Emily, Charlotte, George @ Eden Sandra and Claudia @ Eden Annie @ Eden Ula and Emily @ Eden George @ Eden Jack and Niamh @ Eden

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Emily, Charlotte, George @ Eden Sandra and Claudia @ Eden Annie @ Eden Ula and Emily @ Eden George @ Eden Jack and Niamh @ Eden GUIDEv.10.2018 In memory of Matilda Ula and Emily @ Eden Pixie @ Eden Annie @ Eden Jack and Niamh @ Eden Emily, Charlotte, George @ Eden Sandra and Claudia @ Eden George @ Eden Go Vegan World CLG is an animal rights and advocacy organisation established as a not-for-prot company. It is founded on the notion that everyone has the fundamen- tal right not to be owned, bred, used, harmed or killed, regardless of species. Living vegan respects these fundamental rights. Go Vegan World exists to educate the public on animal rights, to promote veganism, to dispel the myths that sustain animal exploitation, and to dismantle the legal property status of other animals . It is an advocacy body whose activities pertaining to animal rights and dismantling the legal property status of other animals do not t within the denition of a charitable organisation in the Republic of Ireland, and it is, therefore, not a registered charity. Go Vegan World CLG is a company limited by guarantee established on a not-for-prot basis. Registered in the Republic of Ireland. CRO number 624605. Registered Oce: Chamberstown House, Slane, Co. Meath. 1 INDEX 2 BECOMING VEGAN 3 WHAT IS VEGANISM 4 WHY BE VEGAN? 4.1 OTHER ANIMALS & WHY VEGETARIANISM IS NOT ENOUGH 4.1.1 DAIRY 4.1.2 EGGS 4.1.3 THE HUMANE MYTH 4.1.4 OTHER ANIMAL USE 4.1.5 PERSONHOOD 4.2 OTHER REASONS TO BE VEGAN 4.2.1 HUMAN HEALTH 4.2.2 WORLD HUNGER 4.2.3 WORKERS’ RIGHTS 4.2.4 OUR SHARED ENVIRONMENT 5 HOW TO BE VEGAN 5.1 DIET & NUTRITION 5.2 WHAT VEGANS EAT 5.2.1 LEGUMES 5.2.2 WHOLEGRAINS 5.2.3 VEGETABLES 5.2.4 FRUIT 5.2.5 FATS 5.2.6 PROTEIN & CALCIUM 5.2.7 IMPORTANT NUTRIENTS 6 VEGAN MENU PLANNING 7 VEGAN ALTERNATIVES 7.1 FOOD REPLACEMENTS 7.2 CLOTHING 7.3 PERSONAL CARE 7.4 OTHER USE 8 RECIPES 9 TRAVELLING & DINING OUT 10 WANT TO KNOW MORE? 2 BECOMING VEGAN Welcome to Veganism. You are about to make the best decision of your life. This guide will provide all the The animals of the world exist for their references, here, and on our website, that you can explore own reasons. They were not made for to learn more. humans any more than black people So, let’s get started. were made for whites or women for men. 3 WHAT IS VEGANISM? Veganism is a way of living that avoids unnecessarily exploiting other animals & seeks to abolish all human use of them. If you asked most people if they think it is wrong to harm other animals, they would say yes. Yet, using other animals Other animals are living, feeling beings, unique individuals. They are not inanimate objects. Yet we treat them as if they were inanimate, objectifying them to suit our own purposes. There is no ingredient in their lives or bodies that is necessary for our lives. Our reasons for using them are habit, taste, convenience, culture and tradition. Like us, other animals have minds and can think and feel. Their lives are valuable to them. None of them wants to die. In all the ways that matter, they are our kin and our equals. George @ Eden We all began life as children who would never dream of or in person. Veganism will bring you back to that place of knowing that it is unacceptable to harm other lives, to Alice Walker, Foreword to The Dreaded living your life according to that value. Comparison: Animal Slavery and Human