U.S. Department of Justice

National Security Division

Counterintelligence and Export Control Section Washington, DC 20530



The informational materials listed below were filed pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. § 611, e/ seq. Informational materials filed for the current calendar year are maintained and available for review at the FARA Registration Unit Public Office located at 175 N. Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20002. To review informational materials filed for prior calendar years, please contact the FARA Unit at (202) 233-0776.

Registrant Name: T & R Productions LLC

Registration No. 6485

Date Informational Materials Filed: 12/20/2020

Format: DVDs

FARA Registration Unit

Disk 1 WTH

Racism declared a public health crisis & Eric Garner still gets no justice

Atlanta activists fighting 'food apartheid' & Trump's Syria numbers don't add up

North Korean 'executed officials' stories continue to expose corporate media propaganda

American exceptionalism: A different kind of patriotism

Monopoly consequences: Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook may face antitrust investigations

Ferguson activists are mysteriously dying & remembering the 'Lavender Scare'

Fake Iranian activist 'Heshmat Alavi' exposed & Chicago's infamous murder mystery explored

Law enforcement social media scandal & SAT 'adversity scores' cause controversy

Trump's Cuba travel restrictions roll back progress on US-Cuba relations

Nike introduces plus-sized mannequins & Women's World Cup smackdowns

Trump blames Iran for tanker attack & Atlanta's water-gun fight soaks police

US targets Russian power grid & mysterious UFO spotted near Area 51

Kyle Kashuv's racist comments get the Harvard boot & nuclear weapons on decline

Juneteenth's reparations hearing & Venezuelan opposition's embezzlement

Democrats, Republicans agree on expanding surveillance & Swiss women strike for equal pay

Disk 2 WTH

Pentagon leaks nuclear war plan & Philadelphia police on admin leave over racist post '•-V* c-.l The plot to overthrow Venezuelan govt for oil & ICE 'mass raids' begin

r-r-\_, Politicians propose 'war tax' on the poor & DC Metro Police taser unarmed man C~J ro Giant squid caught on camera & NSA caught spying on Americans again O

Plight of corrupt politicians and shady charity & US police recruitment facing all-time low? vo Jesse Ventura: 'We, the United States, also meddle in elections' cn

Trump's unpatriotic 'salute to America' & 'fake politics'

Billionaires agree on new wealth tax & the NRA: from gun safety to lobbying giant

Remembering Det. Luis Alvarez and first responders & #AllOutDC

Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking & Proud Boys face Antifa in DC

Sanctions are destroying Cuba's economy & police use sonic weapons on teens

Black child murdered for enjoying rap music & George Galloway on resigning British diplomat

Nicki Minaj joins boycott of Saudi Arabia & JPMorgan linked to massive drug bust

Mobile app challenges US prison system & 3D-printed food

Jeffrey Epstein's blackmail scheme, ICE raids, Pence's concentration camp visit, and more!

Johnson & Johnson sales continue to rise despite cancer controversy

Disk 3 WTH

Disney heiress goes undercover to find horrible conditions for Disneyland workers

FaceApp gets the Russiagate treatment & CNN spins stories to attacks Assange

Cop who murdered Eric Garner gets no jail & Trump's tweets have no consequences

CIA war on journalists, Chelsea Manning continues with little #Resistance

Puerto Rico's massive protests demand governor resign & a look at Epstein's Caribbean Island

School threatens to jail parents for unpaid lunch & Chicago cops abuse search warrant power

Jesse Ventura: The Democratic Party is corrupt' & 'Mueller case as good as soap opera'

1,000 episodes of Watching the Hawks (ft. Jesse Ventura, Flobots, CJ Ramone, & more)

The controversial trial of Keith Davis Jr. & ICE detains US citizen for three weeks

Trump targets Baltimore online & Americans are spending more time sitting

Ethiopia plants 350 million trees & Amazon's ring surveillance helps cops spy on you

Thousands of donated water bottles wasted in Puerto Rico & inside the Epstein circus

Puerto Rico uprising & FBI links 'conspiracy theories' to domestic terrorism

Domestic terrorism, climate change, mental illness, white supremacy: What do we do?

