To identify more water projects to be funded by MIG. All communities have To ensure that all communities To determine the demand of water and sewer 35 000 registered access to clean water and have access to clean water and through verification of backlog water and sewer households with access to decent sanitation. decent sanitation by 2010 connections. water and sanitation To develop a Water Service Management Plan to ensure that all communities have access to clean

64 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


Verification of municipal To ensure that data on backlog is To develop a information management strategy backlog verified and establish on data

base Ensure access of water To ensure that that all school To ensure that all households around schools have Better living conditions and sanitation to have access to water access to water by 2010 community facilities To begin bi-literals with department of education on the water debt and develop a water management strategy To ensure that all clinic have To assess access of water and sanitation of all Ensure that all water access to water and sanitation health facilities and ensure that all challenges are capital project to be by 2009 costed and budgeted for. IDP/Budget approved by June 2009 Reduction of unaccounted for Development of a water demand and conservation Approved WDCP by June water plan by June 2009 2009

ELECTRICITY Access to Free Basic To ensure that all communities To ensure proper forward planning to ensure that 100% household have Electricity have access to electricity by the municipality is able to provide for all its access to electricity

65 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

2010. communities including informal settlement by 2010 New electricity To ensure that all communities To increase that the municipality through MIG and 100% electric connections and new big developments have DME funding ensure increase electricity capacity connections by 2011

access to electricity by 2010 of 20MVA to 40MVA WASTE REMOVAL

Cleanness To ensure that the municipality Development of Waste Removal Policy Ongoing optimum is environment is clean and to Waste Removal Strategy cleanness and a healthy become the rated one of the society cleansed municipality. ROADS Roads Infrastructure To develop a road Network that To ensure implementation of the strategy through Implementation plan for development will support the socio- economic employment of MIG, internal funding, MIG, 2009/10 and quarterly

progress reports. development of the Commercial funding and PPPs. Approved Road Master municipality. To ensure adoption and implementation of road Plan master plan Maintenance and Rehabilitation of roads and storm water drainage

66 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Housing To ensure that all individuals To capacitate our the housing unit and develop a Housing Plan to be have access to Housing housing plan that will indicate the demand and developed by July 2011, various factors contributing to the growth of the within IDP review demand, strategies and projects to attend to all framework for 2010/11 housing function. The Plan should ensure integration and alignment in terms of planning and implementation. To uplift the standard of living of Through township establishment that is with a Alignment of LPGDS and our communities. distance that communities can access employment LED strategy, SDF. To develop integrated human nodes and community facilities settlements

67 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

2.7.4 KPA 4: Local Economic Development KEY PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STRATEGY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR INDICATOR Agriculture To create jobs and reduce To identify potential agricultural areas and Land Ownership by co- poverty strengthen investment in the sector. corporatives by 2014 To ensure sustainable economic To introduce land rehabilitation programmes to Increased Economic growth and skills development prevent land degradation. growth To promote transfer of skills by private partnership 5% jobs created by June to the community and small scale farmers 2010 To promote entrepreneurial skills in the 30% Skilled society municipality. Influx of new businesses Retained businesses Attractive business environment Increase in business investors

68 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Local Economic Development Manufacturing and trade To establish policies that will encourage and attract business establishment in the municipality. Develop strategies that will assist to retain business and encourage investment. Tourism To declare, develop, and To develop a marketing strategy that will put Growth of the tourism promote Modimolle Local Modimolle Local Municipality on the tourism map. Industry Municipality as a Tourism Hub To develop corridors for better accessibility of the Conducive and Safe tourism spots and map in such a way that they Environment for Tourism encourage development. To promote heritage sites and use the tourism doorway to the Modimolle To develop appropriate tourism skills and promote cultural tourism attraction. To develop programmes that will allow the community to be part of tourism development and become shareholders or beneficiaries in those projects.

69 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Local Economic Development Mining To support the implementation To establish lines of communication between the Established social of the mining charter DME & the municipality to ensure that all mining responsibility programmes requirements. activities within the MLM jurisdiction develop and projects that benefit To ensure that mining undertake social responsibility plans. the municipality by July their social responsibilities. 2010. To ensure that future spatial and infrastructure development takes cognizance of the impact of existing mining operations. Ensure that public sector investment is critical in infrastructure development.

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Capacity building & skills To develop a self sustainable To create database of SMME and private 60% achieved of the vision development economy. companies. of the municipality by 2010 To encourage the culture of To encourage partnership between SMMEs and 70% service delivery. entrepreneurship private business for the purpose of transfer of skills.

71 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Local Economic Development Capacity building & skills To develop a self sustainable To develop a programme that will continuously 60% achieved of the vision development economy. support SMMEs to encourage them to grow into of the municipality by 2010 To encourage the culture of big businesses. 70% service delivery. entrepreneurship To develop institutional programmes that will capacitate LED personnel on international tourism issues. To source funding for the purpose of SMMEs and NGOs development. To establish an information point or help desk for SMMEs or entrepreneurs. To develop school livers programmes and liaise with higher institutions in the province to assist with those programmes.

Infrastructure To develop corridors for better accessibility to the LED strategy end June tourism spots and map in such a way that they 2009, SDF, Road Master encourage development. Plan, By-Laws

72 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Local Economic Development Marketing and Promotion To attract tourists and business To Develop a marketing strategy Approved Marketing investors strategy by December 2009 Focus upgrading of high visible areas such as the Advertising Bill board to be main entrances to Modimolle Town (N1 access: erected by 2011 June. R33) through erection of advertising bill boards of products and the municipality on the R33 bridge that crosses over the NI.

73 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


Financial policies To reduce municipal debt and Review of debt collection and credit policy to Debited debt account of revenue collection reduce the debt account from xxxxx to xxxxx by xxxx by end June 2010 end June 2010 through employment of human capital and review of SLA between the municipality and Debt collector.

To produce a credible indigent Review of indigent policy and verification of Increased revenue register indigent status through the assistance of CDWs.

To have sound financial Capacitating the finance department and proving Unqualified report management additional staff in the organisational structure.

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2.7.6 KPA 6: GOOD GOVERNANCE AND GOOD PUBLIC PARTICIPATION KEY PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STRATEGY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR INDICATOR Communication To establish good relations To review communication strategy and ensure  An approved between the municipality and it that it emphasises on lines of communications communication strategy s community between all stakeholders and ensure that the by June 2009 To communicate with the municipality provides feedback to its stakeholders.  Summarised IDPs by end municipality in an appropriate To develop a summarised and readable IDP July 2009 manner. document and translated in Sepedi and Afrikaans  Increase the number of To lessen misunderstandings for better understanding. Notice boards and conflicts between the To ensure that information reaches our  Established Local radio municipality and its communities communities through various mechanisms or tools station by 2011 To ensure that our communities such as newsletters packaged in their monthly bills understand municipal processes utilise local news papers, establish local radio To ensure that all communities newspaper, put up notices on notice boards and have access to information. loud hail for meetings and other announcements.

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Good Governance To develop sound political and To provide training on Municipal Process, Training August 2009 Principles Management leadership to steer legislation and advanced management to all the municipality in fulfilling its councillors and management vision, Mission and desired local economic development outcomes.

