Version as of 26 June 2015


GOVERNMENT OF – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015



GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 to improve its efficiency and effectiveness, while ƒ Aboriginal Affairs Cabinet Sub- ensuring the continued and enhanced Committee - The State Government protection of Aboriginal heritage into the prioritised its commitment to Aboriginal future. Affairs through the establishment of the Aboriginal Affairs Cabinet Sub-Committee ƒ South West Native Title Settlement - The (AACSC) in April 2013. The AACSC South West Native Title Settlement is the considers cross agency initiatives and most wide-ranging native title proposal submissions which seek to improve the since the 1992 High Court Mabo decision. effectiveness of Government spending, The WA Government and Noongar reduce duplication and drive better representatives have been negotiating outcomes, coordination and since 2009 and the WA Government’s collaboration in Aboriginal Affairs. offer, which has now been considered and accepted by all six Noongar claimant ƒ Regional Services Reform – In May 2015, groups, will provide the Noongar people the State Government announced major with long-term benefits. Under the reforms to the way services will be package, $600 million will be paid to the provided to Aboriginal communities in Noongar Boodja Trust in instalments over remote areas. The Regional Services 12 years, $120 million will go towards Reform was informed by a review of Noongar administration and programs Aboriginal services in the Roebourne area over 12 years, and up to 320,000 hectares in 2013. The State Government’s reforms from the Crown estate will be transferred will prioritise funding to locations that to the trust in multiple parcels. On 26 provide real economic opportunities and February 2014, the Noongar (Koorah, a safe environment for children. The work Nitja, Boordahwan) (Past, Present, Future) will be carried out by teams who are Recognition Bill 2014, recognising the working on the ground with communities, Noongar people as the Traditional Owners and Aboriginal leaders will play a vital role of the South West, was tabled in in decision and implementation Parliament with bipartisan support. processes. ƒ Aboriginal Community Patrols – The State ƒ Youth Services Reform – In 2013, the Government confirmed its commitment Aboriginal Affairs Cabinet Sub-Committee to Aboriginal community patrols by initiated a review of programs that work allocating funding of $24.413 million over with Aboriginal young people. It showed four years (2014-15 to 2017-18) for 14 that the State Government invested patrols across the State. Patrols provide around $115 million annually into these street-level interventions to assist programs, and that less than 15 per cent Aboriginal people at risk of harm. could demonstrate effectiveness. In May 2015, the State Government announced changes which would see future funding given to well-planned programs with demonstrated effectiveness.

ƒ Aboriginal Heritage - The Aboriginal Heritage Amendment Bill 2014 was introduced into Parliament on 27 November 2014. The aim of the Bill is to make a series of amendments to the


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Clontarf Foundation Academies - In 2014- ƒ Hearson Cove Compound – The ongoing 15, the State Government contributed management of cultural material in the $3.1 million through the Department of Hearson Cove Compound on the Burrup Education and $1.37 million through Peninsula has been a source of concern to Royalties for Regions to the Clontarf Traditional Owners for approximately 30 Foundation. Three new Clontarf years. In order to address these concerns, Foundation Academies in metropolitan the Department of Aboriginal Affairs schools were announced in 2014, taking brought together an Aboriginal Senior the number to 23, of which 15 are in Men’s Working Group, government and country areas. These academies support industry, which resulted in the education, training and employment for development of agreements and Aboriginal students. Since 2008, there has partnerships. The Hearson Cove been a 50 per cent increase in the number Compound remediation project of Aboriginal boys in schools with a commenced mid June 2014 and was Clontarf Academy receiving a WA completed in October 2014 during which Certificate of Education and/or a time approximately 1,720 engraved Certificate II or higher training boulders were relocated to the adjacent qualification. rocky outcrop.

ƒ Aboriginal Recognition Committee - The ƒ Ancestral Remains Repatriation Project – State remains committed to the Since 2014, 11 Ancestral Remains advancement of Aboriginal people in Repatriation projects have been Western Australia and supports the completed. These projects included the recognition of Aboriginal people in the repatriation and reburial of 48 sets of Constitution. A Joint Select Committee on ancestral remains. Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition was established in 2014 to consider and report ƒ Aboriginal Heritage Electronic on the recognition of Aboriginal people in Lodgement – To improve efficiency, the Constitution of Western Australia and processes and client tracking, the State in March 2015 tabled its report that found Government has developed and the Constitution Amendment (Recognition implemented the Aboriginal Heritage of Aboriginal People) Bill 2014 to be free Electronic Lodgement Program. Phase 1 of any adverse legal consequences. This has delivered the following benefits - legislation is expected to be introduced in applicants are able to submit and track the 2015 spring session of Parliament. land use applications online; faster and more efficient application processing; and ƒ Intestate Estates - In August 2013, the alignment of statutory approval systems State Government provided parity for and processes with the Departments of Aboriginal people who die without a valid Mines and Petroleum, Planning and will by repealing Part IV of the Aboriginal Landgate. The digitisation of 35,000 Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 (AAPA Heritage site files in 2014-15 has allowed Act) and bringing them under the same much improved access to heritage scheme of distributing intestate estates as information for all stakeholders. The non-Aboriginal people. continuation of this digitisation process in 2015-16 will result in improved access to Section 18 files and much more timely advice being provided to all users.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Partnership, Acceptance, Learning, profitably in low rainfall conditions and Sharing Program (PALS) - The PALS overcoming disease risk in high rainfall program encourages young Western scenarios. The Grains R&D Entity will Australians to develop projects that leverage industry funds and provide promote and advance reconciliation. The growers with world-class access to continuing success of the PALS program research outcomes and innovations. demonstrates the willingness of young people to embrace reconciliation and ƒ E-Connected Grainbelt - The State cultural awareness. In 2015, 373 schools Government has committed a further $10 submitted 427 project applications – the million over four years to the e-Connected greatest number of schools and projects Grainbelt project, a high-tech project to undertaken since the inception of PALS in create an open data exchange system for 2004. State Government funding was growers that will combine a range of increased to $335,000 in 2014-15 to useful information such as paddock support the increased participation in records, weather forecast and research PALS. outcomes.

AGRICULTURE AND FOOD ƒ Assist beef growers to capitalise on market opportunities – The State ƒ Establish a $20 million State Biosecurity Government has committed $15 million Fund and provide grants to biosecurity from 2014-15 to 2017-18 to ensure beef groups working to help keep Western producers in the north of Western Australia free from pests and disease – Australia can take better advantage of $20 million has been committed from burgeoning markets in Asia and the 2014-15 to 2017-18 to ensure Western Middle East. The project includes a review Australia maintains its enviable of the infrastructure required to support biosecurity reputation and capture a the trade, as well as investing in a ground share of growing international markets. up development of the supply chain to Eleven sub-projects have been identified help producers better meet market including increasing capacity to carry out demands. A major technology pest and disease surveillance, improving demonstration hub will be established the ability to respond to emergency pest near Broome to enhance production and disease outbreaks and trialling of new methods. and innovative technologies. As part of this initiative, $3.2 million over three ƒ Boost sheep markets and support sheep years has been allocated to encourage industry growth – The State Government research into biosecurity. The grants are is investing $10 million (2014-15 to 2018- available to research organisations, and 19) to establish the Sheep Industry producer and community groups, as well Business Innovation project, which aims as State and local government agencies. to build industry growth and cultivate new markets for sheepmeat and live ƒ Boost Grains Research and Development exports in Asia and the Middle East. The to help grain growers capture new project will feature a new sheep business markets - $20 million was committed centre at Katanning that will become a from 2014-15 to 2017-18 to assist farmers hub for sheep researchers. Sheepmeat in boosting productivity and profitability product development, test consignments, through research and development. A boosting industry business skills and new Grains R&D Entity will be established creating a web portal for key industry at Northam to focus on reducing the information will also form part of the impact of frost, growing grain more project.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Complete an upgrade of the State Barrier ƒ Supporting irrigation trials to boost the Fence and close the Yilgarn Gap – In June northern cattle industry - A funding 2013 an upgrade to the State’s 112 year- agreement was signed between the State old barrier fence was completed to better Government and the Mowanjum protect farmland from wild dogs and Aboriginal Corporation for a stand-and- emus. About 820km of the 1206km fence, graze irrigation trial. This forms part of the which stretches from north of Kalbarri to $40 million State Government Royalties east of Ravensthorpe, is now to wild dog for Regions’ Water for Food project in standard. In November 2014, the 170 Derby which will help develop a template kilometre Yilgarn Gap in the fence was for West Kimberley pastoral projects and closed. Both undertakings were part of a bolster the State’s international beef five year, $10.34 million State Barrier trade. Fence project and will assist farmers to increase profitability in the agricultural ATTORNEY GENERAL region. ƒ Establish Commissioner for Victims of ƒ Deliver new saleyard facilities at Crime – Western Australia's first Victims Katanning to meet industry requirements of Crime Commissioner was appointed in - The State Government contributed $17 June 2013. million to build a $25.4 million state of the art saleyard facility, which was officially ƒ Increased funding for Child Witness opened in May 2014 (the Commonwealth Service, Victim Support Service and Government provided $7.42 million and Family Violence Intervention Service – the Shire of Katanning provided $98,000). Committed an additional $3 million in The Katanning Regional Sheep Saleyards, 2013-14 State Budget over four years to which measure 44,000 square metres 2017-18 for services for victims of crime. under roof, is the largest under cover sheep market in the southern ƒ Establish legal services for Aboriginal hemisphere, with capacity to sell up to women in – Committed $600,000 45,000 sheep in a single day. The yards in 2013-14 and a further $1.8 million will deliver best practice occupational from 2014-15 to 2016-17 to establish health and safe and animal welfare. The Legal Aid service to Aboriginal women in opening of the Katanning Regional Sheep Perth who are the victims of domestic Saleyards mark the completion of the violence. The service is now operational. State Government’s $72 million Regional Livestock Saleyard Strategy, which ƒ Increase mandatory sentences for included the Muchea Livestock Centre, serious physical or sexual offences completed in 2010 at a cost of $54 committed during a home invasion to million. 75% of statutory maximum – Legislation passed the Legislative Assembly in March ƒ Support and Enhance Our Natural 2015 and is awaiting debate in the Resources –$24 million over three years Legislative Council. has been provided for the State Natural Resource Management Program, which ƒ Strengthen existing 'three strike' laws to will support projects that enhance a mandatory two years imprisonment Western Australia's natural resources. The for people who break into a person’s Program will cover activities such as soil home, with each aggravated burglary and water quality improvement, weed offence to constitute a 'strike' – management, coastal riverbank Legislation passed the Legislative protection and marine surveys.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Assembly in March 2015 and is awaiting officers to fast-track traffic and impound debate in the Legislative Council. matters, and extend video link technology in major regional centers. The Sunday ƒ Extend mandatory sentencing to include Court initiative commenced on 6 July assaults on Youth Custodial Officers – 2014. The Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No.2) 2013 came into effect on 5 October 2013, ƒ Announced a $2.3 million funding boost which extended mandatory sentencing to to Legal Aid WA - The additional $2.3 include assaults on Youth Custodial million, allocated over the next four years Officers. will allow the organisation to employ an extra four lawyers for its duty lawyer ƒ Amend violence restraining order service, which provides free advice and legislation to better protect women and representation to people who appear on children when seeking protection from a range of non-trial matters in the domestic violence – The Restraining Magistrates Court. Orders Amendment Bill 2013 came into ƒ Mental Health Court Diversion and force on 4 October 2013, allowing for Support Program Pilot - The program violence restraining orders for the has been extended for a further year protection of a child to be enforced with funding of $950,000 provided to the through the Children's and Magistrates Department of the Attorney General for Court jurisdictions. a magistrate and support staff, along with a Legal Aid lawyer. ƒ Review Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996 – Public Submissions ƒ Announced new measures to target closed in December 2014. The State those who default on fines and Government is currently reviewing 50 infringements – The total debt owed to submissions from both the targeted and the Western Australian community is public consultation rounds on the $346 million, and in the 18 months since operation of the Criminal Law (Mentally the enhanced laws have been in Impaired Accused) Act 1996, as well as operation the Fines Enforcement Registry relevant publications such as recent has collected $19 million more than in reports by the New South Wales, the corresponding previous 18 month Victorian and Commonwealth Law Reform period. Commissions in relation to mentally impaired accused. An interim report on ƒ Asked the Law Reform Commission of key issues raised by the submissions was WA to enquire into compensation for submitted for the Attorney General’s those suffering from asbestos-related consideration on 19 May 2015 and on 25 diseases - Among other things, the May the Attorney General provided a Commission will consider whether it verbal response to those issues. The final should be possible to claim additional report of the review with compensation, where victims develop recommendations for reform is expected different or more serious injuries or to be finalised by the end of June 2015. diseases after judgment is given. The Commission will also consider whether ƒ Fund two FTE judicial officers (and there should be a separate head of associated court staff) to sit on Sundays damages, which reflects the commercial and during evenings for fast-track traffic value of a person's lost ability to provide and impoundment matters – Committed free domestic services to others. funding from 2014-15 to 2016-17 to provide an additional two FTE judicial


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ The Perth Magistrates Court became ƒ Opening of regional courthouses – The Australia’s first criminal court to operate State Government has made an entirely from electronic records as part unprecedented investment in justice of a new plan to make Western infrastructure in regional Western Australia’s justice system paper-free - Australia. The Kalgoorlie Courthouse was $10 million to develop the Integrated opened in November 2013 at a cost of Court Management System (ICMS), being $41.7 million, the Kununurra Courthouse trialled since November 2014 at the arrest was opened in October 2014 at a cost of and remand court at the Perth $41.8 million, and the Carnarvon Police Magistrates Court. Following its successful and Justice Complex was opened in April inception, the Integrated Court 2015 at a cost of $52.5 million. Management System was progressively rolled out to all other criminal courtrooms ƒ Significant investment in infrastructure – in the Perth Magistrates Court along with The State Government has made those at Armadale, Midland and Stirling significant investment in court Gardens Magistrates Court. Plans are in infrastructure, with the relocation of place to phase in the electronic court to Department offices and the Supreme all other metropolitan and regional Court (Civil) to the Old Treasury Building magistrates courts by the end of 2015. office tower. Relocation for both fit-outs When finalised this project will save police is scheduled to occur in mid-2016. The and court staff from manually handling State Administrative Tribunal will also be hundreds of thousands of documents relocated within the Cathedral and each year. Treasury Precinct, with the relocation scheduled mid this year. ƒ Introduced Reforms to State Parliament that aim to improve and clarify private CHILD PROTECTION property rights - To ensure landowners are properly compensated when the ƒ Build overnight homelessness shelter for State Government carries out public men in central Perth – Construction has works on their property. commenced on a new homelessness shelter for men who are experiencing ƒ Assisting victims and witnesses to a acute homelessness. This facility, named crime – In June 2015 the State Tom Fisher House, will be situated on Government introduced to Parliament Beaufort Street in Highgate and will changes to the Evidence Act to allow provide up to ten chronically homeless children or mentally impaired witnesses men with overnight accommodation each to provide visually recorded interviews, night and basic support. Construction is sparing them from having to provide expected to be completed in the second evidence in person in court. half of 2015. Pending construction of the new facility, an interim night shelter ƒ Asked the Law Reform Commission of opened in April 2014 in temporary WA to review the Firearms Act 1973 and premises in East Perth and provides provide advice on the licensing and overnight accommodation for up to eight storage of firearms – The Commission men each night. will also examine and provide recommendations on the appropriate ƒ Additional funding for homelessness penalties for firearm offences that are services - The State Government has consistent with other Australian States allocated $18.45 million over four years and Territories. (2013-14 to 2016-17) for services funded under the National Affordable Housing


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Agreement and National Partnership Patrol, the Service is delivering Agreement on Homelessness. diversionary and recreational activities, and case management. ƒ Aboriginal Short Stay Accommodation facilities – The State Government has ƒ Budget Increase - The budget for the established two new short stay Department for Child Protection and accommodation facilities in Kalgoorlie and Family Support has grown from $340.9 Derby. These short stay accommodation million in 2008-09 to $643.2 million in facilities have been designed to cater for 2015-16, an increase of $302.2 million or the temporary movement of visitors from 88.6%. The 2015-16 Budget included remote communities to larger service $171.9 million over the next four years towns and provide both short-term (2015-16 to 2018-19), with an additional accommodation and ancillary support $16.5 million in 2015-16 to address the services for Aboriginal people who would anticipated increase in demand for child ordinarily sleep rough or stay with friends protection and family support services. or relatives in and around Kalgoorlie and Derby. The Kalgoorlie Aboriginal Short ƒ Opening of Oxford Foyer – The Western Stay can accommodate up to 41 people, Australian Government contributed $9.1 and the Derby facility can accommodate million, and Lotterywest $8.2 million, up to 54 people. towards the Oxford Foyer, operated by AnglicareWA, which opened in March x Establish a new family refuge in the 2014. The Foyer provides accommodation Metropolitan area – The 2013-14 State for 98 young people aged between 16-25. Budget allocated $2 million to the Of the available beds 88 are specifically Department of Housing for the for young people who are homeless or at construction of a new five-unit refuge. risk of becoming homeless. A number of The service will offer a combination of five beds are available for young parents and different sized independent units as well 20 per cent of the beds are for those as support and outreach services to leaving care or who have experienced the clients, including those accommodated in child protection system. the units and in the community. Construction of the refuge began in May ƒ Entrypoint Perth - A homeless assessment 2015. and referral service, funded by the Department for Child Protection and x Building and development of a new Family Support, commenced operations replacement facility for the Wooree Miya on 1 February 2014. This referral service Women’s Refuge in the south-east assists people who are homeless or at risk metropolitan region - The proposed new of homelessness to access facility will accommodate up to ten accommodation and support options women and 30 children. A site has been across the Perth metropolitan area. identified, and it is expected to be completed in 2018. COMMERCE

ƒ Provide funding for night and day patrols ƒ Give small retail shops more flexibility in Kununurra – The State Government has to employ staff and expand their provided funding of $356,196 per annum businesses – The Consumer Protection to Save the Children to operate the Legislation Amendment Act 2014 eased Kununurra Night Patrol and Youth Service the criteria for small retail shops so that that supports children and young people up to 25 people can work in a small shop at risk. In addition to providing a Night at any one time and the number of small


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

retail shops that an eligible persons can ƒ Amended the Australian Consumer Law own increased from three to four, came in April 2014 – These changes ban door- into effect in November 2014. to-door salespeople disturbing Western Australian families with unsolicited visits ƒ Provide more balanced unfair dismissal after 6pm on weekdays. laws for small business and modernise Western Australia’s private sector ƒ Deregulated the Western Australian awards – The Labour Relations travel industry and abolished the Travel Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill Compensation Fund (TCF) - An industry- 2012 was tabled in December 2012 as a led voluntary accreditation scheme is now Green Bill. Cabinet has now approved in place, which includes an industry Code amendments to the Bill including of Conduct, complaint handling processes, tightening right of entry laws, which are and which sets standards for good now being drafted. industry practice.

ƒ Simplifying the administration and ƒ Boosted mobile phone and internet complexity of awards for small business, coverage across regional Western with reduced number of up to date Australia - The $39.2 million State awards - The Labour Relations Legislation Government Royalties for Regions- Amendment and Repeal Bill 2012 will also funded Regional Mobile Communications require the Commission to review every Project has increased coverage by more private sector pre-modern State award than 31 per cent. The 2014 State Budget and either replace it with a modern State provided an additional $45 million to award or cancel it. This process is termed provide for a further 85 mobile “award modernisation”. To ensure that telephone towers across the State. the Commission gives due consideration to the appropriate level of penalty rates ƒ Announced reforms to the building of pay when undertaking award approvals process for single residential modernisation, the Bill will be amended housing – These reforms will reduce time to explicitly require the Commission to delays, giving owners and registered review penalty rates of pay in every pre- builders greater certainty that planning modern State award; and when making and building requirements will be met. each modern State award, consider the likely impact of any proposed penalty rate ƒ Passed the Consumer Protection of pay on productivity and on Legislation Amendment Act 2014 – This employment costs for an employer who Act made amendments to nine other is, or would be, covered by the modern Acts, and removed unnecessary State award; and whether any proposed regulation. These included removing the penalty rate of pay will act as a barrier to requirement for lists of licensees to be employment for employees who would be published annually and for various covered by the modern State award. industries to publish licence applications in the newspaper, dispensed with the ƒ Retain district allowances – Committed requirement for motor vehicle repair $54 million in 2013-14 State Budget and businesses to provide planning $173 million from 2014-15 to 2016-17 to certificates when applying for licenses support district allowance payments in and the need to be licensed for specific order to attract and retain public sector classes of repair work. workers in the regions. ƒ Stopped retirement village residents from having to pay unfair recurrent


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

charges once they vacate a retirement grandcarers scheme, has received village - As part of reforms aimed at $100,000 in additional funds to expand its ensuring strong protections are in place range of support services, including for our seniors. respite, an information line and nine support groups across Western Australia. ƒ Industry Facilitation and Support Further support will be considered in light Program - Provided financial support to of the take-up of these services. small and medium businesses to help them increase their competitiveness, ƒ Grandcarers Support Scheme – Allocated productivity and engagement in major $1.774 million additional funding across resource projects via the Industry the forward estimates for the Grandcarers Facilitation and Support Program. Support Scheme.

