Education Is Your Most Powerful Weapon: Gaining Understanding from Apsáalooke Knowledge

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Education Is Your Most Powerful Weapon: Gaining Understanding from Apsáalooke Knowledge University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers Graduate School 2020 EDUCATION IS YOUR MOST POWERFUL WEAPON: GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE KNOWLEDGE Salena Ann Beaumont Hill Follow this and additional works at: Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Hill, Salena Ann Beaumont, "EDUCATION IS YOUR MOST POWERFUL WEAPON: GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE KNOWLEDGE" (2020). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 11643. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Running Head: GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE EDUCATION IS YOUR MOST POWERFUL WEAPON: GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE KNOWLEDGE By SALENA ANN BEAUMONT HILL M.A. in Counselor Education, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, 2008 B.S. in Counseling Psychology, University of Great Falls, Great Falls, MT, 1999 Dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision The University of Montana Missoula, MT August 2020 Approved by: Kirsten W. Murray, Ph.D., Chair Department of Counseling John Sommers-Flanagan, Ph.D. Department of Counseling Veronica Johnson, Ed.D. Department of Counseling Janine Pease, D.Ed. Apsáalooke Nation Little Big Horn College Maegan Rides At The Door, Ph.D., LCPC Dakota/Nakoda/Absentee Shawnee National Native Children’s Trauma Center GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE Beaumont Hill, Salena, Ph.D., Summer 2020 Counselor Education and Supervision Abstract Chairperson: Kirsten W. Murray, Ph.D. American Indian college students have many motivating factors for pursuing a higher education. One common theme among American Indian college students is the motivation to give back to their tribal nation. This study explores the expectations of the Apsáalooke (Crow) Nation for college students returning home. An Indigenous Research Methodology with Apsáalooke epistemology is used. Along with tribal practices and protocols, situational analysis was adapted to align with the methodology. The findings include four major elements informing Apsáalooke expectations of returning students: culture and identity, the college student experience, the realities of returning home, and expectations of Apsáalooke students who have obtained a college education. Keywords: Indigenous Research Methodologies, Indigenous methodology, tribal epistemologies, tribal practices and protocols, Apsáalooke, Native American, American Indian, Native American Student, higher education, tribal nation building ii GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE Acknowledgments Words cannot fully express the appreciation I have for the many people who have provided me with encouragement and support throughout my educational journey. I write this to express my admiration of and sincere appreciation to the wonderful people in my life who have helped me achieve this milestone in my educational path. Your encouragement and support throughout my educational journey held me up—and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. Over the years, the many prayers that were offered up by my grandparents and parents on my behalf carried me through. Many others offered encouraging words prayers, stories, shared laughter and even a few tears, and have made all the difference in the world for me. This doctorate has truly taken a village of the highest order. I would like to begin my appreciation by acknowledging Akbaatatdia (He Who Made Everything). Without him, this achievement would not have been possible. I am also thankful for the wishes and prayers of the Greasy Mouth and Ties in the Bundle clans that watch over me and I offer my prayer of gratitude in turn to them. To my family goes my abundant gratitude for your support and understanding throughout these years of my educational pursuits. Thank you for you the patience you showed me after a late night of studying that resulted in a tardy at school for you, too many nights of ordering pizza and eating fast food and being away from our family. A special thank you to my husband, Augustine John Hill, for his endless love and encouragement. Our many conversations about research, education, and culture kept me focused and inspired me to make a difference. His dedication to our family and to me as a student motivated me to keep working, especially at times when I felt overwhelmed. He continued to push me and encourage me to keep working towards my goals. iii GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE The gratitude I have for our children is beyond measure: Alyssa, Sienna, Thea, Trajan and grandson Aiden. Without