l lvr fr IAY, EUAY , 200 rntdNEWS I Et Kntn I Extr I Grnlnd I ptn I ptn h I ptn ll Vol. 35 No. 05 16 Pages Knntn I fld I rth ptn I I h I Sbr I Sth ptn I Strth

Cnnll Cntn C 4r I .Atlnt. I 0 El Strt, Slbr, MA 02 I (60 26 57 I EE • AKE OE

MA WI A MISSIO — Ch hd t fr h dl dp n th Atlnt prt f h nn ffrt t hlp dt thr bt dr nd lhl rn. — Atlnt ht b Mr Ch r.

Fighting the good fight

MAK (AG I. d t th bright light of day, thr fr fln th pn 'If I can just be AAK EWS SA WUEt as the moon receded and the h has experienced. rr e blazing full moon was sun rose. Not all battles are On th morning, as the an inspiration sinking fast in the west so easy, and not all end so moon has receded and the as the sun crept above warmly. orange glow of the sun is to some of them, the horizon on the Atlantic, But one Seabrook man is peeking between the mean- that makes it all as if both were battling for the fighting the war that needs dering early-morning clouds, fight to light the skies above. to be waged, and hopes his Charles "Chucky" Rosa has worthwhile.' In the end, of course, the very personal message can be stripped down to nothing but — Chrl shared in an effort to prevent his bathing suit as he strolls dark glimmer of night yield- `Cht ICE Cnt. n 6A•

AGE 2A I AAc EWS I EUAY , 200 I O , o 0 AACES.00A4 COMMUIY b hr bnft lbr f lv fr WS pl Y i uma ace Saw a Mya Go. e o ge eey ie ig we e iea o a commuiy says ace. o oy wi e aces youge oe Ma ai( EWS SA WIE "Is a yica ay sowe eee," says ace "e ay sowe was o we ee icue eesmes ("ey ae ee ey su AMO I Someoes — us igge," says ace. Mya go i is accie I u aces moe eaee a a ae, u i wi aso oie". oig a ay sowe o e ees o ee o wa ay see as a "ceeaio o A, ey ae eceie ei ew Geeaio, Ic., a ig, se as. us ig i moes," says ace. "Eey ey o ecouageme a e commuiy is coiay we ae a ae o a e oe ca come." ayes om e oks t ew iie o ae. [gis]." ace says se as ee Geeaio, Ic. e Oe ouse ay o ace, is cumia usy omoig e ay "Im eay ga me a Sowe wi ake ace o ig oec is a ieswee sowe y uig u yes a Mya ecie o e em Sauay, euay 2 om ee: As memes o e aious ocaes u a ow ou," says ace. "eye a.m. o 2 .m i e i WS Cass o 200, o se e Seacoas aea, icuig eay woeu eoe — so ig a a Wumacuuie ig a Mya ae a ea o esauas, aycae cees, giig [a] so oig, o o Scoo. eesmes om ew Geeaio a ae u a aces wi aies a • a ou o ei ea." e umi acks i amo a o o wok a eusiasm moms." Se , h as same, i seems, cou e sai a aeios i Saam, as io ei oec. owee, o oueeig o ew Ge aou ace a Mya em we as ey o ake goos e wo es ies eei eaio "ae is oec. ey sees. a CocaCoa ucs, ece a mao seack we ae a aucio eey yea Uimaey, ace says se e see. Mya was ciicay iue i Im eiiey aig o "wou ike o ak eey oaios o iaes, ew a auomoie accie i ae eig wi a" oe o a e suo Mya is a use ay coes, oys, auay, we e ca suck Meawie, ace si geig. I ey ca e ew gi cas (aies Us, Mo a acoaie ae siig kees igi y e ies sie Geeaio y comig o is, eoo._ maeiy coig, ou i icy oa coiios o weee se is ae o ge i wou mea a o o me a hl Sh nd Ml Gtt a oe moe o Mass Geea. Mya as I kow i wou mea a o o ie Atlantic ee sowig some icease Mya." as we as moeay Oaioei i o o a ie wie." suggese oig someig o ae _ecouage a wi e ews goes ess , Myai moeme a is ow ea O e ,Seio Semia owee, "ecause we oe suo e Geeaase a coma a Massacuses Ge: ig o e ow, u is si i ae a es ie, ace geay aeciae. ew Geeaio a ey oe see. ea osia, sueig om a coma. says Mya "is e soges ocees aise a e us oo, I us i wa o "Me a Mya ecie o umeous iea a ee Seea weeks ae e ii eso I kow. Se is a ey Oe ouse ay Sowe gie u o is," says ace mee u wi e ew Ge wi go o ew C a iuies. Oe e as se ia sock o seeig e ie hrd woke a se is ey w• aio, "I kew Mya wou si wa eaio eoe," says ace. ea weeks ace as mae o a esiao a s i e ie. Se aways us oes Ic. i Geea, a sae ace me o o is." "We ake o em aou o ega a aeig umeous is o oso o ICU, ace says "Im oig a is a caes so muc aou So ewee osia is wa ey eee. ey ee. e y e ies sie. ee o ee." o Mya, "Is si e amiy a cose ies. omeess wome a ei is a omewok, ace moey moe a ayig, ess o say, e accie was a a ayyay ig. ese e We a miss e a oe e so ias. as ee oig eeyig o u cou aways use mae suig sock o eso wo weeks ae ey cucia. muc is is ey a o us e ay sowe sees as "y o ge ew Geeaio iy coig, iaes, a ay a acaemicay. ey ae a ee iea i se a u we ae sayig osiie e equie Seio Semia wa ey ee" oug ei moeaay iems. We "We wee us geig sa as ay ai amage o o" a oig o e es" oec o wo WS seios, Seio Semia oec. wee sue wa o o o e ace a Mya ae e uic ca sow su ee, u kew we wae o ee geMg ey o assis o o ace a Myas aise moey" ace o ei Seio Semia oec a e ew Geea A isi o a eou, iec oec om ei amiies, io see y aeig e o o Sue Aais a icuig i a Wey Go Oe ouse ay Sowe o Commuiy eaios a WS, a Myas siigs Gayi, Sauay, euay 2 om ee e gis u a sae Kia a ieaa ("ey a.m. o 2 .m. a WS. o ocus o ei missio. ae ee eay eu" a moe aou ew Geeaio, "Se came u wi e iea Ma a eaee Saw a Ic. isi www.ewge.og. o ae a uge ay sowe," In tn th th dtl lf AUG EAGIA io o em ae acuay ge ae oca, a eques a e AAIC EWS ig ogammig. a I seice e ue o. Co COIUIG WIE meas moe a 40 ece ecig o e cae o saeie (Editor's Note: This is the o em ae o akig u is is us a mae o is first in a series of weekly col- aaage o ei eesie coecig you o o a umns by Vaughn Petraglia, dedi- Is. makig e same coecio cated to discussing topics related My assumio is a o you ew o. to residential and personal tech- eoe ae ucasig ew o coec e o o nology.) Is a coecig em e , you mus use a uig e ice som • is o ei cue (oay S MI, I, o comoe as eceme, my wie a caesaeie seice. Ae ieo cae o ass e I iscoee a as we ae you oe o e 40 ece a siga. e o comosie gow oe we ae ecome as a a scee ye o ieo o sieo caes wi wims a i o wa o wacig ogammig? o suo . Usig a say i a ouse wiou igs, I you ae, wa you ee MI is my eee co ea o o wae — o o o is ae seice ecio ecause i kees e is gae us e oouiy comig io you ouse, ge siga igia a e way o o same a ume o ou a ew se o o co you wiou e ee o oca oes a o my su ece wi e coec caes, a seaae auio coecio. ise ey a ugae ei a access e caes ow you ae se u o see ooms wi ew a ae i oe o iay e seeig a a ue ig eiiio icue. ALENTINE DAY s. I icue. e week, I e giig is u uig o e o make is ae, is o ow o make you was a ig isaoime, as coac you cae o saeie icue ook ee ee. SPECIALS! e icue was awu ee oie a e em a Vaughn Petraglia does elec- wee o ig eiiio ( you wa o ugae o tronic systems design at Audio caes aaiae a I was seice. e easies way is o Video Experience in Hampton Ordr Wdy acuay wacig e same aage o ae you cae Falls (www.electronic-lifestyle. o saa eiiio (S comay o a oessioa corn). He is a CEDIA (Custom icue comeey isoe saeie isae come o you Electronic Design & Installa- ew aess o a wie scee. ey wou ouse o isa e ew tion Association) Certified Pro- ae ee ee o saig o wi e oe caes, fessional Designer, a member of aee K ei moey a keeig e es you seice a sow the CEDIA Technology Council o s. you ow o ue o you ew Discovery Action Team, and a owee, is is o a caes. CEDIA Registered Outreach mo uusua siuaio accoig o o ose wiig o oi Instructor. Atlantic News read- a ISa eo a o e youse, ae you oie ers are invited to send questions 00 miio US ouseos wi a si you e o a caes, or suggest topics to zuithnCi , eas oe , oy 22 mi o ask o ick em u i ey electronic-lifestyle.com.

AYAKEWS.COM o. . o 0 I EUAY . 200 I A_Asmc EWS I AGE A USIESS Amesbury Sports Park celebrates 15 years of outdoor thrll It MAK Cvr ece ues simuaeousy e owe ee o e a oes yeaou ee AllAIC EWS SA W goig ow a soe ogee oge is a uege a aime wi ie coce AMESUY I Yeaou is 6," owe says. "Ou que aciiy wic ays eues, commuiy uais as ae ee ockig o eco s a ee is 4 So os o cooae aies a es, a assome o socce yeas o e "ig is a wee goig o y o eak oe gaeigs ougou a oe so eagues, a ig is" a Amesuy Sos a is mo." e yea. Wi ioo accom ee summe ime uig. ak ucky isios a ay, moaios o moe a 00, o moe iomaio aou ow, as e ouoo eaiey sceue o Su Amesuy Sos ak ca a e ak as o oe, isi eaagaa u ak ce ay, euay 22, wi ge o ay os o ay ume o www.amesuysosak. eaes a ecaeaa a o ake a i e cooy o sieae ucios, u aso e o ca (80 8888. seig u smies a goom ues.. seciaies i e iy eas O couse, e es way ig siey soes, i may oowig e wie o os as we o eeiece e "ig is we e e es ime o so eak i, o e Ar:t "Is e eec ace o ig is" is simy o so i o some wieime ee ee, sowoaes 4W e iay aies," owe i, y eiig 4 a Ei 4 aime. oca suucigs, eey es is "somewee ou wes," ae o ake u aaage o says. e meu is gea o o a 0seco ie o 2 Wy is a? As seem saig ig ucks. so ew Egaes ca es Amesuy Sos ak, we kis, ey ca ay ieo Sou u oa. e ak is igy eeyoe e couy Wi scoo acaios assue a e Amesuy e aciiy wi oe is oos games i e acae, a o oe usays a iays kows, moey is ig Wi as aoacig, amiies i sie is e igges ag o eusiey o a week i couse, ae u o e soes om :0 .m., a week a ecoomy a as goe e Geae Seacoas egio ei uck. Mac eicae oy o ose uig." es om 0 a.m. o .m. oomsu, oks eeywee wou e a esse o i :An eaoae amaa wo wa o i e soes o ae ookig o ways o im a ee "saycaio" esia o .:sowmakig macies aoa isea o a ue. uges. Wou i e gea io a Amesuy Sos esues a e soes ae u Amesuy Sos ak o ge o e couc wee e ak — aicuay ecause coee a meicuousy is moe a us uig i e igy ews is aig aou e sie wi e oe see goome eac a eey ay, wie: ig a eay ae e iacia cisis, ae some ays a week saig euay egaess o wa O Ma ie aog o eoy e u se u, a sae some moey? a saig oug o Wie as ise u uig ice esaua a a — e Ae a, o aou e ice e e o e ew am e seaso. Coe Kick u — wic o a sige skii icke a oe sie scoo wie eak o isios ae ow e oes aoamic iews om o e oe ski esos, Mac 2. soes a a oooyou e ue oo o e "ski a eie amiy o ou ca • Sow uig as i as a see o 0 mies e ou oge" ocae a e ase o se a aeoo eoyig come o e kow, as gaie (o ase a ee ee o e soes. immese ouaiy i ece woy aou cimig u o wie woes a Amesuy aes ca ea i e We e sowie uig e woweek wie Sos ak — a amous yeas, a Amesuy Sos e e u — ey us e wam o e uiig wie ak as e ages aciiy e coeye e i ig aeoo us o ig, e eak eio, e ak wi e o saigs a ayoe ca use wacig e kis ousie igs come aae a e ak, oe see ays a week om i oays caegig imes. aywee i e egio os em ack o e summi. uig ow e i, o e ig e aciiy Was moe, ae is iumiaig e soes a 0 a.m. o .m. uis ae ee iceas woe amiy ca ae uc, a ose uo i, as e music e ays o wie may igy oeusig e ewy "Is e seco ages mo ak emoyees ae ie, a moe wi a u soe i a o o Ame oig o eak a iouse eeeaes oe e i a e wiig, u ee is si eeoe em "saycaio, meu o amiy ae ag e u o e ay seces ey o ouoo u o e i ieu o e wo "acaio," ica a 82 ee," says May eco — o ack, eas, ig om Meica ises, o Cao owe, eecuie ice o wa may someay e a we io e ig. a, o u i e mouais, o escie a eak we a is a cis, o ia a Amesuy Sos ak as u ig em i e Seacoas amiy says a ome a esie o Amesuy Sos wo eco. ee souwese aoe ak, aig a e ag "e wo eco o co coiuay eae a egio a Amesuy Sos makes ay is o eoe e eigs. ogesse oe e yeas, ak Cln Yr d f rfl lt Y Cn S & l n t W