ƒ Introduced to Parliament new ƒ $691,000 over four years to expand Associations legislation - To better meet School Cadet Program – In the 2013-14 the needs of incorporated associations State Budget the State Government and their members while maintaining an provided funding for Bush Ranger units, important regulatory regime and which teach life skills and a range of responsible accountability mechanisms. practical and social activities, to start at Importantly, the changes have been the Kalumburu Remote Community designed to ensure the regulatory burden School and the Sacred Heart School in is minimised for community groups, and Beagle Bay. River Ranger units will start not-for-profit organisations such as sport next year at Weld Square Primary School, and recreation clubs, societies in Western Coolbinia Primary School, Bassendean Australia. Primary School and Regent College in Victoria Park. COMMUNITY SERVICES ƒ Construction completed on the new ƒ $800,000 for funding to animal shelters – Foodbank WA warehouse - The State Committed $200,000 in 2013-14 State Government contributed more than $12 Budget and $600,000 from million to the Foodbank 2030 project that will enable affordable meals to be 2014-15 to 2016-17 to support animal prepared for thousands of disadvantaged rescue groups and shelters. West Australians each year. $6 million was provided through the Department of ƒ Continue support for community based Local Government and Communities and not-for-profit sector – Funding of $117 $6.29 million through Lotterywest grants. million committed in 2013-14 State

Budget, as the second component of the CORRECTIVE SERVICES $604 million commitment made in the

2011-12 State Budget. The key focus ƒ Legislate for supervision and GPS areas for this funding has been to increase tracking of violent offenders upon the capacity and sustainability of release back into the community – organisations in the not-for-profit sector Introduced and passed amendments to and regional/rural service delivery. the Dangerous Sex Offenders Act in 2013

allowing serious sex offenders to be ƒ $600,000 in additional funding for fitted with GPS devices, enabling the Wanslea Grandcare Program – Wanslea government to monitor their release family services, the community back into the community. organisation administering the


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ The Youth Justice Board (YJB) was the scenes work on the exhibition content established in April 2014 to strengthen is ramping up, with community panels the State Government’s commitment to recently meeting to guide the new steer young people away from crime - museum experience and public The YJB priorities will include developing engagement strategy. innovative strategies focused on crime prevention and diversion, drug and ƒ Culture and Arts in regional WA - alcohol abuse, and alternatives to Commitment of $24 million to support the custody. development of cultural infrastructure and establish more opportunities for the ƒ Officially opened Roebourne Town Work development of culture and arts in Camp - Giving up to 30 minimum-security regional areas of the State. prisoners the chance to develop work and social skills to improve their job ƒ The Giants - The State Government prospects and help them reintegrate into committed $2.1 million to bringing The the community. Giants to Perth as the centrepiece of the Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF) in ƒ Committed an extra $2.6 million to 2015. The event attracted 1.6 million rehabilitation programs that better viewers and contributed economic prepare prisoners for reintegration back stimulus of approximately $34 million for into society - In 2014-15, a total of $31.8 local businesses. The Giants interpreted million was spent on contracted the true story of the little girl in Albany’s rehabilitation programs for juvenile and Breaksea Lighthouse who was the last adult prisoners. human contact for many young troops departing for Gallipoli in 1914; the event ƒ The State Government, through the was an important part of the State’s Department of Corrective Services, and commemoration of the centenary of Fortescue Metals Group have ANZAC. collaborated to deliver a new ‘sentence to jobs’ initiative called the Vocational, ƒ Refurbish Goldfield Arts Centre in Training and Employment Centre Fresh Kalgoorlie-Boulder – Committed $6.2 Start program - The program would million in 2013-14 State Budget over three provide selected minimum-security male years to assist with an upgrade and prisoners from Roebourne Work Camp additional operational funding. with practical skills needed to get rewarding and long-term jobs in the ƒ Continue Outer Fringe Festival and mining industry. deliver to regional locations – Committed $120,000 for the 2014 and 2015 Outer CULTURE AND THE ARTS Fringe Festival, to deliver comedy, dance, cabaret and drama shows in regional ƒ Build a new Western Australian Museum Western Australia. - The Liberal National Government is committed to the development of a new ƒ Boost Regional Touring - The Boost museum in the Perth Cultural Centre. Regional Touring initiative is providing $1 $428 million was approved as part of the million over three years (through 2012-13 Budget. In 2015-16 $32 million of Royalties for Regions) to support small to this will be invested to continue the medium performing arts groups to upgrade of the Collection and Research develop and tour shows specifically for Centre at Welshpool and work on the the regions, increasing the number and facades of the heritage buildings. Behind diversity of touring productions.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Albany Entertainment Centre - The State living in or at risk of entering an aged Government has announced a five-year care facility – Allocated $9 million over commitment to continue to own the four years to provide more age Albany Entertainment Centre until June appropriate accommodation options for 2020. This will see the State Government younger people with disability. Since 1 continue to manage the venue and work July 2014, 16 people have been identified in partnership with the City of Albany to and planning has commenced for their operate the venue to its capacity to new accommodation supports. Nine of ensure maximum accessibility for the local these individuals are under 30 years of community. age.

ƒ Establish Production Attraction Fund to ƒ The State Government’s Western build on the success of Western Australian National Disability Insurance Australia’s film industry – Committed $2 Scheme My Way trial (WA NDIS My Way) million in 2013-14 State Budget over four commenced in the Lower South West on years to ScreenWest Production 1 July 2014 - The Cockburn-Kwinana area attraction program. will join the trial on 1 July 2015. (Election Commitment) ƒ Upgrading equipment at Western Australia’s prime arts and cultural venues - The WA NDIS My Way trial will - Announced $7.8 million to be spent over provide additional resources, supports and services for up to 4,133 four years on upgrading equipment at eligible people, including those with a Western Australia’s prime arts and psychosocial disability; cultural venues, including new lighting, - The Commonwealth Government’s wireless communications and other asset NDIS trial, which is being improvements at His Majesty’s Theatre, implemented by the National the Art Gallery of WA, Perth Concert Hall, Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in State Records Office, WA Museum sites the Perth Hills area commenced on 1 June 2014 and will provide support and the State Library. for up to 4,250 eligible people; and

DISABILITY SERVICES - The State Government has provided an additional $40 million, over two ƒ Abolish cost of ACROD permits for years for the two WA NDIS My Way eligible people – Allocated $3.5 million trials. over four years for free ACROD parking ƒ permits from December 2013, to directly The State’s first purpose-built Disability help over 67,000 Western Australians Justice Centre will open in July 2015 - It with disability who have restricted will be operated by the Disability Services mobility. Commission, and will provide a secure home-like environment in which tailored, ƒ Continue support for community based specialist support will be provided for up not-for-profit sector – Funding of $117 to 10 residents. The residents are people million committed in 2013-14 State with disability held under the Criminal Budget, as the second component of the Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act $604 million commitment made in the 1996, who have been held in custody 2011-12 State Budget. because they were found unfit to plead as the result of an intellectual or cognitive ƒ Establish new supported accommodation disability. options for young people with disability


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Respite centre in Gosnells - As part of an increase access and inclusion in the $11.75 million package for five respite community for people with profound facilities, the new respite Guest House in disability. Changing Places provide an adult Gosnells was completed and opened in sized adjustable change table and a ceiling June 2013. Around 350 families in total hoist to help lift a person. They also have access these five respite centres each year, enough space so a person can be with some people having regular stays. comfortably assisted by two carers or support workers. The State Government ƒ In November 2014 the Premier officially will fund two thirds of each Changing Place opened The Centre for Cerebral Palsy’s and local governments will fund the final (now Ability Centre) $7.1 million third as well as ongoing costs. National Minderoo Rise community lifestyle village Disability Services WA is facilitating the - Constructed with $5.7 million in State involvement of people with disability and Government funding as well as private service providers and community funds. Twenty five people live in these engagement on the project. purpose built houses. ƒ The Government, through the Disability ƒ In March 2015 the Minister for Disability Services Commission, has provided Services officially opened Rocky Bay Inc’s $2,294,000 to VisAbility over the past lifestyle units in Mosman Park – They three years to implement strategies for an were constructed with more than $5 Accessible Information Service - million in State Government funding as VisAbility’s Library provides a wide range well as private funds. These units will be of innovative services to make materials home for 17 people with disability. accessible for people who are blind or vision impaired, or who have a print ƒ In 2014 the Disability Services disability. Commission commenced the transfer of direct accommodation services for ƒ Over the past four years, the State approximately 300 people to the non- Government has contributed $1.6 million government sector - This gives people with to the Motor Industry’s Wheels for Hope disability more choice in selecting initiative - Together with private and accommodation, and is in line with the other funds this initiative has provided principles of the National Disability more than 67 vehicles for individuals in Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Non- wheelchairs and their families, who would government organisations already provide otherwise have had great difficulty over 80 per cent of accommodation attending health and medical services for people with disability in appointments and community activities. Western Australia. Western Australia has a non-government sector which offers ƒ The WA Continence Management and robust, experienced and capable service Support Scheme (CMASS) received a providers with a range of contemporary, one-off $2.5 million funding boost in the dynamic services. 2014–15 Budget - to assist people on the waiting list for funding for continence ƒ The Disability Services Commission has products. This funding enabled 5,000 partnered with the Western Australian people to access the required assistance. Local Government Association (WALGA) to develop a $2 million Changing Places ƒ Fund new executive officer position to Network across metropolitan and regional assist Australian Disability Enterprises to Western Australia - The project will be obtain work contracts from local implemented over the next two years, and government and the private sector –


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Allocated $457,000 in the 2013-14 State o Government Stirling Senior High Budget over four years to fund a new School redevelopment ($63 executive officer position to assist million); Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) to o Pearsall Primary School ($12.5 obtain work contracts from local million); government and the private sector. o Butler College Stage 1 ($51.4 Approximately $21 million in contracts million); was awarded to ADEs between 2012 and o Baldivis College Stage 1 ($44 May 2015. million); o Baynton West Primary School, EDUCATION Karratha ($20.7 million); o Tuart Forest Primary School, East ƒ Record funding for public schools – The Dalyellup ($14.5 million); and 2015-16 State Budget includes a record o West Byford Primary School ($14 allocation of $4.8 billion for public million); education in 2015-16. This is an increase o Exmouth District High School of 47% since 2008-09 and 69% since 2007- upgrade ($15.87 million, including 08. In 2015-16 alone, expenditure will $877,000 from Royalties for increase by $294.4 million or 6.5% on Regions); and 2014-15. Based on projected enrolments, o Rebuilt Esperance Primary School the average spend per full-time ($13 million, including $10 million equivalent student (FTE) is $16,786 in Royalties for Regions), opened for 2015-16, an increase of $600 or 3.7% per students in 2013. student from 2014-15. Western Australian public schools are among the - New and rebuilt schools opened in best resourced in the nation, with higher 2014: per student funding than any other State o Byford Secondary College Stage 1 (Productivity Commission Report on ($35.2 million, including $5.2 Government Services 2015). million for Year 7 build); o John Butler Primary College, ƒ New and improved public school North Butler ($29.5 million); infrastructure – In addition to recurrent o Yanchep Beach Primary School expenditure of $4.8 billion in 2015-16, the ($13.1 million); Government will invest $295.3 million in o Hammond Park Primary School new and improved school infrastructure ($16 million); in 2015-16 and a total of $1.18 billion o Wandina Primary School, across the forward estimates. Between Geraldton ($8 million); 2009 and 2015, the State Government has o Treendale Primary School in opened 28 new primary schools, nine new ($15.5 million) secondary schools and 13 replacement o Lakelands Primary School ($5.2 schools. Between 2016 and 2019, the million, Stage 1, pre-primary and State Government will open an additional kindergarten); and 16 public primary schools and five public o Stage 2 Dalyellup College ($30 secondary schools. million).

ƒ Completed schools - New and rebuilt schools opened in 2015: - New and rebuilt schools opened in o Joseph Banks Secondary College 2013: in Banksia Grove ($48.7 million);


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

o Broome North Primary School were finalised in March 2015 following ($21 million); the February Semester 1 student census. o Golden Bay Primary School in the Final budgets included an additional $46.5 City of Rockingham ($14.25 million that had not been included in million); preliminary budgets. The additional o Tuart Rise Primary School in funding reflected the outcome of the Baldivis ($18.8 million); and finalised student census as well as funds o Mount Lawley Primary School from the model's reserve budget. Around ($11.25 million). 82% of schools received more funding under the new model than they would ƒ School Infrastructure program have, had the model not changed.

- Completion during 2015: ƒ Year 7s in public secondary schools from o Halls Head Community College 2015 – More than 17,000 Year 7 students Stage 2 ($25.9 million); at public schools across the State are part o Baldivis Secondary College Stage 2 of this historic change. The move to (26.3 million); and secondary school gives Year 7 students o Butler College Stage 2 ($32 access to specialist teaching and facilities, million). providing them with the best learning o Applecross Senior High School environment for the challenges of the redevelopment ($56.2 million). new Australian Curriculum. The State Government has invested $229.6 million ƒ Public Private Partnership – As part of the (including $42.6 million through Royalties overall capital works program for new for Regions) to accommodate Year 7 schools, eight public schools are to be students in secondary settings, with 29 designed, built and maintained by a secondary schools receiving additional private company in partnership with the accommodation. $22.4 million has also State Government. This will involve four been invested by the State Government public primary and four public secondary for the Switch program, which was schools under Western Australia’s first designed to increase the supply of Public Private Partnership (PPP) for secondary teachers in WA public schools schools. The four new primary schools and provide retraining for primary will be built in Landsdale East, Alkimos teachers to teach in secondary schools, South West, Baldivis North and Byford and for secondary teachers to teach South West. The new secondary schools additional subjects. are Ellenbrook North Stages one and two, Lakelands stages one and two, Hammond ƒ Changes to the Western Australian Park Stages one and two and Harrisdale Certificate of Education - Major reforms Stage two (Stage one is already under to the Western Australian Certificate of construction). Education (WACE), announced in January 2013, came into effect in 2015. The ƒ New funding model for public schools – A changes require students to achieve an new student-centred funding model was Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank implemented for public schools in 2015. and/or a minimum Certificate II to The new model provides a base amount graduate from school with a WACE in of funding for each student with 2016. Students will also be required to additional funding provided for disability, meet minimum literacy and numeracy Aboriginality, social disadvantage and standards. These changes will ensure that English as a second language. School all students finish school with the skills budgets for 2015 under the new model and knowledge they need to enter the


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

workforce and/or undertake further ƒ Revitalising secondary education - In study. Given the increase in students December 2014, the State expected to undertake Vocational Government announced that Education and Training (VET) programs as would get a new public a result of the WACE reforms, the State Government announced a $17 million secondary school through the funding package for VET in public amalgamation of South Fremantle secondary schools in 2015 (in December Senior High School and Hamilton Hill 2014). This represented a 51 per cent Senior High School. The new school increase on 2014 funding. will be located on the South Fremantle Senior High School site and ƒ Introduce a comprehensive transition is planned to open in 2018. The and development program, giving all existing South Fremantle site will be government schools the opportunity to substantially upgraded and expanded become an Independent Public School – at a cost of about $30 million. The The State Government allocated $18.2 cost will be offset by the sale of the million in the 2013-14 State Budget to Hamilton Hill site. In March 2015, the expand the Independent Public Schools Government announced changes to initiative. 174 schools successfully secondary schooling in Armadale. completed the development program and Armadale Senior High School will became Independent Public Schools in become a leader in the delivery of VET 2015, along with four new schools. From programs for students in the south 2015, 441 schools are IPS, which eastern corridor of Perth. $4.95 represents around 55% of public schools million will be invested for a new and approximately 70% of the total public commercial kitchen, upgraded school student population. In total, the cafeteria, and food and textile State Government has committed $106.2 facilities, and upgrades to selected million over eight years (to 2017-18) to classrooms for allied health services the IPS program. students. At Cecil Andrews High School, an Academic Extension Program will be established for students from Years 7 to 10, with a focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. $4.45 million will be invested for a new building with two multidisciplinary STEM laboratories, lecture space for up to 70 students and preparation areas. The changes will be in place for 2017.

ƒ Committed to contribute $22 million and land to support establishment of a university campus in Midland – In May 2015 the Commonwealth and the State


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Government announced the ƒ Six new Child and Parent Centres to establishment of a new university campus ensure a successful start in life for more in Midland, to be operated by Curtin children – The State Government University. The State Government will provided a further $11.1 million as part of provide $22 million of capital funding to the 2014-15 Budget to establish six new support the establishment of the new Child and Parent Centres on public campus, in conjunction with Curtin primary school sites. The Centres offer University. The State Government will integrated health, education and also provide the land for the campus. The parenting services for babies, young primary focus of the campus will be the children and their parents. This additional establishment of a new medical school to commitment takes the State help address the health workforce needs Government’s total investment in 16 Child of Western Australia. An initial intake of and Parent Centres to $48.7 million 60 medical students is planned for 2017, (capital and operating). All 16 centres are ramping up to 120 (110 domestic and 10 operational, with building projects international) by 2022. The campus will completed for the first 10 Centres in 2014 also be a centre for the delivery of and the remaining six centres to be education and clinical placements for completed by the end of 2015. nursing and allied health students. A priority of the campus will be to service ƒ Increase funding for Curriculum and rural and remote locations with well- Reengagement in Education (CARE) qualified, highly trained health schools – An additional $4 million has professionals. been provided over four years from 2013- 14 to 2016-17 to top up funding for CARE ƒ Increased funding for School Chaplaincy schools. CARE schools provide education Program - The State Government and support to some of Western allocated $2.065 million from 2013-14 to Australia’s most troubled teenagers who 2016-17 for the expansion of the School face significant social and emotional Chaplaincy Program. In total, the State challenges that can severely affect their Government contributes $5.68 million per ability to learn in mainstream schooling. year to YouthCARE to provide chaplaincy services in public schools. In December ƒ Residential College upgrades - $7.6 2014, the State Government agreed to million of Royalties for Regions funding make up a funding shortfall of $1.45 has been provided for upgrades to million following the withdrawal of Narrogin Residential College ($1.4 million, funding by the Commonwealth completed), Merredin Residential College Government for the National School ($3.9 million, completed by July 2015) and Chaplaincy Programme, to allow an Esperance Residential College ($2.3 additional 71 public schools to access an million, completed by Term 4, 2015). In School Chaplain in 2015. This brought $11.5 million of Royalties for Regions the total to 319 public schools receiving funding has been provided for the funding for an In School Chaplain. In April expansion of Broome Residential College 2015, the State Government committed to provide an additional 44 beds, taking an additional $2.7 million in 2015 to fund the total to 116 (for completion by end of a further 179 public schools. This means 2016). that every Western Australian public school that applied for an In School ƒ Hardship provisions for 457 visa tuition Chaplain (500 schools) is receiving funding fee - In November 2014, the State in 2015. Government announced hardship provisions in relation to the public school


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

tuition fee for dependents of 457 Visa ƒ Continue to implement all Keelty holders. The fee was originally set at recommendations following the Perth $4,000 per student, commencing in 2014. Hills and Margaret River bushfires – The The fee was subsequently delayed until Office of Bushfire Risk Management and 2015 and reduced to $2,000 for second the Department of the Premier and and subsequent children. Recognising the Cabinet continue to monitor and potential impact on families with two or implement all Keelty recommendations. more children, the fee was reduced again An additional $32.9 million over four to $4,000 per family in the 2014-15 years has been allocated to the Budget. Families with a combined income Department of Parks and Wildlife to of $75,000 (gross) or less per annum will enhance fire management capacity, and not be required to pay the fee. Families $40 million over four years has been earning more than $75,000 per annum allocated to the Department of Fire and can pay by instalments and may be Emergency Services to mitigate bushfire eligible for a full or partial fee waiver risk. All 55 of the recommendations have where they provide evidence of been acted upon and 44 of those unforeseen changes in their financial recommendations are now part of the circumstances. standard operating environment of Government agencies responsible for EMERGENCY SERVICES emergency management.

ƒ Improve support for career and ƒ The Fire and Emergency Services volunteer firefighters who develop Amendment Bill 2015 – This Bill is prescribed forms of cancer. The State currently before Parliament. It will ensure Government introduced and passed planning schemes across the State include amendments to the Workers’ mandatory provisions for the construction Compensation and Injury Management of new homes in bushfire-prone areas, as Act, delivering greater access to workers’ identified in the Building Code of Australia compensation entitlements for career fire and the Australian Standards AS3959. fighters who contract certain cancers, Building standards will apply from May with $1.5 million allocated from 2014-15 2016 to new homes built in areas to 2016-17. identified by the State or local government as bushfire-prone, or if the ƒ Compensation - Legislation is currently house is located within 100 metres of one being drafted that will provide hectare or more of bushland. compensation to current and former volunteer firefighters, the Department of ƒ Southwest Capes Enhanced Service Parks and Wildlife firefighters and former Delivery - The State Government invested Department of Fire and Emergency $7 million to improve firefighting Services firefighters who contract a capability in the South West region with prescribed cancer. extra fire trucks, improved response arrangements, specialised training and ƒ A Volunteer Hardship Assistance Scheme extra crew protection systems and was announced which provides upgrades to five volunteer fire stations. emergency service volunteers with the opportunity to seek financial assistance ƒ Purchase emergency rescue helicopter during times of hardship – The State for the South West to be based at Government has supported the Scheme Bunbury Airport – Committed $15.3 with a one-off payment of $1 million. million in 2013-14 State Budget over four years for the construction of a hangar,


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

crew accommodation and office facility, facilities being opened by the State together with operating costs for a new Government. South West Emergency Rescue Helicopter Service. The provision of a second ƒ Opened the $2 million Fire and Emergency Rescue Helicopter Service in Emergency Services Simulation Training the South-West will lead to an improved Centre (SIMCEN) in Belmont in April 2014 emergency response and greater - SIMCEN uses the latest audiovisual community resilience to emergency technology to simulate real life incidents. The State Government will emergencies, allowing career and continue to improve fire and emergency volunteer personnel to gain valuable response, and provide the best possible experience in incident management. protection for the Western Australian community. ƒ Invested $20.3 million for a new fire and rescue station to be built to the west of ƒ Committed $700,000 for Exmouth the Perth CBD to meet the needs of the Marine Rescue Facility - Funds were growing city – A site has been identified committed in 2013-14 State Budget for with the State Government now the construction of a facility at the conducting due diligence before Exmouth Small Boat Harbour housing a progressing with construction. training centre, offices and rescue boats operated by the Exmouth Volunteer ƒ Opened the new $2 million volunteer fire Marine Sea Rescue Group. The facility was and rescue station in Geraldton in opened in December 2014. November 2014, improving the capability of local emergency services in the State’s ƒ Improve fire crew safety equipment – Mid-West - Emergency services in the Committed $12.3 million in the 2013-14 Mid-West and Gascoyne regions have State Budget over four years to provide been strengthened further with the extra protective equipment in 667 commissioning of a new $710,000 firefighting vehicles that operate in high Incident Control Vehicle (ICV). risk bushfire areas to improve firefighter survivability in bushfire burn over and ENERGY entrapment situations. The delivery of fire blankets has been completed and all ƒ Continue funding State Underground appliances are currently being fitted out Power Program – Committed $20 million with heat shields, radiant heat curtains per annum from 2015-16 to 2018-19 and heat lagging. towards the State Underground Power Program which since 1996, has invested ƒ Opened the $5.3 million fire station in $375 million in 81 projects to bury the the north-eastern suburb of Kiara In July electricity connection for more than 2013 – This station serves as a base for 82,000 households. ‘strike teams’ in the event of fire emergencies in the Perth hills and across ƒ Continue to support development of the metropolitan area. renewable energy technologies – Supported the Renewable Energy ƒ Opened the new Butler Fire Station - a Technology Challenge, a joint initiative $7.5million facility meeting the needs of between the Department of Commerce, Perth’s developing northern corridor - Pilbara Development Commission and This is an addition to an ever-expanding Horizon Power, with innovations network of first class emergency services potentially leading to greater use of


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renewable energy throughout Western infrastructure in the Pilbara region to Australia. drive efficient planning, investment, construction and use of electricity ƒ Introduce necessary market reforms and infrastructure in the Pilbara. refinements to improve capacity of wholesale electricity market to manage ƒ Announced a renegotiated agreement impact of intermittent generation and between Synergy and Premier Coal that potentially reduce electricity costs – In secures the State’s future coal March 2014, the State Government requirements, stabilise the industry in undertook a review of the design of the the Collie basin and protect jobs central electricity market to create a market that to the future of the region’s economy. reduces taxpayer risk and upward pressure on electricity prices. Since the ENVIRONMENT launch of Phase Two, the Steering Committee has commenced planning for ƒ Extra $20 million for prescribed burning the 11 reform projects that form the in the South West - An additional $20 Electricity Market Review. million over four years as part of the 2015-16 State Budget will help meet the x Delivered on the promise to drive challenge of prescribed burning in forest efficiencies in the electricity market with areas and lands managed by Parks and new Synergy delivering $971million in Wildlife, to reduce the bushfire risk in our merger related savings to the State South West. An initial $3.5 million will be Budget. made available in 2015-16. These funds are in addition to Parks and Wildlife’s ƒ Officially opened a $76 million, 18 prescribed burning budget of $10 million megawatt power station at Carnarvon – a year. This new power station brings increased power reliability to the network, even in ƒ Establish a new Headquarters for Parks extreme weather conditions, and a and Wildlife in Bunbury - $18 million capacity to be scaled for regional growth. committed over 3 years as part of the 2015-16 State Budget. The project ƒ Announced an additional $75 million in includes a $1.3 million investment in funding from Royalties for Regions for 2015-16 to complete site investigations phase two of the Pilbara Underground and produce detailed concept plans. Power Project - Leading to meaningful increases in network safety and reliability ƒ Mitchell Plateau alumina State for the people of the Pilbara and resulting Agreement terminated in 2015 - The in a total forecast investment of $230 Mitchell Plateau will be included in a new million in the Pilbara’s electricity network. Kimberley National Park. The termination of this State Agreement will allow more ƒ Announced Canadian-based energy that 1750,000 hectares of land on the company TransAlta Corporation Mitchell Plateau to be included in the new (Australia) will fund, design, build and national park, which will extend over operate a 150 megawatt power station more than two million hectares and will at South Hedland to meet future Pilbara be surrounded on its coastal boundaries electricity demand for the next 25 years. by new marine parks.