'Gladiator fights' exposed in California prisons, Mike Brown 5 years later, & mass ICE raids

Epstein's alleged suicide raises questions, conspiracies & Hong Kong protests continue

Hong Kong protesters occupy airport & Epstein's death demands explanations

Disk 4 WTH

Sanctions threaten Venezuelan sovereignty & US military still dominates across Africa

Social media politics & diet culture is not your friend

Jay-Z, NFL 'social justice' partnership & Redacted Tonight

Prince Andrew dodges Epstein allegations & Eric Garner killer cop fired 5 years later V Brazil's rainforest suffering under Bolsonaro & vaping dangerous for teens

Trump to detain immigrant families indefinitely & is ISIS making a comeback?

Jeffrey Epstein backlash hits Naomi Campbell & capitalists clutch pearls over coming recession

Undercover Walmart worker: Overworked, underpaid, while CEOs make billions

US cities fear 5G health concerns & China, Venezuela censored by

Amazon fires harm indigenous people, Epstein case updates, & Newark water crisis sparks outcry

Jeffrey Epstein's science, academia connections run deep & Sacklers face opioid consequences

Jesse Ventura: The environment's more important than money. If the ocean dies, we die

Think before you joke? & brain surgery goes robotic

Debra Messing, Trump challenge Hollywood black list & Hong Kong police clash with protesters

US military to decide what's 'fake news' & mullets come back in style

Detained immigrants face major health concerns & diet soda may be killing us

Jack Ryan's Venezuela regime change & 'Facebook Dating' stirs anti-trust issues

Purdue Pharma bankrupt over oxycontin & the mayoral marijuana scandal


NRA listed as 'terrorist organization' & California's water crisis continues

Trump fires war hawk John Bolton over 'disagreements,' US foreign policy left in question

US military drops 40 tons of explosives on island in Iraq & NFL Patriots cheating scandal

Democratic debate a 'collection of narcissism' & Twitter suspends Cuban media outlets

US autoworkers strike nationwide & Saudi oil attacks cause war fear

Snowden's new book causes legal stir & air marshals program in 'crisis'

#FreeBritney exposes bias in mental health & law targeting pipeline protesters shot down

Global climate strike, Tekashi69 trial, & Venezuelan opposition's narco ties

Understanding the global tfClimateStrike & Iranian president warns US to back off

Trump's impeachment stirs Capitol Hill: Dems begin proceedings, Biden controversy looms

Smart house of horror, military drones everywhere, & gender-neutral dolls

NYT blows Trump whistleblower's cover & Redacted Tonight talks YEMBY

Hong Kong protests continue & big banks get bailed out again V/" Twitter's British military ties exposed & Haitian protesters challenge US-backed president

Epstein's victims turn to appeals court & prison 'gladiator fights' get a PR spin

'Joker' film worries US military & movie theaters, Wall St harms newspapers

Amber Guyger sentenced to 10 years, Trump slashes food stamps, & Redacted Tonight

Disk 6 WTH

China cuts NBA broadcasts amid Hong Kong controversy & GE freezes workers' pensions

Ellen friendly with war criminal who began never-ending Afghanistan war

Iraq, US war crimes, CIA recruitment at HBCUs

Fort Worth police kill black woman in her own home & Extinction Rebellion's hunger strike

Turkey holding US tactical nukes over the world's head & physicians stand against border detention

US troops rerouted to Iraq & the world protests

Zuckerberg tries rewriting Facebook history & first Pakistani astronaut

Scary Gen Z suicide rates & US troops in Syria-lraq left in limbo

Jesse Ventura: 'Republicans broke law by entering secured room'

SC prisoners denied access to sunlight & cop who killed Eric Garner wants job back

Police really want your DNA & Microsoft wins Pentagon contract

Good news: Canada to help homeless veterans secure housing

Jesse Ventura: 'Fossil fuel is yesterday's energy'

Pentagon says veteran suicide is deadlier than combat

Acid attacker arrested & 'woke' culture cancels redemption

NSA hypocrisy, challenging the Espionage Act, & Russian whales released

'Revenge Porn' on Capitol Hill: Katie Hill scandal rocks politics

Bolivia: Western-backed coup ousts Evo Morales, protests follow

Is the NFL setting Kaepernick up for failure? V. War on Terror: Millions dead without any positive outcome?

