Cyprianlife Nov 07
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Cyprian St Cyprian’s Christmas Fayre Saturday 24th November 2007 10am till 3pm His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matthew 25:21(New International Version) The Magazine of St Cyprian’s Church Lenzie November 2007 1 Scottish Episcopal Church Vestry Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway Rector@ (Chairman) Lay Representative@ Barbara Parfitt Bishop & Primus: 11A Kirkintilloch Road, Lenzie G66 4RW. The Most Revd. Idris Jones ) 776 0543 Bishop’s Office, Diocesan Centre Secretary@ Sally Pitches, Inchwood Cot- 5 St Vincent Pl., Glasgow G1 2DH tage, Kilsyth Road, Milton of Campsie, ) 0141-221 6911 fax 0141-221 6490 G66 8AL ) 01236 823880 email: [email protected] Treasurer Eric Parry, 9 Uist Drive, Kirkintilloch G66 ) 776 4991 Property Convenor Adrian Clark, Solsgirth Lodge, Langmuir Road, Kirkintilloch G66 Cyprian ) 776 2160 Elected Members Susan Frost, Paul Hindle, Moira Jamieson, Sandy Jamieson, David Parfitt, Vivienne Provan, Andy Robb, Kevin Wilbraham. Contacts The News Magazine of St. Cyprian’s Church, 3C Group@ Susan Frost 776 4135 Beech Road, Lenzie, Glasgow. G66 4HN Altar Guild@ Anne Carswell 776 3354 Scottish Charity No. SC003826 Altar Servers Eric Parry 776 4991 Alt. Lay Rep@ Glennis Tavener 775 2895 The Scottish Episcopal Church is in full Bible Rdg Fellowship Prim Parry 776 4991 communion with the Church of England and Car Pool Eric Parry 776 4991 all other churches of the Anglican Fair Trade@ Vivienne Provan 776 6422 Communion throughout the world Gift Aid@ Aileen Mundy 578 9449 Rector Hall Bookings@ David Parfitt 776 0543 Link@ Kathryn Potts 578 0734 The Revd. Geoff Scobie, Magazine@ Paul Hindle 776 3237 3 Norfolk Cres., Bishopbriggs, fax 578 3706 Glasgow G64 3BA Pastoral Visiting@ ) 0141-772 2907 Moira Jamieson 775 1161 email: [email protected] Protection Officer@ Kathryn Potts 578 0734 Reader Emeritus: Reg Council Rep Vacant Gordon W. Moore Scottish Bible Society@ Pastoral Assistants: Glennis Tavener 775 2895 Moira Jamieson ) 775 1161 Social@ Andy Robb 578 1220 Eric Parry ) 776 4991. Sunday Coffee Val Fallon 776 2767 Tear Fund@ Vivienne Provan 776 6422 Music Team Youth@ David Jamieson 775 1161 ) Fred Gunnee 578 1937 @ These people can be contacted through email: [email protected] email by using the Mary Boyd ) 776 2812 ) job/group name before the @ without any David Jamieson 775 1161 spaces, e.g., [email protected]. 2 Rector’s Letter Dear Friends, As I write this letter, my mind is focused asking in order to get a response? There is a on the Gospel for the coming Sunday, resounding ‘No!’ to all these questions. So what is the answer? Trying to understand the Luke 18 vv1-8. In this passage, Jesus is point of the parable takes us to the more gener- teaching about persistence in prayer. al question, why do we need to pray at all? Prayer is such a vital part of the Chris- After all God knows our needs, God knows tian life and yet we can only ever what He is going to do, He doesn’t need us to scratch the surface of its meaning and tell Him what needs to be done. incredible power to comfort and to Luke’s introduction to this parable may change. give us a clue. He says Jesus told them the parable about “their need to pray always and It is worth saying at the onset that prayer is not to lose heart.” In other words, prayer is for for every Christian, no matter what your tal- us, not for God. God does not need our prayers, ents, skills, or circumstances. It should be our but praying helps us!! We often claim that first and last resource not only in times of prayer changes things. Perhaps it would be trouble but in our daily living. However, like more accurate to say that prayer changes us many aspects of our Christian faith, we are and then we change things. After all, we are asked to act without fully understanding why God’s body in the world. God wants us to operate in this particular way. So what happens when we pray? The ma- In Luke’s Gospel passage Jesus tells the jor factor is that as we pray we are focused on story of the Unjust Judge and the Persistent God and our priorities begin to change; we are Widow. The judge has no interest, or concern, better able to reflect God’s love for the world. about the widow’s case but because of her As we focus on Him, we also begin to see more persistence he gives her justice to get her off clearly the needs of those around us and begin his back. How much more, Jesus says, will to pray more effectively for them. Prayer