ƒ Established a project team for the ƒ World First poison bait for cats approved development of a new model for the for use in WA - Scientific breakthrough for operation of, and access to, electricity feral cat control with the approval of


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Eradicat feral cat bait for predator control upgrading accommodation at other across the State. Developed through Parks campgrounds in 16 national parks and and Wildlife, this new bait will reserves. This commitment builds on $60 complement the existing feral fox baiting million already provided by the Liberal program through the State Government’s National Government to improve facilities Western Shield program. Populations of in parks since 2008. at least 53 threatened mammals, birds and reptiles remain in Western Shield ƒ Road upgrade for Kalbarri National Park - baited sites. Fox numbers have been $7.7 million provided for sealing of road reduced by at least 55% in baited areas within the Park, opened in April 2014. across the South West.

ƒ $1.75 million for upgrades at Hamersley ƒ New Department of Parks and Wildlife Gorge in Karijini National Park - Officially and Department of Environment opened in April 2014 works including Regulation established on 1 July 2013 - upgrade of public creation facilities and The Department of Parks and Wildlife roads. manages more than 28.5 million hectares in parks and reserves that attract over 16 million visits a year. The Department of ƒ $40 million Fitzgerald River National Park Environment Regulation licenses more improvements - Officially opened in June than 900 industrial premises. 2014. Works included the major upgrade of road access, camping facilities, ƒ Kimberley Science and Conservation recreational sites and walking trails. Strategy - The Kimberley Science and Approximately $30 million has been spent Conservation Strategy is a bold vision for on road improvements with 40km of road the Kimberley’s reconstructed and sealed and a further long-term conservation with an 40km of gravel roads upgraded. investment of $81.5 million for its implementation. The Government has ƒ $2.7 million visitor facilities opened at already made significant progress in Mount Frankland National Park and implementing the Strategy by creating the Coalmine beach - In October 2013, new Camden Sound and Eighty Mile Beach lookout, upgraded paths, toilets, picnic marine parks, upgrading facilities in many areas and information shelters opened at of the Kimberley’s most visited parks, Caldyanup Jinnung wilderness lookout developing partnerships with non- and access improvement made to government environmental organisations Walpole and Nornalup Inlets near and pastoral lessees and providing Walpole. Aboriginal employment opportunities through joint management arrangements ƒ New facilities for Yellagonga Regional with traditional owners. Park - This $150,000 initiative will provide seating and picnic tables. ƒ Parks for People: new campgrounds - Work continues on the upgrading of camp ƒ Updated Cane Toad Strategy - Released and caravan sites as part of the State in June 2014. The focus of the updated Government’s Parks for People initiative strategy over the next five years is on to provide more low-cost, high-quality preventing the establishment of new holiday options in national parks and satellite populations and managing the reserves for families to experience. This impact of cane toads on native wildlife. $21.05 million initiative is delivering 450 new camp and caravan sites and


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Cat Barrier fence for Dirk Hartog Island - of seeds, plants and specimens, and the Completed construction of a $380,000 Cat development of joint programs that build Barrier fence on Dirk Hartog Island and on shared interests and research undertook cat baiting on the northern strengths. portion of the island that gave a 93 per cent reduction in feral cat abundance. The ƒ 10 Year Plan for Leeuwin Naturaliste eradication of cats will allow the Capes - The plan was released in January reintroduction of 10 of the 13 native 2015 and guides the overall management terrestrial mammals once present on the of six national parks and eight nature island and contribute significantly to the reserves as well as parts of State forest long-term conservation of threatened and other small reserves cover over species. 37,000 hectares. ƒ New Forest Management Plan 2014-23 released - A new framework to manage ƒ 10 Year Plan for Pilbara Islands released our South West forests for the next in February 2015 - Conservation guide for decade was released on 6 December Barrow, Boodie, Double and Middle 2013. The new plan incorporates a Islands. The plan covers around 24,000 number of management activities to hectares and 23 threatened species. ensure biodiversity and water catchments are protected, while at the same time ƒ Swan River Trust amalgamation into allowing for recreation and a sustainable Parks and Wildlife – From 1 July 2015 the native forest products industry. The new Swan River Trust and the Department of plan became operational on 1 January Parks and Wildlife will be joined. 2014. Amalgamation will strengthen management of Western Australia’s ƒ Upgrades to Parks and Wildlife Fire truck environment and riverparks. fleet - Installation of radiant heat shield curtains, protective lagging of all critical ƒ Emergency phone system installed at wiring and replacement of plastic Kalbarri National Park in January 2015 - components and water spray protection The installation of a new satellite system on over 100 front line fire trucks. telephone which connects to 000 emergency services has been installed at ƒ Sister National Park with China - Forged The Loop visitor site to improve response Western Australia’s first sister park times for medical emergencies in the relationship in November 2014 between Murchison Gorge area. China’s Danxiashan National Park and WA’s Purnululu National Park, which are ƒ $3 million for Riverbank Projects on the both World Heritage-listed. The newly Swan and Canning Rivers - As part of signed agreement between the State 2014-15 State Budget, $3 million allocated Government and the People’s Republic of to improve the accessibility and safety of China will help forge strong relationships our Swan and Canning Rivers foreshores. in tourism, park management and plant The funding will be used to replace conservation research. damaged and ageing riverwalls and stabilising eroded foreshores in ƒ MOU signed between Parks and Wildlife Bayswater, South Perth and Belmont. and Nanjing’s Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy Sciences - ƒ Construction of Ellenbrook Wetland - Establishment of a cooperative Completed construction of the $4.05 arrangement that will include million nutrient stripping wetland. The participation in an international exchange wetland is Australia’s largest constructed


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wetlands and will improve water quality designed to make life easier for farmers entering the Swan River. and land managers, without resulting in any significant risk to the environment. ƒ $1.2 million towards the construction of Previously cleared areas can now be a new wetland at the Eric Singleton Bird maintained for pasture, cultivation or Sanctuary in Bayswater - The new forestry for 20 years, up from the wetland will prevent almost 40 tonnes of previous 10 and farmers can clear up to sediment and rubbish, 1.3 tonnes of five hectares a year for limited clearing nitrogen and 200kg of phosphorus from purposes under exemptions, an increase entering the Swan River each year. The from one hectare. project will see more than 150,000 natives planted. ƒ Longer licencing periods to reduce red tape - In 2014, changes to environmental ƒ $2.4 million to expand the Swan and licences was announced for industrial Canning River oxygenation program and premises, including in the waste build a third plant in the Canning River - management and resources sectors, the The oxygenation programs provide vital duration of which may now be up to 20 oxygen relief to our Swan and Canning years. The move will reduce red tape for Rivers to alleviate potential algal blooms industry and increase the focus on and fish kills. $1 million has been spent on improving environmental outcomes by construction of a new oxygenation plant allowing industry to make longer-term which became operational in April 2015. decisions. This new oxygenation plant will ensure that an extra 2.2 km of the Canning River ƒ Regulations Streamlined for controlled will have adequate oxygen levels at times waste - Changes introduced in August when the levels drops to a point which 2014 to give industry the flexibility to harms aquatic life. apply for a one, three or five year licence.

ƒ $910,000 funding boost for Swan ƒ Introduced the Better Bins Kerbside Canning Riverpark in October 2013 - Collection Pilot Program - A $7.5 million Funds will be shared by seven local State Government grants program to help government authorities to rebuild local governments in Perth and major collapsed river walls, control invasive regional centres trial a three-bin system weed species, stabilise riverbanks and to improve kerbside recycling rates. This revegetate foreshore areas. Since 2008 funding increased to a total of $20 million the Liberal National Government has in April 2015. invested more than $7.7 million across 92 projects focused on riverbank and ƒ State Government Environmental Offsets foreshore restoration. Register goes live - The Liberal National Government has developed a public ƒ Noise Rule changes create better balance database of environmental offsets in – In 2013 amendments to the Western Australia, which went live in July Environmental Protection (Noise) 2013. This web based register provides Regulations 1997 were made. The new for efficient retrieval of offset information regulations will better manage noise from to provide a greater level of transparency outdoor concerts, motor sports, sport for Government, industry and community shooting clubs and public events. needs.

ƒ Introduced Land Clearing changes to reduce red tape - These changes are


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ New Guidelines for Environmental ƒ Redevelop Sunset Hospital Site as a Offsets - Released on 14 October 2014. community precinct – Sunset Reserve These new guidelines will improve how Transformation Act 2014 came into effect offsets are applied by standardising the in April 2014. A small lot adjacent to the approach across government agencies site was sold in May 2015 and proceeds and departments. This will deliver more are to be used to undertake basic consistency and certainty to developers restoration works and restore services. It and the community. These guidelines will is expected that public access to the site also increase transparency and will be opened up in late 2016 and predictability for developers by clarifying negotiation for use of buildings will occur when an offset is required. throughout 2016 and 2017.

ƒ Management of contaminated sites - ƒ Advancing a whole-of-government Provided $1.78 million in 2014 to regulatory and red tape reform agenda – investigate and clean-up 10 contaminated The Government has renewed its focus on sites across Western Australia. cutting red tape across all agencies and will demonstrate delivery on this commitment

through publicly releasing Red Tape FINANCE Reduction Cards during Repeal Week each

November. The Minister for Finance is ƒ Relocate 85,000 square metres of CBD leading the Government’s agenda and will and fringe Government office be releasing a Policy Statement mid-year accommodation – Government remains outlining regulatory and red tape reform committed to decentralising office priorities for 2015-16. Improving accommodation from the Perth CBD and regulatory arrangements and reducing red fringe, and is actively considering options tape will provide immediate, as well as that deliver value for money and provide long-term, cost savings to government and other benefits to the State, including enhance business productivity at an improved community access to services, important time for the State. benefits to local economies and a

reduction in road congestion in the Perth ƒ Establishment of the Office of the CBD. Government Chief Information Officer

(GCIO) – The Office of the Government ƒ Increase regional business preference Chief Information Officer will be funded (Buy Local Policy) – The maximum price from the Information and Communications preference that can be applied has been Technology (ICT) Renewal and Reform increased. Thresholds for goods and Fund announced in the 2014-15 Mid-year services contracts were increased from Review. The GCIO will lead the decision- $50,000 to $250,000 and building making regarding further allocation of the construction and significant land ICT Renewal and Reform Fund. The GCIO alterations to $500,000. The price will be focused on stabilising cost, increase preference was designed to offset factors value-for-money and minimise risk in the such as higher transport costs and delivery of ICT across the Western economies of scale, which make it difficult Australian public sector. for regional businesses to compete against

metropolitan firms. Price preferences are ƒ Improve timeliness of revenue collections not applied when a bid is received from through the Taxation Administration any Australian State, Territory or country Package – The package provides funding that forms part of an Australian Free Trade for the Office of State Revenue to Agreement. undertake initiatives to improve the timely


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

follow-up of outstanding payroll tax simplify the exemption for land used for returns, increase the timeliness of mid- primary production. It is the most complexity duty assessment processing comprehensive review of this exemption in and issue interim assessments for complex, over 35 years. The legislation received high value transactions where duty is often delayed. The package raised $369 million Royal Assent on 25 February 2015, with in 2013-14 and is estimated to collect an the Commissioner of State Revenue in the additional $215.2 million over the forward process of finalising the necessary estimates to 2016-17. publications to assist affected taxpayers make applications. ƒ Deliver upgrades and improvements to revenue collection systems through the ƒ Integrate systems and processes with new Revenue Systems Consolidation and Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) e- Enhancement Program (RSP) – The conveyancing platform – The introduction program will deliver upgrades and of a national electronic conveyancing improvements to the systems that support solution to the Australian property the collection of State taxes. The RSP will industry is expected to deliver time and improve performance in the areas of cost efficiencies to industry, removing business intelligence, debt management manual processes and paperwork, which and voluntary compliance. The program will in turn benefit taxpayers through commenced on 1 July 2014 and will run increased efficiencies in the settlement over five financial years to 30 June 2019. process. The new system became The full cost of the RSP is $32.186 million operational in May 2015. with the program expected to raise additional revenue of $61.250 million ƒ Raise payroll tax threshold to $800,000 in during that period. 2014-15 and $850,000 in 2017-18 – Changes the threshold, which will provide ƒ Introduce legislation to exclude certain tax relief to more than 16,000 employers. businesses, professional and industry associations from accessing State tax FISHERIES exemptions for charitable bodies – Following a decision of the State ƒ Complete final stage of individual Administrative Tribunal in 2012, the transferable quota system for the West Government introduced new legislation to Coast Rock Lobster Fishery – The harvest exclude certain organisations from strategy was developed in consultation receiving charitable tax exemptions. The with industry and has been used for the amendments have achieved the first time in determining the 2015 Total Government’s policy objective, while Allowable Catch for the fishery. By moving minimising disruption to bodies who are to an Individual Transferable Quota considered to be genuinely in need of System, in which each licence holder has taxation relief on account of their quota attached to the licence in the form charitable status. The new legislation of units, fishers have the flexibility to received Royal Assent on 9 March 2015 respond to consumer demand and and the amendments are in the process of maximise profits. Department of Fisheries being implemented by the Commissioner modelling shows this initiative has of State Revenue. increased the industry’s annual profitability by about $60 million. ƒ Modernise the land tax primary production exemption – New legislation ƒ Complete introduction of third party has been enacted to modernise and sustainability certification of State’s


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

commercial fisheries – All commercial movements, world class research into fisheries have now gone through the pre- their behaviour and satellite tracking of assessment process. Some fisheries, such dozens of sharks. The website is part of as the West Coast Estuarine fishery, West the State Government's $26 million Shark Coast Deep Sea Crab, Shark Bay Prawn and Hazard Mitigation Policy. Pearling have moved towards the full assessment stage. Achieving third party ƒ Continue to do all we reasonably can to sustainability certification will provide protect the public by funding shark environmental, social, and marketing mitigation strategies – Strengthened benefits to the commercial fishing industry cross-agency shark hazard mitigation and wider community by meeting rigorous strategies with more resources being benchmarks for sustainable fishing. invested to allow additional funding to expand the shark monitoring network, ƒ Complete development of aquaculture research, electronic tagging of sharks and development zones in the Mid West and additional community awareness the Kimberley – The Kimberley programs. Aquaculture Development Zone was proclaimed in August 2014. The new zone, ƒ Review deployment of artificial reefs – covering almost 2,000 hectares near Artificial reefs have been deployed in Broome can support production of up to Bunbury and Dunsborough with further 20,000 tonnes of fish per year, up from the work continuing to deploy a reef in current tonnage of 7,000 tonnes. An Mandurah during 2015. Funding has been access policy is currently being developed sourced through Recfishwest recreational for the Kimberley Zone and is due to be licence fees. Recfishwest is coordinating released in 2015. The Mid West zone will this project. The monitoring program is be completed in 2016. The zones will ongoing and further work will be done to reduce the red tape for existing and future investigate the expansion of the program aquaculture producers within the into other regional centres. By providing designated zone. new habitats for fish and marine life, the artificial reefs have enhanced recreational ƒ Continue rollout of ‘Fish Eye’ platform for fishing opportunities, with flow on effects commercial fishers and receivers – The to tourism and regional economies. framework for ‘Fish Eye’, the management and licensing system for WA’s fisheries, is ƒ Construction to rebuild the derelict complete. The Rock Lobster Fishery was research facilities at Watermans Bay is first to roll into the system on 30 August nearing completion. At a cost of $11 2013 through “Rock lobster”, which allows million, the project which will enhance fishers to electronically alert the Western Australia’s marine and fisheries Department of Fisheries to catch reporting research capabilities and see the and quota trading. The Abalone Managed beachside centre become a hub for more Fishery will be the next to access the than 40 scientists and research staff. system for catch reporting and quota Completion is expected in 2015. trading. Transferring to ‘Fish Eye’ from the old, paper system will streamline the ƒ Install rock fishing safety measures – reporting processing required and provide Committed $300,000 in the 2013-14 State efficiencies. Budget over two years to reduce the risks of rock fishing. Anchor points have been ƒ Launched SharkSmart website - A cutting installed at Salmon Point in Albany and edge shark education website that life buoys have been deployed along the features up-to-date information on shark coast. Free personal flotation devices are


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

available to borrow in Albany, Esperance, from Ramsay Health Care. The ward will Margaret River and Augusta. Recfishwest be called the Telethon Kids Ward. continues to roll out rock bolts, safety gear and promotional material. In ƒ Construct 500 additional car bays at addition, a public awareness campaign is Osborne Park Hospital – $3.5 million underway. committed in the 2013-14 State Budget over two years. Project will deliver 300- HEALTH 500 additional parking bays to provide parking for staff, patients and visitors, and ƒ Record funding for health – Health’s alleviate parking in nearby residential operating budget for 2015-16 is $8.15 streets to meet growing demand at billion, which represents an increase of Osborne Park Hospital. The work is 71% from the $4.8 billion budget in 2008- scheduled to commence in 2015 for 09. The budget provides for patient completion by mid-2016. numbers (and treatments) to grow by an estimated 3% per cent in 2015-16 to over ƒ In the regions, major projects include – 618,000 inpatients, over 1,077,000 The $170.4 million Albany Health Campus treatments in emergency departments, which opened in May 2013 and the and over 2,341,000 treatments for non- $120.4 million Busselton Health Campus admitted patients in outpatient clinics and which opened in March 2015. The $59.6 community settings. million redevelopment of the Kalgoorlie Hospital and the $31.3 million Esperance ƒ Continue and complete the current $7 Health Campus redevelopment are billion investment to create a world-class progressing. Construction has public hospital and health system in commenced at the $26.8 million Western Australia with completion and redevelopment at Carnarvon Health commissioning of major new facilities: Campus.

In the metropolitan region major ƒ The $207 million Karratha Health Campus redevelopments include the $2 billion will be the largest single investment in a Fiona Stanley Hospital that opened in public hospital ever undertaken in October 2014, the $1.2 billion Perth regional WA. Construction is expected to Children’s Hospital and the $360 million begin in May 2016 with the health Midland Health Campus. The Perth campus scheduled to open in 2018. Children’s Hospital is planned to open in the first half of 2016 and the Midland ƒ Announced the construction of a new Health Campus is to open in November $19.5 million Laverton Health Centre - 2015. This will be a new facility that will replace the existing outdated Laverton ƒ A new 37 bed paediatric ward (75 per Hospital. It will provide a comprehensive cent single rooms) will be built on top of primary care service for short stay the main hospital building at Joondalup patients as well as an aged care Health Campus at a cost of $14.7 million component comprising six independent as part of a major expansion of specialist living units. services to benefit Western Australian children and families - The new ward is a ƒ Commenced work in March 2015 on result of collaboration between the State Phase 3 of the $8.1 million Exmouth Government (with a contribution of $6 Health Service redevelopment - Phase 3 million) and Telethon WA (with a will extend the existing health service contribution of $9 million) plus $3 million building to include a new outpatient


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

centre that will house dental and child Mid West, Goldfields, South West and health facilities, community mental Wheatbelt regions. health, emergency triage and health service administration. The project is on Six hospitals are earmarked for capital track for completion by the end of 2015. works with a new hospital planned for Manjimup and upgrades to hospital at ƒ Works have been progressed to replace a Northam, Collie, Merredin, Narrogin, and number of remote Aboriginal health Katanning. clinics - Bayulu, Mulan, Billiluna and Noonkanbah Clinic replacements A further $108 million has been allocated (Kimberley) are completed and for upgrades to small hospitals and operational. Other clinics are in various nursing posts. Twenty six small facilities stages of planning and construction across the Wheatbelt and Central Great including at Yandeyarra, Wangkatjunka Southern regions will be upgraded. The and Jigalong. first stage of construction works have commenced with contracts awarded for ƒ Committed $150 million for the North Gnowangerup, Kojonup, Lake Grace, West Health Initiative – Allocated $161 Wagin and Tambellup. million over five years to improve health and aged care facilities in towns across Additionally the SIHI is supporting not for the North West. Among the projects to be profit aged care providers to expand funded are redevelopments for Newman existing services or build new aged care Hospital, Onslow Hospital, and Tom Price facilities in the region. It is also enhancing Hospital; and improvement to health workforce capacity, addressing issues with facilities in Paraburdoo and Roebourne. doctor shortages through provision of Funds for the redevelopment of hospital incentives for GPs and telehealth services. facilities at Onslow have now been An extra 24 GPs and 16 full time released for the project to proceed. equivalent specialists, local and hospital employed doctors have so far been ƒ The $41.8 million Onslow Hospital and recruited to the region through the SIHI Health Service redevelopment, will initiative. include an expanded emergency department, modern inpatient rooms, ƒ Increase funding for Future Health WA better access to specialist health via Program – Allocated $30 million in the video teleconferencing and a secure 2013-14 State Budget over four years for mental health assessment room - The the Future Health initiative, in addition to new facility is to be built on the existing the $58 million already committed to Onslow Hospital site. Chevron is health and medical research. This funding contributing $22 million and the State will contribute to research that will Government is funding $19.8 million. provide effective, evidence-based and best-practice disease prevention and ƒ Continued implementation of the health care. Southern Inland Health Initiative (SIHI) – The Southern Inland Health Initiative is a ƒ Employ 155 FTE additional school nurses $565 million coordinated strategy to –The commitment has been revised to improve health services for people in 145 additional FTE school nurses and 10 Western Australia’s southern inland areas. speech pathologists. 110.6 FTE will be It will provide better access to health care located in the metropolitan area and 44.9 services throughout the Great Southern, FTE in regional WA. In the metropolitan area, 40 FTE will have been employed by


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June 2015 with a further 70.6 FTE to be ƒ Screening and treatment for trachoma - employed in the next two years. In Hundreds of people in the Kimberley, regional WA, 15.5 FTE are currently Goldfields, Pilbara and Mid West regions employed and a further 29 FTE are of Western Australia will benefit from a anticipated to be employed by end June joint State and Commonwealth $5.4 2017. million program, to screen for and treat trachoma - an eye condition which can ƒ Increase funding for palliative care cause blindness. budget – Committed $19.5 million in 2013-14 State Budget over four years to ƒ Launched the Mobile Advanced strengthen palliative care services for an Paediatric Audiology Remote (MAPAR) - ageing Western Australian population. an off-road vehicle able to travel into some of the most remote parts of ƒ Deliver ‘CyberKnife’ cancer treatment Western Australia, and carry out tool – Secured a $9 million contract for diagnostic tests for children at risk of the ‘CyberKnife’ cancer treatment tool. hearing damage and diseases. The MAPAR The ‘CyberKnife’ equipment precisely initiative is in addition to the State targets tumours with radiation doses, Government’s $6 million Improving Ear, reducing the impact on surrounding Eye and Oral Health Initiative already tissue. The ‘CyberKnife’ has treated nearly under way. 300 patients since April 2014 and it is estimated that as many as 450 WA cancer ƒ Support Eastern Goldfields residents with patients will benefit from this technology a $7.2 million investment in an each year once the service is fully emergency telehealth service over four operational. years – A business case for the Goldfields Emergency Telehealth Service has now ƒ Employ and train Aboriginal health been developed for consideration by workers to identify ear disease in Cabinet. $813,000 has been expended to children in remote Aboriginal date in 2014-15 to employ 1.75 FTE Senior communities – Allocated $6 million in Medical Officers, and 1 FTE Admin 2013-14 State Budget over four years. Support towards this initiative. The This extended to improving ear health and Statewide ETS is already live at sites performing oral and eye health checks, including Laverton, Leonora, Norseman, including a fluoride varnish program for Esperance and Kambalda. Aboriginal children. Priority communities have been identified and regional working ƒ Fund renal dialysis service for Wheatbelt groups have been established to region – $500,000 committed in 2013-14 undertake planning for roll out of the State Budget and $3 million from 2014-15 initiative. Grant Agreements have been to 2016-17, the majority of which is to be established with eight Aboriginal Medical Services (AMSs) for the provision of Ear, directed towards strengthening renal Eye and Oral assessment with the focus dialysis services delivered through on primary care, and with telehealth Northam hospital. The development of technologies. The AMSs have commenced dialysis services is part of a larger Aboriginal Health Worker recruitment. refurbishment of the hospital. Business Services are now currently being delivered cases for the refurbishment of Northam at Bililuna, Bidyadanga, Balgo, Kundat Hospital inclusive of dialysis services and Djari (Ringer Soak), Red Hill, Mulan in the Kimberley; and Mt Magnet and Yalgoo in for the Wheatbelt renal services model the Mid West. have been developed.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Reduce number of mosquitos in systems across States. The only AMA residential areas – $4 million provided in indicator where WA did not get a tick for 2013-14 State Budget over four years to the “Met National Emergency Access control mosquito numbers, protecting Target”. No jurisdiction received a tick families and residents from mosquito- for this indicator. borne diseases. Funding was allocated for grants to local governments for research, ƒ Building of the new Ronald McDonald helicopter based mosquito control House on the QEII site in Perth – Work services in the south west were extended, continues and the House is scheduled to and a feasibility study commenced into open in November 2015. The State the possible use of helicopters to apply Government contributed $8 million mosquito control chemicals in the Swan through Lotterywest and $5 million and Canning Rivers. through Royalties for Regions.

