
An Offieiol Newspaper For Tht Bsrough 01 Mountainside

MOUNTAIKliinF NJ THURSDAY JULY 24 1975 ct Each Thursdnybv Trgmar PuBllltiing Corp. SubsefiBtion Rale Jc fpnts Dpr fODV VOL, 17NO.33 Fold at Muunlolnlldl, N, j. 2 New PProvidence Read, Mountainside, Nj 07092 1100 Yearly " Gems par copy Board authorizes $2,035 to repair damage from flood By BILL GARNET Mrs, Patricia Knodel and Charles Speth said shnre to the project, proposed repairs to the setting up a drainage system for the ballfield. The Mountainside Board of Education they were wormed about cars using the Beeehwood ballfield. The Board of Education The board is paying a share because it uses the cleared the way Tuesday night for work to sluiceway and questioned whether or not a will pay $1,675 Of the proposed $3,675 cost for field for physical education and the Borough begin on damage to the Deerfield School krger safety hajzard would be created. Board the repairs, with the Uorougn Council paying Council is paying part because of the use made athletic field caused by recent floods and member William Biuonno noted that he has the remaining $2,00(1, by the Mountainside Recreation Department, storms. been in contact with members of the Moun- tainside Borough Council and expects to sit Improvements to the ballfield will include The board also voted to stand by the pay The board voted 6-0 (Mrs. Gertrude Palmer •down with them within the next week on the resurfacing the; infield, replacing damaged increments called for by the 1974-75 teachers' was absent from the meeting) to iipprove a problem. areas of the fence around the playing area and quotation of $2,035 submitted by William A. (Continued on page 3! Farkhurst& Soni, Inc., to repair thet Deerfield On the recommendation of board attorney, School area, Raymond O'Brien, the board voted to rescind Dr. Irvin Krause, board president, laid, payment to the Industrial Resurfacing Co., for "This has been a problem of long-standing in work done a( Deerfield School last year. Board Mountainside. This ii not the solution, but what Secretary John Me Donough said he received a we wanted to do, we couldn't, We have tried to letter from the company that they would accept go to the Borough Council, to Union County and a check in the amount of $5,950 under protest to the state environmenial commission, but , because claims by the board that the con- have met with little success. Thli iinit the most tractor is liable,for damage done to ceilings satisfactory solution to the problenl but it is were not the contractor's fault. high time something was done." McDonough said the damages, in the amount The solution that was approved by the board of 5550. are the contractor's fault because he includes an approximately nine foot wide • lifted his men from the job and gambled thai it sluiceway from the tennli courts and the wouldn't rain. It did and, al least so far, the ballfield at Deerfield School. The sluiceway, School has lost, along with drainage aprons, all paved," should The board also approved a motion to have alleviate some of'the problems. Pi". Krause legal advertisements' placed requesting bids said the board wanted to close in the ditch and foi rniif repairs at Bepchwood and Deerfield pipe in water from problem areas m the Held schnnl, to be received at the board office at 2:30 But he said that his would mean changing the pm on Aug 12 The board will discuss the direction of the water flow and tht1 Bnard of matter at its ne\t regular meeting on Sept. 9, Education cannot do that without proper The school hoard aiso approved, on the authority provision that the Borough Council give its Pool swimmers defeat Westfield for 2-1 mark The Mountainside Community Pciol A swim Bnvs—Medley Rela\, (1) David Luckenbach, team captured its second victory of the season GrLg Noe Rickv VanBenschOtin, David lalt Saturday, defeating Westfield Memorial Gibndlo Poo], 144 10a, at Westfield TO yard, 11 and 12 3 In boosting iti record to 2-1, MCI opened a Girls—Backstroke u). Lisa Fernicola; (3! good lead during the butterfly t vents and Penny Levitt, Butterfly (1), Penny Levitt; f 2) MODiRN TOM SAWYiR?—Carol Wingard recently participated in a scout trip to the finished strong in the relays Westfieid's Lua Fernicola, home of Tom Sawyer in MtMouri and surrounding areoi. Port of a notional leoui record fell to 1 2 Bojs—Backstroke (2), Paul Jeka, opportgnlty, the trip included viiits ta author Mark Twain's hometown of Hannibal Triple event winners for MCP were John 2no-jard, 11 and 12 and participation in the July Fourth feitivitiei there. Core! li the daughter of Mr. Filcher, LISB McCarthy and Ricky Van Girls—Free relay (D, chrmta Lflhmann, and Mri. Leonard Wlngord of Mountainside, ,, Benichoten Carol Luckenbach, Lisa Fernicola, Penny Double event winners vvere*Peiiny Levitt, Pam Biesczeak, and Jean Kascin _s—Free relay (1), Robert Dooley, Tom Many of MCP's top swimmers will be in Fftzgibbon, Tim Hamgan, Paul Jeka, Tom Sawyer renewal competition this Saturday at the N J 50 yard, 13 and 14 Invitational Community Pool Individual Girls—Backstroke (1) Pam Biesczeak; Championships, at Canford AiRIAL ARTIITS — Members of th> Mountainside Community Pool divjng team aro, Butterfly (1), Pam Biesczeak Mountainside winners at Westfield were Carol Wingard on scout trip clockwise from lower right, Nrck Caricato, Cathy Picut, Coach Tim Coumbe, Diano Boys—BackstrokeiZ), Bobby Anderson; (3) 25-yard, B and under the hottest Fourth of July recorded in Han- Kennelly, Christine Picut, Jeff Mays, Mike Caricato, David Crane, Tim Fischer, Laura Chuck Dooley, Butterfly (2), Barren Jaffe; (3!' Carol Wingard is an expert on Tom Sawyer, Girls-Butttrfly (1), Sarah Post, Carol, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard nibal, and very humid. Perez Santalla and John Fischer. (Photo-Graphics) Bobby Anderson Boys—Backstroke (1), John Fischer, 200-yard n and 14 Wingard of Mountainside, has just returned Carol says that she returns to Mountainside Butterfly f 1), John Fischer, (2) Shane Connell Boys—Free relay (1), George Fischer, from two weeks in Missouri as part of "Becky with many favorable impressions of the 100 yard, 8 and under Barren Jaffe, Chuck Dooley, Bobby Anderson, Thatcher Beckons," a national Girl Scout Midwest, "its clean towns, slower pace and Boys—Medley relay—(1), Bobby Alder, 50-yard, 15-17 opportunity, friendly people." Of one small disappointment, Bottoms Up, Streakers, Shane Connell, John Fischer, Jeff Ahlholm Girls—Backstroke (1), Jean Kascin; But- Carol is emphatic; "I don't like catfish," 25 yard, 9 and 10 terfly (I), Jean Kascin, Carol was one of 60 Scouts from across the Carol hai Been a member of Washington Girls—Backstroke (1), Lisa McCarthy, (2) Boys—Backstroke (1), Jack Crowley; (2) country who wire selected from 500 applicants Rock Girl Scout Council for seven years, She is Kern Harngan, Butterfly (1), Lisa McCarthy, Cary Levitt, Butterfly (1) Cary Levitt to be part of the event. She spent two weeks a caditte scout in Troop 424, Mountainside, and Stingers win in Softball (2) Allison Keating, touring, among other places, Hannibal, the site is entering the ninth grade at Jonathan Dayton Boys—Backstroke, (l), Ricky Van- of Mark Twain's boyhood home. There she saw Regional High School, IJenschoten; (3) David Luckwibach; Butterfly, Pet Week io sfart the author's house, the cave where Becky and By JOYCE PINKAVA three runs on doubles by Candy Whitakcr and Robin Sury and singles by Sue Winans, Penny (1) Ricky VanBenschoten; CD David Tom were lost, and the home of Laura Hawkins Despite thunderstorms and wet grounds, Meilejohn, Sharon Council and Trlsh Yurochko. Luckenbach. (the "real life" Becky Thatcher). Carol also | Education comm/fteef three game's were played last week in the 100-yard, 9 and 10: for playgrounders 1 visited Springfield and New Salem, 111., and St. Mountainside Womens Softball League. In the seventh inning, a Hod Squad rally Girls—Medley relay, (I), Kerri Harrigan, Monday will be the first day of Pet Week at lx>uis. = 'line Hoard of Education of the Union § Bottoms Up boat the Bod Squad, 8-5. In the fell short, scoring one run on singles by Terry Allison Keating, Lisa McCarthy, Lisa the Mountainside Playground. Animal themes I County RcKional High School District I first inning, Bottoms Up scored two runs on a Connell and Jan Wingard and a sacrifice fly by Jackson,, will dominate the activities of the week. One of the highlights of Carol's trip was her 1 will hold an open education committee i single by Harriet Gerndl, a double by Kathy Sue Winans. Monday's schedule includes animal charades participation in the Fourth of July Tom Sawyer E meeting in the cafeteria of the David § Weeks, a triple by Dory Miles and a double by The Stingers beat the DD's, 18-fi, despite in the morning and metal sculptures in the Days festivities. Carol and three other Scouts | ttrcai'ley Regional High School, I Janice GaNun. Bod Squad came back in the top being thiee playcis short Arlyn Mozoki, in Seafood on menu afternoon. Tuesday morning, the two-man paddled a home-made raft down the i Kenilwnrth, sit 8 p.m. on Tuesday. The | of the second inning with one run on a double by seven at-bats, hit two doubles and four singles. leapfrog competition will be held. Paris craft Mississippi in j four mile race The girls were § major topic of discussion will he the = \ Penny Meilejohn and sinfiles by Robin Sury, Alice Viverdito doubled and had five singles animals are the afternoon activity. (•quipped with straw hats, overalls and corn cob I grading proposal. • | Jude Haseman and Trlsh Yurochko. at poolsicle party 1 and Kathy Brahm doubled and had six singles, The pot show will be held Wednesday pipes foi the occasion Cai ol report , that it w.is aiiiiiiiillliiliiiiiiiiiHiiMliiiiiiiiiimiiiiiMimiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiMiis tn the bottom of the third inning, Bottoms Up Linda Parsons hit six singles. Ruth Wigg had The adult pool party scheduled for Aug. 9. at afternoon. Judging will begin at 2. exploded for six runs. Alice Sury, Harriet five singles, Betsy Drummond four and Carol the Mountainside Community Poo) will feature An all-day arts and crafts project is set for Gerndt, Kathy Weeks, Dory Miles, Laurel Kubjas1 three. Alice Viverdito and Carol Kubjus a seafood paella, including lobster, clams and Thursday. Glue pictures, created under the Morse, Sue Faulkner, Carol Wood and Pattic starred at second and short respectively. shrimp, catered by Vivian Collyer. There will supervision of Marcia Downs, will be started in Fernicola singled and Janice GaNun tripled to also be live music by Charlie G's dunce band. the morning and be completed after lunch. produce the runs. The Kcho Streakers beat the Mountainside Reservations may be made daily at the pool Friday afternoon, plaster of Paris animal The Bod Squad threatened in the fourth in- Moms, 18-8. In the first inning, the Moms at $15 pei couple Reservations clobc Wed prints will be made. In addition to the special ning but an unassisted double play by Kathy scored three runs on hits by Peggy Brahm, nesday, Aug. 6 The pool will close at 5 30 on events of the week, a variety of activities and Weeks snuffed out the rally. Elaine Ahloholm, Sandy Everly and Vicki Aug.9 and reopen at 7:30 for the .party: games is always available for playgrounders. In the sixth inning, the Bod Squad scored Goldenberg. The Streakers scored two runs in that inning. After a double play by Vaughn giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi iiiiiiiiiiiiii]i]iiiiiiiiiimiiiiii[iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| Cushman and Elaine Ahloholm, Gail Rau singled and Ursy Hartman homored to deep I THE NOVEMBER CANDIDATES I Schools pledge right-center field. In the second inning, the Moms scored four affirmative action runs on singles by Lynn von der Linden, Pat Profile - Abe Rosensweig The Mountainside Board of Education Kelk and Peggy Brahm and a double by Judy ' Following is one in a scries of Profiles on adopted a resolution of equal educational op- Crabtree. The Streakers scored three runs In candidates in the November election. portunity at the July 8 meeting and named that inning on singles by Paula Cloutier, Ruth William F. Hummel, principal, Beechwood Muttzenbach, Suzanne Piper, Joyce Pinkava, An "archaic"system of government; flood School, as the affirmative action officer Shirley Palchik, Gail Rau and Ursy Hartman. control; solid waste disposal; the housing The"resolution stated: In the third Inning, the Streakers, scored Shortage—these arc some of the issues on "The Mountainside Board of. Education af- another run on a triple by Paula Cloutier and a which Abe Itosensweig will be focusing this firms its responsibility to ensure all students in single by.Georgie Kreiftsman. year. the public schools of Mountainside equal In the fourth inning, the Moms scored their The Elizabeth Democrat, who is running for educational opportunity and all employees final runs on singles by Pat Kelk, Peggy a three-year term on the Union County Board of equal employment opportunity regardless of Brahm, Judy Crabtree and Elaine Ahloholm. Chosen Freeholders, speaks from 15 years of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, The Streakers scored six runs in the fourth to experience in government. national origin and social or economic status take the lead. JoAnn Sciarillo doubled and A six-year member and currently president To fulfill this responsibility, the bqard srjall Paula Cloutier, Ruth MutUenbach, Suzanne of the Elizabeth City Council, he also is establish a program to review, and modify as Piper, Joyce Pinkava, Shirley Palchik singled president of the Elizabeth Alcoholic Beverage may be necessary, its present school and to produce the runs. The inning ended when Control Board, member of the city's Board of classroom programs and^cmployment-contract Joan Kiikan made a spectacular one handed School Estimate and commissioner on its practices" - catch of a hard-hit line drive by Gail Rau. Housing Authority. iiiiiillltliliiiiilllliliiiiiiliiilllilliiHiiliiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiimiiiiiiiiiiii • He also is a former chairman of the Elizabeth For the Streakers, Joyce Pinkava had three City Planning Board, past vicerprcsident of the Computor control singles and three RBI, Shirley Palchik had New Jersey State Federation of Planning three singles and two RBI, Ursy Hartman had a : Officials and former chairman Of a five-cbunty HISTORY AND CITIZENSHIP—TheWestfioldChaptw af the Daughter* of the /"uwtcan for county budget home rut) and two singles and three RBI, area group of New Jersey planning officials Revolution r«c4ntly presented awards (or •xeslltnca in hlotory and good JoAnne ScutrlUo had a double and a single and - In 'political organizations, he ts vice-' citizenship to eighth grade students in WMtfiald^and'Mouritain*id«. The winners Union County If (he flrit county In th<> three RBI, Paula Cloutier had a triple and state to put Its budget In the memory chairman of the Union County Democratic were front row from left, Nancy LaCorte, citteenffilpV.CIliabeth Auda, citizenship: three singles and Georgle Kneigsman had two Committee, a member pnd former vice- ond Patricia Hanlgan of Mountainside, from Deerfjtld School, for history. Top row. bunks of a computer. Details on the 1 singles and four RBI. system, bow tt works and its Influence ' chairman of the Elizabeth City Democratic from left' George Kriaten, citizenship; Alan Ptataff of Mountainside, of Deerfield on the future operations of county For the Moms, Peggy Brahm had three Committee and past president of the Abe J School, citizehship, James Boeder, citizenship. Mountainside winners missing from government on page 5. < singles and one RBI and Judy Crabtree had David Democratic Organization and Elmora the picture are: Mary Elizabeth King, citizenshipfSusan Belents, citizenship, and (Continued on page 3) iiiiiiiiilimiiiliiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiuuiiiiiiimiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiik -4< three hits, including one double Stephen Gallagher, history.