Service Delivery To provide better service Ensuring that all municipal strategies are Reports on Customer delivery through adhering to community orientated and prioritising community service reports on monthly Batho Pele Principles needs. bases

To ensure that management Corporate Discipline shall adhere to behaviour that is To develop workshop both political and Training June 2010. universally recognised and management on Disciplinary procedures accepted

76 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

2.7.8 MUNICIPAL KPA 8: COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT KEY PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE STRATEGY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR INDICATOR Parks, Sport, Recreation To develop a socially responsible Develop and maintain sports facility in Alma, Maintenance Plan July facilities community Vaalwater and Modimolle/Phahameng by 2009 soliciting funds from private sector/donors and department of Sports, Arts and Culture. To optimally utilise sport To ensure that the Marketing strategy of the Marketing Plan August facilities municipality promotes Ephraim Mogale Stadium. 2009 Open Spaces To enhance the natural features To develop open space system, predicated mainly Attractive environment. of the municipality on natural features such as streams, dams, dams, wetlands and mountains through public private partnership. Safety and Security To ensure that all members of Develop ensure the integration of all programmes Integrated Social the community live in a safe of the municipality, SAP , Department of Health Development Plan August environment and Social Services are integrated. 2009

77 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

The spatial Development framework guides development within a municipality. It analysis the space, identify natural and manmade resources that are to be taken into

consideration when planning and

developing. All sector plans must be in line with the SDF. The SDF provides investors with municipal desired development pattern. It that identifies sensitive areas (mineral, wetlands), rivers mountains and quantous for the purpose of directing development or

growth. It provides a clear character or

identity of a municipality and its

potential for growth.

SDF objectives is to ensure that the

municipality utilise vacant land

strategically; Ensure integration of

human settlements for cost effective

infrastructure development, To ensure

that the road and transport network

systems is integrated with town

planning schemes and development, to

promote mixed use, high density

development for better management

of the infrastructure and promote

corridors along economic (tourism and Agriculture) nodes.

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3. SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK(SDF) The Spatial Development Framework is developed within a framework which enables and direct development in an appropriate and desired manner.

3.1 LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK Among other, the SDF must be developed with the following legislative framework.

3.1.1 National Spatial Development Perspective (NSPD) NSDP’s vision is that South Africa will become a nation in which investment in infrastructure and development programmes support government growth and development objectives by focusing on economic growth and employment creation in areas where this is most effective and sustainable; by supporting restructuring where feasible to ensure greater competitiveness; by fostering development on the basis of local potential; and ensuring that development institutions are able to provide basic needs throughout the country.

3.1.2 Development Facilitation Act objectives , among others states that: The objectives relating to the urban and rural growth and form in the relevant area, including objectives in relations to sustained utilization of the environment, the provision of bulk infrastructure for the purpose of land development, the optimum utilization of natural resources, and

The development strategies of the relevant authority in relation to Facilitation of the optimal involvement of sectors of the economy or of sub sectors thereof involved in the land development.

3.1.3 Provincial Growth and Development strategy Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) among others is to have a developmental economic approach that concurrently address issues of sustained economic growth, reduction, reduction of poverty, unemployment and creation of jobs as part of an intrinsic whole; Support GDS Strategic objectives that are:

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• Provisioning of social and economic infrastructure and services that will build suitable communities and contribute to halving poverty • Accelerated labour absorbing economic growth that increase per annum and that will create long-term sustainable jobs and contribute to halving unemployment • Sustainable Socio-economic development

3.1.4 Land Use Management Bill

The bill requires Municipalities to develop an SDF and included it in IDP in terms of section 26(3) of the Municipal Systems Act. The municipality must: Give effect to the directive principle and be consistent with National, Provincial and District Spatial Development Framework

Other legislative framework: • Municipal System Act, 32 of 2000 • Municipal structures Act, 32 of 2000 • Protected Areas Act, 2003 • Biodiversity Act, 2004 • National Water Act, 1998 • Conservation and Agricultural Resources Act


Modimolle local municipality is mainly rural with three town, Modimolle town, Vaalwater and Alma. Modimole has been noted as a growth nodal point and the other two as service points. The municipality is characterized by informal settlements, farm settlements, farm and townships. The municipality is mostly bushveld with average condition of soil and rainfall of ±500ml per annum.

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Modimolle Local Municipality is strategically located, with the N1 passing through from our neighbouring Gauteng province into Limpopo province. The R33 is a freight corridor that connects the east and the west. It is used mostly by trucks passing through Modimolle to Lephalale Local Municipality. The road is very narrow and a lot of accidents have occurred due to trucks. However the road is currently under the process of being changed to a National road and it is being upgraded. The R101 is a mobility link that connects the South to the east and trucks are restricted to use it; a fine of R10 000 is being stipulated for non compliance. Trucks driving from Bela-Bela to Modimolle use Eersbewoon road pass through Modimolle town and then proceed to Mokgopong or Polokwane using the R101. The economic contribution of this trucks is not yet determined and are instead damaging the roads. Trucks are currently being restricted to use Kranskop road that links Modimolle to Mokgopong. The two roads that link Modimolle town and Mabaleng are gravel roads, which pose a challenge on our public transport system. See Map 2; See Annexure C: Road Master Plan

The SDF propose Land use management strategies that ensures that the agricultural land is protected. The SDF indicates that the tourism sector is growing and the sector is a threat to the agricultural sector. Most farms are converted into game farms for economic reasons. The R33 passes through the town connecting the town to Modimolle town from the eastern site and Lephalale which is to the western site. The R33 has been identified as a freight corridor. Due to the development in Lephalale the number of trucks has increased and the road is currently being upgraded. This road also provides access to tourism destinations within the municipality. The municipality is in the processes of declaring Modimolle Mountain as a heritage site. The area is currently being challenged by lack of accessibility from the NI. The municipality is desires to that the kranskop road be opened for the usage from Trucks and accessibility to the Mountain. The kranskop road is proposed as freight corridor to lessen the number of trucks passing through town. See Annexure A: SDF

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Map 3 and Map 5 depicts Natural resources and sensitive area in the municipality, such rivers, river buffers, dams, wetlands, and environmental sensitive areas. The area in and around existing development is compatible less sensitive and for human settlements. Map 7 identifies farm claims gazette to date. Map 3, indicates that areas around settlement areas the surface is flatter, and the concentration of contours represents a strip of mountains.

Map 9 defines land uses in Modimolle local municipality. It depicts that most cultivated land in and around Mabaleng (Alma) and along the mountain strip from the north-west side to the south-eastern side of the municipality. Subsistence farming activities are very minimal, due to the unavailability of land to support agricultural activities.

Map 4 identifies Modimolle as a Provincial Growth point. Modimolle townp/Phahameng has an opportunity to grow the administration sector, since most Regional offices are located in the town; the growth of the latter mentioned sector will positively impact on the property industry and construction trade. Alma is a municipal service point and Vaalwater a Municipal growth point. The population in Mabatlane is growing at a fast rate, hence the growth in development.


A tool used by a municipality to manage development within a local municipality. It must be compiled in accordance with the vision, strategies and policies of the Integrated Development Plan and Spatial Development Framework of the local municipality in the interests of the general public to promote sustainable development and quality of life and formally approved in terms of relevant legislation and consists of a map and a set of regulations by which land use is managed.

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The following critical issues must be covered by the LUMS:  Those uses that are freely permitted, permitted with the consent of the Municipality and prohibited on a piece of land  The shape, size and position of buildings, any parking, loading, access and egress requirements on each piece of land (subdivision).  These regulations may be formulated as more general guidelines in policy based Schemes or specific rules in more prescriptive Schemes.

The objectives of a LUMS can be summed as follows:  To designate desirable land uses and provide clarity on what may or may not occur on a property and what may be considered at the discretion of the municipality  To promote the certainty of land use which protects property values and creates investor confidence  To protect the amenity of adjacent land uses  To resolve conflict between different land uses and to control negative externalities  To balance the interests of individuals with those of the public  To enable the co-ordinated and efficient use of land  To enable the efficient movement of persons and goods  To promote the economy  To protect natural resources (ecosystem services) including agricultural resources (high potential agricultural land)  To protect unique areas or features  To protect cultural resources and places of religious and cultural significance  To manage land generally including change of land use  To provide a statutory basis for public involvement  To provide a means of enforcement  To ensure the reservation of land for longer-term uses.  To enable the co-ordinated and efficient use of land  To enable the efficient movement of persons and goods  To promote the economy

83 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

 To protect natural resources (ecosystem services) including agricultural resources (high potential agricultural land)  To protect unique areas or features  To protect cultural resources and places of religious and cultural significance

 To manage land generally including change of land use  To provide a statutory basis for public involvement  To provide a means of enforcement  To ensure the reservation of land for longer-term uses. See Annexure B: LUMS

4.4 ROAD MASTER PLAN AND MAINTAINANCE PLAN The Road Master Plan and Maintenance Plan provides the municipality with the status quo of the existing road network in Modimolle LM, assess the current condition of the existing network, determine and prepare appropriate maintenance, repairs and upgrading actions; prepare cost estimation for the budget planning purpose and establish a system of prioritisation of maintenance and upgrading needs.