Trump may send asylum seekers to Guatemalan jungle

Jonestown survivor discusses cult experiences, politics, advice for other survivors

Western media whitewashing Bolivian coup violence & a hunger strike's happening in Pelosi's office

Another Democrat debate, another corporate sponsored mess

Chris Hedges discusses Bolivian coup, environmental protests, independent journalism

2 million Americans lack running water & how can law enforcement help cult survivors?

Julian Assange may die in prison, doctors warn & 'Pete Buttigieg is a lying MF' goes viral

Jesse Ventura: 'I can foresee drones being used on US citizens'

America's farms: Heartbreak in the heartland

Disk 8 boom bust

Mexican tariff threat makes markets tumble & China traps companies in its crosshairs

Telecom's tangled horizon 8t tariffs' consequences for commodities

Cryptos capitalize on trade war cracks & big tech facing antitrust takedown

China and Russia look to forge new path & gold's glimmer grows

China rushes 5G in Russia & a-pork-alypse on the horizon?

Huawei CFO under more legal heat & "A-pork-alypse" threatens global pork prices

Auto industry swerves tariffs & Britain's post-Brexit international ink

Amazon towers over tech rivals & breaking down the border bluster

China facing price heat from pork crisis & US stock market on shaky stilts?

United States' shale boom soars & China braces for brunt of trade brawl

India introduces American tariffs & deciding decentralization

Choppy water for black gold & a-pork-alypse swamps swine markets

India's international economic uncertainty & Facebook's foray into FinTech

Tariffs could move jobs, but not stateside

Hormuz incident hikes oil prices & Libra gets a closer look from legislators

Tensions top oil taps & social media ad sales could slide

Oil taps turbulent on Middle East turmoil & bitcoin hits a bullish tear

Big Pharma blockbuster & gold gets its glimmer back

China cuts out Canadian meat & US oil on the upswing

G20 meetings move markets & bitcoin's bull run hits the brakes

Disk 9 boom bust

Markets move on G20 meetings and bitcoin's rollercoaster week

Oil upswing from OPEC & Boeing, Boeing, gone

Mercosur trade deal considered & Huawei's hectic highway

US seeks fresh tariff fight & the boosts from Belt and Road

Blockchain banking boom & big tech busts

Deutsche Bank's shrinking pains & British Airways busted

Tariff threat jolts Mexican exports & Deutsche Bank drama exposed?

Fed fluctuates the market & Mexico's cabinet makeover

Smoother highway for Huawei? & Storm shakes oil sector

China still reeling from trade spat & Trump targets bitcoin

Trade war's toll on telecom & Chinese car sales slump

Big banks boast in earnings reports & Libra lashed on Capitol Hill

Brexit slams British pound & analyzing automation

Iranians eye bitcoin breakout & Boeing feels the turbulence

Earnings elevate street stocks & confusion over cryptos

Equifax's extravagant settlement & a ray of hope in the trade storm?

Boris is back & gold losing its shine?

Big tech crackdown & Deutsche Bank's downfall

Disk 10 boom bust

Austerity's impact on Argentina & Boris' Brexit battle

Global tech war and auto industry prices

Trade talks in Shanghai & bitcoin's mainstream breakout

Capital One bank breach & Tesla's tax promise

Power panel: Trade talks stall & global rate cuts?

Who benefits from Brexit? & Beyond Meat below expectations?

Global market breakdown & consolidation cross-chat

Boris Facing Brexit backlash & Feds crack down on the cloud

China's currency controversy & bitcoin bull in the China shop?

