Anders Schei Elkem a/s, R&D Center N-4620 VAGSBYGD, Norway

Metallurgical silicon can be purified to extremely high purity.

Present Potential

B ppmw < 1 < 1 p II < 1 < 1 c < 50 ( ?) < 1 Ca < 10 < 10 Al < 10 < 0.1 Other metals < 10 < 0.001

The process consists of several steps: Selection and purification of raw materials, carbothermic reduction of silica, ladle treatment, casting, crushing, leaching and remelting. The leaching step is cru­ cial for high purity, and the obtainable purity is determined during th~ solidification before leaching. The most difficult spe6ifications to fuHil are tbe low contents of boron, and . Boron and phosphorus can be excluded from the raw materials, but the carbo­ thermic reduction will unavoidably saturate the silicon with carbon at high temperature. During cooling carbon will precipitate as silicon carbide crystals, which will be difficult to remove completely.

The cost of this silicon will depend strongly on the scale of production. It is as yet premature to give exact figures, but with a scale of some thousand tons per year, the cost will be only a few times the cost of ordinary metallurgical silicon.


Metallurgical silicon has a purity of In the last fifteen years there has 98-99 per cent. A typical chemical composi­ been a considerable interest in making tion may be the following (weight basis): qualities between ordinary metallurgical silicon and semiconductor silicon. The ex­ Fe 0.1 0.4 per cent pected main application for this silicon Al 0.1 0.4 has been in photovoltaic cells, but also Ca 0. 05 0.20 other applications are interesting. The p 0.002 - 0.010 various applications will request different B 0.001 0.005 specifications, and several qualities are c 0.01 0.10 expected. Some metallurgical silicon is purified This paper will describe a metallurgi­ further through gaseous silicon compounds cal process for production of silicon con­ into a semiconductor grade with contents taining as low as 10 parts per million of lower than parts per billion for most impu­ metallic impurities and potentially even rities. less.


A complete carbothermic route to high The detailed reaction mechanism is, purity silicon is sketched in Figure 1. The however, more complex. The recovery of the smelting step has an overall reaction impurities is high, and one can as a first approximation assume that all the impuri­ Sio + 2 C = Si + 2 CO (1) ties in the raw materials will be recovered 2 in the silicon.

Pure raw materials _...... -----... SMELTING REMELTING [] A PURIFICATION Silicon grains LADLE Ac~ J ! TREATMENT CASTING ILEACHINGI • t CRUSHING w 6b ~ Ingots of desired size Silicon• lumps

Figure 1. Survey of the c·arbothermic route to high purity metallurgical silicon

METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION OF HIGH PURITY SILICON The molten silicon from the smelting The molten silicon is cast and crushed furnace can be purified in the ladle. Sepa­ to lumps, which are leached in acids. If rate impurity phases, as silicates and si­ the silicon contains sufficient (or licon carbide, will partly stick to the li­ other suitable elements) , the lumps will ning of the ladle, and some can be removed disintegrate to millimeter-sized silicon in a filtering step. Impurities (Me) dis­ grains, while most of the impurities are solved in the molten silicon can be at­ dissolved. tacked by a purifying agent (X): In this process the leaching step is Si() + n X = SiXn ( 2) crucial for obtaining down to 10 ppmw con­ tent of the metallic impurities. Alterna­ mMe(alloy) + SiXn = Si(alloy) + mMeXn/m (3) tively one could have started with extreme­ ly pure or purified raw materials, but a This exchange type of reaction limits the smelting furnace operation adding only 10 possibilities of ladle purification to ele­ ppmw metallic impurities, will probably be ments less noble than silicon, that is in rather difficult and more expensive than practice to and calcium. Impor­ leaching. The remainder of the paper will tant impurities like and titanium can­ be a discussion of the leaching step, where not be removed significantly. A thorough the aim is to establish the potential of discussion of the refining of molten sili­ the process. con has recently been given by Tuset (1).


