Bibliography from ADS file: giampapa.bib Giampapa, M. S., Andretta, V., Beeck, B., Reiners, A., & Schüssler, M., “Joint August 16, 2021 Response of the Helium Lines to Chromospheric Heating in Solar-type Stars”, 2012AAS...22020314G ADS Andretta, V. & Giampapa, M., “Estimating the Fractional Area Coverage of Guilluy, G., Andretta, V., Borsa, F., et al., “The GAPS programme at TNG. Active Regions in Dwarf Stars”, 2011ASPC..448.1111A ADS XXII. The GIARPS view of the extended helium atmosphere of HD 189733 b Fletcher, L., Hudson, H., Cauzzi, G., et al., “Splinter Session “Solar and Stellar accounting for stellar activity”, 2020A&A...639A..49G ADS Flares””, 2011ASPC..448..441F ADS Rackham, B., Apai, D., Giampapa, M., et al., “Towards Mitigating the Impact of Giampapa, M. S., “The evolution of stellar surface activity and possible effects Stellar Photospheric Heterogeneity on Precise Exoplanet Transmission Spec- on exoplanets”, 2011IAUS..273...68G ADS tra”, 2019EPSC...13..971R ADS Carpenter, K. G., Schrijver, C. J., Karovska, M., et al., “Stellar Imager (SI): Rackham, B., Pinhas, A., Apai, D., et al., “Constraining Stellar Photospheres developing and testing a predictive dynamo model for the Sun by imaging as an Essential Step for Transmission Spectroscopy of Small Exoplanets”, other stars”, 2010arXiv1011.5214C ADS 2019BAAS...51c.328R ADS Giampapa, M. S., Sherry, W. H., & Craine, E. R., “Photometric Rackham, B. V., Apai, D., & Giampapa, M. S., “The Transit Light Source Effect. Variability of Solar-Type Stars in the Young Pleiades Open Cluster”, II. The Impact of Stellar Heterogeneity on Transmission Spectra of Planets 2010AAS...21640014G ADS Orbiting Broadly Sun-like Stars”, 2019AJ....157...96R ADS Chaplin, W. J., Appourchaux, T., Elsworth, Y., et al., “The Asteroseismic Poten- Rackham, B. V., Apai, D., Giampapa, M. S., Zhang, Z., & Zhou, Y., “The Transit tial of Kepler: First Results for Solar-Type Stars”, 2010ApJ...713L.169C Light Source Effect in F to M Dwarf Systems”, 2019AAS...23310302R ADS ADS Berger, E., Basri, G., Fleming, T. A., et al., “Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Apai, D., Rackham, B. V., Giampapa, M. S., et al., “Understanding Stellar Observations of Magnetic Activity in Ultracool Dwarfs. III. X-ray, Radio, and Contamination in Exoplanet Transmission Spectra as an Essential Step in Hα Activity Trends in M and L dwarfs”, 2010ApJ...709..332B ADS Small Planet Characterization”, 2018arXiv180308708A ADS Reiners, A. & Giampapa, M. S., “The Origin of Enhanced Activity in the Suns Brandenburg, A. & Giampapa, M. S., “Enhanced Stellar Activity for Slow Anti- of M67”, 2009ApJ...707..852R ADS solar Differential Rotation?”, 2018ApJ...855L..22B ADS Berger, E., Rutledge, R. E., Phan-Bao, N., et al., “Periodic Radio and Rackham, B. V., Apai, D., & Giampapa, M. S., “The Transit Light Source Ef- Hα Emission from the L Dwarf Binary 2MASSW J0746425+200032: fect: False Spectral Features and Incorrect Densities for M-dwarf Transiting Exploring the Magnetic Field Topology and Radius Of An L Dwarf ”, Planets”, 2018ApJ...853..122R ADS 2009ApJ...695..310B ADS Giampapa, M. S., Andretta, V., Covino, E., Reiners, A., & Esposito, M., “Exo- Berger, E., Giampapa, M., & Sherry, W.: 2009b, The Lifetime of Mag- planet Transits of Stellar Active Regions”, 2018AAS...23123402G ADS netic Fields in Fully Convective Brown Dwarfs, NOAO Proposal Andretta, V., Giampapa, M. S., Covino, E., Reiners, A., & Beeck, B., “VizieR 