r * -*- -«• r - - r * i 2-Thursday, July 24, 1975- K Two are awaiting Treatment of breast cancer advances grand jury action on larceny counts from using pancakes to early detection A Springfield man and Short Hills woman are By DR, HENnY BIItNE cancer, it still was not understood enough to of cancer cells at the time of breast cancer awaiting grand jury action on charges of lar- Springfield Health Officer diagnosis, the patient has a 75 percent chance ceny Dnd malicious damage to gain entrnncD to predict the course. Butdoctori began torealiie Less than a century ago, cancer of the breast that cure lies closer to early detection than to of remaining alive after five years. Sixty-five automobiles parked at Springfield Imported usually had to progress to the diagnosis of percent of these patients are alive after 10 Motors, III, 22. surgery or chamomile tea. A "caked" or "hard, ciiked, or swelled" before treatment swelled portion, a node, nodule, an unfamiliar years. Judge joieph Horowitz sent the eases against would bpijin. The treatment would sometimes feel, began to find' acceptance among But once the cancer cells have ipread to the Mark Topper of Skylark rend and Jaequellnu call for hot pancakes made of sour milk, wheat physicians of the time as cause for quick In- armpit nodes at the time of diagnosis, the D, Glenn to the Union County Grand Jury, Both flour, and baking soda to he applied to the af- vestigation and nctions other than by back- probability of patient survival to five years being hold on $500 bail. Topper is charged with fected parts three times daily. This wagon huckster remedies. drops to about M percent. Only 25 percent of larceny, possession of burglary tools and proscription, as the diplomas, were generally these patients will be alive after 10 yean, • malicious damage, Glenn is charged with Now we recognize two vital modernisms, written In learned Latin, Statistics are tossed about. They rarely hit larceny and malicious damage. Judgo First, we know that cancer of the breast is the homo, Health Departments tell people that an Horowitz referred the ease to the jury at Otherilines mashed turnips mixed with oil of main cause of death due to cancer among estimated 00,000 now cases will turn up In the Monday night's session of municipal court, roses under flannel compresses would be women, Two, the disease has to be discovered United Statei this year, People feel down deep proscribed for twice a day application, early so that it may be stopped before In other action, two motorisls wore fined $225 that it will always be the "other person," It is Or soap and whisky rub-ins with camphor, spreading to other parts of the body. each for driving while on the revoked list polecat oil, chamomile tea, and spearmint, like the soldier entering battle. The probability Fined svere Jens Nieolaiien of Perth Amboy would be the formula. The armpit nodes act as the first filters to the of being hit by a bullet stays in the cold ab- and Peter Hulls of North Caldwell, Hulls was When the disease was finally reeogniied as spread of breast cancer. If these nodes are free stract. also fined $10 for driving an unregistered vehicle, Self-identification with risk finally clashed against the parlor doors of every American William A, Magla of Irvinglon was fined 111) family when the wives of the President and on each of threu motor vehicle violations Vico-President wore both stricken with breast driving without registration in possession, cancer. The disease then became All-American without insurance card in possession and public health. without driver's license in possession. He was given probation and a suspended fine of $50 on For the past 60 years or more, surgery has each of two other charges, being under the been the main method of breast cancer "treatment, This meant removal of the breast, DENTAL CARE — In a new dental residency program, Overlook Hospital is broadening influence of marijuana and possessing less than 25 grams of marijuana, the muscles underneath, and the armpit lymph its base of Services for dentally indigent patient, living within its service area. Here, nodes. More recently IKS tissues have Dr. Byron Master, right, of Springfield, chairman of the dental section, supervises James Terzuloe of Union was given six months probation on charges of possession of sometimes been removed, but the relative the current dental resident Dr. Ronald S. Pack, a graduate of Newark College of benefit of this method still has to be evaluated. Medicine and Dentistry. less than 2B grams of marijuana. The same charge against Jack S, Perr of Union was Several different studies on the use of dismissed chemicals to control the disease shows en- In traffic violations. John C, Woodruff of couraging evidence of holding the disease back Overlook residency program Millburn was fined $50 for careless driving on and of tumor shrinkage. Experimental data in Caldwell place and $10 for failure to lign his . animals and clinical studies in humans show driver's license. Other fines: James E that a combination of surgery and of treatment Damata, Baltusrol way, $50 for driving 65 niph with chemicals may provide a somewhat to offer dental care in clinics in a 35 mph zone and $40 for careless driving, higher survival rate, Hospitals mean health care, usually medical, D.M.D., director of dental education, who Herbert Haag Jr., Maplowood, $50, careless The majority of "lump" discoveries of the but Overlook Hospital is boadening its base of spearheaded the idea of the dental residency driving on Rt. 24; William Schuler, female breast turn out to b§ non-cancerous. Yet service —a new dental residency program will program at Overlook. Maplewood, $50, careless driving on Rt, 24F; the breast is too frequently a primary site of offer dental care to its clinic population. In addition to a complete oral and dental George Ganska, Keeler street, $25 for failure to generalized cancer, second only to the uterus. "Overlook is now involved in providing examination, emphasis is placed on prevention maintain a proper exhaust system; Nicholas Early prevention of uterine cancer may be quality dental care for the lower income of dental disease through early detection, in- Badida, Mountainside, $20, speeding 30 mph in helped by the pap test. But early prevention of struction in dietary habits and oral hygiene for residents of its area. This is another piece of the a 25 mph zone. iRIGADOON' — Members of the American Musical Theater rehearse the Lerner and breat cancer depends mostly on self- mosaic of the community hospital serving both healthy teeth and gums. examination. Loewe musical, 'Irigadoon,' which will be presented July 31 and Aug. 1 at Gov, dental and medical needs of the community," Hospital residency for dentists ii not Livingston Regional High School auditorium, Berkeley Heights, From left; Geralyn About 95 percent of breast abnormalities are according to Byron Master, D.D.S.,chairman required in most states but ads to the dentists' found by women themselves. The home check- Segall to act at college Albomonte, Fern Laskin and Cathy McQueen, For information about tkkef s ($2,50), of the dental section, and Donald Seifert, training, as well as benefitting the health of up, in the shower or bedroom, may riot equal those receiving it. A dental resident and cer- in summer theater play readers may call 464-3100, Jht pxoduction ii_bemg_dinictBd__and_prQdiJced_by_ -tliB-pliysleiin'rofticeTbunrBnBblsrwofflBino tified dental assistant provide care as a part of Albiirt Dorhout and Norman Schneider; choreographer ii Miss Diane Dimanski. examine themselves routinely, when these Mrs. L. Schatten; Overlook's health program. Scott Segall of Cayuga court, Springfield has (Photo by Morey Epstein) women would likely not visit a doctor more The clinic is supervised by more than 30 a featured role in the Monmouth College than once or twice a year, if that. attending dentists who are a part of Overlooks' Summer Theatre production of Moliere's "That For this reason the Summit Regional Health staff. These dentists, who represent all dental Scoundrel Scapin," July 22 • 28. Segall is a ived in Elizabeth Mrs, Duguid, 74; Cited at college Department is now offering free instruction by subspecialties are volunteering their time for junior at Newark Academy, Mrs Lillie Schatten of 516 Cherry St.. I,, I • i ALLENTOWN, Pa.-Wendy C, Zahn, film and plastic model, on how and what to look both the continued education of the resident He played the title role in "You're a Good Elizabeth, who died July 17 at the age of 81, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wendel M. Zahn of for in self-examination for brflait cancer. was the mother of Irving Schatten of and the welfare of the program's patients. Man, Charlie Brosvn," which was the com. on library board Springfield, N.J., has been named to the spring pany's opening production. The shows all art/ People of Summit, Now Providence, Berkeley Springfield. Mrs. Schatten was born in Poland Overlook's current dental resident is Dr. Funeral services were held Saturday for semester dean's list at Muhlenberg College, Heights, and Springfield may call 277-6484 for and came to this country as a child. She resided Ronald Pack, a graduate of the New jersey open to the public. Tickets may be reserved by Mrs. Agnes McAdam Duguid of Mountainside Allentown, She is in the Class of 1975. telephoning the box office at the college. an appointment. The demonstrations at 7! in Newark before moving to Elizabeth seven College of Medicine and Dentistry. He will be who died last Wednesday in Glenside Nursing Summit ave,, Summit, will be given on responsible for providing primary care for IILL IABY'1 old toyl with i Want M. Call 6867700, years ago. ' . Home, Niiw Providence. Mrs. Duguid, 74, was daily 9 to SlOD. Tuesday mornings. Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. clinic patients. the wife of James M, Duguid. Pearl Meister of Teaneck and Mrs. Ruth The program runs the gamut from children's Mrs, Dijguid, a native of England, moved to Jacobowitz of Port Chester, N.Y,; a sister, dentistry to the care of the elderly, if they Springfield 40 years ago. She became a Mrs. Pearl Gottlaub of Hillside, and six qualify as medically indigent and live within Mountainside resident in 19B2, grandchildren. Overlook's geographic area. ? She was a member of the Ladies Benevolent E.K. CUMMING Services were held Sunday at the Suburban Available to patients enrolled in Overlook Society of the First Presbyterian Church of Chapel of Philip Apter and Son. Burial was in family health, centers, the program serves Springfield and a former vice-president and has Sold & Serviced King Solomon Cemetery, Clifton. Head Start children and works with the Summit trustee of the Springfield Public Library. Child Care Center as well as with Summit Mrs. Dmguid is also survived by a daughter, school children in serious need of dental care. . Mrs. Don aide. Weber, a sister, Mrs, Ernest F. MERCEDES - BENZ GEORGE Swisher, and three grandchildren. | WASHINGTON Arrangements were completed by Smith and You can Rely on US! OUCE HELPED THE Optometrist holds Smith (Suburban), 41.5 Morris aye., BRITISH FIGHT Springfield. [THE FRENCH AMD | INDIANS. MANY rating in eye unit TIMES HE WAS iARLY COPY I NEARLY KILLED. Dr. Leonard Strulowitz, an optometrist from Publicity Chairmen art urged to observe the LATER, INI THE Springfield, recently met 1975 requirements to Frldiy deadline for other than spot news. ' REVOLUTIONARY renew membership in the International Include your name, address and phone WAR, HE LOST number. SEVERAL BATTLES Orthokeratology Section of the National Eye Excellent selection of 280 o models for Immediate Delivery BUT WON THE 8IG Research Foundation. Sinea 11B7 the World his lain miny etiengll,,, but ONI thing, thft'l nevlf ONE AT YORKTOvW. Orthokeratology is defined as the reduction, Bits abouj'J"H2J-: chingsd Ii Gumming*! dedication to ggnuing panoful larvleator Marsad H WASnil*=.TON HAD 3 ' modification or elimination of refractive vision •lira Barnaul We know that Iht Pillar Ii n importini at the Mr, we know YTARS Or SCHOOLING.. problems by the programmed application of that only Iht hlf hen nondsrdi of ncsljinn can urtlify your demand for (hi HIS FAMILY WAS TRACED —• contact lenses. This procedure is moit suc- quality tradition that Ii Mareadtt-Bnil. Blierlmlnating motocirti have relied on Cumming! for complete iitlllKtlsn BACK rC I26O. .HE WAS __ cessful on myopia (nearsighted) patients, but "MANY OBSTETRICIANS ARE S7 WHLN HL BtCAMC ~ can be applied to astigmatism and hyperopia thna pan 45 ytirt, Our ixtsilryi, conpliu faellltln in minnod by PRKIDLMT. .HI', SAlApy ~ RECOMMENDING WATERBEDS TO Faetsry-Tnlntd IKhnklim. Our Irntock Parti Dipt,, our full Body & Paint WAS f2b,COG...Ht LIVED - (far-sightedness). Shop an lavt you tlnw, tffoii, monay, Whin you buy your n«t Mtrcrtsi, LAVISHLY..HCMEVHP HAD - Dr. Strulowitz received his degree at the THEIR PATIENTS BECAUSE THEY enjoy the Mindly courtay and pliMUribla nparlann offered by Cumming CHILDREN OF Hid OWU.. HE Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, FRANK P. GAGLiANO of Mountainside, CAN SLEEP ON THEIR STOMACHS." In IiliiBath! • WAS 6' 4"...HIS TT-L11I WERE a member pf the engineering staff at BAD... HE ENJOYED EATWQ ($•••?• Tenn. OVERSEAS DELIVERY ARRANGEDI OYSTERS .HE WAS A r-\Ht DURING WASHINGTON'S Dr. Strulowitz is the secretary of the Nor- Weitern ilectrie's Purchased Products LA, Times, Low Rite link Financing* , HORSEMAN... HE GOT ADMINISTKATION.THE theastern Orthokeratology Society and a past Engineering Organization in %aai 'Juli Snuiti Vtatti SMALL POX IN BARBADOS. FIRST CENSUS WAS TAKEN —IN 1790. board member of the NJOA. Springfield, recently presented a April 30,1972 technical paper entitled 'Development 1975 MODELS HAVE A 24 MONTHS PUNCH LINE of a Laser Welding Protest for Plate or 24,000 MILE GUARANTfl Connections in the Manufacture of « BOPt IHOf LONG !i«M IIASINO iUROFEAN DHIVfH OF THE WEEK 1 New Design Lead-Acid Battery at the EM. CUMMING eo.,„-;,.,iX| ' yVestee '75 Conference in Loi Angeles, 41j MORRIS AVC, ELIZABETH, N.J. 3613131 SUMMIT DAYS SPECTACULAR FOLLOWING Give PRICES (IN EFFECT THURSDAY, JULY 24; FRIDAY, JULY 25; SATURDAY, JULY 26 THE PATH OF LEAST MENS DEPARTMENT RES/STANCE till it CAN MAKE Mf NS DRESS SHIRTS JEANS AND SLACKS BERMUDA SHORTS MEN AND iY ARROW • INRO • CARIIR CLUi LIE • LEVIS • LANDLUBiiR • CONTACT helps. TWILL, CORDUROY, BBUSHBD DiNIM, Ota REGULARLY TO MOEACH RIVERS RiQULAFjLY TO $12 EACH CROOKED. ihaAnerkjn 2000 PAIR — REGULARLY TO $14 iich • MMGmiG , S NOWSFORMO Ndghbo,, NOW 3 FOR 12 NOW 3 PR. FOR M0


AT GENUINE SAVINGS! WESTERN JACKETS SUPER SPECTACULAR MENS SUITS SECURITY: 1 0 BY LEE • LEVIS • CONTACT EARLY BIRp SPECIAL BY JOHNNY CARSON • PALM BEACH plui IK MENS SPORT COATS Air Conditioning 18 ,parts fsfra REGULARLY TO $2250 GREIF*TRITON* ETC. ** RigulirlRagylirlvy isSS.4, 0 REGULARLY '52" — WHILE THEY LAST ^S*? REDUCTIONS OF UP TO Our craftimen will , S REGULARLY '65" — WHILE THEY LAST '29" Up to $40,000 Worth! • Clean Inueti and dirt If om eendtn'ier NOW 8 REGULARLY '70™ — WHILE THEY LAST '31" • Check cpmpreuor b»lt tenilon Hold it, we've got you covered Mrt 60% ... up to $40,000 for each sep- :£M• Add refrlotrant If required • Test operation of lyttem BOYS DEPARTMENT arate account. Stop in today and WITH THIS AD. OFFER SUB TIL JULY 11, ml &OYS SHORTS -_BP_ECIAL£LEARANCE'1" pr 3 pr for '5 I SPORT SHIRTS b, KAYNEE . PERMANENT PRESS 50% OFF find out all about it! WITH LUBE FREE OIL FILTER! «, OIL CHANGE KNIT8HIRT8 by KAYNEE ind CAMPUS 1/2 PRICE I SPORT COATS by CHIPS n' TWIGS «n

Mountain Avenue Optn D«lly'tll.;S»t./»».m.-Noon 561-2900 ;Mtmb*r F.D.I.C«17M5M 115 E. 5th St. Plainfteld 41 MAPLE.STREET • SUMMIT • 277-2112 • OPEN MONDAYS & THURSDAYS TILL 9 , ALL SALES FINAL —SUBJECT TO PRIOR BALE SPECIAL GROUPS IN MOST CATEQORIE8 MQUNTAIN5IDE(N.J.) ECHO Thufiday, July 24, 1975.3 Wilson demands iriMiiiiiililfilIlilllililll^ . action on 2 bills THE NOVEMBER CANDIDATES Assets are listed for flood control Profile -- Abe Rosensweig by First Federal Record growth in assets for the six-month "I'cople nrc sick of words, They wont action (Contlnutd from page if and Leda Perselay of Summit, he called for "implementation of the charter mandate to period ended June 30 were announced this week mi flood control," Assemblywoman Betty Third Ward Democratic Club, Wilson declared after touring flood sites in her streamline,,.the archaic system of present by Charles L. Harrington, president, Firtt A graduate of City College of Now York, he la ilislrict. "The game people are hit again and county government and make it more effective, Federal Savings and Loan Association married and the father Of three children, He is again. Their homes and loves are devaitated efficient and productive and more responsive According to Harrington, Flril Federal owner of New Brunswick Packing Co., a food by repeated incidents of flooding," Mn, Wilson to the needs of the county." assets now exceed I13S million, an Increase of diilributor, Mid. The freeholders also must coordinate flood almost $17 million over those reported as of Hosensweig, a veteran of the South Pacific control efforts on a county-wide basil, Dec, 31, "I visited homoi where people have annual Counter Intelligence Corp! and holder of four "recognizing the multi'Jurlsdictional problems He also announced availability of income or even more frequent floods," the asiem- citations, also Is a past president of Elizabeth and the limitations of financial resources of the Retirement Accounts (IRA), enabling wage- blywomnn said. "These ari not just occoiional Lodge of B'nal B'rith and a member of the communities involved," he said. earners not covered by pension plans to save as freak storms. They are becoming a terrible way Eastern Union County YM-YWHA and Temple Among other issues, Hosensweig noted, it "a much as $1,500 per year under a tax-deferred of life. Our residents must not be forced to B'nai Israel in Elizabeth, comprehensive solid waste program consistent retirement savings program, has been an- endure such hardships any longer," Mrs. Now running for the Board of Freeholders on with present plans for utilizing available nounced by First Federal Savings 4 Loan Wilson declared. a ticket with Mayor Anthony Amnlfe of Roselle technology," He urged extending the life of Association, "There is an urgent need for quick passage of present landfill sites "until the county can The principal feature of the IRA savings two key bills that would establiih flood control resolve the problem in the way that is least program is that it is a tax-sheltered plan that nuthorities in our area," the assemblywoman Local schools offensive to the communities involved, while allows First Federal depositors to save up to said in a telegram to the chairman of the (Continued from p»QO 1) keeping In mind the gravity of non-action in 11,500, or 15 percent of their annual salary, Senate Energy, Agriculture and Environment In other action, Dr. Theodore Lorenc was solving this serious situation." \ whichever is less, toward a retirement fund. Committee. Those bills, the Green Brook named school doctor at a fee of $1,500 and Dr Housing needs also must be faced, he said, Flood Control bill and the Ilahway River Flood Irwin Greenbaum was named school dentist at calling for "expanded programs to develop Control bill sponsored by Assemblywoman a fee of $850, The board also unanimously voted housing within the means of middle-income Wilson and Assemblyman Joseph Oarrubbo, MODIRN DiSiON—Mounfo!niid# rasidtnt Cynthia Welii studies a print by French to grant a request by the Mountainside Com- people and senior citizens as well as sup- 1 have been hold up in the Senate committee artist Dtwasne at the Summit Art Center ! current exhibition, "Impressions—A munily Pool to borrow tables for an adult pool plemental health and social services," since February after unanimous passage in the Show of Prints,' The show includes traditional and-jexperlmental prints by 18 artists party on Aug. 9. Under the charter mandate, he noted, county Assembly, and runs through Aug. 3. Gallery hours are 2-4 p.m. Monday through Saturday and McDonough was granted approval to hire a government can take over only those services "Flood control authorities would provide 3-5 p.m. Sundays. Guided tours of exhibitions are available to school and temporary secretary until his regular which the individual municipalities agree to inter-municipal and inter-county cooperation community groups by calling the Art Center at 273-9121, secretary is able to return to work from a back relinquish or which they do not provide or and action on flood prevention and flood con- Injury on Aug. 4. cannot afford, such as health services, air Irol," explained Mrs. Wilson. The Hoard also voted nnt to hold an August pollution control, computer services or pooling mooting, nuting thai they already hold ton "The last two years have been full of rhetoric Man is fined $70 Mrs. A. Leeberg; of equipment. many meetings. The next regularly scheduled Looking toward state services, he said the d each Thursday &¥ and lots of inaction," Assemblywoman Wilson meeting of the Mountainside Board of p Publishing Corp charged, "and the delay has produced the in municipal court on visit to Denver state should assume the full cost of the court ,Ediiiiillon is set for Sept, 8. system and welfare administrative costs. Milign Minli, publisher inevitable—another costly, killing flood." "We Michael Dean of Knollcrest road was fined Memorial services were held July 13 in "The state should pay its fair share for cannot wait any longer for action on flood MS for ereatlng a disturbance while under the Asher Minti* si£S£iii# pubiiihir Pocono Lake Preserve, Pa., for Mrs. Isabel Youth tennis team wins government buildings in our county," he said control," Mrs, Wilson's telegram concluded. influence of an intoxicating liquor and $35 for Gibby Leeberg, 66, of Pocono Lake Preserve "At present, it does not pay any compensation disorderly conduct by Judge Jacob R, Bauer at Kareh Ziufyk and Mt. Dora, Fla, Mrs. Leeberg suffered a two matches in opener for public service." ru-f Gold, Syptm last Wednesday's session of Municipal Court, fatal heart attack Juno 30 while traveling in Mountainside Recreation's youth tennis team Lei Malamyi, E In other action, Judge Bauer levied 115 court Denver, Colo, opened its season Tuesday, July B, at Scotch 1 Mrs. Duguid, 74; costs and six months1 probation to Erie Sanford Officiating at the memorial service was her PlainsFanwood, Sandy Crane won at singles Tin In usual In Reberf H irumelt, £d*s!ng dirgcfef of Jersey City for possession of less than 25 brother, Robert B, Gibby of Hillside; Theodore and the Chuck Dooley-Murray Indick com- grams of marijuana. iam Mgwirfl on library board Eckfeldt of Philadelphia and Dr. James Kit- bination won In doubles. Publisher — 1»J» l)«) Marcus Harris of Port Monmouth was fined chen of Pocono Lake, Pa, Other team members were; singlei. Chuck Funeral services were held Saturday for $25 for driving an unregistered vehicle; Chau Second £!is; Fgifag§ psid at Mrs, Leeberg was born in Roselle and lived Dooley, Murray Indick and Bob Hain; doubles, and PORTRAITS Mrs. Agnes McAdam Duguid of Mountainside C. Hoi of Plainfield, $20 for driving on a learn, for many years In Mountainside before moving Mark Dooley, David Hobbs, Karen D'Amanda who died lait Wednesday in Glenilde Nursing er's permit without a licensed driver; Joseph 31 cents par copy to Florida, She was a graduate of Douglass and Betsy Milcke. Home, New Providence, Mrs, Duguid, 74, was Camella of Somerset, $30, drunken driving; College, New Brunswick. Milled lubicription rale 1100per year the wife of James M. Duguid. . Leonard Dinlcola of Whitehouse Station, $20, In addition to her brother, Mrs, Leeberg is J New Providence RDid,f.:ount«lnild«,NJ passing on marked shoulder. Miss leist honored Mrs, Duguid, a native of England, moved to survived by her husband Albert, and two half- Phone 686 77CJ Liese Leist of Longview drive. Mountainside, Springfield 40 years ago. She became a sisters, Mrs. Alexander P, Robinson of Prin- Represented Nglionoll^ by has been named to the dean's list for the spring 252 MOUNTAIN AVE. Mountainside resident in 1962. ceton and Mrs, Roger P. Steelman Jr. of U 5. 8UIURBAN PRESS INC Suckno sings in choir semester at the College of Nursing, Rutgers SPRINGFIELD-379 7666 -,.Huntinglon,,EOL „ .,„ ,_„ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII arH-mnmberoHhrLadies-Benewlent- -University, Newark. Society of the First Presbyterian Church of d visits camp " Springfield and a former vice-president and INTKKLOCHEN, Mich.—President and Mrs. Public Notice trustee of the Springfield Public Library. Gerald H. Ford visited the National Music PUBLIC NOTICE Mrs. DURilid is als6 survived by a daughter, Camp recently and attended a concert by the TAKE NOTICE On thn high school symphonic band and the high fourteenth day of July the Zoning Mrs. Donald C, Weber; a sister, Mi's. Ernest F. Board of Adjustment °f Swistwr, and three grandchildren. school choirs. Mountainside alter public hearing Us Suckno, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alx.1 Suckno took action on the following applications for .T variance: Arrangements were completed by Smith and of Friar Uine, Mountainside, N.J., was a Herbert L. Weiningcr, 13/3 Smith (Suburban), 415 Morris ave. member of the choirs that performed before Outlook Drive, Block 4C, Lot IB L, construct residential addition Springfield President and Mrs, Ford. Granted Mountainside Ceramic Molds, John Kovncs; 1140 U,5, Route n. mock 5-T, Loi 34, construct 43c dividend commercial addition • Granted. Elizabethtown Water Determination by Said Zoning Board of Adjustment has been declared by PS filed in the office of said Board at the Borough Hdll, and is available Save tax dollars today Tin? board of directors of seeking rate increase for inspection. Public Service Electric and Alyce AA. Paemenekl opei atinn exjx'nses Secretary Gas Co. has declared a Elizabethtown Water Co., Continually rising costs AAtsdc Echo, July 24, 1W5 quarterly dividend of 43 cents which serves 39 communities (Tee: which are beyond the com- a share on the common stock in central New Jersey, has pany's control have prevented for the third quarter of 197S filed a request for a \2'k NOTICE OF filO the utility from achieving the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and the regular quarterly percent increase in rates with level of earnings that the PUC that Sealed bids will be received by dividends • on all series of the Board of Public Utility the Deputy Borough Clerk of the Retire authorized last February, the Borough o( Mountainside, Union preferred stock and the $1.40 Commissioners. spokesman said. The com- County, New Jersey to supply a dividend preference common A company spokesman said minimum of Pight (8) simable pany had sought a 19 percent trucks equipped with snow plows, •jtOlk the increase, which will together With other such hike in July 1974, but instead yVll dividends for the quarter average about 70 cents a equipment as bulldozers, graders, was granted a 12.4 percent loaders, etc., and the necessary are payable on or before Sept. month for residential users, is labor as may be required to increase that became ef- 30 li> holders of record AuB. 29. needed to offset higher romptly and adequately remove fective on Feb. 1, 1975 fhe snow and ice from approximately thirty-five (35) In its petition, miles of Municipal roads within a little richer tomorrow Public Notice Kli/abethtown said that the Borough of Mountainside. In addition to snow removal, cinders PUBLIC NOTICE ft hereby AN ORDINANCE TO "existing rates are in- and salt will be spread as required given lhal an Ordinance of which AUTHORIZE THE sufficient to enable the to keep these roads open and in the following 15 a copy was EXPENDITURE OF fl.000,00 safe conditions through May 15, introduced, read and passed on FROM THE CAPITAL company, under efficient and 1976, first reading by the Mayor and IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR economical operation, to Adequate liability, property Council of the Borough of THE IMPROVEMENT OF damage and workman's $ Mountainside at a meeting on the THE PLAYfMBLD AT THE maintain and support its compensation insurance and 15th day of July, 1975, and that the DEECHWOOD SCHOOL. credit, raise the funds performance bond shall be Set aside 150G annually said Council wlil further consider BE IT ORDAINED, by the required in accordance with bid the said ordinance for final Mayor and Council of the Borough necessary for the proposed specifications passage on the Wth day of August, or Mountainside, county of Union, discharge of its duties, and Bids wilt be opened and read in 1975, at 8;0Q P.M. at the State of New Jersey that there Is public at the Borough Hall, u.S, neechwood School, Mountainside, hereby appropriated from the provide a fair and reasonable Route 22, Mountainside, N.J. on New Jersey, at which time and Capital Improvement Accouni, the return on the value of its Tuesday, August 1?, 1W5 at 2:00 in your awn redreineni plan place any person who may be sum or (wo thousand dollars P.M. Prevailing Time. The interested Iherqln will be given an ($2,000,00) for the Improvement of property devoted to the public Borough of Mountainside reserves the right to reject any or all bids. opportunity to be heard concerning the playing field at the Beech wood service." said Ordinance. School. Specifications and form of bid HELENAM. DUNNE This Ordinance shall take effect and all other details are available upon Its final passage and at (he office of the Borough at Lincoln federal Deputy Borough Clerk publication according to law. Engineer, Robert Koser, at the PROPOSEDORDINANCBNo. Borough Hall, U.S. Rouie 22, S0»-7J Mtsde. Echo, July 24, 1W5 (Fee-. M.10) Mountainside, N,J, and may be Time To Inspected by prospective bidders State Bonk No.55 475 during office hours. CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION OF "SPRINGFIELD Spare Qy order of the Mayor and STATE BANK"OF SPRINGFIELD IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY £ALD ANDREWS Borough Council HELENA M- DUNNE AND DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON mtlrfirnt Advltor ^ JUNE 30, 1975. Deputy Borough Clerk If you are not enrolled in an employee, When you retire, you're probably going Mtsde: Echo, July 24, 1975 ASSETS YOUR SECURITY (Fee: 18,82) private or government retirement plan, you to need considerably more than Social Se- Dollars cts Sound planning on your part are eligible to sot up your own tax-deduct- curity benefits- to continue living in the Cash and due from banks (a) u S Treasury securities J701.227 07)Total Worm can pay off. A combination of ible Individual Retirement Account. manner to which you've become accus- (t>) Obligations o) Federal Social . Security and tomed. An Individual Retirement Account Financing Bank % 0 } & (b)= 70t.227.07 "Start immediately by depoiiting a lump Obligations of other U S Government agencies Medicare—both made easily at Lincoln Federal can be a tidy supple- and corporations 504,133.24 available by legislation on the Sum or by making weekly deposits totalling obligations of States and political subdivisions l.lio.SM 53 ment to that monthly social security check. Other securities 2.425.0M 41 federal level—can go a long 15% of your annual income to a maximum Other loons 19,954,979 35 way toward providing of IISQO, intoyour retirement account. You Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets That'i the beauty of Lincoln Federal's representing bank premises 725,188 97 financial protection for you pay no taxes on the amount' you deduct or IRA account,,.the more you save, the lass Other assets 357.003 72 and your family against the on the compound interest, earned from day TOTAL ASSETS 27.127,018 B5 natural "hazards " of life such you pay in taxes. LIABILITIES of deposit until you begin to use i|, which Demand deposit", of Individuals, partnerships aJ> old age, sickness, and can be as early as age 594/2, By then and corporations 5,374,444.43 death. Neither, unfortunately, Come in today for full details. Time and savings deposits of Individuals, partnerships and you'll be in retirement and probably in a corporations 12.435.327.07 provides full protection. Deposits df United states Government 209,775.04 Consult with your local Social lower tax bracket. Deposits of States and political subdivision 3,750,731.07 Security representative for CCertified and officers' checks, etc. 35B,3M,98 DEPOSITS ttlJJMW S9 full details on these programs, TOTAL DEPOSITS 7,164,307.52 (a) Total demand deposits Medicare Plan B is a must if birth (b) Total tlmeandsavlngs 15,144.327.07 deposits 42S,12fJ,M you are financially able. Mortgage Indebtedness 2,590,870.07 Consider combning this plan defects Other liabilities 25,344,«]3.45 TOTAL LIABILITIES with one or more of the sup- RESERVE5ON LOANS AND SECURITIES plcmentary prpgrams are forever. Reserve for. bad debt losses on loans (wt up 93,3»47 available through the various pursuant to Internal Revenue Service rulings) group health insurance plans. A Name To Remember With Interest! IOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS 93,3»,47 unless you ECURIT|ES Scrutinize any such plans to Equity capital, total 1,409,055.93 see' if they provide the Common stock—total par,v«tu"«' 714,42000 protection you really need. help. (No shares authorlzed; 71,662) (No snares outstanding 71,662) Many cost rriore than they are Surplus 550,000.00 357,435.93 actually worth, march /ff contlngenclB and other capital reserves 45,000.00 If you are covered by Social 1,489,055,93 : Security you and your family Dimes 27,127,018.85 are entitled to a number of Average of total deposits lor the 15 calendar benefits in' addition to the' diivs ending with call date 22,077,200.00 usual retirement allowances Av'rage of total loans for the 15 calendar 20,020,049.00 at 8ge,,65. ,Study these: and SA VINE S days ending with call date Standby letters of credit 72,845.41 recent revisionsl>f the Social we, Donald W 5pear», President, and Eileen A. Saluno, V, nfn Security law and make sure and Treasurer, of the above named bank do wlemnly »we«r that this you're receiving all your report of condition Is true and corrected the twst m our Mtowlede* and benefits. One way to do that is M le ' ' ' Donald W,Sp»sr», President to follow this column! WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS. PLAINFIELD BRICK TOWN Eileen A. SelnrwV. President and Treasurer ' HILLSBOROUGH Correct-Attest: ChmtMA.IItmMnS* One Uritooln Plaza 361 Park Avenue 127 Park AvBnue Bflck Boulevard 1 9B Amwell Road JnckH.Stlfelmon / EARLY COPY B«n|omln Romano Publicity Chairmen are urged

