E 339 Lafayette Street - for a Free Soutllem Alricll- C New York, N~Y
E 339 Lafayette Street - For A Free Soutllem Alricll- C New York, N~Y. 10012 S f A Phone: (212) 477-0066 #48 7 November 1986 ~amibia under permanent s-tate ofEm~rgency The international cornrmmity is rightly distressed and hOrTified by the imposition of a state of emergency in South Africa in June of this year. But it appears not -to know or care -that similar "emergency" rules have been in effect in Namibia since 1972., Northern Namibia, "the "operational area" where over half of all Namibians live, 'is under full martial law, enforced by South African milltary and paramili-tary forces supplemented by Namibian conscripts .and ·tribalpolice units. Altogether these occu- _pation forces total some lOO ,OOO..-or one for ·every. ten. or fewer Namibians livmg in 'the .north.- .. '.'~ . ~ -- -" '. : . ':l,~ N.. ~~ b~..,. 8 'A~. JQCl4 These "security forces" rule the north by vio -------- lence and ter.ror. The basic emergency proclama 101 .Battalion assaults tion ("A-G 9") authorizes officers to arrest and hold anyone inindefinite, incormnunicado deten 101 BAlTALION memben-wen notorious makakunya David ._tIy.mued of _u1t1iac three Sbinana,' and that be, indieatina tion for "inter.rogation"-- a term translated by c:blklrell, their motller, adalso of ~e teachers' footprints shouted: Itea1Iq eenaIn Items ad a .... of 'You lying prostitute, today you the occupation forces as -torture. Indeed, KIlO Ia cub from the family Ia will_I' . soldiers and police kill, kidnap, and assault HrtiItnI Namibia. 'Sbinana grabbed me by the necIc According to a statement filed and pulled me down, wbile the local men, WOlneI;l, and children, burn down -their with the office of the Chairman of others assaulted my tbne cbiIdml.
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