AAIAE SEICES AltrntvIntrtv Cnr hrp Cln Clnn Cln drthrp

h tn C, IChltn hrp Wht rr, Mnnt nd Cnln trtnl lth Ant nt tn & Evltn trtnl Chn • rbl Cnltn Mn lnnn Sprt trtn & rnn Spf trtn trtnl Cln tn & txftn rr ht & Snd hrp pht rn Otpth Mnpltv hrp (OM M Stn hrp CCA0 flxl Enr 000.,04Itltrl lh ttt Orn l I Mdl Mrdrbrn Wht rr, Mnnt & Cnln In t S Er Cnn Sfft Cn" (r Wln, 8, Innr Wlln Orn d rprd t Ordr 40 lt l d. • ptn, • 60 20084 Orn rprd t Ordr Altrntv Intrtv Mdn I l: ntll nlnt I.« • WWW.%.WllSS( I .(0 AGE 4A I AnAhrnc EWS I EUAY . 200 t 35, No 05 AruomcNEws.Com COMMUIY OCA OES CUC AS COMMUIY IE AMO e is ais Cuc o amo wi os a commu Whitehouse goes nine rounds and iy ie o Sauay, euay 2 um 406 .m. a e cuc, ocae a 6 Wiacue oa i amo. e uic is iie o eoy a sausage a cicke cacciaoe ie, wic wi e see wi gaic ea, saa, eeage a esses. e more with local book tour cos o e ie is $6.0 o aus a $ o Seics a cie. akeou Mtx OIAG ies, wo o ee cartoons, oes wi aso e aaiae. o ace a akeou oe, o o moe ioma ATEAMC NEWS STAFF WIEETElt and then a serial, which was io, ca e cuc a (60 26200. PORTSMOUTH I Call it a short movie that you'd have IES OS WIE OOK SWA OSMOU I e ies o e osmou uic iay wi the little book that could. to go back to week after week os a Wie ook Swa a Coeeouse o Suay, euay om 24 Portsmouth's Harold to find out what happened .m. i e iays eeso Meeig oom. Whitehouse Jr. has been next," he told the group at aicias ae iie o come sociaie wi oe eaes, si some his Wentworth Home coee, ise o music a sock u o some ooks o cay em oug making the rounds present- e es o e wie seaso. eesmes wi e so. Eac 22 sace ing his musing autobiogra- talk. "I remember that when is aaiae o a $ oaio swaes ca ig as may ooks o auio phy, "Home by Nine" across the lights would go out in ooks a ca i i a sace. ey ca aso owse oe aicias the local circuit. the theater, you could hear seecios a see wa ca e ae. I sou e oe a e iay wi the scratching of the mice on o emi ay ooks a ae ee ke i a aseme o ae ay wae Most recently, he enter- aiage wasoee. As we, a eooks sou e e a ome. is is a tained a gathering on Febru- the floor running around at cayicayou swa. Ay ooks a ae o ou a ome y e e ary 4 at the Mark Wentworth your feet. They'd come out o e swa wi ee o e emoe. e iay wi e oiig a is o and eat the scraps of pop- ocaios a acce ook oaios. e iay is ocae a ao Home on Pleasant Street, Aeue i osmou. o moe iomaio ca (60 4240. where residents at the assist- corn! But we'd keep going because it was so cheap." ICE ISIG WI EW COEA ed living center, were capti- O AMO I isig eusiass wo wou ike o ea ow vated with his recollections Harold proudly discusses o ice is ae iie o oi e ew Coea Soig Cu o Sauay, and photos of Portsmouth in how, after all these years, euay 2 om 0 am. o 2 .m. a Geewoo o i Kigso. the early part of last century, he still owns his South End A isig icese equie o ayoe oe 6 yeas o. Equime wi jacket, which many of the e oie o ose aicias wo o o ae ei ow. ose akig when Harold was a young IGIGIG E IE — osmous ow ao a i is ee ae emie o ess wam a ig a uc. o sig u man growing up in the city's Wieouse . eses a eigeig, eeaiig teens in the neighborhood o o moe iomaio, ca es ouso a (60 248 o isi www. South End. a oe umoous iscussio aou is ece ocai had made to proudly display ewCoeaSoigCu.og. "Home by Nine" was auoiogay, "ome y ie," a soy o gowig u i e the neighborhood in which SIGN UP NOW FOR 'CRAZY CAW released last fall, and shares ciys Sou E, o a gaeig a e Mak Wewo ome they lived. He is still quick AMO I amo sues age ae iie o go cay i ie o easa See. to point out that the South kice (so o a e "Cay Cae," a imoisaio eae week wic wi with readers Harold's exclu- — Aaic ews oo y Mak Cag . cumiae i e cowig o e "o Ce." sive memories of working End was not to be confused o cookig eeiece is eee o Geoge oskeoueys aes eae class Portsmouth spanning with Puddle Dock, the sec- eseaio, wic wi ocus o e skis o imoisaioa eae, moe ies from the initial printing. and does it all with a smile from the Great Depression, tion of town which was the me, secoiece a eamwok e weekkig as, e uig scoo He estimates that he's and humor. wie acaio ou euay 22 a os ouse o ig See i am through World War II, and most dilapidated area, and been invited to give talks 'There used to be three o, wi cumiae i a siie eomace wee e auiece wi ge o beyond. where Strawbery Banke now coose wo is e "o O." is cass is oee i wo es. e moig about the book — and sign movie theaters in town — "It's in its second printing stands today. sessio ($2 is om 0 a. o 2 .m., wie e ayog sessio ($20 wi copies — at nearly 20 events the Colonial, the Olympia e e egiig a 0 a, wi a sueise ua eak wi games a 2 now," Harold says with a Harold laughs at the since its printing. At these and the Arcadia. We'd go to oo, a cass om .m. e ees o o sessios icue wo ickes o laugh, adding with a hint of notion of writing a second chats, he reveals portions of the Arcadia because it was e Sauay eomace, uig wic a ig ea, cakes a cookies wi e astonishment that the book book to follow up with the see. o moe iomaio aou "Cay Cae" o o sig u, coac e Portsmouth otherwise lost cheap. For nine cents, we amo eceaio eame a (60 262. quickly sold all 500-plus cop- success of his first. between the pages of history, could see two reels of mov- "No, one is enough," says EGIO OSS MOY EAKAS ICESIGO I e Kesigo Ameica egio wi o ei moy the octogenarian first-time uic eakas a Suay, euay 22 om 8 am author, who spent four years e meu cosis o eggs (ay sye, acakes, ec oas, am, aco, piecing together "Home by sausage, ome ies a coee cake. eeages icue omao uice, °aw Nine." uice, coee, ea, mik o cocoa e cos o e eakas $6 o aus a $ o cie ue age 2. ee wies ae aw eac ici o a ee eakas For a chance to meet the is mos wies ae Gace ucae, ee Sceo a o ekis. ocees A Place for Friendships author, have a book signed, om e eakas go o suo cie a you mgams. e egio a is and be delighted with Har- ocae o oue 0 i Kesigo. o moe iomaio, ca (60 420. "Mt f hv rt f old's many memories of life OAICA A" EAUE A GAE CU MEEG phl ndtn, bt tll in Portsmouth the way it OSMOU I Memes o e osmou Gae Cu wi gae hv fn tthr nd ll o a ig uceo a usiess meeig o Weesay, euay 8 a 2 used to be, visit the River oo a e Ua oesy Cee, ocae o Ewy oa i osmou. hlp n nthr. It vr Run Bookstore at 20 Con- ew Case esie Caoy aya, ouig esie o e ew ptv pl." gress Street in Portsmouth Ega Sociey o oaica Aisis, wi ese a ogam o "oaica on Sunday, February 15 from A," usig sies o e ow awigs wic iusae e aaomy o —John Tillinghast owes. osecie memes ae wecome a e cus moy meeigs. p.m. For more informa- o moe iomaio, ca iae a (60 426 o isi www.os esies say is ike iig i a tion call (603) 431-2100. mouecu.com cose eigooo. ee o go wee ey ease, ey eoy isis i e umeous suooms, game ooms, a iig saces. ew ies ae mae a suey, ie is u agai.

Ca oa esoa ou oay isi www.makwewo.og

o iigas a o Seaamaccia eoy a o ca (60 4606 iey eae ae e weeky iscussio gou. o a ocue.

E( 7" Years of MAK W E WO evio'nfil Cleaning OME

C _ _ CEAWAE CEAIG SEICES, C ,■ pt • . Itrt AIIO. COMMUIY. IOAIO. EE ESIMAES 46 easa See • osmou, ew amsie 080 , Cll d 60602282 AACEWS.COM o_ , o 0 I EUAY , 200 I A_Aic EWS AGE A EWS OCA OES GOU SCEUES CAIAE EE

EAS KIGSO I Et Kntn tzn r nvtd t Mt th Cn Gv. nh: t ft ddt" fr bth tn nd hl ltd ptn n Wdnd, brr 2 t th tn pbl bnr, ltd t 4 Mplvl d n Et Kntn. Cff nd ptr ll b prvdd t th vnt, hh bn t p.. rntd b . th Et Kntn Ctzn Atn, th nfrl 'Tax-achusetts' taxing Granite State too? tnndnr n ll prvd n pprtnt fr nddt t ntrd thlv nd fr tzn t tn prr t th r SECIA O E AAIC EWS should in no way be obli- The Massachusetts Com- not become agents of Mas- ltn, hdld fr d, Mrh 0. h tn n ndpn dnt nnprft rp rnzd t prvd v dtn prr fr th SEACOAST I Gover- gated to collect a sales tax missioner of Revenue is sachusetts tax authorities. ppl f Et Kntn. It nnprtn nd nt ffltd th n pltl nor John Lynch and Attor- for Massachusetts," Gover- seeking to collect taxes for Massachusetts should not rp r n thr rnztn, nd l vlntr prtptn n t ney General Kelly Ayotte nor Lynch said. "We have sales that occurred in New be permitted to impose its prr. r r nfrtn l EKCtzntnt. recently announced that chosen not to have a sales Hampshire. The Court has sales tax in New Hamp- OE IS SUEISOS O MEE tax here in New Hampshire asked interested parties to shire," Ayotte said. "I am O AMO I h Sprvr f th tr t n rth the state is filing an amicus ptn hv nnnd tht th ll t n Strd, brr 28 brief in the Massachusetts and we are not about to let file briefs before March 23. concerned that the action fr :0 .. t th n Clr ff fr ddtn nd rvl t Supreme Judicial Court in Massachusetts impose its Town Fair Tire Centers is taken by the Massachu- th tr t r r nfrtn, ll th rth ptn n Clr an effort to protect New tax on our businesses." a Connecticut corporation setts Commissioner of Rev- ff t (60 64602. Hampshire businesses from Attorney General Kelly doing business throughout enue may be interpreted CUC OSS AM & EA SUE Ayotte will file an amicus KESCO I h pbl nvtd t vr pplr, nnth having to collect sales taxes New England, with several to expand its authority h nd bn ppr tht ll nn fr th lt f th fd t on behalf of Massachusetts. brief with the Supreme stores in Massachusetts and to collect taxes from New fr th hr f th rrl Enlnd ttn n hh t rvd. "I think it is outrageous Judicial Court for the Com- New Hampshire. Hampshire businesses. h Knntn Cnrtnl Chrh ll ht th llnt monwealth of Massachu- "I intend to file an amic- ppr n Strd, brr 2 flt 6:4 p.. t th hrh, ltd that Massachusetts errone- The Massachusetts tax law n t 0 n th ntr f Knntn. h n nld t nd f ously believes it can impose setts in an appeal of a tax us brief on behalf of the should not be enforced in hd bn, bt lt h, ld fhnd brn brd, rll, its sales tax here in New enforcement action against State to ensure that New such a way as to interfere ptt ld, l l, hbd p, nd ff r l. h t fr ll Town Fair Tire Centers. Hampshire businesses will with interstate commerce." th $6 fr dlt nd $2.0 fr hldrn.h hrh ltd nl fr Hampshire. Our businesses l th f th bndtnd n Extr, nd b rhd b flln t 08 th t t 0 th. r r nfrtn, ll th hrh ff t (60 282. Portsmouth police warn IAY OGAM EAES IMESSIO YE h rnd f th bl brr ll pn thr Wntr Sprn Spr Sr th "Iprn f th Il f Shl," prr prntd b rn dtr Ann tt, prdnt f th Il f Shl of scam targeting local bank trl nd rh Atn. Shdld fr hrd, brr t ..., th prr ll xplr SECIA O E AAIC EWS plaints from area residents account has been put on residents do not enter'any fr ntr f lf n th lnd fr th rlt d n prtnt PORTSMOUTH I The who received automated hold, and then requests account information upon fhn hb, thrh th th ntr rrt r, p t th prnt n frn nd dtnl ntr. h prr fr nd pn t th pbl, Portsmouth Police Depart- telephone calls requesting that the person enter his or receiving a similar call. nd rfrhnt ll b rvd. h bl brr ltd t 8 ment has issued an alert to their credit card and/or her account number. Those who may have Whntn d n . r r nfrtn ll (60 64840 r vt local residents of a credit account information. At this time informa- additional information .rpbllbrr.r. card/ account fraud taking An automated voice tion regarding the scam on this crime are asked to OGAM OIES A E O AMO I A fr nr prvdn tx hlp fr ll place on the Seacoast. •identifies itself as being is limited, but the Ports- contact Officer Christina bn nr ll b hld n Mnd, brr"frrn 68 p.. t th Portsmouth police from the Service Credit mouth Police Department Meyer at (603) 610-7514. rth ptn bl brr, ltd t 2 Atlnt Avn. nn recently took several com- Union, advises that an strongly recommends that p, CA, ll t th tx nd nr tn. r r nfrtn ll th lbrr t (60 64626 r vt .nhplb.r. SA &AOYS t 0 • Sbr • (60 44200 fltn tr, tp