ƒ Better Health Services for Fitzroy ƒ Announced a $21.6 million in funding in Children – Allocated $400,000 in 2013-14 2014-15 for the Home and Community State Budget over four years to fund Care services in the State - The research into foetal alcohol spectrum additional funds will support more disorder in the Fitzroy area. A grant people to maintain their independence agreement for use of these funds was and connection with their community. reached between the WA Country Health The funding will also help prevent Service and Telethon Kids Institute. Funds hospital admissions and the need for are being released in accordance with the older people to enter into residential agreement. aged care.

ƒ Closing the gap in life expectancy for ƒ Officially opened a new building for the Aboriginal people - New funding of Harry Perkins Institute of Medical almost $50 million and re-prioritsation of Research in March 2014 - Located on site $39 million in existing funds over three at the QEII Medical Centre, the Institute years ($89 million in total) announced in brings together almost 800 laboratory- the 2015-16 State Budget to continue based and clinical researchers. The State and build on the work already Government contributed $30.4 million undertaken to close the gap in life towards the project. expectancy for Aboriginal people under the Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health ƒ Introduced the Public Health Bill 2014 Outcomes and the Footprints to Better into the Parliament in November 2014 - Health programs. The allocation of this The Bill and an associated Public Health funding followed an independent review Consequential Provisions Bill 2014. These of the effectiveness of the programs that will replace the outdated Health Act 1911, had been funded. The funding increases providing a modern framework for public access to quality health care, improves health activities. services and creates jobs for Aboriginal people in health care. ƒ Introduced free Whooping Cough vaccinations for mothers in the third ƒ Public Hospital Report Card – Western trimester of pregnancy - A campaign Australia was the only State to achieve was launched in April 2015 encouraging ticks against five of the six indicators in pregnant women to vaccinate against the the AMA’s 2015 “Public Hospital Report flu and whooping cough to protect Card”, which is the AMA’s assessment of themselves and their babies. the performance of public hospital


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Expanded access to palliative care Government pursuing a proposal through services in the Peel region and Commonwealth and State Health surrounding areas - The Silver Chain Ministers to ban the import and Group has been appointed to provide 24- manufacture of sun tanning units. hour medical advice and nursing support when needed. Silver Chain will take full ƒ In May 2015 the Government introduced operational control of the expanded the Western Australian Health Promotion palliative care service in the Peel region Foundation Bill 2015 - This measure on 1 July 2015. followed a report by the Public Sector Commissioner that raised concerns about ƒ In 2014-15 awarded funding of about $6 the management of Healthway. million to support 131 high-performing WA researchers under the HERITAGE Government’s Medical and Health Research Infrastructure Fund - The Fund ƒ Established Australia's first Heritage provides financial support to meet the Revolving Fund - $4 million provided to day-to-day infrastructure costs reactivate languishing publicly owned associated with their projects. heritage buildings to ensure they have a viable future. Funds cover feasibility ƒ In 2014 amended the Poisons analysis, project management, and Regulations 1965 to allow pharmacists conservation works. The Warders’ to administer flu vaccinations, making it Cottages, built by convicts in the 1850s more convenient for Western and now part of the Fremantle Prison Australians to receive their vaccinations historic precinct, will be the first - Pharmacists have been required to beneficiary of this fund. undertake extra training and adhere to strict conditions about patient care, ƒ Heritage Grants Program assisting hygiene, managing adverse reactions and owners to conserve and revitalise their consumer privacy. The initiative is in State Registered heritage properties - place in time for people to receive their Total funding to date of over $2.5 million vaccinations ahead of the 2015 flu in Heritage Grants (2013-14 and 2014-15) season. towards the essential conservation of 44 regional and 23 metropolitan properties. ƒ The Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 was This investment will generate more than passed by Parliament and received Royal $13 million in heritage conservation Assent - The Act provides a works. comprehensive framework to regulate the manufacture, sale and distribution of ƒ Release of an online directory dedicated poisons, including medicines. It to listing businesses that provide modernises the legislative framework, heritage services throughout Western updating it to accommodate modern Australia - InContact is the only online practice and assists in achieving national directory dedicated to listing businesses consistency for health practitioners. that provide heritage services throughout Western Australia. Launched in July 2013, ƒ Announced a ban on commercial solaria there are currently 77 businesses listed in to be introduced from 1 January 2016 - the directory spanning 14 professions Financial assistance will be provided to such as architecture, archaeology, owners of businesses offering solarium arboriculture, engineering and heritage services. The ban on commercial solaria is tourism. to be accompanied by the State


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ State Register of Heritage Places - Since 2020. This includes 4,700 social housing March 2013, 19 places listed on an dwellings delivered since 2010. interim basis and 18 places entered permanently. These include the Busselton ƒ Create web portal for advice on Jetty, the former Western Australian Bank affordable housing – Launched a new in Kalgoorlie Heritage and the Subiaco web portal to assist consumers with Hotel. information and options for affordable housing. ƒ State Heritage Office changed to stand- alone Government department on 1 July ƒ Continue Government Regional Officers 2014 - This change is symbolic of the Housing scheme – Government Regional commitment the Liberal National Officers Housing (GROH) plays a key role Government has to heritage and will in supporting the delivery of public establish a modern and effective services to people in regional and remote organisational framework that will serve Western Australia. The Government the community well into the future. buys, constructs and sells GROH properties as part of its ordinary ƒ $365,000 provided for 12 State operations. The Government has Registered heritage buildings on Albany’s decided to pursue a sale of surplus GROH Stirling Terrace - These buildings were properties, including properties no longer revitalised as part of the Government’s required by client agencies and older support for the Anzac Centenary properties with higher ongoing commemorations. maintenance costs. The Housing Authority and the Department of ƒ Transfer of Fremantle Prison Treasury will further investigate the management from the Department of potential of a sale and leaseback to Finance to the State Heritage Office - institutional investors a portfolio of From July 2015 the prison will be Government Regional Officers Housing managed by the State Heritage Office. properties. GROH will continue to provide appropriate accommodation to HOUSING ensure government employees in regional and remote Western Australia ƒ Social Housing Investment Program – have continued access to affordable Through the 2015-16 Budget, the State accommodation. Government will invest $560 million to deliver an additional 1,500 housing ƒ Provide a minimum of 500 new opportunities, including 1,000 social affordable homes by establishing housing dwellings during 2015-16 and Housing Stock Redevelopment Strategy 2016-17. The 1,000 social homes will – In 2015-16 the Housing Authority will halve the number of seniors and families complete the Public Housing Stock currently on the priority waitlist for social Redevelopment Strategy. This will result housing by 30 June 2017. in the redevelopment of 200 sites to deliver at least 500 new affordable ƒ Affordable Housing Strategy - The State homes, financed via a $55 million, three- Government allocated $174 million in the year loan facility. 2013-14 State Budget for residential land development to enable the provision of ƒ Land development activity – In 2015-16, up to 2,460 housing lots. The Strategy the Housing Authority, through its land has delivered over 19,000 opportunities development activities intends to to date, against a target of 20,000 by produce 2,436 housing lots including


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1,682 lots developed with joint venture ƒ The Land Acquisition Legislation partners. Amendment (Compensation) Bill 2014 was introduced into Parliament in ƒ Disruptive Behaviour Management November 2014 - This legislation will Strategy – The Government invested $12 improve protection of private property million over four years from 2012-13 to rights and expressly require just 2015-16, to support the implementation compensation to be paid in cases where a of its Disruptive Behaviour Management private interest in land is compulsorily Strategy for the small proportion of acquired for public works. A Premier’s public housing tenants who create Circular was also issued – “A Private problems in the community. The funding Property Rights Charter for Western enabled 35 additional specialised staff Australia” sets out requirements for members to be employed in regional and public servants to ensure respect for country areas. private property rights and fair dealing with property owners. ƒ Homelessness – The State Government built the Salvation Army’s new $23.3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT million 102 bed, four-storey hostel, providing a much-needed accommodation ƒ $400,000 to fund creation and for homeless men in the city. Funding was maintenance of community gardens – provided by the Commonwealth Committed $400,000 in 2013-14 State Government (S16.2 million), by Budget over four years. To date, 27 Lotterywest/State Government ($2.3 projects totalling $349,932 have been million), individual and company funded across the State. The program donations ($4 million) and the Salvation provides up to $20,000 for new Army ($790,000). community gardens and up to $10,000 for existing community gardens. ƒ New homes – Western Australia set a new record with 28,966 new homes ƒ Better training for councillors - Funded starting construction across Western the $1.52 million pilot training program to Australia in 2013-14. enable elected members in Western Australia’s country local governments to LANDS build their skills and improve governance and decision-making. ƒ Ensure lease monitoring requirements imposed on pastoral leases are suitable, ƒ Local Government Advisory Board report practicable and not unjustifiably onerous - The report provided the framework for – As part of Rangeland Reform, the the most significant reform of Department of Lands and the Pastoral metropolitan local government in 100 Lands Board are looking at a number of years, specifically, recommending a options for more accurate on-ground reduction in the number of metropolitan monitoring of pastoral leases. local governments to 16. The aim of this reform was to build a local government ƒ Renew Western Australian pastoral sector for the future, with the ability to leases set to expire on 30 June 2015 – build better services, reduced The Department of Lands has established bureaucracy and cost savings through a project team to progress the renewal of economies of scale. Western Australia Western Australian pastoral leases in line remains the only State that has not with statutory obligations. achieved a strategic restructuring of local government to reflect contemporary


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community needs. With the reform funding to reduce the adverse impacts of process now on hold, the onus for harmful alcohol and other drug use in the achieving the benefits of a modern, Western Australian community has streamlined and efficient system of local increased from $50.6 million in 2008-09 to government now rests with the councils $86.9 million in 2015-16, an increase of 72 themselves. per cent.

ƒ Sharing local government resources – ƒ Introduce Mental Health Bill 2013 into Introduced The Local Government Parliament – Mental Health Bill 2013 Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 to allow became law on 3 November 2014. This local governments to offer joint services. historic new Act will significantly improve human rights protection for people ƒ Capital City Legislation - Introduced the experiencing mental illness, particularly City of Perth Bill 2015 to recognise Perth those being treated involuntarily, and as the capital of Western Australia. support the active involvement of families Several of Perth’s iconic landmarks, and carers. The new Act also assists those including Kings Park, The University of in regional areas, by allowing them to Western Australia, new Perth Children’s receive psychiatric assessment and Hospital and Queen Elizabeth II Medical examination via audio visual Centre, along with 1,158 residents from communication where it cannot be done Subiaco and Nedlands, will come within face-to-face. Following an implementation the City of Perth’s boundaries to create a period of approximately 12 months to bigger and stronger capital city. The ensure a smooth transition from the 1996 legislation will also allow for the Act, it is anticipated the Act will become establishment of the City of Perth operational at the end of November 2015. Committee to facilitate collaboration between the City of Perth and the State ƒ State-wide suicide prevention strategy – Government. The Bill was introduced in A new five year Suicide Prevention May 2015. Strategy “Together we can Save Lives” was announced on 15 May 2015. Funding MENTAL HEALTH of $25.9 million over four years has been allocated in the 2015-16 State Budget for ƒ Record funding for mental health - The implementation of the Strategy. The new 2015-16 Budget for mental health will Strategy Builds on outcomes from the deliver $836.8 million in funding, an State Government’s $13 million One Life additional $42.6 million or 5.4 percent Suicide Prevention Strategy, which was from the previous financial year. This the first of its kind for Western Australia. represents a 53 per cent or $290.5 million A further $3 million was provided in the increase in investment since the first full 2014-15 State Budget to build on the year of operation of the Mental Health 2009 Strategy. After four years of rapid Commission. Funding in the 2015-16 growth in suicide from 2004 to 2008, the Budget will enable approximately 56,000 rate of deaths by suicide in Western Western Australians to receive the help Australia has now been contained and is they need for mental health problems, an lower than in 2008. increase of 2.1 per cent since 2014-15. It will also provide more than 40,000 ƒ Oversee development of comprehensive treatment and support episodes for 10-year Mental Health Services Plan (as people with alcohol and other drug recommended by Stokes Review) – The problems, an increase of four per cent on Plan provides a blueprint for Mental the previous year. State Government Health Services over the next 10 years.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Following the draft Plan’s release on 3 disorders – The new Perth Children’s December 2014, consultation with local Hospital has been designed and communities and services has now taken constructed to have eight beds allocated place across the State. Informed by this to eating disorder conditions for children feedback, a final plan will be released by up to 16 years of age. The Perth Children’s the Government in mid-2015. The Plan Hospital will also have 20 dedicated builds on the State Government’s mental health beds for children up to the commitment to strengthening mental age of 16, allowing for an additional 200 health, alcohol and other drug services admissions for children in need of acute across Western Australia. mental health care each year.

ƒ Build step-up, step-down mental health ƒ Construct dual-purpose centre in facilities in regional Western Australia – Carnarvon – $2 million was committed in The development of subacute services the 2012-13 State Budget for the across Western Australia has begun, construction of the Carnarvon Dual following the opening of the first 22 bed Purpose Alcohol and Other Drug Centre. subacute service in Joondalup in May Opened in October 2014 and the first of 2013. Subacute services provide a suitable its kind in Western Australia, the Centre alternative to hospital care and help serves as the base for the Mid Eest people receive support closer to home Community Alcohol and Drug Service and within a community setting. As a part during the day, and a 10 bed sobering-up of the 2015-16 Budget the Government service for intoxicated people overnight. announced $27.9 million for two new For the period 1 September 2014 – 30 services, a 10 bed facility in Bunbury and a March 2015, the Community Alcohol and 6 bed facility in Karratha, which will Drug Services treated 123 clients and provide care for an additional 374 people there were 78 admissions to the sobering a year. Construction has commenced on a up centre. 10 bed service in Rockingham, which is planned to open in the next year, ƒ Provide recurrent funding to Lifeline – providing care for an additional 234 Committed $2 million in 2013-14 State people a year. Planning for six bed Budget over four years to enable the subacute services in Broome and the continuation and expansion of Lifeline, an Goldfields is underway, to be operational essential crisis line support service. in 2016-2017, providing care for an additional 280 people a year. ƒ Establish Early Psychosis Youth Centre – Allocated $13.5 million in 2013-14 State ƒ Commence Mental Health Court Budget over three years to address the Diversion pilot program – The Mental needs of children and young people Health Court Diversion and Support experiencing mental illness and at risk of Program aims to divert people with early onset psychosis. However the mental illness, in the criminal justice Federal Government funding component system, to clinical and community support was withdrawn. The State Government is and to reduce reoffending. This includes now investigating other options for these employing specialist mental health funds as part of its 10 year Mental Health clinicians in the Perth Children’s Court. Plan. Further funding of $4.7 million for 2015- 16 will allow the program to continue. ƒ The State Government recently opened the State’s first dedicated youth mental ƒ Allocate 8 beds at new Perth Children's health unit at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Hospital to help children with eating announced a new Youth Community


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Mental Health service as a part of the times by over 50 per cent for mental 2015-16 Budget ($2.5 million) - The 14 health patients who would otherwise be bed unit opened in early 2015 and will waiting in the emergency department. provide specialist services for 320, 16 to 24 year olds, experiencing mental illness ƒ To deliver contemporary models of each year. service, 36 Mental Health ‘Hospital in the Home’ beds have been introduced in the ƒ The amalgamation of the Mental Health metropolitan area - These provide access Commission and the Drug and Alcohol to specialised acute care in the home for Office - The Western Australian 840 people per year. These beds include Government is committed to addressing eight dedicated older adult mental health the long-term needs of people with ‘Hospital in the Home’ services, the first of multiple, complex issues. To ensure better its kind in Australia. integration of the State’s network of mental health, alcohol and other drug ƒ State-wide Specialist Aboriginal Mental services, the Government has committed Health Service (SSAHMS) – This service to the amalgamation of the Mental Health has been operating since January 2011 Commission and the Drug and Alcohol and provides a range of specialist and Office. Legislation to allow for the community-based services to specifically amalgamation has passed through address the mental health needs of Parliament and the agencies will merge on Aboriginal people with severe and 1 July 2015. persistent mental illness. The State Government provided $29 million over ƒ In 2015-16 a number of newly three years to continue and evaluate this constructed specialised mental health important service, including, $9.7 million services opening will open in Perth: in 2015-16.

- 30 additional mental health beds at ƒ A two year pilot inter-hospital transport the $2.0 billion Fiona Stanley Hospital, service commenced in March 2014 - This including a dedicated youth unit, a service uses specially trained personnel to perinatal mother and baby unit and a escort people who are mentally unwell short-stay mental health assessment between metropolitan hospitals, reducing unit; the length of stay in hospital emergency - 30 replacement mental health beds at departments and helping to reduce the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and 56 stigma of acute mental illness. Under the replacement mental health beds at pilot, selected Department of Health the Midland Health campus. These 86 security officers are granted ‘special replacements beds are anticipated to constable status’ by the Western become operational during 2015; and Australian Police Commissioner in order - 20 mental health beds at the $1.2 to undertake the transfers, which billion Perth Children’s Hospital which previously has only been able to be is expected to become operational in undertaken by Police. Since the Pilot 2016. Interhospital Transfer Service commended operation, 898 transfers ƒ The Mental Health Observation Area have occurred, and waiting times for (MHOA) at Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital transfer have reduced from 29.9 hours to was opened in November 2013 - This an average of 1 hour and 48 minutes. dedicated area provides six beds and two chairs provides for 1,314 admissions a ƒ The Individualised Community Living year and has successfully reduced waiting Strategy (ICLS) helps people with severe


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

and persistent mental illness to live in MINES AND PETROLEUM the community in their own home - As part of the ICLS, people are given the ƒ Complete introduction of Mining opportunity to build social relationships, Rehabilitation Scheme – Successfully gain financial and tenancy management implemented voluntary participation in skills and engage in the community the Mining Rehabilitation Fund Act prior through recreational and educational to the Act’s mandatory commencement activities, training and employment. Since on 1 July 2014. As of December 2014 the ICLS started in 2011-12, over over $1 billion worth of bonds have been 144 people have received a personalised returned to companies, while package of support based on their own Environmental bonds have been retained individual plan and 122 homes have been for mining tenement holders deemed at purchased. high risk of failing their obligations. The Mining Rehabilitation Fund will continue ƒ In 2011-12, the State Government to strengthen Western Australia’s allocated $8.5 million to purchase 15 attractiveness as an investment location, houses for the Transitional Housing and while securing adequate funding to deal Support Program (THASP), with a further with the State legacy of historical $1.5 million over four years to provide abandoned mines. support services for people living in the houses - The 2015-16 Budget provides ƒ Continue Exploration Incentive Scheme additional funding of $2.5 million over the over full term of Government – next four years, to continue providing Continued funding of the Exploration support services for residents within the Incentive Scheme, with $24 million existing 15 houses for 50 people each allocated in 2013-14 State Budget and year. The unique program supports $30 million from 2014-15 to 2016-17. alcohol and other drug recovery, and reduces relapse rates by providing people ƒ Completed review into minerals royalty with support to live independently in rates to ensure the State receives fair community-based residential housing. revenue from mining royalties – Completed the State’s Mineral Royalty ƒ Kimberley and the Pilbara - In 2015-16 a Rate Analysis review aimed at ensuring total of $11.26 million over two years will that royalty rates continue to deliver a support for the continued delivery of the fair return to the State. The review found Western Australia’s royalty system expanded alcohol and other drug is robust and has supported Western treatment services in the Kimberley and Australia’s status as an attractive Pilbara, and continued operational destination for resources investment. funding for the Carnarvon dual-purpose Alcohol and Drug Centre until 30 June ƒ Browse Basin Gas Field - Approval of 2017. In October 2014 the Government legislation through State Parliament that confirmed that it would continue to fund significantly lifts the State’s potential share of the Browse Basin gas field, after the Broome Recovery Centre which has major changes to Commonwealth operated since December 2011. The offshore coastal waters boundaries. It is centre provides support, education, estimated the boundary changes could vocational and employment training and deliver increases in State royalty life courses to support people with mental collections of up to $2.9 billion over the illness. life of the Torosa field alone.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Established the Minerals Research provide new business and job Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA) opportunities for Western Australians. – The Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia Act has been ƒ Expansion of approvals tracking scheme proclaimed, with the Institute across the Department of Mines and commencing on 1 February 2014. The Petroleum, the Department of Water, Government approved appointment of the Environmental Protection Authority the Board and funding is now available to and the new Department of MRIWA. The MRIWA will continue to Environment Regulation – The promote Western Australia as a global Department of Mines and Petroleum resource industry development and (DMP) has completed expanding DMP’s research centre. approvals tracking system to key processes under the Aboriginal Heritage ƒ Support responsible development of Act 1972, and is engaging with the natural gas from shale and tight gas – Department of Water to embrace water Continued to expand community licensing processes. Expansion of the engagement efforts, supported by other approvals tracking scheme will government agencies. Developing a significantly improve the transparency of whole of government comprehensive approvals, helping to streamline framework document for regulation of approvals processes. A more efficient the shale and tight gas industry for public approvals process will ensure our unique release this year. The State Government values are better protected, while continues to promote a strong regulatory increasing the attractiveness of Western regime in order to ensure gas from shale Australia as an investment destination. and tight rock sources can be extracted safely, with minimal environmental ƒ State Environmental Data Library (to impact. Responsible development of develop an online biodiversity, water onshore gas will provide an opportunity and cultural heritage database) – A to secure the domestic energy future for working model has been developed to the State and provide future jobs for capture the more than 2000 reports Western Australians. submitted to the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) that potentially ƒ Support responsible development of contain new environmental information, uranium mining – Continued to work using readily available software. with uranium mining companies together Discussions are continuing with key with State and Federal regimes to agencies across government to integrate develop a consistent approach to systems and develop the scientific environmental and safety processes, criteria and process to store and ensuring the safety of employees and the distribute information. This will assist in broader community through strict making better decisions regarding legislation, regulation and compliance. Western Australia’s globally unique This will ensure uranium mining within biodiversity, scarce water resources and Western Australia is carried out in a safe important cultural heritage. and environmentally responsible manner. Development of Western ƒ Continued support for Reform and Australia’s uranium industry will establish Development at Resources Safety the State as a long-term reliable supplier Strategy – Reaffirmed commitment to of uranium, providing a clean, alternate safety in the resources industry with the source of energy. This new clean energy development of a Bill to modernise sector, once established, will help resources Occupational Safety and Health


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

legislation. This will draw together the During the construction phase Elizabeth provisions for the Petroleum, Mining and Quay has created approximately 1,600 Major Hazard Facility industry sector jobs, including offering work to more than under one single Act. Amalgamation of 146 small to medium companies. The the provisions will establish a more opening is scheduled for late 2015. efficient and effective structure to enable achievement of safety objectives. This ƒ - Perth City Link will will provide a consistent framework reconnect Northbridge and the CBD for across Australia, removing duplication, the first time in 100 years. The public improving mobility of workers between space at Perth City Link was announced as industries and reducing costs for both Yagan Square in June 2014. Plans for the industry and the regulator. square have been developed following community consultation and include ƒ Pass the Petroleum and Geothermal permanent food markets, lively public Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 open spaces, and an Australian native – Introduced into Parliament on 12 June garden and Aboriginal artwork. Works on 2013 to facilitate the geological storage the Square will commence later this year. of greenhouse gas substances, with the In April 2015 the Government announced Legislative Council Second Reading a premier hotel and serviced apartments Committee Report tabled 19 November will be built next to , as part of 2013 and debate anticipated to conclude the Perth City Link precinct. This project is in 2015. This Bill provides legislative expected to deliver $110 million in certainty to encourage the development investment to the State and create 900 of the greenhouse gas storage industry jobs during construction and in future and associated research. hotel and retail operations. Leighton Holdings has significantly progressed ƒ Expansion of the Perth Core Library – construction of the first four buildings in Numerous expansions to Perth's Core the Kings Square precinct of Perth City Library, which contains drill core samples Link. The buildings will house the offices taken during exploration for oil and gas. of HBF, Shell Australia and John Holland The expansions include $4.8 million in among others and are due for completion the 2014/15 State Budget and a further in mid-2015.