lM KlbedT^ mMth day of Ju.y, 1171 and . for other" than spot newt. ertify that I BmnotanoHlcerordlrijctorof thl.twnk. Include your name, addrftu X»mmlUn expires December 14,^ Ehrt,,rdtiNo)srypubllc and phone number* 1 AAtsde. Echo, July 24t 1W5 (Fee «7«))

r "-^ •*- ••#• 1-- »w ' t rr ^**f «l («•, ^f Thuridoy, July 24, 1975- To Buy or Sell - - Or Dig A Well For Personals- - or Personnel — Clean Rugs? Kill Bugs? Find Antique Mugs? Alter Coats, Renting Boats - Baby Sitters, Puppy Litters Roofing, Siding, Horseback Riding- Mowers, Towers, Garden Growers —


1 2 3 4 5 us

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 .17 18 19 20 tf oddltiofwl wordt or* required, attach u.pan.1.> «h«flf of papsr) DEADLINE Nam* Addr., Tuesday Noon For I City, „ Phono ... „

Ini.rt Ail Tim* (i) ....,-...P*r Iniartlon Storting (Data Amovnt Encleiid ( ) Coih ( ) Chtck ( ) Money Order Thursday's Publication. !•••! .Thursday, July 24, 1975-5 Compufers tighten county government's fiscal controls Ily HOHI.IIIKINI) The computer is the key to management Albanesc, county cmploym Iciriiccl how to efficiently serve its citizens, Tcrmi like "eaih now" and "in-line" are improvement, said Albanese, Through com- perform their Jobs In ;i hit-or-iniss method. Tins Albanese has worked for Union County since creeping their way into the vocabulary of Union puters, he observed, "we can provide the guides being prepared put down tm paper jot* the late 1960s, first as a member of the planning County's top government officials as court freeholders and department heads with timely, duties niiri procedure's. A budge! munual bus board staff, then as director of criminal justice house personnel gear themselves to a now way accurate information for better decisions," already been issued; so IIIIH a grants manual. planning until his appointment as county ad- to conduct the county's daily business, "The computer is a magnificent tool for "Now we have procedures in writing," siiid ministrator last September, There are two nerve eentore for the new analysis," said Joseph A, Ruoto 111, who, with Albanese, a native of Linden who resides in The county administrator joined the planning management'Orionled executives in the Arthur Grjsi, assists Albanese in the big job of Kiinwaod. "We've Nl.'irted to manage govern- board soon after receiving his bachelor's county's Elizabeth offices; the basement of the modernizing the administration of county ment rather than having government manage degree in urban planning from Hulgerg new annex where tho computer center is government, particularly in the areas of University. While worklni> for the planning housed and, two floors above, the offices of financial management. board lie began parttime studies at New York County Administrator George Albanese and his The computer, explained Ruoto, who worked University's School of Public Administration, asiistants, for the Chase Manhattan Bank, Western Union THE COMPUTER hnK also been a big help In where he earned a master's in 1B7J with a Albanese took over his duties as county and New York City's Human Resources James Carlln, the county's personnel manager. concentration in government budgeting, administrator last September end was quickly Administration before being recruited by With the computer, Carlin can keep track of finance and metropolitan government, The caught in the quagmire of budget preparation. Albanese, keeps track of the expenditures of employee-related expenses and other per- demands of the county job, where be puts In a When the work on the budget was completed in every county department, For instance, the sonnel mailers, Carlin is also busy improving 50-plus hour week, prevent him from jjoing for March, he turned his attention to the long- computer's CRT (cathode ray tube) units can procedures through management' techniques his doctorate. range task of improving the county's at the press of a few buttons the total and is also preparing an affirmative action The county administrator would like to see management procedures. of o department, allocations for plan for the hiring of county workers. Such a the day come when the four rniiin levels of telephone, salaries, etc.; amount plan will insure that the county will not government—federal, state, county and spent so far in the budget year in each of these discriminate In its hiring policies and also municipal-do the jobs best suited for them. sub-categories; balance remaining in each improve the diversity of its employees: County government, he believes, can provide Proper papers sub-eategory; and percentage of budget Albanese has received the full support of the essential services for its citizens by taking remaining, The television-like screens of the freeholders In his efforts to Improve the advantage of "the economies of scale." Hut CRT units aren't wide enough for all the operations of county government. Freeholder prior to any expansion of county government's helps to speed categories, so they're available in print-out Seymour, said Albanese. lias heeti particularly activities there must be a restructuring of how form on,paper when needed. helpful in establishing the computer center it functions. The computer also keeps tabs on the county's And all the freeholders, he observed, have "Before we can grow," said Albanese, U.S. payments income, according to Grisi, who compiled a impressed upon department heads the "we've got in make what we have more ef- detailed accounting of Middlesex County's tax necessity for more detailed and accurate ficient." Through computers and inotlivn According to Robert E, Willwerth, Social ratables when he worked for that county's record-keeping. Only by controlling the management techniques. Albanese and his Security manager in Elizabeth, most people government in Now Brunswick, He's doing tho financial management of the county, the staff have taken a giant step in changing the could shorten the time It takes to process a same for Union County. freeholders believe, can county government character and operation of county government. claim for Social Security benefits, Grisi and Ruoto are also charged with ex- "The local Social Security office is ready to plaining to the county department heads how Fair appoints assist anyone who does not have evidence to make best use of the computer's capabilities. SPECIAL LOW PRICE readily available," he said,-"For most people, Many of the county's executives are unfamiliar Grange leader the required papers can be brought to the with computer techniques and modern Social Security office on the initial visit." management science,, so Albanese has in- Robert Shinkle of Hamilton COFFEE FILTERS When you retire at 62 or 8J, the following stituted a series of workshops, funded by the Square has been mimed FOR THI FOLLOWING superintendent of Grunge information is required; federal government, to improve tho depart- Mr- Coffee, Bunn ZOO Filters S2.9? —Proof of age, birth or baptismal certificate ment heads' understanding of management, activities for the New Jersey State Fair, HI, 33, Hamilton or public record established early in life. Albanese needs tho help of the department COMPUTER ASSISTANCE — M Grisi, a member of the county adminittrafor's staff in Sunburn, Sears 500 Filters Si,3? Township, from Sept. 12.21. —W-2 or tax return for 1974 and an estimate heads so he can have the data to feed into the the ilizobeth eourthouse, oiks computer for a budget analysis. The county ii using ton, Wat Bend 1000 Fillers S8.9S of your 1975 earnings computer. When budget time comes around the computer to keep accurate records of income and expenditurei, budget Shinkle is an engineerinjJ associate at the Western —Childen under 18 or between IB and 22 need next season, the computer will be used to planning, payroll work and other duties. (Photo-Graphics) Monty iatN Guarantee Electric Kesearch Center. a birth certificate or baptismal certificate and analyze the needs of each deportment, It's Sind cheek or Mmtj Order to Ocelli Filler Co., prepare municipal payrolls, the county will ask specific purchases or outlays but not yet their social security number. expected to save plenty of man-hours in that BUST THOli BUQSI Find an P.O. Box Na 117, Deal, N.J. 07723 lone. Already, Grisi and Ruoto are •the towns to let them do the work at fees lower spent." Ixiefminitor In the classified y -than-thebanta-would^hargebuHttiNuffieient.^ —Section!. —,,::""- "_... social security number Is needid. projecting future budgets with the Help of Seymour also said that Ihe fiscal "control If you have to stop work because you are to pay the costs of the computer system, allowed by the me of computer enables the computer analysis. Seymour said the CRT units could be installed disabled, the following information is generally Computer center chief James Dolaney and county to generate profits from its cash flow. required; in municipal offices to allow the towns the same By knowing exactly how much free cash is his staff of programmers, housed in cramped control over their budgets as the county now —Proof of age if you are under 31 or between available, the county can purchase interest- but carpeted quarters in the new annex has over its budget. 62 and 65 years old, A birth or baptismal cer- basement, are eagerly looking for more work, bearing certificates of deposits and other notes. tificate is best proof, The computer, explained Seymour, "gives us "We're not nearly utilizing the computer to its all the auditing trails we need. We now know When Albaneie, Kuoto and Grisi aren't —Name, address and dates of employment fuU capacity," said Grisi, All new car loans exactly what we have, what's going out and working on financial matters, they're busy for all jobs you held for the years before you -0-O-- became disabled. "WE'RE THE FIRST COUNTY in the state what's coming in. We also have in the computer preparing guides systemetizing the operation banks our encumbrances—funds being held for oi county government. Until recently, said —Information about your earnings. How to put our general ledger on computer," said much you made last year and how much you Freeholder Harold Seymour of Granted, are not the same. made this year up to the time you became chairman of the board's finance and data If- disabled. Also, bring last year's W-2 form or processing committees, Summer Arts Festival plays Anymore than all new cars are. According to self-employment tax return, "The computer keeps us posted dally on the Ooniumers Report, our new car loans are offered —The date you became disabled and the expenditures of our departments. It allows real at just about the loweit rate in New Jersty, dates you received medical treatment. tight fiscal control. We're going to be operating —A list of doctors and hospitals including like a corporation," said Seymour. 'As You Like It' Wednesday Compare and save even more. their address and phone numberi, who have • The county pays §16,000 a month to the The Summer Arts Festival of the Union group. There is no charge. County Park Commission will present treated you, Burroughs Corp, for the leasing of the com- Limited seating on bleachers will be 36 Monthly Shikijpiare's "As You Like It" on the lawn in provided, but spectators should plan oh Net To You Interest Total to —If you filed for Workmen'! Compensation, puter system; That money will be applicable to Payments Echo Lake Park, Westfield and Mountainside, bringing blankets or lawn chairs for seating. be RepattL your claim number and benefit information purchase of the system,. To help defray the $149,84 $1,149.84 $31,94 will be needed, costs of the computer, said Seymour, the next Wednesday through Saturday-it 8:30 p.m. Parabolic microphones will be in use at the 81,000.00 —If you have children under 18 or IB to 22 and county will invite municipalities to make use of / The comedy will be staged by the New Jersey outdoor location to assure audibility, 13,000,00 $449,88 $3,449.88 $ 05.83 In school, social security will need their birth the system. Rather than contract with banks to Shakespeire Festival of Woodbridge. in caie of ... kJlje comedy is an adaptation of the original S5.000.00 $749,92 $5,749.92 $159,72 rain on any evening, rain dates, Sunday and version, rewritten by the director, Bon David, certificates and social security numbers, Annual Percentage Rate 9.25% Monday,.Aug. 3 and 4. , to update the story. For Social Security benefits for survivors, Cri'dit Lift Insuninn- Available at a Small Additional Cost the following information is needid; Rain over 4 days -The public ii welcome to attend the ihow, the Several Union County residents are in the —The deceased workers social security 18th annual presentation and a repeat of the east, including George Jacobi of Kenllworth, We've been helping Union residents purchase new cars for more number and death certificate, original 1961 Shakespearean production of the Charles Leonard and Dennis Tekula of Linden, than fifty years. Stop in to see us today. —A marriage certificate if a widow or hit 9.95 Inches and Zev Babbitt of Union. widower is applying, For four days and four nights, it poured over Vehicular entrance to Echo Lake Park is by —Birth, certiflcatei and social security the Central Jersey area, breaking records Supplies sought Mill Lane and Springfield avenue. number for surviving spouse age 80 or over or established even during the August 1973 floods, Last minute information on the schedule of any surviving children who'are under 18, or 18 it was reported this week by Prof, Patrick 'the show will be provided on a Park Com- to 22 and in school full time or disabled White of Union College's Meteorological to help refugees mission "events" telephone, 352-8410, THE UNION regardless of age Station, a cooperative station of the U.S. The Red Cross of Eastern Union County has -If a patent is applying, proof that the Weather Bureau. issued an appeal to area groups and individuals CENTER dci eased was pioviding one half his oi her A total of 9.95 inches of rain fell between for sewing kits, layettes and toys to be sent to Typing course buppoit Saturday, July 12, at 5 p.m; and Wednesday, the Southeast Asian refugees now at Fort —An itemized receipted funeial bill for the July 16, at 9 a.m. "An average rainfall for an Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania. offered by UC 'NATIONAL' lump sum payments entire month of July totals only !i.39 inches," Chapter chairman Mrs. Vcra Maier said that Prof.. White said. "And during the severe A two-week mini-typing course for beginners - Information about the deceased worker's tile sewing kits should contain small scissors, and those who want to refresh their skills will BANK earnings [oi the yeai before death .ind the August floods two years ago, only 6.74 inches of thread, one package of needles, pins, thimble rain fell." be offered in early August by Union College's cuirent year if he was working and tape measurer and may be placed in any 'Department of Community Services, it was "Remi'inbei, being prepared can get money The total rainfall for July measures 10.7.1 type of container. inches so far, bringing the total since Jan. 1 to reporifcd iNs week hv Miss Maurine Do«li'\, in your hands quicker if you are qualified," The layettes should contain two sleeveless coordin,.ior said Willwerth "However, if you do not have 35.80 inches. July 1974 brought a total rainfall of shirts, two saques, 12 diapers, two wrapping all the needed information and will have dif- only 1.54 inches and the total for the January- blankets, one warm blanket, nine "safely'pins, The course will be conducted two hours per ficulty obtaining it, do not delay filing The July period in 1974 measured 22.07 inches. two towels and two bars of white soap. Each day, Monday through Thursday, beginning Social Security office can help you obtain the layette should be wrapped individually. New Aug. 4 and continuing through Aug. 14, Classes needed information dnd-or proofs toys should be made from washable material will Ix- held at Union College's Urban The Social Security office is located at 342 Hospital council and stuffed with foam rubber or similar Educational Center in Elizabeth from 9 until 11 ave-7~Elizabeth— material. No buttons or decorations should be n.m. elects AAcMan us included. "Many people could find this mini-course John A McMiinus has been elected president Further information is available by .calling helpful in developing basic typing skills or in FACT 3 of the Saint Elizabeth Hospital Advisory Ihe local chapter at 353-2500, brushing up old ones,'" Miss Dooley said. Council "With school re-opening in September, many "... THE WATERBEDS USED AT REX Other new offlcerb include I^eoturd Diener of •.tudenk might also benefit b\ taking it " HOSPITAL ARE BECOMING MORE Dlener Investment Co, Springfield, vice Elizabeth site dropped Mrs. Christine Maun, who holds a master's POPULAR FOR PREVENTING &l president, Judge Frank K Sauer of Elizabeth, for Civil Service tests degree in business administration and is a counsel, and Carolyn Foran, administrative business education teacher, will conduct the I TREATING BEDSORES." secretary of the hospital, council secretary The U.S. Civil Service Commission has an- course. Retiring president is Charles G Smith, vice nounced that Civil Service Examinations will TIMES president of Fidelity Union Trust Co no longer be given at its Elizabeth examination The cost of the typing course is $20 for Union Other members of the council include Walter point. County residents and $25 for out-of-county. G Halpm, Union County Clerk, Mrs. Dorothy Competitors interested in federal em- residents, Miss Dooley said. Betterrest Boyer, Leo Chernus of Resident Management ployment now will take their tests in Newark or Additional information about the typing Co , Elizabeth, Modesto Rodriguez of Exxon Pialnfield. Individuals needing additional course or tegistrjtion proceduies may bo 376-9170 Refcearch & Engineering Co, Linden, Judge information should contact the Federal Job obtained by contacting Union College's FACT NO, 10? Milton Feller and Jerome Epstein.of Empire Information Center by dialing their toll-free Department of Community Services at 276- Petroleum Co t Ell7abeth number, 800-242-5870. 2800, cxt. 304. Saturday class at Bible school This S«ptember,,for the first The time in the history of Nor- theastern Bible College, Essex Houston Fells, courses will be offered on Saturday mornings.

