Beyond Tolerance: Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals on Campus. Hi.S Words Set the Tone for This Book and Give Urgency to the Material That Follows
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 336 682 CG 023 656 AUTHOR Evans, Nancy J., Ed.; Wall, Vernon A., Ed. TITLE Beyond Tolerance: Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals on Campus. INSTITUTION American Coll. Personnel Association, Alexandria, VA. REPORT NO ISBN-1-55620-088-9 PUB DATE 91 NOTE 253p. AVAILABLE FROMAmerican Association for Counseling and Development, 5999 Stevenson Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304 (Order No. 72595; $23.95). PUB TYPE Reports - General (140) -- Collected Works - General (020) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Career Counseling; Colleges; *College Students; Counseling Techniques; Emotional Development; Higher Education; *Homosexuality; *Lesbianism; Personality Development; Sexuality; Social Development; *Student Personnel Services IDENTIFIERS *Homophobia ABSTRACT This book provides strategies for using what is known about gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals in a college student affairs setting. These chapters are included: (1) "The Development of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identities" (Heidi Levine and Nancy J. Evans); (2) "Using Psychosocial Development Theories To Understand and Work with Gay and Lesbian Persons" (Vernon A. Wall and Nancy J. Evans); (3) "Homophobia" (Kathy Obear);(4) "Understanding Gay and Lesbian Students of Color" (Vernon A. Wall and Jamie Washington); (5) "Addressing Lesbian and Gay Issues in Residence Hall Environments" (Donna Bourassa and Bill Shipton); (6) "Addressing Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues in Fraternities and Sororities" (Michael J. Hughes); (7) "Working with Gay and Lesbian Student Organizations" (Dick Scott);(8) "Life Planning and Career Counseling with Gay and Lesbian Students" (Cheryl Hetherington);(9) "Counseling Gay and Lesbian Students" (Natalie S. Eldridge and David C. Barnett); (10) "Issues of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Student Affairs Professionals" (Maura Cullen and Jim Smart); (11) "Becoming an Ally" (Jamie Was)ington and Nancy J. E7ans); and (12) "Including Bisexuality: It's More than Just a Label" (Raechele L. Pope and Amy L. Reynolds). A resource list compiled by Shawn-Eric Brooks includes these categories: general works on gay, lesbian,and bisexual lifestyles; coming out; counseling issues; spirituality, religion, and homosexuality; diversity within the gay, lesbian, and bisexual community; gay and lesbian literature; programming resources; movies/videos; journals and magazines; and gay and lesbian organizations. (ABL) ******************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ********************************************************************** : II II " I1 tr. U.S. DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THI! Office of Educationel Research and Improvement MATERIAL IN MWROFICHE ONL' EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) HAS BEEN GRANTED By c-if This documsnt has been reprodur: sd as received from the poison or organization iV g2.1 '/711)11 originating it (1 Minor changes have been made to "Drove reproduction quality BEST COP1 AVAILABLE Points of view or opinions stated in this docu- ment do not neceSsanly represent official TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE OERI position or policy INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." eyond Tolerance: Gays, Lesbians and BasexualsonCampus Edited by Nancy J. Evans and Vernon A. Wall American College Personnel Association Copyright A' 1991 by the American College Personnel Association. All rights reserved. American Association fiir Counseling and Development 5999 Stevenson Avenue Alexandria, VA 22304 Cover Design by Sarah Jane Valdez Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Beyond tolerance : gays, lesbians, and bisexuals on campus edited by Nancy J. Evans ahd Vernon A. Wall. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-55620-088-9 1. Personnel services in higher educationUnited States. 2. Gay college studentsUnited States. I. Evans, Nancy J., 1947- .II. Wall, VL,rnon A. LB2343.B491991 378.1'94dc20 91-23235 CIP Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Foreword LETTER FROM A GAY STUDENT xi Mark Donahue Introduction WHY WE NEED THIS Boox xiii Nancy J. Evans Chapter 1 THE DEVEIA)PMENT OF GAY, LESBIAN,AND BISEXUAL IDENTITIES 1 Heidi Levine Nancy J. Evans Chapter 2 USING PSYcHosOCIAL DEVELoPMENT THEORIES TO UNDERSTAND AND WoRK WITH GAY AND LESBIAN PERSONS 25 Vernon A. Wall Nancy J. Evans Chapter 3 flom(wHonIA 39 Kathy ()bear Chapter 4 UNDERSTANDING GAY AND LESBIAN STUDENTS oF CoLOR 67 Vernon A. Wall Jamie Wa sh ington Chapter r ADDRESSING LESBIAN AND GAY ISSUESIN BSIDENuE HALL ENVIRONMENTS 79 Donna Bourassa Bill Shipton Chapter 6 ADDHEssING GAY, LESBIAN, AND BISEXUAL ISSUES IN