Annual Report Report 2014 Our New Brand

Strap Line Our credentials and our history. Curl Curl Beach Depicting the seaside location of Stewart Natural Starfish Icon House. A ‘gold star’ of approval High Five as well as enhancing our A youthful physical location. celebration of the personal achievements that Our Name are delivered at Proud and strong with the Stewart House. children’s hands rising out of our good name.

New Stewart House Logo & Brand Identity

The Stewart House logo is a celebration of the personal achievements children gain from the professional services and care provided by Stewart House. The logo is an icon, wedded to our name and tag line. We want the viewer to see in the logo and strap line - CHANGING CHILDREN’S LIVES SINCE 1931 - the light, joy and nurturing that STEWART HOUSE bring to the lives of the children in our care.

The logo has been created as a losenge, and should always be shown as a whole. It consists of several elements, all of which when brought together, properly portray the Stewart House brand. Shown on this page are the elements which make up the Stewart House logo.



Stewart House - Changing children’s lives since 1931

Every year 1,800 public school children attend our safe haven next to Curl Curl beach at no cost to their parents or carers. During a 12 day stay they are provided with dental, optical, hearing and medical screening and treatment.

Children participate in educational programs and excursions designed to develop their social and emotional skills, build self-esteem and improve their overall well-being.

This experience provides children with a much needed break from their current circumstance. Our children are inspired to see beyond the present and to have real hope and positive aspirations for their future.

Board of Directors Stewart House Committees Graeme Philpotts In 2014 the following committees operated: Chief Executive Officer Audit Risk and Compliance Committee

Barry Johnson Mark Rice (chair) Chairman Marilyn Bourne Tom Croker Ken Boston Richard Hoskins Tom Croker Barry Johnson Ken Dixon Anthony Dombkins Governance and Richard Hoskins Nominations Board Committee Michelle Reincastle Michelle Reincastle (chair) Mark Rice Tom Croker

Marilyn Walker Barry Johnson

“ Stewart House Mission We provide a range of caring experiences within a quality health, education and “ recreation environment in order to improve the self-esteem, resilience, social skills and general well-being of children in need from NSW and ACT public schools.


Stewart House Profile 2011 - 2014 Identified support needs

2014 2013 2012 2011 117 7% Peer / adult interaction

Mainstream 1650 1610 1624 1712 273 17% Peer acceptance

Groups 19 19 19 20 151 9% Behaviour

Special needs 120 180 120 62 262 16% Social skill development

Groups 2 3 2 1 160 10% Emotional resilience

Schools 850 847 829 748 Identified health needs on arrival ATSI 394 (24%) 351(22%) 355 (22%) 349 (20%)

NESB 136 (8%) 164 (10%) 140 (9%) 157 (9%) 107 6% Allergies

Return visitor 62 (4%) 185 (11%) 44 (3%) 81 (5%) 435 26% Health issues 120 7% ADHD medication

Major reason for nomination 192 12% Other medication

206 12% Isolation 254 15% Asthma needs

622 38% Economic disadvantage Health interventions 1227 74% Lack of opportunity 328 20% Pediculosis Significant student issues 824 49% Triage in house 295 18% Victims of neglect 131 8% Medical centre 222 13% Victims of domestic violence

145 9% Victims of abuse 12% Hearing anomalies

247 15% In care of extended family 183 Reviews by Macquarie University 254 15% FACS involvement not in parental care 88% Dental assessment 316 19% Too many carer responsibilities 65% Fluoride 236 14% Needs a break from siblings or peers 92% Further examination required Family issues 91% Local Treatment

448 27% Mental illness at home 93% Eye assessment 228 14% Drug / alcohol abuse in the home 17% Further examination required

406 25% Crisis 103 Glasses provided by Teachers Health 182 11% Custody

239 14% Sole parent



262 | 201 250 Grade profile of children

197 | 190 200

150 110 | 118

100 63 | 88 85 | 55

61 | 56 51 | 39 50 24 | 15

10 | 12 5 | 6 1 1 0 K Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11


250 251 | 192 Age profile of children

200 175 | 174


102 | 97 101 | 111 100 75 | 45 60 | 67 45| 37 50 37 | 35

5 | 11 10 | 8 0 3 2 | 3 1 6 yo 7 yo 8 yo 9 yo 10 yo 11 yo 12 yo 13 yo 14 yo 15 yo 16 yo 17 yo 18yo


In last year’s report I stated: High Fives at Stewart House! “On reflection, I believe that 2013 will be considered one of our best years ever and pivotal to ensuring the In Term 4, 2014 we proudly launched a new brand. The logo depicts two hands ‘high fiving’ in front of the actual continued success of Stewart House”. Curl Curl beach surfline with sky and sand – a view every So it proved to be. At the end of 2014, we recorded not student wakes up to at Stewart House. The ‘Southern only the largest operating expenses in our history but also Cross’ and ‘Stewie the Dolphin’, used as logos in the past, the largest surplus! did not really convey the essence of what we do.

Stewart House has never looked better, has never The new logo, with a ‘high five’, instantly shows a friendly, been in such a fortunate financial position, has comfortable and uplifting exchange between two children, which we feel depicts the best possible outcome never been better cared for and has never applied of a stay at Stewart House – children leaving with positive such intense scrutiny to ensuring a seamless aspirations for a future beyond their current circumstance. integrated program meets the needs of children High Fiving is a celebration and we feel that is appropriate entrusted to us by public schools from across for our logo as we celebrate with students a constructive NSW and the ACT. impact across their 12-day stay and beyond.

The logo was designed by On Create Communications Thank you on a pro bono basis. Although the logo has changed, All of this could not have been achieved without steadfast the purpose of Stewart House in providing much-needed support from public educators and administration staff in respite for public school children remains the same and NSW, a myriad of loyal private donors, organisations and this is reflected in the tagline accompanying the new logo corporations. The financial support and encouragement – CHANGING CHILDREN’S LIVES SINCE 1931. received from stakeholders, backers, sponsors and This rebranding has defined a clear and succinct Stewart advocates is our life blood and we have never been House policy - to change the lives of children in difficult healthier! circumstances and to give them hope and aspiration for John Harold Dugdale (19/7/1918 – 20/11/2013; formerly of the future. This has been its purpose since 1931. Strathfield, late of Umina Beach) was one such supporter. In 2014, Stewart House was a most grateful recipient of Our strategy is very neatly set out in our consumer one eighth of his estate ($625,000). John Dugdale was engagement statement. What we do is: a former Inspector of Schools, known by many in the broader education community for his involvement with • withdraw 1800 children annually for twelve days the Teachers RSL Sub-Branch and one who championed respite care in a safe house at no cost to their parents; the work of Stewart House. His legacy will enable us to • provide them with dental, optical, hearing and medical look closely at our current service provision and to plan treatment and screening; and for facilities fit for the purpose of taking Stewart House into its second century of operation. • involve them in educational programs and excursions designed to develop their social and emotional skills, build self-esteem and improve their overall well-being. Chairman’s Report

That is our strategy. The three things we do, to change in a vacancy created by extended leave, consolidation the lives of children. In 2014, we proudly engaged 1,770 of the executive leadership team towards the students from 850 NSW and ACT public schools in this end of the year and increased provisions for leave process. entitlements.

• Depreciation expense increased $36k due to capital Our financial position improvements last year. Roof restoration, theatre and The company’s financial statements are included in this playground have been depreciated for a full year in annual report and I encourage the reader to review these 2014. statements and accompanying notes as they disclose • Catering and health care increased by $22k due to a wealth of information about Stewart House. I am very general increases in groceries and health related pleased to announce a surplus for the sixth consecutive consumables. year coinciding with the six years of the new company’s operations. • Occupancy and building maintenance increased $59k due mainly to renovation of the two largest The reported net surplus for the company increased dormitories and additional costs for the replacement by $555,488 to $720,048 for the year ended 31 of carpet, painting and electrical. December 2014. The company’s statement of financial position discloses net assets of $17,753,902 as at 31 • Other expenses increased $81k due to one-off December 2014. This compares to $15,022,841 last year costs associated with rebranding ($35k), write-off ($14,858,282 in 2012). of formation costs ($16k), increased cost of travel associated with visits to more regional schools ($8k), A number of factors impacted our operating results. loss on disposal of assets ($5k), a property valuation report ($3k), increased cost of fire system ($5k) and On the revenue side increased cost of printing and postage. • Teacher salary contributions increased by $312k due Stewart House has reported current assets of $1,722,976 mainly to the continued efforts of the School Liaison and current liabilities of $365,835 at year end which Officers. represents a positive working capital of $1,357,141. The • General donations increased $634k, mainly working capital position has increased from last year by attributable to a significant bequest received from the $654,449 (2013: $702,692 cf 2012: $656,508). estate of the late John Harold Dugdale. School Liaison Officer visits expanded to rural NSW • Donations from schools decreased by $20k due mainly to reduced merchandise sales. In 2014, our School Liaison Officers visited 314 schools and spoke at staff meetings encouraging a further 1520 • Function and events income decreased by $15k due staff to join their colleagues by donating to Stewart House mainly to fewer attendees at the gala ball. through fortnightly payroll deductions.

On the expenditure side Over the past three years we have visited almost all metropolitan, Central Coast and Hunter schools. • Employee benefits expense increased $139k due The annualised equivalent value of all contributions mainly to the appointment of an additional supervisor Chairman’s Report in the scheme now approaches $1.83M and a total of health screening program. New equipment also allows us 11,994 public education staff participate in salary sacrifice to discretely record students’ body mass index and make for Stewart House. Thank you to all the schools who appropriate healthy lifestyle referrals. The nurse’s triage welcomed our School Liaison Officers to their school staff rooms and bathroom facilities have also been upgraded. meetings and to those who signed-up to support Stewart House each fortnight. Stewart House looks to the future Stewart House is in a superb position due in most part to Stewart House is currently reviewing the assistance and the generosity of the public education community across programs we should be providing as we approach the NSW. Fortnightly contributions meet 55% of our current second century of service to public schools across NSW operating expenses. Combine this with school donations and the ACT. As we have done over a first 100 years, and this figure approaches 68% of operating expenses. Stewart House will continue to evolve to reflect the Our goal over the next four years is to see staff and schools changing needs of society. We look forward to continuing across NSW contribute almost all of the $3.5M needed to to assist the most vulnerable, marginalised and isolated of run Stewart House each year. Funds then received from NSW and ACT public school children each year. corporate sources and marketing activities will be re- directed to much needed building replacement programs. The long term goal of the Board of Directors is to support capital redevelopment in the replacement of all buildings To this end, in 2015, Christine Hawkins (our longest by considering the school, health facilities, residential serving School Liaison Officer) will be based in Yass accommodation, administration and recreation facilities and charged with visiting Southern NSW schools from as one entity. The key plank to achieving this goal is that Wollondilly to the Victorian border over the next two years. Stewart House will remain on the Curl Curl site in perpetuity. We look forward to Chris sharing the Stewart House story, It is the Board’s responsibility, over the next decade, to clarifying enrolment procedures and signing up more develop financial strategies to allow integrated facilities to supporters to become regular donors. be constructed to meet the expanding pressures placed on our services. Continuous improvement at Stewart House Emerging operational issues Stewart House has completed further renovations on site As we carefully consider major capital works planning we during the past 12 months in order to keep our facilities must also have regard for emerging operational issues. modern and up to date. Two such issues have been identified for consideration in 2015: All children across the site now enjoy brand new bunk beds and mattresses thanks to a major corporate donation. • the increasing instances of children presenting with The ‘Kool Kids’ cabin where 12 of our youngest children mental health issues and the identified need for stay has been relocated and completely refurbished. The Stewart House to address this problem strategically; school bathrooms have been upgraded and a state of the and art playground has been installed. • the need to refine the referral and placement process We have purchased modern optometric equipment to ensure a more efficient operation and a better including a laser retinal scanner which will enhance our interface with School Principals and support staff.


Our Stewart House Student Profile has identified a marked the capacity to work with the Student Welfare Manager increase in ‘mental illness in home’ from 9% in 2011 to 27% in the referral, placement and tracking student outcomes in 2014, yet ‘drug/alcohol abuse in the home’ remains at processes. 14%. ATSI referrals are 24%. Social isolation accounts for These positions will add an additional $250,000 annually 33% of referrals and a need for emotional resilience is 10% to our employee related expense budget and I look of identified support needs. These figures are reflective of forward to reporting on the successes of these officers in the national cohort from data gathered inside the 2014 next year’s annual report. Australian Youth Mental Health Report.

The Stewart House Strategic Plan 2013-2017 states that A great year we should “focus on strategies that: Investigate new and better ways to provide co-ordinated, well-resourced I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate staff and comprehensive services to satisfy the diverse and and the myriad of Stewart House volunteers on their changing needs of children referred to our care” and willingness to commit to change and drive improvement ‘deliver programs through an integrated organisational as we strive to provide a program that better meets the model ensuring collaboration and maximising the quality needs of children in our care. of services provided”. I am grateful for the stewardship provided by my fellow The identified need for counselling and social work company directors and members and the success we across all aspects of the organisation cannot be met by have enjoyed from the implementation of their funding the current school allocation of a School Counsellor for strategies. 1.5 days per week. We are very grateful to the School We all wish to acknowledge the enthusiasm of our Stewart Principal who has attempted to address these issues by House executive leadership team and all staff across the providing counselling services using her professional site in the completion of what will be recorded as the most qualifications as a registered psychologist but her time successful year to date in Stewart House’s history. and use of limited resources is stretched beyond capacity. Barry Johnson From Term 2, 2015 we will employ, within our Executive Leadership Team, a clinical psychologist (Student Welfare Manager) who has the qualifications and experience to work across the organisation, working with children who have been identified with mental health issues (such as but not limited to depression, anxiety and mood disorders), and working with staff in a training capacity.

We have further identified a need for a sophisticated upgrading of Stewart House data bases which will refine the referral process, monitor transport routes and costs, streamline placements and track student needs. To this end, we will employ within our senior management team a Student Placement Officer who has superior IT and organisational skills, the ability to liaise with schools and Highlights of 2014 Income & Expenditure

Salary Contribution 2003 - 2014

2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 980,000 960,000 940,000 920,000 900,000 880,000 860,000 840,000 820,000 800,000 780,000 760,000 740,000

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Income and Expenditure TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2003 - 2014










2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Directors’ Report - 31st December 2014

Your directors present their report on Stewart House for the financial year ended 31 December 2014.

1 General information

Directors The names of the directors in office at any time during, or since the end of, the year are:

Names Position Mr Barry Johnson Chairman Mr Richard Hoskins Deputy Chairman Mr Mark Rice Director Ms Michelle Reincastle Director Mr Tom Croker Director

Financial Statements Mr Ken Dixon Director Ms Marilyn Walker Director Dr Ken Boston Director Mr Anthony Dombkins Director

Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year to the date of this report unless otherwise stated.

Company secretary The following person held the position of company secretary at the end of the financial year: Mr Graeme Philpotts has worked for Stewart House in the roles of General Manager, Public Officer and is currently the Chief Executive Officer – was appointed Company Secretary on 15 August 2007. Currently Director of GMGW Pty Ltd.

Review of operations The surplus of the company after providing for income tax amounted to $ 720,048 (2013: $164,558).

Principal activites The principal activity of Stewart House during the financial year was giving children in need from public schools in NSW and the ACT opportunities for a healthy life and for building self esteem by providing health screening and treatment, health education and short term respite care. There have been no significant changes in Stewart House’s principal activities during the financial year.

Members guarantee Stewart House is a company limited by guarantee. In the event of, and for the purpose of winding up of the company, the amount capable of being called up from each member and any person or association who ceased to be a member in the year prior to the winding up, is limited to $10 for members, subject to the provisions of the company’s constitution. At 31 December 2014 the collective liability of members was $60 (2013:$60).

Short & Long term objectives The company’s short & long term objectives are: • To provide short term respite care for children from NSW and the ACT public schools with special needs due to ill health, emotional or other distress, family problems, financial or social disadvantage, neglect or isolation. • To ensure such children are nurtured and feel a sense of safety while in the care of Stewart House. • To arrange and/or provide such children with health services including optometric, dental and medical screening and initial treatment and referral as required. • To allow such children to participate in health and educational programs and out of school activities that boosts their self esteem and promotes a healthier lifestyle. • To develop in such children self care skills, independence and resilience through their involvement in a structured residential program, recognizing each child’s particular needs.

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Strategy for achieving the objectives To achieve these objectives, the company has adopted the following strategies: 1. Deliver efficient services to support programs and ensure they meet quality accreditation standards 2. Establish and implement comprehensive continuous improvement and service feedback mechanisms for all Stewart House services 3. Sustain a culture of integrity 4. Establish an organisation wide performance management system that is integrated with staff training and development 5. Develop a comprehensive staff recruitment and selection strategy to develop, attract and retain and engage highly respected and credentialed staff to the organisation 6. Ensure learning and knowledge are shared across all areas of the organisation 7. Maintain the highest standards in occupational health and safety 8. Investigate new and better ways to provide co ordinated, well resourced and comprehensive services to satisfy the diverse and changing needs of children referred to our care 9. Develop new streams of revenue to mitigate dependence on one income source Financial Statements 10. Improve facilities and capital assets for the effective and efficient delivery of services 11. Explore growth opportunities through strategic partnerships and effective liaison with existing stakeholders 12. Improve stakeholder management and communication

Information on directors The names of each person who has been a director during the year and to the date of this report are: Mr Barry Johnson Qualifications BA Experience Former teacher and retired General Secretary of the NSW Teachers Federation. Former Vice President of Unions of NSW and board member of MacMahon and Associates, Teachers Federation Health and Teachers Club. Currently Board member of the Trades Hall Association. Special responsibilities Chairman of Stewart House.

Mr Richard Hoskins Qualifications Experience Retired Primary School Principal. Former teacher with extensive experience in educational administration and pedagogy, gained over 30 years experience as a school principal in metropolitan public schools Special responsibilities Deputy Chairman of Stewart House.

Mr Mark Rice Qualifications MBA, MCom, (Marketing), Dip Teach Experience Experience Executive leadership experience in financial services (including sales, distribution, private banking & marketing) with General Electric, Westpac, St George Bank and Adelaide Bank. Currently Director of Ballygowan Consulting Pty Ltd, Ballygowan Investments Pty Ltd and Strategic Practice Pty Ltd. and General Manager Commercial at Chartered Accountants ANZ Special responsibilities Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee.