3.5 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY The purpose of the LED strategy provides the municipality with an economic analysis of the municipality, indicating potential and economic competitive sectors. It identifies resources within the municipality and provides strategies on how to optimally utilize the resources. See Annexure D: LED strategy

The LED strategy is developed within the Spatial Development Framework and Provincial growth and development strategy. It is implemented within the IDP framework. The development of the strategy is directed by economic challenges identified in the IDP. IDP then prioritise proposed projects and programmes by the strategy. This Strategy is developed within the following legislative framework:

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Legislative requirements and guiding principles Legislative requirements mandate the municipality to develop local economy and offer a planning and implementing framework.

The Constitution of SA Act (108 of 1996), Section 152 (1) assigns local government inter alia with the function of promoting social and economic development.

The white paper on local government further more charges the municipalities with the responsibility of working with the local municipalities to find sustainable ways of their lives in the pursuit of being a developmental local government

Preferential Procurement Policy framework Act (Act No. 5 of 2002), Includes specific goals such as contracting with persons, or categories of persons, historically disadvantage by unfair discrimination on the basis of race, gender or disability; and also implementing programmes of the reconstruction and development programme as published in Government Gazette No. 16085 dated 23 November 1994. It allocates points to local enterprise and promotes local content which boosts the local economy.

Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (No. 53 of 2003) It advocates empowerment of black owned enterprises which would lead to economic growth and enterprise development. This would lead to job creation to the benefit of local communities.

Bathopele Principles Bathopele principles emphasizes the importance of community consultation, informing the community about the type of service they are getting and how they can access those services, being open about the processes of government and giving them value for money.

BROAD OBJECTIVE OF THE LED STRATEGY The broader objectives of the Led strategy is to develop the Modimolle Local economy through identifying economic potential areas, promote investment,

85 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 mobilize resources in our local municipality and optimize financial and administrative capacity to sustain the economy.

86 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

See all the attached Annexure for all sector plans

This phase ensures that subsequent to the strategy phase projects are developed to warrant that the identified challenges in the analysis phase are addressed.

Project development includes project costing, setting time targets, setting time frames, identifying beneficiaries,

indicating the location of the project This phase ensures that all plans, and source of funding. projects and programmes that are All funded and not funded projects are implemented within the jurisdiction of included in the IDP for the purpose of the municipality are integrated and potential funders to assist as and when aligned. they could.

Development must be within the Budget reflecting in the project sheets policies and strategies framework of is the total cost of the project, Total all spheres of Government, parastatals cost to be spend in 2009/10 financial and private sector. year and budget approved by council.

This phase ensures that all IDP Intense consultation with stakeholders plans together through a private/retails stores was done for consultative process with the proper cost estimation. Costing is community of Modimolle Local market related and has taken inflation Municipality into consideration

All projects must be spatially orientated, environmentally compatible and financially viable.

87 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

4.1 PROJECTS 2009/10

PROJECT NO. PROJECT PROJECT TOTAL BUDGET Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded STAKEHOLDE LOCATION BUDGET 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 9/10 R PROJECT PLANNING Medium Term Expenditure Review SP01 Development Urban MLM institution 250 000 250 000 NO MLM, Line Policy DLA, WDM, Dept, of Agric. SP02 Review of SDF MLM institution 700 000 700 000 GIS01 Establishment of the MLM institution 500 000 500 000 NO MLM, Data and Mapping DLA, WDM, OTP. GIS02 Development of an MLM institution 500 000 500 000 MLM, Information NO DLA, WDM, Management Plan OTP. GIS03 Capacity building and MLM institution 200 000 200 000 NO MLM, training DLA, WDM, OTP. GIS04 Engineering MLM institution 1 000 000. 1 000 000 infrastructure data and mapping INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN IDP01 Review of IDP (9 MLM 1 750 000 250 000 300 000 350 000 400 000 450 000 All spheres of Meeting, and printing Govt, of the IDP) YES parastatals, private and community of MLM IDP02 IDP youth awareness MLM schools R100 000 R10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000 YES MLM, programme Waterberg Regional Depart. of Edu

88 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

project no. Project name location Total budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded stakeholder 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 09/10 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Medium Term Expenditure Review LED01 Launch of LED strategy 350 000 350 000 YES

LED02 Development of Marketing 150 000 150 000 NO MLM, WDM, strategy DEDET, DLGH LED03 Erection of Advertising bill Modimolle 1 500 000 200 000 600 000 NO MLM, RAL, board on R33 bridge WDM, dept crossing the NI at of Modimolle Toll Gate Communicat ion LED04 (LED) SMME Development LED04/1 Areyeng Basadi recycling phagameng 400 000 150 000 50 000 100 000 YES ML project M, DLA, WDM, Dept, of Agric, Dept of Sport, Art & Culture, PPP LED04/2 Cheche recycling project Modimolle 400 000 200 000 80 000 120 000 YES LM LED04/4 Agricultural Support Modimolle 800 000 300 000 50 000 250 000 YES LM LED04/5 Construction of Market Modimolle 900 000 450 000 200 000 250 000 YES ML stalls in Modimolle LM M, DLA, WDM, Dept of Sport, Art & Culture LED04/6 Beehive Business incubation Modimolle 990 000 120 000 20 000 100 000 350 000 400 000 YES MLM, LIBSA, Centre LM SEDA

89 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

project no. Project name location Total budget 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Budget Budget Funded 09/10 stakeholder 2012/13 2013/14 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Medium Term Expenditure Review LED04/7 Youth Volunteer fund Modimolle 320 000 100 000 50 000 50 000 60 000 60 000 YES LM ( All wards) LED04/8 SMME IT initiatives MLM 400 000 200 000 50 000 150 000 YES MLM,WDM Professional Services LED04/9 Business Investment MLM 500 000 150 000 200 000 150 000 NO, Coordination To source external funding PPP Projects LED04/10 Modimolle Mountain 10 000 000 10 000 2 000 000 7 900 000 NO, MLM, National To source and external international funding tourists LED04/11 Modimolle Art Centre MLM R2m R2m NO PPP PERFORMANCE MANAGEEMENT SYSTEM PMS01 Development of PMS MLM 1 000 000 500 000 500 500 000 YES MLM, WDM, Institution 000 DLGH PMS02 Maintenance and 180 000 100 000 80 000 NO professional fees of PMS PMS02 PMS training for managers MLM 70 000 70 000 NO, to source MLM, DLGH and councillors Institution external funding

90 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Location Total Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders Project 09/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 9/10 budget ROADS AND STORM WATER DRAINAGE Medium Term Expenditure Review ROA01 Resealing of Lillian Ngoyi PhahamengWa 1m 1m MLM rd 8 ROA02 Reseal of street from Ward 8 1m 1m MLM Score to Correctional services (Nelson Mandela Drive (1.5Km) ROA03 Mabatlane Street and Ward 1, Ext 2 7.5m 7.5m MIG storm water ROA04 Phahameng streets and Ward 5, Ext 8 7.5m 7.5m MIG storm water (4km) ROA05 Joe Slovo Bridge Ward 8 6m 6m MLM upgrades ROA06 Paving of ring road Ward 8, Ext 15 2m 2m MLM ROA07 Speed humps MLM 100 000 100 000 MLM ROA08 Purchasing of a MLM 2.5m 2.5m MLM compactor machine