Currency calamity cuts growth & the new financial fad

Analyzing Mercosur's moves & FinTech's foreign success

Brexit battering the pound & feds target Tesla

Global turmoil tackles markets & media merger mania continues

Ag caught in trade snag & recession on the rise?

Market bloodbath breakdown with Richard Wolff

Argentina's MERVAL in freefall & Chinese car sales slump

Markets shoot back up after major losses

Rolling into a recession & inside the Hong Kong protests

Disk 11 boom bust

Chinese listings targeted & Tesla found guilty

Facebook vows to fight antitrust

Dollar's dominance declining? & Reckoning with 'Rekognition'

ECB under fire & is Chinese growth sustainable?

Global economy cooling & Epstein mystery deepens

NBA fouls out in China & cryptos versus regulation

US betting the farm? & Banks begin massive layoffs

China, US resume trade talks & investors await Aramco

Unrest rages in Ecuador & GM talks break down

Ecuador axes austerity & China, US advance talks

Turkish arms sales halted & gloomy global growth

Brexit deal brokered & southwest subpoenaed < >

* IMF meeting amid turmoil & Brexit future hazy

WTO hotseat suit & opioid saga settlement

Boris bets Brexit bill & SoftBank scoops WeWork

Congress grills libra & USMCA in doubt

Aramco IPO uncertain & Latin American unrest

SoftBank saves WeWork & Ghosn saga deepens

Disk 12 boom bust

Antitrust law advancing? & Digging into bitcoin mining

Looking into Latin America & plugging into the streaming

India opts out of RCEP & Aramco to launch listing

Al security concerns & whale boosting bitcoin?

China looks to Europe & recession fears quelled?

Unrest driving crypto? & Do unicorns have a point?

EU warming to Al? & Demystifying healthcare coverage

Google logs into health sector & Fed pumps up

China: Cancel tariffs or no trade deal

World debt surge & BRICS dollar alternative plan

Updating USMCA negotiations & digital tax doomed?

Trans-Pacific tension & fidelity dives into FinTech

Manic merger Monday & Uber loses London

Fed's future plans & capital's unicorn crackdown

Boom Bust Tech Special

Disk 13 In Question

In Question 6032019

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In Question 6062019 f In Question 6072019