Ms Michelle Reincastle Qualifications B.Bus C.P.A Experience Director, Schools Finance in the Department of Education and Communities. Strategic and operational experience in a range of public sector departments including NSW Police, Public Works, the Auditor General’s Office and work as an auditor for schools and TAFE. Special responsibilities Chair of the Governance and nominations committee.

Mr Tom Croker Qualifications MA, BA, BA Ed Studies, MACE, FACEL, FAPPA Experience Retired Primary School Principal with 28 years experience as a principal. Past President of Australian Primary Principals Association and NSWPPA. Past President of Rotary Club of Breakfast Point. Director of Rotary Club of Breakfast Point. Committee member of Principals (Professional Dev Organisation). P/T Supervisor Newcastle University. Member ACEL Fellows Awards Committee. Chairman Executive Committee Savannah Body Corporate. Committee member Breakfast Point Country Club Management Committee.

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Mr Ken Dixon Qualifications BCom, FCPA Experience Retired General Manager, Finance and Administration (NSW Department of Education and Training). Extensive NSW Public Sector experience including senior positions in the NSW Treasury and Department of Public Works and as advisor to the NSW Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee and as a former member of the State Contracts Control Board. Current member of the NSW Public Sector committee of CPA Australia and Director, Bendigo Bank Ettalong Beach.

Ms Marilyn Walker Experience Current Senior Finance Policy Officer with NSW Department of Education and Communities. Former author and SMH journalist, research fellow and consultant on taxation legislation. Previous General Manager of Marilyn Walker International producing and directing classical concerts. Life Governor of Australia China Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NSW. Former Member of NSW Business Advisory Council.

Dr Ken Boston Qualifications AO, MA, PHD Experience Retired Chief Executive of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, England. Former

Financial Statements Director General of Education and Training in NSW and former Managing Director of TAFE NSW. Former Director General of Education in both NSW and South Australia. Member of the Review of Funding of Schooling (Gonski Review). Chair of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Group on Literacy and Numeracy.

Mr Anthony Dombkins Qualifications RN, MHealthMngt Experience Director of Nursing & Midwifery Northern Sydney Local Health District NSW Health. Held a variety of senior health management positions within the public and private health sectors across NSW. In June 2014 appointed an Adjunct Professor Nursing with the University of Sydney. Current member of Clinical Excellence Commission Advisory Board.

2 Other items

Significant changes in state of affairs

There have been no significant changes in the state of affairs of the company during the year.

Auditor’s independence declaration The lead auditor’s independence declaration in accordance with subdivision 60 C of the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012 for the year ended 31 December 2014 has been received and can be found on page 7 of the financial report.

Meetings of directors During the financial year, 14 meetings of directors (including committees of directors) were held. Attendances by each director during the year were as follows:

Board Meetings ARC Committee Governance Committee Number Number Number eligible to Number eligible to Number eligible to Number attend attended attend attended attend attended Mr Barry Johnson 7 6 6 4 1 1 Mr Richard Hoskins 7 4 6 5 Mr Mark Rice 7 6 6 5 Ms Michelle Reincastle 7 6 1 1 Mr Tom Croker 7 6 6 6 1 1 Mr Ken Dixon 7 5 Ms Marilyn Walker 7 6 Dr Ken Boston 7 5 Mr Anthony Dombkins 7 5

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

3 Indemnification and insurance of officers and auditors

The company has paid insurance premiums to insure each director against liabilities for costs and expenses incurred by them in defending legal proceedings arising out of their conduct while acting in their capacity as a director of the company, other than conduct involving a wilful breach in relation to the company. The amount of the premium is not disclosed due to the terms of the insurance contracts and to protect commercially sensitive information of the company. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors: BARRY JOHNSON MARK RICE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Dated 16 February 2015 Dated 16 February 2015

Auditors Independence Declaration

In accordance with subdivision 60 C of the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012, I am pleased to provide the following declaration of independence to the directors of Stewart House. As the audit partner of the audit of the financial statements of Stewart House for the financial year ended 31 December 2014, I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief, there have been no contreventions of: Financial Statements i. the auditor independence requirements as set out in the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012 in relation to the audit; and ii. any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit. Cutcher & Neale Assurance Pty Ltd (An authorised audit company) Mark O’Connor Director 9 February 2015 Newcastle

Independent Audit Report to the members of Stewart House

Report on the Financial Report We have audited the accompanying financial report of Stewart House, which comprises the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2014, the statement of surplus or deficit and other comprehensive income, statement of changes in funds and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and the directors’ declaration.

Directors’ Responsibility for the Financial Report The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012 and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Independence In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012. We confirm that the independence declaration required by the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012, which has been given to the directors of Stewart House, would be in the same terms if given to the directors as at the time of this auditor’s report.

Additional Scope Pursuant to the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 In addition, our audit report has also been prepared for the Members of the company in accordance with Section 24(2) of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991. Accordingly we have performed additional work beyond that which is performed in our capacity as auditors pursuant to the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012. These additional procedures included obtaining an understanding of the internal control structure for fundraising appeal activities and examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting compliance with the accounting and associated record keeping requirements for fundraising activities pursuant to the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 and Regulations. It should be noted that the accounting records and data relied upon for reporting on fundraising appeal activities are not continuously audited and do not necessarily reflect after the event accounting adjustments and the normal year end financial adjustments for such matters as accruals, prepayments, provisioning and valuations necessary for yearend financial statements preparation.

Financial Statements The performance of our statutory audit included a review of internal controls for the purpose of determining the appropriate audit procedures to enable an opinion to be expressed on the financial statements. This review is not a comprehensive review of all those systems or of the system taken as a whole and is not designed to uncover all weaknesses in those systems. Our audit opinion pursuant to the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 has been formed on the above basis.

Qualification Cash donations are a significant source of revenue for Stewart House. The company has determined that it is impracticable to establish control over the collection of cash donations from over 700 sources across NSW and the ACT prior to entry into its financial records. Accordingly, as the evidence available to us regarding revenue from this source was limited, our audit procedures with respect to donations had to be restricted to the amounts receipted by Stewart House and recorded within the financial records. We therefore are unable to express an opinion whether cash donations collected on behalf of Stewart House are complete.

Qualified Audit Opinion In our opinion, except for the effects on the financial report of the matters referred to in the qualification paragraph, the financial report of Stewart House is in accordance with the division 60, of the Australian Charities and NotforProfit Commision Act 2012, including: a. giving a true and fair view of the company’s financial position as at 31 December 2014 and of its performance for the year ended on that date: and b. complying with Australian Accounting Standards and the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Regulations 2013.

Qualified Audit Opinion Pursuant to the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 In our opinion, except for the effects on the financial report of the matters referred to in the qualification paragraph, the financial report of Stewart House is in accordance with the Charitable FundraisingAct 1991, including: a. the financial report and associated records have been properly kept during the period in accordance with the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 and the regulations; b. monies received as a result of fundraising appeals conducted during the period have been properly accounted for and applied in accordance with the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 and its regulations; and c. there are reasonable grounds to believe that Stewart House will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due

Cutcher & Neale Assurance Pty Lty (An authorised audit company) M.J. O’Connor Director Newcastle 17 February 2015 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Directors’ Declaration

The directors of the company declare that: 1. The financial statements and notes, as set out on pages 13 to 33, are in accordance with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012 and: a. comply with Australian Accounting Standards; and b. give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 31 December 2014 and of the performance for the year ended on that date of the company. 2. In the directors’ opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. This declaration is made pursuant to subdivision 60.15 of the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Regulations 2013 and in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors. BARRY JOHNSON MARK RICE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Dated 16 February 2015 Dated 16 February 2015 Financial Statements

Declared Opinion Pursuant to the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 I, Barry Johnson, Chairman of Stewart House, declare in my opinion: a. the financial statements give a true and fair view of all income and expenditure of Stewart House with respect to fundraising appeals; b. the statement of financial position gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs with respect to fundraising appeals; c. the provision of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 and the regulations under the Act and the conditions attached to the authority have been complied with for the year ended 31 December 2014; and d. the internal controls exercised by Stewart House are appropriate and effective in accounting for all income received. BARRY JOHNSON CHAIRMAN Dated 16 February 2015

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Statement of Surplus or Deficit and Other Comprehensive Income For the Year Ended 31 December 2014

Note 2014 2013

Revenue 2 4,063,695 3,152,699

Other income 2 144,444 138,824

Employee benefits expense (2,265,487) (2,126,110)

Depreciation and amortisation expense 3 (209,057) (173,073)

Insurance expenses (101,336) (93,567)

Motor vehicle expenses (145,125) (130,830)

Catering & health care expenses (204,493) (182,814)

Occupancy and building maintenance (230,265) (171,076) Financial Statements Function expenses (139,038) (137,141)

Admin and other expenses (193,291) (112,353)

Surplus / (deficit) before income tax 720,048 164,558

Income tax expense 1(k) - -

Surplus / (deficit) after income tax 720,048 164,558

Other comprehensive income:

Items that will not be realised to profit or loss:

Net gain on revaluation of land and building 2,011,012 -

Total comprehensive income 2,731,060 164,558

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Statement of Financial Position As At 31 December 2014

Note 2014 2013



Cash and cash equivalents 6 116,553 41,588

Trade and other receivables 7 45,386 77,609

Financial assets 8 1,500,000 850,000

Other assets 9 61,037 66,868

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,722,976 1,036,065

NON CURRENT ASSETS Financial Statements Property, plant and equipment 11 16,451,553 14,401,070

Intangible assets 10 - 15,628

TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 16,451,553 14,416,698

TOTAL ASSETS 18,174,529 15,452,763



Trade and other payables 12 54,424 104,172

Employee benefits 13 311,411 229,201



Employee benefits 13 54,792 96,549


TOTAL LIABILITIES 420,627 429,922

NET ASSETS 17,753,902 15,022,841


Endowment on Perpetuity - 234,000

Reserves 14,281,772 13,152,421

Accumulated Funds 3,472,130 1,636,420

TOTAL FUNDS 17,753,902 15,022,841

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Statement of Changes in Funds For the Year Ended 31 December 2014

2014 Endowment Special Accumulated Revaluation of Purpose Total Funds Reserve (a) Perpetuity Reserve (b)

Balance at 1 January 2014 1,636,420 12,270,760 234,000 881,661 15,022,841

Total comprehensive income 720,048 2,011,012 - - 2,731,060

Transfers to and from reserves 1,115,661 - (234,000) (881,661) -

Balance at 31 December 2014 3,472,130 14,281,772 - - 17,753,902

2013 Endowment Special Accumulated Revaluation of Purpose Total Funds Reserve (a) Perpetuity Reserve (b) Financial Statements Balance at 1 January 2013 1,456,321 12,270,760 234,000 897,202 14,858,283

Total comprehensive income 164,558 - - - 164,558

Transfers to and from reserves 15,541 - - (15,541) -

Balance at 31 December 2013 1,636,420 12,270,760 234,000 881,661 15,022,841

a. The asset revaluation reserve records the fair value movement in property. b. The special purpose reserve records significant bequests set aside for future restoration of company assets, this year the reserve has been consolidated into accumulated funds. Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended 31 December 2014

Note 2014 2013


Receipts from customers 4,310,769 3,241,806

Payments to suppliers and employees (3,368,959) (2,902,441)

Interest received 37,246 34,399

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 20 979,057 373,764


Purchase of property, plant and equipment 11(b) (254,092) (334,600)

Net transfer of financial assets (to) / from cash and cash equivalents (650,000) (200,000)

Net cash used by investing activities (904,092) (534,600)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held 74,965 (160,836)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 41,588 202,424

Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year 6 116,553 41,588

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

a. Basic of preparation The financial statements are general purpose financial statements that have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, Australian Accounting Interpretations, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commision Act 2012. Material accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are presented below and have been consistently applied unless otherwise stated. The financial statements have been prepared on an accruals basis and are based on historical costs, modified, where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non current assets. b. Comparative figures When required by Accounting Standards, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation for the current financial year. c. Property, plant and equipment

Financial Statements Each class of property, plant and equipment is carried at cost or fair value as indicated less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.

Property Freehold land and buildings are shown at their fair value (being the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm’s length transaction), based on periodic, but at least triennial, valuations by external independent valuers, less subsequent depreciation for buildings. Increases in the carrying amount arising on revaluation of land and buildings are credited to a revaluation reserve in equity. Decreases that offset previous increases of the same asset are charged against this reserve directly in equity; all other decreases are charged to the statement of surplus or deficit and other comprehensive income. Any accumulated depreciation at the date of revaluation is eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the asset and the net amount is restated to the revalued amount of the asset. Freehold land and buildings that have been contributed at no cost, or for nominal cost are valued and recognised at the fair value of the asset at the date it is acquired. The company was granted title to the Stewart House site by order of the NSW Governor on 1 January 2009. This included all buildings and land and two of the adjacent residences. The NSW Department of Education authorises Stewart House to manage arrangements for the tenancy of another two residences adjoining Stewart House and to retain rental and other payments made by the occupants under these arrangements. Stewart House is responsible for the maintenance of both residences. The properties have all been classified as property, plant and equipment assets and accounted for at fair value. There is no intention to sell any of the properties and most are subject to restrictive covenants that would need to be addressed before a sale could be initiated. The residential properties are considered to be held for strategic purposes rather than for capital appreciation or short term sale and therefore have not been classified as investment property. The strategic purposes for which the residential properties are held include leasing to employees and as a safeguard against unplanned events. It has been considered that the residential buildings would only be disposed of in the event of a material adverse event requiring an increase in working capital or some other unplanned strategic initiative that required some or all of the properties’ value to be realised.

Plant and Equipment Plant and equipment are measured on the cost basis less depreciation and impairment losses. Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the asset. Plant and equipment that have been contributed at no cost, or for nominal cost are valued and recognised at the fair value of the asset at the date it is acquired.

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Depreciation The depreciable amount of all fixed assets including buildings and capitalised leased assets, but excluding freehold land, is depreciated on a straight line basis over the asset’s useful life to the company commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful lives of the improvements. Land is not depreciated. The depreciation rates used for each class of depreciable assets are: Class of Fixed Asset Depreciation Rate Buildings 2.5% Plant and Equipment 20% The assets’ residual values, depreciation methods and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at the end of each reporting period. An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount. These Financial Statements gains and losses are included in the statement of surplus or deficit and other comprehensive income. When revalued assets are sold, amounts included in the revaluation reserve relating to that asset are transferred to accumulated surpluses. d. Financial instruments Initial recognition and measurement Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions to the instrument. For financial assets, this is the equivalent to the date that the company commits itself to either the purchase or sale of the asset (i.e. trade date accounting is adopted). Financial instruments are initially measured at fair value plus transaction costs, except where the instrument is classified ‘at fair value through profit or loss’ in which case transaction costs are expensed to profit or loss immediately. (i) Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market and are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Loans and receivables are included in current assets, except for those which are not expected to mature within 12 months after the end of the reporting period.

Fair value Fair value is determined based on current bid prices for all quoted investments. Valuation techniques are applied to determine the fair value for all unlisted securities, including recent arm’s length transactions, reference to similar instruments and option pricing models.

Derecognition Financial assets are derecognised where the contractual rights to receipt of cash flows expires or the asset is transferred to another party whereby the entity no longer has any significant continuing involvement in the risks and benefits associated with the asset. Financial liabilities are derecognised where the related obligations are either discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between the carrying value of the financial liability extinguished or transferred to another party and the fair value of consideration paid, including the transfer of non cash assets or liabilities assumed, is recognised in profit or loss. Impairment - financial assets Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired includes default by a debtor, evidence that the debtor is likely to enter bankruptcy or adverse economic conditions in the stock exchange. At the end of each reporting period, the company assesses whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset has been impaired through the occurrence of a loss event. Where a subsequent event causes the amount of the impairment loss to decrease (e.g. payment received), the reduction in the allowance account (provision for impairment of receivables) is taken through profit and loss. Impairment losses are recognised through an allowance account for loans and receivables in the statement of surplus or deficit and other comprehensive income. STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

e. Impairment of non-financial assets Assets that have an allocated impairment loss are reviewed for reversal indicators at the end of each reporting period. After recognition of an impairment loss, the amortisation charge for the asset is adjusted in future periods to allocate the asset’s revised carrying amount on a systematic basis over its remaining useful life. Impairment losses are recognised as an expense immediately, unless the relevant asset is property, plant and equipment held at fair value (other than investment property carried at a revalued amount) in which case the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrease as described in the accounting policy for property, plant and equipment.

f. Intangibles Intangible assets consist of formation expenses shown at cost.

g. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held at call with banks, other short term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less.

h. Employee benefits

Financial Statements Provision is made for the company’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to the end of the reporting period. Employee benefits that are expected to be settled within one year have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled. Employee benefits payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those benefits. In determining the liability, consideration is given to employee wage increases and the probability that the employee may satisfy vesting requirements. Those cashflows are discounted using market yields on national government bonds with terms to maturity that match the expected timing of cashflows. Contributions are made by the company to an employee superannuation fund and are charged as expenses when incurred.

i. Provisions Provisions are recognised when the company has a legal or constructive obligation, as a result of past events, for which it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result and that outflow can be reliably measured.

j. Trade and other payables Trade and other payables represent the liability outstanding at the end of the reporting period for goods and services received by the company during the reporting period which remain unpaid. The balance is recognised as a current liability with the amounts normally paid within 30 days of recognition of the liability.

k. Income tax No provision for income tax has been raised as the company is exempt from income tax under Div 50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

l. Leases Lease payments for operating leases, where substantially all of the risks and benefits remain with the lessor, are charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. The lease is not recognised in the statement of financial position.

m. Revenue and other income The company recognises revenue when the amount of revenue can be reliably measured, it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and specific criteria have been met for each of Stewart House’s activities as discussed below. Sale of goods Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised at the point of delivery as this corresponds to the transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods and the cessation of all involvement in those goods. Donations Donations and bequests are recognised as revenue when received. Interest revenue Interest revenue is recognised on a proportional basis taking into account the interest rates applicable to the financial assets.