91 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Project Name Location Total Project Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded 09/10 Stakeholder No. budget 09/10 2010/11 2011/1 2012/13 2013/14 2 WATER AND SANITATION Medium Term Expenditure Review WAT01 Upgrading of water Modimolle Town & - - NO MLM,DWAF,D Quality Management Phahameng , To source PLG Systems and Mabatlane & - external funding Equipment Mabaleng 500,000.00 WAT02 Replacement of Modimolle Town & 1,000,000.00 R1,000,000. - - NO MLM,DWAF,D asbestos Pipe lines Phahameng 00 To source PLG external funding WAT03 Upgrading of See PMU - NO MLM,DWAF,D Doonkerpoort Water Modimolle project list - To source PLG Treatment Works - external funding WAT04 Upgrading Sewer Mabatlane See PMU - - - NO MLM,DWAF,D ponds to conventional project list To source PLG WWTW external funding WAT05 Upgrading of Modimolle See PMU - - - NO MLM,DWAF,D Modimolle Waste project list To source PLG Water treatment plant external funding WAT06 Construction of Ext 8 Phahameng R1,000,000.00 R1,000,000. - - NO MLM,DWAF,D Sewer Reticulation 00 To source PLG external funding WAT07 Replacement of main Phahameng To be NO sewer reticulation incorporated To source into the above external funding

92 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Location Total Project Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholder budget 09/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 09/10 WATER Medium Term Expenditure Review WAT09 Mabaleng light Deliver Mabaleng R190,000.00 - - - - MLM Vehicle WAT10 Upgrading of Abbattor Modimolle R2,000,000.00 - - - NO MLM, WDM sewer line WAT12 Installation and Modimolle Town 1,000,000.00 -- 300,000.00 300,000.00 NO MLM,DWAF,DPLG replacement of Water & Phahameng Valves WAT13 Water Services Master Modimolle Town 1,000,000.00 - - - NO MLM,DWAF Plan & Phahameng WAT14 Realignment of sewer Modimolle Town 3,000,000.00 - 1,000,000. 1,000,000.0 NO MLM,DWAF,DPLG reticulation & Phahameng 00 0 WAT15 Installation of telemetry MLM 3,000,000.00 - 1,000,000. 1,000,000.0 NO MLM,DWAF,DPLG System 00 0 WAT16 Replacing of vehicle fleet MLM 2, 000, 000.00 - 500,000.00 500,000.00 NO MLM,DWAF,DPLG WAT17 Upgrading of Modimolle Modimolle town 2, 500, 000.00 - - 1,500,000.0 NO MLM,DWAF,DPLG Bulk Water Supply & Phahameng 0 WAT18 Verification of water MLM 3, 000, 000.00 - 1,000,000. 1,000,000.0 NO MLM,DWAF,DPLG Services consumer 00 0 ELECTRICITY ELE01 Upgrading of substation MLM/ESKOM/DM Modimolle R27m 20% - - - E ELE02 Construction of new MLM/ESKOM/DM Modimolle R62m 20% - - substation - E ELEC03 Electrification of Ext10 MLM/ESKOM/DM Modimolle R6.6m 20% - - - E

93 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Location Total Project Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholder budget 09/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 09/10 ELECTRICITY Medium Term Expenditure Review ELE07 Purchase of Chirrie-picker MLM 380 000 - - 380 000 - MLM ELE08 Purchase of Hydraulic step MLM 100 000 - - 100 000 - MLM ladder ELE09 Purchase of office furniture MLM 120 000 - - 120 000 - MLM ELE10 Construction of office Mabatlane 60 000 - - 60 000 - MLM ELE11 Purchase of stand-by MLM 2.3m - - 2.3m - MLM generators ELE12 Installation of street lights Mabatlane Ext 1m - - 1m - MLM 04 ELE13 Installation of street lights Thabo Mbeki extension & 60 000 - - 60 000 - MLM Hans Camphor ELE14 Installation of street lights Freedom park 350 000 - - 350 000 - MLM ELE15 Installation of street lights Phahameng 150 000 - - 150 000 - MLM Ext 6 ELE16 Installation of street lights Ext 10 1m - 1m - - MLM ELE17 Installation of street lights Ext 09 500 000 - - - - MLM ELE18 Installation of high mast Hospital 350 000 - - - - MLM light Purchase of transformers, ELE19 switchgears & miniature MLM 3m - 3m - - MLM & DME substation ELE20 Purchase of HV & LV cables MLM 5m - 5m - - MLM

94 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Location Total Project Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholder budget 09/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 09/10 ELECTRICITY Medium Term Expenditure Review ELE21 Maintenance of substation/ ESKOM 5m - 5m - NO Switching station MLM &DME ELE22 Electrification of MLM 1.5m - 1.5m - NO Hanscamphor ELE23 Purchase of computers MLM 24 000 - 24 000 - NO ELE24 Electrification of Camp three NO ELE25 Upgrading of Substation Mabatlane 60m 60m NO ELE26 Electrification of Ext 11 Mabatlane 2m 2m NO ELE27 Installation of street lights Mabatlane 500 000 500 000 NO Ext 11 ELE28 Installation of street lights Mabatlane 1.2m 1.2m NO Ext 03 ELE29 Installation of street lights Modimolle 1.8m 1.8m NO ELE30 Energy Efficiency MLM 3.5m 3.5m - - MLM, NO ESKOM &DME ELE31 DSM MLM 9.8m 9.8m - - ESKOM NO &DME ELE32 Ring fencing & MSAB Sect. MLM 2.5m 2.5m - - EDI Holding NO 78

95 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Location Total Project Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholder budget 09/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 09/10 MABATLANE MANAGEMENT AREA Medium Term Expenditure Review MMA01 Paving of Mabatlane Mabatlane Municipal 200 000 - 200 000 - NO MLM Thusong Service Offices Centre Premises MMA02 Carports, 3 gates and a Mabatlane Municipal 250 000 - - 250 000 NO MLM, Government Shelter (waiting room) Offices departments MMA03 Upgrading of Mabatlane Municipal 200 000 - - 200 000 NO Community of Mabatlane Library Offices Mabatlane (new building) MMA04 Upgrading of IT Mabatlane Municipal 400 000 - 400 000 - NO MLM infrastructure (network Offices system) MMA05 Expansion of Thusong Mabatlane Municipal 200 000 - - 200 000 NO MLM, Government Service Centre Offices departments, Community of Mabatlane MMA06 Conversion of Old Mabaleng 100 000 - 100 000 - NO MLM Leseding Community hall into SMME development centre MMA07 Upgrading of office of Mabaleng 50 000 50 000 MLM Mabatlane MMA08 Office furniture Mabatlane (Area 70 000 70 000 MLM Managers’ office

96 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Project Name Project Location Total Budget 2009/10 Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders No. budget 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2009/10

COMMUNICATION Medium Term Expenditure Review COM01 Air conditioner Council Chamber 50 000 - 50 000 - NO MLM Mayors Parlour Mayors Office COM02 Council Furniture Mayor Public Gallery 350 000 - 350 000 - NO MLM Office Furniture COM03 Call Centre Main Building 450 000 - 450 000 - NO DPLG/ WDM/MLM COM04 Corporate identify Modimolle 500 000 - 500 000 - NO MLM COM05 Newsletter Modimolle 540 000 - 120 000 130 000 140 000 150 NO MLM 000 COM06 Diaries and Calender Modimolle 940 000 - 200 000 230 000 250 000 260 NO MLM 000 COM07 2 x Flat Screen TV & DVD Enquiries 35 000 - 35 000 - NO MLM Mayor’s Parlour COM08 Intercom system Main Building 200 000 - 200 000 - NO MLM, DPLG COM09 Information Boards and Main Building Offices 50 000 - 50 000 - NO WDM, GCIS Notice Boards COM10 Vedio Camera and Stand Modimolle 100 000 - 100 000 - NO MLM Digital Camera COM11 Advertising and Marketing Modimolle 450 000 - - 450 000 GCIS, MLM CORPORATE SERVICES COR01 Purchase of Land (Agri Boshdraai 3m - - 3m - - NO MLM,WDM,D Village) To source LA external funding COR02 Purchase of land (Sewer) Mabaleng 3m - 3m - - - NO MLM,WDM,D LA, DWAF COR03 Purchasing of Land (Sewer Mabatlane 8m 8m - - - NO MLM,WDM,D LA, DWAF

