Willingness to Pay for Revegetating the City of Subiaco's Railway Reserve
Willingness to Pay for Revegetating the City of Subiaco’s Railway Reserve A Choice Experiment to Determine Public Preferences Gunther de Vos a, Marit E. Kragt a* , and Ram Pandit a aSchool of Agricultural and Resource Economics, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia *E-mail address: marit.kragt@uwa.edu.au This work was undertaken to fulfil the requirements for Mr. de Vos’ Master degree in Environmental Science (Environmental Management) at the University of Western Australia. His supervisors were Dr Marit Kragt (UWA) and Dr Ram Pandit (UWA) 25 August 2016 Working Paper 1611 School of Agricultural and Resource Economics http://www.are.uwa.edu.au Citation: de Vos, G., Kragt, M.E. and Pandit, R. (2016) Willingness to Pay for Revegetating the City of Subiaco’s Railway Reserve , Working Paper 1611, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia. © Copyright remains with the authors of this document. i Willingness to Pay for Revegetating the City of Subiaco’s Railway Reserve A Choice Experiment to Determine Public Preferences Gunther de Vos, Marit E. Kragt, and Ram Pandit Abstract Residents of the City of Subiaco (Western Australia) demonstrate a willingness to pay for revegetating the Railway Reserve. The Railway Reserve is the area of land immediately along both sides of the Fremantle Railway Line. The City of Subiaco aims to revegetate all available land in the Reserve with native plants to create a green link between Kings Park, Bold Park and other parks in the area. This study used a choice experiment to determine public preferences and to estimate willingness to pay for different ways of managing the Railway Reserve.
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