The Elkem leaching process pitates until the alloy is completely soli­ dified at a eutectic or peritectic point. In a technical process Me is replaced by a Elkem has developed a modification of mixture of several elements, corresponding the general leaching process that makes it to a multicomponent phase diagram. The be­ suitable for production of high purity haviour will still be analogous to the sim­ silicon (2-4). The process is a development pler three component system di.3cussed of the Silgrain process, which has been in above, and the type of alloy structure industrial operation in Elkem for several shown in Figure 2 will be formed. A con­ years (5,6). Silicon containing a few per dition for this crystallization sequence is cent calcium is cast, cooled slowly and a sufficiently high calcium content in the then crushed into lumps around 5 cm in leaching alloy. Then all the impurity size. The lumps are 'treated with an aqueous phases will occur within the calcium disi­ mixture of hydrochloric acid with ferric licide phase. chloride and disintegrate giving fairly pure silicon crystals of a size below 2 mm. When the alloy is treated with hydro­ These crystals are then further purified chloric acid and ferric chloride, the cal­ with hydrofluoric acid in combination with cium disilicide reacts and swells. The some oxidizing agent. lumps of calcium-containing silicon break up exposing new surfaces of calcium disili­ cide for attack. This leaves free, fairly Chemical interpretation of the leaching pure silicon crystals and a fine-grained silicon-containing substance that is easily removed by washing. Some small impurity The leaching can be understood from crystals attached to the surface of the the microstructure of the leaching alloy. A silicon grains, are removed by hydrofluoric scanning electron micrograph is shown in acid treatment. Figure 2. Fairly large silicon crystals are separated by the phase calcium disili­ The leaching is based upon the fact cide, CaSi . Other impurities are concen­ that silicon is insoluble in acids, while trated as 2small grains within the calcium the impurity phases are soluble. The inso­ dipsilicide phase. lubility of silicon must have kinetic rea­ sons, since a thermochemical calculation This structure should be expected from indicates that silicon should be readily the phase diagrams of the systems Ca-Si and soluble: Ca-Si-Me (Figure 3). When an alloy A of silicon, calcium and a small amount of a Si + 2 H 0 Si0 (s) + 2 H 2 2 2 third element Me is cooled, fairly pure silicon .crystals are precipitated, and the 6G 0 (298K) -310 kJ composition of the melt changes along the crystallization path AE. At E the phase The impurity phases dissolve irreversibly. calcium disilicide starts precipitating eu­ This is important from a practical point of tectically together with the silicon phase, view, since rather impure chemicals can be and with further cooling more solid preci- used for leaching.


Photograph: A. G. Forwald

Figure 2. Scanning electron micrograph o{ the leaching alloy. Th~ micrograph gives an indication of the chemical composition: The darker a phase, the lower the mean atomic mass. The amounts and compositions of the impurity phases are strongly dependent upon the composition of the leaching alloy. In the present sample compositions close to the following f ormulas were found : FeSi2 , AlSiCa, FeAlSiCa, FeSi(Ti,V).

The leaching treatment will remove only the practical results. The model is based impurities that occur as accessible sepa­ on. the classical theory of solidification rate phases. After leaching, the silicon (8) . This theory is rather crude and cannot will contai n two types of impurities: be expected to give better than an order­ of-magnitude agreement with experiment. o Impurities in solid solution in the During solidification an element Me will be silicon crystals distributed between the silicon crystals o Impurity-containing particles en­ and the melt. This distribution is de­ gulfed in the sili con crystals scri bed fairly well by the equation The trapped impurity particles are separate phases that will occur rather erraticall y k ( 4) in the silicon crystals. The impur ities i n solid solution, in contrast, result from a where c and c are the Me content of solid fairly we l l-defined distribution between and respective\y liquid silicon in contact two phases, and they should be expected to and k is the distribution coefficient. This behave quite regularl y. k i s fair l y constant for low contents of most elements i n silicon . An equilibrium val ue k can in principle be read from the Theoretical e xpectations phase d~agram Me-Si, but the observed value will also depend on the kinetic conditions during solidification. Some examples of k The aim o f this theoretical discussion values are given in Table 1. All thg i s t o establish an ideal model for use as e l ements, except possibly oxygen, have a an indication of the potential of the pro­ distribution coefficient less than 1 , that cess and as a s cale for the evaluation of is , second e l ements will be reiected from