Connection The Saturday offerings will include two courses, the Book of. Acts, a BibUj1 course, and 8min. Educational Psychology AMERICAN INDIAN g y JEWELRY SHOW AND SALE; Tunl THfflnTradinng mCo inraniil tlmiMndvy AfltdOlUoh Wilwjlll dliplidluilaVy ™ $128 lor Ml* rnnny unlqut plinta til Vn«-le»n Indian ,The leisurely long distance call. It ?f'// costs less tnarvyou think r$^5?ii. B ffilMY, JULY Z5,6.f\lfcVli) P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 26,10 Ml to 1« Ml SUNDAY, IULY27,1QA.H. toS P.M.' N 3 •'•." T ... MRMBBft POIO <** «* txr. >& . •» N All calls charged uslpg the 60% discount rates for direct dialed interstate calls-all day Sat; Sun. 8 a,m to 5 p m, TURTLEBROOK INN FIVE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Sun thru Fri 11pm to 8 am Direct dialed rates do not apply to calls to Alaska or to operator assisted calls such 555 NortMMd An., W# Orinn N as credit card collBct, tr)lrd number billed, person-to-person and com phone calls to other states. (AcrautromTurtlibtckZMt) ' H FRE1 PARKING. FREB ADMIMION. PUBLIC WELCOME

1* «,^! r^ Marie Vecchione -Thursday, July 24, 1975 married in June Undo Kaufmann, oTi^j^, to Kenneth Hart Robert Berger Laura Marie Vecchione, daughter of Mr, and wed at Forsgate HOI Y ( ROSS I UTHKKAN ( III IU H ANTIOCII BAPTIST CHURCH Mm. Kttflre Vecchione Jr, of Clinton ive,, (THE CHURCH OK 1 UK RADIO MKCKKSST. ANDS. SPIUNUKIEU) AVE Springfield, wai married June l to Kennrth Miss Linda J, Kaufmann, daughter of Mr, "LUTHERAN HOUR" AND'IV S SPRINGFIELD Thomai Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank and Mrs, Uoderlek T. Kaufmann of DoWitt "THIS ISTHE LIKE") REV. CLARENCE AliiTON, I'ASTOH Oamcy of Koarny, terrace Linden, became the brldo of Robert 15. t>V>MOUN IAIN AVE S.iturddV 1 pm, (hurt h School ihuit The Rev. Paul Koch officiated at thi double Herger, son of Mrs, Rosalie Berger of Troy M'RINC.t 1ELI), N .1 ri'lie.i rs.il ring ceremony in St. James Roman Catholic drive, Springfield, and Dr, Alfred J. Berger of '1HCHI-A' JOKI.lt YOSS.PASIOR Sunday—9:30 a.m., Sundnv School, 11 a.m., Church, Springfield, A reception followed at the Thtells, "N.Y., in a ceremony June ra nt the TELEPHONE I)H9 43'2> wtiiship smut' 7 pill , CM'nini! fcllnwbhip Galloping Hill Inn, Union, Forsgote Country Club in Jnmesburg, Suncl,i\ '• ID » in summer win ship houi \\iilnr,d.n - f p 111 , midweek semie The bride was escorted by her father, Mrs, Habbi Howard Shapiro officiated at the coffee fellow hip penod folltiuini! ihuit.li Carol Verdcreso of Clifton served as matron of ceremony, during which the bride wns escorted honor, and bridcimaids were Mrs, Kathleen service. OUR LADY OK I.OUHDES to the altar by her parents, A reception Kranz of Rosellc Park and Cheryl Portensteln 300 CENTRAL AVE,, MOUNTAINSIDE followed nt the Country Club. of Orange, Jill Vecchione, a sister of the bride, TEMPLE BETH A1IM REV. GERARD McGARHY, PASTOR Mary Jane Lesser of Linden served as maid and Veronica Carney, sister of the groom, were AN AFFILIATE OF THE REV. GERARD P. VVHELAN, of honor, The bridesmaids were Mrs. Dc.nna junior bridesmaids. UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA REV. CHARLES B. UHNICK, Kaufmann of Carteret, sister-in-law of the Donald Conry of Newark served as belt man. BALTUSRQL WAY, SPRINGFIELD ASSISTANT PASTORS bride, Barbara Berger of Springfield, sister of Ushers were Ettore Vecchione 3rd, brother of RABBI REUBEN It. LEV1NE Sunday-Massscsat 7, B, 9:15,10:30a.m. nnd the groom; Lorraine L'ichowski of Linden and the bride, and Richard Kropa of Kearny, CANTOR F ARID DARD ASHT1 12 noon Mrs, Donna Simon of Rapid City, South Dakota. Mrs. Hart was graduated from Clifford J. Friday—8:45 p.m.. Sabbath services.' Saturdays—evening Mass, 7 p.m. Week- The best man was Bruce Nalhanson of Scott High School. East Orange, and Montclair Saturday—9 a.m.. Sabbath services days-Mosses at 7 and 8 a.m. First Friday-?, B Millburn, The ushers were Roderick Kaufmann State College. She is employed by the Orange Minyan Services-Monday through Friday, 7 and 11:30 a.m. Jr, of Carteret, brother of the bride; Steven Savings Bank in. Madison as administrative am ;"Monday through Thursday, 8:15 p.m.; Miraculous Medal Novena and Mass- Grube of Manchester, Conn,; K, Randall Young assistant, Sunday, 9 a.m. and 8:15 p.m.; Saturday, 7:30 Monday at 8 p.m. of Burlington and Robert Simon of Rapid City, Her husband graduated from Essex Catholic p.m. Benediction during the school year on Friday S,D, High School, Newark and Montclair State at 2:45 p.m. The bride, who graduated from Linden High FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH College and is with the Panaie County Welfare Baptisms on Sunday at 2 p.m by ap- School and Douglass College, will begin MORRIS AVENUE AT CHURCH MALL Board, master's degree studies in audiology this fall at pointment, SPRINGFIELD The newlyweds, who took a honeymoon trip Temple University Graduate School. • Confessions every Saturday and eves of Holy PASTOR: THE REV. BRUCE WHlTEKIELD to Bermuda, are residing in Lake Hiawatha. Her husband graduated from Millburn High Days and First Fridays, from 4 to 5 and from EVANS, D.D. School and Rutgers University, where he 7:45 to B:30 p.m. DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION received his degree with honors and was a MRS. SHEILA KILBOURNE member of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity and MOUNTAINSIDE GOSPEL CHAPEI, Sunday—10 a.m. union summer worship BUYING the Rutgers Glee Club. Ho is attending Jef- service of the Springfield Presbyterian Church 1180 SPRUCE DR. ferion Medical School in Philadelphia, l ONE BLOCK OF CENTRAL AVE and the Springfield Emanuol United Methodist MRS, KENNETH HART Following a honeymoon trip to Bermuda, the RT. 22 WEST), MOUNTAINSIDE Church will be held in the church sanctuary. WISELY couple will reside in Philadelphia, The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be CHURCH PHONE: 232.3456 | From Better Business Bureau MRS. ROBERT BERGER observed with both the Rev, George In case of emergency, or no answer at inn of Metropolitan New York, Incurs M/ss Gray to wed Schlesinger of the Methodist Church and the church, call 379-2038, Dear Lflrrie; Rev. Bruce Evans of the Presbyterian Church Sunday—9:45 a.m., Sunday School classes for I put a $30 down payment on a chandelier for Alan Karp in May Newcomers plan participating in the service. Child care for pre- all groups and adults; buses are available for my dining room and had planned to pay this off school children Is provided on the second floor pickup and delivery of children; call the church on a weekly basis, A problem arose when my Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Gray of Stamford, Conn,, office for times and routes, 11 a.m., morning party Saturday of the Chapel building adjacent to the sanc- new dining room set wai delivered, I then have announced the engagement of their worship service; nursery care and children's tuary, and an informal refreshment period will realized the chandelier I had on layaway would daughter, Doric, to Alan Karp, son of Mr, and The Mountainside Newcomers'will hqld their church for grades 1-3, 6 p.m., Junior and Senior follow the service on the side lawn of the definitely not fit in with the new dining room Mrs, Martin Karp of Newbrook lano, annual^ splash party social this Saturday at 7 High Youth Fellowship, 7 p.m., evening ser- Church. table, I returned to the store and asked for a Springfield, p.m, The hosts for the evening will be Mr, and The following Sunday, Aug. 3, union services vice. refund. The manager refused to refund my $30, Mrs. Martin Cody, Raindate is Sunday. The future bride attended Mt, Ida Junior will continue at to a.m. in the sanctuary of the Wednesday—8 p.m., midweek prayer ser- saying that it is a store policy that no refunds be The theme for the party will be "Anchors College in Boston where she received an A.A. EitiBnuei Methodist Church at Church Mall. vice. ' made on lay -away items, Larrie, I don't recall Aweigh." Japanese lanterns will bo hung about degree in early childhood education. Friday-7;30. p.m., Chapel. .Mountaineers (he manager saying-anything aboutiiisstore's the pool area, and salads, dips and homemade 1 weekly Bible study and craft workshop for all TEMPLE SHA AREY SHALOM no-refund policy nor was it noted on tht receipt Her fiance, who was graduated from the rolls and desserts will be provided by mem. children, grades 3-8. AN AFFILIATE OF THE UNION OF I held. Is it right For this store to keep my University of Bridgeport, is employed as a key bers. Thq beverage of the evening is Sangria. AMERICAN HEBREW CONGREGATIONS money without first informing me of m; account specialist for the Bonnie Doone Co. in The baseball-barbecue party was held in rights'? Stamford and ii working for his M.B.A. degree June with Team A beating Team B, 11 to 7, The 5. SPRINGFIELD AVE. AT SHUNPIKE RD., ST. JAMES CHURCH SPRINGFIELD at the University of Bridgeport, highlight of the game was a catch made by 45 S.SPRINGFIELD AVE., Dear Disturbed: DISTURBED RABBI: HOWARD SHAPIRO A May 1976 wedding is planned. Mary Delaney in center field. Refreshments SPRINGFIELD No. The store should be subject to civil CANTOR: IRVING KRAMERMAN followed at the home of President Dorene MSGR. FRANCIS X. COYLE, PASTOR penalties under the Truth in Lending Act. Thursday—8 p.m., duplicate bridge, Sefack. RBV, STEPHEN P. LYNCH, Regulation Z of this act states that unless the Friday—8 p.m., summer ertv Shabbat REV, EDWARD R. OEHLING, seller makes perfectly clear on the lay-away service; lay readers: Leonard and Barbara Hadassah to hold REV. PAUL J.KOCH, agreement and on subsequent payment Sherman. ASSISTANT PASTORS receipts that there will be "no refund," he is Sha'arey Shalom offers Sunday Masses—7 p.m.; Saturday, 7, 8:15, obligated to cancel the contract and return all dinner Aug. 23 ST. STEPHENS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 9:30, 10:45 a.m. and noon. Dally, ? and 8 am,1 duplicate bridge game monies at the request of the buyer, Springfield Chapter of Hadassah is planning 119 MAIN ST., MILLBURN Holyday, on eves of Holyday at 7 p.m.; on Larrii O'Farrell, Better Business Bureau a dinner-dance on Saturday night, Aug. 23, at Temple Sha'arey Shalom, Springfield, REV. JOSEPH D. HERRING, RECTOR Holydays at 7, 8, 9, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. the Governor Morris Hotel in Morristown, sponsors duplicate bridge throughout the year, Sunday—B a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Dear Larrie: "°"°" Confessions—Saturday, 1 to 2 p.m. Monday Donor credit will be given and the proceeds will including July and August, The games are held Holy Communion and sermon, first Sunday and through Friday, 7:15"io 7:45 p.m. No con- I went to a pet shop to purchase a St. Bernard bo allocated to the Hadassah Hospital in Israel. VIRGINIA ANN MCLAUGHLIN every Thursday night at 8 at the temple. festival occasions; morning prayer and ser- fessions on sundaysT Holydays and eves of dog and feel the behavior of the proprietor was Anyone interested in attending may contact Master points are awarded and refreshments mom, second through fifth Sundays; 10 to 11:15 Holydays, strange. After looking over several St, Bernard Mrs, Beverlee Weltchek, fund raising vice- are served, Abe Sparer is the director. All a.m., Church School; babysitting at 10 a.m. puppies, I saw one that I wanted. While the paper transaction was being taken care of, I president, or Mrs. Mildred Robinson, M/ssMcLaugh//n questions about participation should be EV ANGELBAPTIST CHURCH asked the proprietor for a record of the vac- president, both of Springfield, referred to'Mrs." Margf Orossbatth, 579-B184, Honors at Upsala 242 SHUNPIKE RD,, SPRINGFIELD cinations that had been given to the dog. All he engagement told REV, WILLIAM C, SCHMIDT, JR., PASTOR The group is also planning a garage sale for would say wa) that the dog had been given all October, and members were urged to save Denisi L, Gambee of Summit road, MourK HEAR THE EVANGEL HOUR EACH the necessary shots and that I needn't worry their better clothing, household items and Mr, and Mrs. John J, MeLaughlin Jr., of tainsidf, has made the honors' list at Upsala SATURDAY AT 10:30 P.M. about* thing. He said I couldn't find a healthier., Orange have announced the engagement of OVER RADIO STATION WAWZ, M.I FM small appliances for that event. Mrs. Iris Segal Collige for outstanding academic achievement dog anywh'ere else. I felt so uneasy with this their daughter, Virginia Ann, to Michael Jay Sunday—0:46 a.m., Sunday School, 11 a.m., of Springfield has further information on the during the spring semester. Miss Gambii, explanation, that I told him I had a change of Weatherston, son of Mr, and Mrs, Don I"... THE MOST morning worship; pastor Schmidt preaching, sale. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Frank M. Gambee, is heart, and didn't want to purchase the dog after Weatherston of Lelak avenue, Springfield, 11 a.m., Junior Church. 7 p.m., evening ser- a sophomore majoring in German. all, Wasn't 1 entitled to have such information FANTASTIC vice; Moody science film, and "Whire The Miss MeLaughlin, a graduate of Our Lady of FRIDAY DEADLINE Waters Run," will be shown in this service. about a puppy I, was going to pay $200 for? BACKGROUND Souders elected the Valley High School, Orange, received a NIGHTS SLEEP All items other than spot news should Nursery care at both church jervices. Dear Background: bachelor of science in marketing from Stton be in our office by noon on Friday, Wednesday—7:45 p.m., prayer meeting. You were entitled to such information, The. Hall University this spring. She is employed by EVER " purchaser of a dog or cat must be given in- VP at Pru. office Bamberger's in Livlnpton. formation about all vaccinations and worming k ll.ll. CHICAGO TRIBUNE, which have been administered as well as a H, Richard Souders of Mountainside has been Mr, Weathergton, a graduate of Jonathan Nov. 26,1972 Print show recommendation that the purchaser tee a elected vice-president, group insurance, in Dayton Regions) High School and Rutgers Betterrest veterinarian for a follow-up examination. Prudential Insurance Co.'i corporate Office, University, where he earned a bachelor of arts Newark, Souders transfers from the company's degree in political science, is employed by the Larrie O'Farrell, Better Business Bureau 376-9170 in Summit Eastern home office, where he had been United States Postal Service, "Impressions—A Show of Dear Larrie: -o~o~ director of group insurance, FACT NO. 10? I Prints," the current exhibition I bought a new car and was told by the car Souders has been involved with Prudential's in the gallery of the Summit dealer that delivery would be in one month. group insurance operations since joining the To Publicity Chairmen; Art Center will be on view Four months have now gone by without any company in 1MB, He was promoted to regional through August 3. The Cen- definite indication from the dealer when group martager in 1985, associate director the 3VJ Room Apt,, $218, Air Cond, ter's gallery is open to the delivery^]! be made. Is there anything I can following year and director in 1970. Would you like S Room Apt.;$264, Air eond. 1 public at no charge Monday do to move things along ? A 1959 graduate of Lafayette College, he some help in pre- Spacious l & 2 bedroom apartments with through Saturday from 2 to 4 InterminabliWait served two years an an infantry officer in the paring newipaper full dining room. Large kitchen can p.m. and Sundays from 3 to 5 Dear Interminable; Army, Soudefs is active with the Mountainside releases? Write to accommodate Clothes Washer & dryer. p.m. No. When a car is being ordered from the Little League. this newspaper and Beautifully landscapsd garden The "Impressions" show factory remember that the date.you are given He and his wife, Doris, hive three sons; apartments. Train to Penn Sta., & NiY.C. contains both traditional and for delivery is no more than an estimate, A Ricky, Denis and Steven, The Soudefs live at ask-fbr-.oiir "Tips ;in 25 mlna. experimental prints by 18 verbal promise of delivery on or before a Long Meadow. on Submitting News Walk to all schools. Large shopping areas Rr.iphic artists specific date li generally not binding unless it is Releases," close by, Colfax Ave. W., at Roselle Ave., The show includes made a part of the written agreement, _W,,J20U.2.457963._ _._.. : lithographs, mezzotints, et- Larrie O'Farrell, Better iuilness Bureau chings, collographs, 110 Fifth Ave,, New York, N,Y,, looii;' AAiss Cram cited serigraphs and woodblocks as '. Phone (212) BK-SIB' well as works with in- vidividualizcd approaches, in college contest incorporating photographic Emily Crom, daughter of Mr. and Mis. techniques and combinations William Hampton Crom of Mountainside, and a of methods. 1975 graduate of Kenyon College in Gambler, Among those included in thi Ohio, has received a honorable mention in. show are Ntw Jersey srUiti Mademoiselle Magazine's 38th annual college Jacob Landau, Gabor Piterdi, guest editor competition. Loulit Nevelson, Philip Miss Crom is one of the 20 students selected Pearlstein and KB, Hwsng, from the over 1,000 College Board Members .for OPEN A The print show, was special merit. She is an English major and arrangid under th§ direction French minor. of Patricia Garreti, chair- Her picture and a commendation will appear woman of the exhibition and a in the August Issue of Mademoiselle. member of the Art Center, A full color limited edition poster commemorating the 2 local students cited FREE exhibit, created by exhibiting French, graphic artist Jean Dcnisc G. Alessi of Knollwood road and Dewasne, is'available for $25 Maureen A. Owens of Wyoming avenue, for the benefit of the Art Mountainside, are among 97 students named to Center. the President's Honor List at Union College for CHECKING ACCOUNT ail other The Summit Art Center is 'I thought I had It tough back in those tarly the spring 1975 semester, it wns announced by located at 6« Elm at. days fighting sin, but now that wt'vi got IN Dr. Saul Orkin, president of the College Summ«r FLAT ION ...I' and save $48... and pay merchandise I a utility bill. PLUMBERS ATTENTION I Sell your services to over 90.000 local Reduced 1 (amlllcs with a low cost w«nt Ad. Coll Mt/zoo before iuc send it to RECORD& STEREO Look Like A Model!! EXCHANGE INTER ittrntltOittin Istuvtr Stnity iw ttmpliH photHlonfflfiB S Li tint tnkHthmut Huts COMMUNITY Alt latest disco releases in stock BANK summiT Records and tapes - New and Used OOSmETIC STUDIO Stereo Equipment • Sony TV 52 Millburn Ave . Springfield * New Jersey • 4^7-8800 , Custom Installation • Stereo Repairs i 18 MapltSt .Summit, N.J. Membtr K.OI.C, dve » unrch . shop montftiio9 2734916 all at SUPER LOW DISCOUNT prices Coimitlci felltWM , 241 ESSEX ST., MIIXBUKN honored • oropgn one. loitb us$ r«rt»m« •iKtniyiit 376-6200 Acrosi from Mario'; Parking Lot

