WWW.KEYSINFONET.COM WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 29, 2014 VOLUME 61, NO. 9 G 25 CENTS KEY WEST Many homeless shun city shelter around the country mobi- belongings in a backpack, Michael, 48, said he is Volunteers count lize to physically count identified himself as occasionally “bothered” by homeless people, using the Michael, a native of the local police department, city homeless data to inform grant appli- Germany living in the Keys which employees four full- By SEAN KINNEY cations for federal and state for 12 years. time “quality-of-life offi-
[email protected] aid. Asked where he slept cers” focused on enforcing The Florida Keys count last night, Michael said, “I local ordinances against “It’s sad, isn’t it?” Joe is managed by the Monroe stayed up all night — no things like trespassing, Pais, a volunteer in the County Homeless Con- sleeping. I’m a bit unusual panhandling, public intoxi- annual point-in-time count tinuum of Care umbrella in so far as I stay up all cation and camping. of homeless people in organization. night and rest on the beach “It’s always the same,” Monroe County, asked Pais, a former member during the day.” he continued. “I think the rhetorically as he walked of the Key West City He said he would never stop and check should end. along the Atlantic side of Commission, and his vol- avail himself of the city’s I have the right to be left Key West on Tuesday. unteer partner Lynne emergency indigent hous- alone if I’m not breaking He was looking down a Sobel-Ragusea, an AIDS ing, the Keys Overnight the law.