Brushetta Caprese Baked Haddock tt, frh zzrll nd frh bl td n Srvd vr r hr rtt. rzzld Wth hrr n

bl vnr, thn drzzld th xtr vrn lv l. $6.0 rdtn. $.00

Rice Balls (Arnn Veal Rollatine Arborio rice, sweet Italian sausage, 'red peppers. Fried to orange Mlfd rlld vl th prtt nd zzrll h, thn perfection. $6.00 td th r tt nd hr n rl n. Srvd th rl hd ptt. $8.00 Italian Wedding Soup Chicken Verbenne C A trdtnl fvrt. $.0 Chn lppn tppd th frh pr nd fntn h, Cocktail n n rn brnd . Srvd th rtd ptt. $.00 $7.50 Srvd th dht tl . Fresh Green Beans (family style) Insalata Dolce Wth bttr nd Itln rb. n ltt, xd bb rn, tt, bt, ld pr, ft h nd rn, bl vnrtt. $6.00 Homemade Desserts Grnd Mr h. $6.00 Filet Giambotta Chlt trt. $.00 lt dlln tppd th td rd nd rn pppr, hr. Itln hrb nd p. ppd th llpd ptt. $.00 Regular Menu Also Available

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- PAGE 6A I An_Armc NEVvS I FEBRUARY , 200 I Voi_ , o 06 ATLAN11CNEWS.COM

- toward the rolling low-tide to prevent anyone, particu- Chucky says, as visible tears and alcOhoi Aware_neis, cari just be an inspiration to EE wa yes with his twin 13- larly youths, from succumb- begin to well up in his eyes. to help those who have prob- some of them, that makes it COMMEAE year old sons, Francis and lems get clean. all worthwhile." ing to substance addiction. Chucky is not the type of o e Eio, Lucas. Their mother, Mary, "I really believe the time The orange glow from I am wiig oay o comme is in charge of the video to reach out to them is wheki the rising sun illuminates e ciies o e ow o am camera, which she clicks on they're little," Chucky says. Chucky's back as he rises out o. Oe e as ew weeks, we as a breeze makes the biting "We need to get the mes- of the surf and heads back ae a eue io e as ew Ega weae a eae chill of the early morning sage to them when they're toward the beach where his e sow o ou ieways, wak air all the more piercing. young, not when they're in family is waiting. Instead of ways, a oos. Chucky talks to the cam- the eighth grade and already wrapping in a towel or rac- As a ieige i amo, era for a few moments, as experimenting with the ing for the heat of their car, my cowokes a I ae ceae a ume o yas o esue the family's two dogs race stuff. Every dollar spent in he drip-dries in the frigid a imey a aequae suy o about on the frozen sand. prevention today saves $10 winter morning air and turns wae. uig is mow ceaig Then, he heads out on his down the road." to the camera Mary has fixed maieace, we ae oice a morning mission — for a It can also save lives, on him. sese o commuiy a as ee oe ewee eigos a ie plunge into the Arctic-cold which is why Chucky recent- "Your eyes are more iges. waters, which are reading a ly launched a Web site, at accurate witnesses. You I seea ais ougou ou bone-chilling 37 degrees. On the beach with Chuck Rosa the behest of his friends and can't believe everything you gea ow, iae ciies ae His stroll becomes a fans who knew of his morn- hear," Chucky says, for his ake i uo emsees o cea, Prior to taking his morn- man one would expect to ucoe, o ig ou ei oca ie slight jog, as Chucky throws ing plunges in the ocean, to quote of the day." yas. Wee i is ea e a few jabs into the air as ing dip, Chucky stood in the see drawn to such emotions, help spread the word of his On this morning, as on all eac o cose o ow, a eme Rocky Balboa would do family's kitchen, where a with his carved-from-marble cause. others, witnessing eyes saw ous commuiy eo as ee while racing through the huge assortment of photos physique that gives him the Each morning, Mary films a man with a true mission, mae o e us e ou commui decorate the wall, depicting appearance more like an y. O ea o e 2 uime ie streets of Philadelphia. But the daily dip, and posts it on who hopes to help others iges a ie aam oeaos, I ahead Of Chucky * not a hundreds of smiling faces inverted volcano than a man the Web site, which launched enrich their lives and break wou ike o ak eac a eey roaring crowd, licit* tower- and fanciful moments cap, who would weep over pho- last month. At www.chuck- free from the bonds of addic- oe o e ciies o amo o ing monument with scream- tured in time. But life has not tos on the wall. But when he ysfight.com, folks can log on tion, and hopefully prevent makig ou commuiy a sae a been all smiles for Chucky. recalls the love for his lost ee ace o ie. ing fans. What lies ahead and see the daily video of it outright, in the weeks, ames Squies is Another blistering plunge In October 2003, ..FtiS son sons, the emotions build. his swims and hear Chucky months and years ahead. esie, IA oca 2664 into the Atlantic — and all Vincent Rosa's life came to It's for that reason that deliver whimsical musings, As the moon disappears oessioa ieiges for a good cause. a tragic end, due to a drug he has taken to the ocean and important messages. with the night, and the warm o amo Chucky is on a mission overdose, at the young age of each and every morning What's more, organiza- sun brings a hopeful new OCA OE to ensure that the youth of 20. It was a mere 13 months for the past several years tions can also inquire about day, Chucky hopes to help today do not follow in the later, in November of 2004, — refreshingly-so in the receiving donations raised others make the same transi- SIG SOY IMES when his eldest son, Domi- summer months and crunch- tion from the dark powers footsteps that he has nod- for the cause. A AE IAY den in years past. He doesn't nic Rosa, also succumbed ing through the snow in the "I really hope the Web of addiction to the bright to a drug overdose; he was winter. Himself a recover- AMO e week o e want anyone alive to have site will help raise money opportunities of enlighten- uay 6 maks e e o Wie to experience what he has only 23. ing addict, believes that the for substance abuse. There ment. Soy imes i e Cies oom seen. "They were good boys. daily morning plunge helps are so many people out there And he's doing it one a e ae Memoia iay i That mission is a fight, as They were good sons, and him clear his head, and is that need help, I'm living day, and one icy plunge at amo.owee, i aso meas he calls it, an ongoing battle they were good brothers," a constant reminder of the proof of that. I came clean, a time. a Sig Soy imes ae ig never-ending battle to over- aou e coe. Sigus o but it's a battle. It's a fight, To learn more about e sig sessio wi egi o come the addiction demons. even for me, so every day I Chucky's Fight, see the daily Moay, Mac 2. e Soy imes New local students receive a EE WEEK He has welcomed dona- Ottr nd t I-l rnt 15 rd go out there (for the morn- videos, or to help the cause emsees egi e week o Featuring: tions to sponsor, so to speak, ing swim] and fight that — he always welcomes fel- Mac 6 a wi as o si weeks • 20+ ongoing weekly classes oug Ai 20. Sace is imie the dips in the sea — all of battle," he says. "There are low swimmers — visit the •Beginner,series and workshops which is donated to local aes ae ecouage o sig u • Corporate Yoga (on-site available) millions of other people out official Web site at www. ei cie io o e is soy "Privates and'Private Group Classes organizations to help edu- there who are addicted. If I chuckysfight.com. ime y caig (60 2642, o Open 7 days a week cate youngsters about drug so y e Cies oom. Clan Punch cards and Me are available, and Drop-ins are ie Iaia iig... nt VISIT OUR APPAREL BOUTIQUE ---- Grt Srv Grt d, Grt Stff Some Things Banquet Service Don't Change... Informal Dining They just Keep Take-out Getting Better! available

M • blld • Ml Srvn nnr Wdnd Snd llr • l C Ilrd 4:00 p 0:00 p d • blr l lp Alrl r. brr th • hrlt p0p Sn. brr th • dAlln p6p Cplt Mn Al Avlbl fr Ot Onfrnt ntn Avlbl

69 ftt d (t , rth ptn, xt t th r Str Ca 6064_064

____AAmcEws.Com a.. , 0 I EUAY , 200 I AAisic EWS I AGE A Competition heats up at SST Welding Invitational

without saying that When the welding was scheduled to take place at perform the tasks set before they also paid close attention over, SST senior Myles Ken- a Manchester-based com- them. An opportunity for to safety measures before, neson of Epping had earned munity college, will provide networking and reviewing during and after the welding the top spot and was named competitors an opportunity welding safety and instruc- exercises. the winning welder. "to win scholarships and tions for the competition got Competitors were judged The competition was welding machines." the day off to a busy start. in a number of areas, includ- more than an opportunity for The event also provided In addition to a written ing technique, layout, visual Myles and his fellow weld- a chance for SST to show- practical exam, the event, appearance of the welds, ing students to demonstrate case its new Welding Tech- says Theberge, "covered all placement of the welds and the skills they have acquired nologies shop, part of the areas of welding" and includ- weld sizes — "all that goes in the classroom and in the school's recently completed ed four different "Practical along with the blueprint welding shop. $8.5 million renovation proj- Exercise" sessions. The first reading," says Theberge. "It prepares them for the ect. Overall, says SST Prin- involved torch cutting; the Officials from the communi- state competition in March," cipal Margaret Callahan, "It second, TIG (tungsten inert ME O SEE — SS seio Myes Keeso, icue ty college were among those says Theberge. That event, was a fantastic day." gas) done on aumium the ee wi weig isuco oaa eege, ook e o who served as judges for the third, MIG (metal inert gas) oos a e aua Weig Iiaioa e o euay . competition. — Aaic ews Couesy oo done on mild steel; and the So how did the partici- fourth, STICK, which The- z E40 Jonathan Theberge's weld- pants in this year's Welding berge says is "a laymen's EIO, 2 %b ing class at SST. Invitational perform? term for 'shielded metal e local climate may Theberge, who has 21 "They all did pretty well," arc welding' done on mild be on the cool side seniors in his class, "offered reports Theberge, especially steel." rrbut the competition it to whoever wanted to do once they were able to "[get] The participating weld- sizzled at this year's Welding it/' he says. "I had five who over their nerves." ing students worked from Invitational, held on Thursday, wanted to be a part of it," Theberge also made spe- "blueprints we created, February 5 at the Seacoast although one eventually had cial acknowledgement to drawn up by our pre-engi- School of Technology (SST) to drop out of the running. Maine Oxy, a welding sup- neering course," says The- in Exeter. Students were required ply store based in Hooksett. berge. "They had to follow Sixteen welding students to bring their own personal "They supplied a mobile the placement of the weld" from five schools took part protective equipment (PPE) training center," he says. according to the blueprints E EA IS O — A sue isays is skis wi a weig oc in the all-day event, includ- to the competition as well "That's how we were able to supplied to them. It goes wie aiciaig a e ece weig comeiio a SS. ing four seniors who attend as hand tools in order to have more competitors." — Aaic ews Couesy oo

nt lt ntr b pn h bt r fr pn IS. AI prvntn.