U. <"* .A > ~_r_* " <•* • Thursdoy, July 24, 1975 Your Guide To Better Living in the SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MART • City • Suburbs • Farm Country # Lake ©Shore Active name of the game at Howeii Twp. Villages A Well-planned adult and putt golf course, man- something wrong with the show with the theme, 'Sunday Others are involved in fund- nominal fee lo cover the cost community, one which is big made Lake Si'van for fishing planning, with the makeup ol in the Park.' And the Drama raising work at carnival of materials, etc," according enough to support a complete and boating, a swimming pool the community, if people don't Club puts on several shows a booths, etc Many were to Mre, Garfield, recreational program and not and a myriad of outdoor and take part in activities or year and meets weekly to read enrolled in the psychology The homeowners at the too large to place an Inor. indoor recreational facilities. create for themselves." and evaluate plays, etc," course given by Brookdale Villages have time for these dSnate demand on those And, on the other hand, it is Residents at the Villages, For the really energetic, College of Lincroft and more activities became they get facilities, is an Ideal active small enough so homeowners who mujt be at lealt B2 years there's the Sunday Walking are expected for the fall lawn mowing and main- community. A prime txampla have a senie of identity. old and who pay anywhere Club. When this group goes semester. tenance, refuse collection, of thii IJ thf Villagea, the 071- Even more important is the from $28,B00 to $38,500 for their hiking, it often brings along All of these activities are in snow removal, exterior unlt adult condominium fact that the people are ac- homes, are indeed active. members of the Photography addition to the normal bingo maintenance and common colony in Howe!! Township, live—not the fact that there There are about 550 families and thi! Art Clubs who may games, bus rides to New York, green maintenance included. Being developed by Hovbilt are activity facilities, at the community engaged in want to pursue their weight-reducing programs, But, then again, a number of Inc., on rolling countryside off "We ore a community which diverse activities. avocations while on the1physical fitness program, pin residents continue to hold Wycoff road and Rt, 9, about is involved," explains Bernie The swimming pool has a Sunday walks, pong tournaments, sports positions and commute to four miles south of theGarfleld, recreation eoor- patio and gym with sauna, A number of residents have activities, parlies, etc. work. Now, they're really Freehold Raceway Circle, the dinator, "You can have all the men's dressing area with signed up for the 10-week first- "There are no charges for active But "active" is the Villages Ii large enough to amenities In the world, but if showers and women's aid course given by Howell any of these activities unless, name of the game at the support a fully air-conditioned they aro not used, it's a waste. dressing room with lounge and Township every Wednesday, in some incidents, there is a Villages, and heated clubhouse, a pitch Worse than thai, there's showers. And the golf course and; shuffleboard is always being used. Now a boccl court has been opened. Another active area is the barbecue POCONOS BEST BUYS * Claridge House area overlooking the river. But activities are not con- LUXURIOUS TOUCHES in the bathroom are part of the condominium homes of the Eaitport fined to recreational facilities. Courts in Shadow Lake Village in Mlddlttown, Created by the architectural firm of now is accepting Villagers put on an art show Khachidourian and Cahill, the furniihtd model apartments are open every day. They can be at the Club House of the arts enape Pleasant fa reached by liking the Parkway to exit 117, taking Rt, 35 loulh for nine miles and turning right and crafts which they have to Navesink road and following it to the end. Then another right in Nutswamp road to the created. There was a Village, " '• ' _ ' rent app/icaf/ons Recognition Night at which volunteer workers were and an attached garage, All Visitors to Claridge House ttnji from $'1,185 monthly, honored. 1 & 2 ACRE EVERYTHING Agency appointed bedroomi art overiBed with II, the ultra-modern, super extend from one end of the A free show night featured YOU WANT NOW) deluxe 12-gtory rental high building to the other There is ,. HOMESITES mini-neighborhood are being abundant closets. This par- the Show Hii Kids, a group of • Lake • Swimming Pool Suburb Realty Company of ticular model ii priced at rise now nearing completion only one in each wing. Scotch Plains has been made available at special variety performers from 6 to $35,990 with ten percent down, on First Mountain in Verona, Offering a spectacular view 60 from Lakewood. • Tennis • Paved Roads named exclusive agent for a introductory prices for a Come ill tht biggest value in tht Pacanos. • Public Water • Picnic & limited time, typical is tht 30-year financing available to have been impressed with from its location on First Dancing is extremely new grouping of 28 homes qualified buyers. Once the everything from the lavish Mountain and described as the Ho postage stamp lets but huge 1 and 2 acre Recreation Areas being built on Sloane three-bedroom ranch which is popular with Villagers and model section hai bsen appoinfmenti, the numerous ultimati in luxurious living, homiiifM pjyj lake, swimming peol, indoor J Lot and home financing available boulevard, on the Scotch currently under construction. there's always dancing on completed, prices are ex- amenities and thi enormous Claridge House II is being weekends. Group dancing is outdoor recreation facilities far vacationing tht Plains-Plainfield line in The home will offer an entry yiar round. Wo'11 build your home if desired. foyer, spacious living room, peetid to move into a higher siw of the apartments to the built on a 13-acre site with its on Friday nights; Sunday REP WOOD CHAUT FOR SAU Plainfield. range, unique design of the building. private roadway and features oversized eat-in kitchen, nights there^g informal All yours at remarkable low cost just 2 hours J SPKIAU SI 4,000 According to builders The 336-unit Y-shaped landscaped and groomed utility-storage rooms, a dancing, Saturdays are ram Phila, Lot & home financing available. 2 BR with opt. 3rd loft BR. Cathedral William Silverman and Leo Silverman points out that building on Claridge drive and grounds with Fountains separate laundry-mud room special dancing nights or show wiling. Living & diring rooms, wooded Chernus, homes in the new these new homes are very Routs 23 (Pompton avenue) is gracing the front of the nights. Now that warm Drive up today and talk personally with own-! lot, Water rights. Price includes ext. shell modestly priced, especially accepting rental applications complex. weather is here, dancing tr-diveloptr, Or write or phone (or frit bro- complete. considering their location for November occupancies Off a porte cochere entrance under the stars by pooliide is chure. and expects to have its initial with uniformed doorman is popular, OFFICE; U.$,ao West to exit« S. & Pa, S. NEW HOMES ?%% MORTGAGES "Residents will be close to on Rt, 209 through Broadheadsville. Fol- group of tenants in at that the spacious lobby complete Available to Qualified Buytri transportation, shopping, "We have discussion groups OFFICE: U.S. 80 Wist to exit 46 S. I Pa. S, on Rl. low sigm 4 mi. IITIs 1 mil. past offlei. schools and all of the other time. with an entire wall of which meet monthly, as well Follow s Terminal Construction 209 Through Breadhiidsville, 'l™ * ""• Inspection by appointment only. $45,900 important amenities of cascading water and as singles who meet monthly SITE.- 3 mi, from office. Inspection by appoint- 1 Of 4 Bedroom li-Uwl or RaisEO1 Roneli DfLTAR DEVELOPMENT, INC. 549,900 modern life," says Silverman Corp, of Wood-Ridge, which beautifully appointed rooms and a classical film .program mini only, $53,900 3, 4 of J ledrwmi li-Ltwl or Roi»d Rondi "At the same time, they'll bo designed and built the original for social activities, such as which meets one Saturday P.O. Box 114 $54,900 to 564,900 Moniols living in an area that has long Claridge House, is completing the Highland Lounge for in- evening each month for such Deltar Development, Inc. P.O. Box 114 Kresiivilli, Pa. 18333 the newest Claridge House timate parties, card games Krtsgiville. Pa. 18333 C215) 68144G6 (215) m\4m HMIM \mH In MBtrii CNriy M % f» I Am wxxM lets isftort been prized for its charm and cinematic greats as "The 39 stability " high rise which offers one, two and other recreational ac- Steps," "The Blue Angel," and three-bedroom apart- tivities. etcV' explains Mrs. Garfield, Suburb Realty has offices at SPECIAL TAX Irint In joyr t«i rlMi start Ml «*ll nttMi tin wit e! .IT, tamitt by tin ments from $580 per month. "The 75-member Glee Club 1773 East Second avi, in The substantial number of REBATE OFFER •null of your cluck if you apply H Is HM puretvBi of a lot. CHL CEDAR MANOR ESTATES 347-3434 Apartments are enormous schedules winter and spring Scotch Plains, and 320 Rt 2$ visitors to the rental pavilion and visitors to the rental concerts and just completed a (West lane) in Green Brook also have been impressed with pavilion have bfienrimpressed Irie7liuie7i)5lrony m~each with the spaciousness and apartment, whlqrf commands layouts. The apartments a sweeping view of the New range from 1,300 square feet of York skyline to the east and space for . one-bedroom the Jersey mountains to the apartments to more than 2,400 west, GRANDOPENING square feet of space for a ICach apartment has its three-bedroom apartment. separate clothes washer and The latter apartments, ren- dryer, breakfast areas, sliding (second section) gliiss do6rs opening on thi balconies (two in the three- f Far from the crowds. Manager bedroom apartments), room- entry foyers, individually, appointed controlled central air eon- Close to all conveniences. ditioning and kitchens with Anthony Mgrsella, Jr., ofautomatic dishwasher, double Rahway has been named sales owns with self-cleaning Your real home in the real country. manager of the Berg Agency's features, side by side no The true 1-family home. And your property isn't surrounded Clark office on Rantan road defrost refrigerators with The tranquil countryside. byarnobof mini-cities. But rather, open The announcement was made automatic ice makers, custom spaces, fields, streams and horses as by Jerry Salomone, president cabinets and other lavish Bolharciapidlydi'tippi-ciNnrjIriiiT well as friendly neighbors. appointments Baths have the Idteol the earth Bui al Win inn Marsella has been with the Wuuris natninally-famuub(_LnlL" Don't worry. You won't be vanities with cultured marble roughing it. The lamed Middlesex Mall is Berg organization for three tops and basins and there are Hume^qive^yuu what may bi ,nur lot,* years as sales representative rhante ID en|ny bath And ilill Im. about 1 mileaway, You'reonly telephone and TV outlets in 30 minutes* Ifom Manhattan via He is a graduate of themany of the rooms mornf-nts (mm New Jersey t, !hruiny ACTUAL PHOTO Weequahic High School in northern mmrnPic ml Lurndnr |ust 10 express commuter tram or Newark, and the Professional A rigid secunty'system has ffiinufes* frnrn mid Manhattan Superhighway And a Meiro School of Business, be™ designed for the building Par k-and-Ride station is minutes awny. as well as a fire alarm So, git the best of all possible He served in the U S Army detection system with heat from 1967 to. 1969 and is a worlds while it's still available. See ouf and smoke detectors which Wooded 15,000 sq.ft. models today. Vietnam veteran He Is awill be connected directly to groundi. condominium is dead member of the N«w Jertey Un' Verona fire alarm system 5 models, 15 exterior styles, Association of Realtors, and There are also two storage And luad ul privacy too Becnu^ $59,490 to $67,990 7., at Eastpointe, a unique sea-view condominium that the Cranford Board of, -your home i^yi'ntly poibi-dun at least roomb on each floor with large Attractive financing overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and the New York skyline. Realtors private storage facilities for lSOOQsq It olprimeland Withplenty each tenant, magnificent of roam between neighboring homes IP Suit yuyr nyeds. Prior to joining the Berg PtiEfi Itinisondajailab lilies 'jji\ty t iu clianqL- No gimmicks when you buy Your private penthouse club Agency, Marstlla was lobbies, plus indoor and And tr^es on your property You won't find any promotional iqdtrriis at For the eneluslve use ol Eastpointers and their associated with the IBMoutdoor parking with 24-hour laslpoinit. Just hrjnsit yalua, Bibausrj valua guests... a private "club in the sky" The Corporation for three years valet service commensurate vim list — long after Mies gimmicks heigh! pi entertaining! with the high standards of the riava had their day. Oversize balconies! The Berg Agency is abuilding subsidiary of Berg Enter- Set on a site amidst No gimmicks whan you move in Light, airy rooms, Q.I, kitchens. Laundry prises Inc. The parent firm space In every Bpartmtrit, And mueh more magnificent and conveniently Theft art no hidden Wlrai, There'! no land presently operates almost 100 Space to spare. Itast, no rtorsation lane, Everything that located golf coursei in the Your "no-headache" home offices in New Jersey, nation, Claridge House II Our home* are the kind you can live makeillfsatE.aitpointeeirtfa.speelills Nevada, Florida, Arizona, avaiiablt to you as an apartmant ownar. YQM own your eondomlniufri,,, so you reciive tenants will hive such in graciously and comfortably lor the There's no sxlra charge to swim in Ait pool. the ta« advantagil and the equity-building California, Texas and Newrecreational amenities as an rest of your lifg They give you between No extra charge to snjoy the penthouii club, . benefits. You receive 1 Deed just as it you York It is a 24-ytar-old Olympic-size swimming pool, 1 S40and2 45Qsq ft of livmgurea No i«tra charge to play iennlf. No (Xtra bought a house. But the lawn mowihg, leal company whose shares are health club with twin exercise And that's not taunting the large charge to llrffl-up or slim-down in tht Bseroiie , raking, snow.plowlng,,, is done (or you— listed for trading on the ba'tfmenl and avprsized two car byprofissionils. rooms for men and women, room. No extra charge lor a parkin) ipaot, American Stock Exchange. garage Arid at Eastpointe, you set what you get. The saunas and tennis courts. building ii completed. You don't buy from Federal Tax Credit The appointments? Everything you architects' drawings.. , (Up to'2,000) BEAUTIFUL HOMES FOR expect Sand 4bedrooms 2and2Vi Location: Life's high point These are tht lowest prices at which many of baths Room-sue reception foyer these unit! nave been offered. Persons PEOPLE ON FIXED INCOMES Farjiily room Eot-m Mchin with double laitpolnlBisynlqueiyBlluatfrJbylhirti.atop purchasing these new units may be entitled oven and range, dishwasher, oak the highlit point on'tht Atlantic isaboard, to substantial tan benefits under the recently- . The txprBji bu»io New York Is ant blocR "THECiNTjURY" flooring or carpeting gt your option . enacted tax credit law subject to rules and Loads of closet space away. Eastpointe Ii close to deip-Watir' , regulations to be Issued by the Internal SlIDROOM-ilATH ilshlng»nd boatlnfl. 3up«rb dining ntarby. Revenue Service, If you qualify, It may mean S And atlraBilohi tor every ieason, America's a tax credit of as much as $2,000 against Full Price l 7,900 pest-laved benchos. New Jersey's abundantly* personal Income taxes due on your 76 return M'IIM' lH stocliid lakes and streams. Sports and . , cultural eventt by ihti scor*. Arid the close-by Spintally 18nm«0 m Biratllnni- SirdlH WINS1ON esjelternent of Manhattan. •.'.•',.• Siito'Mm* to lill rife B IMHV 411^ ssfB. f- 'h^ 117; Ihin •••! on FINANCING AVAILABLE The view: "sea" for mite* ; RHIM 31 «p(iroi 11 milt,to ScMil g Drtn AU QUALITY MANUFACTURED HOMES Ivir-ehangrrigvlstai of the Atlantic Ocean, . l« Hljhlind.. Miki Many opttoni make yoor hems Into Wood Lake Drive, Piscatawoy, New Jersey the Now York skyilno, Now York Harbor, thd; lughiml!* lilt Ivin, •xariry whirl you want! Dlroctloni: New Jersey Turnpike to Exit 10 Verrazano Brldgo. Sandy Hook and Long • nd conllnui lo ../ LIVE WITH PtOPlt UKE YOUIStlVES M Takj Route 287 north 6 5 miles 'Wand will dol|ght your eyes. 1 'THE (OMMm ; ANHT COMMUNITY to exit for Route 519 south toward Edison 1 & 2 bedroom condominium homes from $35,500 to $71,000 , price of hJMm tncludet: ,. Go I 4 miles to models • OH thi street pukmg • Watii and siwifi • PaverJ struts & sidewalks • Clubhouse, pool, recreation FromSomervllleorMorrUtown: • Underoround ytilitiBi and lacilities Royte 26?south toeml for Route 529 itfMt lighting (m Clgiiby to shopping »nrj toward Edison, Go6/10-m!le to blinking light,