97 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Project Total budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders Location 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2009/10

CORPORATE SERVICES Medium Term Expenditure Review COR04 Purchasing of Mayoral Modimolle 700 000 - 700 000 - NO MLM vehicle COR05 Clocking System Modimolle 500 000 - 500 000 NO MLM COR06 Fire Borne Extinguisher, Modimolle 350 000 - 350 000 - NO MLM Server room & Store room C0R07 Water Dispenser Modimolle 50 000 - 50 000 - NO MLM COR08 Purchasing of Bakkie Modimolle 320 000 - 320 000 - NO MLM (Double Cab) COR09 Fencing of grazing camps Modimolle 320 000 - - 320 000 NO MLM, Emerging farms C0R10 Carpet at registry Modimolle 20 000 - 20 000 - NO MLM COR11 Air conditioners Modimolle 22 000 - 22 000 - NO MLM COR12 Office Furniture Modimolle 40 000 40 000 - - YES MLM COR13 Security Doors at Records Modimolle 45 000 45 000 - - YES MLM

98 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Project Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders Total budget Location 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2009/10 HUMAN RESOURCE Medium Term Expenditure Review

HR01 EAP Referrals HR 180 000 000 30 000 35 000 40 000 50 000 YES HR HR02 Organisational Review HR 30 000 35 000 HR Job Evaluation 125 000 R15 000 20 000 25 000 YES Wage Curve implementation HR03 Workplace Skills Plan HR 31 500 5 000 5 500 6000 7000 8000 YES HR HR04 Long Service Awards Corporate 45 000 50 000 Corporate 200 000 30 000 35 000 40 000 YES Services Services HR05 Medical Tests for Corporate 45 000 50 000 Corporate precautionary measures Services 200 000 30 000 35 000 40 000 YES Services on personnel’s’ health HR06 Computerising: Corporate Corporate Establishing an Services Services administrative electronic 170 000 120 000 - 50 000 YES system for filling and managing HR activities. HR07 Occupational Health Corporate 300 000 50 000 55 000 60 000 65 000 70 000 YES MLM Services HR08 Training HR 3 050 000 500 000 550 000 600 000 650 000 750 000 YES MLM

99 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Project Name Project Location Total budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders No. 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2009/10 SOCIAL SERVICES SAC & R Medium Term Expenditure Review Pak 01 Purchasing of FS 530 Brush MLM 58 000 - 58 000 - NO MLM cutter x 10 MLM Pak 02 3x Purchasing of Tractors MLM 600 000 - 600 000 - NO MLM MLM Pak 03 Design and construction of Mabatlane 2 000 000. - 1 000 000 1 000 000. NO MLM stadium MLM

Pak 05 4x M40 slasher with PTO & MLM 100 000. - 100 000. - NO MLM clutch MLM Pak 06 1x Ms 880 chain saw MLM 13 400. - 13 400. - NO MLM 1x Ms 440 chain saw MLM Pak 07 1x Pruna FS 101 MLM 11 000. - - 11 000.00 NO MLM MLM Pak 09 Parks equipment MLM 600 000 200 000 200 000 200 000 NO MLM PAK10 Heavy duty Machines MLM 415 000 265 000 100 000 50 000 YES MLM PAK11 Irrigation MLM 163 000 163 000 NO MLM system/equipments PAK12 Drainage System MLM 80 000 80 000 NO MLM PAK13 Construction of Mabatlane Mabatlane 3 000 000 1 000 0000 1 000 0000 1 000 NO MLM Stadium 0000 PAK14 Extension of Wall Ephraim Phagameng 20 000 20 000 NO MLM Mogale Stadium

100 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Project Total budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders Location 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2009/10

REFUSE REMOVALS Medium Term Expenditure Review REF01 Mini Mass Bins MLM 500 000 250 000 250 000 250 000

REF02 Dustbins (Households) MLM 200 000 100 000 100 000 100 000

REF03 Refuse Truck MLM 1 300 000 1 300 000

REF04 Tractor MLM 200 000 200 000

REF05 Trolley MLM 200 000 200 000 CEMETERY CEM01 Construction of Wall Mabatlane 200 000 200 000 around cemetery CEM02 Fencing of cemetery Mabaleng 250 000 250 000

CEM03 Identification of new Mabatlane & 700 000 200 000 cemeteries Modimolle CEM04 Upgrading of cemetery Modimolle 2 500 000 2 500 000

LIB01 Purchase of new books MLM 2 000 000 50 000 50 000 50 000 50 000

101 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Project Total budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders Location 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2009/10 MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS Medium Term Expenditure Review BUI01 Air Conditioners for the (Modimolle) R250 000.00 R250 000.00 NO MLM Library Yusaf Naaidoo BUI02 Replacement of Library MLM R800 000 R800 000 NO MLM Roofing BUI03 Construction of New Halls Ext 6 & 8 1 400 000 1 400 000 1 600 000

BUI03 Refurbishment of Main 600 000 600 000 Building BUI04 Fencing of Old Mabatlane Mabatlane 100 000 100 000 Hall BUI05 Fencing of Phahameng Phahameng 100 000 100 000 Offices BUI06 Fencing of Peter Phahameng 150 000 150 000 Nchabeleng BUI07 Upgrading of Vehicle 200 000 200 000 Testing Station BUI08 Construction of new Mabatlane 1 200 000 600 000 600 000 licenses offices BUI09 Refurbish of peter Phahameng 200 000 200 000 Nchabeleng hall BUI10 Purchase of furnisher at Phahameng 10 000 10 000 Peter Nchabeleng Hall

102 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project No. Project Name Project Total budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Funded Stakeholders Location 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2009/10 TRAFFIC Medium Term Expenditure Review TRF01 Purchase of speed MLM 100 000 100 000 NO MLM measuring Device TRF02 Upgrading of Vehicle MLM 200 000 200 000 NO MLM Testing Station TRF03 Purchase alcohol tester MLM 15 000 15 000 NO MLM TRF04 Upgrading of Licence MLM 150 000 150 000 NO MLM Office

103 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

4.2 SECTOR PROJECTS PLANNED PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES (2009/2010) Project Location Budget / Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. Funder Itereleng Agric. Project Mabaleng CASP – R500 21 2008/2009/2010 Agric. (Rietfontein Trust) (Rietfontein) 000 Monyebodi Family Farming Modimolle CASP- 10 2009/2010 Agric. (Doorndraai) R400 000 Thusanang day care Phahameng R9 per child Children below the Monthly Social Development per month age of 6yrs Regaugetse Phahameng R9 per child Children below the Monthly Social Development per month age of 6yrs Phagameng Phahameng R9 per child Children below the Monthly Social Development per month age of 6yrs

104 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Location Budget / Funder Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. ABC Phahameng R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Agape Phahameng R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Phahameng R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Little stars Modimolle R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Marry day care centre Phahameng R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs

105 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Location Budget / Funder Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. Itireleng Phahameng R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Kopanong Phahameng R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Manthlwane Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Lilian Ngoyi Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Refihlilwe Melk Revier Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs

106 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Location Budget / Funder Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. Sisi Farm Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Boschdraai Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Olifantsbeen Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Driehoek Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs Klipspruit Mabatlane R9 per child per Children Monthly Social month below the age Development of 6yrs