FRM'ERNITIESAND SORORITIES 97 Michael J. Hughes iii iN1 BEYOND TOLERANCE Chapter 7 WORKING WIni GAY AND LEsBIAN STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS 117 Dick Scott Chapter 8 LIFE PLANNING AND CAREER COUNSELING WITH GAY AND LESBIAN STUDENTS 131 Cheryl Hetherington Chapter 9 COUNSELING GAY AND LESBIAN STUDENTh 147 Natalie S. Eldridge David C. Barnett Chapter 10 ISSUES OF GAY, LESBIAN, AND BISEXUAL STUDENT AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS 179 Maur(' Cullen Jim Sniart Chapter 11 Bp:COMING AN ALI.Y 195 Jamie Washington Nancy J. Evans Chapter 12 INCLUDING BISEXUALITY: IT'S MORE THAN JUST A LABEL 205 Raeehele L. Pope Amy L. Reynolds Chapter 13 REsouRcEs 213 Shawn-Eric Brooks f' DICATION The editors dedicate this book to the ACPA Standing Com- mittee on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Awareness for their sup- port and encouragement during the development of this very important project. V CONTRIBUTORS Vernon A. Wall is coordinator for staffing and development, Department of University Housing, University of' Georgia Nancy J. Evans is an associate professor and coordinator, College Student Personnel Program, Western Illinois University David C. Barnett is a staff psychologist, Counseling Center, Uni- versity of Illinois at Chicago Donna Bourassa is staff development coordinator, Department of Residential Education/Housing Services, University of Massachu- setts at Amherst Shawn-Eric Brooks is coordinator of staffing services. Office of Residential Life, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles Maura Cullen is an educational consultant and doctoral student, Department of Organizational Development and Social Justice. University of Massachusetts at Amherst Mark Donahue is a 1990 graduate of the University of North Car- olina at Chapel Hill, BA, political science Natalie S. Eldridge is a staff psychologist, Counseling Center, Bos- ton University Cheryl Hetherington is a psychologist and vaining consultant, Hetherington & Associates. Iowa City. IA Michael J. Hughes is activities coordinatorfraternal aflairs, Cal- ifornia State UniversityNorthridge Heidi Levine is a doctoral student, counseling psychology, Temple University Kathy Obear is a consultant. Human Advantage, Amherst, MA vii Viii BEYOND TOLERAM'E Raechele L. Pope is a doctoral student, Department of' Organiza- tional Development and Social Justice, University of Massachu- setts at Amherst Amy L. Reynolds is a senior staff psychologist, Counseling Center, University of Iowa Dick Scott is director of operations, University Student Union, California State UniversityNorthridge Bill Shipton is assistant director of residence life for diversity ed- ucation, Department of' Residence Life, Indiana University Jim Smart is assistant director for residence services, Department of Residence Halls, University of Miami Jamie Washington is a senior consultant, Equity Institute, Emery- ville, CA, and doctoral intern, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, University of' MarylandBaltimore County ACPA MEDIA BOARD John H. Schuh Jeanne Likins Editor aml Chair JAIL Associates Wichita State University Columbus, WI Flo Hamrick Mike Lopez Assistant Editor Wasltburn University Wichita State University Myra Morgan Barbara Ballard University of ',Wrath University of Kansas Ron Speier Augustine BarOn, Jr. East Carolina University University of Texas at Austin Frances Stage Stephanie Beardsley Indiana University University of CalilbrniaDavis Janice Sutera-Wolfe William Bryan (korgc 14ason University University of North Carolina Wilmington Robert Young Kent State University Harold E. Cheatham Pennsylvanth State University Dennis Roberts Get/en:lira). ( 'hair Nancy J. Evans Lynchburg College Western Illinois University Barbara Schoonmaker Cynthia Smith Forest Executive C minedLtaisfm Framingham State College State (Iniversity of Neu.. York Albany Barbara Jacoby University of MarylatulCollege Park ix FOREWORD: LETTER FROM A GAY STUDENT This letter from Mark Donahue, a gay undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, serves as Foreword fhr Beyond Tolerance: Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals on Campus. Hi.s words set the tone for this book and give urgency to the material that follows. The authors support wholeheartedly the need he ex- presses for additional support and intervention on behalf of gay, les- bian, and bisexual students. This project was born out of need. The lack of available resources fbr dealing with gay and lesbian issues in the campus setting led to a sense of urgency among student affairs professionals, who then sought to change this condition. Through their collective experience and training, a handful of' knowledgeable, determined individuals have assembled information to assist those who wish to better ad- vocate for 1,2sbians and gay men in the academic community. The authors of each chapter have worked diligently to develop compre- hensive yet practical guides for student affairs