392 META LLU RG ICA L PRO DUCTION OF HIGH PU RITY SILICON ties, the k values are accepted as reason­ able first 0estimates for the most favour­ 1500 able k values that can be expected in in­ oc dustrial solidification of the leaching 1300 alloy. The situation of solidification is vi­ 1100 sualized in Figure 4, where g is to be interpreted as the fraction that is solidi­ 900 fied of the original amount of impure sili­ con melt. The situation shown is similar to 700 the macroscopic unidirectional solidifica­ tion of the Bridgman type. For application 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 to the solidification of the leaching al­ Ca W /o Si loy, one must think of the complete process as going on in cells with one cell for each silicon crystal. Figure 4 then illustrates the process in one cell, and the model describes the overall behaviour of the system as the sum of all cells.


CMe .C CMe = c, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 g 0 Ca W /o Si 1 - Figure 4. Figure 3. Model for the distribution of a The phase diagram for the system Ca­ second element in silicon. si (7) and Ca-Si-Me (Me - an impuri­ ty element, e.g. Fe, Al, Ti). Model No diffusion in solid C'Jmpletely homogeneous liquid Table 1. The distribution equation c/c k is Equilibrium values k of the distri­ valid with constant k 1 bution coefficient f8r some elements in silicon (9). The Me balance then gives for the solidifi­ cation of a fraction dg of the originally molten impure silicon (with an appropriate Me k Me k Me k 0 0 0 choice of unit for c):

3 4 (1-g) (l/k) de (5) All) 2 10- Cu 4 10- 01) 1.4 6 For g = 0: c = kc As 0.3 Fe 8 10- p 0.35 0 10-5 10-5 where c is the Me content of the original­ Au 2 Ge 0.33 s ly molt2n impure silicon. 3 2 B 0.8 Mg 2 10- Sn 2 10- k-1 c = kc (1-g) (6) 0 10-2 10-5 Ta 10-7 c 8 Mn Then the mean concentration c of Me in so­ 6 3 5 lidified silicon is Co 8 10- Na 2 10- Ti 10- 4 Cr 10-5 Ni 10- v 10-5 g c = ! jkc (1-g)k-ldg ( 7) g 0 1) Newer values: k 0. 03 for Al ( 10 ), k 0 0.25 for 0 (ll) The assumptions seem to describe the impu­ rity distribution well for the so-called the crystal and concentrate in the melt. Czochralski and Bridgman growth of silicon These k values have been determined in the crystals, and the equations ( 6) and ( 7) pure syC§tem Me-Si. In the leaching alloy have in fact been used as a basis for a the added calcium will change the condi­ quantitative analytical method (12). Work tions. The situation is rather complicated on dendritic crystal growth has, however, with several effects that can influence the shown that the assumptions are not quite value of k. Considering these uncertain- adequate for all conditions, especially the

INFACON 86 PROCEEDINGS 393 assumption claiming no diffusion in the phase to obtain sufficient disintegration solid has been found to be erroneous (13). and separation of the crystals. For the high purity silicon one will probably pre­ For the leaching process it is reason­ fer an R value as low as 0. 95. Figure 5 able to assume that all the silicon crys­ then shows that c/kc ~ 3 for elements with tallized before the coprecipitation of cal­ k <0.01, that is, 0 for most impurities. cium disilicide is recovered, while the This gives the rule-of-thumb that the mean remainder of the alloy is lost during impurity concentration of the leached leaching. With low Me content, the Ca-Si silicon is three times the concentration of phase diagram describes the amounts of si­ the first silicon to precipitate. The licon crystals fairly well (Figure 3). The removal of an impurity with a high eutectic calcium content is 39 weight per distribution coefficient is modest, as cent, and if the overall calcium content of shown by a calculation for phosphorus and the leaching alloy is x weight per cent, boron: the lever rule gives the recovery R of silicon crystals P: k 0.35, c/co 0.68