Shvln SiCW dtrtICS eaes i ai meicie .t rr hn .d d. Ees i ieiiimi eciques En.:r trn

S,l: nd .• c c dr.tp nd ,r r It, tl, rnt W trt A tp acue f t nd hrn pn: iig thP rntd • St • Shnl d. h r.nr., ie , t .: y c SO • M • rnl rl . , Spnl Stn • nrtv

n Cr iig n i:eia weae manage pain • prv life W n pt Cvntrrt lth. a

I I , I f• t PAGE 8A I MA.= E6 I oim• , 200 I o. . o 0 AIACEWS.COM ll Ond °prd fr Ovr $0 Yr 6 OICES SCOO OES AAIC 4 NEWS WIE CASSES AAIWAES Enpn h St NORTH HAMPTON I aiwaes eaig Cee is cuey eo Onr & blhr • Mhl . Cnnll ig o wie casses, wi gea casses aaiae o cie o aious ages Cblhr • Mhl M. Cnnll SS hld nf nht om 4 yeas o oug ig scoo. nnllAhnthlvr.00rn Casses ae eig oa ., e i eaig wiig, awiig, CaioSaca Gnrl Mnr • Elzbth MCln SECIA O 6 ous eEgieeig o eco Ind Sl • Kth Ornd eay, Sais, sciece, keyoaig, a, e Sock Make, suy skis, prdnArn. EEE I e Seacoas ogy Caees. Eig gae su a SA eaaio. Iomaio aou ese casses ca e ou a www. Cnt Edtr & Stff Wrtr • z r Scoo o ecoogy (SS i es ieese i egiig aiwaeseamig.com. aiwaes is ocae a 8 aayee (oue i tlrdAtlnttr. Eee wi o a Ioma eEgieeig as esme o amo. o moe iomaio ca (60 64040. Stff htr • Mrt Cr. r. ASEA, SOA SIG US nnMntnxn,,,, , io ig o e aes o ae aso eigie o ay. rdtnGrph Art • rh lln STRATHAM I e Saam eceaio eame as aouce sues ieese i akig e 200 SS aicaio a egisaios wi e accee o e 200 asea a gis soa Grph Artt • Glnn YOr dttlnt OAdntv. a SS ogam e yea. eaie is iay, Mac 6. ogams. egisaio wi e e o usay, euay a Moay, Cntrbtn Wrtr euay 2 om 608 .m. a e ows Muicia Cee, ocae o Ohn nn • , MCnnll • Gr ttn A iomaioa meeig Aicaios o e yea uke i Aeue i Saa blhd Cndl Cntn C wi ake ace o uesay, ae aaiae a seig ig asea egisaio ees ae as oows: Kiegae oug seco 0 n Strt. Slbr. MA 02 euay a 6:0 .m. i scoo guiace oices a a Mln Addr O x 2, nptn. 084 gae, $ Mios, $60 Maos, $0 a ae u, $60. e egisaio (60 264 I x: (60 264 e ew Cuiay As i e SS mai oice. ee o e Kiegae soa ogam is $2 gae 4, $40 a. gae Off r: Mn 00 . 00 . ig oom. I wi gie aes Aaiae ogams icue 6, $60. A Eee gis ae iie o aiciae wii e Saam Soa Cntt U Aima & a Sciece, Auo ogam. aes may aso egise ei cie y comeig a egisaio Str: dtr0Atnt. o osecie sues a om a sumiig i o e eceaio Oice. egisaio oms ae aai Advrtnt prdtn4lAdrd. oouiy o ou e scoo, moie ecoogies, ioec ae a e sec oice, i e iay o oie a www.wiggiuog. Cecks .Atnt.. ea aou e ecica oogy, uiig Cosucio sou e mae ayae o Saam asea o Saam You Gis So Yr l Sr r Cnt a. o moe iomaio ca (60 2A0. O AEISE ogams, eiew e aica ecoogies, Comue o Clrnn IG tn n. n MISMA0r. Onnt rd dthvd lt h io oceue, a iscuss gammig, Cuiay As, ig SOMEIG O EEYOE A EAE d l hl dn pltln d l rt tx dr Whl Cnn EXETER I Wa o eam oweoi, uy a ome, maage moey o fr 264 O 806088 d r CnnldOdrldt tr ossecoay scoo oios. ia Commuicaios, Eay 0 264, ll rd l n In fr Mnn Inr S Op 264 Cioo Eucaio, ea wok wi waecoos? ees someig o eeyoe a Eee Au Eu .rr M lr n rtrtr t n tprdvl nd n ftrlntnt. h Mr& l Sues ieese i sa caio, ocae a 0 ie See i Eee Cue isigs ae as oows: rr th t rt f thnnd ig a SS ogam e yea Sciece ecoogies, Make "Ioucio o oweoi," Moays, ee weeks egiig Mac E S AMEASEII: O= dl tt rtt :tt n tthr f rn. r pntn th fr Mn ae ecouage o oi ei ig Eucaio, eEgiee ,6:0 .m., $ "eg Sui You Sace," Moays, wo weeks egiig tln th frd t ph. f th dl Of th nn C th d ntb t nt. nd t ig, ecoogy Caees a Mac , 68:0 .m., $ , "ow o uy & iace a ome," Moays, ou MOW th Ctrnnt h rdr d prtvn " aes o is sessio o e weeks egiig Mac , .m., $20 "acig You eas a Emacig ., led y SS icia Magae Weig ecoogies. You Coie Se," Moay, Mac ,68 .m., $0 "Ma Games o a ht t Crv Caaa a Sue Seices e Seacoas Scoo o es," uesay, Mac 0, 80 .m., $ "Moey Maageme A Womas • esecie," usay, Mac 2,:0: .m., $0 "eaig Wi owe ecoogy sees sues Couseo Sam uo. Esseces," usay, Mac ,68 .m., $20 Waecoo Wokso: Sig 1 Tina and Rick Bach, owners • e SS Iomaio om Eig, Eee, Gea ouque," usay, Mac ,6 .m., $2. Sace is imie, ieeg be offering monthly ig ee is aso oe o ay eeaig Cae Scoo, isaio is equie o a casses. Comee egisaio iomaio a beginning Saturday, February 4 aes o mie a uio ewmake, aymo, Sa oe couse seecios ae i e EAE ocue, wic ca e ou a aea Open to members and non- usiesses, iaies, oie a www.sau6.ogau_m, o y caig e ig scoo sues wo o egioa a Wimacu Au Eucaio Oice a (60 84. eus wi o e issue uess Curves' proven method for ae ikig aou aig e ig Scoos. e scoo a couse is cacee. lisrn. ei ig scoo ogam a is located a 40 ie See The 90-minute start SCOO ISIC MEEIGS AE wa o ea aou wa a e o e ome Eee ig SAAM I Wie a ume o scoo isic meeigs ae aeay ecica ogam ca o o Scoo. o moe iomaio ee couce wii SAU6, ee ae si a coue o meeigs sceue em. Aicaios ae ow aou e ae Ioma o ake ace eoe e SAU6 commuiy eas o e os o uesay, Mac 0. I Saam, e ows scoo isic meeig wi e e o i eig accee om a e io ig o aou Caee & ay, Mac 6 a .m. a Saam Memoia Scoo a Gio am oa, gae sues o e yea ecica Eucaio, ca (60 wie ewoo s scoo isic meeig wi e e o Sauay, Mac a om i gae sues 846 o isi Seacoasec. a a.m. a Swasey Cea Scoo Mie oa. o mom iomaio aou ese meeigs, coac e aiciaig scoos a (60 24 ieese i ioecoogy, COM. (Saam o (60 64248 (Swasey, o e AU6 oice a (60 28400.

h Ultt Exprn h • • IOME St COSUAIO rt

4, Ct 4 Shr

htr • l • C • Ad • Eltrn

CtIEd It ECICWIC tttt SOWOOM ftt d ptn ll, 0844 CtInA tltf.f Cld a Alltrrr Mortar OE 60.60.00 A 60.60.0 .ltrnlftl. Time to bid at Lions' auction SECA O e AAC EWS as several specialty tables. see the Red Sox or the Bos- io is oy $9 per person, HAMPTON I If it's Harvey Webber of Webber ton Celtics (and other pro- and includes a bidding February, it's time for Antiques will conduct the fessional sports teams) in number a a hot hors the Hampton Area Lions auction, and he promises action; passes for golf and d'oeuvres buffet excellent Club's annual Winter Auc- to keep the action moving. ski areas; sports memora- prepared by Galley Hatch tion, taking place on Sat- As in past years, local bilia; artwork; firewood; Catering. The doors will urday, February 2 at the merchants (as well as overnight resort stays; a open at 6:30 p.m. for view- Galley Hatch Conference other businesses around selection of dining and ing of the auction items, Center in Hampton. the state) have been very entertainment options; entering silent auction This fun and exciting generous with donations items for the home; and bids, and filling a plate event will feature both live to the auction. Items up much more. with some very tasty food. and silent auctions, as well for bid include tickets to Admission to the auc- A cash bar will be avail- able. SAUAY EEIG As with all Lion fund- raisers, 100 percent of e profits from the event will 240 M :0 6 M 6:0 M :0 8 M 8:0 M :0 0 M 0:0 M :0 2 AM 2:0 be used for charity, mainly GA ou Go: ews ( CS Eeaime o UMS "I Secu CIS A kie ages 48 ous Mygey ews ( (: e (2:0 Mok (CC W4 for sight and hearing pro- (CS oAm (CC ews ig ( ( iy" ( immy ame. (CC "e og oa" (CC Isie grams in the Seacoast area. WC aske Isie ews ( W ege o e Seeke e My aeie, Geys Aaomy "e (:02 iae acice ews ( (: aw & Oe: ouse (AC a Eiio (CC ews Sa "eio" Caie ow oe a Ae" "Eie" (CC (CC Secia icims Ui wies Many funds go back to deserving children in need WCS6 (4:0 u iig ( C Gees ai o aw & Oe: Cimi aw & Oe: Secia aw & Oe A ou ews ( (2 Sauay ig ie Aec (C O ou, (ae (CC ews Maie gam a Ie (CC icims Ui e is muee. (CC Baldwin; Jonas Brothers. (N) in the area who are referred W (4:0 u iig ews ( C Access oywoo aw & Oe: Cimi aw & Oe: Secia aw & Oe A ou ews ( (2 Sauay ig ie Aec to the Lions Club by school (C S ou. (ae (CC ews ( (CC a Ie (CC icims Ui s is muee. (CC Baldwin; Jonas Brothers. (N) nurses.

WUI2 ime imaco: i Que o oua° a os ee Saao Gigae ime aie° aica ie ises To assist with this effort, (UI e Semas cus Uisi Imac Uiisko public support of the auc- iAI.. aske oays ews ( W Eeaime o e My aeie, Geys Aaomy "e (:02 iae acice ews ( (: ege o e awO tion will be helpful and 04 (AC e . ome (CC ews Sa ig ( ( Caie ow oe a Aftr" "Eie" (CC (CC Seeke "eio" SU greatly appreciated. Bring WG2 e is O ouse eay Maseiece Cassic "Sese a Keeig Weig e ica Ce ew icks ea o asic Ask is Ameica uue: A . OO io Ce Ameica Sece eay auas ay aasy Weigs We Uwa Uwae Io Ce Ameica We Uwa scoring bowlers (adult and III G Coo ae Ge So o Se Cu ouse iie ime Coo ouse ouse oey ae Kice iie ime 0 child) as well as the top AE iae oos Wo oke ou (CC . Ma Ma easue u Gea Cuises (CC iae oos Ma Ma fundraiser. 0 A&E ieeio ( Ieeio (CC CSI: Miami (CC CSI: Miami (CC CSI: Miami (CC CS: Miami (CC CSI: Miami (CC CSI: Miami (CC Participants who don't 2 isc Ma s. Wi (CC Ma s. Wi (CC Ma s. Wi (CC Ma s. Wi (CC Ma s. Wi (CC Ma s. Wi (CC Ma s. Wi Ma s. Wi (CC wish to bowl but would cc a IS Sies: So Sies: Sak Moe Maes e S. aeies ay Massace (CC umues, Moosies & ooegges i S. aeies still like to help out are u.i C ea es eas oes & iaas ugga We n Kae o Kae e e ea es eas o Kae o Kae e e invited to mail in a contri- bution or make a pledge AMC (400 w e Goae (2 Maio ea (CC is e Goae, a II (4, Cime ama A acio, oe ua, iae Keao. ea by contacting Greg Gath- U Egage Egage Egage Egage Egage Egage Egage Egage—eso a e ea Wo Wo om Gs o Ges (CC > o— aymo aymo Kig Kig s Someigs Goa Gie (200 ack 4oso. • Mus oe ogs (200 (: • e eec Me (200 ( ers or Marguerite Mathews u: at Pontine, 959 Islington cc— .eie e lIA (I ( (CC Si uk Secia ogIM, IA eekea 200 ASI Sies Comeiio. Sa Sa eeage ( Kee U Kee U Kee U Kee U E ews ( Seies (O Seies ( Sauay ig e e Sou Cesea Kee U IKee U Street, Portsmouth, NH >< E uSg ow o oss ( • Swee ome Aaama (2002 ( (CC ( • e eakU (2008 ( io. aq. u oice ( i aw & Oe SU 03801. For more informa-

u ig ae (200 aso iggs. (CC Ikig Wi oy (20 ( (CC . e icess iaies (200 ( I, e icess iaies (200 ( tion call (603) 436-6660.