In Question 6102019

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In Question 6132019

In Question 6142019

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In Question 6182019

In Question 6192019

In Question 6202019

In Question 6212019

Diskl4 In Question

In Question 6242019

In Question 6252019

In Question 6262019

In Question 6272019

In Question 6282019

In Question 7012019

In Question 7022019

In Question 7032019

In Question 7052019

In Question 7082019

In Question 7092019

In Question 7102019

In Question 7112019

In Question 7122019

In Question 7152019

Disk 15 In Question tn Question 8212019

In Question 8222019

In Question 8232019

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In Question 8302910

In Question 9032019

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In Question 9052019

In Question 9112019

In Question 9132019

In Question 9162019

In Question 9172019

Disk 16

In Question 9182019

In Question 9192019

In Question 9202019

In Question 9232019

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In Question 9272019

In Question 9302019

In Question 1012019

In Question 1032019

In Question 1042019

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In Question 1082019

In Question 1092019

In Question 10102019

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In Question 10142019

In Question 10152019

Disk 17 In Question

In Question 10182019

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In Question 10302019

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In Question 11062019

In Question 11072019

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In Question 11122019

Disk 18 In Question

In Question 11132019

In Question 11142019

In Question 11152019

In Question 11182019

!n Question 11192019

In Question 11202019

In Question 11212019

In Question 11222019

In Question 11252019

In Question 11272019

In Question 11292019 f

Disk 19 On Contact

Third parties and US politics, with Howie Hawkins

On Contact: Kristinn Hrafnsson of WikiLeaks

Importance of a civic life with Ralph Nader

Julian Assange w/UN special rapporteur on torture

George Galloway on populism, racism and anti-Semitism

UK alternative media with Kerry-Anne Mendoza

Wreckage of imperialism & neoliberaiism with rapper, Lowkey

British government psyops with Mohamed Elmaazi

Climate Emergency with Roger Hallam of Extinction Rebellion

Max Blumenthal on international jihadism

Muslim persecution since 9/11 with Miko Peled

Legitimizing American meritocracy - Danny Haiphong

On Contact: Dismantling security tales, with Charles Derber

Tyranny of the corporate workplace, with Elizabeth Anderson

Disk 20-on contact

The future of the Amazon rain forest - Sonia Bone Guajajara

On Contact - War with Iran? Stephen Kinzer

On Contact: Climate emergency with Extinction Rebellion

On Contact: Rebel, Rebel with Kevin Zeese and Dr Margaret Flowers

On Contact: Is it food? NYU's Marion Nestle

On Contact: Activism with the Kings Bay Plowshares 7

On Contact: History of the Factory with Joshua Freeman

On Contact: Resistance & the left with Paul Street

On Contact: In conflict with the natural world with Amitav Ghosh

Disk 21 WATJ

Jesse Ventura: 'The trade war with China is not going to play out well'

Jesse Ventura: 'The US has no right to tell other countries who they can or can't trade with'

Big tech monopolies will be broken up just like big telephone companies in the 1980s

Jesse Ventura: 'Gulf of Oman narrative sounds like Gulf of Tonkin lie'

Jesse Ventura: Why does John Bolton get to decide who the US goes to war with?

Jesse Ventura: Why is Trump going after diplomacy with N. Korea while shutting out Iran?

Jesse Ventura: The US has been in Afghanistan for 18yrs feeding the military-industrial complex'

'The US and Russia are competing to sell weapons to Turkey'

Jesse Ventura: FED UP with 'draft-dodgers' beating drums of war at Iran

Jesse Ventura: 'Powerful forces covered up Epstein case the first time for a reason'

Jesse Ventura: 'Payola: Democrats and Republicans sold our system to the highest bidder'

Jesse Ventura: Our government ignores homegrown terror because it's not profitable

Jesse Ventura: 'America's relationship with Saudi Arabia is shameful'

Jesse Ventura: Never let the government put you under surveillance

Jesse Ventura: We can't allow ourselves to be governed by corporations

Jesse Ventura: "Neurocapitalism has great possibilities but could lead to thought-policing."

Disk 22 WATJ

Jesse Ventura: Deepfakes, NRA & gerrymandering

Jesse Ventura: 'Terror list is an unconstitutional instrument of the government'

Jesse Ventura: Trump could resign over impeachment and turn White House over to Pence'

Jesse Ventura: 'Why was the US in Syria in the first place?'

Jesse Ventura: 'We treat whistleblowers differently depending on whom they blow the whistle'

Jesse Ventura: Terrorism is a concept you can't fight with a military

Neil deGrasse Tyson & J. Ventura on the role of astrophysics in military conquests

Jesse Ventura: 'The US has interfered in Latin America since the days of the United Fruit Company'

Jesse Ventura: 'US sanctions on Iran are designed to get Iranians to overthrow their government'

US helps Netanyahu's election chances, claiming West Bank settlements aren't illegal - Jesse Ventura

Disk 23 NRS

The News with Rick Sanchez June 03, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 04, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 05, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 06, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 07, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 10, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 11, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 12, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 13, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 14, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 17, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 18, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 19, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 20, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 21, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 24, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez June 25, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez - June 26, 2019

Disk 24 NRS

The News with Rick Sanchez -June 27, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -June 28, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 2, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 3, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 8, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 9, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 10,2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 11, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 15, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 17, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 18, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 19, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 22, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 23, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 24, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 25, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 26, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 29, 2019

The News with Rick Sanchez -July 31, 2019

Disk 25 NRS

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 1, 2019(19:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 02, 2019(17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 5, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - August 6, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - August 7, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - August 8, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - August 9, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 12, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - August 13, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - August 14, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 15, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 16, 2019(15:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 19, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 20, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 21, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - August 22, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 23, 2019(17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 26, 2019(20:00 ET)