Slavery (1996) by Marjorie Spiegel Welcome home. #govegan THEY FEEL EQUALLY WE TAKE THE MILK & FLESH OF ONE BUT NOT THE OTHER WHY? Ally and sheep #govegan 4 WHY BE VEGAN? Other animals are not here for our use. Most species are Think about a dog or cat you know well. Now think about much older than humans and survived very well for a long what would happen to them if we viewed them as objects time before we evolved. Since our domestication of them to be used for entertainment in a zoo or circus, or in a 10,000 years ago (a very short time in the history of human vivisection laboratory, or as food in the same way we view evolution) we have dominated, controlled and used them, taking away their purpose and liberty, and causing them to If your thoughts are making you feel uncomfortable, you live utterly miserable lives. are beginning to understand the rationale for veganism. Our everyday choices such as what we eat for dinner, The next step is to extend those feelings of discomfort to which detergent we use to wash our clothes, what we animals you do not know personally. They may look a bit wear, and where we choose to spend our leisure time, seem mundane and unimportant. But when we make individuals; they feel the same, and they have the same everyday choices that are not vegan, we needlessly destroy interest in avoiding harm and staying alive. someone else’s life. In fact, each non vegan can harm and kill hundreds of animals every year. 4.1 O4.1TH OERTHER ANIM ANIMALS A&L WHS & YW HY 4.1.34 T.1H.3E THHUEM HAUNME AMNYET MHYTH VEGEVEGTARIETAARIANINISM ISSM N ISOT N EONOUGT ENOHUGH Some pSeoompele p aevoopidle g aovionigd vgeoginang bevegcauns bee tchaeyus he atvheey fa hllaevne fallen for the fmory tthhe t hmayt thusi tnhgat o usithenrg an otihmearl ans asim fooalsd as is f hooumd aisn heu mane Once wOen beceg wine tbeo tghiinn kto c rtihitincakl lcyr,i tmicoasllty o, mf usos gt roaspf us t ghraaspt it itsh at it is (see Th(es eHeu Tmhaen Heu Mmyatnhe, AMmyyth: T, Ahem Fya: cTeh oe fF Hacuem oafn Heu Mmeaante; Meat; The HuTmhaen Heu Mmyathne d Miscuythss deidscu ons sGeod Voeng Gaon VRaegdaion) .Ra Ladbieol)s. Labels producpt rtohdaut cmt othsat tp meoopslte p tehionpkle o tfhi elinmk oinf aetilinmgi nisa antinigm isal an imal such ass u‘ochut daso o‘oru rtedaroeodr ’r, e‘garrassed’ ,f ‘egdrass’, ‘fr efeed r’,a ‘ngfreee’, r‘aongrgaen’, i‘co’,r ganic’, or ‘hapopry ‘’,ha frpeqpuy’e, nfrtelyq uideennttlyif yid menotriefy e mxpoernse eivxep e‘pnsroivdeu c‘ptrso’, ducts’, or to go rv teog geota vriaegne. tOatrhiaenr. fOortmsher ofof ranmsim oafl an usiem arale u esqeua arelly e, qually, but areb ouft l iarttele o of rl inttole c orn nseoq cuoennsceeq tuoen socme teoo snoem wehoon ise wusheod i s used if not mifo nroe,t hamormref,u hal. rmful. and killaendd f okilr lfeood dfo. rE fvooend o. rEgvaneni co rgmilkan icco mmilkes cfroomme sa fmroomth ae rm other who hasw hloos ht ashe rlo bsat bhye. rF breaeb yra. Fnrgeee eragnggs ere esgulgts in re tshulet dine aththes d eaths of maleo cf hmaickles achnidc kths ea nhde nths ew hheon ars we hbore ard eto b lraeyd t htoe mlay them 4.1.14 D.1AI.1R DYAIRY in the eing gth ine duegsgt riyn duansdt reyn adn tdh einr dli vtehse iart l itvhees saatm thee same slaughtslerhoaughtuserhoes. Aus sloesn.g A ass lo wneg v asiew w eth veiew bo dthiees bo, egdgiess , eggs The expThloeit eaxtipolno iotaf tfeiomn aolfe fes fmora tlehse ifro rre tphreoird ruecptirvoed uctive and milkan odf m otilkhe or fan otihmearl ans asim fooalsd as, w fooe cdo,n wtine uceo ntotin oubeje tcot iofyb j