General Conference ENGLISH Only
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International Atomic Energy Agency GC(XII)/INF/103/Rev.1 24 September 1968 GENERAL Distr. General Conference ENGLISH only Twelfth regular session DELEGATIONS Information received by noon on 23 September 1968 CONTENTS Page I. States 3 A. Member States 3 B. Other States 39 II. Organizations 40 A. United Nations and the specialized agencies 40 B. Other intergovernmental organizations 41 C. Non-governmental organizations having consultative 43 status with the Agency An asterisk following a name indicates that the participant's wife is present in Vienna. REQUESTS FOR CHANGES IN SUBSEQUENT EDITIONS OF THIS LIST SHOULD BE MADE TO THE PROTOCOL OFFICE IN WRITING 68-7563 GC(XII )/lKP/l03/Rev.1 page 3 I. STATES A. MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ARGENTINA Delegate H.E. Rear-Admiral Oscar Af QUIHILLALT* Ambassador; Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission; Governor from Argentina on the Board of Governors and Chairman of the Board; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates Professor Mario BAwCCRA Director, Atomic Energy Commission; Alternate to the Governor Mr. Fernando JIMENEZ DAVILA* First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria Adviser Mr. JoeS ALEGRIA Atomic Energy Commission GC(XII )/INF/l03/Rev.1 page 4 AUSTRALIA Delegate Sir Philip BAXTER, K.B.E., C.M.G., Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission; Governor from Australia on the Board of Governors Alternates H.E. Mr. A.M. MORRIS*, O.B.E., Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency; Alternate to the Governor Mr. K.F. ALDER Commissioner, Atomic Energy Commission Mr. A.D. TROllAS Head, International Relations Section, Atomic Energy Commission Mr. CM. GRAY Australia House, London Adviser iir. R.i'J. BUTLER* Third Secretary, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative and Adviser to the Governor- AUSTRIA Delegate H.E. "Dr. Arno HALUSA* Ambassadorj Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternates Lr. Richard P0LACZ3IC* Director, Federal Chancellery Dr. Alois REITBAUER* Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal rlmistry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Franz BERGER* Director, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Helmut FICHTFWTHAL* Director, Federal Chancellery Dr. l'lichael HIGATSBERGER* Professor; Managing Director, Oesterreichische Studiengesell- schaft fur Atomenergie Ges.m.b.H, GC(XII)/INF/l03/aev.l page 5 Mr. Johann MtiLLER* Head of Section, Federal Ministry of Social Administration Hr. Rudolf REMMER* Director, Federal Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Industry Br, Robert TSUHEOH* Head of Section, Federal Ministry of Communicaticns and Nationalized Industries Dr. Peter HEINZEERL* Professor, Technische Hochschule, Vienna Adviser and Dr. Tassilo OGRINZ Secretary to Secretary of Legation, the Delegation Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs BELGIUM Delegate Professor Jacques ERRDRA Commissioner for Atomic Energy; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate Mr. Jean DAVATJK Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Adviser Miss Simone HERPELS Deputy Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Secretary to Mr. Georges fti-GUCBERT* the Delegation Permanent Ilission to the Agency BOLIVIA Delegate Colonel DIM Federico PAZ LORA* Executive Director, l\luclear Energy Commission GC (XII )/INF/l 03/Revo 1 page 6 Advisers Mr. Angel GARCfA OKTIVEROS Technical Section, Nuclear Energy Commission Br. Luis BARRAGAN MARTINEZ* Medical Section, Nuclear Energy Commission Mr; Victor VELTZE IUCHEL Resident Representative to the Agency BRAZIL Delegate Professor Uriel da COSTA RIBEIRO* Chairman, National Nuclear Energy Commission; Governor from Brazil on the Board of Governors Alternates Professor L.C. PRADO* Professor Emeritus, University of Sao Paulo; Alternate to the Governor Professor Paulo RIBEIRO de ARRUDA Member, National Nuclear Energy Commission; Alternate to the Governor Major General (ret.) Raphael Leocadio dos SANTOS* Adviser for International Relations, National Nuclear Energy Commission Mr. flelio F.S. BITTEriCOURT* Resident Representative to the Agency, Alternate to the Governor Congressional The Hon. Arnon de MELLO* Observers Senator The Hon. Julio LEITE* Senator The Hon. Aarao STEINBRUCK* Senator The Hon. Virgilio TAVORA* Member, House of Representatives The Hon. Aureliano CHAVES* Member, House of Representatives The Hon. Pedro PARIA* Member, House of Representatives GC(XII)/INF/l03/Elev.l page 7 Advisers Jlr. Luiz Antonio Jardm GAGLIARDI* Second Secretary, the Embassy m Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Roberto Caspary TORRES Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs BULGARIA Delegate Fir., Gancho GANEV Minister for Education; Member, Committee for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes Alternates H.E. Dr. Ljuben 