them, none of this would be worth it! I am grateful to our daughters who made the biggest sacrifice by moving back to Missoula and away from our family in Pryor. They always knew when I needed a kiss on the forehead, a hug, or an encouraging text message. They told me, “Good job, Momma!” more times than I can remember. I am lucky and humbled to be their mom. I can only hope that my struggles also instilled in them a desire to seek to attain their own dreams. Deciding who comes first is one of the hardest things about expressing my gratitude and appreciation to the many people who helped me. My parents deserve the deepest thanks for holding me up and guiding me through life by their unconditional love. My mother taught me so much about being a parent and an educator; through our visiting about teaching and writing, each time I learned new things about why education matters and felt inspired to apply myself to the challenges before me. My dad’s frequent phone calls and messages of encouragement never went unappreciated. The cultural knowledge and lessons he passed on to me from my grandparents gave me confidence and helped me see why the intergenerational approach I took in my research mattered so much. My sisters Athena, Tessa, Nicole, and DyAnna. Angels, all of them--Athena, who always cheers me on and encourages me, Tessa who always steps in and helps me with the girls, and Nicole who gave me that initial push to apply to the doctoral program and followed it up with constant support throughout the program. DyAnna who is always willing to help me with the Apsáalooke language or anything else I need help with. I am thankful for her encouraging words and the knowledge she shares with me. All of my sisters checked on me, prayed for me, and laughed with me. There is nothing that compares to our bond, and I am fortunate to have them by iv GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE my side. Likewise, I thank my brother Ronald who watches over our parents while I chase my goals. His teasing keeps me humble--I am lucky to have such an amazing little brother. My Grandma Deaux who provided me with stories of her family and gave me the gift of knowing my Matzdorf family roots. To my friends. I extend heartfelt thanks for living what true friendship means. Thanks to Dr. Gretchen McCaffery who is more than a writing tutor; she is a writing therapist. The 685 crew, our cohort created space for reflection and learning and I couldn’t have made this journey without them. To Dr. Tim McCleary for sharing cultural knowledge, his Facebook posts kept me grounded in my research. My dear friend and cousin Salisha Old Bull, her friendship, encouragement, and love of coffee warms my heart. My sisterhood: Rachel Smith, Wilena Old Person, Lily Gervais, Shane Sangrey, Twila Old Coyote, and Dr. Ann Douglas without them I may have taken everything too seriously and never laughed. They made sure I never felt alone and always held me up when I thought I couldn’t stand anymore. I am so lucky to have their friendships. To my University of Montana family. The Native American Studies Department, especially Dr. Kathryn Shanley, Dr. Dave Beck, Dr. Richmond Clow, and Dr. Heather Cahoon for your mentorship and teaching me so much about Native American history and policy. Hats off to Dr. Anna-Margaret Goldman, Helen Russette, Dr. Ke Wu, Amy Kinch and the rest of the Willow Team, Eliot and the Social Justice Warriors research team, and Dr. Annie Belcourt for all of the conversations about research, teaching, and social justice. To the Indigenous Research Center at Salish Kootenai College, thank you for providing me with Indigenous Research Methodology (IRM) resources, funding for my research and a visiting scholar position. v GAINING UNDERSTANDING FROM APSÁALOOKE My eternal gratitude goes to my dedicated and professionally committed dissertation committee: Dr. Kirsten Murray, Dissertation Chair for her willingness to learn and embrace IRM and her ability to instill confidence in me and show patience with me as I developed my research skills and her unwavering dedication to me throughout this process. Dr. John Sommers-Flanagan who has been there since day one of my graduate journey and always had great advice; he taught me almost everything I know about counseling. Dr. Veronica Johnson’s warm smile and outstanding teaching philosophy taught me so much by example. Dr. Maegan Rides At The Door who busted the door open, and encouraged me to follow her through it. Last and key to the Indigenous community focus I pursued, Dr. Janine Pease has shown so much dedication to Indian education and the Apsáalooke people. My mentor, colleague, and friend, I learned how to be an educator in part because of her teachings and example. And finally, I cannot forget those who have gone on to the Other Side Camp.
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