Disk 26 NRS

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 27, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 28, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 29, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 29, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -August 30, 2019(17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 03, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 04, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 05, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 06, 2019 (17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 09, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 10, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 11, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 12, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - September 13, 2019 (17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -September 16, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 17, 2019 (19:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 18, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 19, 2019 (20:00 ET)

Disk 27 NRS

The News with Rick Sanchez September 20, 2019 (17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 23, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 24, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 25, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 26, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 27, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez September 30, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 1, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 2, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 3, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 7, 2019(20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October8, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 9, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 10, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 14, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 15, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 17, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 21, 2019 (20:00 ET)

Disk 28 NRS

The News with Rick Sanchez October 22, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 23, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 24, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez October 28, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - October 24, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - October 29, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - October 31, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 1, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez -November 4, 2019 (19:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 05, 2019 (19:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 6, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 7, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 8, 2019 (17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 11, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 12, 2019 (20:00 ET)

Disk 29NRS

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 13, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 14, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 15, 2019 (17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 18, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 19, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 20, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 21 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 22, 2019 (17:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 26, 2019 (20:00 ET)

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 27, 2019 (19:00 ET)

Disk 30JPP

Just Press Play - June 7, 2019

Just Press Play-June 14, 2019

Just Press Play - July 5, 2019

Just Press Play-July 12, 2019

Just Press Play July 19, 2019

Just Press Play July 26, 2019

Just Press Play August 2, 2019

Just Press Play August 9, 2019

Just Press Play August 23, 2019

Just Press Play August 30, 2019

Just Press Play September 6, 2019

Just Press Play September 20, 2019

Just Press Play September 27, 2019

Just Press Play October 4, 2019

Just Press Play October 11, 2019

Just Press Play October 18, 2019

Just Press Play October 25, 2019

Disk 31(A) JPP

Just Press Play - November 8, 2019

Just Press Play - November 15, 2019

Just Press Play - November 22, 2019

Just Press Play - November 29, 2019

Disk 31 Redacted

US election 'integrity/ 200+ tornadoes, genocide in Yemen

Criminal justice reform in Atlanta & America's lead-poisoned water

Stopping human extinction & comedians as journalists

Anti-North Korea propaganda, torturing Assange, & West Virginian teachers under attack

The democratic socialism speech everyone is talking about

The public good crumbles in the US & Pompeo says he would influence UK elections

An intelligence professional & a journalist fighting for what's right

Jake Tapper wants war with Iran, Facebook reveals own cryptocurrency, COPS gone wild

Capitalism hits the fan! With Richard Wolff

Extreme weather events, indefinite detention approved, teach for America's charter school bias

The myth of American exceptionalism

Justice for Epstein & friends, Iran & Europe make friends, fake meat gets cool

Is it possible that we'll see a world without police?

How to stay safe from ICE, Google's still spying on you, making the Pentagon justify their military

Jim Acosta: Another CNN corporate puppet

Mueller's uneventful testimony, UK tries its own right-wing demagogue, developers destroy hospitals

Russiagate finally dies & more American hypocrisy (w/ Jesse Ventura)

The cringeworthy DNC debates, AFRICOM expanding violence, renewable energy under attack

Disk 32 Redacted

US foreign policy could kill us all

Finally some truth shines through, white supremacy & mass shootings, third-party politics

Interview with President Maduro of Venezuela

Democracy protests the media ignores, Cuba's lung cancer vaccine, Monsanto critics smeared

FBI intimidates peace activists

Best of Redacted Tonight!