R x (1-R) · (39-x) B: k o.80, c/c 0.95 0 R l - 0.0256 x ( 8) For all impurities the concentration in the product is directly proportional to Here the recovery is defined as the concentration in the leaching alloy, as shown by equation (7). The impurity content weight of crystals recovered is relatively insensitive to the value of R R total weight of leaching alloy in the range of practical interest. Thus, if R is increased from 0.9 to 0.99, the For the solidification of the leaching al­ ratio c/~ is less than doubled. There­ loy, R is equal to g in the solidification fore, the0 value of R, and with that the equations (6) and (7) just before the start content of calcium in the leaching alloy, of eutectic crystallization. The mean con­ is chosen mainly with the aim of obtaining centration of the impurity Me can then be the correct crystallization sequence and calculated when the content of calcium is complete disintegration. Also, the moderate known. sensitivity of c/kc to R shows that the purifying effect of' dissolving the outer The impurity content is calculated as layers of the silicon crystals will be the ratio c/kc for several values of k in moderate. However, impurities attached to Figure 5. (Thi~ ratio is chosen as an indi­ the crystal surfaces may justify additional cator of purification because it gives the treatment. mean concentration as a factor times the readily calculable concentration in the first silicon to crystallize). The formulas Experimental results and the graphs demonstrate some important properties of the leaching operation, as discussed below. The impurities should occur at a con­ centration less than ten ppmw in the In practical operation one needs a leached solar silicon. With the available certain amount of the calcium disilicide analytical equipment it was impossible to obtain reliable determinations in this ....L 7 range. Any result less than about 5 ppmw kc 0 could indicate that the true value may be 6 close to zero. Therefore only experiments 5 with a rather impure leaching alloy can 4 give results for the testing of the calcu­ lations of the previous paragraph, and only 3 the most abundant elements, aluminium and iron, can be considered with some certain­ 2 ty.

The results from one experiment are 0 shown in Table 2. The agreement between R measured and calculated values is poor for iron. For aluminium the measured values 0 2 3 -log (1- R) fall within the area of uncertainty of the

I.., I I I I distribution coefficient. A conceivable in­ 30 20 10 5 0.5 w O/o Ca 0.1 terpretation of the high iron content is that most of the iron occurs in inclusions Figure 5. that have been formed by trapping of melt Mean content c of an impurity in sili­ during solidification. This melt, especial­ con crystals. R - recovery of crystals ly towards the end of the solidification, as part of the amount of leaching alloy. will be quite rich in impurities, and even

394 METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION OF HIGH PURITY SILICON Table 2. Table 4. Experimental and calculated results Calculated content of minor from leaching experiments impurities of silicon grains

Impurities, ppmw Impurity content(ppmw)

Fe Al Ca Leaching alloy Product

Leaching alloy 3600 3700 29000 200 ppmw (200000 17/3600) = 944 ppbw Leached product 100 " 472 " Experimental 17 150 200 10 " 47 " Calculated 1 " 5 " 0.1 19 Old k valu~1Table 1 New k value 300 ~.

minute quantities may increase the overall Table 5. impurity content. For the present experi­ Effect of leaching on boron ment it is calculated in Table 3 that an and phosphorus content inclusion content of 850 ppm volume can ex­ plain the total iron content of the sili­ con. An inclusion containing 850 ppm volume Element Before After leaching is rather modest, and the qualitative im­ Sample leach- Experi- Calcu- pression from several micrographs is that ing mental lated this amount of inclusions may well occur in the grains. The contribution of aluminium A B ppmw 0.7 0.7 0.7 from the inclusions should be close to the B 0.8 1. 2 1. 0 content of iron, but this is small compared c 0.8 0.8 0.7 to the amount dissolved in silicon. Thus, D 0.8 0.6 0.8 the content of aluminium has the correct_ E 0.8 0.8 0.7 order of magnitude, and the deviation of F 0.9 1. 0 0.9 the iron content may be explained by the Mean 0.83 0.83 0.79 occurence of inclusions. 'l'herefore it is concluded that the classical theory of so­ lidification gives a fairly good descrip­ A p ppmw 4. 6 0.6 3. 0 tion of the impurity content of the silicon B 3. 0 1.4 2.0 crystals. c 2. 8 1.4 1.8 D 4. 6 1. 0 3. 0 E 4. 6 2. 2 3. 0 Table 3. F 5.5 5.0 6.0 The iron content of leached si­ Mean 5.00 1. 94 3.25 licon interpreted as inclusions.