$2.5 million in the 2015-16 Budget which ƒ Riverside - transforming eastern city will increase storage capacity by around gateway - Riverside sits across 40 3,500 square metres and provide hectares of land at the eastern end of the additional viewing space. The Perth Core city and overall the project will create: Library has been instrumental in the around 80,000 square metres of new discovery of new deposits in recent commercial space, 10,000 square metres years. of retail space; and around 4,000 new homes. Riverside will attract $2 billion in PLANNING investment and bring 7,000 new residents and 6,000 new workers into the area; it is ƒ Elizabeth Quay - The total State also expected to create employment for Government investment is $440 million, 2000 people during construction. The of which a substantial amount will be Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority returned through land sales. So far, $90 (MRA) released the 5,335 square metre million has been generated with sales to lot at 101 Hay Street, formerly known as Chevron and the Far East Consortium, the Chemlabs site, for sale. Local which will develop a Ritz Carlton Hotel. developer Diploma Properties was There are five lots remaining to be sold. recently selected as the preferred


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

proponent to redevelop the site and will of the State Government’s Planning deliver high-quality design and thoughtful Reform Agenda, which will see faster integration of the heritage building housing approvals and significant savings located on the site. in the cost and time taken to develop land in the State. Collectively the ƒ Redevelop Scarborough Beach Precinct – Government’s Planning Reforms (phase Committed $30 million to revitalise the one and two) are the most significant Scarborough Beach area. Free Wi-Fi, new change to the State’s planning system lighting on the clock tower and a bronze since 1963. Some of the reform initiatives public art piece are in place. The MRA has include: completed a period of public consultation to inform the master planning process. - Streamlining of the proposals around The foreshore will be transformed into a amendments to the Metropolitan contemporary, family friendly destination Region Scheme, Local Town Planning with new and improved beach facilities. Schemes and Scheme Amendments to The investment is expected to encourage ensure quicker response times, while private sector investment and still having community involvement in development within the 100 hectare the process; redevelopment area. - Changing the Metropolitan Region

Scheme and Town Planning Scheme ƒ Develop Northbridge Chinatown precinct amendment processes from - Committed $2 million in 2013-14 Budget sequential to concurrent - to revitalise China Town. A new entry approximately halving the process statement is in place on Roe Street. time; Lanterns, lighting, road stencilling and - Consistent processing of development place activation are contributing to a applications across local more vibrant precinct. Support has been governments; provided to activate the space during - Changes to the value of the Chinese New Year events. thresholds for Development ƒ Midland - New commercial and Assessment Panels to provide more residential land released at the Midland options for developers and Railway workshops. The new land release landowners; followed the sale of four lots that would - The introduction of an online deliver mixed-use development, short- application system that will make it stay accommodation and affordable easier and faster for developers to housing. In August 2014 the long term lodge planning applications and track vision for the redevelopment of Midland their progress; and was launched with the Master plan open - A focus on quality design in complex for public consultation. Following urban infill and high-density consultation the final plan was launched developments. in May 2015. Government has fulfilled its ƒ Release of Sub Regional Planning election commitment to contribute land Frameworks “Perth and and financial investment ($22 million) to [email protected]” - In May 2015, the State support establishment of a university Government released for public campus in Midland for a medical school, consultation Draft Sub-regional Planning and further contribute to the area as a Frameworks for the Perth and Peel centre for health and education. Region. The five documents propose how ƒ Planning Reform - In August 2014 the to sustainably accommodate a population Government introduced the second phase of 3.5 million in Perth and Peel by 2050.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

The frameworks are a natural progression Subiaco’s regeneration and contribute to and continuation of the State the Government’s infill target. Government’s long term vision for a well- planned city and thriving metropolitan ƒ Lissiman Street Precinct - The area with a focus on the efficient use of Government enacted an Improvement existing and future urban land and Plan to facilitate the development of the infrastructure; the provision of Lissiman Street Precinct, Gosnells in a co- employment opportunities close to ordinated manner. The Improvement Plan population centres; and the protection of will enable the purchase of private areas of environmental significance and landholdings by the WA Planning basic raw material sources. The plans Commission to facilitate development for identifying where, over the next 35 years, a diverse range of land uses, including growth corridors will be, and where an commercial land which will contribute extra 800,000 new homes and jobs will be towards economic development, local located. employment and the viability of the area as a commercial centre servicing ƒ Amend residential design codes – Revised residents, visitors and the local workforce. residential design codes were adopted in 2013 to allow non-residents to occupy ƒ Swan Valley - Recommendations from the granny flats and increase allowable floor Swan Valley report were adopted, which space. is the first step in the implementation of retaining the Valley as a premier tourist ƒ Burswood Peninsula - The vision for the and winemaking region. This will see growth of Burswood Peninsula was stronger guidelines on the location and released for public comment (September design of new development, and protect 2014) to guide the anticipated productive agricultural land. New development that will occur due to the legislation will be drafted to protect the significant investment by the State character of the region and will provide Government in the new Perth Stadium. certainty to local residents and businesses The plan has been adopted (February that the Valley will continue as a popular 2015) and will guide further detailed place for locals and tourists. planning and development for the area. ƒ Middleton Beach - The State Government ƒ Cottesloe Beach Redevelopment – The has enacted an Improvement Plan over Department of Planning has worked with the Middleton Beach site in Albany. The the local government to undertake Government has identified modifications to the redevelopment of the site as a priority Local Planning Scheme 3, which will allow and the Improvement Plan is a positive for the revitalisation of the area along move towards integrating development of Marine Parade, between Eric and Forrest public and private land to establish a safe, Streets. The Town of Cottesloe Local vibrant mixed use centre with an active Planning Scheme 3 was gazetted in July beach front that includes local and tourist 2014 allowing for greater private sector facilities; restaurants, cafes and shops; investment in the area. holiday and short stay accommodation.

ƒ Subiaco - Approved a long awaited ƒ Coral Bay Settlement Structure Plan - scheme amendment for the Pavilion Approved the Coral Bay Settlement Market site in Subiaco; allowing for a 16- Structure Plan which provides a 25 year storey development on the site to help planning framework for future development and expansion of tourism


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

within Coral Bay. The State Government currently under development and is has approved an increase in visitor expected to be introduced into population by 800 people to ensure it Parliament in 2015. remains one of the State’s premier tourism destinations. ƒ Develop an integrated State CCTV network and to fund additional cameras POLICE in crime hotspots - Committed $200,000 in 2013-14 and $300,000 in the 2014-15 ƒ Increase mandatory sentences for State Budget to develop a detailed and serious physical or sexual offences strategic plan to deliver a coordinated committed during a home invasion to State CCTV network for a safer and more 75% of statutory maximum – Legislation secure WA. The draft strategy is out for passed the Legislative Assembly in March public consultation until late June 2015. 2015 and is awaiting debate in the The 2014-15 State Budget also included Legislative Council. $1 million for CCTV infrastructure. The strategy will be realised with an additional ƒ Strengthen existing 'three strike' laws to $7 million allocated in the 2015-16 State a mandatory two years imprisonment Budget to in-part fund local government for people who break into a person’s cameras and technology which will allow home, with each aggravated burglary Police to access vision from any offence to constitute a 'strike' – participating camera network. Legislation passed the Legislative Assembly in March 2015 and is awaiting ƒ Rapid Justice Initiative, streamlining the debate in the Legislative Council. criminal justice system and freeing up police for frontline duties – Committed ƒ Boost Police numbers – Committed $215 $70,000 in the 2014-15 State Budget to million in 2013-14 State Budget over four extend video link technology in major years to recruit, train and deploy an regional centres, enabling faster clearance additional 400 police and 150 police of matters. The Department of the auxiliary officers (550 total), which is on Attorney General received as part of the track for completion by 30 June 2017. In 2013-14 State Budget $3.2 million over 2013-14 the State Government also three years commencing 2014-15 for the recruited the remaining 170 additional Rapid Justice Initiative. The funding officers under its 2008 election allowed for a Magistrate to be available at commitment to increase police numbers. the new Perth Police Centre on Sundays deal with bail and remand decisions, as ƒ Tackling Hoon Hotspots – Part of the well as to fast track traffic and State Government’s multifaceted impoundment matters. strategy to clamp down on hoons who drive recklessly and endanger the lives of ƒ Fund 'CrimeStoppers WA' – Secured West Australians. $170,000 has been $200,000 each year from the Criminal committed in the 2014-15 State Budget Property Confiscation Account to over four years for covert cameras to resource CrimeStoppers WA. help police identify reckless driver behaviour in hoon hotspots. Four covert ƒ Working with at-risk Youth – Committed cameras have been purchased and a trial $250,000 in 2013-14 State Budget to is currently being conducted. This engage a consultant to assist with strategy also includes legislation implementing recommendations of the empowering courts to order vehicle Government’s Police Citizens Youth Club confiscation of reckless drivers, which is (PCYC) review. Funding of $10 million has


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

been allocated over the 2014-15 to 2016- ƒ Continue to hold community forums – 17 forward estimates to upgrade existing The Minister for Police and the PCYCs, following the consultant's advice. Commissioner of Police hosted a series of community forums in 2013 and 2014 to ƒ Police Regional Incentives – Committed advise on local crime issues, frontline $10.5 million over four years in the 2013- policing and providing an opportunity for 14 State Budget to help attract and retain the community to raise issues with senior police officers for hard-to-fill regional police officers. Further community postings. forums are scheduled to be held in 2015.

ƒ Red tape reduction – Significant work is ƒ Increase Metropolitan police capacity underway as part of Frontline 2020 (station upgrades) – $67 million in capital reform program (see below). expenditure was allocated in the 2013-14 Improvements have also been realised State Budget over four years to meet the through red tape reduction and election commitment “Boost to Police legislative changes, such as amendments Resources”. The funding was provided for to the Criminal Investigation Act 2006, accommodation options including allowing police to detain uncharged expansion and refurbishment of some suspects, freeing up officers for frontline existing facilities, leasing and fit-out of duties. new facilities and the acquisition and construction of new purpose built police ƒ Implemented the ground-breaking facilities. Frontline 2020 policing model across the metropolitan area from 1 December ƒ Mount Magnet Police Station - In 2014 - A key pillar of the new model is February 2014, opened the new $8.1 enabling the community to connect with million police station in Mount Magnet. their Local Policing Team through direct telephone contact, community events ƒ Police Air Wing - Opened the new $1.4 and via social media. Other benefits million state-of-the-art WA Police Air include streamlining police operations Wing facility at Jandakot airport in March and improving service delivery. 2014.

ƒ Introduce legislation mandating blood ƒ Assaulting a public officer - Tightened testing of people who bite or spit at Western Australia’s tough mandatory police officers – this legislation was sentencing laws to ensure any adult proclaimed on 1 January 2015 and convicted of either assaulting a public protects our police officers by allowing officer, or dangerous driving causing the taking of blood samples from the death or serious injury while evading offender, which helps in the diagnosis, police, spend their mandatory minimum clinical management and treatment of term in custody. the exposed police officer. ƒ Computer Aided Dispatch system - ƒ Introduce the Graffiti Vandalism Allocated $9.3million in the 2015-16 Enforcement Act enabling the Courts to State Budget, in addition to the $25.4 impose clean-up orders and banning million allocated in the 2014-15 State serial offenders from public transport – Budget for an upgraded Computer Aided Legislation under development for Dispatch system, which will help to introduction into Parliament in 2015. improve navigation, tracking and auditing of calls and tasks, emergency management and crime reporting.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Completed a major revision of penalties Royal succession remove gender and for road traffic offences (see Road religious discrimination and are Safety). appropriate in the context of our modern and contemporary society. ƒ Created a new offence of deliberately altering a number plate to disrupt ƒ Federalism – Promoted a Western criminal activities and encourage safer Australian perspective in the behaviour on our roads. development of the Commonwealth White Paper on the Reform of the ƒ Anti-car theft measures - Introduced an Federation. anti-car theft trial in an effort to reduce car theft in Perth. A GPS tracker, fitted to ƒ Continue negotiations with the Federal 1,000 high risk cars, will alert the owner Government to ensure native title tenure of a theft via the tracking system. and associated benefits to Aboriginal Western Australians are secured – ƒ Arson - Launched Strike Force Vulcan, Coordinating a native title policy reform aimed at cracking down on bushfire program with all States and Territories to arsonists during the bushfire season. build an improved native title system that will better deliver outcomes for Aboriginal PREMIER AND CABINET Western Australians and other stakeholders. ƒ Continue negotiations with Federal Government for revision of GST share – - Signed a significant native title Continue to seek GST revision with the agreement with the Ngarluma people Federal Government through the COAG of the Pilbara on 4,300 hectares of reform process. land intended for the Anketell Port project. Settlement package of $20 ƒ Coordinated engagement with the million over nine years. Commonwealth on national - The Western Australian Government infrastructure issues, including the completed negotiations with the National Infrastructure Audit and South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Northern Australia Infrastructure Audit. Council (SWALSC) on the final The Premier has signed: content of an agreement for the surrender of any native title rights - The National Partnership Agreement across the entire south-west. on Land Transport infrastructure - Tabled the Noongar Recognition Bill under which the Commonwealth will in Parliament, an unprecedented contribute approximately $4.3 billion recognition of Indigenous tradition in for transport infrastructure in WA and nationally. Western Australia (October 2014); - Adoption of a WA Native Title - The National Partnership Agreement Compensation Policy, a first on Asset Recycling under which the nationally. Commonwealth has allocated $5 - Native title agreement with billion as an incentive for jurisdictions Aboriginal people in the Esperance to sell assets and reinvest proceeds region finalised. into new infrastructure (May 2014). ƒ Aboriginal Affairs Achievements: ƒ Succession to the Crown – the Succession to the Crown Act 2015 (WA) was passed in - Aboriginal Justice Reform - In March 2015. The changes to the rules of October 2014, the Premier committed


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

to seek to reduce deaths in custody that assist young people to prepare and Aboriginal over-representation in for and stay in school, training or the justice system. The Government employment; and early interventions has recently endorsed a series of for youth at risk. The Reforms will also initiatives to create safer custody increase effectiveness and certainty environments and provide more to Aboriginal youth programs, and flexible options to police and the ensure Government funding delivers courts when dealing with low end better results for young Aboriginal offending. There will also be an people and the community. increased focus on dealing with the underlying behaviours and systemic ƒ Redevelop Sunset Hospital Site as a issues that lead to offending and community precinct – Sunset Reserve incarceration. The measures also Transformation Act 2014 came into effect ensure that frontline Government in April 2014. A small lot adjacent to the resources can be focused on tackling site was sold in May 2015 and proceeds serious offending. Announcements are to be used to undertake basic around the key initiatives will occur in restoration works and restore services. It the coming 12 months. is expected that public access to the site will be opened up in late 2016 and - Regional Services Reform - In May negotiation for use of buildings will occur 2015, the State Government throughout 2016 and 2017. announced major reforms to the way services will be provided to Aboriginal ƒ Oversee NDIS comparative trial sites and communities in remote areas. The the development of post-trial options - Regional Services Reform was Comparative trials of two approaches to informed by a review of Aboriginal the NDIS are currently underway in services in the Roebourne area in Western Australia and are due to run until 2013. The State Government’s June 2016. Since July 2014, the NDIS My reforms will prioritise funding to Way model has been operational in the locations that provide real economic Lower South West (and in Cockburn- opportunities and a safe environment Kwinana from July 2015), building on the for children. The work will be carried existing disability services system in out by teams who are working on the Western Australia and managed by the ground with communities, and State Government through the Disability Aboriginal leaders will play a vital role Services Commission. At the same time, in decision and implementation the National Disability Insurance Agency processes. run trial based on the national model is operational in the Perth Hills. Early - Youth - The Western Australian indications suggest that the NDIS My Way Government is currently reforming model is performing strongly. An the way services are delivered to independent evaluation of the two trials is Aboriginal youth. These reforms will ongoing, with a preliminary report due in foster stronger partnerships and November 2015. Experience of the collaborative approaches at a local comparative trials is informing the level to reduce fragmentation of Government’s planning for the future of service design and delivery; and the NDIS in Western Australia. refocus investment to programs that address young people’s complex ƒ Continue to review number and needs. State Government agencies responsibilities of Government Boards will be required to prioritise services and Committees – The number of paid


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Boards and Committees has been reduced ƒ In June 2014 the Director General DPC from 1200 in 2008 to approximately 335 signed an MOU with the Commonwealth at the end of 2013. The Government is allowing the State to access data also working to improve transparency collected under the National Greenhouse around membership and the and Energy Reporting Act 2007 - This remuneration of the members appointed agreement allows the removal of to these boards. duplicated reporting requirements for industry. ƒ International relations policy – A formal policy is being developed, concentrating ƒ PerthUSAsia Centre – The State is on the State’s major trading partners and providing $3 million over five years with a focus on the emerging nations of toward the establishment of the the Indian Ocean rim, with a view to PerthUSAsia Centre located at The leveraging existing relationships in mining University of Western Australia (in and petroleum to expand our agricultural collaboration with the Federal exports, especially to nations concerned Government and UWA). The Centre will about food security and food safety. help strengthen ties and engagement between the United States, Australia, and ƒ Engage with Commonwealth the Asia region through teaching, Government and other states in areas of collaborative research and as a policy practical reform – Western Australia think tank. continues to lead practical reform throughout the COAG process and ƒ Consider amendments to the informally in specific policy areas of Environmental Protection Act 1986 to education funding reform, environmental streamline administrative processes, approvals and the National Disability improve regulatory effectiveness, Insurance Scheme, reducing violence address identified shortcomings in line against women and children and with approval reform – Made changes to contributing to the work of the National native vegetation clearing under the Act, Methamphetamine (Ice) Taskforce. and considering further amendments as part of commitment to approvals reform. ƒ The State is progressing a bilateral approach to Indigenous Affairs with the ƒ In January 2014, the Premier visited Commonwealth - In particular, Africa to foster closer trade and discussions have included improving investment relationships in the region school attendance, addressing community across the industries of mining and safety in accordance with the State’s petroleum, education, training and Aboriginal Justice Reforms and working on agriculture. locally based solutions through the Regional Services Reform structure. ƒ The Premier signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the ƒ New one stop shop environmental Government of Western Australia and assessment bilateral with the the Common Market for Eastern and Commonwealth signed October 2014 and Southern Africa (COMESA) - A regional is now operating successfully - A draft economic organisation with member approvals bilateral agreement released states including Zambia, Kenya and for public comment in December 2014 is Uganda. This important agreement builds now awaiting passage of amendments to a closer relationship with 19 African Commonwealth legislation before being nations as part of the Premier's visit to finalised. Zambia and South Africa.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Cape Inscription - This is in addition to ƒ In April 2015, the Premier visited India - $300,000 already spent on lead up events, To get a better understanding of their $2.2 million for an upgrade to the economy and explore potential Denham jetty, $6.1 million for opportunities for trade, and specifically redevelopment works on the Denham LNG, mining services, agricultural foreshore and an estimated $16 million techniques, food handling and storage, for the Return to 1616 Dirk Hartog Island education and training and research. Restoration project which is funded by Chevron. ƒ Assistance provided under the jointly- funded Commonwealth-State Natural ƒ MH370 - Assistance and support to the Disaster Relief and Recovery Commonwealth Government on search Arrangements (NDRRA) to Western and rescue operations for Malaysian flight Australian communities impacted by MH370. severe flooding on 26 and 27 April 2014 - Communities of Exmouth, Yalgoo and the ƒ Continue to progress the Strategic City of Greater Geraldton provided Assessment of the Perth and Peel funding for clean-up and recovery Regions and finalise the draft impact assistance and support for the restoration assessment report and draft strategic or replacement of essential public assets conservation plan for public consultation damaged as a result of the flooding. by the end of 2015 - In concert with the Western Australian Planning ƒ Creation of a new Coastal Towns and Commission’s Perth and Peel @3.5 million Settlements Cabinet Sub-committee this plan will deliver integrated land use (CTSCS) - To investigate the development planning and environmental management and revitalisation of priority coastal as the region grows. The settlements and examine future coastal Commonwealth’s endorsement of the sites. Strategic Assessment, anticipated in 2016- 17 will also remove the requirement for ƒ Formally recognised World Pregnancy Commonwealth environmental approvals and Infant Loss Remembrance Day on 15 for the next 20 years for urban, industrial, October 2014. and infrastructure development as well as basic raw material extraction in the ƒ Coordination and implementation of region. events and projects to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of Anzac - Including ƒ The Land Acquisition Legislation Amendment (Compensation) Bill 2014 the restoration of memorials on Mt was introduced into Parliament in Clarence (Albany), construction of the November 2014 - This legislation will National Anzac Centre (Albany), ‘Diggers improve protection of private property Departing’ re-enactment at Blackboy Hill rights and expressly require just and Fremantle commemorative heritage compensation to be paid in cases where a train journey, teachers resource packs private interest in land is compulsorily and Albany commemoration and acquired for public works. A Premier’s Circular was also issued – “A Private community events. Property Rights Charter for Western Australia” sets out requirements for ƒ Allocation of $820,000 for a range of public servants to ensure respect for projects to commemorate the 400 year private property rights and fair dealing anniversary of Dirk Hartog landing at with property owners.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

corruption prevention and education ƒ Lead development of the Draft Western functions to the Public Sector Australia Open Data Policy to be finalised Commissioner received Royal assent in in the first half of 2015 - Coordinated and December 2014. The staff and financial progressing open data capacity building resources required to support this shift in events across the IT sector including the responsibility will be transferred from the Western Australia public sector’s CCC to the Public Sector Commission, with contribution for 2015 GovHack. the Public Sector Commission to assume these responsibilities from 1 July, 2015. ƒ Commemorated the 150th anniversary of Sir James Stirling’s death on 22 April ƒ Retain cap on size of the public sector 2015 - With the preparation of a during current period of budgetary Ministerial statement read in Parliament restraint – Government agencies are now by the Premier, and confirmation of a subject to a cap on salary appropriations previous commitment by this Government rather than a cap on the number of staff. to $40,000 for restorative works for a This ensures that the cost of delivering memorial to Governor Stirling at St Johns services is controlled while still allowing Church, in England. flexibility in their delivery. Further reforms have been enabled by passage of the ƒ This Government introduced legislation Workforce Reform Bill 2013, which to change Foundation Day to Western created enhanced redeployment Australia Day - With the first official arrangements, provided for involuntary Western Australia day held on 1 June severance, and ensured that decisions 2012. WA Day is now celebrated over the made by the Western Australian Industrial June long weekend and throughout the Relations Commission have appropriate State with a range of events organised by regard for the Government’s fiscal Celebrate WA and funded by the State strategy and wages policy. As from 1 May Government. 2015 State Government public sector managers will have the power to PUBLIC SECTOR terminate the employment of employees who have no useful work to perform. ƒ Retain and expand the role of the Public Sector Commissioner – The establishment ƒ Maintained a responsible but consistent of the independent statutory office of the and equitable public sector wages policy Public Sector Commissioner in 2010 has that provides public sector employees seen a greater commitment to increasing with fair and reasonable remuneration the efficient and effective management, and benefits and safe working conditions governance and integrity of the public - The introduction of a CPI-capped Wages sector, and has ensured greater clarity of Policy has been effective in moderating responsibilities of bodies overseeing the growth in public sector labour Western Australia public sector. expenditure and to date 28 public sector industrial agreements covering over ƒ Introduce legislation giving the Public 77,000 employees (including police Sector Commission responsibility for officers, firefighters, public servants and oversight of minor misconduct by public government officers, teachers, State officers – Legislation to amend the training lecturers and various public Corruption and Crime Commission Act transport authority groups) with 17 2003 (WA) to transfer the Corruption and unions have been successfully registered Crime Commission's oversight of minor since November 2013. misconduct by public officers and its