ectify capacitcieaps abcyi ttihees bdyai trhye in dduairsyt riyn duis osntrey oisf othnee mofo tshte c rmuoels t cruel and expanlodit e txhpelmoi.t them. forms ofof rinmsju sotfic ien juwset ipcer wpeet praetrep oentr aotteh eorn f eoethlienrg f ebeliinnggs b. eings. Cows aCnodw ths eairn dc atlhveeirs arcaelv seesp ararea tseedp asroa hteudm saon hsu cmana ntask cea n take their mtilhke. irT hmeyilk g. riTheeyve gjuriset vase juhusmt asan hsu wmhaon lso wseh toh eloirs e their childrecnh gilrdierevne .gi iiri eve.i ii 4.1.44 O.1T.4H EORT HAENRIM AANLIM UASEL USE In manIyn s mecatnoyr ss oecf ttohres doaif trhye in dduairsyt riyn dumasltersy, mwhaloe sc,an whno tc annot Using oUthsienrg an otimhearl san foimr calolst fhionr cgl otrhi enntge ortrain entmeertnaint amlsoe ncat uaslseos causes producper omdilukc, ear me ilkkil,l earde a kt ilbleirdth a. tS boimrthe. lSivoem foer l iav we fhoilre a while them hathremm a nhadr ulmti amndat uleltiy mthaet eplrye tmhea turpreem loasturs oef tlohsesir o lifv tehse. ir lives. before bbeefionrge kbileleindg b kyil tlehde bmye tahte in mdueast riyn.du Otshteryr. mOathlee cr amlvaeles calves FeatherFse, astilhke arns,d s iwlko aonl dar we ofroelq arue nfrtelyq tuaeknetnly f rtoamke nliv fero amni lmivael sa nimals The fatTeh oef ffeatme aolfe fe camlvaeles isca tlhves s isam thee as sa tmheeir as m tohtehire rms:o thers: repeateredp ceyactleeds ocyf cfolersc eodf fiomrpceredgn imaptiroengn, laosstio onf, ltossheir o cf atlhveeirs, calves, thoughtthou by sgohmt bey t oso bme eb tyo-p breo dbuyc-ptsr oodf uthcets m ofe taht ein mdueastr iyn, duares try, are and whaennd t whheye nh atvheey n ohtahiven gn olethift ntog gleivfte t toh geyiv are teh keyill earde a kt il6le d at 6 lucrativleu cinradtuivsetri ineds uins trihesir i now thne ririg ohwt,n a nridg hret,s aulntd in re sult in years oyf eaagres . oTfh aegire n. 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  • Easy Vegan Starter Guide for More Information Visit
    Easy Vegan Starter Guide For more information visit www.vegansociety.org.nz GETTING STARTED In this guide Welcome to our easy guide to becoming vegan and congratulations on taking the first step to a healthful, compassionate and planet-friendly diet! This guide is designed to help get you underway with recipes, meal ideas and meal planning, nutritional information plus links to documentaries, books and social opportunities. Much information is available on our website. What is veganism? People become vegan for many reasons. The most common are; to protect the environment, to protect the health of their family and to protect animals. A vegan is a person who knowingly chooses not to consume, use or wear any products produced from animals or containing animal by-products and avoids products tested on animals. Vegans do not eat meat (fish, livestock or poultry) eggs, dairy products, honey, gelatine nor do they use leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics or soaps derived from animal products. Everything vegans do eat and use comes from plants The vegan diet is simple! It’s easy to fulfil all your nutritional requirements with a vegan diet. The best way to get everything you need is to include a wide variety of fresh, healthy foods in your diet with a few fortified foods. On page two of this guide you’ll see the Vegan Food Pyramid, which shows the kinds of foods you’ll be eating. The American Dietetic Association states: “It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.
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