Leaching alloy 3600 ppmw Fe Fe content of melt at Table 6.

eutectic: c 0 /(l-R) 48000 " Examples of leaching Mean Fe content of inclusions, estimated 20000 " Impurities(ppmw)

Mean Fe content of crystals with inclusions 17 ppmw Fe Fe Al Ca Ti Volume content v of in- cl us ions to explain all the Fe content (20000 v = 17) 850 ppmv High Al ( of Si "" Density of Before leaching 60 5000 11200 10 Fe-containing melt) After " 4 360 500 1 Medium Al Before leaching 70 660 7500 10 The minor elements in the leaching After " 3 50 280 1 alloy, as e.g. titanium, manganese, vanadi­ um and zirconium, will occur with a content Low Al of less than 10 ppmw. From the solidifica­ Before leaching 52 140 11000 10 tion mechanism they are expected to have a After " 2 10 280 1 content proportional to the iron content in

INFACON 86 PROCEEDINGS 395 the inclusions. The overall contents of lated phosphorus removal should not be sur­ these elements are calculated in Table 4. prising, since calcium has a strong affini­ Because of the inclusions it is impossible ty for phosphorus and might influence the to reach the low potential. content of the distribution between the two phases. minor elements. Some additional results are given in The effect of leaching on the content Table 6. The aluminium content is changed of boron and phosphorus is shown in Table by a factor of slightly below 0.1. Accord­ 5. The phosphorus removal seems to be ing to the rule-of-thumb discussed above, slightly better than calculated. That may one should expect a factor 3 k = 0.09 when not be significant, as the range of results the newer value k = 0.03 is used. The re­ is close to the limit of detection of the sults are close to the expectation. analytical method. But a higher than calcu-


Calcium and carbon are added volunta­ rily during the process, but they are impu­ ppmwC rities in the final product and have to be 2000 removed as far as possible. Calcium has a retrograde solubility in silicon with a maximum calcinm content of 100 ppmw ( 14). The mean concentration of calcium dissolved 1500 in the crystal should be less than 100 ppmw, but inclusions can increase this amount strongly. The calcium content may be reduced by remelting the crystals and e.g. 1000 treating the melt with chlorine, maybe to about 10 ppmw. 500 The carbon content is high during pro­ duction in the submerged arc furnace. The silicon is in contact with silicon carbide and to a lesser extent silica at a tempera­ ture around 2000°C. Silicon should there­ 1500 oc 2000 fore be close to saturation at that tempe­ rature. When the silicon is cooled, Figure 6. dissolved carbon precipitates as silicon The solubility of carbon in silicon. carbide. However, many particles are small and will sink slowly in the melt, and (Solubility in liquid silicon from (16), distribution coefficient 0.07 analysis of samples will show a carbon con­ from ( 17)) tent higher than the equilibrium content of the melt at the solidification temperature. The analysis of rapidly cooled samples The molten silicon cools during and should therefore be quite close to the car­ bon solubility at the furnace temperature. after tapping, and the precipitated silicon carbide is partly trapped by the slag nnd at the ladle lining during melt treatment. The solubility of carbon in molten si­ It is difficult to -remove all the precipi­ licon is poorly established experimentally, tated silicon carbide, and the cast silicon as pointed out in a recent review ( 15) . will as a rule contain more carbon than the However, the measurements given the highest value read from the solubility curve at the credibility in this review, indicate a far temperature of the ladle treatment. Accord­ too high carbon solubility to fit with the ing to practical experience, the carbon experience from the carbothermic smelting content may be reduced to some 100 ppmw in of silicon. Silicon tapped directly from the ladle. The solubility of carbon in so­ the submerged arc furnace contains 0. 1 lid silicon near the is 0. 2 weight per cent carbon. This is in around 4 ppmw, and any excess of this value fairly good agreement with the solubility is present as a supersaturated solid solu­ measurements of Scace and Slack (16), re­ tion or as silicon carbide particles in the produced in Figure 6. The experimental solidified leaching alloy. This silicon values in this paper fall well on a carbide will not be removed by the leaching straight line in a log c· versus' l/T dia­ unless the particles are completely sur­ gram, indicating good consistency of the rounded by the calcium disilicide phase. experimental work. Therefore, at present these values are accepted as the most reli­ In the calculation of the recovery of able estimate of carbon solubility. the leaching process it was assumed that silicon was the only solid phase. Because of the precipitation of silicon carbide

396 METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION OF HIGH PURITY SILICON during the entire solidification, this as- amount of carbon is so low that the calcu­ sumption is not strictly true. But the lation is not invalidated.