WntBDfcaHfrjrFKIbrMhuii ' J«n*¥ shorn , than turn right on Metlar(i Lone Proceed 6/1 Q-milelo Slop light HIGHLANDS, NtW JIH8BY 077J2 jam WMJOO Cental? Villas Turn lift and,gO V IQ-tmte to models / t Avdliblt throogh- G«n«r«l EMttlo Cndll Corporillon, • lybildluy of th» Ginf ml Enclrlc Compinj •' Jickibn. Nltt JinlYt^Oli SIS 3IOfl ], Phono: (201)981-0-160 NiW This advertisement Is not an offering which can ohly be made by formal prospectus N.Y.400 I SiRICTieNSi Girdan Siilt P 1 BRUNSWICK ^^«i^tottUk* *30 minutes bywhedulid trom, 40 rnmutes by cor •Thursday, July 24, 1975- Your Guide To Better Living in th4 SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MART • City ©Suburbs • Farm-Country rlake # Shore the Hotel-Motel Committee State post to Herzog from 10611-73, ag an appointee Villas at Berkeley offers Sam Herzog of Convent The Committee is an arm of of Gov, Richard Hughes, Station, a past president of the the State Department of New Jersey Builders Community Affairs, headed According to Henog, the Association and the Builders by Commissioner Patricia C. committee functions as a unusual innovative touch Association of Metropolitan Sheehan, "clearing house and gover- New Jorjey, headquartered in I Herzog, a partner in Deb ning board to help promulgate Prel Corporation has pulled proven styles, making them basement, unique in bi-Iovols, Union, hns been appointed by Construction Company, East the rules and regulations of nut all thi- stops in the creation better than ever." in addition to a full bath and Gov. Brendan T. Bryne to a Brunswick, and chairman of building hotels and multiple of the Villas at Berkeley, a Available In distinctive two half-baths. five-year term as n member of the Apartment House Council dwellings in the State of New new single-family community contemporary or Tudor Quality features to be found the Hotel-Mote! Committee, of the NJfjA, had servqd on Jersey," on Pelican drive, off Route i. models, the Villas at Berkeley in each home include 'n HiTkciey Township, will offer two, three and four- economical, oil-fired heating bedroom homes, in ranch, systems, underground electric Wv helievc that this will he two-story and bi-luvei plans 1 and eable-TV lines, wall-to- oni of the most excitinjJ The hi-levol is especially wall carpeting, 150 amp rnmmunitii's in the area," unusual. In addition to a electrical service and city says ii l'rel spokesman balconied dining room that sewers and water To assure An Offer You Can't Refuse We've mlded our own in- overlooks the living room and year-round comfort, the nnvniivc touches to time foyer, it also includes a homes are being constructed with crawlspace foundations, "Most models also Offer Use ol Private SWIM CLUB glass sliding doors leading to Prlvtte dressing room! rear garden areas," adds the Uii sf ytir 'reund Prel spokesman, "And while a TINNIS COURTS Kingswood lists one-car garage is standard in PARKINO, For •v»ry Ttnant each model, some are offered Security lighting In parking arias, with an optional two-fnr Hotwsttr Bastbdard another section garage," MAT at freehold Another optional and im- Use of iHUFFLIBOARp pressive touch of Prel styling COURTI and VOLUIY SAUL COURT SPACIOUS 1 & 2 Bedroom Apis. Kingswaod Estates has for the money, more space for CRESTWOOD SYMPHONETTE founders are, seated, from left, Angelo Lopresto, is found in one of the spacious eoneertmaster; Dorothea Seesielbirg, cello; Alfons ROT, violin. Standing are Josephine Use of PLAYOROUNP from *196 Mo, announced the opening of a family living plus the ability to ranch homes. The designers Per Teninli and gUilti new section of 22 homesites in interchange inner space into Lauver, piano, and Paul Quellmali, clarinet. The clasiieal musical ensemble performs for the have provided for a floor-to- retirement community of Creitwood Village. MAITIR TV the Cedar Grove residential two, three or more bedrooms ceiling column, incorporating ANTINNA Hookup area of Toms River, to the individual owner's a double fireplace, separating Featuring well-priced bi- liking," the living and family rooms. CLIAN, NIWLY lOUiPPIO LAUNDRY ROOMS level homes in a variety of "This is a wonderful en- styles starting at $37,500, More individuality is added Crestwood Symphonette to the Kingswood homes with vironment for active, growing I Block to Express N.Y, commuter ius, IMMEDIATE Kingswood Estates' excellent families," says the Lincoln Bus at NY, Pt, Authority Terminal OCCUPANCY location and fine construction custom exterior styling of Platform No. 117 Goes Directly to Slonehufsf, texture, siding, and rooflirtes spokesman "There's plenty Across The Street From Cull service have made the community one of room and none of the Shopping Center, • DIRECTIONS: N.j. Turnpike to Exit 11, Garden of the most successful of the including the popular man- sounds high note in debut State Parkway to init W to Routs I, Stay on Rt, » sard, peak or straight-across congestion of crowded urban louth to Stonehunt at Freehoia, w, milM fogfh o! Shore area. centers," The cultural resources of came together to play Philharmonic Society of MANABSR'S OFFIti OPEN 7 DAYS A Wlltt Freehold Raceway traffic circle, at Schanck Road, lines. Shutter! and interesting Crestwood village took a giant "The bi-level," according to The Villas at Berkeley, only originally for their own en- Northern New Jersey, and the NEVBR A WORRY ABOUT APARTMBNT designer-style front doors are leap forward recently with the MSINTINANCI SERviCi . FULL TIME STAFF ntHTiwr uniMnur ipcyT /JAI\ «i ei 11 builder Patrick L, Bottazzi. minutes from Toms River, is joyment, Garden State Philharmonic featured. Color and detail add debut of the Crestwood ^4-HOUR iMiROiNCY ANSWiRiNo iiRvien. RtNTINfrHANAUlNQ AGENT 201) 431-5111 who is active in state and close to schools, houses of Angelo Lo Presto is con- under Henri Elkan, more individuality to these Symphonetto—actually dou- shore area builders asso- worship, restaurants and eertmaster In major or- homes on spacious sites in the bled, if one ranks this event ciations, "offers more SDace shopping centers. The Beach- chestras this is the title finest location of the Ocean on a par with the inception wood Shopping Center is on conferred on the first-desk County seat, some years ago of the JLOOI BERGSN COUNTY I nearby Rt. 9, along w\th a first violinist, who also func- Crestwood Chorus, the Kingswood Estates offers broad selection of fine shops. tions as a son of assistant NEW LUXURY HI-RISE ^ 3 retirement community's first 7 -4 percent mortgaging for all "This is one of the most conductor and inspiration to MARLBOROUGH serious musical organization. homes, with the $2000 taxdesirable regions of New the other members, while still HOUSE credit available on a fewJersey,'' comments the Not quite yet of a size or playing his instrument. it SO. MAIN STRIET remaining choice sites. The spokesman, "The air is fresh, maturity to rival a full Business manager for the LODl.NEW JIHSIY symphony, such as its USES TO MID.NY. AT CORNER sales and information office the climate favorable and the group is Alfons Koor, who also on Utah drive, Toms River, is environment unspoiled. It is neighbor, The Philadelphia plays violin INQUIRE ftSOUT open seven days a week from especially desirable in the Orchestra for example, the "Although coming from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, warmer months, Symphonetti has put together widely diverse backgrounds, sufficient musicianship in the SPECIAL In addition to the bi-levels, "Many families save all members', of the SymphomsUe lew months of its existence to share one thing in common, a which Bottazzi reports make year," he continues, "just to earn a standing ovation from RENT up six said out of every seven spend a two-week summer great love' for music and in the audience at its debut in most cases fairly extensilve at Kingswood Estates, ranch vacation down here. For Independence Hail, one of four and colonial two-stsry residents of the Villas at musical training and ex- SAVINGS Crestwaod clubhouses, said a perience. Many cite their homestyles are offered. But It Berkeley, the vacation is spokesman, always right outside," previous unhappiness at is the wide selection of plans the occasion was a 10th PLAN for the bi.level, or raised Opening prices for homes in having to temporarily WITH 2.YHR LEASE ranch, home that offers this new Prel community will anniversary "Get Acquainted discontinue their musical SPACIOUS 11 2 BEDROOM greatest choice for families range from $33,990 to $50,240. Luncheon," marking the activities under the pressure AIR COND, APARTMENTS seeking a home near excellent with B percent down, fl per- founding of Creitwood village. of earning a living, but all are Large Kitchen Between speeches of welcome grateful for the opportunity with Auto, piihwiihers schools and the excitement of cent, 30-year mortgage Abundant Closet SBBM the Shore area, where good financing available to to new residents, and afforded them here to return ON SITE PARKING dedication of bronie plaques, to the fun of music. As violinist I'NCL.IN RENT living is still available at low qualified buyers. cost. the Symphonette presented a David Boekenek puts it; I FROM ONLY SZ73 MO, To reach the Villas at program of light classics and Berkeley, take the Garden haven't played for 30 years IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY easy-listening melodies. until coming here," [he Exceptional apartment homes CALL:Wi!KDAYIS.5 SUBURBAN PUBLISHING State Parkway south to Exit 167-2700 80. Continue south on Rt. 9 for All the members are spokesman noted. IVBS.ANBIAT.&IUN, CARRliS MORE residents of the adult com- 777.4MB approximately two and one-. Birthplaces of the musicians Renting Agent Oil Frimliel REAL ESTATE DISPLAY munity on Route 530, Whiting. on the Palisades half miles to Pelican drive. are as widely separated as DiUy and Sundty ADVIRTlSiNfi Dorothea Soesselberg, who DiRICTIONJi from Getrst THAN ANY OTHER Turn right to model area, Paterson, New Jersiay, 2 and 3 bedroom residences with up to 1,983 sq. ft. and 3 full baths. Washington Brifige tsKe Reuti NiWSPAPER plays the cello, recruited Germany and Hungary—with BB is Lodi. Reghelle Park exit to Prel Corporation, Josephine Lauver, pianist, MainST (Htlttn South en Main (Dally or Weekly! headquartered in Saddle the membership about evenly ^ St. acres! Route 46 sntg Igyth BASED IN and Paul Quellmalz, fcMain St. tg Aairibereysh Hmse. Brook, li a leading residential- divided between American UNION COUNTY1 clarinetist. These three and European parentaije. commercial builder and became the nucleus around property developer, The firm Many cite their musical which other musicians, heritage derived * from has operations in New York, hearing of the formation of New Jersey, Maryland, parents and other relatives. the ensemble by ' word of Ruth Pellissiir, who plays in Pennsylvania, Michigan and mouth and in the local press, Florida. the first violin lection, GR/TD OPOWG received her early musical education from her fathur, who had been a concert violinist in Poland, and after HTML i further musical studies made her debut In Carnegie Hall, the iotegrauni!, mecea of concert artists. Slit '" aeehdominrum. is a member of both the lisadium THEGUPOU A resort on the prbperty for your year round pleasure; A The Heverans of West Essex.N J. Gracious Residence People like you {HA/LET TOWNSHIP, MONMOUTU COUNTY, NJ.) for 000 Arts living in dream comt true Senior Citizens 8% Come out to Marc And no matter which Terrace and you'll see year'round waterfront homes two story, ranch, bi-level injey independence and security FINANCING everything you always or split colonial you at Village Harbour. For as little amid elegant, msdern syrreunfl* on selected apartments TAX CREDIT wanted toUnd in a choose you'll find the big ings.,. boduliful grsunds. lounges *Thtts art the lowest prlcii « Which 2ind 3 bidroom 4S for qualified buyers. units havt Min oHirifl. PWioni purehislno ihiii Hazlet family home; a and little ixtra touches as*197. amonth. libraries, game rewna, beauty end •Typical lermo lor Plan B, 10th door new units may bo entitled to substantial taxbenellts choice of five models that have made Howard barbei shops s'. ..theatre, three Puichase pries S65.9O0, down under recently (nected tax credit liw, Subjecl to rulei Waterfront homes from eseellen! meals dally from a teles* payment of S1,1,180wHh a 552,720 and ragulttlsns to be Isttjid by the Internal Revenue •with throe or four bed- Siegel's companiei ti»a menu, mala tervlet — prisate iO-yairmorta»getti% Annual iitvlce, llyouauilily, you miy recelssataii credit ol as rooms, established and Monmouth County's most $ $ llvlgg unlli (for indlsidueli or Porcentaqe Rate. There aro 360 much ai 12,000 against poraonal taxes duo on 1975 tax beautifully landscaped respected builden. 23,900 to 41.9Q0 llh 'tilad balh consecutive monthly psyminli ol returns. ••"••." $016mansnigtjjajillla 19for principal,intoiest, sil , communities for neigh, So come out today. Get $Jf,?M 3 bdrmiranthsron bulkhogded lei, 1VI% morlg. fee. -:. .. >. es!aletaxes,olwhlch549nijall 0 oejssl) bors and public here early and you'll get is lax deductible Typical Termii prliidpie and intereit only baled sn 10 % A bsauiitu! wey. w !iy@ — fret of transportation to and the best selection, the household ehortt. iselal • acllvl- from New York that's best flnaricingand the down, 7»/4 % inltrail ond 1/4 % MOIC premium for J4O tits, pleassnl cgmpanlonihlp ilghi hard to beat. belt brand new place to equal paymenti an a $19,900 home, al MM, Modical aM Hurling earl live in Hailet! 95%, financing available to qualified byyiFl. instantly 'available, • • : 25 minutes from mid-Manhattan *SK FOR OUR waBHgsi _ 1 & 4 bedroom family homes from {45,100 to {53,990, Dinsciionn Oordin Stall Parkway la exit 63, tail on Rt. •THI eUPQU ifOOT", HEM: 2'bedrooms, $46,950 to $76,700/3 bedrooms, $65,800to$81,250. 72, ! milei. Look far our itarii, *iOUT "THt cilWL*" ON THI 10% Down, Low closing costs. JOHN aAHBLIHO iHOW - WO*' IN N,j, CAIL TOLL Fill IOO.o4i.9UO •Excellent financing available to a limited number ! - of qualified buyers. , (201)444.1200 : W, 100 RidgewoodAvenue, MdRCTERMCe piremui, N.J.; 07652 LineRoad.Hazlet.NewJerseyTelephone: (201) 264-6699. harbour 5 models open Saturday and Sunday, noon to dusk. Another fine LPC community Weekdays by appointment: Call Walter Blaine. (201)583-4000. The Neighborhood on the Bay Directions from N.Y.C. Tunnels and bridges to CJarden State Pkwy. South to Exit 117 A|(Mata(van). Turn right one block —.-. ,_2Bmlouitt^Jwi^uWSw».dWBgeW!i^kfli^n(|iMti^s4iip^^^tM . > iiop»ljilromofVyin8tqnTowirstWry,Shilnuli»dyrlnrjmern|noruftiriour to Line Road. Turn left to models. From N J. Rt, 9 South to , •-• . andirrlvsslniboutaSmlnutiiilJhimlflrfownPprtAuthorlty.Termlnii,' Rt. 34 to Lloyd Rd. Turn left to Church Street Turn right to Olrtftloni from Minhillini Tikt thi uppif.livtl Of tht fleergi WMhlngten Sfldii'lo ForI"Lbemlt' Line Rd. Then left to models. ; turn lift 800 ft, to light. Lift agilJi atlighi (Limolhi Avinutj, Proeiidl mllii to modus' ../...".. Hours: 10 AM to 7 PM, 7,d»ys» vyiik; Phqnj: (|01 );2|S4j4901)./NiW YorN Ling (J181 SiB^BBSs;- Phis M.I.P. '/t% on mlgs. ovfr 80% .' ' '• !•. _. ;' .-' f hii advert jse^en|.!s rtbf'iri'pf|erl,no.;^riicrfd«n;ionly Hi made bVformal prbiptbiui-N^Y. 380,28^ i ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM •Thursday, July 24, 1975- I Theater Time Clock (