107 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Location Budget / Funder Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. New ECD to be registered Mabaleng R9 per child per month Children below the age of 6yrs Monthly Social Development New ECD to be registered (4 Mabatlane R9 per child per month Children below the age of 6yrs Monthly Social creches targeted) Development New ECD to be registered (2 Phagameng R9 per child per month Children below the age of 6yrs Monthly Social creches targeted) Development SERVICE TO THE AGED Phagameng Older Persons Phahameng R30 per person per Older persons from age of 60 Monthly Social Service centre month Development Waterberg Old Age Home Modimolle R1500 per person per Older persons from age of 60 Monthly Social month Development

108 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Location Budget / Funder Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. Older Persons Walk Phahameng 6000 30 aged Once per annum Social development Disability Awareness Mabatlane R6000 250 disabled person Once per annum Social campaign development HCBC Diraodirelwe HCBC Phahameng R50 000 Service provider Quartely Health and Social Services Diraodirelwe Dropping centre Phahameng R150 000 Orphans Per annum Social development Waterberg Welfare society Mabatlane Orphans Per annum Social development Vaalwater HCBC Mabatlane R50 000 Service provider Quartely Health and Social Services SUBSTANCE ABUSE Substance awareness Alma R5000 Community members Once per annum Social campaign Development

109 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Location Budget / Funder Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. Launch of learners support Phahameng R5000 Community members Once per annum Social programme and Kemoja Development HIV/AIDS Provision of food parcels Modimolle/ Food parcels PWA Monthly Social Mabatlanen Development g/Mabatlan e HIV/Aids campaign Mabaleng R5000 180 Community members Once per annum Social Development World Aids Day Mabatlane R6000 250 community members Once per month Social (December 2009) Development CHILD AND FAMILY Womens Day Phagameng R9000 300 Women Once per annum Social Development

110 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Project Location Budget / Funder Beneficiaries Time Frames Responsible Dept. Family Preservation Day Mabaleng R4000 120 Once per annum Social community Development members Family Preservation Day Phagameng R4500 140 Once per annum Social community Development members PROBATION SERVICES Crime prevention awareness Mabatlane R5000 170 Once per annum Social campaign Community Development members Crime prevention awareness Phahameng R5500 180 Once per annum Social campaign community Development mambers

111 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


The municipality organisational structure makes provision for a PMS unit, which mainly deals with organisational PMS. The organisational PMS ensures that the six Key Performance Areas in the IDP are implemented. Key performance indicators, output targets and timeframes are set. This unit further monitor and assess the performance of the municipality.

On the other hand, Human Resource Unit oversees performance of individuals to ensure that they work as a collective to achieve the vision of the municipality.

The Internal audit office is established and functional. It oversees both functions of auditing internal processes, compliance; and risk management.

An audit committee is in place and functional, its function is to audit the financial and performance of the municipality. It is has been recommended that the auditing of risk management be vested in this committee.


Performance Management System (PMS) is strategic approach which provides a set of tools and techniques to plan regularly, monitor, measure and review performance of the organization and individuals. Performance management is a system that is used to make sure that all parts of the municipality work together to achieve the goals and targets that are set. A PMS framework outlines the mandate of developing and implementation processes. It includes legislative framework, Municipal Objectives, stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities, process plan, planning and reporting mechanisms.

112 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10


The purpose of a performance management system is to assist the municipality to manage operational functions, project and programmes and ensure that set standards are met for effective service delivery. Its objectives are as follows: • To translate councils mandate into implemental deliverables • To improve service delivery • To consciouentize employees on their responsibilities and accountability • To cultivate the culture of team work • To ensure that the IDP is implemented as planned. • To ensure integration and alignment of all sphere of government and its stakeholders • To ensure value for money


Local Government Municipal Structures Act , Section 84 outlines the powers and functions of local municipalities. This Act influence development of municipal structures that enables municipalities to deliver services to their respective communities. Section 44, subsection (2) The executive committee must- Identify the needs of the municipality, review and evaluate those needs in order of priority Recommend to the municipal council strategies, programmes and services to address priority needs through the integrated development plan and estimates of revenue and expenditure, taking into account any applicable national and provincial development plans Section 44, subsection (3)(a)-(d) Outlines the duties of the executive committee in relation to planning, monitoring and evaluation against key performance indicators; the review of performance of municipality in order to improve the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality

113 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Local Government Municipal Systems Act, chapter 6 states that the municipality must develop a municipal performance management system and it provides clear guidance on the development of the system Municipal Finance Management Act, provides for the establishment of an audit committee which must: • Assess the functionality of a municipal PMS • Ensure that the municipality complies with legislative requirements • Ensure that performance indicators are realistic and measurable • Ensure that the municipality reports on a quarterly and annual bases

White Paper on Service Delivery (Batho Pele) 1998 PMS is based on the 8-principles of improved service delivery as outlined in the White Paper: • Consultation • Service Standards • Access • Courtesy • Information • Openness/ Transparency • Redress • Value for Money


• IDP Steering committee This committee will oversee the development, implementation and management of PMS, which will also include advising the municipality on the assessment and evaluation process.

• Internal Audit Ensure that the system is develop and implemented within the legislative framework; Ensure that reports are submitted on quarterly and annual bases as

114 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10 required by the Municipal Systems Act, 2000; and asses the quality of PMS report and ensure that it corresponds with the SDBIP and IDP.

• Audit committee

The regulations require that the Municipal Council establish an Audit Committee, where the majority of members are not Councillors or employees of the municipality. The operation of this audit committee is governed by section 14 (2-3) of the regulations.

• Executive council

The Executive Council includes the Mayor, two council committee meetings. All PMS items will be submitted for advice and approval.

• Council Council consists of all ward committees and Portfolio council. The council will ensure that political Manifesto is being adhered to and to approve the PMS.

4.8 PMS PROCESS PLAN This outlines the WHAT, WHO AND WHEN certain activities will be done. These process plan is aligned to the IDP process.

4.9 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS . The PMS framework includes definition of terms to establish common understanding between all stakeholders.

4.10 TEMPLATES It provides Planning and reporting templates. The Planning templates make provision for projects or programme per vote, budget approved for that particular project or programme, Key performance Indicators (input, output an outcome).

115 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Reporting template includes all the components in the Planning template with an addition for giving reason for variance and reason for variance. (Reference: PMS Framework: Annexure H)

4.11 SERVICE DELIVERY BUSINESS IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (SDBIPs) The Municipal Finance Management Act requires All section 57 Managers including the municipal manager to develop SDBIPs.

4.12 SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Skills Development Plan identifies skills shortage within an organization and identifies training needed to provide the relevant skill or knowledge.

The SDBIPs and PMS reports must inform the Skills Development Plan. The two monitoring and evaluation systems must determine reason for under performance and make recommendation to the Human Resource department on what skills are needed to ensure that the implementation process is executed as intended.

116 Modimolle local Municipality IDP 2009/10

Financial Plan of the municipality indicates total municipal budget, including both operational and capital budget. It is a three year plan that indicates municipal

budget; and planned expenditure

and planned income for 2009/10.

This plan is developed within the Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003 which outlines powers and functions of the Accounting Officer, the CFO and

the Mayor.

The MFMA, ensures sound and sustainable management of financial affairs of a municipality and establish treasury norms and

standards for the local spheres of


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5.1 Summary of 2009/2010 Draft Budget

Adjusted Budgeted expenditure of R 137 730 937 for 2008/2009 and the Total Expenditure for 2009/2010 amount to R 148 633 337. This results to a increase of R 10 902 400.

