Bulletin Snbg
ISSN 0513-1634 THE STATE NIKITA BOTANICAL GARDENS BULLETIN SNBG NUMBER 115 Yalta 2015 THE STATE NIKITSKY BOTANICAL GARDENS BULLETIN SNBG Number 115 Yalta 2015 Editorial Board: Plugatar Yu.V. – chief editor, Bagrikova N.A., Balykina E.B., Ilnitsky O.A., Isikov V.P., Klimenko Z.K., Koba V.P., Korzhenevsky V.V., Maslov I.I., Mitrofanova I.V., Mitrofanova O.V., Opanasenko N.E., Rabotyagov V.D., Smykov A.V., Shevchenko S.V., Shishkin V.A. – responsible secretary, Yarosh A.M. – deputy chief editor, Yarmyshko V.T., Tashev Alexander (Bulgaria), Salash Peter (Czech Republic) © The State Nikitsky Botanical Gardens, 2015 4 ISSN 0513-1634 Bulletin SNBG. 2015. Number 115 CONTENTS Ecology Plugatar Yu.V., Ilnitsky O.A., Kovalyov M.S., Korsakova S.P. Ecophisiological characteristics of some shrub cultivars in the lower layer growing under conditions of parks microclimate on South coast of the Crimea……………… 5 Flora and vegetation Korzhenevsky V.V., Nikiforov A.R. Triticum boeoticum (Poaceae) as a botanical and historical phenomenon of the Crimean flora…………………………………………………………………………... 13 Shevchuk O.M. Taxonomic diversity of floral complexes on the territory of grazing ecosystems in southeast of Ukraine……………………………………………………………………. 16 Sadogursky S.E., Stepanjan O.V., Belich T.V., Sadogurskaya S.A. Devoted to distribution of flowering plants within offshore strip of the Azov Sea (in connection with their inclusion into “Red Data Book of Priazovsky Region”)………... 26 Essentional oil-bearing and medical plants Dunayevskaya Ye.V., Rabotyagov V.D. Some essential elements in raw materials of lavandin (Lavandula hybrida Reverснon) – Nikitsky Botanical Gardens collection……………………………………………… 32 Human phytorehabilitation Boroda T.V., Tonkovtseva V.V., Serobaba L.A., Seredina O.S., Borisova Ye.V., Maksimova I.N., Ovcharenko Yu.P., Sushchenko L.G., Derzhavitskaya N.I., Strashko I.Yu., Gritskevich O.I., Kulik N.I., Samotkovskaya T.A., Yarosh A.M.
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