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Lobbyist Bill - In 2014 the State racing and training assets. The report is Government introduced into Parliament due to Government by mid-2015. the Integrity (Lobbyists) Bill 2014 promotes and enhances public confidence REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT in the transparency, integrity and honesty of dealings between government ƒ Since 2008, Royalties for Regions has representatives and people who invested $5.6 billion into more than 3,600 undertake lobbying on behalf of others. projects and programs across regional WA. The program continues to have a RACING AND GAMING budget of $1 billion per year from 2015/16 to 2018/19. ƒ Completed a wider review of Liquor Control Act 1988 – The Liquor Control Act STATEWIDE Review was provided to the Government in January 2014. The Government has ƒ Committed $362 million over four years consulted with key stakeholders and in 2014-15 State Budget for major released a public response to the Review. projects and strategic economic Legislation giving effect to the changes opportunities identified as priorities will be introduced in two tranches in under the new Regional Investment 2015. These changes include: Blueprints - Each of the nine regional development commissions across the - Amending the Act to remove offence State tasked with putting together a relating to patrons carrying liquor Regional Investment Blueprint based on between non-contiguous licensed their development aspirations and areas. This will be part of the forecast population growth. amendments to be introduced into Parliament in the Autumn session. ƒ $146 million for the Affordable Housing for Workers Scheme across Regional - Legislate to allow restaurants holding Western Australia between 2013-14 and less than 120 people easier access to 2018-19. approval for serving liquor without a meal. This will be part of the ƒ In the 2014-15 State Budget invested a amendments to be introduced into further $45 million over four years in the Parliament in the Spring session. second stage of the Regional Mobile Communications Project – This project ƒ Addressing the impact of problem expands mobile phone coverage across gaming - Five community programs will regional Western Australia. share in $842,435 of State Government grants to address the impact of problem ƒ In October 2014 $13.3 million in funding gambling. Additional grants totalling was granted under the latest round of $329,476 have been awarded to Linkwest the State Government’s Royalties for and 360 Health + Community to help Regions Regional Grants Scheme and reduce problem gambling in the Community Chest Fund for eligible community and raise awareness about its Projects that help attract investment and social impact. improve the quality of life in regional Western Australia. ƒ Racing Industry - A taskforce was established to review Perth’s metropolitan harness and thoroughbred


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

KIMBERLEY and will periodically meet. The Department of Regional Development has ƒ Progress development of Ord Stage 3 – finalised a grant agreement with the Peel The State Government is working closely Harvey Catchment Council to employ a with the Northern Territory and science coordinator to integrate science Australian Governments to progress into catchment management to improve further expansion of the Ord Irrigation water quality of the Peel-Harvey waters. A Scheme into Northern Territory. senior scientist commenced employment Assistance has been provided to the in October 2014. Northern Territory on matters such as engineering options, land assembly and ƒ Officially opened a $1.3 million upgrade tenure models and water security and to campgrounds at Yalgorup National allocations. Park on 16 January 2015 - Providing more nature-based accommodation options for ƒ Kimberley infrastructure and services families just 105 kilometres south of boost: Perth.

- $14.9 million for the Broome Road ƒ Funds secured to replace Old Mandurah industrial area development. Bridge - Construction will start at the end - $10 million for the Broome of 2015 to replace Mandurah’s 62-year Chinatown redevelopment. old traffic bridge with a new four-lane - $19.5 million for the West Kimberley bridge over the estuary. The State Transitional housing project. Government has allocated $48.8 million - $4.9 million for the Fitzroy Crossing ($8.8 million from Royalties for Regions) courthouse. to this project with the City of Mandurah - $29.9 million for the Kununurra also contributing $3 million. Courthouse - $15.45 million for Seizing the GOLDFIELDS-ESPERANCE Opportunity Agriculture. - $73.3 million for the Regional Youth ƒ Goldfields-Esperance Revitalisation Plan Justice Strategy across the Kimberley – Committed $162 million in the 2015-16 and Pilbara. State Budget over four years, including - $4.8 million for the Kimberley $40 million over the next two years for Science and Conservation Strategy. the redevelopment of Kalgoorlie Boulder - $18.5 million for the new Kimberley Community High School and $38 million National Park and Great Kimberley over the next four years for the upgrade Marine Park. and construction of passing lanes along Great Eastern Highway ƒ Officially opened the new $41.8 million Kununurra Courthouse in October 2014. ƒ Infrastructure and Services upgrades in the Goldfields-Esperance Region: PEEL - $92.2 million for Goldfields ƒ Create Peel-Harvey Estuary Management Revitalisation projects. Committee and provide funding to - $17.6 million for the Esperance Health complement scientific and coordination Campus. efforts – Allocated $400,000 in 2013-14 - $600,000 for the Esperance State Budget over four years. Residential College Stage 2 upgrade. Membership of the Peel-Harvey Estuary - $6.2 million for the Goldfields Arts Management Committee has been agreed Centre.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

- $45 million for the Kalgoorlie-Boulder ƒ $19.2 million for Remote Indigenous Community High School. Health Clinics - This project represents - $38 million for Great Eastern Highway considerable investment into facilities for passing lanes. some of Western Australia’s most remote - $3.9 million for PortLink inland freight communities in the Kimberley and Pilbara. corridor planning. Health facilities in remote communities including Bayulu, Mulan, Billiluna, ƒ Officially opened the $35.5million Noonkanbah and Yandeyarra are being Esperance Waterfront project in redeveloped and refurbished. Taking November 2014. The James Street design cues for consultation with local Precinct development will maximise the community members, these clinics are Esperance foreshore - one of the town’s becoming welcoming places for local greatest assets - and includes beach residents. pathways, a lawn area and gardens, including a landmark sculpture of a whale GASCOYNE tail. ƒ Gascoyne Infrastructure and Services MID WEST Boost:

ƒ Invested $66.1 million of Royalties for - $103.1 million for the Gascoyne Regions funding since 2013-14 into Revitalisation Plan including: health services, education and - $2.2 million for Denham Timber Jetty infrastructure in Western Australia’s replacement Mid West region through the Mid West - $18.3 million for the Exmouth Boat Investment Plan. The funding includes: Harbour - $20.3 million for the Carnarvon Health - $10.3 million for Wubin-Mullewa Campus. Road. - $7.9 million for the Exmouth Health - $9 million for Goldfields Highway. Clinic. - $2 million for Geraldton Residential - $1.1 million for the Coral Bay seasonal Colleges. staff accommodation. - $3.4 million for Ballinyoo Bridge . - $15.45 million for Seizing the - $2 million for Foodbank Geraldton. Opportunity Agriculture. - $2.5 million for Morawa Town Centre. ƒ In October 2014 announced a $20 million ƒ Infrastructure and Services upgrades in major upgrade for Exmouth Boat the Mid West Region: Harbour - Offering significant economic benefits for the Gascoyne region and - $140.2 million for the Mid West expanding its capacity as a major supply Investment Plan, including $4.6 and service base for the oil and gas sector. million for the Wubin-Mullewa Road The upgraded facilities will create about upgrade and $7.47 million for a 140 new jobs within existing operations. power station to the Murchison Through a decrease in construction costs Radio-Astronomy Observatory in Exmouth, the value of this project is power station. now $18.3 million. - $9.1 million for Durack Institute of Technology centres for health PILBARA industries and resource sector training. ƒ Infrastructure and Services upgrades in the Pilbara - Funding through Royalties


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

for Regions’ Pilbara Cities Initiative SOUTH WEST includes: ƒ The new $36.4 million Augusta Boat - $147.3 million for Pilbara Cities Harbour officially opened in November infrastructure, including $40.4 million 2014 – The new harbour offers sheltered to develop a city core for the Karratha water and service facilities to thousands city centre, $38.5 million for Karratha of commercial and recreational boaties in city centre infrastructure. the South West, made possible by the - $40 million to revitalise the Newman State Government’s Royalties for Regions town centre. program. It incorporates a four-lane boat - $12.66 million for the Marble Bar launching facility, floating finger jetties road bridge crossing at Fortescue and 40 boat pens. River. - $109.6 million for Pilbara Cities ƒ The Surfers Point Precinct project - At community projects. Prevelly near Margaret River in the South - $206.5 million towards the Karratha West region is helping showcase the area Health Campus. $73.3 million for the as a world class surfing tourism Regional Youth Justice Strategy across destination. Major works were all Kimberley and Pilbara. completed in time for the 2014 Drug - $10.3 million for Seizing the Aware Margaret River Pro, an Opportunity Agriculture. international surfing competition held - $10 million for the Jigalong essential over five days in April. Total project services pilot program. budget of more than $5 million from Royalties for Regions. ƒ Onslow Airport Redevelopment Project - Approved the allocation of $13 million in ƒ In April 2013 two artificial reefs were December 2014 to complete work on the installed on the seabed off Dunsborough Onslow Airport Redevelopment Project. and Bunbury - The reefs consist of 30 ten-tonne reinforced concrete modules WHEATBELT placed in six clusters of five modules. Royalties for Regions allocated $1.86 ƒ In September 2014 announced the million to the Department of Fisheries to provision of $6.575 million over three manage the project. years to expand The AvonLink train service, between Northam and Perth - ƒ In 2014-15 committed $600 million over The service will encourage further growth five years from the Royalties for Regions and increased sustainability of the Avon for The Growing our South Initiative - A region. fund which will help to implement major infrastructure and community projects ƒ In March 2014 announced the Creating across the Peel, Wheatbelt, South-West Age Friendly Communities in Small Towns and Great Southern regions. Allocated Project in the Wheatbelt supported by $26 million to 11 projects in the first $2.5 million of Royalties for Regions tranche of funding. Funding GREAT SOUTHERN ƒ In March 2014 announced a $1 million commitment to the Dryandra Residential ƒ $2.84 million to complement $3 million and Community Care Expansion - Stage 2 from consolidated revenue to restore in Kellerberrin. the Mt Clarence ANZAC Desert Corps Memorial - The improved memorial and


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

visitor facilities, new interpretive million in 2013-14 State Budget over four elements and the creation of spaces for years for the construction of a hangar, education and commemoration have crew accommodation and office facility, created a fitting memorial to ANZAC together with operating costs for a new soldiers. South West Emergency Rescue Helicopter Service. The provision of a ƒ In March 2014 announced completion of second Emergency Rescue Helicopter the Sounness Park Community Service in the South West will lead to an Recreation Development Project - With improved emergency response and a contribution of $1.4 million from greater community resilience to Royalties for Regions emergency incidents. This Government will continue to improve our fire and ƒ Royalties for Regions funded $9.3 emergency response, and provide the million for a new town square, the best possible protection for the Western restoration of historic buildings and a Australian community. refurbishment of the Katanning Roller Flour Mill - Which was completed in ƒ Safer roads with upgrades to specific March 2015. country roads, targeting run-off-road crashes and upgrading Metropolitan ROAD SAFETY intersections – See Transport for a list of projects. ƒ Review the Road Safety framework – An independent review considered the ƒ Tackling Hoon Hotspots – Part of the appropriateness of the current road State Government’s multifaceted safety governance framework, to ensure strategy to clamp down on hoons who increased Government funding for road drive recklessly and endanger the lives of safety initiatives is delivered effectively. West Australians. $170,000 has been The Government has broadly accepted all committed in the 2014-15 State Budget 56 recommendations of the Review, over four years for covert cameras to including the establishment of a help police identify reckless driver Commissioner for Road Safety. An behaviour in hoon hotspots. Four covert Interim Road Safety Commissioner has cameras have been purchased and a trial been appointed and is currently working is currently being conducted. This to establish the new Office to support strategy also includes legislation this position. It is anticipated that this empowering courts to order vehicle new structure will be operational by July confiscation of reckless drivers, which is 2015 and the appointment process for a currently under development and is permanent Commissioner will begin as expected to be introduced into soon as the new entity is formally Parliament in 2015. established. ƒ Install electronic flashing speed zone ƒ Speed and Red light camera signs at every school with a 40km/h infringement revenue – The State school zone – This commitment is Government will continue to ensure 100 underway, with $36 million funding per cent of speed and red-light camera through the Road Trauma Trust Account infringement revenue is spent on road to ensure every school in Western safety initiatives. Australia with a 40km/h zone receives flashing LED lights by 2017. By 30 June ƒ Purchase emergency rescue helicopter 2015, 309 schools will have the flashing for the South West – Committed $15.3 40km/h school zone signs in operation.


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

During 2015-16 and 2016-17, another preventing road crashes causing serious 766 schools will have the electronic injury and death. $360,000 in funding is flashing school speed zone signs available to organisations and installed. community groups for eligible projects and events in 2014-15. A further ƒ Promote safer vehicles, through the $360,000 has been allocated to the expansion of the ‘stars on cars’ scheme Grants Program in the 2015-16 State – Developed an alliance with about 50 Budget. car dealerships across Western Australia aimed at providing information on ƒ Repeat Drink Drivers - Legislation vehicle safety ratings and safety features, requiring repeat drink drivers to install helping consumers to make more and participate in an alcohol interlock informed decisions about purchasing a program to separate their drinking and safe vehicle. driving behaviours was passed by Parliament in February 2015. It is ƒ Reaffirming the use of five-star rated anticipated that the Alcohol Interlock vehicles for the Government fleet – The Scheme will be operational by mid-2016 Government will continue to purchase 5- once the comprehensive regulations are star ANCAP rated fleet vehicles. The finalised. selection of safer vehicles promotes occupant safety. Agencies have a duty of SCIENCE care to provide a safe workplace and fleet vehicles are considered an ƒ Scitech - The current State funding extension of the workplace. The agreement for Scitech of $41.5 million Government reaffirmed its commitment covers the period 2013 to 2018. The State to purchase 5-star ANCAP rated vehicles Government has also committed $15 and committed to extend this to Sport million towards finding a new home for Utility Vehicles and light commercial Scitech. An independent planning vehicles from 1 January 2014, where reference group was established to available. This initiative will lead the undertake a study to identify options for country in safe fleet policy for light Scitech’s short and long-term commercial vehicles. accommodation requirements. These options are expected to be presented to ƒ Completed a major revision of penalties the Premier in mid-2015, following which for road traffic offences - The amended detailed planning and costing of penalties apply to offences related to shortlisted options will be undertaken. speeding, drinking driving, failure to give way, disobeying access control signs, ƒ International Centre for Radio failure to keep left and overtaking, Astronomy Research (ICRAR) - The State following too closely, non-restraint and Government has invested more than $96 non-helmet use, and in-vehicle million into building radio astronomy distractions such as mobile phones. research capacity, capability and infrastructure, including the ƒ Road Safety Community Grants Program establishment of ICRAR in 2009, a joint - Launched the Road Safety Community venture between The University of Grants Program, funded through the Western Australia and Curtin University. Road Trauma Trust Account, which offers The current State funding agreement of event and project grants for locally- $26 million covers the period 2014 to developed initiatives designed to foster 2019, and supports the ongoing operation community support and participation in of ICRAR. ICRAR is leading Western


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Australia’s effort in the SKA project and is Australia, based on government and a key part of the State’s efforts to industry needs. It is the first step in the maximise Western Australia’s benefits process of achieving transformational from the SKA project. outcomes for Western Australia’s marine environment. ƒ Pawsey Supercomputing Centre - The State Government committed a further ƒ Establish a new institute for terrestrial $21.55 million to the Pawsey biodiversity research - Western Supercomputing Centre in the 2015-16 Australia’s terrestrial biodiversity State Budget, bringing the total knowledge and research activity is contribution since inception in 2000 to significant, and a new institute will be $53.941 million. established in 2015 with support from the State Government. The new institute will ƒ The launch of ‘A Science Statement for align and coordinate the existing Western Australia – Growing Western knowledge system to support more Australia’ – The Premier launched the informed and timely decision making and Science Statement on April 2015 which ensure that funding and research efforts outlines the State’s scientific capacity in are prioritised towards the areas of five key priority areas in which the greatest conservation needs. advancement and application of science can help us broaden the economy and SENIORS AND VOLUNTEERING create a new generation of jobs. The five key priority areas are: mining and energy; ƒ Elderly Abuse - Launched Western medicine and health; agriculture and Australia’s first dedicated elder abuse food; biodiversity and marine science and; helpline on 1300 724 679. The helpline is radio astronomy. Following the launch of enabling seniors being coerced into giving the Science Statement, the next step is money to friends or family to telephone the development of science strategies for assistance. An Elder Abuse Protocol that reflect the long-term vision for has been developed to help Government Western Australia in each of the priority and non-Government agencies educate areas. The Office of Science, with the and prepare any staff who encounter Chief Scientist providing leadership and elder abuse. guidance, will develop the strategies. Industry, universities and research ƒ Seniors Card Discount Directory - $1,000 institutes will be involved. worth of State Government concessions and business discounts made available ƒ The Premier as the Minister for Science - throughout Western Australia to seniors Premier assumed responsibility for accessing the Seniors Card Discount Science Portfolio in March 2013. Directory.

ƒ Appointment of Professor Peter Klinken - ƒ Seniors’ Housing Centre - A one-stop The new Chief Scientist of Western shop provided for seniors with the Australia was appointed on 10th June Seniors’ Housing Centre now co-located 2014. with the WA Seniors Card centre. Three- year contract signed with Council on the ƒ Support for marine science - In April 2015 Ageing WA to offer seniors advice about the Premier launched the Western housing options. Since September 2011, Australian Blueprint for Marine Science about 6,600 people have sought advice by 2050. The Blueprint is an assessment of phone, email or in person. Information marine research priorities for Western


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

sessions and seminars across WA reached the criteria for small retail shops so that another 10,000 seniors. up to 25 people can work in a small shop at any one time and increased the ƒ Seniors Strategic Planning Framework - number of small retail shops that an The Government has implemented a eligible persons can own from three to range of initiatives aligning with its four, came into effect on 19 November Seniors Strategic Planning Framework 2014. 2012-2017. Under the framework, the Government launched a $200,000 two- ƒ Provide more balanced unfair dismissal year funding program supporting regional laws for small business and modernise local governments to develop age-friendly Western Australia’s private sector communities. awards – The Labour Relations Legislation Amendment and Repeal Bill ƒ Free public transport - From 1 July 2015, 2012 was tabled in December 2012 as a free travel times have been extended to Green Bill. Cabinet has now approved evening and early morning services. Carer, amendments to the Bill including Aged and Disability Support Pensioner tightening right of entry laws, which are SmartRider holders will be able to travel now being drafted. for free at the following times: ƒ Simplifying the administration and - From first service until 6am complexity of awards for small business, - From 9am until 3.30pm with reduced number of up to date - From 7pm until last service awards - The Labour Relations Legislation - All day Saturday, Sunday and public Amendment and Repeal Bill 2012 will holidays. require the Commission to review every private sector pre-modern State award ƒ Photo ID Card - From July 1 2016, the and either replace it with a modern State Government will offer a concession price award or cancel it. This process is termed for seniors to obtain a photo identification “award modernisation”. To ensure that card. the Commission gives due consideration to the appropriate level of penalty rates ƒ Concessions - Reform of social of pay when undertaking award concessions, including seniors modernisation, the Bill will be amended concessions, to better target this to explicitly require the Commission to assistance to those most in need. review penalty rates of pay in every pre- modern State award; and when making SMALL BUSINESS each modern State award, consider the likely impact of any proposed penalty rate ƒ Business Local Service - the Business of pay on productivity and on Local Service will replace the former employment costs for an employer who Small Business Centre program and is, or would be, covered by the modern commences on 1 July 2015. This new State award; and whether any proposed service will reduce duplication and penalty rate of pay will act as a barrier to increase the number of business advisors employment for employees who would be on the ground. covered by the modern State award.