God, who is interested and concerned about us, enables us to put our problems and difficulties give justice quickly to His people. into perspective. In this way, the psychological The parable seems fairly straightforward stress we suffer is relieved as we are enabled to until we ask ourselves what our persistent resolve hurts, conflicts and problems. Prayer prayer is meant to achieve? Is God not paying changes our attitude to what is worrying us so attention to our plight? Is He not interested in that we can cope. Other people notice the the problems we face? Do we need to keep on change in us and this continued overleaf 3 from previous page results in a change in Finally, may I thank all those who unani- them and their attitude. This is for me the way mously registered their support for me to con- God works in the world, through the prayer life tinue at St Cyprians at the Congregational of an individual. meeting. I was delighted with the outcome. I have not addressed the question of how The Vestry Secretary has written to the Bishop our prayers affect God. But I don’t think we and we now await his reply. will know that until we are with Him in heaven. Our task is simply to keep praying and to Yours in Christ, watch as God changes the world through our prayers. Geoff Pastoral Care During November please pray especial- One of the important purposes of ly for: Christ’s church is to provide the love · Revd David Wostenholm and the congre- and care we all need. gation of St Matthew, Possilpark, as he If you, or anyone you know, would like begins his ministry there. a visit from a priest or the opportunity for a confidential chat and a prayer, please con- · For all families in our local communities tact the Rector, Revd. Geoff Scobie, who affected by war and conflict, as we ap- will be happy to help in any way he can. proach Remembrance Sunday on 11th No- St. Cyprian’s also has a number of peo- vember. ple who are authorised to visit and simply · For our Anglican Communion and the be a trusted friend who can be there to listen preparations for the Lambeth Conference if you wish. Geoff can put you in touch of Bishops in 2008, remembering especial- with an appropriate person that may be best ly Bishop Idris who will represent our Epis- qualified to help. Please telephone Geoff on copal Church as Primus. 0141-772 2907. Magazine Deadline The Link The next issue of Cyprian Life should be For the latest information about events available in Church on Sunday 2nd De- at St Cyprian’s, please check the Link cember. each week in Church or on our web site, Please pass notes, articles, photographs and . anything else that may be of interest to other The Link in Word format and this magazine members of the congregation to me by 18th in pdf format can be downloaded by clicking November in order to give time for typesetting on the links on the Publications page. If you and printing. Electronic format is preferred would like to add an event to the Link and/or since this is usually quicker and more accurate. the website, please email the details to This will be a two-month issue. Thank you. [email protected] or phone Kathryn Paul Hindle Potts on 0141 578 0734. 4 On the afternoon of Sunday 30th Sep- The Covenant commits each tradition to developing the already shared ministry at St tember 2007 a Covenant was signed in John’s and to continue to provide a place of St John’s Scottish Episcopal Church, worship for those seeking not only to witness Dumfries, between the Diocese of Glas- in the Episcopal but also in the Methodist gow and Galloway and the Glasgow Cir- tradition and to forge stronger ties between cuit of the Methodist Church in them. As part of the arrangement the Rector of Scotland. St John’s will become an Associate Methodist Minister and St John’s will be listed in both the The words of the Covenant include the Methodist and Scottish Episcopal directories. following: We shall seek to widen our Ecu- menical Partnership to invite and include all Part of the celebrations included the dedi- other Churches in Dumfries, wherever possi- cation of St John’s new porch windows and ble, so that our working together may be as glass doors engraved by David Gulland, a glass wide as possible and our diversity not hindered artist and member of St John’s congregation. by ongoing dis-union and rivalry. The doors display engraved logos of the re- In this spirit, it was signed during a ‘Big spective churches below traditional symbols of Sing’ of Charles Wesley’s hymns (to celebrate the Christian faith.