All times lilted ire furniihed by the theaters, SUBURBAN CALENDAR ..o->o- iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitmiintiiiiMiimiiiiilliUiwiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimmmmimiinliUWIiiWWHU ELMORA (Elliabcth)-THE ODESSA The information contained in these listing* originates FILES, Thur., Fri,, Mon,, Tuts,, ?;1S; Sat,, 1, Music, dance with the sponsors of the events. Readers ore advlled 8; Sun., 3:40, 7:35, BREAKOUT, Thur,, Ffi,, to call the sponsors (telephone numbar ll included in Mon,, Tues., 9:25; Sat,, 3, B;15,10; Sun,, 2, 5:50, . HOLMDIL-Rlch Little and each listing] if they require additional Informotlon,, 9:45. Henry Mancinl, July 24 at iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiuiiiiiiiiuflimjlililiiii nimtticmriiiiMMininiiminnimiiiuiMmuiim -u~o- B:30 p.m., July 25, 34 at 9 NIWARK-Summirexhlblti MILLSUBN-'Ged'i FIVE POINTS CINEMA (liniun)--THE p,m, Olivia Niwton.John, Include; Muile In New Favorite,' by Nell Simon. July aland Nat 8-30 p.m, HEINCAnNATION OF PETER PROUD, Jersey, Our American Rev- With Godfrey Cambridge, Pittsburgh Symphony, July Thur,, Fri., Mon,, Tues,, 7:3tf, 9:30; Sat,, 7:30, ' olutlon, By Hand, African Through Aug. 3. Paptrmlll 9;40; Sun,, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15. 30 at 8:30 p.m.; Judy Odysseys. Newark Public Playhouse, 3744343, ^o-o.. Collins, July 31 at 8:30 p,m. Library, 5 Washington at. MADISON—Richard Morse FOX-UNION (Rt, 22)-FRENCH CON- Jerry Vale, Aug. 1 and 2 at 9 7337777. Mime Theater, Monday, 8 THE DEADLY NiGHTSHADI ,- fhro« talinfed girls present "good time" music on p.m. Garden State Arts NECTION II, Thur., Fri., Mon , Tues,, B; Sat., p.m,at N.J, Shakespeare Phantom Records LP: Helen Hooks, Anne lowen and Montclair's Pamela Brant, Center, 264.9200, NEWARK - Newark 7:30, 3:30; Sun., 3:30, 5-30, 7:30, 9:30. Festival, Drew University. MORRISTOWN-Summer Museum, 49 Washington st, -0--O- 377.4487. LOST PICTURE SHOW(Unlon)—W.W AND Sing, Mozart's 'Requiem,' Monday.Saturday, 12 noon THE DIXIE DANCEKINGS. Thur., Mon., July 30, B p.m, Masterwork to 5 p.m. Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. MOUNTAIN LAKIS-'The Tues., 7:30,9:15; Fri,,7,8;30,10:05; Sat , 5:15, Foundation, Morris County Planetarium shows Fantastlcks.' Wedneidayi 055,8.30,10:15; Sun., 1:30,3,4.30, 6,7:35,9; 15. Park Commission Cultural Saturdays, Sundays and at 1:30, Fridays and -o-o- DISC N DATA Center, 300 Mendham road, holidays, 733-4400, Saturdays at 9, Sundays at MAPLEWOOD-JAWS, Thur, Fri,, Mon, S3B1S60, NIWARK—N.J. Historical 7:30, At Nell's New Yorker. Tues, 7:15, 9:30; Sot, 1, 3:15, 5:30, 7-30, 10, Society. Wed,-Sat,, 9;305, 3340010, nBy MILT HAMMERHiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifF SOUTH ORANOE-Organ Sun , 2, 4-15, 8:30, 9 230 Broadway. 483.3939, SOUTH ORANOi-: Harvey.' rtcltal, July 21, Chapel of -o-o-- bers. After their first childhood piano lessons, July 31, Aug. 1, 2, 'Prisoner Pick Of The LPs.,.THE DEADLY NIGHT- the Immaculate Conception. TRENTON-N.J. State NEW PLAZA (Linden)-TOWERING IN- each took a different direction, Pamela was a Of Second Avenue," Aug. 7-9, SHADE (PHANTOM RECORDS BPL1-Q955B) Seton Hall University. 742- Museum, West State street, FERNO, Thur,, Mon,, Tues., 7:45; Fri,, 8;15; musical comedy fan who wanted to be Ethel u-14. All performances at Here's an LP by three talented girls-Helen 9000. Mon,Fri., 95; Sat,, Sun, Sat,, 2, 5:45, B;45; Sun,, 1:45, 5, 8:15, Hooke, Anno Bowen and Montclair's Pamela Merman but settled for folk and classical and hoi., 1-5, Planetarium (:30. Threatre-ln-The- •o«o~ Brant—that you'll want to keep in readiness on guitar until, at Mi, Holyoke College someone STANHOPi-Gary Stewart Round, Seton Hall and Polly Parian, Aug. 2, shows Sat., Sun. 409.J92- OLD RAHWAY CRahway (-PRISONER OF the turntable for many replays. Numbers "plugged her in," Today she plays solid 4444. University. 762.9000 or 763- SECOND AVENUE, Thur., Mon,, Tues,, 9:05; composed by the trio include: "Keep On The electric bass "as though shooting from the hip" Chet Atkins with Morton 5444, Fri,, 7, 10:30' Sat,, 3:05, 8:35, 10; Sun,, 2:40, and delivers vocals In the same gutay style, Gould conducted the Sunnyside,". "High Flying Woman," "Losin' At WIST ORANOi — 'Cathch 0:10, 9:40: CLASS OF '44, Thur., Mon,, Tues., American Symphony Love," "Someone Down In Nashville," "Nose Helen, lead guitarist, grow up in Rochester, Theater Me If You Can,' To Aug. 10, GODFRUY CAMBRIDGE _- The star of 7:30; Fri., fl:45; Sat,, 1:30, 5, 8:30; Sun,, 1:05, Job," "Sweet, Sweet Music," "I Sent My Soul Orchestra, Aug. 9, Teresa NY, combining classical studies at the Mayfalr Farms Dinner stage, screen and television, 4:35, 8:05, To The Laundromat," "Shuffle," "Dance, Mr. Eastman School of Music with an incurable irewer, Aug. 16. Benny Goodman, Aug. 23, Charley CRANFORD-'Jacques Brel Theatre. 731 4300. Cambridge is appearing at the Paper -0«o- Big, Dance," "Blue Mountain Hornpipe" and addiction to the Beatles and electric guitar. She Pride, Aug. 30, 31. Waterloo Is Alive and Well and Living Mill Playhouse in Millburn in Neil PARK (Roselle Park) LAST PICTURE "Onions," doubles on electric violin, eliciting from a $12 WISTFIILD-'As You Like r Village Music Festival. 347. In Paris* Fridays, Simon's 'God's Favorite,' The play SHOW, Thur., Fri., Mon,, Tues,, 7; Sat., 3:05, fiddle sounds that leave audiences gasping and It.' N. J. Shakespeare There is nothing deadly about "The Deadly 4700, Saturdays and Sundays at opened on Tuesday and will run 7:50; Sun.,3:15,7:30,AMARCORD,Thur,, Fri., Nightshade," "Good time" is what they call dancers exhausted, i;30 p.m. through Aug. 23, Festival of Woodbridge. through Aug. 3. Performances are at Mon,, Tues,,9; Sat., 1,5:30,9;45; Sun,, 1,5:10, their music, and a good time it is for audience Anne, is the group's rhythm guitarist, UN!ON-'An Evening with Celebration Playhouse, 118 July 30, 31, Aug. 3, 4 at 8:30 8:30 p.m. Tgesday, Wednesday, 0:25, and performers alike. Quite simply, they love doubling on a mean washboard and assorted Romberg.' with John Rait, South ave, 351-5033. p.m. at Echo Lake Park. Thursday and Friday; 5 and 9 p.m. music, all music, in all its many moods- perucssion from tambourine to Appalachian Barbara AAeister, David Sponsored by Union County Saturday; 7:30 p.m, Sunday, and a ranging from 50s rock to country to "a little dancing doll. Like Brandt and Hooke, she does Bender, Peter Soiio 1AST ORANOg-Agatha Park Commission. 354.8431. matinee at 2 p.m. Thursday, Further Niiss Schuetzen number for the Muzak machine," Every song ii solo vocals and joins them in vocal ensemble. conducting the Sigmund Christie's 'The Mousetrap,' information may be obtained by delivered with the expansive good humnr In the spring of 1972, they became "The Romberg Concert Performances Thursdays, calling 376.4343. • The group's versatility reflects the varied Deadly Nighshade," and have been playing to Orchestra, Aug. 12, 8 p.m. at Fridays and Saturdays, 1:30 contest Aug. 10 musical backgrounds and tastes of its mem- increasingly enthusiastic audiences ever since. Union High School. 6811617. p.m., through Aug. 1, Joe Art Orten's "Loot, Aug. 8 The tenth annual Little Miss Schuetzen Park WiSTFilLB-Unlon County MAPLIWOOD-Sketehes by through Sept,«, Actor's Cafe beauty contest,- in affiliation with Plattduetsche Park Commission Summer Henry Gasser, contlnylng TOBAVIB ANPWIFl Theatre, 243 Central ave. Arts Center site Volkesfeflt-Vereen, is seeking girls to compete CROSSWORD Art! Festival. Link Blakeley show, Halt Gallery, !A 4751881. for the title. PUZZLE BUDS Band, Aug. 6. Harry Hepeat Inwood pi. 7425999, for Scandinavian The contest will be held at the 101st Platt- and the Boogie Woogit MADISON — In repertory: duetsche Volkfest, Sunday, Aug. 10, at ACROSS 4DUke- Band, Aug. 13, Sw*et Henry IV, John Brown's TRINTON—'Women Vision, Festival Sept, 6 Schuetzen Park, Bergen Turnpike and Ken- ILikewiii of bricks Adelines, Aug. 20. Smokey Body, Falsfaff, Two photograph! by four women, nedy Boulevard, North Bergen, 5 Took a (2wda.) Warren, Aug. 27, All Gentlemen of Verona, That 'Artist In Asia,' handerafts The Scandlnavian.AmeriGan Festival '75 will Championship Season, New from the Far last. Both be held Saturday, Sept. 6, at the Garden State Contestants must be between 8 and 12 yean phony DOWN programs it Icho Lake old, and of all or part German extraction. Each rip 1 Park, 354-8431. Jersey Shakespeare exhibits through Labor Day Arts Center, Holmdel. Festival, Drew University, at the N.J. State Museum, The feitivitiei will begin at I p.m. with a full girl will participate in party-type dress or 11 Thitchini 2 French city Madison, Performances West State ttreet. (BO9! 292. afternoon of outdoor activities followed by a costume, whichever is the preference of the BSD Eras warn Museums parents. Winner and first and second runner- 12 Appoint 3 Ni 1 T s Tuesday-Sunday, 377.4417, 6444. stage program at 8 p.m. featuring Myron, once 4 Floren, accordionist with the Lawrence Welk up will receive trophies. Contestants will be aw N \ N chosen on the first day of a three-day festival. more a|a w a|d|a s MONTCLAIR - Montclair Orchestra, and introductions by Gunilla 13 Cut 5 Like the Art Museum, South Knutson, TV commercial actresj, Two black and white glossy photographs must accompany application requests. H ArouM urchin's IS Eden's 21 Quiver Mountain avenue and Clifford SJursen of Fanwood, chairman of the No entry fee is necessary. For an official IS BuUdlng clothes 21 Participated Bloomfield avenue, afternoon program, has announced that the erteruion { What Jackie mater in Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. _ raising of the colorful flags of all five par- entry blank, write to; Beauty Contest Director, Little Miss Schuetzen park Contest, 3167 II Hurricane Kennedy did 1) Islanda 28 Greek to 5 p.m. Sunday, 2 to 5:30 «•! ticipating nationalities will signal the start of center 7 Anecdotal off Island p.m. Closed Monday!. 7BS- ' the second Scandinavian-American festival. Kennedy blvd,. North Bergen, 07047. 17 SUkwonn collection Galway 29. Love 4388, Among the events scheduled are a soccer 11 Akin S Gum up 22 English poetoy's game between the Danish Athletic Club and the 20 Word the works river MOUNTAINSIDl-TrallildH crew from the Norwegian training ship 'Two Gentlemen' JANICE HARDGROVE is. on a (5 wdi.) 23 Anglican 30 Small Nature and Science Center, "Christian Radich," a woman's team handball making her musical stage bishop's finch Watchung Reservation, RACING NOW thru OCT. 4 game with the Scandinavian Handball Team 21 Trampled ID Unit of garment 35 "Roicoe" Monday.Thursday, 3 to s MONMOUTH PARK, Octinport, N.J. debut in "Jacques Brel is 2 nllii (mm Siflin it. Farkwijf, bit 105 EXACTA & opposing Adelphl College of Long Island, opens tomorrow 22 Hebrew silk's 24 Willis 31 - standjUU p.m. Saiurday-Sunday, 1-5 Alive and Well and Living in SPECIAL BUSES, Gaidon St. Parkway; Lv Port meiiure fineness or Rex (2 wds,j p.m. Closed Fridays, trampoline performBneis, mule by roving The fourth major production at the New Paris' at the Celebration Aulh, Term,, I kis. k 41 St., 10 IB itilO Daily TRIFECTA WAGERING 23 Fictional 4 s i i Planetarium shows Sundays L¥. T.N.J. Tsrm, Pine St. NewSfk, Noon Diily bands of troubadors and traditional folk dances Jerfty Shakespeare Festival, Drew Univer- Playhouse in Cranford. * HST ASHITfEB by metropolitan area senior and junior groups Further information about sleuth at 2, 3 and 4 p.m., sity, Madison, will be "Two Gentlemen of II 2 in costume, Verona," the play, may be obtained by 24 Regretted Wednesdays at i p.m. 232- POST 2 PM • Dally Double 1:50 PM 25 At that 5930. "•' ' Concurrently, under a Hugh mall tent, The play will open tomorrow at 8 p.m, and calling 272.5704 or 361-6033, 13 h4 exhibits will display Scandinavian arts and point will alternate with the company's three other 28 Soap-frame crafts ranging from contemporary art by IS n productions, "Henry IV," "Falstaff (Henry IV, bar talented artists or Nordic heritage to the legacy part 25", and "John Brown'i Body,," TV show guest 27 Teaie IB 20 of Viking lore. The Richard Mone Mime Thsater is In keeping with the theme of America's 28 Stilton scheduled to appear at the Shakespeare Wilfred White, who com- and Brie 21 Bicentennial celebration, all Americans of ' •„• company's Monday night special next week at I posed the theme music for 31 Scottish Scandinavian background are invited to par- % p.m. "Express Yourself," will be a uncle 'A : n ticipate in the afternoon program; aspiring ,_. guest on the segment of 32 RadlaUon Jl, Be the IS musicians, costumed dance-groups and gifted "ExprMS Youself" which will unit individuals with unique hobbies. EARLY COPY be telecast this Sunday at 7:30 83 Mining 27 19 Space also have been provided for the Publicity Chairmen are urged to p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 2, at 6 find various Scandinavian fratermtits to promote observe the Friday deadline for other II 35 first one p.m. on Channels 60 and 58. 34 Sparse their organizations. Sjursen can be contacted than spot news. Include your name, Si From a II directly or through the Garden State Parkway, address and phone number. S* : distance Woodbridge," • 37 Elaborate SINGLES DANCE 5T PIS on the TEEN AOERS, find |obs by 35 Squirrel running Wint Ad!, Call iii.7700 • EVERY TUESDAY monkey •m. • now I AT 8 P.M. 39 Reposed SECOND BIO WEEK! MAPLEWDDD ii 40,1-1105 FOR SINGLE, DIVORCED. POINTS CINEMA • SI M.l HKflTB S! The temfuing motion pWiirf WIDOWED, SEPARATED court! ^ UNION — 964.9633 CHARLES BRONSON . JQN' trm the terrifying No, I but irffcr. Jull.nTlto, Ho.t JILL IRELAND MAXIMILIAN Reserve playing time s^y^ ROBERT OUVALL •SHELL MINI REINCARNATION ftWPYQUAID f Mmy Imily Wamii 01 All ftjti now for year-round SHEREI NORTH tennis right in your backyard! OF PETER PROUD FREE DANCE LESSONS BREAKOUT Tilt Illiltiivl ORAHD •lllrHm si (hi Thi arei'i newest and moit (B) ultra-modern indoor tennis complix, WEST WOOD LOUNGE the PLAZA RACQUET CLUB, 111 Nnlh An,, Oirweed is opening this fail behind Pathmark, JAWS near Riekil's on Rt, 22 in Union, CONDITIONED LIVE MUSIC IgLLENflUFETW FIATURINQ: • 8 Climati-Controllid Championship Courts for IHViUfiTOII PICTURE SHOW PUBLIC LIBRARY • Spacloui Locker Areas civic Squire (Opp. High School) • A Well'Stooked Pro Shop for All Your Tennii Needi Presents iiiiiimiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii! • A Luxuriously Appointed Clubhouse Lounge Tti« Works 01 YOUR MINT.4D imn DINER RESTAURANT • Specrally Designed Qlare-Frte Lighting '""IS EASY TO PLACE" «r F O r 1 1 D • Plenty of Off-Strtet Parking 1 iimi.iJtl'] RONALD YUSCHAK NEVER CLO^!iPLTcS ^' ' r^! i TB TO EAT ,.JUST PHONE nim •, RouitJltBloySt , ,,, and more OnrlMWgrta MEDY coronllv lnvlt« you to try our DINNER BUFFET. SKond 686-7700 inni, •[•<*' On Exhibition to none. FREE with »ny enlreu from our meru, wetk-iUyi 5 to f, Ideal for the busy executive who iun Ask for f Ad Taker' and mm t iuninyt 1 to wants that hour or two of tennis mil ihe will help you with a HUH * - BAKING DONE ON PRIMIIES SPECIAL CHILDREN'! MIND in the afternoon. NOW THRU JULY 31 BUSINttiMEH'S LUNCHEON MON FRI mm Result-Getter Want Ad. mm jfi Company mimbershipi available. AZA iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii|]|iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiillllllli>« Reierve your membership now and have a court Nviiting for you at the start of our 30-weik Winter RACQUET Seaipn . DLUB Miami 687-0077 687-007B Connection MEMBERSHIP AND RESERVATION FORM Plaza Racquet Club, P O Box 406. Onion, New Jersey O7083 Ves, please send me more inlormotion and contact me when mora details are available 10 min. Nnmo Address only Clly _ ^ .Slato Zip _ Home Phone . _. Business Phono