ƒ Give small retail shops more flexibility SPORT AND RECREATION to employ staff and expand their businesses – The Consumer Protection ƒ Commenced construction of the new Legislation Amendment Act 2014 eased Perth Stadium – Pre-construction works


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

for the new Perth Stadium have been ƒ Committed $13.2 million over four years completed and a tender awarded for from 2013-14 for the maintenance and construction, with work underway since upgrades of regional pools under the December 2014. The State Government is Community Pool Revitalisation Program - investing over $1 billion in the new Perth Local Governments in regional areas Stadium and Sports Precinct, delivering a provided with up to $30,000 each for world-class sport and recreation facility upgrades and maintenance of 91 for Western Australians. More than 5,700 swimming pools from the first round of workers will be employed to help build the Community Pools Revitalisation the Stadium during the three years of Program. construction and over a hundred contracts will be awarded, many to local ƒ Provided $12.4 million funding ($2.4 companies. million from CSRFF) to the for the design and construction ƒ Provided funding for Sport 4 All (includes of the Cockburn Central West Regional KidSport) – Allocated $30 million from Physical Activity and Education Centre - 2011-12 to 2016-17, enabling children This provides a major sport and recreation who could not normally afford it to play base for the residents in the growing team sports and engage with their local southern metropolitan corridor of Perth. communities. Since its inception in 2011, This regional community centre will also KidSport has helped more than 43,000 be the training headquarters for the children aged between five and 18 join a Fremantle Football Club by 2016. local sporting club. ƒ Provided $7.2 million in funding annually ƒ Designed and built a $31 million WAIS over three years from 2014-15 for 87 High Performance Centre - To prepare State Sporting Associations - To support our elite athletes for international and develop sport and recreation across competition in the 2016 Olympics and Western Australia at grassroots beyond. The state-of-the-art training community level. centre was opened on 22 April 2015. ƒ Established the Supporting Community ƒ Built the new $26 million State Netball Sport Initiative - $2 million allocated from Centre in Wembley - The 1,000-seat the $4 million supporting community centre will house West Coast Fever and sport initiative to the Athlete Travel Netball WA high performance training Subsidy Program and Community Sport programs, State League Netball matches Equipment Grants. and community netball. The centre was officially opened on 28 March 2015. ƒ Established Junior Representative Travel Assistance Program – The Program ƒ Invested $136 million through the commenced in December 2013. The Community Sporting and Recreation program supports talented young athletes Facilities Fund (CSRFF) since 2009 to over to travel to elite competition, selection 750 sport and recreation projects – trials and training. Projects include new swimming pools, recreation centres, playing fields, change ƒ Established Community Sport Equipment rooms, floodlighting and a range of other Grants Program – The Program sporting and recreation projects across commenced in December 2013. Every one Western Australia. of the 5,000 sporting clubs in the State can apply for a one-off amount of $500 to


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

purchase shared equipment for their - Three netball courts and participants. administration building completed in 2015. ƒ Provided over $200,000 per year to - A project definition plan has been support the Seniors Recreation Council – agreed with the West Perth Football Remaining active and having access to Club and the Wanneroo Basketball stimulating recreational activities are vital Association and work continues on for the quality of life of seniors. The State these projects with works scheduled Government has continued to provide to commence in the 2015/16 financial support for the Seniors Recreational year. Council’s Healthy Ageing through activity programs. ƒ Build new covered basketball courts in Mundaring – Allocated $3 million from ƒ Upgraded facilities at Hartfield Park 2014-15 for Mundaring Basketball Courts. Sporting Complex (Forrestfield) – A Financial Assistance Agreement has Allocation of $6.01 million over three been executed and the project is years from 2013-14 to upgrade facilities of expected to commence in mid-2015 and the Hartfield Park Sport and Recreation be completed by early 2017. Reserve in Forrestfield. Work commenced early in 2015 on Stage 1 of the three- ƒ Fund the re-opening of Willetton Sports stage project, with completion of all three Club – Committed $1 million in the 2013- stages expected by late 2017. 14 State Budget to fund the re-opening of Willetton Sports Club. The Project has ƒ Provided funding for pavilion at Glen been completed. Huon Oval – $3 million allocated to an upgrade at Glen Huon Oval after ƒ Provided funding towards community consultation and agreement redevelopment of Kostera Oval, with the Shire of Dardanup. The funding Kalamunda – $1 million has been was originally promised to construct a allocated in 2014-15, with civil works new pavilion at Eaton Oval but all local expected to commence in mid-2015. clubs agreed the change was the best Completion is scheduled for mid-2017. community outcome. Project is expected to commence in late 2015 and be ƒ Expand Morley-Noranda Bowls Club – completed by early 2017. Allocated $800,000 in 2014-15 to expand the Morley-Noranda Bowls Club. The ƒ HBF Arena (Joondalup) Redevelopment – planning process is continuing with the The State Government allocated $14.9 City of Bayswater. The meeting room and million in 2013-14 over four years for a kitchen upgrade has been completed with multi-sport expansion of HBF Arena and the remainder of the works expected to its surrounding facilities, including a new be completed by June 2015. basketball centre for the Wanneroo Basketball Association, additional netball ƒ Upgrade facilities at Northern Redbacks courts and rugby pitch and new Women's Soccer Club (Balga) – Allocated clubrooms for the West Perth Football $500,000 to redevelop the Northern Club. The City of Joondalup has also Redbacks Women’s Soccer Club in Balga. committed an additional $4 million. Funding has been delivered and the project was completed in mid-2014. - Second rugby pitch completed in 2014. ƒ Provide funding for redevelopment of Lightning Park, Noranda – Allocated


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

$400,000 in the 2013-14 State budget. agriculture officers. This project was completed in March 2015. ƒ International Agreements – The signing of collaborative agreements with other ƒ Upgrade recreation facilities at East governments and their implementation is Dalyellup Oval – Received $300,000 as an important part of international part of the 2014-15 State Budget process. relations. Under a 2011 Memorandum of The Shire also received confirmation of an Understanding (MoU), the State extra $264,689 funding through CSRFF for Government has worked closely with the 2015-16 financial year bring the State China’s peak economic policy agency the Government funding to $564,689. National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on trade and ƒ Provided funding towards development investment issues. The Premier met the of Ellenbrook Recreation Centre and NDRC Chairman in April 2014 at a State Ellenbrook Recreation Hub – $250,000 banquet hosted by President Xi Jinping in was allocated in the 2014-15 State Budget honour of the Australian Prime Minister to complete planning. The City of Swan and his visiting delegation. In November will complete an Aquatic Facilities 2014 a MOU in biodiversity research was Strategy and concept designs for an signed between the Institute of Botany, aquatic facility at the proposed Ellenbrook Jiangsu and the Department of Parks and Recreation Centre in 2015. $5 million has Wildlife during the visit of the Minister for been allocated to a sports centre Environment; Heritage to China. A comprising three indoor multi-purpose delegation from the Institute visited courts, gymnasium, change rooms and Western Australia in April 2015 and a ancillary facilities with $2 million towards report is being prepared by the Institute aquatic facilities, subject to the outcome on possible areas of collaboration. of the City of Swan’s aquatic facilities strategy. ƒ Building relations in Africa – In January 2014, in line with its commitment to build STATE DEVELOPMENT relations in Africa, Western Australia signed a Memorandum of Association ƒ International relations policy – The with the Common Market for Eastern and Government is developing a formal policy Southern Africa (COMESA) consisting of to leverage existing relationships in 19 African nations. The objectives of the mining and petroleum to expand our Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agricultural exports, especially to nations include sharing knowledge and concerned about food security and food technology, development of legislation safety. It will concentrate the State’s and community engagement, rules of major trading partners , but also focus on governance, and education and training the emerging nations of the Indian Ocean between Western Australia and the rim. COMESA states across the fields of mining, petroleum and agriculture. ƒ Overseas offices – The State will work to maintain sister-state relationships and the ƒ Bunbury to Albany gas pipeline – The network of Western Australia’s overseas Government continues to work to deliver offices. The Western Australian a viable, gas pipeline from Bunbury to Government will increase its Albany. The pipeline route has been representation in Indonesia by adopting a determined and, since 2008, the new office model to include, in addition to Department of State Development has a regional director, tourism and undertaken significant due diligence for


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

the project, including financial and it includes new electricity, water and commercial modelling. An initial land health services, and airport assembly strategy has also been redevelopment to support Onslow’s developed. The Department has expansion related to development of the undertaken thorough market sounding, State’s Ashburton North Strategic and continues to engage with interested Industrial Area, home to the Wheatstone parties. LNG Project and the Macedon Domestic Gas plant. ƒ North West Shelf Joint Venture - In 2014, the State Government agreed that the ƒ Anketell Port Project – The Government North West Shelf Joint Venture could has signed a native title agreement, export a further 86 million tonnes of LNG allocated land for a potential industrial in return for additional supply of gas to estate, and released a Master plan for a the domestic market. The quantity of proposed new multi-user and multi- domestic gas will be equivalent to 15% of commodity deep water port at Anketell in LNG production from North West Shelf the Pilbara. The port will have a capacity facilities, whether from reserves held by at full development of 350 million tonnes the North West Shelf Joint Venture or annually. other producers. In 2015 the variation to the North West Shelf State Agreement ƒ LNG 18 – Western Australia will host the was passed by Parliament. world’s largest conference and exhibition dedicated to the LNG industry in Perth in ƒ Bungaroo Valley Water project – The April 2016. LNG 18 is expected to attract Western Australian Government and Rio more than 5,000 participants from 70 Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) have developed and countries and 200 of the world’s leading commissioned a new water source for the oil and gas companies. The conference, West Pilbara. It will provide an extra 10 exhibition and associated activities are billion litres of water a year for the future expected to inject $48 million into the development of Karratha, Roebourne, local economy. Wickham and Point Samson and ensure that RTIO’s requirements for its expanded TOURISM production are met. ƒ Increase funding to market Western ƒ Mitchell Plateau - In 2015 the Australia to domestic and international Government reached agreement with Rio travellers – An additional $24 million Tinto and Alcoa to terminate a State allocated from 2013-14 to 2016-17 to Agreement for establishing an alumina promote Western Australia refinery in the Kimberley, clearing the way internationally, in particular to Chinese, for 175,000 hectares on the Mitchell Singaporean and Indonesian tourism Plateau to be included in a new Kimberley markets, as well as inter/intra state. $11 National Park. The creation of a Kimberley million of this funding is specifically National Park is a key component of the focused on marketing regional Western $81.5 million Kimberley Science and Australia. Conservation Strategy. ƒ Support major events – Events provide ƒ Onslow Social Infrastructure Package – incentive for people to travel to a range of Delivery of a $300 million plus, joint metropolitan and regional locations, private and public funded package of which helps deliver economic and social social and critical infrastructure for the benefits to local communities, supports Pilbara town of Onslow is well underway, local businesses and generates valuable


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media exposure. The State Government’s remote parts of Western Australia. significant event support includes: State Government funding support was provided for the 2013, 2014 and 2015 events and financial support for - Providing additional funding to enable the regional component has been the Drug Aware Margaret River Pro extended through to 2018. surfing event to be elevated to World Championship Tour (WCT) status in - Supported the 2015 Perth 2014 in both the men’s and women’s International Arts Festival Opening competitions. WCT status produces Spectacular, The Giants, from 13 to 15 significantly elevated visitation and February. The free public event media impact, with approximately attracted huge crowds, extensive 40,000 spectators attending the 2014 media coverage and strengthened event. Perth’s image as a vibrant and artistic outdoors city. The State Government - New three year deal to 2017 signed contributed more than $2 million to for WA to host the Margaret River the cost of bringing The Giants to Gourmet Escape, which features Perth as part of ANZAC some of the world’s best chefs, commemorations. culinary and wine critics and

celebrities. The 2013 event resulted in ƒ Retain Regional Events Program and more than 33,000 room nights Regional Events Scheme – Allocated an booked in the Margaret River region additional $40 million from 2015-16 to and more than $10.5 million in direct 2018-19 to expand the calendar of economic impact. The annual regional events, and promote regional Margaret River Gourmet Escape is fast events across Western Australia. Eighteen developing into the highest-profile large regional events have been food and wine festival in Australia and supported by the State Government the Asia-Pacific Region. through the Regional Events Program - New agreement signed with the between 2011-12 and 2014-15, and International Tennis Federation and $750,000 is provided annually to support Tennis Australia to continue hosting around 50 to 60 small to medium sized the Hopman Cup in Western Australia events through the Regional Events from 2015 through to 2017, with a Scheme. five year option to retain the event through to 2022. ƒ Improve aviation access – A range of - The Perth International aviation initiatives have been supported Championship, Australia’s richest golf by the State Government to increase tournament and the only one domestic and international visitors to internationally sanctioned by both the Western Australia, including: European Tour and the PGA - Qatar Airways commencing three Australasia. flights a week from Doha to Perth in - Established the BHP Billiton Aquatic July 2012. Frequency of services Super Series, featuring a pool event increased to daily by end of 2012. with the Australian swim and water - Garuda Indonesia commenced direct polo teams competing against flights from Jakarta to Perth in June international swim and water polo 2013. A country manager is being teams; a competitive community recruited for a Tourism WA office in swim in the Swan River; and coaching Jakarta to drive marketing activity in clinics conducted by swimming and Indonesia to increase awareness of water polo athletes in regional and


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Western Australia and visitation from Building, Crown Towers and the Ritz- this affluent market. Carlton Hotel at Elizabeth Quay. Since - Etihad Airways commenced daily implementation of the policy, there has services between Abu Dhabi and been a significant increase in hotel Perth in July 2014, improving development applications in the Perth connectivity with the UK and key CBD. European markets which will help increase the value of tourism in ƒ Caravanning and camping - A total of Western Australia to $12 billion by $40.7 million was provided in 2013-14 2020. over four years to make caravanning and camping more affordable for Western - A three year $2.25 million co- Australians and improve associated operative marketing deal was signed facilities across the State. $34.4 million with Jetstar in February 2014 which is was allocated to implement Tourism WA’s expected to bring thousands of extra Caravan and Camping Action Plan 2013- visitors to Western Australia. The 2018, in collaboration with Main Roads Jetstar deal is helping WA’s WA, Department of Parks and Wildlife, continued growth as a holiday Department of Local Government and destination with the State promoted Communities and Department of Regional in key domestic tourism markets and Development. Singapore through joint advertising.

- Signed a new three-year cooperative ƒ Parks for People: new campgrounds - marketing agreement with China Work continues on the upgrading of camp Southern Airlines in July 2014. The and caravan sites as part of the State move follows a commitment by the Government’s Parks for People initiative State Government, in the 2014-15 to provide more low-cost, high-quality State Budget, to allocate $3.9 million holiday options in national parks and over three years specifically for reserves for families to experience. This tourism marketing to China. China $21.05 million initiative is delivering 450 Southern has changed its aircraft on new camp and caravan sites and the route to a new Dreamliner upgrading accommodation at other Boeing B787-8 which provides a campgrounds in 16 national parks and superior experience for passengers, reserves. This commitment builds on $60 and will increase to four flights per million already provided by the Liberal week from July 2015. The State National Government to improve facilities Government’s target to double in our parks since 2008. Chinese visitor numbers was achieved in 2014. ƒ Regional Visitor Centres Program - The ƒ Incentivise hotel development in State Government is investing $4.2 million Western Australia – Hotel incentives over four years in the Regional Visitor policy introduced in 2011 to help ease a Centres Program which will provide grant severe shortage of hotel rooms in Perth. funding opportunities for visitor centres The policy has been applied to support from 2015-16 to 2017-18. The program is the redevelopment of FESA House/Perth intended to boost the sustainability of Chest Clinic site as a 368-room Westin regional visitor centres through well Hotel and mixed-use building researched, targeted initiatives with an (commercial, hospitality and retail). Other emphasis on empowering local major State Government facilitated hotel communities. developments include the Old Treasury


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ƒ Development of a food and wine strategy first year of operation, enrolments in - Taste 2020: A Strategy for Food and State Priority areas, including foundation Wine Tourism in Western Australia for the skills, increased by over 9 per cent Next Five Years and Beyond has been ensuring vocational education and completed. The strategy is due to be training (VET) remains relevant to released in 2015 and will guide the business and gives students skills likely to coordinated promotion of food and wine lead to a job. as a key tourism experience, with specific emphasis on events, marketing, and tour ƒ Construction completed in the last 12 and product development. months for State Training Provider campuses: ƒ Rottnest Island - Facilities on Rottnest Island have been improved recently with - $5.8 million - Great Southern Institute upgrades to the Island’s tennis courts, of Technology, Albany Community campgrounds, public ablutions, barbecues Services and Health Sciences Block and walkways. A major upgrade of the (September 2014); golf course has been completed, with - $6.9 million - Kimberley Training reticulated fairways and grass greens to Institutes - Derby Extension and enhance usage and encourage year round Workshop Facilities (September 2014); visitation to the Island. An agreement was and signed with Karma Royal Group to - $2.8 million - Kimberley Training redevelop Rottnest Lodge. The $20 million Institutes - Halls Creek upgrades and redevelopment is the first major new Auto Workshop (March 2014); infrastructure revitalisation on Rottnest - $4.9 million - Muresk Institute - final Island since the 1990s and will see the stage to refurbish accommodation Lodge transformed into a luxury resort facilities; complex with day spa, Kid’s Club, new - $6 million - Challenger Institute of conference facilities, a restaurant and the Technology - Peel Health and construction of about 80 new holiday Community Training Centre (December units. The project will provide visitors with 2014); increased choice of accommodation and - $28.61 million - Challenger Institute of facilities. The agreement includes the Technology - Rockingham Trade transfer of the Quod to the Rottnest Training Centre (March 2014); and Island Authority in 2018, when the project - $10 million - Central Institute of is scheduled to be completed. Technology, Green Skills building (October 2014). TRAINING AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ƒ Changes to the Western Australian ƒ Future Skills WA - Introduced Future Skills Certificate of Education – Major reforms WA, a major new system for prioritising to the Western Australian Certificate of and funding training delivery in Western Education (WACE), announced in January Australia. Future Skills WA guarantees 2013, came into effect in 2015. The eligible students a subsidised training changes will require students to achieve place in more than 600 State priority an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank qualifications, including over 500 and/or a minimum Certificate II to apprenticeships and traineeships and over graduate from school with a WACE. 130 qualifications on Western Australia’s Students will also be required to meet Priority Industry Qualifications List. This minimum literacy and numeracy means that no eligible person who wants standards. These changes will ensure that training in these areas will miss out. In its all students are prepared to meet the


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demands of everyday life and work once Training Councils and education they leave school. authorities to develop a strategy for more effective school and industry ƒ In December 2014, the State engagement. The workshops informed Government announced a $17 million the development of a School and Industry funding package for Vocational Engagement Framework which is Education and Training (VET) in public currently being finalised by the secondary schools in 2015, a 51 per cent Department of Training and Workforce increase on 2014 funding. Development. Various Training Councils are also actively engaging with schools ƒ Publish a register of qualifications that around students’ VET in Schools options have been endorsed by industry as being as well as potential career paths. suitable for VET in Schools delivery/ Reform VET qualifications to industry ƒ Provide funding to the Muresk Institute – standard – The State has published an Allocated $10 million funding in the 2013- online Qualifications Register in 14 State Budget for the Muresk Institute, collaboration with Training Councils and to expand training and research the schools sector to provide guidance on opportunities and undertake the suitability of qualifications for VET in refurbishment work. Muresk is now a Schools delivery. This outlines the delivery multi-tenanted, multi-functional facility, requirements for qualifications to meet allowing for a wide range of training the needs of industry. (Election providers and conference organisers to Commitment) utilise the site for a range of industry driven short courses, VET and higher ƒ Improving VET in Schools - Completed education programs, supporting the three key initiatives to improve VET in agriculture and agribusiness industries. Schools, delivering on an election commitment to reform the program to ƒ Create scholarship program encouraging achieve better outcomes for students women into non-traditional industries and employers: and trades – In March 2015, the Minister for Training and Workforce Development - A Good Practice Model project which launched a scholarship program to showcases schools that have encourage women into non-traditional demonstrated a strong commitment trades and industries. Up to 400 to providing quality VET in Schools scholarships over four years will be programs. available to women commencing training - A VET in Schools Qualifications at Certificate III level or above. Register, which provides guidance to Applications for the 2015 scholarship parents, students and schools about round closed 15 May 2015 with over 150 what VET qualifications are supported applications received. by industry. - New guidelines for schools and ƒ Increase accommodation allowance for training providers to ensure quality apprentices and trainees – In February and consistency across VET in Schools 2015, the accommodation allowance for programs, available on a new VET in apprentices and trainees was doubled to Schools website. $70.00 per night below the 26th parallel and $110.00 per night above the 26th ƒ Develop partnerships between schools parallel and interstate. The increased and industry – A series of workshops financial assistance is provided to were held with the State Training Board, apprentices and trainees for off-the-job


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

training and will help apprentices and passengers from the ground-level entry trainees who are required to travel long points to the underground, 16-stand, air- distances and live away from home conditioned lounge level. Large screens temporarily as part of their training. will provide passengers with up-to-date Around 900 regional apprentices and service information, including stand trainees per year will benefit from this locations and departure times. initiative. ƒ Unveiled a congestion-easing plan to x Support for Group Training Organisations improve traffic flow through the city by – The State Government has reaffirmed introducing a second entry to the new its commitment to working in partnership , part of the $209 million with these organisations to support existing Perth Busport project budget - disadvantaged people through This entrance has the potential to traineeships and apprenticeships with improve more than 30,000 bus passenger small to medium enterprises. journeys in and out of the CBD each day.

TRANSPORT ƒ Progress safety improvements to Great Northern Highway – Committed $116.5 ƒ Forrestfield-Airport Link - In January million in the 2015-16 State Budget to 2015 Expressions of Interest were invited continue the joint Commonwealth-State for the $2 billion Forrestfield Airport Link. funded $387.2 million upgrade of Great The new line will connect with the Northern Highway (Muchea-Wubin Stage existing Midland Line near Bayswater and 2), including a $30 million bypass of New run underground for eight kilometres in Norcia. This is in addition to the recently twin-bored tunnels beneath the Swan completed reconstruction, realignment River and Perth Airport. It will open up a and seal widening of the Great Northern new rail corridor to Perth’s eastern Highway known as the Bindi Bindi Curves. suburbs as well as connecting the city to Perth Airport. With construction ƒ Construct dual carriageway on Reid expected to begin in 2016, the project Highway – Committed $24 million for will create a 20-minute rail journey from Reid Highway widening between Duffy Perth’s eastern suburbs to the city and and Erindale Roads, as well as westward will feature three new stations - Airport to Marmion Avenue. Works commence in West (Belmont), Consolidated Airport early 2015. and Forrestfield. ƒ Construction is underway for the $84 ƒ The Perth City Link project rail and bus million Reid Highway-Malaga Drive component - The $360 million rail interchange with completion due in component was completed in December early 2016. Part Federal funded project. 2013, six months ahead of schedule. This involved sinking part of the Perth to ƒ Construct heavy vehicle bypass at Fremantle railway line west of Perth Ravensthorpe – Allocated $17.5 million Station and the provision of track, for the construction of a heavy vehicle infrastructure and passenger amenity bypass around Ravensthorpe to provide improvements, including a new safe and more efficient journeys for underpass linking the Perth Underground heavy transport operators. Works Station and Perth Station. Work on the commenced in 2014 and will be $209 million bus component is well completed by late 2015. underway with completion in 2016. Lifts, stairs and escalators will connect


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ƒ Committed $3 million annually to match beaches committed $40 million in 2013- Federal funding under the Heavy Vehicle 14 State Budget over four years – Safety and Productivity Programme - Construction is now rescheduled to this has delivered rest stops and heavy commence in 2017. vehicle bays on Great Northern Highway, Eyre Highway, Goldfields Highway, Mt ƒ Build a traffic bridge over Collie River, Magnet-Leinster and Marble Bar Roads. linking Treendale and Eaton – Allocated $18 million to commence construction of ƒ $14 million to duplicate Gnangara Road the new bridge. Preloading will from Alexander Drive to Drumpellier commence in 2015, construction early Drive – Committed $14 million in 2013- 2016 with completion of the new bridge 14 State Budget over two years. Works in early 2017. commenced in late 2014. ƒ Install electronic flashing speed signals ƒ Announced a $1.57 billion Perth Freight in every 40km/h school zone in Western Link to connect Fremantle Port with Australia – Committed $36 million over Kewdale and beyond, jointly funded 2014-15 to 2016-17. The signs will be between the Commonwealth and State installed at 1,070 schools across the Governments - The project would include State. a five kilometre four-lane dual carriageway extension of the Roe ƒ Committed to construction of Northlink Highway, from its existing terminus at WA – This project, being undertaken in the Kwinana Freeway to Stock Road in partnership with the Federal Government, Coolbellup and improvements to Stock includes the $836.6 million Swan Valley Road and High Street. Contract to be Section and $281.2 million Tonkin awarded 2015, with construction to Highway Grade Separations. commence 2016. ƒ Implement Taxi Action Plan – A new ƒ Seal Wiluna to Meekatharra Road – occupational licensing system for taxi Committed $20 million in the 2013-14 drivers was passed in Parliament in 2014 State Budget over four years to upgrade and the regulations are being developed Goldfields Highway and Wubin-Mullewa for implementation in late 2015. Also as Road which will involve sealing of part of the plan mobile security patrols overtaking berths, with further planning were implemented in 2011 and are being undertaken to seal the remainder continuing to increase security in the taxi of the road. Works were completed in fleet in addition to the Taxi Camera 2014. Surveillance Unit (TCSU) replacement program from 2011 to 2014. The State ƒ Upgrade Marble Bar Road – Committed Government also made regulatory $20.67 million in 2015-16 State Budget changes to half the maximum credit- for upgrading works including a new processing fee in taxis to 5 per cent. bridge over the Fortescue River (part funded by mining contributions). ƒ Fund completion of the Principal Shared Path Bicycle network – Over the past six ƒ Upgrade Wubin-Mullewa Road years the State Government has spent (Perenjori-Morawa) at a cost of $21.6 more than $100 million on cycling million. Works were completed in 2014. initiatives. This investment is resulting in 221 km of off-road shared paths and 71 ƒ Realign Curtin Ave to improve access km of on-road bike lanes, principal and amenity near Leighton and Port shared paths (PSPs) and local


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government grants from 2014-15 to ƒ Seal remaining section of bike path 2017-18, new cycling infrastructure as around Lake Joondalup – Committed part of the Gateway WA project, and $500,000 in 2013-14 State Budget to seal building a further 50 kilometres of PSPs the remaining section of the path. as part of both the North Link and Perth Freight Link projects. ƒ Install four flashing LED speed signs on Oxford Street, Leederville – Allocated ƒ Construct 15 overtaking lanes on Great $40,000 to install the speed signs by June Eastern Highway between Southern 2014 – completed on schedule. Cross and Kalgoorlie – Allocated $48 million with planning commencing in ƒ Free public transport - From 1 July 2015, 2015-16 and delivery in 2016-17 and free travel times have been extended to 2018-19. evening and early morning services. Carer, Aged and Disability Support Pensioner ƒ Improve safety and remove dangerous SmartRider holders will be able to travel sections of the Coalfields Highway – for free at the following times: Funding of $25 million in the Government’s first term and $28 million - From first service until 6am in the second term to undertake - From 9am until 3.30pm significant upgrades to Coalfields - From 7pm until last service highway, west of Collie. This significant - All day Saturday, Sunday and public project will be completed in June 2017. holidays.

