Bibliography from ADS File: Shibata.Bib August 16, 2021 1
Bibliography from ADS file: shibata.bib Airapetian, V. S., Barnes, R., Cohen, O., et al., “Impact of space August 16, 2021 weather on climate and habitability of terrestrial-type exoplanets”, 2020IJAsB..19..136A ADS Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Ishii, T. T., et al., “SMART/SDDI Filament Disappearance Sakaue, T. & Shibata, K., “M-dwarf’s Chromosphere, Corona and Wind Con- Catalogue”, 2020arXiv200303454S ADS nection via the Nonlinear Alfvén Wave”, 2021arXiv210612752S ADS Namekata, K., Davenport, J. R. A., Morris, B. M., et al., “Temporal Evolution of Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Isobe, H., et al., “Small-scale Turbulent Motion Spatially Resolved Individual Star Spots on a Planet-hosting Solar-type Star: of the Plasma in a Solar Filament as the Precursor of Eruption”, Kepler-17”, 2020ApJ...891..103N ADS 2021arXiv210611875S ADS Shimojo, M., Kawate, T., Okamoto, T. J., et al., “Estimating the Tempera- Namekata, K., Maehara, H., Sasaki, R., et al., “Erratum: Optical and X-ray ture and Density of a Spicule from 100 GHz Data Obtained with ALMA”, observations of stellar flares on an active M dwarf AD Leonis with Seimei 2020ApJ...888L..28S ADS Telescope, SCAT, NICER, and OISTER”, 2021PASJ...73..485N ADS Tei, A., Gunár, S., Heinzel, P., et al., “IRIS Mg II Observations and Gutierrez, M. V., Otsuji, K., Asai, A., et al., “A three-dimensional ve- Non-LTE Modeling of Off-limb Spicules in a Solar Polar Coronal Hole”, locity of an erupting prominence prior to a coronal mass ejection”, 2020ApJ...888...42T ADS 2021PASJ...73..394G ADS Notsu, Y., Kowalski, A., Maehara, H.,
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