Is Congratulated Nolo Conference Veryvaluable
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f With a charter from the United States government and i ARCHBISHOP FARLEY LARSEN NAVIGATES NOLO CONFERENCE conducting its business in strict compliance with the National Banking Laws IS CONGRATULATED THE NIAGARA RIVER ON COTTON PRICES THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK October today the OF BIRMINGHAM Has Received No Official Boatman Steers His Governor Colquitt of Texas Kills Himself and Father-in- Boston, 29.-^Again Daring Sunday worship at the Immanuel Bap- CAPITAL $1,500,000.00 SURPLUS $1,400,000 Confirmation of Reports Craft Through Rapids Arrives Law, Wounds Wife and tist church, Cambridge, was directed by a supply minister while the pastor, Assures to its patrons every service and consideration withir< was and Whirlpools Mother-in-Law the Rev. Clarence V. T. Richeson, the limits of sound banking, and seeks accounts from all thosq \ confined in juii accused of the mur- who value a as a ' one Avis appreciate the of bank connection busi-\ INTEREST IN ROME JOHN M’LAURIN THERE der of his time sweetheart. good Linnell. There was no word or allu- ness 1 Niagara Falls, N. October 29.—Capt. October 29.—Car- asset_ Y., Parkersburg, W. Va., the situa- — sion during the service to Klaus Larson of Detroit today made bis rol L. James, a railroad conductor of this tion of the pastor. Mr. Richeson re- America second Niagara river trip in a motorboat That Unless Cotton Prices city, shot and killed his futher-ln-law, ^stinction Conferred Upon States ceived no visitors at the jail. Consid- from the cataract to Lewiston. He com- William Pritchard, probably fatally of the Are Better Soon Farmers eration of evidence against the clergy- Is Highest in History pleted the six mile through the tur- wounded his mother-in-law; slightly in- trip man will be resumed tomorrow by the Not Go to bulent water in 25 minutes, coming Raise Corn Next his wife, and then committed sui- Church—Will Will jured special grand jury. District Attorney * through without a scratch. Larcen says cide today at Pennsboro, W. Va., Ritchie Rome for Consistory Year Pelletier will have waiting to testify he is through with Niagara adventure, county. several witnesses from whom ho hopes but next will make a across the James broke into the Pritchard home year trip to develop testimony which will clear * Atlantic in his boat, the “Niagara.” Lar- ar- and caught his victims while they slept. New York, October 29.—Archbishop John New Orleans, October 29.—With the up the uncertainty as to whether Mr. sen started from the Canadian side at 1:50 E. He made no effort to harm his four-year- M. was as His Eminence rival today of Governor O. Colquitt Richeson and Miss Linnell were to- Farley greeted 29.—Four stores in visits o'clock, and swept under the lower steel old daughter, who occupied the bed with the afternoon of her death. Fulton, Ky., October 29.—A good Tuscaloosa, October In congratulation and personal of Texas and his party and the commis- gether arch five minutes later. Coming Into her mother and In this connection some importance sized crowd of Illinois Central rail- the- principal business section of this city he received today from his ad- sioners of agriculture of several south- grandmother. ; which to the of the swift where the river breaks from The followed a series of sen- is attached to the visits jail road strikers and sympathizers met the were destroyed by fire early today, in out of the church. drift, ern states with other executives expected tragedy mirers and three women believed to be about six weeks young soldiers here to order when estimated loss being $100,000, two thirds of not receive today the calm upper reach to the rapids, he will be sational occurrences here preserve 1 The Archbishop did on early night trains, everything waitresses employed in a restaurant is insurance. Practi- of arrived tills but did not which covered by from the veered toward the Canadian side. for the ago when James shot Seymour Kuhn Miss is said to have told they morning, any official confirmation Holy in readiness tomorrow morning where Linnell cally all of the men of the city formed The boat rode the smaller waves with- Fairmount, W. Va., a fellow railroad a friend she had been with the min- attempt violence. Only hissing and .See of the news brought to him in As- opening session of Southern Governors’' themselves into a fire fighting force and worn- out a the fierce whom he he had found with ister. The result of the young jeers were indulged in. With the Press last of tremor, but caught by conference for the of discussing rnan, alleged managed to