ƒ Upgrade Great Eastern Highway ƒ Kenwick Train Station upgrade – $8.5 between Greenmount and Mundaring – million has been invested in the upgrade Allocated $12 million in the 2013-14 of Kenwick Train Station as part of a State Budget as the State’s 50 per cent commitment to ensure accessibility for share of the project. Awaiting all public transport users. This upgrade confirmation of the matching Federal was completed in January 2015. component. ƒ Aubin Grove Station building, parking ƒ Construct nine overtaking lanes on facilities and roadworks – In February Albany Highway – Allocated $10.85 2015 a lead design consultant was million in 2015-16 State Budget as part of appointed for the construction of the a $22 million initiative to improve safety new $57 million Aubin Grove train station and reduce the social and economic cost to service the expected 3,900 daily of road trauma. Delivery of this series of boardings. With 2,000 bays, Aubin Grove overtaking facilities will be completed in Station will become the largest Park ‘n’ 2018. Ride station on the network. In April 2015 the Government announced ƒ Build secure multi-storey car park at an expansion to the scope of works, Edgewater Station – Committed $46.5 which will see the Russell Road bridge million in 2013-14 State Budget over widened and intersection improvements three years for the development and adding $25 million to the project cost. construction of a secure multi-storey car park at the Edgewater Train Station. ƒ New generation of railcars - To provide Revised cost of $29.5m. Construction to for growth beyond 2016 the State commence early 2016 with completion Government announced $1.2 billion for a by the end of 2016. further 300 new “state of the art” railcars to be delivered over a ten year period


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commencing in 2019. These 300 new cars children to and from more than 500 will be configured as single six car trains schools across the State - The State as opposed to the current three car Government spent over $115 million to configurations. These new C-series operate the services for Western railcars will have four doors either side of Australian families last year. each railcar (as opposed to two doors on the current railcars). The removal of the ƒ The new $36.5 million Augusta boat two intermediate driver cabs and the harbour officially opened in November greater number of doors will enable 2014 – The new harbour offers sheltered higher and more uniform loading and water and service facilities to thousands passenger comfort. of commercial and recreational boaties in the South West. It incorporates a four- ƒ An additional twelve, three-car B-series lane boat launching facility, floating train sets carrying passengers on the finger jetties and 40 boat pens. Joondalup and Mandurah lines - The new trains boost capacity on the Joondalup ƒ Allocated $47.1 million in partnership and Mandurah lines during the busiest with the Federal Government towards part of the day by about 600 more the upgrade of Great Eastern Highway passengers per three-car set. These between Walgoolan and Coolgardie. additions are part of a $244 million Completed late May 2015. investment in 22 new three-car rail sets. Final trains in this order will be delivered ƒ Constructed over 5,000 additional by the end of 2016. parking bays at train stations across the metropolitan area at a cost of over $60 ƒ New Train Radio System – Government million. has approved $120 million to replace the obsolete analogue radio system used by ƒ Released the Western Australian Bicycle the Public Transport Authority to operate Network Plan 2014-2031 (WABN) - its passenger rail services with a modern providing a blueprint for metropolitan digital radio system. It will be capable of and regional cycling facilities to serving the Authority’s data transmission encourage and support bicycle trips. requirements to support future services and safety improvements. ƒ Completed $8.9 million worth of improvement works on Armadale Road ƒ Saw the first passenger trains leaving at Warton Road, bringing safety benefits Perth’s new Butler Station on to the area. September 21 2014 - The project, initially due to cost $241 million, was delivered ƒ Installed an acoustic, wave and current three months ahead of schedule and $20 device on the seabed outside Jurien million under budget. Boat Harbour entrance to record wind speed and direction, plus wave height ƒ Extend Mitchell Freeway from Burns and direction - Two fixed cameras are Beach Road to Hester Avenue – Allocated now in place to provide information on $261.34 million. Works commenced in changes to the beach and channel 2015, six months ahead of schedule with entrance, collecting data as part of an completion scheduled for early 2017. Part ongoing investigation into environmental Federal funded project. problems in the local area. ƒ More than 27,700 Western Australian ƒ $7.5 million for the Narrogin Link Road children ride free on the ‘orange’ school Project - Which will allow road trains up bus. School Bus Services (SBS) take to 36.5m long to travel safely through


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Narrogin, and improving the safety of the streets in Perth CBD in a bid to improve town centre. Works are underway. pedestrian safety and traffic flow - This initiative has since been broadened to ƒ Four of Western Australia’s new several other CBD intersections. regionally based port authorities commenced operations following the ƒ Allocated $6 million towards announcement of the State reconditioning and sealing shoulders on Government’s ports amalgamation sections of the Collie-Lake King Road, process. between Collie and Arthur River.

ƒ Opened the $1 million peak-period bus- ƒ Significantly increased the efficiency and only lane on Beaufort Street between capacity at Fremantle ports - Two rail Walcott and Bulwer streets - This project, projects have been jointly funded by the a joint initiative between the State State and Federal Governments at a total Government and the cities of Perth, cost of $38.4 million. These are the Vincent and Stirling, sees bus travel times extension of the North Quay Rail Terminal from Perth’s north-eastern suburbs into servicing Western Australia’s container the CBD reduced by about three to four trade, and the construction of a crossing minutes, depending on traffic conditions. loop at Spearwood that enables freight trains to pass on the rail line that connects ƒ Committed $16.3 million to buy 23 road the port with the Kewdale/Forrestfield coaches for passengers travelling in area. The third completed project in 2014 regional Western Australia - This is Fremantle Ports’ $27.2 million investment will improve services in development of roads and services on regional communities and especially help land reclaimed at Rous Head as a result of senior passengers and tourists who are the 2010 harbour deepening. Industrial frequent bus users. leases on this new land are now being developed by the private sector. ƒ Opened the new Bunbury road train assembly facility in 2014 - Giving road ƒ Started of construction of the Roe trains a safe location to break down into Highway-Berkshire Road interchange single trailers before travelling into the upgrade in Forrestfield, valued at $46.2 Bunbury city area. Jointly funded by the million - Upgrades provide much needed State ($5.2 million) and Federal ($1.3 relief at this heavily congested million) Governments. intersection and eradicate a major black spot. Works commenced in 2014 and ƒ Allocated $25.2 million for realignment completion is expected in 2016. and improvement of Bussell Highway (Vasse-Newtown) in 2015-16 – 2016-17. ƒ Recreational boating enthusiasts across the State benefited from a further $5.49 ƒ Widening of Kwinana Freeway million funding injection under the southbound from Roe Highway to Russell Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme Road as part of a $66.4 million joint (RBFS) - In 2014/15 for new and State/Federal project - Works improved facilities. commenced in 2014 with completion due in August 2016.

ƒ Launched pedestrian countdown timers trialled on traffic lights at the intersection of William and Murray


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

ƒ Signed a new Land Transport agreement growth in 2013-14 at 5.2 per cent, the signed with the Commonwealth to lowest rate of growth in 13 years. secure $4.3 billion in funding for transport infrastructure in Western ƒ Raise payroll tax threshold to $800,000 Australia - Including the new Perth in 2014-15 and $850,000 in 2017-18 – Freight Link. Changes the threshold, which will provide tax relief to more than 16,000 ƒ Construct the Lloyd Street Underpass - To employers. service the new Midland Health Campus at a cost of $83.7 million. Works ƒ Continued Western Australia’s commenced in June 2015 with completion transformation with a $24.1 billion scheduled for late 2015. infrastructure program over the next four years (from 2015-16 to 2018-19) - To ƒ North West Coastal Highway (Minilya- deliver 21 new schools, new hospitals, Barradale) - $217.9 million joint State / new fire stations, 407 buses, 30 new rail Federal project to upgrade this major cars and continued expansion of our road freight route. Project completion networks. scheduled for late 2017. ƒ In response to the sharp decline in the TREASURER iron ore price since the 2014-15 State Budget and Western Australia’s low GST ƒ Retain cap on the size of the public share, The State Government sector salaries budgets during current announced a package of savings period of budgetary restraint – measures in October 2014 worth $2 Government agencies are now subject to billion over four years. Measures a cap on salary appropriations rather include: than a cap on the number of staff. This ensures that the cost of delivering - A 1 per cent efficiency dividend on services is controlled while still allowing most general government agencies; flexibility and innovation in service - An ongoing 15% reduction in non- delivery. essential general government procurement expenditure from ƒ Maintain a wages policy that prevents 2015-16 onwards (a 15% procurement unsustainable growth in wages and reduction was implemented for conditions, while maintaining real wages 2014-15 in the 2014-15 State Budget); for public sector employees – Took key - A voluntary separation scheme steps in reforms to improve the efficiency targeting 1,500 public sector and flexibility of the public sector and employees across agencies with deliver cost-efficiency and more rigorous identified surplus staff; expense management for Western - A reduction in operating subsidy Australian taxpayers, by announcing new payments to a number of government wages policy to keep wages in line with trading enterprises; and inflation, stemming the growth of the - Further asset sales in the Government's wages bill while ensuring Government's Asset Investment the real wage of public sector workers is Program. protected. Wage negotiations have been in line with the wages policy and the ƒ Further revenue and savings measures Government achieved a very low rate of totalling $1.8 billion over four years as general government sector salaries part of the 2014-15 Mid-year Review, including:


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

- Reform of social concessions to better - A new public sector workforce target this assistance to those most in renewal policy has been applied from need. 1 January 2015. The policy aims to encourage the public sector to adopt ƒ The 2015-16 Budget included a no-fault more innovative methods of providing catastrophic injury scheme – This scheme services, as well as reducing growth in is to assist people who are salaries expenditure. Anticipated catastrophically injured in motor vehicle savings from agencies are based on accidents in Western Australia without expected employee separations and the need to prove fault. It is estimated harvested across agencies’ budgets, that each year, 44 Western Australians not position by position; not covered under the current CTP - Changes to the payroll tax scale, scheme suffer a catastrophic injury as a including a gradual diminishing of the result of a motor vehicle accident. These exemption threshold such that people rely on support available through employers with payrolls of $7.5 Government-funded services, personal million and above will pay payroll tax accident, superannuation or income on their entire payroll from protection insurance, and/or the support 1 July 2015; of family and friends. From 1 July 2016, - Targeted reductions in general they will be eligible for ongoing care and government agencies’ information support over the course of their lives, and communications technology funded by the Scheme. expenditure; and - A series of Agency Expenditure VETERANS Reviews in the first half of 2015 to ensure that programs or activities ƒ Announced new 10-member Veterans being delivered by agencies are being Advisory Council to provide input on delivered as efficiently and effectively issues relating to veterans including as possible. advice on health, ageing and welfare issues - While Veterans Affairs is a ƒ Announced a new round of revenue and Commonwealth responsibility, the State savings measures worth a total Government provides some of these $1.3 billion (in net debt terms to services. 30 June 2019) in the 2015-16 Budget. These measures include: ƒ Coordination and implementation of events and projects to commemorate the - A revised land tax scale from 100 year anniversary of Anzac including 1 July 2015; the restoration of memorials on Mt - Removal of the First Home Owner Clarence (Albany), construction of the Grant (FHOG) for established homes; National Anzac Centre (Albany), ‘Diggers - Alignment of the Loan Guarantee Fee Departing’ re-enactment at Blackboy Hill for Universities, local government and and Fremantle commemorative heritage Keystart at 70 basis points (consistent train journey, teachers resource packs with Government Trading and Albany commemoration and Enterprises); community events. - Removal of the cellar door subsidy; - Allocation of savings for the Agency ƒ Free Public Transport for ANZAC Day - Expenditure Reviews announced at The State Government provided free the time of the Mid-Year Review; and public transport on Saturday 25 April 2015 as hundreds of thousands of Western


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

Australians attend ANZAC Day events ƒ Complete upgrades to South Hedland commemorating the 100th anniversary of and Karratha wastewater treatment the Gallipoli landings. plants - Committed $200 million since 2013 for water infrastructure to meet the ƒ Free driver's licence for injured and growing needs of the Pilbara. disabled veterans - Hundreds of veterans Commissioning of both the South will not pay a fee for their driver’s licence Hedland and Karratha wastewater under changes made by the State treatment plants is now complete. This Government. The change will save included an upgrade of the recycling veterans $37.60 a year. facilities at both plants to provide higher quality recycled wastewater to the City of WATER Karratha and Town of Port Hedland to use as irrigation water on parks and ƒ Continue with water reform - Drafting of gardens. new water legislation has commenced. Six outdated Acts will be replaced by one ƒ Construct Millstream to Greenbushes new piece of legislation that allows faster pipeline and extension to Kirup - The decision making, greater certainty for construction of Millstream to water users and risk based management Greenbushes pipeline commenced in of water resources. November 2013. The Greenbushes to Kirup pipeline is scheduled for completion ƒ Retain existing licensing and fee regime in 2016. for farm dams - This commitment forms part of the State Government’s water ƒ Complete essential water and resource management reform. A principle wastewater infrastructure for Greater of the reform is that water management Albany - The water infrastructure fees will not be introduced and the upgrade program is underway and will be licensing regime for farm dams will not be completed in 2018 at a total cost of $25 changed. Drafting of a Water Resources million. The wastewater infrastructure is Bill as part of the reforms will incorporate currently underway and will be this principle. completed in 2016 costing a total of $15 million. ƒ Continue State infill sewerage program during next term of government - ƒ Complete construction of water Allocated $25 million in 2013-14 State infrastructure for Mt Barker - The Budget and $30 million from 2014-15 to contract was awarded in January 2014 2015-16 to continue the State’s infill with Stage 1 now complete and in sewerage program, with works completed commissioning phase. in Geraldton, Quinns Rocks and Hyden in 2014. A further $50 million was ƒ Complete feasibility investigation of announced as part of the 2015-16 State integration opportunities through Water Budget for a further 10 projects. Forever: South West project across South Traditional infill projects will progress for West and determine feasibility of south City Beach, Halls Head, Bunbury, west integration options at 2030 and Esperance, Bridgetown and parts of Toby 2060 - This investigation is occurring Inlet. Kukerin, Bindoon, Leonora and through the Water Corporation’s Water Boyup Brook will receive Small Town Forever: South West project which will Effluent Disposal (STED) schemes. develop the long term, 50 year strategic plan for public water supply in the South West. The Water Forever: South West


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

project commenced in mid-2013 with an - $24.5 million Stage 2 to fund seven estimated completion date of late 2015. projects across the State: Southern The work will complement the water Forests Water Futures-Manjimup supply and demand planning for all Pemberton; Myalup-Wellington- industries in the South West currently Water for Growth; Midlands Water- being undertaken by Department of Groundwater and Land Assessment; Water. This planning will ensure water Middle Gascoyne Water from the South West Yarragadee aquifer Investigations; La Grange-West is available for local use. Canning Basin Groundwater for Growing Opportunities; Bonaparte ƒ Complete East Rockingham wastewater Plains – Ord East Kimberley treatment plant - More than $100 million Expansion; Water Information allocated to continue construction of the Conversion. East Rockingham Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant will be operational by ƒ Commenced working with Mowanjum December 2015. Aboriginal Corporation on a stand-and- graze irrigation trial in Derby under the ƒ Commit to target of 30 per cent recycling $40 million Royalties for Regions’ Water of wastewater by 2030 - The State for Food program - This will help develop remains committed to recycling 30 per a template for West Kimberley pastoral cent of wastewater by 2030. Construction projects and bolster the State’s on the first stage of the groundwater international beef trade. Production bore replenishment scheme has commenced drilling, road construction, fencing and and will enable 14 billion litres of recycled clearing of the 38-hectare site is water to be recharged. complete.

ƒ Enabling Wellington Dam and other ƒ The new $300 million Mundaring Water areas to be used for recreation - Treatment Plant officially opened in Wellington Dam, Harvey Dam, Bickley March 2014 - The plant treats water from Brook, Gooralong Brook, Dirk Brook, several sources including the Mundaring Boddington Dam, Murray River, Bancell Weir, groundwater, a desalination plant Brook and Brunswick are now all used for and the Lower Helena Catchment, and recreational purposes. delivers major advances in the quality and reliability of water for people, ƒ Wellington Dam as a strategic water supplied through the Goldfields pipeline. source for industry and agriculture - Established a Myalup-Wellington ƒ Continued with $25 million groundwater Steering Group to explore downstream investigations across the State - salinity treatment of water from the Murchison paeleochannels, Albany Wellington Dam to lift production, create hinterlands, Hamersley Range near private sector investment opportunities, Karratha, West Canning Basin near Port improve grower confidence and create Hedland, Broome and Wallal aquifers sustainable jobs. near Dampier, Scott and Swan Coastal Plain. ƒ Commenced the Water for Food program through the announcement of: ƒ Confirmed the discovery of additional groundwater in Albany, following an - $15.5 million Stage 1 which funds assessment program commissioned by four projects to support agriculture the Department of Water - This permits development in the West Kimberley. the State to defer plans to build a $250


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

million desalination plant for another in water pipes, and minimising leaks and decade. breaks, and reducing water use.

ƒ In January 2014 established the Water ƒ Rural Water Assistance Program - In Services Ombudsman - To help 2014 approximately $800,000 in grants customers resolve complaints about their were provided to 80 farmers and water and sewerage services. pastoralists under the Rural Water Assistance program to make ƒ Commenced actions to improve the improvements to their on-farm water health of the Vasse Wonnerup and supplies. To June 2015 almost $200,000 management of water assets in the have been provided to 19 farmers and Geographe Catchment - These include pastoralists, with a further $170,000 for $200,000 funding for a community 14 farmers and pastoralists in train. catchment group to undertake on- ground work, $4.8 million for infill WOMEN’S INTERESTS sewerage to reduce nutrients to Toby Inlet (part of the State Infill Sewerage ƒ Women’s Consultative forums – The Program) and a study of options to forums are being held throughout 2015 improve water flow from the Vasse and and will fulfil the important role of Sabina Rivers to the wetlands. providing advice to the State Government on issues affecting women. ƒ Completed the $60 million Carnarvon The first forum held in March and co- flood mitigation project - In June 2014, chaired by the Premier focused on protecting Carnarvon’s vital horticultural strategies to attract more young women industry from major flood damage. into non-traditional trades and careers involving science, technology, ƒ Developed a new water strategy to engineering and maths (or STEM), to ensure Perth’s fast growing north- address the significant under- western suburbs will have adequate representation of girls and young women water for sporting and recreation spaces. in these sectors. The second forum to be held in June will focus on strategies to ƒ Smart Water Meters - Residents in the encourage women to remain in the work Pilbara will save more than one billion force and gain leadership positions. litres of water each year after the installation of over 14,000 smart water ƒ Launched Being Board Ready: A Guide meters in homes. The meters have been for Women - An online resource to installed as part of the $4.735 million support women into obtaining positions Pilbara Smart Water Meter Program, on Board’s and other senior roles. which is jointly funded by the Water Corporation and the Federal ƒ Create scholarship program encouraging Government. women into non-traditional industries and trades – In March 2015, the Minister x Pressure Management Program - In May for Training and Workforce Development: 2014 a $120 million pressure Women’s Interests launched a scholarship management program began. The 10-year program to encourage women into non- program forms part of a 20-year water traditional trades and industries. Up to loss management and customer 400 scholarships over four years will be consumption reduction strategy and is available to women commencing training expected to save 10 billion litres of water at Certificate III level or above. each year, by reducing excessive pressure Applications for the 2015 scholarship


GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Achievements from March 2013 to June 2015

round closed 15 May 2015 with over 150 Corridor Youth Partnership Project. The applications received. two-year project is:

ƒ Provided Scholarship’s for women in - assisting in coordinating services innovation and entrepreneurial programs for at-risk young people in south- through Curtin University. east Perth; - generating best practice models ƒ Co-funded the Committee for Perth’s in service delivery; and Report “Filling the Pool” - A landmark - developing a better report to achieve gender equity in understanding of the impact of Western Australia undertaken in June the sector on children, families, 2013 and published in June 2015. and the community.


ƒ Mentoring Program - Launched 'Marja Mob' in Broome, a mentoring program run by young people and operating in two high schools and four primary schools, which encourages young leaders to collaborate and increase awareness of Aboriginal culture.

ƒ Youth Activities Grants - Offered $100,000 through the Youth Activities Grants program to help young people improve their life skills, wellbeing and resilience.

ƒ Cadets - Expansion of the State’s Cadets WA program providing six new Cadets WA units over four years in the Goldfields, Pilbara and the Kimberley. New River Ranger units will also be introduced at Alinjarra Primary School, Swan View Primary School and Beechboro Christian School. The State Government invests $3.6 million a year in Cadets WA.

ƒ South East Corridor Youth Partnership Project - This major program is improving outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people in Perth’s south-east due to a funding boost of more than $470,000. Save the Children Australia has been granted $478,958 from the State Government’s Social Innovation Grants program to deliver the South East