60400 6 Ce: 60006 am.aieyEMoes.com • oo akig 2 Maewoo Ae, osmou, 080 www.ewEgaMoes.caam.aey.oe • CeaOus Ond nd prtd e me kow, I ca oie you AILS wi coacs. 4 OCEA OUEA AMO, 0842 $,60,000 200 Strln St ArtWnnr ESIEIA OKEAGE


20 M :0 6 M 6:0 M :0 8 M 8:0 M :0 0 M 0:0 M :0 2 AM 2:0 WS.4 GA a Go: eie eac ews ( 60 Miues (CC e Amaig ace Co Case "Wiess e Ui "e as ews ( Sos im Mc e I C:., aioa oAm (CC 4 ( (CC oecio" ( (CC ai" ( ( (CC ia Cae acie ( WC Wieou (CC ews ( AC Ameicas uies Eeme Makeoe: eseae ouse (:0 oes & Se ews ( (:4 ege o e A e (AC (CC ews ome ieos ome Eiio wies ( (CC es ( (O (CC Seeke "eio" Moies WCS6 Wo o Aeue ews ( C aeie C (CC 0 (200 a Ume. A ma aces accuse ews ( Wacke Sos awO C Sois ( (CC (CC ews os o assassiaig e esie (CC Ou Sas SW w Wo o Aeue ews ( C aeie C (CC 0 (200 a Kime. eis ( Sos (C Sois ( (CC (CC ews ios f assassiaig (CC Ea WUI2 ao e a Uge Meica, Saos s. a os ico as Auees Maa.. aquia a e a Quiê iee Ia ime oicieo U SomMiiaa (E io io Imaco Uiisio i WMU Wieou (CC ews ( AC Ameicas uies Eeme Makeoe: eseae ouse ews ( A e (. AC (CC ews ome ieos ome Eiio wies ( (CC (CC Moies . WG2 Ca i Ameica Ameica uue: A Ameica uue: A aue ( (O Maseiece Cassic "Oie Maseiece Cassic "Oie Ameica Eeiece 8 gg "Commuiy isoy Wi Simo isoy Wi Simo (CC (S wis" ( (a 0 2 wis" (a o 2 (O 0 WENH.11 Uogiae ackess: e ise a a Aiques oasow oa "e Sy ac oa "e ig E Sueaua Si Ieee es Sousage "U. (S o ack oso (a 2 o 2 "aas" ( (CC oy" egy Game" ece "uia, eas" ( eys McGee" I6 aes e Game ew eico "e ay I GoeEye ( (O iece osa. A weeos was ( (CC woMa woa Se a os (CW Chris Caey eoe" ( e ses Age 00 o ussia. (CC Me Me e Ciy I"ae" WSK8 (:00 M ay (2004 CSI: Miami "oce CSI: Y "Seaig CSI: Y "eoes" Mok Someoe ies asie asie CSI: Miam" "ea Wiou a ace OCA OE (I amie oss Ey" (CC ome" (CC ( o ki aaie. (CC "eou" (CC Woma Wakig" (CC MS AIWAES WU2 ai o ai o IAS AS e as ema (200, Aeue Mia SOiO, ia Gae, Sco oey. A s ai o Ce. A ee e ai o gai gam (CC (CC caeoogis a a awma iesigae e Kigs ema. gam Seces Cie gam KIEY Elaine Xenelis (A W.2 2:00 ASCA acig Si Cu ayoa 00. Ameica Simsos Kig o amiy Ameica ews ( (CC ews Seie ouse "oee" Fuller, a potter and the owner a (CC e i Guy ( a ( (CC (CC (CC (FOX)of the Red Door Pottery Studio (ie (I (CC in Kittery, will be featured on yy.0 0s 0s Sim Sim oe Weig Io ewi Sagae SG (CC CSI: Y "eoes" Sim ai ai ai HGTV's show "That's Clever" is Moaa Moaa Moaa Moaa Moaa Moaa Soy Wias Coessios o ama Quee ,isea Suie ie Moaa So ae Coy on Wednesday, February 18 at A Scooyoo 2 iii Cas (2006 ( oices o Owe Wiso. iii Cas (2006 ( oices o Owe Wiso. ome ieos . Osee ee 8 a.m. ICK Cay iCay . ake ake i Cay ism ake eguis ick „ ome Im oe oe amiy amiy ome Im ome im "That's Clever" is a show •, a 0 e 0 00 0 okemo: Giaia a e Sky Waio Sa Sa Kigi Ea. Guy a. Guy eo Sueai Awe that features crafters from all . eae eae eae eae eae eae Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy over the United States with t A clips of their hometown's land- ES ack a ie yso Iiaioa. (ie SoisCee (CC SosCee Secia (ie (CC SosCee (ie ( as marks before the step-by-step c ES2 aske Scoe Womes Coege Gymasics ioke oke oke oke oke oke craftwork is demonstrated. 0 ESC A askea A askea 8 ASa Game, (CC a Someig o oey ( n Someig o oey ( oig igsie (CC o. In December 2006 a director u OS Coioom A eis SA Oe ia. (ie So Sciece Wo oke Coege askea USC a Aioa Sae. Cu W.com and producer for the home and ES eis Coege askea Coege askea o Caoia a Miami. Sos Ouoos Soa e So ai ai garden Hollywood cable televi- sion station came to Elaine's for- C ewsoom aee akaia ewsoom Sae o e Uio ay Kig ie ewsoom _ ugeyews ay Kig ie mer home town Old Saybrook, Ck ai ai ie ouses iaees Wa S Wesmise ouse o Cas Ameica Gee Am. Aiies CT to film her building an alli- u OWS Ameicas ews O O ews Suay O eo ( uckaee ( • Secia og. Gea( a age uckaee ( e Eye ( gator teapot in her studio. The IASC Mee e ess e uaways Caug o Camea Se Saes Saes, Suus Se Saeee Se Saes Saes, Suus crew was there for eight hours,' EC Eeig Eeig Eeig Eeig i I Aimas Eeig ook ews ( ews ( ews ( ews Sos Sos ews oe filming a welcome introduction, ig oe ( (CC Co Eas ig oe (CC Aies s. eao the craftwork inside the studio O 4:4 ie ee o ie a (200 oos Go (2008 ( (CC and Elaine's Cairn terrier play- So MA 4 • isuia (200 (CC (:20 • e Kigom (200 : i I COui ee e You Woma a Kocke U (200 Se ose. (CC oi oi ing soccer in the yard outdoors. 2 SOW 40 ee Wi e oo (:4 i e Gea eaes (200 I. e Wo ( US aa iay US aa e Wo (CC iay To show the sequence of a OO Cakes Cakes U. ecie Caege ( Caege ( U. ecie. Io Ce Ameica Coe U. ecie I the steps for the filming, Elaine CO G G Sowow o Se o Se Cu ouse ouse ouse G Sowow is oey eoa Sages , ouse iouse made five prototypes in various 0 I AE .iae oos iae oos ia Oyssey ia Oyssey Mak & Oiy Mak & 0y Mak & Oiy ia Oyssey stages of the forming. One of I a A&E Eem Ee CSI: Miami (CC CSI: Miami "ega" CSI: Miami (CC CSI: Miami (CC e Soaos (CC e Soaos (CC CSI: Miami (CC the original alligator teapots can be seen locally at the Red Door ISC Suioai ( SuIoe ( Suiomie ( Suioa ( Suioa ( Suiome ( Suiomum ( SuIoma ( cc Pottery Studio, located at 44 a IS Gaga ( Gaga ( Gaga ( o Ko: Seces eeae (CC EaMae Mega isases Ko Sece u Government Street in Kittery. I ic Mysey iagosis eaies Ma eaies Ma eaies Ma oe Soies Iceie We eaies Ma oe Soies After the show is broadcast, (4:00 o 48 S. Ceysack (0 Cey Case. ii_ aig Saes (4 ( o aig Saes (4 ( Caysack the craft demonstration can • AMC ews be viewed at www.hgtv.com M es ace Cew e ea Wo ieCk Iems Coege aasy Iaasy Coege io O ews iaasy iCoege io Ci ("That's Clever" Episode 431). S Someigs • Mus oe ogs (2006 iae ae. • aiue o auc (2006 ( (CC • aiue o auc (2006 (O (CC oces o aue For more information regarding ou • is e ock (6, Acioo See Coey. (CC A i A askea 200 AUSa Gaa. (CC Red Door Pottery, call Elaine E Ceeiy asic Sugey Soies E ews ( ue woo Gis Cesea GisGis at (207) 439-5671 or visit www. USA Mok ( (CC Mok ( (CC, ouse "Auosy" ouse (O aigeai ik:usea (ACSa essiouse "SiG (.sC C s.ycS°(I Me 2 reddoorpottery.com . IE 00 e eMi0 UM MOS (0 ii Spn. (CC r Mue i e ieios (200 (CC i Amy Wies ( Geys Aaomy asie , asie