save a business block which sociated dispatches *night purpose •'n's identification was not his wife at the James’ home. attempted railroad the was threatened the flames. to the cardinalate. Semi- current about midway of the rapids, she decline in troops guarding property by his elevation the problem of checking the James disclosed. was and almost cleared the Kuhn's injury Was slight. situation is to hurled up quiet tonight. official messages which camo him, cotton prices. No definite programme suit for divorce Mrs. James It is understood the Boston police a^e mountains of water. Once the craft was brought apd For the first time since the strike forced the arch- it was Gover- working on the report that Mr. Riche- NEGRO DEAD AS however, apparently upon side swiped and almost keeled over by lias yet been arranged as brought a counter suit. in son in returning to Mrs. Frank Car- was declared many of the neutral ele- belief that the good news was a comber. The took nor ‘‘that matters During the taking depositions the bishop rapids trip hardly Colquitt’s opinion he had RESULT OF FIGHT James evi- ter, his landlady, a bowl which ment went to bed unafraid. true and made no attempt to conceal more than a minute. soon aft- suits last Monday Mrs. gave he, would shape themselves easily borrowed from her to mix a paste of As the “Niagara” entered the whirlpool dence which resulted in the arrest two The militiamen, posted tonight about his gratification. er the eon/erence is called to order.’* fiour and water to use for bookbinding, Phillip Wilson, Believed to Have Cut her engine was working perfectly. Larsen days later of her husband and George the shops, round house and along the Two of the messages which particuarly and statistics on the said: “Be sure to wash the bowl out toward the American side of the Figures bearing Mltter of Grafton, W. Va., an express Him at Is kept nell, because there has been tracks to the Tennessee line—a short, Ensley, his from Monsignor Kennedy E. on poison please grace pool, but he was caught in a cross cur- crops have been prepared by Judge messenger, the charge of conspiracy distance—were issued hall cartridges and in it.” Fugitive of the American College in Rome,- rent and was almost drawn into the vor- R. Kone, commissioner o7 Texas, which to the defraud the United States Express and instructed to “shoot when it be- of con- tex. the hardest kind of with company. comes Cardinal Rogue, Primate Ireland, Only work are expected to prove of value in the dis- necessary.” The strikebreakers As a result of a fight in Ensley last James was have a on the the tiller prevented trouble. to received prelimi- havfe been moved from the gratulating the New York prelate cussions with Secretary Hester's reports. exposed Saturday night Silas Briggs, a negro, ib Once clear of the whirlpool, Laxsen- nary hearing next Tuesday on the con- camp which was the target for the new honors awaiting him. Notwithstand- It is believed the Texas representatives dead and Wilson, also colored, headed the boat up stream to put things spiracy charge. It is said that he wor- fusilade. Phillip ing these and trustworthy ad- which is a equally shipshape for the final test in the Devil’s will advocate a bureau of statistics ried greatly over the matter and was “We are determined to preserve order fugitive from justice. the declined during the much embittered his wife and her vices, archbishop Hole rapids. | will gather for the benefit of the cotton against If we have to ask the government for The affair took place at the steel plant to statement of He was It is alleged that he threatened militiaman said cay to add anything his badly ruffled In the lower rap- producers authentic figures bearing on family. every in the state," quarters about midnight op Saturday and but managed to hold # course close that he would kill the whole Pritchard Commonwealth Attorney Robert Smith, last night to the effect that he could not ids, the world's consumption, foreign pro- a number of eye witnesses are being held to the Canadian side, and at 2:14 o’clock and the to be Issued family and the shooting was an apparent under whose directions Capt. E. W. the -news as a fact until it duction spinnings accept good to Clark has by the police pending further Investiga- passed under the suspension bridge at from time to time. effort fulfill his threat. placed the soldiers. was officially announced. The archbish- tion. Lonston. He had made the five miles As Clarence Owsley, editor of the Fort James quietly forced his way If to the op occupied the throne at the high mass between the in 19 Pritchard home at Pennsboro at 2 o’cloc* after the Briggs ran bridges minutes.