The leaching seems to be fairly ef fec­ For high-silicon the two ti ve in making a very pure metallurgical main phases are Si and FeSi . Here FeSi is 2 2 silicon. Then it could be asked if the more slowly soluble than the other impurity method can be generalized for other ferro­ phases, and a mixture of Si and Fesi2 can alloys. In principle it is possible if the be purified. Unfor~unately, FeSi has some 2 elements of the final product are concen­ solubility of other elements, and the puri­ trated in separate phases that are much fication by leaching is less efficient than less soluble than the impurity-containing the purification of silicon. Still it may phases. However, this condition is not ful­ be useful for high purity ferrosilicon for filled for most ferroalloys. some special applications.


As shown above it is possible to esti­ Table 7. mate the final purity of the product fairly Anticipated impurity contents of high well from a simple theory of the distribu­ purity silicon produced by leaching tion of the impurities during crystalliza­ tion. Very low impurity contents can be .ob­ tained. In principle the product may be improved further by remelting and releach­ Impurities (ppmw) ing several times. According to the calcu­ lations above, this can give extremely low Elements Present Without Repeated impurity contents. Exceptions are boron, technique inclusions leachings phosphorus and aluminium, which all have unfavourable distribution coefficients, and B 1 1 1 calcium, which is added in each remelting. p 1 1 1 1) In practical operation, however, the re­ Ca 10 10 10_3 melting will add impurities, and a steady Al 10 1 10 state will be reached where addition balan­ Metals ces removal. More work is necessary to eva­ except luate this possibility. Ca and Al 10 10-3 10-6 c 50 (?) 5 1 An important contribution to the over­ all impurity is melt inclusions in the crystals during solidification. The calcu­ 1) Remelting and calcium removal, untreated lated contents of most metals show strong grains would contain 100 ppmw Ca without improvements when the inclusions are avoid­ inclusions. ed. An impurity in a class by itself is calcium, which results from the use of cal­ cium as auxiliary element in each step. In techniques are to be compared. In unidirec­ principle calcium could be left out, at tional solidification at most a few hundred least in the last of repeated leachings, kilograms can be treated in each batch, and but then it would be necessary to grind the the crystallization parameters are very leaching alloy finely. This would compli­ critical. One has to use a rather low cool­ cate the aftertreatment of the leached ing rate to avoid constitutional super­ grains, and small, slowly dissolving impu­ cooling, which will seriously decrease the rity particles would not be washed away efficiency of the.purification. The separa­ easily. tion of the pure and the impure fractions requires time-consuming manual work. For An estimate of the attainable impurity the leaching process, in contrast, even levels is given in Table 7. rather crude cooling gi'!es fairly good leaching results, and both the solidifica­ The purity of the product is deter­ tion and the leaching can be adapted to mined during the solidification. This puri­ large scale automated operation. ty may not be obtained because of poor leaching, but ·the potential for purity is The cost of the silicon will depend set when the alloy is solidified. The strongly on the scale of the production, leaching process is thus really a purif ica­ especially for the carbothermic step. The tion by crystallization with a purifying cost of the leaching alloy will drop rapid­ efficiency similar to the unidirectional ly with the scale up to a few thousand tons solidification technique, and these two per year, and then flatten out. The cost of

INFACON 86 PROCEEDINGS 397 the leaching procedure will be less depen­ cations of the product and the details of dent on the scale. It is premature to give the procedure have been fixed. exact cost information before the specifi-


The author acknowledges the support and Dr. P.S. Ravishankar for informative and valuable advice from several persons in discussions on crystallization, K. Larsen Exxon Research and Engineering Company and for experimental work on submerged arc fur­ in Elkem a/s during a joint project on low nace operation with high purity raw mate­ cost silicon for solar cells. Especially he rials and G. Halvorsen for experimental will mention Dr. L.P. Hunt for extensive data on leaching of calcium-containing si­ work on raw materials, Dr. J.P. Dismukes licon alloys.


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