2009noao.prop...84B ADS Online Data Catalog: HeI 5876 & 10830Å EWs of solar-type stars (An- Giampapa, M., Sherry, W., Craine, E., & Tucker, R., “Photometric variability of dretta+, 2017)”, 2017yCat..18390097A ADS solar-type members of the Pleiades open cluster”, 2009AIPC.1094..648G Rackham, B. V., Apai, D., & Giampapa, M. S., “The Light Source Problem: ADS The Effect of Heterogeneous Stellar Photospheres on Searches for Transiting Hall, J. C., Giampapa, M. S., Henry, G. W., et al., “The Stars as a Sun: Secular Exoplanet Biosignatures”, 2017LPICo2042.4032R ADS Variations of Cycling and Non-Cycling Stars”, 2009astro2010S.111H Rackham, B. V., Apai, D., & Giampapa, M. S., “The Effect of Stel- ADS lar Contamination on Transmission Spectra of Low-mass Exoplanets”, Giampapa, M. S., Gibson, S., Harvey, J. W., et al., “Causes of Solar Activity”, 2017DPS....4941620R ADS 2009astro2010S..92G ADS LSST Science Collaboration, Marshall, P., Anguita, T., et al., “Science-Driven Giampapa, M. S., Aerts, C., Bedding, T., et al., “Asteroseismology: The Next Optimization of the LSST Observing Strategy”, 2017arXiv170804058L Frontier in Stellar Astrophysics”, 2009astro2010S..91G ADS ADS Streander, K. V., Giampapa, M. S., Harvey, J. W., Henney, C. J., & Norton, Andretta, V., Giampapa, M. S., Covino, E., Reiners, A., & Beeck, B., “Estimates A. A., “A global SOLIS vector spectromagnetograph (VSM) network”, of Active Region Area Coverage through Simultaneous Measurements of the 2008SPIE.7014E..7PS ADS He I λλ 5876 and 10830 Lines”, 2017ApJ...839...97A ADS Livingston, W. C., Giampapa, M. S., Harvey, J. W., Keil, S. L., & Toussaint, Najita, J., Willman, B., Finkbeiner, D. P., et al., “Maximizing Science in R. M., “Ca II H & K Spectra From The National Solar Observatory”, the Era of LSST: A Community-Based Study of Needed US Capabilities”, 2008AGUSMSP53B..04L ADS 2016arXiv161001661N ADS Berger, E., Basri, G., Gizis, J. E., et al., “Simultaneous Multiwave- Giampapa, M. S., “The Photometric Variability of Solar-Type Stars”, length Observations of Magnetic Activity in Ultracool Dwarfs. II. Mixed 2016IAUFM..29A.365G ADS Trends in VB 10 and LSR 1835+32 and the Possible Role of Rotation”, Hawley, S. L., Angus, R., Buzasi, D., et al., “Maximizing Science in 2008ApJ...676.1307B ADS the Era of LSST, Stars Study Group Report: Rotation and Magnetic Howell, S. B., Giampapa, M., Harrison, T., et al.: 2008, Externally Induced or Activity in the Galactic Field Population and in Open Star Clusters”, Internally Produced: What is the Source of the Extreme Magnetic Activity Ob- 2016arXiv160704302H ADS served in Very Low Mass Stars?, NOAO Proposal 2008noao.prop...95H Giampapa, M. S., “The solar-stellar connection”, 2016AsJPh..25..411G ADS ADS Berger, E., Gizis, J. E., Giampapa, M. S., et al., “Simultaneous Multiwavelength Howell, S. B., Ciardi, D. R., Giampapa, M. S., et al., “Variability of Kepler Observations of Magnetic Activity in Ultracool Dwarfs. I. The Complex Be- Solar-like Stars Harboring Small Exoplanets”, 2016AJ....151...43H havior of the M8.5 Dwarf TVLM 513-46546”, 2008ApJ...673.1080B ADS ADS Giampapa, M., “Photometric Variations In The Sun And Solar-Type Stars”, Kraus, A. L., Craine, E. R., Giampapa, M. S., Scharlach, W. W. G., 2016csss.confE...1G ADS & Tucker, R. A., “The First MOTESS-GNAT Variable-Star Survey”, Giampapa, M.: 2015, Seeing SPOTS with SOFIA: Starspot Photometric Obser- 