October 2010
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The Leprechaun Gold ST. VINCENT-ST. MARY HIGH SCHOOL * VOLUME XL * ISSUE 2 * OCTOBER 2010 Commentary Leprechaun Gold Leprechaun Gold St. Vincent-St. Mary High School Campaigns have become 15 North Maple Street Akron, Ohio 44303 On the Web: www.stvm.com “mud-slinging” events Jackson Ewing the mail. It prominently displays “LaRose for STAFF REPORTER Advisor Ohio Senate” on the top. Under this title, it All politicians are trying to make themselves reads “Leadership we need to bring jobs back Mrs. Maureen Harrigal look like the best possible choice for voters, to Summit County.” It then explains that tax Assistant especially in their commercials. Most of these increases, bailouts, and big government pro- Mrs. Barbara Wood commercials appear to make the other candidate grams aren’t working, and that Frank LaRose Editor-in-Chief running look bad, unfortunately. knows that we need to keep taxes low, reduce Dirtying the names of the other candidates the size of government and stop wasteful Maria Arnone appears to be the main focus of many campaigns spending. Staff Reporters today. A typical commercial for a candidate These promises made in the ad seem very Meghan Dannemiller usually starts by saying that the other candidate empty for the simple reason that the means Ian Edgley running doesn’t do this right, or he did this back of accomplishing this is not explained. These Jackson Ewing in whatever year, and usually concludes with a promises also seem to appeal to a large mass statement such as “we can’t afford to trust him,” of people. Without explaining how this will Katy Fox or something along these lines. be accomplished, this ad doesn’t help explain Oliver Hildebrandt An ad was sent in the mail talking about why voting for LaRose is a good idea. Matt Karipides Brian Williams. It read, “We’re all learning to The reasoning for stating such promises Erin Layne live with less because Brian Wil- in ads is obvious. Saying that one liams is spending more.” It said candidate is going to fix every- Mandy Sollenberger that he voted to increase taxes thing is a much better alternative Rosalia Stadler and fees by nearly $2 billion. It then telling people the truth. Tessa Weigand then concluded with “We can do Voters wouldn’t vote for someone Photos without Brian Williams.” if they were upfront and hon- Ms. Harmon All that was said in this com- est about the state of things and mercial was a recap of errors what they would do as an elected Mrs. Burdon that Brian Williams supposedly official. If the truth is bad, people made, and why people can’t do not want to hear it. Therefore, trust him, thus slandering the if a candidate told people the opposition. Some can argue that making the truth about what he would do, people prob- AN IRISH PRAYER other candidate look bad is necessary to have a ably wouldn’t vote for him. Just the hope of good campaign. In a sense, this is true, but does someone creating a perfect world if they were May the road rise ever it have to be the entire focus of the campaign elected is enough to get people to support to meet you strategy? Seeing as how most candidates are them. making commercials like these, all this does is This strategy can become quite disastrous May the wind be make one think that voting for anyone would in the long run. If politicians are intending to be a bad idea. So why would they focus on the run for a second term, and they failed to act on ever at your back negative of the opposition and not the positive any of their promises, voters wouldn’t want to May the sun shine of their own campaign? support such a campaign. Instead, they would Should they switch tactics and talk only follow the other candidate, making the same warm upon your face about the good things that will happen if they empty promises and doing the same relentless are elected? No, of course not. Reminding attacking. May the rain fall people of the disappointing aspects of the gov- It appears that the basic strategy for run- soft upon your fields ernment today and attacking the other candidate ning a campaign is lying. If politician are hon- is an important part of a campaign. But the est about the current situation, people won’t And until we meet again, candidates should focus more on what they will vote for them. Many voters want a quick do, and why it would help rather than focus- solution to things. Voting for a candidate who May God hold you in the ing completely on the negatives of the other promises a perfect society seems like a pos- Palm of His hand. candidates. A good campaign should make the sible way to get that quick solution. citizens think that voting for one candidate is a If candidates lowered the number of at- The Leprechaun Gold is published throughout good choice, rather than having voters think that tacks on the opposing campaign, stopped the year for the students of St. Vincent-St. Mary one is the lesser of two evils. making false promises, and actually thought High School. There is no charge for the paper Voters should feel a sense of comfort with of ways to put their solutions into action, but donations are accepted and appreciated. their choice as to who should be elected, rather more problems would be solved. Campaigns Unsigned editorials represent the consensus than trying to choose someone who isn’t bad. have become popularity contests instead of a of the editorial board. Letters to the editor Some commercials do make an attempt at this, method of selecting the best possible choice are encouraged, provided they do not contain but they still fail to be convincing. They only for the job. material disruptive to the educational process state what the candidate intends to do, but fails Will voters fall for these tactics? Are the and that they are signed. The Leprechaun Gold to explain how the candidate will accomplish candidates doing a good job with their cam- reserves the right to edit submitted material this. paign strategies? By November 2, we should for length. An example of this is another ad sent through know. 2 October 2010 Leprechaun Gold Feature Shamrock Alley Chilean miners rescued Rosalia Stadler Maria Arnone Chardon native and spent 26 years as a Navy STAFF REPORTER Editor-IN-CHIEF submariner, helped develop the capsule, named Imagine being entombed under 2,041 feet of “The Phoenix,” a 420 kg cage that was painted rock for 69 days. This scenario seems as if it could the colors of the Chilean flag. It was only 21 Mock Trial begins at STVM only be a terrible nightmare; however, in Chile, inches wide and 13 feet tall. Though the mission The new Mock Trial Team began in early this nightmare was a vivid reality. On August 5, took 22 1/2 hours, the tedious rescue was worth October and is coached by Judge Lynne Cal- 33 miners experienced a cave-in that left them it when families were finally able to be reunited lahan and advisor Mrs. Joanne Kropf, Social trapped under the earth. with their husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons. Studies teacher. Luckily, there was a shelter in which they could When the last miner was finally lifted out, the Participating on the Mock Trial Team gives take refuge for the duration of crowd erupted in the Chilean students the opportunity to learn first-hand their time underground. For national anthem. about the law, court procedures, and the over two months, only food, The miners seemed to appear judicial system and are conducted in an actual water, and rehydration tablets in better health than when they courtroom and scored by panels of lawyers could be passed down to the entered the mine two months and judges.Team members play the parts of trapped Chileans. prior to the collapse. They will attorneys and witnesses as they work out cases Authorities sought help still be treated at hospitals and that are based on a current constitutional issue. from NASA on how to keep speak with psychiatrists for up to Competitions at the district, regional, and state the miners emotionally and six months to ensure a complete levels will take place in February. physically fit. Video footage recovery and readjustment to life revealed the miners spent after being trapped. Although NHS sponsors 4th annual their days praying and playing rescued, they still face lives of struggle. dominoes in the darkness. On September 8, a Though there have been promises of book Books for the Bahamas miniature projector was dropped down so the and movie deals, most of the miners returned to NHS held its fifth annual Books for the Ba- miners could view the Ukraine v. Chile football their normal lives. Many of them have pleaded hamas fundraiser from September 27 through game. for job training, so that they can make a better life October 15. The total number of books donated All attempts to drill down to the miners for them and their families, but their future is still was 5,300, more than triple the goal. The books seemed futile as geological faults continued to uncertain. Luckily for one of the miners, Franklin will be used to build library collections for get in the way, until September 25, when the Lobos, who was a former professional soccer some of the impoverished islands in the Baha- first of three rescue capsules arrived at the mine.