•.•At & IEAIME

CAEAUIA Wntd O WO I .A Sp ld Ant jlr Wr Gdd $995 .t rt 0 tlA: d A. v Ant llr rd On h t W Ml - d An tr d lrr All Ant, Ant rntr, Orntl K ntn, Chn, Wthrrn,nr, Old Cl, p, ll & Gn, Srd EOY A EE , Cn, Old htrph & b nd Mnrpt UGE COISSA 3 Yr Exprn th r Chttnnd n Ett nd Cntprrllr, nd, Wth, Chr rlt, Al n Gld nd Shr lr f brn th d th Al ntd t b: • • • Strln Slvr ltr, Srv, t vnd th thr (=pn Exld Strd, ld de b h llz, r llttn l rd All n Slvr. nd tht M rh , 200 Crtfd b G Sr:b fAr t Mbr. pbr Ant lr don. SERVATION REQUIRED FOR THIS OFFER l Cll (3 9-111 r (3 934 5545 l+ 1 ,.,1, ", II I OE WM06, l4 .,0: $ Cl,f0.6...00» ll? t SOUTH C110-1 An TAKES WNG PORTSMOUTH I Look- MOAY EEIG ing to do something a little different during these late 5 M 53 M 3 7 M 73 M 3 9 M 93 1 M 13 11 M 113 1 AM 13 winter months? Then take 'Wing while getting out and ( (CC ( h n- n I Mt /lf Wrt CSI M "Wnt t Sh Wth - t t W- about in Portsmouth and (CS (CC dr ( hr Mn W ( Gt ld An" vd ttrn ( Sh supporting one of its oldest ( ( ( AC Wd h hlr ( (CC r t "d ( (1 K- WC-5 (35 Ourches. (AC (CC (CC • (CC Crpt M" ( (CC htln l v (CC South Church, the Uni- ( ( Ch "Ch r- r "ldn " Md "A rn f ( h nht Sh t ht WCS- ( tarian-Universalist Church (C ( (CC (CC th Sbrb" ( ( Intrt" ( (CC (CC Wth n ( located on State Street in ( ( ( Extr ( Ch "Ch r- r "ldn " Md "A rn f ( h nht Sh t ht W-7 Portsmouth, is currently (C (CC (CC (CC (CC th Sbrb" ( ( Intrt" ( (CC (CC Wth n ( sponsoring the Bird House lr Ipt° Mdl Mdlr° nt n n l Snr Crtn Mdl tr r d l WUI-7 Art Project, a fun scavenger UI UnvOn UnlvOn l Cl UnIvIOn UnvOn hunt through the shops and W1AU-9 ( ( ( AC Wd Entrtn- h hlr ( (CC r t "d ( (35 1 K- (AC (CC (CC (CC nt Crpt M" ( (CC htln l v (CC art galleries of Portsmouth all in advance of its annual WG- h r Wth Chrn- Ant dh Arn Exprn Sn Sh h Cr- Chrl ( (S hrr ( (CC l "Wht" ( (CC ( n ( (CC (S (CC Kitchen, Food and Wine Auction taking place on Sat- WE-11 Ot- n h r Wth Wht Mntn h Adrnd (CC Sndt "Sl" Atn Ct t (S l (CC pt hrr ( (CC Mr (CC ( ( (CC ( ( (CC urday, March 28. Scattered at various W1-5 Ard- Srb l l Gp Grl (O On r ll (O ( (CC - Sx nd Evr- rnd Evr- • nd downtown locations are 10 1CW In- (CC G G (CC (CC th Ct nd signature bird houses cre WSK-3 ht 7 Kn f Kn f Whl f prd r hl (O (CC W ht 7 rr rr nd Sth Chr lf & r (I Sh Qn Qn rtn ( ( Sh (CC (CC (CC r (CC ll ated by area craftsmen and WU-1 Qnt p (CC Stv l l E "hr Ar CIS "rnl CIS "Cll f SI- d r- d r- d r- d r- artists which will be sold ln" (CC r r r r on the night of the auction. (A rv d d Anl r" v" (CC W-5 M ( Snfld Spn "Unfthfl" " 7 M - ( (CC Snfld Spn Kn f In the meantime, people O (CC Md (CC ( (M (CC 5M" ( (CC (CC (CC th ll are welcome to stop by and M-5 d d h pl Crt rr Irr Mtr f Illn nd take a look while the bird houses are at their tempo- Mntn IS Mntn dnppd (9 (CC rary homes. Srt-n AM Srt-n Srt-n Srt-n Srt-n Kl Y ( ( Srt-n h 7 Clb (CC The houses span from the ICK Crl ( Sptlr (9 ln Grrd n l l whimsical to the intricate, Kn-ll Kn-ll G G Chn and can be found at City and A llbll llbll n n Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Country, 50 Daniel Street; ES SprtCntr (CC l tbll x t x A&M SprtCntr (CC jI nl N.W. Barrett Gallery, 53 Mar- ket Street; Kennedy Studios ES ASCA (CC rn Intrrpt v Wn Cll tbll —1E( Mx Ct l SCA (CC ESC t Wn Cll tbll r MIS bll 199 Wrld Sr Wh br 1? ll dn A Wrtln Gallery, 31 Market Street; Worldly Goods, 37 Congress OS Wrld r Kn Sprt nht Mnn Wrld r r Sh Sprt Mnn Sprt r Sh nl Street; Robert Lincoln Levy ES t h zz d Sx d Sx d Sx d Sx ES 5 d Sx ES 5 d Sx Sprt d Sx Sprt Otdr rft d Gallery, 136 State Street; J. C ( h Sttn bb nht rn- rr Kn v Andrn Cpr 3 ( (CC rr Kn v Covington Home, corner CC Arn Grd Arn Grd Wtntr f Crd S-Mdff Mrjn In f Crd Deer and High streets; Pis- OWS Glnn ( Spl prt O prt h Oll tr nnt ( On th rd h Oll tr —1 nnt ( cataqua Fine Arts, 23 Ceres Mdd Sh rdbll (CC MSC rdbll (CC 1 Av rdbll (CC Cntdn Mdd Sh Cntdn Street; The Banks Galler , EC v ht In ht I nr CEO ( ( (CC ltdht Itltfht 420 Court Street; Maine-ly New Hampshire, 22 Deer O ( Mrtn Chld Un E th Extr-rrtrIl (19 ht Ar Et Cn tt h rtbr Kd (7 n Stllr pnlll Street; and RiverRun Books, MA (5 Ovr r d d t ( ( nt Mrd fr th (199 ld vr Yr Wn 1C-Ed Cn C Ed 1 (7 hn C (CC nA Mht rt (7 Anln ll h Wrd (CC r US r h Wrd (CC S° ( 20 Congress Street. SOW 44 Visit the galleries and OO Cnt l Mnt Mnt Chlln Unrp Unrp I d nr nr Unrp Unrp shops where the birdhouses G vn Kthn rprt M G Shdn are located and ask a stafi AE Anthn rdn Anthn rdln Anthn rdn Anthn rdn Anthn rdn Anthn rdn Anthn rdn Anthn rdn member at each to stamp A&E rnrl Stt Intrvntn "A" Intrvntn "Mr ntrvntn "Chd" ntrvntn "Chr" r r r r ntrvntn "Chd" a star on the back of a bro- chure that is available at all ISC rt b ( rt b ( rt b ( I 1 W I W Mn v Wld ( rt b ( locations. Completed bro- IS h rdnt h rdnt Mdrn Mrvl lAr r On Stln nln d ( ( (CC Invttn Ar r On th ttl I ttl ttl Ittl ttl ttl n Kt n Kt In & Kt Sn ttl ttl n Kt In Kt chures can be brought to IC the auction, where they will AMC Stnd r d (1993 ( Sn Atn d tt r Mlln llr b (( Clnt Ehvd Ir rt ld (19 Slvtr Stlln be entered into drawing to M rntl tl rntl rntl rntl dr ll •dr l h Ct Idd h Ct dd dr ll win a $125 gift certificate to S nd nd nd rnd Snfld Snfld Ir G I G G GI Snfld Sx & Sx & Ct the Black Trumpet Bistro in & Ordr & Ordr & Ordr Ordr C h Clr ( (CC rt M ( ( Svn Gr (CC h Clr ( Portsmouth. For more infor- El ( d( Str Expn 1h SpEl l lb Grl -I-Clbrt lt Srr Str Chl EI Chl h Sp mation about the scavenger USA C1S ( CIS "Cvr Str" CIS (CC CIS (CC WWE Mnd ht (v (l (5 t Ordr Cl hunt or the auction, call (603) UE Wf Sp (CC Wf Sp (CC Mthr IMthr t b Wf Sp (CC trb ( Wll Wll rr rr 436-4762. • EEAIME SAA demo features watercolors SECIA O E AAK EWS Kiu, a Maie bine to provide unlimited day workshop each month EXETER I The Seacoast aie, as ie o e opportunities for her to in Portsmouth. Artists Association (SAA) ew England coast for paint. The town hall is locat- will have as its featured most of her life. She has Plein air is her favorite ed in downtown Exeter demonstrator am spent her 19 years of paint- form of painting and she near the bandstand; those iscotta artist Jan Kilburn, ing conveying the subtle enjoys teaching others in attending the demonstra- who will do a watercolor raw beauty of our coastal her four different summer tion are asked to use the painting at 6:30 p.m. on environment. The Maine workshops — at Popham elevator located inside the Wednesday, February 18 fishing villages, Monhe- Beach, Monhegan Island, left side door of the build- in the second floor rear gan Island, the historic Pemaquid area and Cape ing. For information about gallery of the Exeter Town .capes with their architec- Cod. She • also teaches on the event or SAA, call (603 Hall. The public is invited tural purity together with Mondays at her gallery on 778-8856. to this meeting. beautiful gardens, all corn- Bristol Road and in a one- EEAIME ,UESAY EEIG . AKE A SI A AO WIIG 20 M :0 6 M 6:0 M :0 8 M 8:0 M :0 0 M 0:0 M :0 2 AM 2:0 PORTSMOUTH I Pontine Wg4 ews ( (CC ews ( Eeig em Eeai CIS "ouce" ( e Meais "Sca (:0 Wou a ace ews ( ae Sow Wi a ae ae Theatre Co-Director, Marguerite (CS (CC ews eie ( me ( (CC e ee" ( "Skeeos" (CC i eema ( Sow Mathews, will offer a six-week WC ews ( ews ( ews ( AC W Isie Coice omea Secuiy Scus Scus imeime: Wa ews ( (: (2:06 immy Kim Baton Twirling Workshop for (AC (CC (CC (CC ews Eiio (CC USA ( ( (CC (CC Wou You o? (CC . igie mei Ue ( ose interested in participating WCS6 ews ( ews ( ews ( C 20 Maga ea o e igges ose Coesas ea o • aw & Oe: Secia ews ( e oig Sow ae ig lfnl parades and other pub- . (C (CC (CC (CC ews ie. o ea wok ou ceaiey. ( (CC icims Ui (CC Wi ay eo ( lic celebrations. W ews ( ews ( ews ( C Access E ( e igges ose Coesas eam o aw & Oe: Secia ews ( e oig Sow ae ig Workshop sessions will be (C (CC (CC (CC ews woo (CC wok ou ceaiey. ( (CC icims Ui (CC Wi ay eo ( conducted on Tuesdays, Febru- WUI2 ime imac° oicias oicieo es oas o a Cuiao co e uego e a Sage Aqui y Aoa oicias oicieo a oa e a isa ary 17 through March 24 from (UI UiisiO UiisO a Cieo Age UiisiO UisiO 5:45-7:15 p.m. at Pontine's West (_, WMU ews ( I6WS ( ews ( AC W Eeai Coice omea Secuiy Scus IScus imeime: Wa ews ( (: (2:06 immy Kim End Studio Theatre (WEST), (.. (AC (CC (CC (CC ews me ISA ( ( (CC (CC Wou You o? (CC igie me Ue ( located at 959 Islington Street in ... WG2 , I e eweou Wi Geae Oe o oa e ou oie "Isie e Seces o e ea Caie ose ( Geae ais Portsmouth. c (S , . I im ee ( (CC oso Oe Wige iosau Meow" ( "oig o Go" (CC oso Smiey e ewsou Wi eig Keeig As ime e ica ack A Oe A (: Goe ekke (2:0 Wie Mou This workshop is designed occ WE , Cuious Sees usiess for adult beginners. No experi- (S ..,., .MiOge Euoe A im ee ( (CC See U Goes y o iey e ous "As & aa am Memoies (CC ence is necessary, but former WI6 Acco Scus amiy amiy woa woa 020 "a Wic iiege ( (CC ews ( (CC Se a Eey ies Eey high school majorettes and (CW igsim (CC Guy Guy Me Me We esoy" (CC e Ciy aymo aymo majors will be especially WSK8 ea o a 0s Kig o Kig o Wee o eoay . i ( (CC W a 0s asie asie uk Sou Cees a & welcome. Youngsters age 8-17 (I o ea Sow Quees Quees oue ( ews ( Sow (CC (CC (CC ak (CC a are welcome when accompa- See amiy amiy oso ega "es oso ega "a oso ega "e ai o ai o I ia ai o WU2 Quaum ea (CC See nied by an adult. (A aey aey eu eu cue Me" (CC i aio" Migy ogues" gam gam gam There is no charge to par- w2 ews ( ews ( IE ( Macom Seie Simeos Ameica Io wee semiiaiss e ews ( (CC. ews Seie Simsos Kig o ticipate but contributions will (O (CC (CC (CC Mi. (CC om. (ie ( (CC (CC (CC e i be happily accepted. For more Ayy..0 eu eu e eoes Cou asie asie See See ieos ieos uk 0s Ceaes EO oe ai information e-mail info@pon- tine.org or call Pontine at (603) M ou ou i — Suie ie Moaa e Ceea Gis (200 Ias_:„ Wias ie e Suie ie Moaa So ae Cosy My Wie 0s ome ieos e 00 Cu (CC Kye Y ( 436-6660. A Gimoe Gis. My Wie 0s ome ieos ome ieos LIVING WAY ESES ICK , ake ake oey 0 ake Soge . , ake ome m I ome im oe oe amiy amiy ome Im ome Im WIE CAROL' OO ,aa==6EE. Kigi Ki i am. Guy am. Guy Cicke Aqua Hillbillies Hillbillies , oga oga Gii Gii Gii Gii Gii ,Gii Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy IAAS MASi PORTSMOUTh I The Living A Way Theater Project will be pre- ES o Ieu SosCee (CC Coege askea Coege askea SoaCee (CC ie ia senting its original 30-minute ES2 ASCA uig o iemi ie ICoege askea Maya a Cemso. A CoasoCoas (ie ( CC ae ASCA as theater piece entitled "A Winter ESC Coege askea: 2 UC a M. Am. Gaiaos oig Aucio ock Am. Gaiaos u iig AWA Wesig Carol': at 12:15 p.m. and again ia OS CuW.com Soies Sos Coege askea: emo a UMC May o 0 Sos Sos Sos esSos ia at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 1 at ES Wm. askea e u uis ockey oso iie a Caoia uicaes. uis Sos . Soig Soe iy ockey the grand opening of the Cen- ter for Community, Culture and C (4:00 e Siuaio oom ou os oig owo ias ay Kig ie Aeso Cooe 60 ( (CC ay Kig ie Change, located at 40 Pleasant CC as Moey ( Ma Moey ( Kuow eo CC eos Micae Eise O e Moey Ma Moey ( as Moey ( Street in Portsmouth. E OWS Ge eck ( Secia eo O eo e Oeiy aco aiy ( O e eco e Oeiy aco aiy ( Directed by Heather Glenn MSC aa (CC 600 a. Ae. aa (CC Couow Maow Sow Couow Maow Sow aa (CC Wixson with original music by EC ews ay Ie ig usiess ig I ie ewag usiess ews ( ews ( (CC aeig aeig ews Joel Glenn Wixson and featur- aiey Maye Eic Moie (200 Ka oos Go (2008 ( (CC EA Sos ig oe (CC Eas eiiey ing a cast made up entirely of IIII O Oak w a, 0 Aocayse ow eu (200, Wa Maio ao. (CC home-schooled kids, "A Winter ,, aE0 Amgy (200 (CC (:40 e Weig aO I Semio (2008 Wi ee. Carol" explores themes of sus- Si SOW f .",!. Caas (: • ee Wi e oo (200 aie US aa e Wo (CC iay iay Siek I You Kow tainability, hope and environ- Coessa Cookig Miue Miue Caege Goo Goo oo Cakes Coe ( Goo Uwa oo Cakes ci OO mental empowerment. co iG iie Kice o Se E U Cu ouse oey oeia ouse ,Usea ouse ouse My Icome oey oeia 0 The piece draws its structure I AE iae oos iae oos iae oos easue u iae oos: Asia iae oos iae oos easue u from "A Christmas Carol" and Co Case ies Co Case ies CSI: Miami (CC ( Mau Mau e eas ( e is 48 ( its theme from Edmund Burke's ( A&E quote, "Nobody made a greater E isc Cas Cas Cas Cas moe mae Aeaie iy os ( Weck. aio Mae Mae Aeaie K aaias (CC Moe lAr Moe Maes Eeme ais EaMae ogue Waes (CC mistake than he who did noth- w o & Kae us 8 Wa o o Wee aceMaie , o Kae o Kae Kis Kis oes & iaas o Kae o Kae Kis Kis ing because he could do only -- TLC little." AMC Seeig w Saui ig ee (OM o aoia. I Cicago (2002 Caeie aaoes. (CC 0 Mysic ie (200 ( Sea ew (CC Based in Kittery, the Living &I aea oom aea eemio om Gs o Ges (CC Ae I om Gs o Ges om Gs o Ges Ae Way offers programs explor- Y S aymo aymo aymo ies SeIe Seie em. Guy em. Guy am. Guy em. Guy Oice Oice 0 Iems Se & Se & Scay ing ideas of cultural sustain- L1J eeage ( ability through the arts. For E Came (CC oes (CC aw & Oe aw & Oe aw & Oe eeage ( (CC oes (CC O r oig MOM E ews eiy 0 is woo Micae ay ue Wwoo Caises E ews Cesea iig i more information visit www. 4 E M Al TheCenter4ccc.org or call (603) USA aw & Oe: SU CIS ( CIS (O ouse "aeiy" ouse (O _ouse ( aw Oe: C aw & Oe: SU 973-2317. lE Wie Swa (CC ea ea Si Si . Si i ea ae • Quee Se (200 iiosiy. IA Wi asie asie S ( E%f < .f . I S EAME Crime Stoppers He soe cime. a 604 o 204 rtth l r ln fr nfrtn n h rpnbl fr thr prt brlr. rt Ct Chrlr FOR THE RAMPTONS d, h Exxn ttn n th t On p nd bn ndr ntrtn n ftt d hv ll oymiy • Rewas bn brn nt thn th lt thr . Pease ca ime oes i you wis o emai aoymous a ae iomaio o 2.222 usoe cimes o ue age acoo aies. "Puig a Pic o ime ou ca aso eae a aoymous i y oggig o o wwwseacoascimesoes.og ptCrlnYh. ou cou e eigie o a cas ewa o u o $,000 i you