3TOJMOV* Ambassador xo lustria; Resident Representative to the Agency £>r, Weno IVAliOHEV Professor, Sofia University; Secretary, Committee -for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peacefu] Purposes Advisers Mr. Christo STOEV* First Se^rwL'iry, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Ivan PANPEV* First Secretary, the Embassy m Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Ivan SPASOV Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary to the Mr, Kuzman MANOLOV Delegation Committee for the Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes BURMA (Will not be represented) GC(XII)/lKP/l03/Rev.1 page 8 BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegate Dr, Andrei X. KRASM Academician5 Directorv Institute of Kuclear Energy, Byelorussian Acadeiry of Sciences Alternate 'AT. Y.S. PANITKOV Byelorussian Academy of Sciences CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANAM Delegate H.E. Mr. John A. McCORDICK* Ambassador to Austria; Governor from Canada on the Board of Governors Alternates Dr. J.Lr GRAY President, Atonic Energy of Canada Ltd. Dr. G.Cc LAURENCE, President, Atozric Energy Control Board Mr. D. WATSON* Atonic Energy of Canada Ltd. Advisers Mr. S. BEATTIE* Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria: Alternate to the Governor lir. Jean-Claude EREMBLAY* Third Secretary, the Embassy in Austria; Adviser to the Governor Mr. CD. FOGERTY Department of External Affairs GC(XII)/lHP/l03/Rev.1 page 9 CEYLON Delegate H.E. rlr. G.S. FEIRIS Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; Governor from Ceylon on the Board of Governors CHILE Delegate H.B. *Ir. lliguel SERRANO Ambassador to Austria; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates 5Ir. Efrain PRIEDMAilN* Executive Director, Nuclear Energy Institute iir. Kario LIZAMA* Second Secretary, the Embassy m Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Luis QUINTEROS* Second Secretary, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative CHINA Delegate Dr. Chen-Hsing YEN Chairman, Atomic Energy Council Executive Yuan Alternates H.E. Idr. Hsiong-Fei TCHEF Ambassador to Belgium H.E. Dr. Schobern YtJ* Ambassador; Resident Representative to the Agency Dr. Shih-IIou LEE Commissioner, Atomic Energy Council Executive Yuan Iir. Chen-Hwa CHENG Secretary-General, Atomic Energy Council Executive Yuan GC(XII )/INF/l03/Rev.1 page 10 Advisers Mr. Yu-Hao LEE Deputy Director, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Mr. Chang-Hwa SHEW Head, Planning Section, A'uclear Power Committee, Taiwan Power Company fir, Bernard Hsiao-Ching KIAWG* First Secretary; Adviser to the Resident Representative Adviser and Mr, Wellington Yao-Chi WEI* Secretary to Second Secretary; the Delegation Adviser to the Resident Representative COLOMBIA Delegate Mr, He man RAVIIREZ YUSTI Nuclear Energy Institute COMQO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE r Delegate H.E. Iir. Jacques K&SSAMJU Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates Mr. Pie LUPEMBA Secretary-General, Ministry of Mines and Energy \,v. Philippe MUDJIR Director, Ministry of Mines and Energy Mr. Felix IIALU Professor, Lovanium University, Kinshasa Mgr. Luc GILLOK Rector, Lovanium University, Kinshasa GC(XII)/lWP/l03/Rev,l page 11 COSTA RIGA Delegate H.3. Dr. Erich il. ZEILINGER* Ambassador; Resident Representative to the Agency CUBA Delegate H.E. Ilr. Luis ORLANDO RODRIGUEZ* Ambassador; Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate Mr. Luis LARRAGOITI ALOwSO President, Working Group for Nuclear Energy of the Academy of Sciences Adviser Ilr. Armando GALAN ARIAS* First Secretary, the Embassy in Austria CYPRUS (Will not be represented) CZECHO LOVAIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Delegate Dr. Jan HEUMAM First Deputy ilinister, Ministry of Technology; Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission; Governor from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on the Board of Governors Alternates Mr. Karel BARABAS Secretary-General, Atomic Energy Commission Dr. Zdenek NEJEDLY* Resident Representative to the Agency Mr. Jan TOMCIK Director, Nuclear Power Station Dr. ZdenSk STUCHLY Head of Department, Atomic Energy Commission Adviser Mr. Yeroslav SOBEK* First Secretary^ Scientific Adviser to the Resident Representative ev*l_ page 12 DEMIARK Delegate iir. Hans Henrik KOCH Permanent Under-Secretary of State; Chairman, Executive Committee, Atomic Energy Commission Alternates Dr. F. JUUL* Deputy Director, Research. Establishment Ris/ Mr. Hans von BULOW Secretary-General, Atomic Energy Commission Professor P.L. 0LGAARD Head, Reactor Physics Department, Research Estahl5shment Ris^ Mr. Per FRED3RIKSEK, M.Sc* Chief Reactor Safety and Safeguards Officer, Research Establishment Ris/ Mr, Vigand LOSE* Counsellor, the Embassy in Austria; Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. G. VIGH Secretary, Executive Committee, Atomic Energy Commission DOiUNICAtt REPUBLIC Delegate Dr. Theodor SCHMIDT Honorary