
Diagnostic in metamorphosed pelitic rocks

Barrovian — Regional orogenic metamorphism in the Scottish Highlands

Chlorite zone — or phyllites (important) Chlorite (higher-grade part of facies) Chloritoid Albite (lower-grade part of facies)

Biotite zone — Slates give way to phyllites or Biotite Chlorite Muscovitee Albite

Garnet zone — Schists with red almandine Garnet Biotite (common) Chlorite Muscovite Quartz Albite or

Staurolite zone — Schists Biotite Muscovite Quartz Garnet Chlorite (some may persist)

Kyanite zone — Schists Biotite Muscovite Quartz Plagioclase Garnet (usually) Staurolite (common)

Sillimanite zone — Schists and Biotite Muscovite Quartz Plagioclase Garnet Staurolite (maybe) Kyanite (maybe)

Minerals Diagnostic of Different Bulk Compositions in some facies of Regional Metamorphism

NOTE - never are all the minerals listed for a particular bulk composition present together in a single . A rock contains some of the many minerals listed. This becomes clear as we consider phase diagrams which apply to metamorphic rocks of restricted composition.

Quartzo-feldspathic rocks are mostly of quartz and in the , , and facies. One or two of the minerals listed for or calcareous or pelitic rocks in the appropriate facies may also be present.

Symbols used: () = rare or minor constituent CAPITALIZED mineral helps distinguish rocks from next-lower-grade facies


Mafic Rocks Calcareous Rocks Pelitic Rocks chlorite muscovite (IMPORTANT) group quartz calcite ankerite chlorite albite siderite (lower-grade GS-facies) biotite (higher-grade GS-facies) (higher-grade GS-facies) epidote group pyrophyllite (biotite) quartz chloritoid (quartz) Mg-chlorite (albite) (muscovite (lower-grade GS-facies)) ()

Magnesian Rocks Talc; [= serpentine]; -actinolite; brucite; magnesite; chlorite


Mafic Rocks Calcareous Rocks Pelitic Rocks chlorite calcite muscovite (IMPORTANT) epidote group dolomite (but not with quartz) quartz calcite epidote group chlorite (Mg-rich) plagioclase quartz biotite (biotite) TREMOLITE ALMANDINE-spessartine (quartz) Mg-chlorite chloritoid or actinolite (plagioclase) pyrophyllite almandine- () (plagioclase)

Magnesian Rocks Talc; antigorite [= serpentine]; tremolite-actinolite; brucite; magnesite; (chlorite) AMPHIBOLITE FACIES

Mafic Rocks Calcareous Rocks Pelitic Rocks intermediate plagioclase calcite muscovite (IMPORTANT - not at high grade) hornblende dolomite (but not with quartz) quartz hornblende or tremolite biotite epidote group (low-grade A-facies) almandine epidote group (low-grade A- intermed.- or Ca-plagioclase STAUROLITE facies) almandine-pyrope KYANITE or ANDALUSITE diopside (high-grade A-facies) sillimanite (high-grade A-facies) (quartz) (phlogopite ) K-feldspar-sillimanite (high-grade A-facies) (cordierite) (Mg chlorite) (low-grade A-facies) cordierite (biotite) grossularite- (plagioclase) (sphene) (very-Mg-rich chlorite) (low-grade A-facies)

Magnesian Rocks Anthophyllite; actinolite;


Mafic Rocks Calcareous Rocks Pelitic Rocks intermediate plagioclase calcite quartz AUGITE or diopside dolomite ( but not with quartz) sillimanite ENSTATITE diopside (kyanite) almandine-pyrope forsterite almandine olivine quartz anthophyllite or cummingtonite (low-grade G- grossularite-andradite cordierite (low-grade facies) G-facies) (quartz) calcic plagioclase (plagioclase) (high-grade G-facies) ENSTATITE

Magnesian Rocks Anthophyllite or cummingtonite (low-grade G-facies); olivine; ENSTATITE


Mafic Rocks Calcareous Rocks Pelitic Rocks ARAGONITE or calcite (low-grade muscovite BS-facies) impure dolomite quartz quartz almandine glaucophane chlorite (LAWSONITE) glaucophane aragonite or calcite (low-grade BS- pumpellyite almandine facies) albite (low-grade BS-facies) chlorite (quartz)

Quartzo-Feldspathic Rocks (generally derived from graywacke or arkosic arenite) Quartz; jadeite (high-grade BS-facies); LAWSONITE; glaucophane; stilpnomelane; (muscovite); albite (low-grade BS-facies); (ARAGONITE or calcite (low-grade BS-facies))