iomaio eas o a : .. coicio.

R N RT Kvn WEESAY EEIG Grdnr, thr f h Grnt K, blt ntr tn ll hl pn t 280 M :0 6 M 6:0 M :0 8 M 8:0 M :0 0 M 0:0 M :0 2 AM 2:0 h ptvtd dn t BZ4 News (N ( News (N eig Te eai is ay imia is : N "Te Pays News (N Lae ow i Da Lae Lae th Extr trl St (B ( News ae (N me ie maie "Zoes Reise" (N e" (N ( ( i Leema (N ow n d, brr . V8 News (N News (N News (N B T sie oice Los "Tis Pace s Los "6" ( (HD (:02 Lie o as (N News (N (: (2:06 Jimmy im h n ttndn r bl t prh nd (B ( ( ( News iio ( Dea" ( ( (8 ( ( Nigie me Lie (N p f h b ftr Lae Nig H6 News (N News (N News (N NB 20 aga Dea o ig Rie (N Lie " Hea om" Law & e (HD News (N Te Toig ow th prr (ptrd. (HD ( (N (HD ( ( i Jay Leo (N (NB ( ( ( News ie. No Dea ( td t 4 rnt Strt, HDH News (N News (N News (N NB ccess a (N ig Rie (N Lie " Hea om" Law & e (HD News (N Te Toig aw Lae Nig th Extr trl St (NB ( ( ( News Hwoo ( (HD ( (N (H ( ( ( i Jay Lem (N nnprft rnztn N2 Pime imac° Noias Noicieo Las Toas No Va uao co e Fuego e a age Do Facisco Pe Pime Noieo La Noa e a Rise ddtd t th rrh (N iisi iisi a ieo ge sea imac° iisió nd prrvtn f Extr pt. r r nfrtn News (N News (N News (N B i eai coice Los "Tis Pace is Los "6" (N (HD (2 Lie o ias (N News (N (2:06 Jimmy im R (: ll (60 82 r vt (CC mi Dea" ( ( (N ( ( Nigie me Lie (N AC ( ( News .xtrhtr.n. 0H2 Te NewsHou i eae sk Tis oacy: Te Roya meica ases "Jeome Rois: aie Rose (N eae Tas Atlnt Boso miey • PB .. Ji Lae (N ( Boso Famiy omeig o Dace ou" (N ( ( Crt ht NH . Siees Busiess Te NewsHou i iques Roasow Te ueme ou Te ueme ou Reui Noa "Jugme Day e AE OW MEMOY PB uoe R. ik Lee (N ( "icia" (N ( ( (DV ( (DV ca Pay ige Desig o Tia" LV.6 cco cus Famiy Famiy TwoHa Toiia Piiege " ou 020 "Ta ic News (N ( e a ey Fies ey AE WI AMO gJim ( uy uy e e Toug Loe" e Desoy" ( e iy Raymo Raymo COMMUIY COAE B8 Dea o Ta 0s ig o ig o ee o Jeoay D. Pi (HD ( BZ Ta 0s Fasie Fasie Puk ou ees Ha & AMO I Rev up ND No Dea ow uees uees Foue (N News (N ow ( ( ( Pak ( Hai those engines, slap on the NR2 uaum Lea ( ee Naioa Lamoos uoea Vacaio •• Pae Rie (6 i ieswoo. o osecos Pai Po Pai Po Pai Po Pai Po Brylcreem, and break out the gam gam gam gai ( PX Haey 8 ey ase. Peice. ae aasse y a cou me a. poodle skirts — it's time to w.2 News (N News (N (N acom eie imsos meica o Tee Lie o e "Loe News (N ( News eie imsos ig o wipe out Old Man Winter (FX ( ( ( i. ( iaiss ae cose. ways" (N ( ( ( e Hi with a rousing ride through -, T0 Feu Feu Te Peoes ou Fasie Fasie os Fu e e Puk 0s eaes RN Pai Pai the 50s arid 60s, with per- formances by the Hampton DN e De Lie De o Rae o Rae uie Lie oaa Twices Too (20 ( Lie De uie Lie oaa o Rae Community Chorale. F imoe is y ie y ie 0s a ak Rememe (2002 ae es. ( Home Vieos Te 00 u ( ose ose Two great shows are N iay iay aiy ay ay Dake Home m Home m Loe Loe Famiy Famiy Hoe m Home m planned: The first, on Sat- - . TN a a Pokemo: ieia a e ky aio igHi igHi Fam. uy Fam. uy icke urday, March 7 at 5 p.m. TVLND Hiiies Hiiies Hoga Hoga ii ii osy osy osy osy H.. Reuio • H.. Reuio H.. Reuio includes a full Italian din- — ner at $15 per person, while PN rn IntMt SplCntr (Uv (O A A tbll: M t rnt A tbll: r t Wrrr the second — "High Tea and V PN2 NR Buig Ho ieu NFLLe oege Baskea oege Baskea coe NFL e Fia Solid Gold" — will take place cc 0 PN esig on Sunday, March 8 from 3-5 a. (a FXN mac ay eics ois Toig College Fia p.m. with a $10 admission NN Pai ($8 for Seniors). Both will be mo at the First Congregational NN Lie Church, located at 127 Win- c NB (ND nacunnet Road in Hampton.

i FXN D Come hear Elvis, Deano, NB 600 Pa. e. aow ow Patti Page, Patsy and Roy, Mary Wells and the Platters. NN News Day Lie Rig Busiess Boso Fou. NewsNg Busiess News (N News (N ( LaeNig LaeNig 4 Laugh and cry with friends i HB (4:00 • Foes um ( e isse ai (2008 ( ies s. Peao: Requiem Fis Big Loe ( Lisa Lamaei meica agse and neighbors in the Happy imaum Days Bistro while wandering 0 X _2 H Naioa down Memory Lane. Dine on delicious Italian stuffed shells FD Fay with all the fixings on Satur- HTV Diie ice To e Beyo u House Poey Rae House come House Reoa maig Poeia Poey Rae 0CI: day evening, or enjoy scones X TRVL eme eawoi . Hoes Hamuge . eak Paaise a a a a a a eak Paaise and fellowship on Sunday afternoon. c.D & o ase Fies o ase Fies : iami ( Te Fis 48 (HD Dog Dog Dog em emi Dog Te Fis 48 (HD This yearly fundraiser for as ae ae Te Deoaos D as as as ae ae Te Deoaos (N _yBuses (HD osio oe the Hampton Community HT oe aes meica as ( ( .L4 Chorale has become a sold- TL Jo ae Jo ae a No o ea u ( out event. Tickets are first- come, first-served and can be auay • icago (2002 (HD aeie ZeaJoes. The Grltthr (2, CrIme Drama) Marion Brando, Al Pacirlo. (CC Paea Room Ti Te akig e Ba 4 reserved by telephone, but > i i _ cannot be purchased at the TB Raymo Raymo Raymo Fies aiei eie Paye Paye Paye Paye Paye Paye eiei 0 iems e & e & Iu.i door. Buy early to reserve TNT ame ( Boes ( Law & e a a Tus e (HD ( a seat by calling Maggie at ee ee ee ee News is is esea News esea • is 4> Deiy 0 (603) 929-5666, Rosemarie at Law & e: V N (H N " e Dk" House "aeiy" N "oucae" Law & e V : V (603) 926-4765 or Sammi at F is wa ( Rae iee i . i Ros R.s Liig Poo (2006 ey oe( J.. N N Fasie Fasie (603) 929-0881. EEAIME