Native American activism & the commercialization of mindfulness

Recession inbound, David Koch is dead, the death of local investigative reporting

Don't nuke Hurricane Dorian, Black Alliance for Peace makes demands of presidential candidates

UBI could end poverty, Roger Waters plays for Assange, Amazon creeping on your doorstep

Google whistleblower reveals censorship

The man behind the opioid crisis, Pentagon's censorship plan, the unconstitutional terror watchlist

Reality of the Hong Kong protests, planting billions of trees won't save us

Iran blamed for bombs over Saudi Arabia, Bezos taking healthcare from whole foods employees, California targets gig economy

Max Blumenthal returns from Syria, Fukushima officials acquitted

Shutting down DC for climate change, Trump & Biden corrupt, FBI loses to anti-war website in court

The cost of healthcare, how the newspapers lie to you

Good reasons to impeach Trump, the new Haitian revolution, reverse mortgages creating more homelessness

Disk 33 Redacted

Justin Trudeau's scandals, real corruption around Ukraine & the Ecuadorian government flees protesters

Trump official shut down, class solidarity from the rich, attack drones

Cheering for more war in Syria

The USA is a rogue state

Clinton v Gabbard, fossil fuel industry lies, & journalist Don DeBar

The US' true ambitions in Syria, facial recognition tech, Chicago teachers on strike

Call of army recruitment, Chilean rebels, die Jim Crow

FBI fighting anti-war & anti-racist activists, US journalist arrested, ISIS leader assassinated

Shredding , child healthcare pillaged, public banking in California

Truth-tellers persecuted, Epstein update, 3d mammograms

NYTimes pushes 5G, podcasting the news with Katie Halper, more college application corruption

The war on Latin American leftists, Bloomberg enters DNC primary, Bezos upset in Seattle City Council

'In Defense of Democracy' with Roslyn Fuller

The left's victories, School of the Americas, NYPD's illegal database

The Assassination of JFK & Mary Meyer: REVEALED!

Disk 34 NVH

News Views Hughes - June 3, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 4, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 5, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 6, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 7, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 10, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 11, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 12, 2019

News Views Hughes-June 13, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 14, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 17, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 18, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 19, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 20, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 21, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 24, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 25, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 26, 2019

Disk 35 NVH

News Views Hughes - June 27, 2019

News Views Hughes - June 28, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 1, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 2, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 3, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 8, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 9, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 10, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 11, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 12, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 15, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 17, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 18, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 19, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 22, 2019

News Views Hughes - July 23, 2019

News Views Hughes -July 24, 2019

News Views Hughes -July 25, 2019

Disk 36 NVH

News Views Hughes -July 29, 2019

News Views Hughes -July 30, 2019

News Views Hughes -July 31, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 1, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 2, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 5, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 6, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 7, 2019

News Views Hughes - August 8, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 12, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 13, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 14, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 15, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 19, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 20, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 21, 2019

News Views Hughes -August22, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 23, 2019

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News Views Hughes -August 26, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 27, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 28, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 29, 2019

News Views Hughes -August 30, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 3, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 4, 2019

News Views Hughes -September 5, 2019

News Views Hughes -September 6, 2019

News Views Hughes -September 9, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 10, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 11, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 32, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 13, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 16, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 17, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 18, 2019

News Views Hughes -September 19, 2019

Disk 38 NVH

News Views Hughes- September 20, 2019

News Views Hughes- September 23, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 24, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 25, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 26, 2019

News Views Hughes - September 27, 2019

News Views Hughes- September 30, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 1, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 2, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 3, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 4, 2039

News Views Hughes - October 7, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 8, 2019

News Views Hughes-•October 9, 2019

News Views Hughes -■ October 10, 2019

News Views Hughes -■October 11, 2019

News Views Hughes -■ October 14, 2019

News Views Hughes -■October 15, 2019

Disk 39 NVH

News Views Hughes - October 17, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 21, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 22, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 23, 2019

News Views Hughes -1October 24, 2019

News Views Hughes - October 28, 2019

News Views Hughes - October< 29, 2019

News Views Hughes -1October 30, 2019

News Views Hughes -1October 31, 2019

News Views Hughes - INovember 1, 2019

News Views Hughes -November1 4, 2019

News Views Hughes -1November 5, 2019

News Views Hughes - INovember 6, 2019

News Views Hughes -1November 7, 2019

News Views Hughes -November1 8, 2019

News Views Hughes -1November 12, 2019

News Views Hughes -1November 14, 2019

News Views Hughes - fNovember 15, 2019 .** \