2007AJ....134.1488K ADS vations of Transiting Systems, SOFIA Proposal 2015sofi.prop...24G Giampapa, M. S., Sherry, W. S., Craine, E. R., & Tucker, R., “Vari- ADS ability of Young Solar-Type Stars in the Pleiades Open Cluster”, Giampapa, M. S., Andretta, V., Beeck, B., Reiners, A., & Schüssler, M., “A 2007AAS...210.2301G ADS Method for Measuring Active Region Filling Factors on Solar-Type Stars”, Livingston, W., Wallace, L., White, O. R., & Giampapa, M. S., “Sun-as-a-Star 2015TESS....120101G ADS Spectrum Variations 1974-2006”, 2007ApJ...657.1137L ADS Pevtsov, A. A., Bertello, L., Harker, B., Giampapa, M., & Marble, A. R., “SO- Giampapa, M. S., Hall, J. C., Radick, R. R., & Baliunas, S. L., “A Survey of LIS: Reconciling Disk-integrated and Disk-resolved Spectra from the Sun”, Chromospheric Activity in the Solar-Type Stars in the Open Cluster M67”, 2015csss...18..887P ADS 2006ApJ...651..444G ADS Bertello, L., Pevtsov, A. A., Giampapa, M. S., & Marble, A. R., “Solar Giampapa, M. & Sherry, W.: 2006, Age-Activity Correlation at Young Stellar Cycle Dependency of Sun-as-a-Star Photospheric Spectral Line Profiles”, Ages, NOAO Proposal 2006noao.prop..321G ADS 2015csss...18..693B ADS Craine, E. R., Tucker, R. A., Kraus, A. L., Culver, R. B., & Gi- Giampapa, M. & Bertello, L., “Line Bisector Variability in the Sun as a Star”, ampapa, M. S., “Collaborative Research Opportunities with the Global 2015csss...18..495G ADS Network of Astronomical Telescopes (GNAT): Variable Star Research”, Giampapa, M., “Stellar Activity and Variability: Our Sun in a Stellar Context”, 2006SASS...25..111C ADS 2013ASPC..478..365G ADS Craine, E. R., Kraus, A. L., Giampapa, M. S., Scharlach, W. W. G., & Tucker, Giampapa, M. S., “Stellar cycles: general properties and future directions”, R. A., “Structure and Availability of the MOTESS-GNAT Variable Star Sur- 2012IAUS..286..257G ADS veys”, 2005AAS...20712212C ADS 1 Giampapa, M., Stauffer, J., Deliyannis, C., & Sherry, W.: 2005, Chromospheric Taylor, J. M., Craine, E. R., & Giampapa, M. S., “Differential Photometry Using Activity at Intermediate Ages, NOAO Proposal 2005noao.prop...84G the GNAT 0. 5 m Prototype”, 1999ASPC..189..238T ADS ADS Giampapa, M. S., Prosser, C. F., & Fleming, T. A., “X-Ray Activity in the Open Berger, E., Rutledge, R. E., Reid, I. N., et al., “The Magnetic Properties of an Cluster IC 4665”, 1998ApJ...501..624G ADS L Dwarf Derived from Simultaneous Radio, X-Ray, and Hα Observations”, Giampapa, M. S., “A Survey of Chromospheric Activity in the Solar-Type Stars 2005ApJ...627..960B ADS in M67”, 1998saco.conf...65G ADS Giampapa, M. S., “Stellar analogs of solar activity: the Sun in a stellar context”, Keller, C. U., Harvey, J. W., Barden, S. C., et al., “Asteroseismology from equiv- 2005ssac.conf..307G ADS alent widths: a test of the sun”, 1998IAUS..185..375K ADS , “The Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate”, 2005ssac.conf.....H ADS Pilachowski, C. A., Barden, S., Hill, F., et al., “The Procyon campaign: Obser- Culver, R. B., Craine, E. R., Kraus, A. L., Giampapa, M. S., & Tucker, vations from Kitt Peak”, 1998IAUS..185..319P ADS R. A., “High Amplitude Variable Stars in the MOTESS-GNAT MG1 Survey”, Giampapa, M. S., Prosser, C. F., & Fleming, T. A., “A Joint X-ray and Optical 2004AAS...205.1404C ADS Investigation of the Young Open Cluster IC 4665”, 1998ASPC..154.2106G Giampapa, M.
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