Gallery of Classics
1 Air Force Magazine This is a recreation of an Air Force Magazine article. Photos February 1997 have been changed for online presentation. Some data has been updated for accuracy. GGaalllleerryy ooff CCllaassssiiccss Compiled by Jeffrey P. Rhodes Key FF First flight FFL First flight location FFM First flight model FFP First flight pilot USAF Air Force and all predecessors Models/variants Quantity production models and major variants Left: P-12 fighters FFL: Cleveland, Ohio. Bombers FFP: Unconfirmed. Models/variants: MB-2. NBS-1. MB-2/NBS-1 Powerplant: Two Packard Liberty 12A liquid-cooled V- A derivative of the first US-designed bomber, the Martin 12s of 420 hp each. MB-1, the MB-2 featured a number of improvements. Wingspan: 74 ft 2 in. Twenty MB-2s were ordered in June 1920, and the type Length: 42 ft 8 in. was rushed into production so that Brig. Gen. William L. Height: 15 ft 63/4 in. ―Billy‖ Mitchell could use the aircraft in the planned Weight: 13,695 lb gross. strategic bombing tests off the Virginia Capes. From July Armament: Five .30-cal. Lewis machine guns in nose 13–21, 1921, General Mitchell‘s 1st Provisional Air and amidships; 1,800 lb of bombs internally and up to Brigade, based at Langley Field, Va., sank three ships, 2,000 lb of bombs externally. including the captured German battleship Ostfriesland, Accommodation: Four (pilot, copilot/navigator, and demonstrated the vulnerability of naval vessels to bombardier/gunner, and rear gunner). aerial attack. The Air Service then ordered another 110 Cost: $17,490 (Curtiss).
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