Adjusted Budgeted income of R 127 228 788 for 2008/2009 and the Total Income for 2009/2010 amount to R 148 655 136. This results to an increase of R 21 426 348

5.2 A summary of the 2009/2010 draft operating budget is as follows: Table 28 : Operating budget INCOME EXPENDITURE SECTION ADJUST DRAFT DIFFE- % ADJUST DRAFT DIFFE- % ED 2009/20 RENCE ED 2009/20 RENCE 2008/20 10 2008/20 10 09 09 RATE AND GENERAL SERVICES Communit 41 872 59 451 17 579 52 880 65 187 12 307 y 565 857 292 583 752 169 Subsidized 278 1 098 819 278 1 098 819 300 270 970 300 270 970 Economic 29 162 21 022 26 871 20 033 472 621 (8 139 851 436 361 (6 838 0 ) 75)

Electricity 38 548 46 420 7 871 39 583 44 616 5 033 845 236 391 416 753 337 Water 17 366 20 662 3 295 18 117 17 697 606 152 546 202 201 (420 001 ) TOTAL 127 228 148 655 21 426 16.8 137 730 148 633 10 902 7.92 788 136 348 4% 937 337 400 %

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5.3 A summary of the 2009/2010 capital budget is as follows: Table 29 : 2009/10 capital budget SECTION ADJUST DRAFT DIFFERENCE % 2008/2009 2009/2010 Technical 27 548 000 15 551 200 (11 996 800) Services Budget and 535 000 200 000 (335 000) Treasury Social Services 303 000 2 500 000 2 197 000 Corporate 362 000 ( 362 000) Services TOTAL 28 748 000 18 251 200 (10 496 800) 37 %

Attached are the detailed Capital Budget with source of funding.

5.4 OPERATING BUDGET 2009/2010

Provision of R 148 633 337 is made for operating expenditure.

The expenditure items are summarized under the following headings:


A provision of 10% increase is made for Councillor’s remuneration, Section 57 Managers and all employees.

New Posts amount to 3.

Attached per annexure are the following documents: - Analysis of Operating Budget - Summary of Operating Budget


The figures budgeted under this section were determined according to present circumstances and previous year's statistics. Provision was made for the following bulk purchases:

Electricity : R29 000 000 Water : R 5 000 000

Provision of R 500 000 is made for Special Projects in the office of the Mayor.

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The general expenditure amounts to R 76 706 766 and represents 51.61% of total expenditure.


The total repairs and maintenance amounts to R5 897 750 and represents 3.97% of the total expenditure.


Provision is made for interest and capital repayments for both internal and external loans. Provision of R6 336 105 is made for capital costs and this comprises 4.26% of the total expenditure.


An amount of R 18 251 200 is provided for Capital expenditure and this represents 12.28% of the total expenditure. These contributions are funded from grants and funding.


Provision was made for the following statutory and reserve fund contributions:

Capital Development Fund : R 1 067 500 Bursary Fund : R 200 000 Leave Reserve : R 900 000 Working Capital Reserve : R 3 000 000

Contributions in total amount to R 5 167 500 and this represents 3.48% of total expenditure.

The working capital reserve makes provision for non payment of services.

For more information refer to “Analysis of Operating Budget 2009/2010.

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In terms of the 2009 Division of revenue Bill, the following allocations will be made to Council for the municipal financial year.

• Equitable Share

The equitable share is an unconditional grant. Council is to receive an amount of R 35 196 000 for the 2009/2010 financial year.

• Local Government Financial Management Grant

This grant is conditional grant therefore it can only be used for capacity building. An amount of R2 750 000 will be received for the 2009/2010 financial year.

• Special Contribution towards Councilor Grant This grant forms part of the equitable shares allocations

• Municipal Infrastructure Grant(MIG) This is a conditional grant .An amount of R 25 416 000 will be received for the 2009/2010 financial year.

• Municipal System Improvement Grant(MSIG) This is a conditional grant .An amount of R 735 000 will be received for the 2009/2010 financial year.

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The following tariffs adjustments are proposed:


The electricity increases will be as per NERSA guideline : • Free Basic electricity to be provided to only Indigents • 28% increase has been provided for all users. • 25% increase has been made for basic electricity. • Schools to be levied on Municipal tariffs for electricity consumption.

Table 30 : Electricity tariffs CURRENT PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL:

Modimolle/Phagameng - Conventional R0-5068 R0-6490 - Prepaid R0-5068 R0-6490

Mabatlane/Mabaleng/Leseding - Conventional R0-5068 R0-6490 - Prepaid R0-5068 R0-6490


Modimolle/Phagameng - Basic R152-49 p.m. R190-60 p.m. - Unit R0-5157 R0-6600

Mabatlane/Mabaleng - Basic - owners R152-49 R190-60 p.m. - Unit R0-5157 R0-6600


Modimolle/Phagameng - Basic R161-77 R202-20 p.m. - Unit R0-2401 R0-3070 - KVA R54-10 -20

Mabatlane/Mabaleng - Basic R161-77 R202-20 p.m. - Unit R0-2401 R0-3070 - KVA R54-10 R69-20 MUNICIPAL R0-369 R0-470

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5.6.2 WATER • Free Basic water to be provided to only Indigents • The proposed tariff increase of 17% is provided for Modimolle/Phagameng and 12% for Mabatlane/Mabaleng • Schools must be levied on Municipal tariffs for Water consumption. Table 31: Water tariffs CURRENT PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL:

Modimolle/Phagameng - 0 - 20 kl R5-10 R6-00 - above 20 kl R6-92 R8-10

Mabatlane/Mabaleng - 0 – 20 kl R3-98 R4-50 - 21-30 kl R4-77 R5-30 - above 30 kl R6-47 R7-20


Modimolle/Phagameng R7-15 R8-40

Mabatlane/Mabaleng - 0 - 5 kl R2-25 R2-50 - 6 -10 kl R3-37 R3-80 - 11 - 30 kl R4-69 R5-30 - above 30 kl R5-62 R6-30


Modimolle/Phagameng R6-69 R7-80 Kokanje R6-01 R7-00 Mabatlane/Mabaleng - 0 - 5 kl R2-04 R2-30 - 6 -10 kl R3-06 R3-40 - 11 - 30 kl R4-26 R4-80 - above 30 kl R5-10 R5-61 MUNICIPAL R4-65 R5-40

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• 10 % increase has been provided for all users. Table 32: Property rates PROPERTY RATES

Rates are determined in terms of the Property Rates Act,2004(Act no 6 of 2004) And Council’s Rate Policy

Residential Property An amount of 0.44 cent in a rand per annum = 0.0044

Business, Commercial & Industrial Property An amount of 1.76 cent in a rand per annum = 0.0176

Agricultural Property An amount of 0.15 cent in a rand = 0.0015

State owned Property An amount of 0.15 cent in a rand = 0.0015

Public Service Infrastructure An amount of 0.15 cent in a rand = 0.0015

Public Benefit Organisation An amount of 0.15 cent in a rand = 0.015

Mining Property An amount of 1.76 cent in a rand = 0.0176

Rebates are graded as per the Property Rates Policy Interest of 12,65% a rand per annum is chargeable on all amounts in arrears after the fixed day and defaulters are liable to legal proceedings for recovery of such arrears amount.

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The proposed tariff increase of 12% is made Table 33: Refused Removal CURRENT PROPOSED Residential: Modimolle R50-09 R56-10 Phagameng R50-09 R56-10 Mabatlane/Mabaleng R50-09 R56-10

Business: Modimolle/Phagameng R149-98 R168-00 Mabatlane/Mabaleng R149-98 R168-00

Mini Mass: Modimolle R305-69 R342-40 Mabatlane/Mabaleng R263-33 R294-90

Bulk: R975-45 R1092-50


The sewerage tariffs are determined on the size of the stand and per toilet connection. A tariff increase of 5% is made.