IE A — e ae Memoia iay n ptn rntl htd ll USAY ttndd rt h rptn ftrn th r f tdnt /1M9 n rd 68 t ptn M :0 6 M 6:0 M :0 8 M 8:0 M :0 0 M 0:0 M :0 2 AM 2:0 Ad. h h ews ( Eeig e i- Eeai- Suio ocais CSI Cime Scee (1 Eee ou ews ( ae Sow Wi a- ae ae nldd d rtnt (CS(CC ews ee ( me ( ( (CC Iesigaio ( "Mimaa" ( (CC (CC i eema ( Sow f rt thn nldn WC-5 ews ( ews ( ews ( AC Wi Isie Coice Ugy ey ( (O Geys Aaomy ( ( iae acice ( (35 (1 immy Kim- trlr, rthbrd, (AC (CC (CC ICC as Eiio (CC (CC (O "Wa a See" (CC igie me Ue ( pnl, pltrz WCS- ews ( ews ( %WS ( C 7 Maga- ea o My ame IKa e Oice (31 3 E "e egiig ews ( e oig Sow ae ig nd lptr, C (CC (CC (CC ews e o ea is Ea 1 1(1m ( (CC Rock (N) o e E" ( (CC (CC - With Jay Leno (N) th tl rnn fr 1- W-7 oss ( ews ( ews ( C Access Ea ( My ame IKa e Oice (31 3 E "e egiig ews ( e oig Sow ae ig trdtnl lndp 1E1 (C (CC 1(CC (CC ews woo (CC Is Ea ( (CC ock ( o e E" ( (CC (CC Wi ay eo ( t Cb. h ime imac° oicias oiceo as oas o a Cuao co e uego e a Sage a osa e Gua- Was oicieo a os e a ise rtr ll b n dpl t WUI-7 UiisiO Uiisia a Ce° aue UIIsIO UIIse th pbl thrh th nth (UI Age f brr. WMU-9 ews ( ews ( ews ( AC W Eeai- Coice Ugy ey ( (O Geys Aaomy ( ( iae acice ews ( (35 (1 immy Kim- — Atlnt AC (CC (CC (CC ews me (CC (O "Wai a See" (CC igie me ie ( Crt ht WG- e ewsou Wi Geae ask Simo Scemas oug Coss- Ameica Seces o e ea Caie ose ( Geae owe (S im ee ( (CC oso ack Ige (CC (S Sams "Iis Escae" (CC Boston Smiley EEAIME WE-11 Sees usiess e ewiiou Wi aue ( ( aue ( ( oie "Isie e e Aioacks (CC Euoe im ee ( (CC (CC (S (CC (S Meow" ( EE GOSE COCE (S I EWES WI-5 Acco- ( Scus amiy amiy wo/a wo/a Smaiie "Ieiy" Sueaua (O ews ( (CC Se a Eey- ies Eey- (CW Ig-Im CC Guy Guy Me Me ( (CC (CC e Ciy aymo aymo EWIES A free Valen- I WSK-3 ea o a 7s Kig o Kig o Wee o eoay i ( (CC W a 7s asie asie uk Sou Cees a tine's Day gospel concert will be I o ea Sow Quees Quees oue ( ews ( Sow (CC (CC (CC ak (CC ai held on Saturday, February 14 at WU-1 Quaum ea (CC See See Soie (199 Ku usse A soie I a I Soie (199 Ku usse A soie i a ime ie ai o- e Me7 Sow 7 p.m. at the Newfields Commu- (A aey aey uuisic sociey ees is ew ome uuisic sociey ees is ew ome Music gam nity Church, located at 71 Main W-5 ews ( ews ( A ( Macom- Seie Simsos oes "e icess es Kice "1 ews ( (CC ews Seie mesos Kig o _Street in Newfields. Parking will O (CC (CC (CC Mi (CC a e ea" Ces Comee" ( (CC (CC e i be available at the Newfields My-5 eu eu e eoes Cou oe asie » ies Ege (197 -Cisi Goe uk 7s Ceaes EO ai ai town office just half a block east Suie ie Moaa oes (3 ouey Weae Wias ie e Suie ie Moaa So ae of the church. Refreshments will IS ;i1111 ■d" be sold and a freewill offering 1 AGimoe Gis My Wife My Wie • WO Gimoe (199 Aam Sae •• ay Gimoe (199 Aam Sae e 7 Cu (CC Wose? Wose? taken during the concert will ICK SOOe Soo -- ake ake oey 11 ake Soge ake ome m ome Im oe oe amiy amiy ome Im ome im benefit the Seacoast Interfaith OO oy oy oa a oa a Cowe ack_ oa a Kig-i eo am Guy am Guy Cicke Kig-i Hospitality Network. A iiies oga • oga Grffth Grffth Grffth Grffth Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Cosy Under the direction of Cheryl ES o Ieu SosCeie (CC Cll tbll A. (CC Coege askea eams A Ue SosCee (CC ie ia Lynne Stromski, 10 Percent will ES ASCA uig o Ieu Cll tbll eams A (Ue Coege askea eams A (Ue Coege askea provide uplifting gospel music ESC Coege askea 197 I a Wis Am Gaiaos oig Atn ock Am Gaiaos u iig AWA Wrestling 0. for this Valentine's Day concert. co OS es am 5 Aicio Sos oig May Wo oke Ceics Sprt Ceics A askea oso Ceics a Ua zz. The group's purpose is to give ES ES 5 e So Isiga Ouoos Coege askea Maie a U ioi Ouoos -Sos Isiga Sos Ouoos ai ai back 10 percent of their work- week to make their community a C ( e Siuaio oom ou os oig ow-o ias ay Kig Ue Aeso Cooe 3 ( (CC ay Kig ie better place and they do this with CC as Moey ( Ma Moey ( Kuow eo CC eos osiuio O e Moey Ma Moey ( as Moey ( heartfelt, positive music. OWS Ge eck ( Secia eo O eo e Oeiy aco ay ( O e eco e Oeiy aco aiy ( The Seacoast Interfaith Hospi- MSC aa (CC 1 a Ae aa (CC Couow Maow Sow Couow Maow Sow aa (CC tality Network (11-IN) is the local EC ews ay Ue ig usiess ig ie ewsg usiess ews ( ews ( (CC aeig aeig ews ( affiliate of Family Promise, a M O ays o ue Mee e Saas ( ee Moie (7 (CC EA Sos ig Ameica Caouse Makig Co Mee national organization with more ( e Kigom (15 e A o Wa ( (CC ao Kuma Escae Guaaamo I isomia ( A aie (CC aes Se 3 5 MA than 125 Interfaith Hospitality 1SOW ay o A Migy ea (7 Ageia oie is A/K/A ommy Cog (CC Cocaie Cowoys ( US r iay Cay Gis Networks in 38 states and the District of Columbia. The Sea- OO Coessa Cookig Miue Miue Caege Goo Io Ce Ameica Cakes Cakes Goo Uwa Io Ce Ameica coast Ii-IN is a structured program G iie ,Kitchen o Se Cae Cu ouse oey Gee ouse ouse ouse oey oey is oey Gee dedicated to assist and educate AE ftvll (CC Crpt t. e aces Gos Aeues Gos Advntr Ght Advntr zrr d Ght Advntr homeless families by providing AE e is ( The is ( e is ( e is ( e is ( e eas ( (CC h eas ( h rt ( meals, support services and even ISC Cas Cas Cash Cas Mae Mae owSuiWoks ( e e 1easue Ques ( Mae Mae Stffr + a place to sleep. IS os Wos ( Wei Weao Moe Maes Gaga tn. Gaga ( (CC Uewo Cll: eig Gnlnd oso More than 400 volunteers and C o Kae io Kae I Wa o o Wea Sos isases Oeaui ( Strt Cusoms ( e-ogges ( See Cusoms e-ogges (CC 12 area churches in Brentwood, ( so e Goae (197 Mao ao (CC o e Goae a II (197 Cime ama A acio oe ua iae Keao Casio Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, AMC aea oom om Gs o Ges e ea Wo I Makig e a iMakIg e a es ace Cew _es ace Cew Makig e a North Hampton, Portsmouth M ;- aymo 1aymo Iaymo 1Ies Seie Seie ies Irlnd ies ies is asiy ues (1999 ( (CC iSe 1Se -1 and Strth prvd constant Ordr A aikea oso Ceics a Ua a support, compassion and the Came (CC iBones (CC) IA askea Sus a isos ( means towards a new indepen- E Seies _Sexy egas o E ews aiy 1 i ea ege S Ageia es Girls Gis Cesea E . Chl Grl dence. r more information visit USA =NC'S "ikii Wa" CIS (O CIS (O ouse ( ouse "ieiy" u oice ( ew Oe SU Oe C w-ww.sihnnh.org . UE Wife Swa (CC Reba ea Si S Si S _ea ea I e icess iaies (1(1 Wi Will •asie asie AIA11CEWSCOM Via_ 35, No 0 I EUAY 13, 2009 I ArLANmc EWS I AGE 15A, MY VIEW E O rbl n rd? E WEEK that have been selected for "Ultimately it's important for for her nomination hearings. for the embattled incoming appointment to high gov- this administration to send She hasn't provided much new Prez — another situ- ernment positions or have a message that there aren't detail on her memberships . ation has uncovered what been candidates for election two sets of rules. You know, with labor organizations on appears to be unrest or lack to high Congressional seats one for prominent people whom she would be making of trust between Obama besides the Secretary of the and one for ordinary folks decisions. and Congress. Leaders of Treasury who got a "mul- who have to pay their taxes." And we should probably the Legislative Branch have ligan" because he was first When does he plan on send- not forget an old Chicago banned both Vice President. ; MCt in line. ing that message? political buddy of Obama's, Joe Biden and °barna Chief MAIC EWS It appears that the Demo- He is allowing one of those the impeached former Minois of Staff Ralun Emanuel from - COIUIG tr crats might have good rea- -lax cheaters to sit in judg- Governor, Rod 13logojevich, attending weekly Senate/ How interesting to read son to always be calling for .Inent on all taxpayers' money r. the Senate Seat "Salesman du House Caucus meetings. a summary of the 43rd pres- tax increases to be passed in the Treasury Department _Jour." th" - ntnrr l This was a normal ritual with"' ident of the United States in Congress; the money is h seems to be sending • IndftMt? the Republicans when they in last week's edition of the needed to make up for what different,- message to our — Wndr f" -rt t controlled the Congress and Atlantic News, as presented they themselves do not pay, aia-filltire leaders. get these appointments and worked closely with the Bush as a figment of imagination. due to (choose one): (A) Sim- It seriously underminesand elections done in a hurry Administration as reported However, this week we ple error in arithmetic; (B) brings questions about the before any more start to by Tony Blanldey on January will concentrate of informa- simply forgot; (C) been too new President's leadership show up. Speaking of which, 14, 2009 in GOPUSA. tion about the 44th president busy; (D) accountant error; skills, or the weighty lack who knows which other So there appears to be of the United States from (E) thought they could get thereof. close Obama cronies may yet strong evidence of "trouble WHATASWEETHEART—Fall just about any news service away with it due to their - Just look at the cadre of be revealed to havè horrible in paradise" indicating a in love with C, pretty you may have read, except lofty government position. tax avoiders and other mis- truths, such as: Eric Holder definite, probably record of course the New York 10-year-old female white- If that last part were to creant deeds the former and his partiality and favored setting, short time frame of and-chocolate Siamese "Times" and its sister publi- be presented to the public "messiah" wanted to sur- treatment of a gang of FALN the new president's "honey- cations around the country. mix. She is a sweet girl, and as a poll, the betting would round himself with: Dasdile, murderers; Hillary Clinton moon" with Congress. th staff t th NHSPCA Though the new presi- Killefer, Geithfter, and fellow and her missing records saga It wouldn't surprise me to be: All presidential cabinet loves her, but h h bn dent has:Only been in office officers and administration liberal pots Richardson, Ran- while at Rose Law firm and see another presidential task thr t long nd h bn for a 'couple of weeks, the officials, evenly divided gel — and also now we find Whitewater; Leon Panetta, force created to find out if the ptntl tn fr hr n errors and mistakes — and between (A) and (D); every- another one who wants to a totally unqualified paper- Republicans are responsible fl t thrh th as the incumbent phrases body else, unanimously (E). be a Senator, the unfunny work wonk, with absolutely for these "anti-messianic" his actions, "I screwed up" e has to wonder how comedian and tax cheat Al no experience in intelligence transgressions that have sud- dr l ndr n —have been enormous in many more of them are Franken. matters; and Janet Napoli- denly plagued the reverent n ldr rl n h nd their reverberations among already in high govern- And now, there seems tano, viewed as being soft air of the ascension of the lt of lv (nd t lt the suffering American tax- ment positions and sitting to be some problems with on illegal alien immigration 44th leader of the free world of love in rtrn td payers. in elected offices of Congress Obama's pick for Labor when she vetoed a bill auto- — that is, what there will be n rtth Avn n There has been a veri- blessed by not having been Secretary as Hilda Solis is matically turning all immi- left of it. 5trth th 5CA n table parade of Democrat caught or discovered yet? said to perhaps have shown grants into criminals who Jerry MCnnll n b nd f tt lttr blnt tax-cheats and those with Wasn't it our new presi- some unethical behavior in sneaked into the state. rhd b l t lthrrl nd nnd fd fr t suspicions of illegal practices dent who made the statement: her paperwork submitted Then — to top it all off t.nt r dtrtlnt ttn nd dogs. For r n., r b phn t (60 nfrtn r t ll th 2682. h v xprd nl rrntl tn • d nt nrl rflt th dptn vt nhp

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