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

n. Goods and services tax (GST) Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Tax Office. In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense. Receivables and payables in the statement of financial position are shown inclusive of GST. Cash flows are presented in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis, except for the GST component of investing and financing activities, which are disclosed as operating cash flows.

o. Critical accounting estimates and judgments The directors evaluate estimates and judgments incorporated into the financial statements based on historical knowledge and best available current information. Estimates assume a reasonable expectation of future events and are based on current trends and economic data, obtained both externally and within the company. Key estimates - fair value of land and buildings The company carries its land and buildings at fair value with changes in the fair value recognised in revaluation reserve. Independent valuations are obtained at least triennially and at the end of each reporting period, the directors update their assessment of the fair value of each property, taking into account the most recent Financial Statements valuations and movements in the market.

p. Economic dependence Stewart House is dependent on voluntary donations for the majority of its revenue used to operate the business. At the date of this report the directors have no reason to believe the voluntary donations will not continue to support Stewart House.

q. Fundraising Activities Charitable Fundraising Act 1991: this Act and supporting Charitable Fundraising Regulation prescribe the manner in which fundraising appeals are conducted, controlled and reported. The amounts shown in note 22 are in accordance with Authority Condition 7, which is issued to the company under section 19 of the Act. Donations for Special Purposes: Any donations received where the use of those funds is restricted under the conditions of the contribution or have been identified for a specific purpose by the company are initially allocated to Retained Earnings. Any surplus in relation to the use of these funds is then transferred from Retained Earnings to the Special Purpose Reserve at the end of each financial year. Once spent the funds are then transferred back to Retained Earnings to match the costs incurred within the statement of suplus or deficit and other comprehensive income. Cost of fundraising: costs reported in note 22 include all direct fundraising costs in accordance with the Act. The inclusion of indirect costs is discretionary. Exclusion of the indirect costs decreases the cost of fundraising and increases the ratios in note 22. General fundraising: costs charged to general fundraising relate to processing unsolicited donations and the planning and development of future fundraising activities. Once a decision is taken to proceed with a specific fundraising appeal, relevant costs are allocated to the specific appeal. Revenue from unsolicited donations is credited to general fundraising. Various services are donated to the company. No assessment of the value of those services is included in these accounts.

r. Adoption of New and Revised Accounting Standards During the current year the company adopted all of the new and revised Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations applicable to its operations which became mandatory. The adoption of these standards has impacted the recognition, measurement and disclosure of certain transactions.

s. New accounting standards for application in future periods The AASB has issued new and amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations that have mandatory application dates for future reporting periods. The company has considered the impact of these changes and determined that they will not materially impact on the recognition, measurement or disclosure of transactions.

t. Authorisation of financial statements These financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 16 February 2015.


Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

2 Revenue and Other Income 2014 2013 Revenue from ordinary operations Donations - Schools 449,442 469,677 Donations - Salary Contributions 1,767,688 1,455,557 Donations - Corporate and other 1,746,220 1,112,319 Functions & Events 100,345 115,145 4,063,695 3,152,699 Other income from non ordinary operations - Rental income 107,195 103,300 - Interest income 37,246 34,399 - Sundry income 4 1,125 144,444 138,824 Total revenue & other income 4,208,139 3,291,523 3 Result for the Year (a) The result for the year includes the following specific expenses Financial Statements Depreciation - buildings 136,477 132,767 Depreciation - plant and equipment 72,580 40,306 209,057 173,073

Net loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 5,565 801

Rental expense on operating lease 85,850 82,644

4 Interests of Key Management Personnel

The totals of remuneration paid to the key management personnel of Stewart House during the year are as follows:

Short term employee benefits 119,505 119,505 Post-employment benefits 11,353 10,759 130,858 130,264

5 Auditors’ Remuneration

Remuneration of the auditor of the company for: - auditing or reviewing the financial statements 12,500 11,500

6 Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash at bank and in hand 49,936 19,055 Short-term deposits 66,617 22,533 116,553 41,588

Reconciliation of cash

Cash at the end of the financial year as shown in the statement of cash flows is reconciled to items in the statement of financial position as follows:

Cash and cash equivalents 116,553 41,588

7 Trade and Other Receivables CURRENT Accrued Income - 51,383 GST receivable 17,751 12,832 Accrued Interest receivable 23,230 12,163 Other receivables 4,405 1,231 45,386 77,609

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

8 Other Financial Assets 2014 2013 CURRENT Held-to-maturity financial assets (a) 1,500,000 850,000

(a) Held-to-maturity investments comprise: Fixed term bank deposits 1,500,000 850,000

9 Other Assets CURRENT Prepayments 61,037 66,868

10 Intangible Assets

Formation costs - 15,628 Financial Statements

11 Property, Plant and Equipment

(a) Property, plant and equipment - detailed table

LAND AND BUILDINGS Land and buildings At fair value (note (19)) 16,080,000 14,406,112 Accumulated depreciation - (250,016) Total land and buildings 16,080,000 14,156,096 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Plant and equipment At cost 698,718 521,342 Accumulated depreciation (327,165) (276,368) Total plant and equipment 371,553 244,974 Total property, plant and equipment 16,451,553 14,401,070

(b) Movements in Carrying Amounts Movement in the carrying amounts for each class of property, plant and equipment between the beginning and the end of the current financial year:

Land & Plant & Total Buildings Equipment Balance at 31 December 2014 Balance at the beginning of year 14,156,096 244,974 14,401,070 Additions 49,367 204,725 254,092 Disposals - written down value - (5,565) (5,565) Depreciation expense (136,477) (72,580) (209,057) Revaluation increase recognised in revaluation reserve 2,011,012 - 2,011,012 Balance at 31 December 2014 16,080,000 371,553 16,451,553

Balance at 31 December 2013 Balance at the beginning of year 14,110,379 129,965 14,240,344 Additions 178,485 156,115 334,600 Disposals - written down value - (801) (801) Depreciation expense (132,767) (40,306) (173,073) Balance at 31 December 2013 14,156,096 244,974 14,401,070

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

12Trade and Other Payables 2014 2013 CURRENT Unsecured liabilities Sundry payables and accrued expenses 54,424 104,172 13Provisions

CURRENT Employee entitlements 311,411 229,201 NON-CURRENT Employee entitlements 54,792 96,549

14Capital and Leasing Commitments (a) Operating lease commitments Non-cancelable operating leases contracted for but not capitalised in the financial statements

Payable - minimum lease payments: Financial Statements - no later than 1 year 75,093 79,766 - between 1 year and 5 years 86,806 32,569 161,899 112,335 Operating leases have been taken out for motor vehicles. Lease payments are increased on an annual basis to reflect market rentals. (b) Capital expenditure commitments

Capital expenditure commitments contracted for: Playground - 44,562 - 44,562 Payable: -no later than one year - 44,562 15 Operating Segments The company operates predominately in one business and geographical segment being the provision of educational assistance in NSW.

16 Contingent Liabilities A bank guarantee of $100,000 (2013: $100,000) has been provided by the company to its external payroll provider ADP Payline in respect of security.

17 Members’ Guarantee The company is incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 and is a company limited by guarantee. If the company is wound up, the constitution states that each member is required to contribute a maximum of $ 10 each towards meeting any outstandings and obligations of the company. At 31 December 2014 the number of members was 6 (2013: 6).

18 Financial Risk Management The main risks Stewart House is exposed to through its financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk consisting of interest rate risk. The company’s financial instruments consist mainly of deposits with banks, short term investments, accounts receivable and payable and leases. The totals for each category of financial instruments, measured in accordance with AASB 139 as detailed in the accounting policies to these financial statements, are as follows: 2014 2013 Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalents 116,553 41,588 Fixed term bank deposits 1,500,000 850,000 Trade and other receivables 45,385 77,609 Total financial assets 1,661,938 969,197 Financial Liabilities

Trade and other payables 54,424 104,172

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

Financial risk management policies The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment of Stewart House’s financial risk management framework. This includes the development of policies covering specific areas such as liquidity risk, interest rate risk and credit risk. Risk management policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and Stewart House’s activities. The day to day risk management is carried out by Stewart House’s finance function under policies and objectives which have been approved by the Board of Directors. The Commercial Manager has been delegated the authority for designing and implementing processes which follow the objectives and policies. This includes monitoring the levels of exposure to interest rate and risk and assessment of market forecasts for interest rate movements. The Board of Directors receives monthly reports which provide details of the effectiveness of the processes and policies in place. Stewart House does not actively engage in the trading of financial assets for speculative purposes nor does it write options. Mitigation strategies for specific risks faced are described below: Liquidity Risk

Financial Statements The company’s approach to managing liquidity risk is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the company’s reputation. Credit risk The maximum exposure to credit risk, excluding the value of any collateral or other security, is the carrying amount, net of any provisions for impairment of those assets, as disclosed in the statement of financial position and notes to the financial statements. Interest rate risk The company is exposed to interest rate fluctuations on its cash at bank, cash on deposit and on fixed interest securities. The company actively monitors interest rates for cash at bank and on deposit to maximise interest income. The company accepts the risk in relation to fixed interest securities as they are held to generate income on surplus funds. Interest rate risk sensitivity analysis At 31 December 2014, the effect on the surplus and equity as a result of changes in the interest rate, with all other variables remaining constant would be as follows:

2014 2013 Change in surplus - Increase by 100 basic points 16,161 8,409 - Decrease by 50 basic points (8,080) (4,205)

Net fair values There is no material difference between the carrying value of the assets and liabilities and the fair values of the assets and liabilities.

19 Fair Value Measurement

The company measures the following assets and liabilities at fair value on a recurring basis: • Property, plant and equipment - Land and buildings Fair value hierarchy AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement requires all assets and liabilities measured at fair value to be assigned to a level in the fair value hierarchy as follows: Level 1 Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date. Level 2 Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 3 Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

The table below shows the assigned level for each asset and liability held at fair value by the company:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total 31 December 2014 $ $ $ $ Property, plant and equipment Land and buildings 11 - 16,080,000 - 16,080,000

31 December 2013

Property, plant and equipment Land and buildings 11 - 14,406,112 - 14,406,112

Level 2 measurements The fair value of land and buildings included in Level 2 of the hierarchy was determined using a market approach direct comparison method, adjusted for location, topography, size, base date adjustments and restriction on use. An independent valuation was obtained from a registered valuer as at 24 October 2014 and the valuation was adopted as at 31 December 2014. Transfers between levels of the hierarchy Financial Statements There were no transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy. Highest and best use The current use of the land and buildings is considered to be its highest and best restricted use. The property would hold and reflect a far higher rate as a development site via subdivision or change of current use, should restrictions be lifted (refer to note (1c)).

20 Cash Flow Information

(a) Reconciliation of result for the year to cashflows from operating activities Reconciliation of net income to net cash provided by operating activities:

2014 2013 Profit for the year 720,048 164,558 Cash flows excluded from the surplus attributable to operating activities Non-cash flows in surplus: - depreciation 209,057 173,073 - write off of formation costs 15,628 - - net (gain) / loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 5,565 801 Changes in assets and liabilities: - (increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables 32,222 (39,643) - (increase)/decrease in prepayments 5,831 (25,770) - increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables (49,748) 34,281 - increase/(decrease) in provisions 40,454 66,463 Cashflow from operations 979,057 373,763

(b) Credit standby arrangements with banks Credit facility 10,000 10,000 Amount utilised - - Total credit facilities 10,000 10,000

The major facilities are summarised as follows:

Credit Cards - These facilities are arranged with the general terms and conditions being set and agreed to annually.

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Stewart House ABN: 97 127 072 100 Notes to the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2014

21 Company Details

The principal place of business is:

Corner Batho Road & Wyadra Avenue FRESHWATER NSW 2096

The registered place of business is:

45 Carrington Parade CURL CURL NSW 2096

22 Additional Disclosures Required By the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 and Charitable Fundraising Regulation 2003

(a) Fundraising appeals conducted during the year consisted of:

Financial Statements Fundraising appeals conducted during the period consisted of direct marketing of the charity to members of the public and selected corporate and government organisations. (b) Details of Aggregate Gross Income and Total Expenses of Fundraising Appeals

2014 2013 Gross proceeds 4,063,695 3,152,699 Less : Total costs (403,360) (400,858)

Net surplus from fundraising activities 3,660,335 2,751,841

(c) Statement showing how funds received were applied to Charitable Purposes

2014 2013 Net surplus from fundraising activities 3,660,335 2,751,841 Other income 144,445 138,824 Expenditure on direct services (3,025,521) (2,668,334) Expenditure on indirect services (59,211) (57,773)

Surplus/(shortfall) 720,048 164,558

(d) Comparisons by monetary figures and percentages

2014 Total cost of fundraising/gross income from fundraising 403,360/4,063,695 10% Net surplus from fundraising/gross income from fundraising 3,660,335/4,063,695 90% Total costs of direct services/total expenditure 3,025,521/3,488,092 87% Total costs of direct services/total income received 3,025,521/4,208,140 72%

2013 Total cost of fundraising/gross income from fundraising 400,858/3,152,699 13% Net surplus from fundraising/gross income from fundraising 2,751,841/3,152,699 87% Total costs of direct services/total expenditure 2,668,334/3,126,965 85% Total costs of direct services/total income received 2,668,334/3,291,523 81%


PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) Abbey F 285 Arrow J 262 Barry K 210 Bisset A 692 Briggs S 215 Calder T 260 Abbott T 210 Arts S 269 Barsley D 260 Black J 525 Bright W 236 Calderan V 208 Abela M 269 Ashby R 260 Barsoum H 262 Black M 215 Brock S 228 Callachor S 215 Ackerman C 215 Ashmore E 360 Bartlett D 538 Black S 262 Brockington EH 208 Callaghan M 260 Ackerman M 260 Ashwell D 208 Barton G 215 Blackadder N 262 Broderick A 260 Callen D 210 Ackland H 260 Atkins G 390 Barton H 260 Blackman L 269 Brooke P 256 Callen D 250 Ackroyd G 215 Atkins L 285 Barton S 285 Blackstock S 215 Brooke P 351 Callen P 262 Adams J 252 Atkins S 538 Bartulovich R 269 Blackwell D 279 Brooker C 260 Callender D 240 Adams K 262 Audet J 210 Barwick L 600 Blair F 269 Brooker D 210 Callinan R 210 Adams M 269 Auer D 560 Baseley J 260 Blair V 215 Brooks D 525 Cambourakis P 262 Adams M 279 Auhl A 260 Bastion J 215 Blake C 262 Broome J 525 Cambrell P 538 Adams N 262 Auinger K 262 Bate E 262 Blakemore L 260 Brown C 210 Cameron J 260 Adams P 525 Austen J 262 Bateman D 260 Blakeney A 269 Brown E 240 Cameron S 260 Adams Y 285 Austen R 600 Bateman D 280 Blanch J 215 Brown J 215 Campbell B 525 Adamson C 380 Austen S 208 Bates J 262 Blanch M 210 Brown K 210 Campbell C 242 Adcock P 207 Austin B 240 Batey P 1,300 Blatchford A 269 Brown K 210 Campbell FA 269 Addesso R 228 Austin C 525 Bath J 260 Blatchford D 269 Brown L 262 Campbell J 269 Agland N 570 Austin G 210 Bathgate J 262 Blevins JM 260 Brown M 300 Campbell KA&KE 240 Agustin D 215 Avery C 260 Batten N 260 Blewitt L 262 Brown M 525 Campbell L 269 Ahkin RF 520 Aynsley L 215 Bauer M 215 Blomfield M 210 Brown N 380 Campbell P 262 Ainslie S 262 Azimi A 208 Baumgartner C 520 Blue J 380 Brown R 262 Campbell R 269 Aitken D 262 Azzopardi G 260 Baxter C 260 Blundell G 780 Brown R 390 Campbell S 262 Aitkin G 269 Azzopardi J 262 Baxter G 260 Bocxe C 260 Brown RL 484 Campisi R 424 Akins S 215 Backhouse M 285 Baxter H 260 Bodley N 269 Brown S 215 Canning K 320 Akkoumi L 262 Bacon G 520 Bayley S 269 Bodor J 262 Browne B 200 Cant K 260 Alalikin H 262 Badham M 260 Bayliss K 269 Boehm A 215 Bruce D 269 Cao KY 318 Alcock M 262 Badman R 260 Beach J 538 Boileau-Little D 538 Bruen B 215 Capewell J 210 Alexander S 200 Baghdadi A 208 Beach P 215 Bollard S 269 Brumby T 525 Carey M 260 Alfred T 208 Bagnall S 262 Beacham L 273 Bond S 215 Brunsdon S 260 Carlon P 525 Allanson M 215 Bagot MP 280 Beaman L 505 Bond S 260 Bryan E 269 Carlos R 269 Allars M 1,500 Baguley D 269 Beamer S 215 Bond S 472 Bryant K 248 Carlos T 269 Allen K 262 Bailey A 269 Bearman B 520 Booth K 262 Bryant L 208 Carlson J 262 Allison A 269 Bailey B 538 Beasley F 260 Booth N 262 Bryant M 215 Carlson 600 Allison L 269 Bailey F 262 Beasley I 300 Borthwick R 210 Bryant S 260 Carney K 260 Allomes L 215 Bailey J 269 Beasley K 262 Bosler S 210 Bryant S 520 Caro A 215 Allum B 262 Bailey K 260 Beauchamp C 269 Bougatsas T 225 Bryant T 260 Carolan M 215 Almond S 260 Baillie A 260 Beaumont N 1,750 Bourke MA 260 Bryce N 262 Carpenter B 538 Altern H 260 Baillie-Clare W 215 Beck I 269 Bourke N 260 Buchanan J 262 Carr B 269 Alves C 250 Bain A 262 Becke S 210 Bourke S 260 Buchanan S 285 Carratt D 260 Alves C 260 Bain C 220 Beckett C 262 Bourne A 279 Buckham S 208 Carratt S 367 Amacha N 220 Baines J 260 Beech D 269 Bourne R 262 Buckley A 400 Carrick D 269 Ambler E 208 Baiton R 215 Beeche J 517 Bowmer A 260 Buckley BW 240 Carroll C 210 Ambrose S 260 Bajzath M 210 Beemster Y 269 Bowring E 269 Buckley F 269 Carroll C 269 Amery M 260 Baker C 210 Begg S 215 Boyd K 419 Buckman V 220 Carruthers J 215 Ames D 210 Baker C 230 Beilby T 210 Boyd S 262 Buczko K 208 Carson A 215 Anderson B 262 Baker E 260 Bell S 262 Boyles C 260 Budden T 230 Cartland R 280 Anderson G 260 Baker G 260 Bellach K 260 Boyne J 250 Bulgin I 210 Cartner J 260 Anderson L 520 Baker K 207 Bellman L 220 Bozic S 260 Bull P 260 Casey B 210 Anderson P 262 Baker M 260 Beltran C 260 Brace L 200 Bullen M 260 Casey B 262 Anderson R 279 Balcewicz K 446 Bennett A 262 Bracher L 269 Bullock P 260 Casey J 262 Anderson T 200 Baldock L 262 Bennett B 262 Brackenbury N 269 Burdekin M 538 Casey T 210 Andrawis M 269 Baldwin A 260 Bennett B 262 Bradley J 202 Burgess F 262 Cashin B 545 Andrews J 600 Ball C 520 Bennett J 500 Bradney T 262 Burgess T 210 Cashman T 269 Anemaat D 279 Ball R 228 Bennett K 210 Bradwell C 269 Burke C 208 Caslick M 262 Ang A 215 Balla-Gow B 269 Bennett M 207 Bradwell L 260 Burke J 262 Cassidy A 538 Angell L 228 Ballard B 260 Bennett S 269 Brady J 215 Burke L 262 Cassidy H 538 Annables J 269 Baly J 1,500 Bennett S 525 Brady N 262 Burling J 210 Castillon N 517 Annett D 300 Banfield S 279 Benson P 262 Braiding A 269 Burnard M 275 Castillo-Rairibi J 269 Ansell K 262 Banks V 262 Bentham P 260 Brand K 240 Burnett L 262 Castle C 525 Anton G 260 Barclay C 260 Berg M 260 Brandenburg S 215 Burns E 504 Catallo AS 370 Antoniou E 215 Bardach Medina C 208 Berry C 269 Brandon K 279 Burns P 262 Cauchi M 269 Appleton J 279 Barkla K 200 Berryman J 262 Brangwin S 269 Burrows G 210 Cavallo D 269 Arcamone C 215 Barltrop A 262 Bertalli BA 660 Bray B 308 Burton C 210 Cavanagh S 210 Arch E 269 Barnard L 540 Bertram A 918 Bray J 269 Burton K 262 Cavanagh S 260 Archer J 269 Barnes A 210 Berwick H 216 Bray M 262 Burton R 262 Cave J 262 Archer M 262 Barnes C 262 Best R 208 Breakspear V 285 Butler A 260 Cavenagh J 220 Arena C 260 Barnes C 538 Bett S 279 Brebner C 210 Butler D 360 Caves R 260 Argyle C 207 Barnes T 260 Beveridge D 232 Brechin J 538 Butler S 260 Cawsey C 945 Armao P 210 Barnett L 215 Bieri Jones C 269 Bredin R 240 Butson K 210 Cawston D 215 Armour J 215 Barnett S 208 Bimson L 215 Brennan C 262 Buttenshaw D 228 Cecil M 262 Armour P 538 Barraclough P 215 Bimwal S 269 Brian DS 360 Butters J 210 Cefarin C 210 Arms H 520 Barrat K 262 Binns C 228 Brice LI 260 Byers D 285 Chad S 525 Armstrong A 269 Barreca T 262 Binns J 285 Bridge S 262 Bylos G 260 Chaffey L 262 Armstrong JM 260 Barrett C 269 Birkett K 210 Bridge S 538 Byrne C 250 Chalker J 480 Armstrong L 1,250 Barrett Y 215 Birkmann-Little M 269 Bridger L 200 Byrne J 260 Chambers L 200 Armstrong R 260 Barrett 480 Birrell J 215 Bridgman M 260 Byrne T 547 Chan J 520 Arnall M 269 Barrie N 780 Bisby D 262 Bridie D 500 Cabale J 538 Channells L 520 Arnold B 720 Barry D 215 Bishop J 520 Bridle E 269 Cadger J 538 Chaplin C 269 Arnott B 262 Barry J 200 Bishop M 210 Briefrel R 390 Cairns A 538 Chapman B 260


PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) Chapman G 269 Collins S 525 Crowther D 210 Deasey G 208 Drakulic-Stojanovic D 269 Elliott M 269 Chapman J 269 Collis J 208 Cruise P 215 Debartolo S 210 Draper AS 260 Elliott N 269 Chapman M 854 Colliss R 200 Cullen L 260 Defina S 210 Draper AS 260 Elliott R 260 Chapman R 208 Collyer G 300 Cullen R 273 Deiderick P 269 Draper B 269 Elliott R 260 Chapman R 269 Collyer M 210 Cullen S 285 Dejean P 210 Draper D 269 Elliott S 262 Chapman S 260 Colquhoun H 780 Cullenward F 222 Deland P 200 Drayton E 260 Ellis C 269 Chappelow J 210 Conlin E 269 Culley K 210 Deligiorgakis J 269 Drinan M 285 Ellis E 269 Chapple D 269 Conn S 269 Cummings P 1,500 Dellagiacoma S 269 Drinan S 260 Ellis J 215 Chard R 210 Connell L 260 Cummins K 269 Delmege R 525 Drinnan L 260 Ellis K 300 Charlier G 262 Connolly M 262 Cunningham C 520 Dennis CD 260 D'Rozario M 208 Ellis R 215 Charlton A 260 Connors M 215 Cunningham D 335 Dennis S 215 Dua S 210 Ellis R 269 Charlton C 260 Conolly L 1,055 Cunynghame C 400 Denniss P 262 Dubois L 262 Elwell K 262 Charlton J 210 Conroy D 262 Currie D 538 Densmore S 210 Duffey S 262 Emerson H 262 Charters D 419 Conroy F 250 Cutajar M 215 Deo P 200 Duffie Y 520 Emmans T 210 Chatwin J 215 Conroy F 260 Cutcliffe J 517 Derwent V 215 Duffy D 262 Emmerton H 269 Chaudhry S 269 Conroy J 215 Cutri M 269 Deverell M 230 Duffy K 260 Emmett L 269 Cheah EL 320 Conroy M 400 Czapla K 207 Devine T 215 Duffy S 430 Endacott C 269 Chen X 215 Conry A 360 D'Addabbo C 210 Dezius S 210 Dufty L 252 Erceg V 262 Chensee S 215 Considine T 210 Dadour-Chant L 262 Dezman B 260 Duggan L 269 Ernsteins K 260 Chew A 262 Coogan I 230 Dalby N 215 Di Maio U 525 Duma J 262 Ervine D 260 Chiddy S 210 Cook B 260 Dale M 215 Di Marino N 202 Dunand S 210 Esquivel I 262 Child M 215 Cook C 250 Daley B 269 Di Salvia L 570 Duncan K 269 Esterman B 262 Chilwell J 215 Cooke P 208 Dallas 240 Diamond J 600 Duncan S 228 Etherington J 525 Chipchase A 200 Coolican H 517 Daly L 208 Dibley C 210 Dunk J 260 Evans C 252 Chivers 480 Cooper H 269 Daly R 545 Dickens C 262 Dunkerley R 260 Evans C 269 Christian E 525 Cooper M 558 Dalzotto M 210 Dicker A 240 Dunkerley R 260 Evans D 210 Christie J 260 Cooper S 215 Daniels K 220 Dickson S 285 Dunlop D 262 Evans J 260 Christie R 262 Cooper S 260 Danvers P 210 Dieleman K 210 Dunlop E 208 Evans K 230 Christopoulos S 269 Cooper W 208 Darby N 240 Dilger D 210 Dunn B 260 Evans L 260 Cimadori V 280 Cooper-Southam P 215 D'Arcy S 269 Dill B 285 Dunn D 260 Evans R 262 Cladouhos A 210 Coote B 235 Dargaville C 260 Dingle L 273 Dunn F 269 Evans-Smith S 210 Clancy J 260 Cootes A 210 Dargaville J 208 Dione M 260 Dunn G 262 Everett ME 260 Clapham S 228 Cootes S 260 Darmody A 520 Dive P 260 Dunn L 303 Everson E 262 Clare C 279 Corda D 260 Dashwood C 269 Dive J 286 Dunscombe K 260 Eves K 210 Clark C 285 Cordaiy S 215 Dasi J 262 Dixon A 210 Durie B 210 Ezzy J 260 Clark J 279 Corke D 300 Date C 210 Dixon C 220 Durie K 260 Faber J 525 Clark M 262 Corney P 780 Davey C 262 Dixon D 390 Durney M 340 Fahey A 223 Clark P 787 Cornish B 269 David R 262 Dixon F 262 Durrant S 262 Fahey J 210 Clark S 215 Corrigan J 262 David S 269 Dixon J 384 Dwyer F 240 Fakes S 260 Clark S 250 Corrigan L 210 Davidson A 538 Dixon K 260 Dwyer H 279 Falappi A 262 Clarke C 200 Cosgrove G 248 Davidson B 228 Dixon P 215 Dybell T 269 Falconer J 215 Clarke J 538 Costello M 260 Davidson G 262 Dobbs K 262 Dyer G 202 Falconer M 275 Clarke J 1,600 Cotsis S 262 Davidson J 260 Dobner M 260 Dyer K 269 Falk M 252 Clarke K 262 Cotter M 538 Davies A 210 Docherty D 630 Dyer M 215 Fallah S 215 Clarke M 260 Coughtrie J 262 Davies E 210 Docksey J 260 Dyga K 525 Fanning J 210 Clarke RB 500 Coulter B 269 Davies J 260 Doggett A 275 Eastley S 538 Farley R 260 Clarkson L 525 Coulter J 218 Davies M 525 Doherty J 262 Eastment J 279 Farmer T 262 Clarkson T 208 Counsel J 210 Davies R&N 1,500 Doherty N 520 Eather D 249 Farr J 269 Clarkstone L 269 Coursey A 215 Davis B 260 Doidge L 220 Ebrill JM 360 Farr M 262 Claus L 215 Court B 215 Davis C 269 Doidge N 269 Ecclestone S 260 Farrow C 260 Clayden P 203 Coustas K 260 Davis K 210 Dokmanovic M 520 Eddelbuttel S 210 Faulds G 262 Clayton A 1,345 Coutts-Trotter M 1,040 Davis K 600 Donaldson C 262 Edeling A 210 Faulds J 288 Clegg B 269 Coverdale K 240 Davis M 210 Donoghue V 269 Edgar-Jones S 262 Faulkner K 390 Clements B 215 Cowen P 230 Davis R 269 Donovan K 260 Edgington F 269 Faulks C 243 Cleveland D 269 Cox C 210 Davis S 269 Donovan WR 370 Edmond M 269 Favell R 260 Cliff C 262 Cox H 570 Davis-Catterall M 260 Doolan A 262 Edsall NE 660 Fay J 404 Close R 269 Cox R 262 Davison-Mowle D 279 Doolan B 262 Edsall SM 290 Fear R 210 Cochrane M 262 Coxon A 500 Dawes R 558 Dooley E 252 Edwards A 500 Fedele L 200 Cochrane R 260 Coyle J 260 Dawkings D 215 Dooley S 262 Edwards A 538 Fellows D 228 Cock M 269 Craggs E 262 Dawoud N 215 Dooner K 210 Edwards C 285 Feltis S 262 Coffey M 262 Craglietto G 269 Dawson A 208 Doosey T 262 Edwards G 260 Feneley-Mcfadden A 215 Coffey S 269 Crain J 262 Dawson M 262 Dorahy J 415 Edwards G 262 Fergus J 269 Cohen C 210 Crase-Smith J 540 Day J 260 Dorfling B 210 Edwards J 215 Ferguson D 262 Cohen JE 600 Craven L 210 Day K 210 Dorrian W 275 Edwards J 650 Ferguson J 210 Cole D 269 Crawford FL&PJ 260 Daykin S 538 Douglas A 208 Edwards J 2,385 Ferguson L 260 Cole N 538 Crayn M 260 De Angelis A 215 Douglas B 269 Edwards JS 300 Ferme E 235 Colelough S 320 Cree D 240 de Bavay G 250 Douglas S 262 Edwards LM 260 Ferrie E 262 Coleman I 2,000 Creighton D 279 De Closey J 390 Dowdell R 538 Edworthy N 215 Ferrier E 208 Coleman K 208 Crelley D 208 De Falco K 262 Dowdell-Mcpherson M 236 Egan N 260 Ferris A 260 Coleman K 279 Crisp J 262 De Gunst E 228 Dowding K 525 Egan S 215 Ferris J 525 Coleman R 525 Croker R 360 De Losa N 208 Dowe W 215 Eggins D 315 Ferris M 250 Coleman TJ 339 Cronshaw D 520 De Mayo R 269 Dowling S 750 Eggins M 260 Field D 210 Coles D 520 Crosby J 262 De Peau L 230 Downes F 215 El-Chah J 210 Field D 215 Colley S 262 Cross A 262 De Reuver A 260 Downes M 215 Elia D 520 Field E 538 Collier J 260 Cross J 262 De Vos W 262 Dowse E 210 Ellen T 269 Field W 279 Collins C 269 Crossingham K 207 De Winter C 200 Doyle K 260 Ellen V 262 Fielding A 269 Collins J 260 Crowe A 260 Dean F 279 Doyle R 538 Ellery S 269 Filippi M 215 Collins J 538 Crowe D 269 Dean K 230 Drabsch R 269 Elliott B 350 Finch C 215 Collins L 210 Crowther B 208 Dean W 260 Drake K 525 Elliott J 269 Finch G 269


PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) Findley C 269 Garber L 215 Goss N 210 Haines 480 Hazell S 269 Hook C 269 Finney R 210 Garcia A 269 Gossip H 260 Haley L 300 Head S 262 Hooker C 269 Fisher S 210 Garcia L 200 Goulden N 269 Halkidis C 1,373 Heagney HM 240 Hooper K 262 Fisher S 260 Gardiner C 538 Goundar P 262 Hall J 262 Hearn M 260 Hooper V 210 Fisher S 285 Gardiner S 210 Govan P 269 Hall J 525 Heath BMW 240 Hopkins C 525 Fitzalan S 228 Gardner D 215 Govender N 210 Hall J 538 Heath E 646 Hopkins P 215 Fitzgerald A 210 Garland R 269 Gowlland D 262 Hall L 215 Heath LA 240 Hopkins T 1,207 Fitzgerald A 275 Garratt J 262 Grace A 360 Hall L 260 Heath R 269 Hoppe G 269 Fitzgerald C 215 Garrett-Meade V 269 Gradau CA 260 Hall M 207 Heaton G 422 Hoppitt C 215 Fitzgerald L 262 Garside T 228 Graetsch H 262 Hallahan M 525 Heazlewood N 510 Horan K 262 Flack J 210 Garven T 262 Graham K 250 Hallaways K 269 Heffernan J 200 Horan M 279 Flaxman K 262 Gaston F 269 Graham K 260 Halley-Barberis A 215 Heggen G 210 Horiatopoulos J 269 Flegg L 260 Gately S 315 Graham L 520 Halloran G 404 Heinrich J 260 Horn R 215 Fleming D 538 Gatt D 215 Graham R 240 Hamblin T 260 Helen GL 250 Horsley G 260 Fleming J 360 Gavranic M 262 Grainger D 269 Hamer G 279 Hellams C 208 Horton G 262 Fleming K 215 Gawthorne K 215 Grant F 215 Hamilton H 210 Hemmings I 1,500 Horton T 210 Fletcher K 260 Gawthorne T 262 Grant G 269 Hamilton K 262 Henderson D 260 Hoscher P 262 Fletcher M 269 Gay I 210 Grant M 520 Hamilton K 269 Henderson P 420 Hossack J 208 Fletcher R 215 Geaney J 215 Grant R 260 Hampson M 269 Henderson T 262 Host C 525 Fletcher R 232 Geddes D 450 Grantham D 269 Hancock R 269 Henne S 269 Hostrup M 380 Flood E 262 Geddes S 262 Gray A 260 Handley M 525 Henry C 525 Hotham LM 270 Floyd M 419 Gee A 520 Gray C 210 Hanigan P 250 Henry M 1,500 Hough A 210 Floyd R 210 Gee N 285 Gray P 260 Hanley S 262 Hensley M 279 Houndalas-Roditis P 262 Flynn MT 600 Geelan C 269 Gray P 480 Hannah D 262 Henson J 262 Houston C 260 Fogarty MC 370 Geeves J 215 Green A 525 Hannah G 262 Henwood CL 210 Houweling J 269 Follett C 210 Gemmell J 262 Green D 1,290 Hannah J 230 Hercok M 269 Howard A 269 Font I 210 Gerard D 260 Green H 269 Hannan C 260 Hermann E 262 Howard B 650 Fonti K 525 Gerke J 225 Green J 525 Hannon D 262 Hermann R 600 Howard L 269 Footit S 2,000 Gerondis L 1,139 Green N 210 Hanshaw K 269 Hermon O 262 Howard P 260 Forbes S 260 Gerrey S 538 Green P 215 Hardge K 285 Herrick D 210 Howard S 262 Ford C 262 Ghabbar S 238 Greenaway V 220 Hargrave M 269 Herring J 260 Howard T 1,500 Ford G 260 Gianotti J 210 Greene S 538 Hargrave N 262 Herring S 269 Howard CJ 580 Ford R 260 Gibb G 262 Greenhill D 278 Harper K 210 Herron K 269 Howe K 360 Ford V 419 Gibbins C 260 Greenslade S 210 Harper K 269 Hesketh B 262 Howell L 279 Foreman A 260 Gibbins R 210 Greenup D 210 Harries N 269 Heskett L 215 Howes B 420 Forman K 260 Gibbons M 215 Greggs K 260 Harris A 262 Hewitt A 262 Howes P 285 Forrest S 215 Gibson G 260 Gregory B 210 Harris D 215 Hewitt M 262 Howick R 208 Fortey S 210 Gifford A 269 Gregory K 259 Harris D 538 Hewitt V 262 Howie M 210 Forth H 241 Gilbertson K 210 Gregory N 215 Harris GW 260 Hiblen S 215 Howland M 538 Foster L 262 Giles L 215 Grguric P 260 Harris J 208 Higginbottom R 260 Howlett L 262 Foster T 210 Giles M 269 Grice D 215 Harris K 285 Higgins A 269 Htoo P 525 Fotheringham R 260 Giles R 260 Grieve A 210 Harris P 260 Higgs K 251 Hudson D 260 Fountis K 262 Gillett S 210 Griffith K 1,200 Harris R 260 Highland A 215 Hudson D 262 Fox P 260 Gillett V 279 Griffith N 262 Harris T 269 Hilder S 496 Hudswell K 269 Fox P 520 Gilmour P 215 Griffiths G 262 Harris T 538 Hill D 246 Huff J 262 Foyel J 215 Giorgio T 525 Grilanc S 215 Harris V 260 Hill S 250 Hughes A 394 Francis B 210 Girgis A 215 Grimm W 269 Harrison B 215 Hillier M 262 Hughes C 750 Francis G 262 Giudice B 262 Grimshaw J 270 Harrison D 538 Hilt S 260 Hughes D 260 Frankland C 525 Gjorseska M 208 Grimshaw W 262 Harrison M 269 Hinchey-Holley T 238 Hughes D 262 Fraser D 240 Glassop R 262 Grinham E 210 Harrison V 220 Hines D 260 Hughes L 260 Fraser J 269 Gleave C 520 Groom S 262 Hart K 520 Hinton K 210 Hughes R 260 Fraser J 525 Gleeson F 269 Grose D 228 Hartcher J 675 Hinzmann S 270 Hughes S 210 Fraser K 269 Gleeson W 525 Groth J 210 Hartcher-O'Brien R 269 Hird K 269 Hughes-Clapp N 269 Frauenfelder R 210 Glenn-Bland P 260 Grove F 360 Hartley C 210 Hmelnitsky J 2,500 Huish B 262 Frazer T 269 Glover C 228 Guelfo N 200 Hartrick N 262 Ho S 260 Humphrey K 269 Freeland S 538 Glover C 260 Guido L 262 Harvey R 208 Hoade G 260 Humphreys D 272 Freeman S 210 Gluvchinsky T 262 Guild S 260 Harvey R 856 Hobson L 260 Hunt CL 220 Freeman S 269 Gobbitt L 210 Gulley C 538 Harvey-Annetts S 262 Hoddinott D 269 Hunt E 262 Freer R 210 Gocher T 215 Gullotta L 269 Harvey-Trappel J 525 Hodge K 260 Hunt L 240 French S 269 Goddard J 394 Gulyas A 242 Hasking M 242 Hodges A 200 Hunt M 210 Frias L 215 Godden T 262 Gunn B 538 Hastie K 215 Hodges G 228 Hunt N 260 Fried S 262 Godfrey M 260 Gunn S 260 Haswell A 520 Hodges K 279 Hunt P 273 Friend S 525 Goldthorp W 210 Gunter I 262 Hatcher S 269 Hodges L 210 Hunter H 520 Frohlich G 210 Golsby S 269 Guthrie E 200 Hatton U 233 Hodgson R 525 Hunziker F 269 Fulcher K 215 Goode J 215 Guthrie J 262 Hatzis B 1,560 Hodson J 262 Hurley SG 215 Fuller J 210 Goodenough R 269 Guy SC&RG 240 Haug P 260 Hoffmann D 1,200 Hurney J 525 Fuller S 538 Goodhue L 210 Guyatt M 210 Haverfield M 200 Hoffmann J 1,200 Hutchins B 520 Furey C 260 Goodsell T 262 Guymer B 523 Havord L 520 Hogan M 269 Hutchins M 260 Fyfe K 210 Goodsir D 208 Guzman-Guy R 210 Havyatt W 215 Hogan P 269 Hutchinson K 258 Gabriel EI 840 Goodwin D 240 Gyimah S 279 Hawkins C 210 Holden J 520 Hyde L 262 Gafa A 210 Goodwin K 520 Hackney C 262 Hawkins C 269 Holden L 269 Hyman K 260 Gale F 262 Gooley P 262 Haddrick D 538 Hawkins C 660 Holden M 228 Hystek D 269 Gallacher K 262 Gordon J 208 Hadid S 285 Hawkins J 262 Holland D 269 Ibrahim J 269 Gallagher L 538 Gordon J 520 Hadley L 525 Hayden J 262 Hollins C 404 Idrus M 525 Gallagher S 260 Gordon J 538 Hagan L 260 Hayes C 208 Hollins G 269 Iles K 260 Galton J 483 Gordon K 210 Hageman P 262 Hayman K 215 Holmes B 262 Iles K 520 Gambrill B 210 Gorman R 269 Haglund T 269 Haynes T 250 Holmes C 260 Ilijeski A 269 Gandy S 269 Gorrel D 262 Hailey L 262 Hayward R 210 Holz S 210 Inglis B 400 Gannon S 260 Gorton M 520 Hails K 394 Haywood R 353 Honeysett R 236 Inkley D 210


PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) Inskip L 262 Johnston S 262 Kerrigan C 200 Lane K 260 Lidster J 228 Maclean A 215 Intihar L 570 Johnstone C 275 Kerry R 260 Lane K 262 Liebenberg-Walker W 210 Macphail K 210 Ioakim C 262 Jolley R 215 Kervin B 269 Lang J 215 Lilley D 210 Macpherson S 269 Ion D 260 Jones A 460 Kessel V 269 Lang P 269 Lim C 210 Maddern N 260 Ipsen K 269 Jones B 215 Kessell P 240 Langdon R 269 Lindner K 210 Maggs A 269 Ireland G 262 Jones B 279 Kettle L 262 Langley A 260 Lindsay G 210 Magoffin A 525 Irvine H 228 Jones C 215 Keys P 279 Langton M 228 Lindsay GN 560 Maher C 262 Irvine P 262 Jones K 269 Khalid A 210 Lannigan J 279 Lindsay S 262 Maher L 210 Irwin D 600 Jones K 354 Khehra K 215 Lansdowne K 262 Lingard D 262 Maiden R 269 Isgro-Attwood K 260 Jones L 215 Kidd DA 240 Lappan S 262 Lingat J 230 Maidment D 262 Isichei D 260 Jones M 262 Kidd R 230 Larkman C 520 Linkiewicz R 525 Maihi K 260 Islam Y 269 Jones M 262 Kiely C 262 Larkman G 262 Lions B 210 Mair A 200 Ison G 210 Jones N 300 Kilgour J 236 Lasmanis I 600 Lipscombe B 2,000 Maitre F 650 Izzard J 262 Jones T 260 Killeen J 210 Latta DJ 240 Little D 262 Mak DR 218 Jack S 262 Jordan K 269 Kilpatrick R 232 Lau CY 262 Littlejohn L 260 Makridis V 269 Jackson D 228 Jordan S 213 Kimber D 260 Laughlin A&A 400 Liu K 215 Malan R 210 Jackson F 258 Joseph H 200 King A 210 Launders C 260 Livingstone J 269 Malcolm M 538 Jackson K 260 Joseph S 269 King D 260 Lavelle L 570 Llewellyn S 200 Malcolm N 260 Jackson K 260 Joseph T 250 King K 525 Lavelle M 215 Lloyd N 210 Malifa C 210 Jackson L 215 Josey G 200 King L 269 Law M 260 Lloyd S 260 Mallos C 328 Jackson L 269 Judd S 262 King M 262 Lawrence A 520 Loaney-Brown J 210 Manderson S 269 Jackson M 227 Juengling R 525 King R 215 Lawrence L 525 Loble L 208 Mann S 240 Jackson R 260 Juleff S 394 King W 262 Lawson N 210 Lock J 269 Manousaridis R 525 Jacobi C 269 Jungara Askar C&M 500 Kingdon A 210 Lawson S 262 Lockrey D 210 Mansfield J 269 Jacobs R 210 Kaindl C 210 Kingsford J 260 Layson J 269 Lockton G 262 Mansini L 210 Jacobsen L 250 Kaineder A 285 Kinniard B 211 Lazarus M 269 Logan D 215 Manukau B 215 Jacobsen L 269 Kambo JW&NJ 500 Kirby M 525 Le T 232 Long J 262 Marchiori N 215 Jaeger R 520 Kandylas L 269 Kirbyshire R 269 Le Clercq M 262 Long RA 290 Marden S 260 Jager L 210 Kane S 210 Kirk G 210 Le Gras C 538 Long D 370 Marien M 260 James A 525 Kaplan DM 250 Kirk H 260 Leadbeatter N 538 Lonnon G 260 Marjoribanks C 1,200 James G 260 Karamitos C 210 Kirk J 215 Leahy L 570 Lorenc J 262 Marker N 210 James S 262 Karas V 262 Kirkpatrick L 269 Lean D 279 Lou W 269 Marks D 205 James 360 Kaskaniotis M 262 Kitto R 500 Learmont L 279 Loucos K 538 Marks J 210 Jameson J 262 Kassapakis B 208 Klatt J 275 Learmonth J 285 Louison S 260 Markus C 269 Jameson-Avey E 200 Kathryn N 262 Klein A 240 Leary M 210 Lovatt S 262 Marlin M 210 Janic L 215 Kaul S 525 Klinger C 228 Leaver R 269 Love A 210 Marriage R 275 Jansen B 230 Kaur B 269 Knight C 210 Leavers S 269 Loveday B 230 Marriott K 215 Jardim J 538 Kaur G 215 Knott P 215 Lechowski T 215 Lovegrove-Howe S 260 Marsh L 221 Jardine J 262 Kaur H 210 Knowles B 262 Lee A 262 Lovell J 260 Marshall C 525 Jarick J 262 Kavanagh A 269 Knowles K 240 Lee W 269 Lovett J 215 Marshall CD 390 Jarrett M 269 Kay M 210 Koberler S 260 Lee Chin L 260 Low A 269 Marshall D 262 Jarvis H7C 240 Kaye CJ 260 Kobier J 240 Leece T 210 Low S 215 Marshall J 390 Jaye C 315 Kaye J 330 Koens G 269 Leehy J 262 Lowe C 208 Marshall S 260 Jayne M 262 Kaye JR 300 Kohary A 208 Leek V 1,345 Lowe J 262 Marshall T 419 Jeffery C 273 Kc T 262 Kokoviadis G 260 Lees G 262 Lowe L 269 Marsland B 215 Jefferys E 215 Kearney J 215 Koletti J 262 Lees M 269 Lowe S 208 Marten DL 660 Jeffrey M 269 Kearney L 260 Koodrin V 269 Lees M 269 Lucas B 500 Martin A 269 Jenkin G 215 Kearns LJ 950 Kopycinski D 210 Leete JG 260 Lucas G 215 Martin E 269 Jenkins D 210 Kearns P 260 Kosobowsky HM 300 Leggatt R 269 Lucas P 210 Martin J 215 Jenkins H 390 Kearns T 210 Kranenburg B 210 Lehman P 260 Ludwick B 279 Martin J 520 Jenkins I 215 Kearsley D 215 Krilich G 215 Leighton J 650 Lugnan G 269 Martin K 260 Jenkins K 262 Keating A 200 Krishan S 260 Leihn C 269 Luidmanis R 262 Martin L 210 Jenkins K 320 Keen A 215 Kristiansen E 210 Leishman S 262 Luke L 258 Martin L 269 Jennings S 260 Kelaher M 210 Krumins-Strauss K 262 Leitch M 295 Lumb J 260 Martin S 270 Jensen M 380 Kellner M 538 Kubiak L 262 Lemaire JE 228 Lupton C 208 Martinsons A 262 Jessop S 262 Kells P 780 Kulmar R 525 Lennard D 208 Lupton P 260 Martyn K 210 Jessup T 279 Kelly D 262 Kumarich A 1,500 Lennon M 525 Luscombe P 260 Mason D 525 Jobling M 262 Kelly H 549 Kumarich DM 650 Leon K 242 Luttrell R 260 Mason M 215 Jocys G 279 Kelly J 262 Kwan L 262 Leslie F 269 Ly M 237 Mason S 273 Johns L 210 Kelly R 525 Kyle F 520 Leslie R 285 Lyell L 210 Massey I 262 Johns R 262 Kelly S 262 La T 248 Lester K 400 Lynch J 260 Massey R 260 Johns S 206 Kempton D 269 Lagoudakis M 200 Leto N 210 Lynch L 262 Masterton JM 240 Johnson B 390 Kenda S 255 Lahoud J 269 Leung P 262 Lynch M 260 Mater D 250 Johnson C 360 Kendall C 258 Lai S 210 Levett A 600 Lynch T 2,000 Matheson D 279 Johnson E 500 Kendall M 210 Laigre D 600 Levick A 525 Lyne B 260 Mathew A 360 Johnson G 260 Kennedy A 250 Laing P 215 Lewis AL 240 Lyneham K 210 Mathews A 215 Johnson J 262 Kennedy C 210 Laird J 215 Lewis D 650 Lynn J 262 Mathews JN 269 Johnson K 269 Kennedy J 260 Laird S 300 Lewis E 262 Lyon S 269 Mathews R 390 Johnson M 210 Kennedy S 215 Lakeman A 210 Lewis J 538 Lyons J 673 Matta M 215 Johnson M 262 Kennedy S 525 Lakeman G 200 Lewis K 215 Macan A 210 Matthew S 210 Johnson M 520 Kent A 215 Lalor P 260 Lewis M 536 Macauley L 525 Matthews C 227 Johnson P 260 Kent C 216 Lamb J 210 Lewis R 262 Macdonald C 210 Matthews DJ 480 Johnson P 285 Kent C 259 Lambert J 228 Lewis S 215 Macdonald K 269 Matthews S 215 Johnson R 262 Kenworthy A 240 Lambert J 262 Lewis S 400 Macey K 538 Mattimore C 260 Johnson S 228 Keranovic E 215 Lambert N 210 Lewis T 262 Machar V 262 May D 1,000 Johnson S 262 Kermode S 215 Lamble T 1,050 Liang P 390 Macintosh A 285 May J 215 Johnson KA 370 Kerr D 262 Laming S 520 Liaros E 210 Mack K 335 Mayers A 269 Johnson. E 300 Kerr L 538 Lane D 262 Lidbury W 210 Mackintosh J 215 Mayers L 269 Johnston R 210 Kerr LA 240 Lane K 230 Liddy M 275 Maclaine A 260 Mayfield J 262


PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) Mayne J 558 Mcmahon A 262 Mobbs K 220 Muscat P 525 O'Callaghan A 260 Paul C 269 Mayo S 525 Mcmahon E 210 Moffat H 210 Muscatello E 262 O'Connell M 447 Paul L 260 Mazzaferro E 215 Mcmahon L 525 Moller M 260 Mussolum S 260 O'Connor F 260 Paulic A 269 Mcalister C 260 Mcmahon S 369 Moller TJ 780 Myers B 200 O'Connor KM 260 Paviour J 269 Mcalister N 210 Mcmanus E 262 Molloy B 262 Myers H 212 O'Connor N 248 Pawley D 269 Mcallister L 279 Mcmaster C 215 Moloney T 210 Myers J 285 O'Dea J 260 Payne C 220 Mcarthur P 520 Mcmillan K 550 Monaghan K 215 Myerscough M 269 O'Donnell M 500 Payne F 240 Mcaulay AM 260 Mcnally ME 260 Monin R 558 Nair S 2,400 O'Dowd N 558 Payne L 260 Mccarthy J 260 Mcnally 480 Monk S 210 Naisby S 260 Ofner P 228 Peace E 210 Mccartney R 215 Mcnamara C 520 Montague E 269 Nancarrow D 260 Ogilvy S 525 Peacock M 210 Mccartney T 260 Mcnamara D 269 Montgomery L 210 Nandlaskar TS 220 O'Hara E 200 Peagram J 698 Mccauley L 210 Mcnamara N 525 Moodie L 262 Napoleone C 200 O'Hearn T 269 Peake A 208 McCleverty S 600 Mcnaught V 231 Moodley M 269 Nastatos P 520 O'Kane V 262 Pearce R 225 Mcclintock F 262 Mcneil L 262 Moodley P 260 Nattrass L 210 O'Keefe E 360 Pearson A 807 Mcclure R 780 Mcneilly R 807 Moody J 210 Naylor K 228 O'Keeffe K 262 Pearson K 262 Mccluskey L 390 McPhee P 240 Mooney L 230 Naylor-Solman K 210 Oliver D 262 Pearson K 262 Mccombie P 538 Mcpherson C 259 Moon-Tume J 215 Ndegwa B 228 Oliver J 404 Pecar A 202 Mcconville M 262 Mcpherson J 262 Moore B 236 Neale T 215 Oliveri C 210 Pecar B 400 McCoullough AJ 270 Mcpherson S 525 Moore C 260 Neasey C 525 O'Loughlan D 215 Pedlow L 360 Mccourt G 273 Mcqueen S 260 Moore J 210 Neech V 260 Olsen D 269 Peek M 269 Mccullagh-Dennis M 376 Mcrae H 210 Moore K 262 Neeves G 269 Olsen G 208 Peisley L 269 Mccullum G 262 Mcshane L 260 Moore L 205 Nelson A 262 Olsen J 260 Peltzer C 215 Mccumstie D 262 Mcteare T 269 Moore L 281 Nelson C 260 O'Mahony M 240 Penfold A 262 Mcdermott A 204 Mcteigue M 375 Moore S 260 Nelson L 419 O'Mara L 262 Penn G 262 Mcdonald A 262 Mcvea M 262 Moran A 269 Nethercote D 269 O'Meara B 269 Penna V 215 Mcdonald DH 225 Mcwilliam J 269 Morgan B 240 Nethery N 210 O'Neill A 360 Penniment R 269 Mcdonald H 269 Mead M 269 Morgan G 269 Newbery S 260 O'Neill A 520 Pennington R 210 Mcdonald I 260 Meade L 538 Morley H 215 Newbold D 260 O'Neill D 260 Penny R 262 Mcdonald J 210 Mealing L 208 Moroney N 269 Newbon N 1,200 O'Neill K 269 Penrose D 210 Mcdonald K 262 Meddows E 269 Morris L 538 Newman C 262 O'Neill N 262 Perchorowicz E 477 Mcdonald L 262 Medich M 262 Morris N 262 Newman D 210 O'Neill N 262 Perih B 316 Mcdonald L 315 Mee A 520 Morrison C 215 Newman S 262 O'Neill O 269 Perry G 538 Mcdonald M 215 Meehan A 210 Morrison C 269 Newman-Lever S 430 O'Neill S 260 Perry L 240 Mcdonald M 269 Meehan C 285 Morrison J 262 Newton J 262 Ordinall E 215 Pesman M 1,500 McDonald R 2,200 Meehan S 260 Morrison M 780 Newton K 269 O'Rourke V 520 Peters A 525 Mcdonald RA 360 Meek B 269 Morrison O 250 Nguyen L 380 Orr J&W 1,000 Peters C 210 Mcdonnell K 269 Melbourne K 215 Morrissey S 525 Nguyen Q 215 Osborne CA 260 Peters P 549 Mcdougall L 269 Melinz A 269 Morrow ID 520 Nguyen T 208 O'Shea M 208 Peterson J 260 Mcewan K 262 Mellish M 262 Mort A 262 Nguyen T 210 O'Shea R 260 Peterson L 210 Mcewan M 275 Mellish W 208 Mortimer ME 240 Nguyen T 262 O'Shea R 260 Petrie K 262 Mcewan P 215 Melrose E 250 Morton G 262 Nibbs G 279 Ossington H 269 Petrocco N 445 Mcfarland J 260 Mendyk S 570 Morton K 210 Nicholls N 209 O'Sullivan J 260 Petrunic M 260 Mcfarlane M 210 Meredith D 230 Mostert J 269 Nicholls N 2,500 Owen D 210 Pettett D 262 Mcfayden S 256 Merlino P 480 Motherwell M 269 Nicholls P 260 Owen M 210 Pettigrew M 260 Mcgaw D 262 Merrick K 210 Moukaddem M 262 Nicholson J 538 Oyston S 262 Pettit R 262 Mcghee G 269 Merta S 262 Moussawer A 262 Nicol I 210 Pacey M 210 Pettitt M 230 Mcglashan R 210 Meunier N 269 Mowles S 525 Nicolas M 269 Padovan K 262 Pevy-Buenen C 200 Mcglynn M 215 Meyers S 223 Moxon C 210 Niedermayer J 215 Page A 202 Phegan J 260 Mcgovern W 210 Michaels K 210 Moxon D 215 Nielsen F 390 Painter M 1,500 Philips C 269 Mcgowan M 525 Michell G 315 Moyes A 260 Nissan R 262 Painter S 262 Phillips A 210 McGrath A 1,750 Middlebrook K 215 Moyse K 210 Nix C 279 Palise T&C 250 Phillips A 269 Mcgrath G 215 Middleby K 210 Mozayani V 260 Nixey A 269 Pallas L 525 Phillips I 210 Mcgrath J 208 Middleton A 202 Mudge C 1,300 Noakes V 269 Palmer K 260 Phillips N 215 Mcgregor R 673 Middleton R 315 Muir B 400 Noble A 262 Panaioli E 205 Phillips N 269 Mcgrevy S 269 Miezio J 262 Mularczyk L 262 Noble N 215 Pantel A 208 Phillips W 262 Mcguigan K 262 Mihopoulos S 200 Mules R 333 Noon L 262 Papadopalas O 520 Philpotts G 7,369 Mcguinness M 269 Miland MD 585 Mulheron M 265 Norman J 355 Papasavvas A 200 Pickering D 538 Mcinally L 215 Miles P 262 Mulholland E 285 Norman R 520 Pardy R 269 Pickett T 260 Mcinerney K 269 Milinovic S 262 Muller M 207 Norris B 269 Parfett A 228 Pikardt F 269 Mcintosh K 210 Millar J 262 Mullins A 412 Norris G 260 Parfoot S 215 Pilatos J 210 Mcintosh M 269 Millburn J 215 Mulroy T 269 Norris R 210 Paris H 262 Pilgrim H 262 Mcintyre E 260 Miller E 550 Munday H 262 Norrish C 269 Park K 285 Pilgrim P 262 Mcintyre J 262 Miller J 279 Mundy A 210 North C 525 Parry L 269 Pilgrim S 262 Mckaig J 262 Miller K 215 Munk K 215 Norton A 215 Parsifal W 215 Pillay M 269 Mckeever S 525 Miller R 208 Munro D 262 Norton P 300 Parsons N 269 Pilon J 260 Mckenzie A 210 Miller R 210 Munro V 240 Norton W 260 Partland J 208 Pinhey A 225 Mckenzie J 210 Mills C 260 Murarotto N 260 Notley S 269 Partridge A 262 Piper L 262 Mckeon J 262 Mills G 260 Murdoch K 260 Noud G 285 Partridge J 538 Piperitis R 210 Mckeown B 260 Mills J 269 Murphie M 525 Novak Y 215 Partridge P 1,076 Pippen J 262 Mckervey S 269 Milthorpe P 210 Murphy A 258 Nowak A 252 Partridge 260 Pisani A 269 Mckinlay T 260 Minogue A 258 Murphy AK 275 Nowland J 250 Pascoe M 262 Pitarch E 260 Mckinniery T 269 Mirarchi R 269 Murphy J 269 Nowland L 269 Paske K 262 Pitt M 260 Mclachlan H 210 Mitchell B 208 Murray E 269 Nozica N 259 Patching C 262 Plater D 215 Mclaughlin L 780 Mitchell C 210 Murray J 260 Oakley H 215 Patel K 269 Platirahos P 210 Mclean A 285 Mitchell D 1,200 Murray J 275 Oakley K 215 Paterson B 200 Platt R 210 Mclean I 218 Mitchell P 260 Murray M 210 O'Brien M 269 Paton J 269 Player S 520 Mclean J 260 Mitchell R 232 Murray R 210 O'Brien S 780 Patterson C 260 Plumridge D 269 Mclean J 262 Mitic D 215 Murray S 460 O'Brien T 260 Patterson M 520 Pollard A 260 Mcloughlin J 240 Moar B 269 Muscat C 262 O'Bryan J 336 Patti R 525 Polosak SP 260


PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) Poole G 210 Rayner L 260 Robson M 210 Sawdy B 269 Sheen K 215 Smith M 538 Pooley R 210 Read S 269 Robson P 1,117 Saxby S 260 Sheerin R 215 Smith N 210 Pope L 260 Reade C 520 Rodd B 269 Sayer L 262 Shelley S 260 Smith N 269 Porter E 215 Redding A 260 Rodgers D 260 Sayers J 269 Shennan S 260 Smith P 285 Porter R 215 Reedie C 260 Rodgers-Falk C 200 Scanlon I 250 Shephard K 538 Smith S 269 Porter R 285 Rees D 262 Roe K 269 Scarf J 210 Shepherd C 270 Smith S 308 Potten N 269 Reeve S 215 Rofe M 260 Scarfo C 525 Sherborne J 228 Smith V 240 Potter A 480 Regan K 260 Rogers A 260 Scarr R 262 Sheriff P 262 Smith V 262 Poulter S 210 Rehmann I 262 Rogers JM 260 Schein P 269 Sherring K 279 Smith W 260 Poulton G 269 Reichhart P 262 Rohan K 262 Schincaglia F 215 Sherwood L 210 Smith MJ 370 Poulton N 262 Reid D 240 Rohr 390 Schmitt J 210 Shewan J 260 Smith-Kain M 215 Poustie R 520 Reilly D 260 Rojas P 262 Schneller N 260 Shield J 260 Smyth J 200 Powell L 240 Reilly K 200 Rolfe L 210 Schofield P 264 Short J 260 Sneddon N 210 Powell S 215 Reincastle M 260 Rolfe M 260 Schofield S 538 Shorten M 215 Snell K 210 Powell S 262 Rendes V 236 Romaniuk E 1,500 Scholes A 260 Shortle P 279 Snowden M 538 Power G 210 Rennie S 600 Romeiro A 210 Schomberg S 250 Shumack J 210 Soares P 538 Powrie J 269 Renwick S 262 Romer C 538 Schomberg S 342 Shuttleworth P&J 1,000 Solaese J 525 Prasad S 538 Repole D 269 Ronayne J 262 Schroder R 395 Siebert R 1,236 Soley S 269 Pratt L 215 Reynolds A 290 Rones C 269 Schroder S 525 Silva E 215 Soltan K 260 Prebendavcik W 280 Reynolds J 208 Ropa D 269 Schultz K 412 Silver K 269 Soltau D 260 Premier N 320 Reynolds K 274 Rose D 215 Schultz S 228 Silver M 269 Somerville A 210 Prendergast P 269 Reynolds M 260 Rose K 269 Schumacher J 549 Sim J 260 Somerville L 262 Presland J 260 Rheinberger JM 240 Rose L 300 Schwarz B 269 Simes C 285 Sonntag M 260 Price D 262 Riad R 200 Rose M 210 Scicluna S 274 Simington J 538 Sorbara N 262 Price E 210 Ribero P 242 Rosewarne R 500 Scobie L 262 Simmiss-Taylor L 269 Southward D 269 Price T 262 Rich B 250 Rosicky M 480 Scoles G 269 Simmonds P 279 Spagnardi S 260 Priday C 200 Rich G 3,000 Ross A 558 Scorgie A 260 Simmons A 260 Spalding R 525 Pringle C 279 Rich N 210 Ross M 210 Scott D 420 Simone J 285 Speck J 215 Pritchard P 600 Richards A 240 Ross N 210 Scott E 279 Simonsen S 262 Spencer I 269 Procter B 210 Richards H 260 Ross R 215 Scott J 260 Simpson A 269 Spier J 210 Proctor F 224 Richards J 269 Ross S 262 Scott K 250 Simpson J 262 Spittles C 220 Proctor W 210 Richards K 260 Ross S 269 Scott P 262 Simpson L 215 Spitzer R 285 Pross J 215 Richards L 269 Rosser M 262 Scott R 260 Simpson M 262 Spring P 215 Prothero L 360 Richardson C 215 Rosser W 210 Scott-Stevenson C 204 Simpson MM 720 Squadrito J 262 Prudence K 210 Richardson K 260 Rossi D 262 Screech S 215 Simpson SJ 370 Squires K 210 Prunty M 260 Ricketts J 262 Ross-Ward E 260 Scully D 269 Sims M 525 St James A 241 Pryce A 215 Ridgway J 269 Rounsley S 210 Scully M 260 Sims N 520 St Leon I 269 Pryor J 262 Ridley J 215 Rourke J 262 Scurry C 242 Sims S 269 Stamm C 210 Pugh K 262 Rieger R 210 Rowe J 262 Seaby E 269 Singh B 285 Stamopoulos M 432 Pugliano K 269 Rieper M 400 Rowland N 215 Seaegg L 260 Singh K 262 Stanford E 224 Purcell M 279 Riethmuller GR 480 Rowley J 269 Searle R 210 Singh SS 250 Stanley W 269 Purkis C 269 Rigby N 215 Rowsell L 262 Seberry R 215 Singleton L 260 Starink B 260 Purkiss L 269 Riley B 1,040 Rox K 538 Secomb L 269 Sirotic M 269 Starkey J 210 Pursch R 257 Riley D 384 Rudd R 260 Sedgers D 262 Sistrom J 838 Starkey L 269 Purtell C 269 Riley M 269 Rudd S 215 Sedgmen L 269 Skene C 1,076 Stathis M 262 Purvis K 262 Riley S 269 Rudolf A 260 Seiden R 5,000 Skiller L 215 Stawski S 210 Pusz J 200 Rispen D 269 Ruhl J 252 Seitaridis O 210 Skinner J 252 Stead A 260 Quan J 210 Rispoli K 269 Rummery C 260 Selby C 269 Sklavounos P 210 Steane-Gould C 262 Quantock L 520 Ritchie C 262 Rump E 513 Seldon B 269 Skoryk C 262 Steel J 210 Quirk P 260 Rix J 210 Rump E 702 Sell J 208 Sladen G 330 Steele M 2,000 Racchi E 269 Rix S 230 Rushton K 260 Sellens V 260 Slater A 260 Steer J 500 Radcliffe J 210 Roach S 208 Rushton M 202 Sellers-Fogarty J 210 Slater H 260 Steller R 208 Radom R 279 Roach V 260 Russell L 262 Semple M 262 Slattery A 210 Stephenson W 215 Rae J 262 Roberts C 210 Russell M 637 Serafim J 256 Slaven K 260 Stevens J 215 Rafferty M 279 Roberts D 210 Russon J 269 Sergis S 208 Sloane T 260 Stevens N 269 Raft J 269 Roberts F 269 Rust A 262 Serra L 260 Slocum M 210 Stevens R 219 Raftery V 538 Roberts G 208 Rutherford J 260 Serret M 269 Smailes C 210 Stevenson D 252 Rainsford A 240 Roberts J 210 Ryabovitch D 215 Seto K 549 Small T 570 Steward L 262 Raitala E 538 Roberts JL 240 Ryan D 210 Setz J 260 Smith B 262 Stewart A 260 Raj R 215 Roberts L 215 Ryan D 215 Sexton A 838 Smith C 260 Stewart C 262 Rajah V 300 Roberts P 269 Ryan K 300 Seymour J 269 Smith C 262 Stewart E 210 Ram S 215 Robertson A 210 Ryan P 260 Seymour M 215 Smith C 262 Stewart G 525 Ramsay J 208 Robertson D 260 Rzepecki A 300 Shabaz N 232 Smith D 269 Stewart J 269 Ramsay P 262 Robertson J 210 Saad A 215 Shahettin N 210 Smith D 269 Stewart R 269 Ramsdale T 215 Robertson M 210 Saba P 269 Shanahan L 229 Smith E 248 Stidston P 215 Randall J 275 Roberts-Taylor A 520 Saffery S 262 Sharma A 269 Smith G 210 Stiller C 210 Randall T 650 Robins B 269 Sagan M 269 Sharma C 210 Smith G 390 Stinson M 215 Randall W 269 Robinson C 215 Saidel I 320 Sharp D 520 Smith J 215 Stirling J 228 Randell P 232 Robinson G 277 Saki A 230 Sharpe J 210 Smith J 256 Stock L 262 Randles K 269 Robinson G 302 Sakthivel S 269 Sharpe L 215 Smith J 260 Stockton J 838 Rangaiya S 200 Robinson H 269 Saleh A 202 Shaw A 215 Smith J 260 Stockton JT 1,950 Rangiah D 323 Robinson J 215 Samuels I 525 Shaw D 262 Smith J 285 Stockton R 240 Rankin A 262 Robinson L 269 Samuels T 269 Shaw E 525 Smith J 351 Stodart E 210 Rankin J 269 Robinson P 260 Sanders J 210 Shchupak I 262 Smith K 262 Stoddart T 262 Rankmore S 269 Robinson P 374 Sanderson W 525 Shearer A 215 Smith K 285 Stokes D 700 Ratcliff M 215 Robison G 910 Sant K 262 Shearer K 262 Smith L 260 Stokes L 262 Rattray L 269 Robson D 208 Sarroff A 1,050 Sheargold P 208 Smith L 260 Stone D 300 Ray J 520 Robson D 269 Sattler G 360 Shearman S 262 Smith M 210 Stone I 525 Rayner D 279 Robson L 262 Savage L 200 Shearston A 210 Smith M 262 Stone M 262


PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) PERSONAL DONATIONS (>200) Stone M 269 Thomas R 208 Valastro G 260 Ware C 210 White M 215 Wittig M 269 Stone M 990 Thomas W 269 Vale V 269 Wark J 210 White M 1,500 Witts T 269 Strahan E 200 Thomas-Fai B 215 Vallis A 215 Warlond N 210 White S 210 Woelfle H 260 Strang N 260 Thompson J 215 Vallorani M 215 Warmurst J 200 Whitehead M 280 Wolfenden E 210 Strange A 210 Thompson K 210 Van JE 260 Warnock M 210 Whitehead T 210 Wolsely M 210 Stratford G 260 Thompson R 260 Van Dam N 260 Warren P 215 Whitehead V 260 Wong U 269 Straughan W 260 Thompson W 210 Van Der Graaf A 262 Washington 480 Whitfeld C 260 Wood B 215 Strilakos S 262 Thomson A 269 Van Der Heide S 262 Wass P 1,500 Whiticker L 260 Wood D 260 Stuart G 269 Thomson J 300 Van Der Kley P 262 Wasson K 262 Whittell-Webb E 285 Wood G 228 Stubis A 262 Thomson S 262 Van Der Weide R 260 Waterman L 205 Whitton P 285 Wood K 210 Stubis K 269 Thomson T 215 Van Dulst L 269 Waterworth D 262 Whitty C 269 Wood M 260 Styer N 210 Thorley GA 200 Van Dyck A 300 Watkinson D 269 Wholohan G 270 Woodbridge R 210 Stynes L 210 Thornton D 215 Van Dyk S 260 Watsford B 262 Whyte J 210 Woodhams S 432 Suffling D 269 Thorogood S 250 Van Vliet M 269 Watson B 215 Wickham J 538 Woodhead K 260 Sugitha M 262 Thoroughgood B 254 Vancuylenburg A 262 Watson K 1,312 Wickham K 210 Woodman M 223 Sulfaro J 215 Thummler D&L 260 Vandermeys D 538 Watson P 538 Wieden L 310 Woods E 262 Sullivan J 262 Thurlow V 210 Vandeven L 525 Watson Z 215 Wiles J 269 Woods K 269 Sullivan M 260 Thurn A 250 Varagnolo N 269 Watson IE 370 Wilkes L 262 Woods P 520 Sullivan M 260 Thurston C 260 Vaughan J 262 Watt M 269 Wilkes M 262 Woods R 262 Summers S 262 Tibbutt J 260 Vaughan M 215 Watts J 262 Wilkinson A 260 Woods S 215 Sun L 260 Tierney J 228 Vautin L 227 Watts J 270 Wilkinson B 260 Woolaston L 262 Sunderland J 260 Tiplady A 262 Vaux E 262 Way F 210 Wilkinson E 520 Woollcott L 262 Sundfeld T 215 Tobin M 215 Vella H 525 Way G 269 Wilkinson J 260 Woollett A 228 Sundstrom B 269 Todhunter J 250 Vella K 215 Webb A 262 Wilkinson K 260 Wootten K 285 Surmon M 262 Tolhurst S 215 Vella S 260 Webb G 480 Willard D 260 Wootton S 210 Surwald K 200 Tomassetti J 262 Venkataraman A 210 Webb G 538 Williams A 215 Wormald W 262 Suters S 260 Tomczyk S 262 Vera CM 290 Webb K 269 Williams A 262 Worth K 269 Sutherland K 210 Tomlins D 260 Vergos S 260 Webb M 260 Williams D 269 Wren C 269 Sutton F 200 Tong L 262 Vermeulen WA 260 Webber W&P 240 Williams G 360 Wright L 262 Sutton H 525 Tonkin D 279 Vernon K 208 Weber K 269 Williams H 260 Wright L 390 Sventzouris J 210 Tonks J 262 Vescio M 215 Webster G 360 Williams H 262 Wright M 215 Swadling J 260 Tonks R 262 Vidgen J 279 Webster J 420 Williams J 215 Wright P 360 Swanson L 215 Tosh J 252 Vigar J 269 Webster P 210 Williams J 262 Wright R 821 Swanson M 210 Tourikis A 215 Vila M 210 Weekes B 538 Williams K 269 Wright S 260 Swanson R 269 Touzell S 210 Vimalarajah R 260 Weibye A 215 Williams L 210 Wrigley C 262 Swift C 269 Tovey J 215 Vincent E 525 Weir E 208 Williams L 525 Wrzos M 269 Swinbourn P 269 Towns J 262 Vine S 262 Welch D 262 Williams M 210 Wyatt N 210 Swinfield K 215 Toyer J 218 Vitnell J 320 Welch J 262 Williams N 260 Wyndham K 538 Symeou S 475 Tracey S 210 Volkers D 260 Weldon B 262 Williams P 215 Wynne D 225 Synnott M 220 Tranter V 260 Von Schoenberg P 360 Welham M 210 Williams S 215 Wyson E 250 Szaitz C 525 Treacy K 215 Voorby D 262 Wellham K 269 Williams S 260 Xenos S 210 Sze S 252 Trevena L 260 Voorwinde E 260 Wellings L 269 Williams SM 260 Xexenis S 262 Taggart L 520 Trew J 269 Vrachas A 215 Wells A 240 Williamson M 1,062 Yager C 215 Taggart L 1,000 Trickett S 270 Vu K 210 Wells A 260 Willis D 520 Yang F 269 Takans P 260 Trigg M 262 Vuki C 269 Wells J 260 Willmott V 325 Yard C 538 Talwar R 269 Tripodina V 262 Wade S 215 Wells J 269 Willoughby D 260 Yarwood A 210 Tanevski A 215 Trounce WT 480 Wagener S 260 Wells P 210 Willoughby N 215 Yastreboff A 260 Tang J 210 Trudgeon K 525 Wakely S 215 Wells S 260 Willoughby P 208 Yates D 262 Tanginoa J 215 Truscott J 262 Wakem L 525 Welsh C 228 Willoughby S 262 Yates S 210 Tanner JY 260 Tuck D 210 Walden J 269 Welsh D 210 Willson K 210 Yeats P 222 Tannous A 215 Tucker A 220 Wales K 215 Welsh S 260 Wilson A 210 Yelland E 269 Tarrant R 451 Tucker K 260 Walford C 262 Wenban N 269 Wilson A 228 Yeo M 262 Tasker N 262 Tuckwell G 210 Walker B 269 Werner P 215 Wilson B 269 Yerbury N 262 Tautari D 210 Tuita T 269 Walker G 558 West K 301 Wilson C 215 Yong J 260 Taylor C 262 Tulip E 275 Walker L 240 West K 520 Wilson C 262 Young A 260 Taylor G 269 Tully W 269 Walker M 220 West S 269 Wilson D 260 Young D 208 Taylor J 215 Turnbull J 215 Walker M 269 Westacott D 660 Wilson D 269 Young S 210 Taylor J 262 Turnbull S 208 Walker P 215 Westbrook 600 Wilson D 269 Young S 262 Taylor J 269 Turner J 262 Walker P 215 Westbury A 210 Wilson H 560 Young S 262 Taylor L 210 Turner L 269 Walkerden S 260 Westerhof N 269 Wilson H 1,500 Young S 269 Taylor L 520 Turner M 279 Wallace E 250 Westley F 390 Wilson J 260 Youngberry B 262 Taylor M 215 Turner S 210 Wallace P 335 Wetzler B 269 Wilson K 215 Yu KA 269 Taylor P 269 Turpin S 215 Wallace T 260 Whalan C 538 Wilson K 262 Zabell M 269 Tenefrancia R 269 Tweedale V 262 Wallace-Whelan C 279 Wharton R 210 Wilson L 260 Zaczek C 269 Tennant Y 269 Tweeddale B 269 Walmsley T 262 Whatham C 210 Wilson L 260 Zadkovich G 692 Terrey LM 420 Tweedie F 260 Walpole B 525 Wheatley G 269 Wilson M 210 Zammit E 260 Terry K 269 Twining B 269 Walsh B 269 Wheatley MC 370 Wilson M 260 Zammit F 210 Tester A 210 Twining P 260 Walsh K 260 Wheeler D 210 Wilson M 269 Zanco A 520 Thanabalasingam P 269 Twomey C 269 Walsh K 262 Wheeler F 260 Wilson R 210 Zereka N 210 Thearle RJ 480 Tyrrell B 207 Walsh T 210 Wheeler J 230 Wilson R 269 Zhen C 210 Thirlaway C 215 Tyrrell S 349 Walter L 269 Wheeler K 215 Wilson R 1,500 Zielonka A 262 Thom L 262 Ullo J 260 Walters NL 260 Whitaker J 201 Wilson S 210 Thomas A 260 Unicomb E 220 Walton CA 540 White A 525 Wilson W 262 Thomas D 210 Upcroft C 262 Wansbury K 1,236 White E 215 Wilson Y 260 Thomas H 269 Urry R 208 Ward A 215 White J 570 Windfield H 215 Thomas J 262 Usher K 525 Ward B 262 White J 1,050 Winsor A 269 Thomas J 269 Usnik M 262 Ward E 250 White K 210 Wiseman N 262 Thomas K 262 Ussher B 269 Ward F 260 White K 260 Wishart J 260 Thomas K 360 Uthmeyer D 215 Ward L 210 White L 215 Withford A 215


SCHOOL DONORS (>200) SCHOOL DONORS (>200) SCHOOL DONORS (>200) SCHOOL DONORS (>200) Dural Pymble Public School 421 Jasper Road Public School 244 Leumeah Public School 390 Castle Hill Public School 6,766 St Ives Park Public School 392 Toongabbie Public School 234 Minto Public School 302 Samuel Gilbert Public School 2,375 Killara High School 360 Rouse Hill Public School 217 Campbelltown North Public School 283 North Rocks Public School 2,206 Terrey Hills Public School 320 Warringah The Grange Public School 271 Cherrybrook Public School 1,971 Allambie Heights Public School 261 Balgowlah Heights Public School 6,450 Mary Brooksbank School 233 Galston Public School 1,789 The Forest High School 250 Newport Public School 3,645 Canterbury Beecroft Public School 1,752 Killarney Heights Public School 224 Curl Curl North Public School 2,728 Lakemba Public School 1,690 Thornleigh West Public School 1,518 Nirimba Collaroy Plateau Public School 1,715 Wiley Park Public School 1,395 Murray Farm Public School 1,381 Shelley Public School 2,013 Beacon Hill Public School 1,580 Clemton Park Public School 935 Epping North Public School 964 Blacktown South Public School 1,693 Harbord Public School 1,285 Kingsgrove Public School 840 Epping Public School 554 Quakers Hill East Public School 986 Bilgola Plateau Public School 817 Wiley Park Girls High School 738 Kenthurst Public School 500 Bert Oldfield Public School 577 Wheeler Heights Public School 803 Beverly Hills Public School 726 West Pennant Hills Public School 404 Marayong Heights Public School 550 Manly Village Public School 600 Yeo Park Infants School 577 Pennant Hills Public School 278 Glendenning Public School 540 Narraweena Public School 491 Beverly Hills North Public School 472 Gosford Riverstone Public School 502 Avalon Public School 387 Canterbury Boys High School 457 Terrigal Public School 967 Seven Hills North Public School 422 Balgowlah North Public School 376 Canterbury South Public School 360 Avoca Beach Public School 782 Lalor Park Public School 362 Mona Vale Public School 331 Hannans Road Public School 360 Woy Woy South Public School 641 Quakers Hill High School 324 Secondary 243 Earlwood Public School 353 College Manly Campus Gosford Public School 613 Coreen School 233 Bardwell Park Infants School 345 Wyong Ourimbah Public School 575 North Sydney Eastern Creek Woongarrah Public School 1,476 Copacabana Public School 395 Lane Cove West Public School 6,532 Colyton High School 2,428 Kanwal Public School 1,243 Lisarow High School 381 Denistone East Public School 2,061 Eastern Creek Public School 882 Bateau Bay Public School 1,176 Empire Bay Public School 366 Riverside Girls High School 2,000 Hebersham Public School 838 Berkeley Vale Public School 918 Wyoming Public School 324 Northbridge Public School 1,830 Ropes Crossing Public School 750 Warnervale Public School 614 Brisbania Public School 300 Ryde East Public School 1,810 Rooty Hill Public School 660 Budgewoi Public School 396 Kincumber Public School 279 Hunters Hill Public School 1,740 Shalvey Public School 597 Chittaway Bay Public School 331 Ettalong Public School 245 North Sydney Girls High School 1,695 Whalan Public School 324 Wyong Public School 300 Pretty Beach Public School 226 Middle Harbour Public School 1,651 Fairfield Kariong Public School 264 Hawkesbury Truscott Street Public School 1,275 Bossley Park High School 1,425 Bankstown Windsor Park Public School 600 Gladesville Public School 1,214 Governor Philip King Public School 1,123 Padstow Park Public School 8,208 Bligh Park Public School 445 Neutral Bay Public School 1,000 Fairfield West Public School 967 Birrong Public School 1,019 Glossodia Public School 322 North Sydney Public School 845 King Park Public School 857 Bankstown Public School 958 Comleroy Road Public School 316 Lane Cove Public School 730 Cabramatta West Public School 750 Panania Public School 785 Wilberforce Public School 281 Putney Public School 600 Cabramatta High School 688 Revesby South Public School 657 Grose View Public School 274 Boronia Park Public School 469 William Stimson Public School 593 Birrong Girls High School 545 Maroota Public School 235 Kent Road Public School 450 Cabramatta Public School 436 Yagoona Public School 450 Holroyd Willoughby Public School 412 Fairvale High School 428 Bass High School 375 Greystanes Public School 1,030 North Ryde Public School 391 Canley Vale Public School 311 Bankstown South Infants School 360 Granville East Public School 557 Greenwich Public School 230 Yennora Public School 300 Padstow Heights Public School 326 Darcy Road Public School 479 Parramatta Bonnyrigg Public School 264 Villawood East Public School 300 Auburn Girls High School 329 Carlingford West Public School 4,822 Glenfield Chester Hill North Public School 248 Old Guildford Public School 300 Carlingford Public School 2,336 East Hills Girls Technology High School 1,318 Bankstown North Public School 234 Granville South Creative and 217 Parramatta East Public School 575 Chipping Norton Public School 516 Performing Arts High School Chester Hill Public School 224 Dundas Public School 448 East Hills Boys High School 397 Hornsby Blue Mountains Burnside Public School 400 Holsworthy Public School 235 Normanhurst West Public School 2,221 Springwood High School 898 Parramatta Public School 349 Georges River Turramurra Public School 1,670 Blaxland East Public School 612 Girraween Public School 300 Carlton Public School 3,000 Hornsby Girls High School 1,209 Leonay Public School 518 Girraween High School 257 Peakhurst West Public School 1,357 Waitara Public School 970 Jamisontown Public School 460 Rydalmere East Public School 257 Sydney Technical High School 1,345 Mount Colah Public School 782 Katoomba Public School 215 Penrith Kogarah Public School 721 Hornsby Heights Public School 540 Warrimoo Public School 213 Clairgate Public School 672 Rockdale Public School 674 Warrawee Public School 409 Springwood Public School 200 Penrith Public School 394 Penshurst Public School 616 Berowra Public School 305 Botany Bay Penrith South Public School 390 Oatley Public School 609 West Ryde Public School 301 Clovelly Public School 2,065 St Marys North Public School 386 Athelstane Public School 545 Normanhurst Boys High School 300 Rainbow Street Public School 1,017 Werrington Public School 370 Mortdale Public School 365 Marsden High School 247 Randwick Boys High School 928 St Clair High School 258 Bexley Public School 300 Ku-Ring-Gai Randwick Public School 511 The Hills Port Hacking Chatswood Public School 5,000 South Coogee Public School 354 Kings Langley Public School 11,914 Gymea Bay Public School 1,869 St Ives Public School 3,912 Open High School 319 Caddies Creek Public School 4,027 Burraneer Bay Public School 1,109 Lindfield East Public School 2,000 Maroubra Junction Public School 261 Crestwood Public School 1,528 Gymea North Public School 801 Mowbray Public School 1,155 Bronte Public School 219 Hambledon Public School 763 Woolooware Public School 734 Belrose Public School 1,109 Waverley Public School 202 Excelsior Public School 646 Bald Face Public School 557 West Pymble Public School 748 Gardeners Road Public School 200 Baulkham Hills High School 636 Caringbah North Public School 556 Wakehurst Public School 701 Campbelltown Matthew Pearce Public School 350 Laguna Street Public School 398 Killara Public School 695 Campbelltown Performing Arts High School 1,060 Quakers Hill Public School 330 Caringbah Public School 355 Frenchs Forest Public School 645 Airds High School 702 Kellyville Ridge Public School 294 Connells Point Public School 306


SCHOOL DONORS (>200) SCHOOL DONORS (>200) SCHOOL DONORS (>200) SCHOOL DONORS (>200) Bundeena Public School 274 King Street Public School 918 Hinton Public School 250 Robertson Public School 595 Lilli Pilli Public School 226 Singleton Heights Public School 640 Bolwarra Public School 245 Wilton Public School 575 Liverpool Singleton Public School 544 Greta Public School 242 Bowral Public School 331 Liverpool Public School 1,119 Weston Public School 373 Thornton Public School 217 Oakdale Public School 300 Greenway Park Public School 1,117 Abermain Public School 337 Tarro Public School 202 Douglas Park Public School 240 Hinchinbrook Public School 600 Bellbird Public School 318 Mid North Coast Buxton Public School 218 Marsden Road Public School 557 Mount View High School 250 Kempsey High School 500 Moss Vale High School 200 Hoxton Park Public School 490 Singleton High School 200 Dorrigo Public School 401 Wollongong North Prestons Public School 466 Newcastle Richmond Valley Woonona Public School 1,204 Hoxton Park High School 423 Merewether High School 1,127 Coffee Camp Public School 256 Pleasant Heights Public School 650 Heckenberg Public School 417 Wallsend South Public School 399 Tweed Waniora Public School 450 Dalmeny Public School 414 Hamilton Public School 356 Banora Point Public School 1,511 Bulli High School 405 Green Valley Public School 381 Stockton Public School 340 Kingscliff Public School 1,099 Unanderra Public School 352 Sadleir Public School 262 Adamstown Public School 207 Murwillumbah Public School 846 Wollongong Public School 251 Liverpool West Public School 244 Clarence Valley Bilambil Public School 513 Wollongong High School of the 232 Performing Arts Macarthur Westlawn Public School 532 Tweed River High School 229 Barwon Harrington Park Public School 1,555 Maclean Public School 300 Albury Wee Waa Public School 732 Surveyors Creek Public School 1,140 Coffs Harbour Lavington Public School 359 Bellata Public School 250 Badgerys Creek Public School 1,000 Narranga Public School 2,091 Holbrook Public School 300 Bathurst Glenmore Park Public School 900 Sandy Beach Public School 611 Corowa South Public School 274 Bathurst West Public School 2,038 Currans Hill Public School 671 Mullaway Public School 531 Far South Coast Bathurst Public School 1,064 Elderslie Public School 323 Great Lakes Milton Public School 1,624 Oberon Public School 816 Camden South Public School 259 Bulahdelah Central School 1,312 Quaama Public School 492 Denison College of Secondary 592 Marrickville Forster Public School 658 Ulladulla Public School 263 Education Bathurst High Campus Kegworth Public School 1,727 Tuncurry Public School 634 Eden Marine High School 250 Denison College of Secondary 544 Erskineville Public School 890 Tea Gardens Public School 400 Moruya Public School 230 Education Kelso High Campus Newtown Public School 684 Chatham Public School 311 Moruya High School 225 Kandos Public School 488 Dobroyd Point Public School 426 Cundletown Public School 301 Cootamundra Wallerawang Public School 435 Marrickville Public School 361 Hastings Cootamundra Public School 1,060 Cooerwull Public School 388 Camdenville Public School 262 Hastings Public School 222 Tumut Public School 415 Blayney Public School 315 Haberfield Public School 244 Lake Macquarie East Junee North Public School 218 Zig Zag Public School 217 Ferncourt Public School 236 Cardiff Public School 600 Deniliquin Macquarie Darlington Public School 214 Valentine Public School 500 Deniliquin South Public School 200 Gulgong High School 509 Strathfield Charlestown East Public School 495 Southern Tablelands Ballimore Public School 295 Russell Lea Infants School 8,911 Caves Beach Public School 479 Berinba Public School 911 Geurie Public School 213 Berala Public School 1,434 Cardiff North Public School 355 Bradfordville Public School 401 Far West Croydon Public School 1,087 Kahibah Public School 337 Young Public School 254 Morgan Street Public School 391 Mortlake Public School 525 Warners Bay High School 263 Gunning Public School 206 School of the Air 211 Enfield Public School 450 Floraville Public School 253 Young North Public School 206 Northern Tablelands Homebush West Public School 450 Marks Point Public School 225 Goulburn North Public School 206 Glen Innes Public School 3,731 Burwood Girls High School 302 Lake Macquarie West Griffith Glen Innes High School 285 Woronora River Morisset Public School 943 West Wyalong Public School 328 Drummond Memorial Public School 265 Oyster Bay Public School 2,098 Bonnells Bay Public School 438 Yanco Public School 255 Orange Bangor Public School 1,669 Barnsley Public School 432 Queanbeyan Orange Public School 727 Tharawal Public School 528 Fennell Bay Public School 364 Queanbeyan South Public School 739 Mulyan Public School 211 Sutherland North Public School 519 Coal Point Public School 337 Jindabyne Central School 675 Lachlan Engadine High School 419 Wyee Public School 318 Queanbeyan Public School 527 Cowra High School 251 Bonnet Bay Public School 325 Blackalls Park Public School 311 Queanbeyan West Public School 394 Forbes North Public School 216 Engadine West Public School 287 Morisset High School 285 Jerrabomberra Public School 385 Tamworth Como West Public School 271 Callaghan & Port Stephens Wollongong Hillvue Public School 649 Illawong Public School 257 Tanilba Bay Public School 1,445 Dapto Public School 395 Peel High School 388 Menai Public School 204 Grahamstown Public School 636 Primbee Public School 336 Gunnedah South Public School 336 Port Jackson Anna Bay Public School 590 Port Kembla Public School 258 Westdale Public School 264 Sydney Girls High School 10,334 Medowie Public School 553 South Coast Wollemi Bellevue Hill Public School 2,713 Tomaree Public School 502 Shell Cove Public School 1,020 Muswellbrook Public School 8,992 Rose Bay Public School 2,595 Maryland Public School 399 Illaroo Road Public School 364 Quirindi Public School 728 Woollahra Public School 1,676 Wallsend Public School 366 Sussex Inlet Public School 305 Muswellbrook South Public School 567 Birchgrove Public School 1,113 Tighes Hill Public School 345 Shellharbour Public School 274 Martindale Public School 246 Annandale North Public School 900 Hamilton North Public School 292 Wagga Wagga Willow Tree Public School 232 Forest Lodge Public School 505 Raymond Terrace Public School 276 Narrandera Public School 582 Western Plains Glebe Public School 471 Maitland Tolland Public School 325 Warren Central School 755 Ultimo Public School 268 Maitland Public School 690 Turvey Park Public School 300 Coonabarabran Public School 368 Double Bay Public School 224 Beresfield Public School 487 Narrandera East Infants School 300 Coonamble Public School 300 Bondi Public School 210 Paterson Public School 442 Kooringal High School 289 Lightning Ridge Central School 298 Hunter Clarence Town Public School 341 South Wagga Public School 215 Cessnock West Public School 1,000 Tenambit Public School 300 Wollondilly