Table 34: Sewerage CURRENT PROPOSED Modimolle/Phagameng Basic Size of stand: 0 - 600 m² R21-35 R22-40 600 - 1 983 m² R42-87 R45-00 1 983 - 2 975 m² R56-78 R59-60 2 975 - 3 966 m² R71-09 -60 3 966 - 4 957 m² R85-17 R89-40 4 957 - 9 914 m² R99-37 R104-30

above 9 914 m² R2-34 R2-50 (every 992 m²) Per toilet -06 R37-90 Mabatlane/Mabaleng Basic As above As above Per toilet R21-06 R22-10 Vacuum tank R53-06 R55-70

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Indigents Consumers receive 50kw of electricity, 6kl water; free refuse removal, sewerage and property rates.

Indigents are not billed for services except where they exceed the free basic services provided by Council.


The rentals of Council’s Town and Community halls as well as income from sundry services contribute to a small percentage of income. A 10% increase provision is made.


Rate and General - Income 81 572 748 - Expenditure 86 319 383

DEFICIT (4 746 635)

Trade: Water - Income 20 662 152 - Expenditure 17 697 201

SURPLUS 2 964 951

Trade: Electricity - Income 46 420 236 - Expenditure 44 616 753

SURPLUS 1 803 483


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The total approved positions by council are 279 and only 12 are vacant. The municipality is

currently utilizing a total of ±300

temporary staff, who mostly laborers in Technical Services and Community Services. Total salary budget is R31 417 299. Total cost

of capacity (posts) needed

amounts to R±10 000. The municipality is intending to establish a planning unit in 2010/11 due to budget


This chapter provides municipal capacity per department and factors hampering service delivery or day to day

operational activities.

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Table 35: Management Capacity within the municipality Managerial Level Management Subordinate Management (Divisional Heads/ Accountability Managers) Municipal Manager Head of Administration IDP, PMS and LED Internal Auditing Mabatlane & Mabatlane area management Head of Budget and Treasury Budgeting and Financial Reporting Departments(4) Expenditure (Section 57 Revenue Managers) Technical Services Water and Sanitation Roads and Storm water Electrical Services Town Planning Housing Management and maintenance Landfill sites Spatial Development Framework Social and Community Parks, Cemeteries and Community Facilities Services (Vacant) Protection and Emergency Services Waste Management and Cleansing Services Corporate Services Human Resources Information Management Council Administration and Legal Services

Table 36: Office of the municipal Manager

Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Man Prof Vac compromises ess. Service Delivery IDP • Development and Review of IDP 1 Under staffed. There is a need for 2 additional personnel PMS • Development and Review of Under staffed. There is a need for 2 additional Organisational Performance personnel 1 LED • Development of Economic policies Under staffed. There is a need for 1 additional • SMME development personnel • Business investment • Business relations management Internal • Development of Auditing Plan 1 vacant post There is a need for 2 2 Audit 1 1 1 internal audit officers.

Currently the function is being assisted by interns Mabatlane • Overseeing that all municipal Powers and functions not clear. The municipality to & Mabal eng functions are carried out on a benchmark. Vacant post Area dialy bases 2 1 1 1 of secretary. Manageme • Informs managers on specific nt service delivery challenges.

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Table 37: Budget and Treasury Department Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Man Profess. Vac compromises Service Delivery Budgeting • Compiling financial statements and executing 4 1 3 2 Vacancies of an and budgetary controls assistant accountant Financial • Compliance with MFMA reporting formats and income clerk Reporting • Ensuring implementation of GAMAP/ GRAP Expenditure • Payment of Municipal Expenses 3 1 3 0 Fully staffed Manageme • Preparing monthly bank reconciliation nt • Administering Asset Register • Managing stores • Procurement 4 1 3 1 Due to budget Supply constraints, this chain vacant post will only be filled in July 2009 Revenue • Supervise the Revenue staff 20 1 4 2 Vacancies two metre Manageme • Verify daily revenue, direct payments into bank readers nt accounts via. Cashiers, debit orders and through Post Office • Reconcile revenue with bank statements, taking into consideration the amounts for revenue paid into banks and accounts of other divisions e.g. Traffic • Handling enquiries on accounts through telephonic, correspondence and in person. • Balancing the trial balance and ledger accounts • Balancing evaluation roll • Certifying documents for payment etc. • Contract – Loan agreements

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Table 38: Technical Services Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Man Profess. Vacancies compromises Service Delivery Water and • Provision of water, sewerage and 68 1 11 2 Vacancies of Sanitation sanitation. Divisional manager • Reticulation of water, sewerage and one artisan pipeline • Maintenance of water and sewerage network • Water and sewer purification Roads and • Construction and maintenance of 34 1 10 1 Staff shortages Stormwater roads and stormwater. due to vacancies • Render Project Management for one general Services and upkeep of Municipal worker Buildings. • Coordinate mechanical services. Electrical • Provision, distribution, 20 1 11 5 Staff shortages Services Maintenance of electrical due to the many connections with the Municipal vacancies for 4 Area. artisans and 1 • Render electric services to support general worker municipal construction projects.

Table 39: Community Services Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Man Profess. Vacancies compromises Service Delivery Parks, Cemeteries • Provide Parks, Recreation and 53 1 9 2 Staff shortages due and Community Cemetery Services i.e. to vacant positions Facilities maintenance and upkeep of of two cleaners. cemeteries, parks and municipal facilities • Provide Library Services which includes procurement and issue of library material Waste • Render environmental health 32 0 0 0 Fully staffed, utilise Management and services. temporary workers Cleansing Services • Render landfill management to reduce the work services. load • Render refuse and waste management services. Protection and • Providing registration and 21 1 12 5 Staff shortages due Emergency licensing services. to vacant positions Services • Promote traffic safety and for a assistant law enforcement. Superintended, • Render fire fighting and traffic officer, disaster management special work man, services examiner of vehicles • Render security services. & drivers licenses and PITT assistant

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Table 40: Corporate Services Divisions Functions Number of Staff Constraints that Total Man Profes Vacanci compromises s es Service Delivery Human Resource • Render acquisition of staff. 5 1 3 1 Vacancy of HR • Administer employees officer benefits. • Render administration, labour and legal relations. • Render training and development services. • Render organisational development services. Communication • Render record management 8 1 8 3 Staff shortages due and Information services. to vacant positions technology • Render information for the Professional technology services. IT Technician, • Provide auxiliary services. Communication officers Council • Oversee the drafting and 9 1 6 2 Vacancy of Legal Administration updating of by-laws. officer and Legal Services • Compilation of council agendas. • Provide legal services.

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Audit Committee

Performance Management Audit

Ward Committees

Remuneration Committee

Council Sub- Committees

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00 Municipal Manager

Chief Finance Manager: Manager: Manager: 0 Officer Corporate Services Social Services Technical Services

Project Management Area Manager : Divisional Manager: Unit Manager Mablane IDP, LED & PMS Head of Internal Auditor



Internal Auditor X1 Project Management Unit LED Officer X1 Technician X1 5

Secretary: MM

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The IDP review has been a lengthy and intense interactive process all its stakeholders. As the implementation of IDP 2008/09 commenced and the review process began simultaneously. The implementation of 2008/09 has had a profound impact on the review process. Through the implementation plan the municipality was able to detect challenges that impede on the implementation process. Challenges such as Lack of funds, skills shortage, lack of knowledge and exposure, low morale of employees, hence the resistance to change and lack of corporation from a few provincial department. The municipality will continue to engage stakeholders to ensure that challenges are adressed

Despite the challenges encountered, the Municipality has enjoyed the support of Most provincial department and paratatals, such as Dept. of Agriculture, Department Land Affairs, DLGH, Department of Sport Art and Culture, Department of Education, Office of the Premier, NDA, LIBSA,SEDA and SEDA. The Latter mentioned stakeholders have formed part of the IDP technical committee, SDF and Land Use Management Scheme committee and other forums and committees.

External and Internal integration of plans, projects and programmes is still a major challenge. The municipality will continue strive for optimum integration and alignment through the IDP process.

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