Do you want to know more? CHOOSE We will be arranging ongoing information meetings with examples of the fyrfack bins. You can find the locations and dates of these meetings on FYRFACK! Sopor är inte and on our Facebook page. bara skräp! Do you have questions Matavfall är en resurs värt att or comments about ta hand om. Varje år slänger recycling? At, there is both information and in-depth svenska folket cirka 1,3 material. You can also choose to e-mail us at: miljoner ton mat och det är
[email protected] hushållen som slänger mest 0470-59 95 00 mat av alla. De står för ungefär hälften av den mat som årligen For information in slängs. a different language: Visit our website At the top right corner of our webpage, you can translate the information into your desired language In a short time, fyrfack (four-compartment bin) sorting, the new system for waste management will be introduced. The fyrfack system will enable us to offer better service and make your everyday life more flexible. We will be collecting your food waste and your newspapers, packaging material and electronic waste (e.g. light sources and batteries). You won’t need to drive to the recycling station. But first and foremost, this will enable us all to work together for a more sustainable environment. Sorting trash, however, is not only an important way of protecting people and the environment and conserving resources. As a matter of fact, every resident has a legally-mandated obligation to sort his or her household’s wastepaper for recycling, packaging materials, dangerous waste, medicines and bulky refuse.