161 F.Supp.2D 14
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA NATIONAL COALITION TO SAVE OUR MALL, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Civil Action 00-2371 (HHK) GALE NORTON, Secretary of the Interior, et al., Defendants. MEMORANDUM OPINION On May 25, 1993, Congress authorized the construction of a memorial in the District of Columbia to honor members of the Armed Forces who served during World War II and to commemorate the United States’ participation in that war. See Pub. L. 103-32, 107 Stat. 90, 91 (1993). The act empowered the American Battle Monuments Commission (“ABMC”), in connection with a newly-created World War II Memorial Advisory Board, to select a location for the WWII Memorial, develop its design, and raise private funds to support its construction. On October 25, 1994, Congress approved the location of the WWII Memorial in “Area 1” of the District, which generally encompasses the National Mall and adjacent federal land. See Pub. L. 103-422, 108 Stat. 4356 (1994). The ABMC reviewed seven potential sites within Area I and endorsed the Rainbow Pool site at the east end of the Reflecting Pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument as the final location for the WWII Memorial.1 Finally, 1 Out of the seven sites examined, the ABMC originally selected the Constitution Gardens area (between Constitution Avenue and the Rainbow Pool) as the location for the WWII Memorial, but later decided to endorse the present Rainbow Pool site. in May, 2001, Congress passed new legislation directing the expeditious construction of the WWII Memorial at the selected Rainbow Pool site.
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