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Donor Recognition Corporate Schools

DIAMOND DIAMOND CASH IN KIND NSW Department of Education 230,150 1,730,000 Russell Lea Infants School Abermain Public School & Communities Ajuga School Northern Sydney Local Health 120,000 Bardwell Park Infants School District Bonnyrigg Public School Booragul Public School Bourke High School Ballimore Public School Caddies Creek Public School Bank of America Merrill Lynch 62,805 Belltrees Public School Caves Beach Public School Modern Teaching Aids 51,000 Charlestown East Public School Ottomin Charitable Foundation 51,000 Bendemeer Public School Cherrybrook Public School Bevelsie Pty Ltd 50,000 Kings Langley Public School Teachers Mutual Bank Limited 42,915 Chittaway Bay Public School Mary Brooksbank School University of NSW School of 45,000 Coal Point Public School Optometry Menai Public School Comboyne Public School Macquarie University School of 45,000 Milbrodale Public School Audiometry Congewai Public School Taronga Conservation Society 41,400 Muswellbrook Public School Coreen School Eschol Park Public School Newcastle Senior School Fennell Bay Public School Padstow Park Public School Frenchs Forest Public School Manly Santa Sunday Session 28,965 Tangara School Galston Public School The Vernon Foundation 20,000 Wewak Street School Glebe Public School Sutherland Shire Schools Music 20,000 Festival White Cliffs Public School Glen Innes Public School NSW Teachers Federation 10,346 10,000 Grahamstown Public School Advanced Life Pty Ltd 6,550 15,500 Gunning Public School Harbour City Ferries 2,582 17,840 Iona Public School Teachers Health 21,600 Irrawang Public School King Street Public School Balgowlah Heights Public School Krambach Public School Bellata Public School The Smith Family 18,032 Leonay Public School Beresfield Public School Bimonu Pty Ltd 15,000 Marsden High School Biraban Public School Harbord Beach Hotel 12,000 Newcastle East Public School The Rogers Group 11,000 Blackalls Park Public School Newport Public School Rotary Club of Carlingford Inc 10,000 Castle Hill Public School Nimmitabel Public School Australian School Canteen 10,000 Association Glenvale School Paterson Public School Signpac 10,000 Gymea North Public School Penrith Public School Life Education Hinton Public School Pomona Public School Lane Cove West Public School Quaama Public School Martindale Public School Rainbow Street Public School Sidney Myer Fund & Myer Foundation 9,888 Matraville Sports High School Sandy Hollow Public School Dee Why RSL Club 9,270 Morisset Public School Seven Hills North Public School Count Charitable Foundation 7,500 Pretty Beach Public School Shelley Public School Early Childhood Education Council 6,520 Sydney Distance Education High School The School Photographer 5,500 Raleigh Public School Harbord Diggers Mounties Group 5,250 Somersby Public School The Crescent School Friends of Stewart House 5,000 St Ives Public School Vacy Public School ANZ Staff Foundation 5,000 Sydney Girls High School Walters Road Public School Bondi School Education Area 5,000 Showcase The Risk Public School Windale Public School Knitters Guild Northern Group 4,267 4,000 Toongabbie East Public School Wyoming Public School Arthouse Productions 6,500 Willow Tree Public School Yeo Park Infants School Rotary Club of Brookvale


Airds High School Cessnock West Public School Homebush Public School Newling Public School The Grange Public School

Ambarvale High School Chatswood Public School Hornsby Girls High School Newtown Public School Tibooburra Outback School of the Air Annandale North Public School Chipping Norton Public School Humula Public School Normanhurst West Public School Toongabbie Public School Athelstane Public School Clairgate Public School Hunters Hill Public School North Rocks Public School Toronto Public School Bald Face Public School Clarence Town Public School Hurstville Grove Infants School North Ryde Public School Toukley Public School Bankstown Public School Cobargo Public School James Meehan High School North Sydney Girls High School Truscott Street Public School Bateau Bay Public School Collaroy Plateau Public School Kahibah Public School Northbridge Public School Turramurra Public School Bathurst West Public School Colo Heights Public School Kanwal Public School Northlakes Public School Upper Lansdowne Public School Beacon Hill Public School Cooranbong Public School Kegworth Public School Oberon Public School Valentine Public School Bellevue Hill Public School Corowa South Public School Kenthurst Public School Open High School Villawood East Public School Belmore North Public School Curl Curl North Public School Killarney Vale Public School Oyster Bay Public School Wakehurst Public School Berala Public School Currans Hill Public School Kincumber Public School Paddington Public School Wattle Flat Public School Berkeley Vale Public School Delegate Public School Kingswood Public School Panania Public School Wee Waa Public School Berowra Public School Denistone East Public School Kingswood South Public School Peakhurst West Public School West Pennant Hills Public School Beverly Hills Public School Dungog Public School Kirkton Public School Penrose Public School West Pymble Public School Bilgola Plateau Public School Eastern Creek Public School Kogarah Public School Penshurst Public School West Wallsend Public School Blacktown South Public School Ettalong Public School Kotara South Public School Penshurst West Public School Weston Public School Blighty Public School Fairvale High School Lakemba Public School Plunkett Street Public School Whalan Public School Bombala Public School Geurie Public School Marks Point Public School Primbee Public School Wiley Park Girls High School Bonnells Bay Public School Gladesville Public School Maroota Public School Revesby South Public School Wiley Park Public School Bowning Public School Glen William Public School Marrickville High School Riverstone Public School William Dean Public School Brisbania Public School Glenwood Public School Marsden Road Public School Rooty Hill Public School Windsor Park Public School Brooklyn Public School Glossodia Public School Merewether High School Rose Bay Public School Woolbrook Public School Candelo Public School Goonengerry Public School Middle Harbour Public School Ryde East Public School Woolooware Public School Canterbury South Public School Governor Philip King Public School Minmi Public School Sadleir Public School Woongarrah Public School Cardiff North Public School Gresford Public School Miranda North Public School Samuel Gilbert Public School Woy Woy Public School Cardiff Public School Greta Public School Morisset High School Shalvey Public School Woy Woy South Public School Caringbah North Public School Gundaroo Public School Mosman High School Singleton High School Wyong Creek Public School Carlingford Public School Gymea Bay Public School Mount Pritchard East Public Singleton Public School School Wyong Public School Carlingford West Public School Hamilton Public School Stockton Public School Mowbray Public School Yanco Public School Carlton Public School Hannans Road Public School Tanilba Bay Public School Narrandera East Infants School Yass High School Cessnock High School Harbord Public School Telarah Public School Narwee Public School Yennora Public School Cessnock Public School Heckenberg Public School Tharawal Public School

The Stewart House Donor Recognition Program is our way of recognising the outstanding contributions donors make to Stewart House. The program includes a separate 5 tiered program for school and corporate/organisational recognition. The corporate/organisational system will use real dollar values for cash or in-kind donations. The school system recognises fundraising on a per capita basis DIAMOND and schools are only eligible if they have made a cash donation CORPORATE More than More than More than More than More than to Stewart House. For these schools, the level of staff salary $80,000 $40,000 $20,000 $10,000 $5,000 contribution is also taken into account, according to the following SCHOOLS > $25 per > $15 per > $10 per > $7.50 per > $5.00 per formula: donation plus salary contribution total divided by school student student student student student enrolment = per capita figure used to determine the level of recognition.


BEQUESTS DONATIONS RECEIVED FROM COMPANIES, NSW PUBLIC EDUCATION FUNDRAISERS TRUSTS AND ASSOCIATIONS Estate of Late John Harold Dugdale 625,000 School Festivals Bank of America Merrill Lynch 62,805 In Memory of Anna Nicolaou 1,000 Sutherland Shire Schools Music Festival 20,000 Bevelsie Pty Ltd 50,000

In Memory of Norma Lea 130 Modern Teaching Aids 51,000 Bondi School Education Area Showcase 5,000

In Memory of Simon Firth 11,000 Ottomin Charitable Foundation 51,000 Sydney North Dance Festival 3,000

637,130 Teachers Mutual Bank Limited 42,915 Peninsula Music Festival 2,000

REGULAR DONATIONS RECEIVED THROUGH The Vernon Foundation 20,000 Primary Principals Associations SALARY SACRIFICE The Smith Family 18,032 NSW Department of Education and Broken Hill 3,299 1,815,469 Communities Bimonu Pty Ltd 15,000 Port Jackson 2,200 Teachers Mutual Bank Regular Donors 95,815 Harbord Beach Hotel 12,000 Blacktown 1,636 Direct Debits from Donors 48,387 The Rogers Group 11,000 NSW Teachers Federation 10,346 Deniliquin 1,520 NSW Government Workplace Giving 10,823 Australian School Canteen Association 10,000 Western NSW 1,464 NSW Teachers Federation 9,183 Sidney Myer Fund & Myer Foundation 9,888 Dubbo 1,210 NSW Police 7,344 ACT Schools Contributions 7,747 Northern Beaches 1,000 State Super SAS Trustee Corporation 6,950 Count Charitable Foundation 7,500 Fairfield 891 ACT Salary Contribution Scheme 2,477 Early Childhood Education Council 6,520 Batemans Bay 535 TAFE NSW 1,667 Advanced Life Pty Ltd 6,550 St George 500 NSW Board of Studies 1,393 The School Photographer 5,500 Ryde 494 Teachers Health 1,280 ANZ Staff Foundation 5,000 ARISSEA 3,360 Sutherland 450 2,000,788 First State Super 3,000 Northern Sydney 412 FUNDS RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENT Deutsche Bank 3,000 North Coast 380 NSW Department of Education & 230,150 Communities Harbour City Ferries 2,582 Albury 337 Department of Education,Employment & 19,990 Moree Plains Shire Council 2,500 Workplace Relations. Central Coast/Lake Macquarie/Newcastle 224 KVB Pty Ltd 2,000 Centrelink PPL Funds 11,198 Orange/Lachlan 170 The Luscombe Family Foundation 2,000 261,337 Granville 167 Schwartz Foundation Pty Ltd 2,000 DONATIONS FROM CLUBS AND SERVICE Combined Principals ORGANISATIONS Lee Armstrong 1,250

Manly Santa Sunday Session 28,965 Queensland Teachers Union 1,250 Blacktown Learning Community 1,500

Rotary Club of Carlingford Inc 10,000 The Bridgewater Foundation 1,200 Hunter Region Stewart House Committee 1,061 Macquarie Group Foundation Ltd 1,200 Dee Why RSL Club 9,270 Hunter Conference 821 Accenture Australia Holdings P/L 1,081 Harbord Diggers Mounties Group 5,250 Sports Associations Blackmores Limited 1,063 Friends of Stewart House 5,000 Sydney South West Schools 4,470 Embrace Events 1,044 Knitters Guild Northern Group 4,267 Sydney East Schools 553 Glamacs 1,018 NSW Primary Schools 350 Inner Wheel Club of Baulkham Hills 2,710 Converga Pty Ltd 1,000

Rotary Club of Breakfast Point 2,000 Ebsco 1,000 School Administration and Support Staff

Inner Wheel Club of Northern Beaches 1,000 Interacct Software Pty Ltd 1,000 Annual Conference 2,038

Rotary Club of Turramurra 1,000 Menzies Property Services 1,000 Wollongong 963 Association of Retired Primary Principals 934 Wests Ashfield 1,000 Ultimo 886 Captains Store Freshwater 863 Wild Water Women 971 Hunter Conference 423 Westpac Matching Gift 850 Soroptimist Club of Manly 800 Teachers Associations Gallagher Bassett Services Pty Ltd 700 Rotary Club of Manly 704 Ryde-Macquarie 1,835 ADP Employer Services 587

Narrabeen Amateur Swimming Club 653 Sceggs Redlands 580 Newcastle Teachers Golf Day 1,065

Rotary Club of Belrose 600 Premier Health & Fitness Centre 520 Wyong 600

Harbord Bowling & Recreation Club 570 Your Style 500 Ettalong/Woy Woy 250

Eastwood Uniting Church Musical 500 Alcon Laboratories(Australia) Pty L 490 Wagga Wagga 115 My Cause The Giving Network 464 Rotary Club of Bankstown 500 DEC Offices Epic Wright Heaton 429 Manly British Exiles 500 Gosford 245 Coverforce Insurance Broking Pty Lt 300 Knitters Guild Epping Group 295 Griffith 750 BPRI Group 290 Fun Time Art Club Exhibition 260 PGA Tour 254 Bridge Street 400

76,815 444,114 65,214


Adrian and Nichole Leach Hornsby South Public School Penrith Whitewater Advanced Life Hornsby Waitara Trefoil Guild Peter Probert Allambie Rugby Club Indulge Me Cupcakes Pins & Needles Allowah Childrens Home Jaycen Fletcher Powerhouse Museum Aminya Retirement Village JC Travel Professionals Pretty Picnics Andrew Edwards Jean Batley Paul & Bindi Lilley Anglican Knitters – Milton Parish Jennie Kovacs Ottomin Charitable Foundation Annette Drew Jenolan Caves Qantas Australian Institute of Management Joan Tully Questacon Australian Museum Joanne Duff QVB The Tea Room Avalon Public School JS Dance Centre Ray White Allambie Heights Bank of America Merrill Lynch Judith Joyce Roe Feak Barker College Julie Gilmore Rotary Club of Belrose Belrose Public School Justin & Sharon McFarland Rotary Club of Manly Berkelouw Books Karen Conroy Rotary Club of Pennant Hills Betty Baines Kath Carmo Rotary Club of Turramurra Betty Lanham Kennards Self Storage Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Bev Harris King Park Public School Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Bilgola Kindy Knitters Guild Northern Group Simply Swimming Bilgola Plateau Public School Park Sanctuary SkaterHQ Bland Shire Libraries 'Knit & Knatter' Group Kristen Hunt & Michael Preston St George Dragons Body Shape Dee Why & Warringah Mall Ladies Knitting for Charity Tweed Heads Staedtler Bookocinno LG IMAX Theatre Sydney Steggles Brace Lindt Steve and Deb Oram Brad Joyce Lions Club of Manly Stuarts Point Charity Knitting Group Bulldogs Rugby League Club Lisa Ainsworth and Mark Rice Sydney Dance Company Bunnings Group Limited Dural Louis Croudace Sydney Kings Basketball Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink Lu Anderson Sydney Observatory Captain Cook Cruises Lynette, Yvonne & Kevin Moore Sydney Roosters/ Easts Group Children’s Book Council of Australia Maddie Rice Taronga Western Plains Zoo Craig and Deb Philpotts Margaret Oswald Taronga Zoo Cockington Green Gardens Margo Menzies Teachers Mutual Bank Coverforce Insurance Broking Marilyn Bisset Tharawal Public School Dawn Ridley & Family McDonalds Brookvale The Ladies from Woman to Woman Ministry Dee Why RSL Club Menzies The School Photographer Dougherty Centre Ladies Knitting Group Mercure Hotel Sydney Think Education Eaglereach Wilderness Resort Merlin’s Magic Wand Tony Kurlevic EBSCO Australia Milton Ulladulla Red Cross Trenton International Elanora Country Club Miss Gracie Herbert Undees For Kids Elanora Heights Public School Modern Star Vodafone Elvia Frost Modern Teaching Aids West Tigers Rugby League Football Pty Ltd Eve Moore Wheeler Heights Public School Featherdale Wildlife Park Mona Vale Public School Wilma Cleland Fox Sports Mrs F Hedges Woman to Woman Group Freshwater Dental Mrs Rae Feak Yvonne Ninness FutureBuilders Group Mt Colah Friendship Guides Zoggs Garfish Manly Mt Colah Guides Zumbo Gayle Philpotts Naomi Hamilton Photography Gingerbread Folk Narrabeen Lakes Public School Glen Street Theatre National Dinosaur Museum Gloria Hayes National Rugby League Ltd Greg & Helen Jacobs Newport Kindergarten Harbord Beach Hotel Newport Public School Harbord Diggers Mounties Group Northbridge Public School Helen Lin NSS Group

STEWART HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2014 45 Carrington Parade Curl Curl NSW 2096

Telephone: (02) 9938 3100 Facsimile: (02) 9907 1638

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