$1.50 Please reserve a court and time for me. to your taate Parkway, Time Period Day The leisurely long distance call even the pried Exit 138 1st Choice: from _____ a.m./p.m, to . . a.m./p.m. on It still costs less than you think at the 5 Points 2nd Choice;, from __..:. -,. a.m./p.m. to . . a.m./p.m. on •Thursday, July 24, 1975. GALL an 'AD-VISOR' THEy'RE_AUJN_Sy BURBA N 686-7700 TODAY! DEADLINE TUES. NOON PUBL Paint&Ppthng 73 Apirtments For Rent 101 Mchdi.Fo(S.I» IS Ctrpfnlr) 32 Masonry 66 HilpNinMMW 1, HilpWinMM'N 1 Pifimili 10 RITIRIOMAiON 'TAVE MONEY IRVINOTON AftK BARTENDERS SOFA, colonial pine, 7 It long SPICIALiZiNOIN WIJ PAINT TOP epalri, carpentry, ptne'l. cooking and heating with only 2 days weekly. 115,000. Send resume to Mr. F. BIT. 9 AM. & 6 P.M 85 Elmors Aye,, Elliabeth, W, Mii 4115 SIDNEY KAII individual thermostats; MORNINGS PER WElK. 373- iUCRUTARV . B6OINNER Good - — R I-14-17 Roofing I Siding 80 Suburban Publishing: ChildCare Local & Long Distance — • 1724101 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE skills required, excellent ADOPT VBTAPPSROViD MIX. 36A —-— — R 7-24-1 opportunity. Near Eliiabtth Free Estimates RVINOTON CLERK, Experienced In applying For Sale ads certainly do work in EDSHIPHERDPUP LOVABLE, insured C modern weii.kept garden Oardlner, full time garden Newark line. 243.1J00, Suburban's local communit] OUTpOINO.CALLAFTiR i>.M. ALLSTATE ROOFING customer remittances to Open apartment eompien, must be (Keep us moving and you save! pts., upper Stuyvtsant Av,, 3Vi Invoices, will train to audit and — _ K7.241 newspapers. Ad ran in you Free Ogl< experienced, Call 3741010, classified section en Thursday and REGISTER NOW!) 687-5157 * BUS His, 4Vi rooms j}45. Call code freight bills and other office ——— —— R 7-24-17 PAUL'S M8.AA MOVING Estimate Service M.3019, duties. Contact Mr. Joseph Lux st •—— K 724 I sold ft on the first call... there MUST SBLL . AKC reg, apricot OINERAL CLERK, westfieid law office. Legal were many calls thereafter from LITTLE RASCALS 1925 VauKhalj Rd,,Unlon Sp'Xiaiizino in all type roofs and 274 4450 PARA MFG., Cranford, experience not necessary. miniaturf poodle A Bargain ai 6117761 sparnless gutters. Fully insured RVINOTON --...- N.J. permanent part time, flexible interesfed people in Roselle, 1150, Call eves, 37? «24. NURSERY SCHOOL Linden, Kenilworth etc. R f f 67 Above all , a good roof, rooms & bath, near center; heat, MI hours.._. <,• good intelligence & — — —— R 7-2417 State lie, lull & Vj day sessions, as t, electric supplied Available Initiative a must. Take charge type B.R, KiLLY MOVIRS J L tfio "ATTENTION DEMONSTRAT- — — R 7.24.1 FOUND! CHIHUAHUA In Sak's J5S Blvd., Kenilworth. mmedlateiy, 173-1664, / OR* — Toys «. gifts, work now desired, rapid raises I! good ability Union LOCAl. b LONO DISTANCE MINZA ROOPlNO CO. Roroorinij — Z 7-24-101 demonstrated. Write Ciais, Box parkins lot, Thursday eve., June Call 272-3281 Agent.North American Van Lines, 8. roof repairs. Leaders & Oufters, thru December. Free Sample Kit. — — . HA.tf.11 17, Misses owner very unhappy. RVINOTON (Upper) 3004 co Union Leader, 139' SICRITARY 'the GENTLBmen movers, Guaranteed i, insured. Free 1 No experience needed. Call or HIALTH FOODS, we carry a full I can tli jjo, large rooms, 2nd floor, near Stuyvesant Ay,. Union, Diversified duties. Some line of natural foods, honey, silt ' "-'"' 382.1380 estimates. Call 379-4197. L ~m write Santa's Parties, Avon, Conn. experience desirable, good typing — R 7.24-17 — — —— R 1-14; lympic Park, 1215, heat supplied. 07001. Phone (203) 673.3455. Also ——-—r ' "- K8-24- free J, sugarless foods, nuts, |R. , DCB,.,,,_-_ skpls and light steno" preferred, E IN( ESE PUPS, 1 red, 1 WILLIAM H, VBiT" Ids OK. Call Lee, mini, booking Parties.' HELP WANTED yiNOTON HEALTH POOD f 5 i SHORTLINE MOVIRS ability to work independently, eks old AKC, shots, PACKAOINO 8, STORAGE APP, Rooflng-Seaniless Outters l1 —• R 7 31 l AstemBiy i wiring, STORE, 9 Orang» Aye,, Irvlnston "'.due, 9 REGISTER HOW FOR SEPT!! CynexMfa.corp. j Union arts. Call Mrs. Kummer tor 372.4193. SUMMIT HEAUTH champio™" n blood lines Very LIANCI MOVING . 24 HOUR Free estimates. Bo own work RVINOTON (Upper) ATTNiHOMEMAKERS interview, 41?8444 reasonable Call 7340766 after 4 SERViCl. 484.7247, NJ, insured since 1932.37tliS3, 3rd floor apartment for business Friendly Home Parties Is 50 Brown Ave.ilprlngfield FOOD STORE. 494 Springfield Wonder World UNU3N CARBIDE CORP. Ave,, Summit. CR.7.2050. P.M.. I —— R t.f.47 —r~ L f.f.10 :ouple, ) rooms, all utilities expanding and looking for EqualOpportunityimpioyer ———— R 724.17 Nursery School MILLER 'S MOVINO Including refrigerator iA.C, 65.2. managers In your area . party HIBHLYQUALIPIID K7-24-1 ., ———— R fl-15 i.j.i, ROOFING 1SIDINO 184) or ES,49129. Living room or de unr LOST: Beagle, black, brown 8. 1359 Morris Ave! Union Reasonable rates. Local long Plan experience preferred. Call LEGAL SECRETARY Living room or den furniture AM types, New or Repairs . Z7-24.101 including sofa, two Club chiirs, 1 whitet . VVicinity Springfield, full 8. halt day -esslon pre- distance, shore specials, insured, i collect to Carol Day . 518 4Jv 4571 in Springfield.12toii».M, STENO-Typist-Sales-Asst. REWARD, Free estimates, 245-3298, RVINOTON (UPPER) or write: Friendly Home Parties, commode, 2 end titles, 1 leather school curriculum, state 3797760 Top executive requires service of reeliner, 2 lamps, cosrdinaied 11 Vg Call 374.7483 licensed ———— — ' R 9.4.67 174.4905. 1 rooms, 3rd floor, heat & hot water 20 Railroad Ave., Albany, N.Y. R 724.1 an excellent stena S, typist. Must iupplied. Available Aug. 1st. Call 12205. x 7Vi area rug. Can be purcnaied Call 687-2452 MOVINO ft HAULINO ZtJIO of able to talk to customers on the separately. Call 33J.64IJ after i, "DIRT-CHEAP,"-Local-tV-long — — R 7-31-1 HOMEMAKERS K 7 Part time & lull time work helping phone h asslst-lii taking orders, -•••---—„-- • -—HA-tr-is- Wmtid to BUJ~ 18 I *11V1"J distance. For free estimates ,_ 1124.101 AVON families & children In need Pleasant Union, N.J. office. Call 485.1989 """ GenS«nrOffered 82B RVINOTON (Upper) Campiny paid benefit*, call «?. MATTRESSES. FACTORY TO EARN MONEY B. BUY FLexlblc hours, gofld P4y, benefits. REJICTSi PROM I.M leddlng Electric Rprs. 4A ,,.-- —._^___,Si;7;47 > rooms, heat & hot water Call our District Manager No fee. • LIONEL, AMERICAN, FLYERS, iupplledj 2nd floor. Adults only, —— —— K 7.241 Manufatturers, Ijj N. Park St., IVBS s, other toy trains. Highest Odd Jobs 7n .ug. 1st. Call 373.4303. Irvington Area: 3752100. Scotch Bait Orange; open 9-9; alia »i J4M ELECTRIC Plains Area: 647-1524. Rahway TILIPHONIWORKtRS prices p«ld. immediate eaih, 464. STOP SMOKING ———-— Z7.J4.101 Homemakers Upjohn West Frenf St., Pialnfield, Residential I. commerelal Wiring, Area: 574-2220. Union, Roielle, 106N.Unl0nAve.,Cranford 272-5800 Steady work from home. No — • — L ff-li LOSE WEIGHT MIDDLESEX Elizabeth Ares: 353-4BS0. selling, we will train. SwL««i!!^_ K,.M, also Ctrrier room air.condltloner LIOHf iiagiinij, cicsn up q,iri(ig5, • —- R7241 S1WINO MACH. We repair any Self Improvement-SelfHypnosIr Hamlitonian Apts., warrenyllle Maplewood Area. 731-7300. CASH FOR SCRAP |ales. call 112.6519 days, eves. JS2. oasements, remove old turniture 1IB3I47. 4691197 mike of model, in your home we Rd, t, Bound irook Rd., near Rte. Summit Area 173 0702 . HOSPITAL Load your ear. cast iron, sMiianees, Days 417-816! after 964-0311 will oil, de.Unt, ad|, tenilons, 28; 1 & 2 bedroom apartmtnts, — R 7241 ! ntwspapefs, 40 eenti per too lbs,, V-"' • K T.F.44 4;M, M41432, rom 1210, ntwly decorated, AC, 16,95. Piaza Sewing Ser, MJ.IWO, tl«d up bundles free of foreign —— . L f.f-70 TUMOR TILLERS "'*' ^~ — Kt-f.15 materials. No. 1 copper, 40 cents We Includes cooking gas, heat 4. hot Mr lo. Brass lust JO cents per IB, Furniture Repairs 50 NIID ODD (obi donei Cleaning siater. swlmmrni pool, onslte BANKING REGiSTRAR EXPERIENCED PIANO RINTALS Rags, .01 cents. Lead md garages, basements, attics, ^Thi Center marking, call 94804lfor see Supt.i From $9.00 per month, applicable bstterus. A&P PAPER STOCK f,auiini debris, general clean up, Apt. 27. pillion Dollar First National State FURNITURE POLISHINO 7-24 B2B_ Z7.3i.lOi EXPERIENCED TELLERS Balm Barnabas Medical to purchase, Organ trial purchase CO., 4IS4 So. 20th St., Irvington. """?• Lt.f.7O center, Nsw Jersey's largest Bank has opening for experienced plan also available, (prices subled to chinae). phone REPAIRING. ANTIQUES WINDOW MILLBURN voluntary hospital and msst tellers throughout their system. before delivery, 374.1750, RESTORED, REPINiSHINO, IRV CAN P\X IT —Painting,car- DRESSER Deluxe duplex, 5 room!, balcony, EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPERS advanced medical center, RONDO MUSIC _— _—__ u t-Mj HENRY RUFF. CALL MU 8.5465. iH'iitry, nleetrieai, plumbing, finished den.basiment.extrai, A pleasant working climate In a offers an sutstandlng career We offer an exeti|ent salary and rnnirs find new installation. No FREELANCE Newly decorated. Available Oet, bank that's growing in a highly «HW¥ 22 AT VAUXHALt RD, HAS A FEW OPEN DAYS opportunity ai a tumor provide untaualied benefits. UNION 687.2250 TV SET WANTID ib loo small. .Reliable, and 1st, 3795339. 10 AM . 12 Noon, or desirable Suburban area, registrar Maintain cancer Unmalehed hssplUilHtion and rn-jinable. 573 4?li, • BOOK NOW after 7 PM, Show us the experience and we'll |0 PINBALL mscnmei, JUKC PORTABLI, BLACK t, WHITE uitage Doors J2 registry, assist In conference weeks long vacations. t, COLOR CALL 417.6674, 964-9693 Z7.24-101 match It with a commensurate planning, data preparation and boxes-liSp up, new for Mil. We salary. Glorified benefits tool —— — L tf.1I ATTENTION HOMBOWNERSI • • Z8-14.82B MORRIS TWP. (MORRISTOWN), fulfill a vital role In the Please apply any weekday at the buy f. sell. NOVEL AMUSIMINT OARAOi DOORS, INSTALLEB, Miles, cellars, garages and yards FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: Center's cancer programs CO. B62.6619. garage extensions, repairs S. 1 2. 3 bedroom luxury, AC Garden PERSONNEL OEPT. 4476800 Personnel Departmtnt. OLD CLOCKS WANTID ieaHefl, All dirt >nd rubbish Apartments, Pool, J275 up N Y C Desirable qualifications —— RT.F.Ii service, «leelrle .operator) ana •emoved. Leaders and sutlers Tutoring 91 9A.M. TO 11 A.M. OiasoN iBO bass guitar, brand .ny condition, Top prices paid, hus, trains, 539 6631 Taking Incluoe experience In cancer or 1:30 P.M. to J :10 P.M. ,lso clock Rtpalrs 417.6108, (eaned, iruekinj. vefy reison. applications allied medical field, command new.wcase - iiio. Also, Glhson SO ible rates, INTERCOMMUNITY Deluxe, 6-itrlng electric, w.Mse, ——.— R t-f-lB EXPERIENCED HIGH SCHOOL • I 7-34-101 of medical terminology, WE famil arlty |th hospital TEACHER WILL TUTOR MORRIS TWP. MORRISTOWN w BUY AND SILL BOOKS SPANISH. ANY LEVEL. CALL BANK procedures and registry First National 3 1400 jJIPARKAVB,, PLAINFIELe Home Improvements SB AFTER 6 P.M. 4841388. 52MlllburnAv.,Spf ld.,N J .07061 systems, supervisory skill ana RUiBiSH RiAAOVAL attentlvenats to detail This PL 4-3900 — HAT.F-91 LUXURY2BEDROOM EqualOpportunltyEmployer —— — - . Lt.f.ll All appliances, furniture, wood position afters an excellent State Bank ; and metals taken awiy, Alflei, TUTORING Certified teache. BEAUTIFUL RUSTIC SETTING tf7-M-l Original RicvcleriicreeMetal COMPLBTB BASiMBNTI Wishes to tutor grades 4 8 Math BEAUTICIAN - part time, Union. salary and Benefits package FOR INFORMATION a, APPf, ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS basement) and garages cleaned We are now taking applications for including comprehensive CALL IB A. 27.-15)0 MAX WilNSTilN WNS " English and Reading please cal a few select apartments featuring: Alto 1 full or pan time beautician of New Jersey CEILINGS, PHONE HARPER out. Reasonable rales. 3252713. 276 1656 alter 5pm Insurance, tuition HAT.F.1S SINC1 1JS0 2413090 2 LARGE BEDROOMS with following. —• HAt-f-9! Call 84J-34I7 reimbursement and retirement SM Broad Strtit, MAGNAVOX color TV, 24". Italian 2426 Morris Ave., Union —~ — • KTf.54 DEN 8.OR STUDY Income plan. r ln ial Daily 85, Sat, i,j 4148234 .2 FULL BATHS — —- R 7541 Nswark, N.J. f. o,Y, ' & Admiral stereo, Wediterrinean, both like ntw, .ALL WITH OECKS BOOKKEEPER CONTACT PERSONNEL AnlauaiOpporfunltylmployer ^'tra large sofa; 373-1161 ALTERATIONS & ROOFING FULLY DECORATED ADVANClTcFLLEcfoR * AIR CONDITIONED Full time, posting to lournal and DEPT. (201) W2.5500 ; 1. _.;_;;— K 8.7.70 Real Estate .POOL ledgers. One write system, — :- ~- • R 7.J4-1 Cist Iron gas furnace ft'Surfray Will pay more for your stamps 8i FREE ESTIMATES WAITRiSS-ColIege girl. Mult go coins. Also misc. 11,000 reward If - PORCHES . SUN DECKS .WALL OVEN preparation of Invoices, cash SAINT BARNABAS .REFRIGERATOR disbursements and cash receipts. to school local 8, Tiave car. Full my cheek bounces. Call 233.0917 DORMERS . ADDITIONS Palnt&Pprhns 73 KITCHENS CABINETS 8, .LAUNDRY ROOMS Salary commensurate with ability. MEDICAL CENTER trminiiw, Part tlrns during school, anytime. Acreage ON PREMISE PARKING 2 RUBS . 12' x \r am W'^JTI" COUNTER TOPS . DOOR J, IDC Reply to P.O. Box 534, Springfield, OldShorlHillsRpad Stanley'! Restaurant Morris «, — —— R 7.2418 DAN'S PAINTINO •EXC.SHOPPING J, MALLS N.J. 07081. Springfield Awes, sprlngHtld, antique gold, excellent condition. TRIM SPECIALISTS . ROOF LIvlngston.N.J.WOO AND DECORATING, INT. & EXT PoeonoiBIg Bass Lake 58 acre. DOGS NOT PERMITTED —— R 7-241 —— —— K7-J4-1 Caii6i6.21Q7 Accounting INGS. SEAMLESS GUTTERS "EASONABLE RATES FREE .CONV. NYC BUS & TRAINS AnEqualOpportunltyEmployer 19 DERS 0VERHEAD Year round ret, community — R 7-24-1S DRS tiTIMATES INSURED 2899434 BOOKKEEPER K 7-24-1 L tf 73 ndoor.Outdoor pool, lake, tennis, FOR APPOINTMENT LINN CONSTRUCTION CO INC sklng etc, A> magnificent 201 539 6431 OR (20'.) 46(1 3501 At least 5 years experience. Take WAREHOUSE HELP H/F SMALL BUSINESSMEN : full charge of 2 person off Ice Ideal MACHINE OPERATOR WHEN YOU CAN BUY fMALL BUSINIHi-BookktepIng 371.1654 687 5059 | •HuBRBUM'" Buyr-ffifK MW.1Tve! — — ~—• I 7-24-101 location In Union Good salary adn Must bffDver n, steady work, !nd Full or part lime openings BETTER iABrtoRllf^itsil dpne by experienced accountant ~ ' •"•— R 7 24 5oJ —- V RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP fringe benefits References" or 3rd shift Apply In person available for 16 X 14J( 37. SAVE OVIR M % . Monthly reports Insured " ,__. '_. HAT-F-lOt (DOVER AREA) Q!T0 BOTH DeANOELIS required. Send resume to Class. MALDENMILLSTNC f!TI ^ RS|Z" Reasonable fee cell 614 017a C8.D CONTRACTORS iNTBRIOR PAINTINO Hamiitonlsn luxury apartments! Box 3003, co Union Leader, 1291 iO»5Bristomd.,Mountainslde -PRICERS ' — K7 1119 Painting, leaders & gutters, 375-141S npartmentj For Rant 10] Center Grove Rd , off Rt 10. 1 Stuyvesant Ave., Union. R 7-24 1 " ""« Bedrpom apts., 3Vi room apts., M-F STUDBNTS PICKERS .STOCK aluminum windows, fencing, . HA 71073 — — — R 7-241 K 7-24.15 MrCond. roofing Fully Insured Free PAINTBR • Inferior i esterlor, also 4 room opts, with large dining DRIVER FOR delivery 8. aid in Work from home on the telnphone. ideal for housewives, can TIRBl.Two 700x15 Ounlop 1 Bly 22 estimate! 375 1685 or 372 5345 Prie (stlmatei. Fully insured, R, APARTMENT INFO I area, from 1225. A.C, newly auto parts warehouse. See E Earn t4. to «7. per hour Call MB choose hours bet. 7:30 8, 4:30 heavy duty tires, mognfed on i lug Wmanikl. WHY RUN AROUN decorated, free cooking ggs, heat P M Minimum 20 hours R 7-2454 Samuels, Buywise Auto Parts, rims, ideal foe vans, 135,00, of- COpL Air con THE BROTHERS AIMLESSLY, HUNTING ALL B & hot water, swimming pool, 2091 Springfield Ave., Vauxhall —— — R 87-1 weekly Dexterity Important __—<££*?• L:M.7I YOURSELF, WHEN YOU CA onslte parking. Call 366.701$ or see Start K 40 hr , Increase In tO BOaf f CARPENTRY, ROOFING, DUTCH BOY PAINTS DRY CLEANING store; counter's! MHDICAL AMUTANT - — — . '.- K 7.2415 PAINTING. RECEIVE ANY VACANCIE Supt fnBldfl,LAP. 5 Experienced or school-trained, 4 days. Apply in person. uW & 1 family, outside or Inside, JI7J; 2 THE DAY WE GET THEM? VISI bagger, 3 days week, experienced FREE ESTIMATES 372 73*6 J, I37J; 6-1575 S, up. Rooms, 1 preferred. Union, at Mlllburn day week, no Saturday), WILPARB «, PBOPLB WITH US TODAY 1 ONION HILLSIDE L1NE~ permanent . benefits irvington mm* ~~ • ' ~~ R 6 7 54 hallways, off lets, 125 & up. Allo W B S & Co 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, Mill, 686-4144 R & S AUTO STORES CREDIT P ROB L EMS CALL CENTRAL earpentry. gutters 4 leaden, • R7-24-1 Center. Write Clas». Box 3004, c-o WE'RE HERE TO HELP I dining room, living room, w-w Alarms For all your Home Improvements Coramerclal & r«sldentlal, v*ry closets and garage Private yard union Leader, 1291 Stuyvesant 22B reiionablf. Free isflmate!. Free 245 7900 THEI40AGENC FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Ave:, Union. K 7-24-1 From custom kitchen cabinets, i~~ — Z 7-2410 1350 MU6B651 Graduate of an accredited college r R.TF.l! bathrooms, alum, sldlno, roofing, minor repairs. Fully Insured. 373 LOOKINO FOR WAREHOUSE 4000 or if4MJt, •AST ORANOE I 7 M-101 or university with a ma|or in social C8.R ALARMS etc Ho lot) too smsit or too big. 3 nice* rooms, dean elsvati UNION sciences prtf*rr*d. 3 to 5 ywri MSliTANT toto' |oi|oin n WAREHOUSEMAN M-F - For prices en audio equipment by such Residential tire burglar t, 4854845 office »a of 4 man cardiologdilogy tamou* component brands as apartment. Adults only. No pets Attractive 6 room apartment, 2nd experience In a responsible automatic parts stockroom to Intercom systems Call day or R 8-14-54 PAINTINO * DECORATINO.'Wt Call Mrs Wolff, 474 7969 floor, garage, Security required. Internal medicine up pick orders • reliable, keep KLM, AR. cfarrard, Kenwood, night Fret estimates 944 0920 position requiring problem ood, OUTTBR5, WINDOWS, DOORS 8. Ext Alterations, paneling. Free 27-24-10 No pets 1350 Available Sept. 1st, Identification and solving staff and d C accurate records, must have flqnur.Tiehola fc many mofe? — —— KI14 22B PORCH ENCLOSURES, CAR " driver's license. All benefits, car est insured K Schreliofer 687 IRVINOTON 687.6859 board developtment and the Then call Bill at 238I5l/after i PENTRY, REPAIRS DEAL 8137, days, 487-3713 evet «. wl(nds 53 Linden Ave., luiiury 3 room — -• I 7 24 101 design • evaluation of program R 7-24-1 Tony, 467.1159, Springfield, N.J P^^Kd WITH INSTALLER 731W1 — — R 7-24-1 Asphalt Driveways 25 — • - L t f 73 apartment, available July 1 AC VAILIAURO (Upper) delivery systems. Salary 16,000 to ~~— — R 8-7-54 new appliances, w W carpet, Nea" 3'1 room apartment, near South ••,000. Send resume to Mr. F. NURSiSAIDIS K7.M-1I PAINTINO- EXTERIOR 8, INT WILLING TO LEARN NEW ERIOR Try usl Good lob 'Ing 4 transportation. Ren Orange bus line, heat & hot water Dunnali, Personnel committee •LiyilN TRADE? Opportunity lor (156.45 , lee Supt, on'premlsej. supplied Au0 1st Call alter 4 PM, chairman. 10-Clearance Sale KitchCabinets •reasonable rales Free estimates per week. Phone today 486-3434 MAB-MOON'SSTORI 486 5913 3MJ74D ESSEX COUNTY YOUTH «. ~ ~ R U-7.1 221MOR RIS Ave.,Sprlngf|ilci R8 U 73 TR^O^ • ^^-— Z724-1O1 J-JAMNltf Applications being scttpted, 1. E C I C REHABILITATION - IB »iWilTle'sTn"neei" xcellent •^— -*— R 724-15 OOLLY MADISON Kitchens, C O »S . ON pay.binBflts.nof SituiliomWlnted DOUBLE IED with headboard '•clary-, showroom, A«T TIM« . Man woman short receptionist, morning or afternoon Very fine condition, size 1618. Call Caipenlry i 1 j7-i4.ii Tnls newspaper den net order cook. Tuesday plus some hours Write Class Box 3005, c-o tWl 10 A M 4 P M 352 9014 PnWsmi P'y?pri^ *t':,. '": ""." i-: , R 724.71 IRVINOTON iW room,"A.C condomInlumi'Sfa nlivVVIfiny PCC3Bf IMHI VffBnfVV banery work Apply In peAon Union Leader, 129| stuyvesan R7 24 15 PAINTINO A PAPERHANOINO 80 welland Ave, 4 room apartment •floor, elevator building-. Very eds ttiat Mute a pretartnet OBIOER'S CIDER MILL Ave, Union . 2 FRENCH Provincial cane back CAR PUNTER CONTRACTOR .•85ffSki*raisa.. r Pasturing, carpentry & mason availablevailable, near recreation 88. 9r MO 5prlngfieldAve.,Westfleld — • ~ R 7-24-7 chairs & sofa, French Provincial All types remodeling, additions '- - • ; .. -.-.-^". • R7.S1.43 work: Free estimates.- 375-0550 transportationranspottion , Rent 1190 SeS efflraimf «sW»fitt ewr «.. —' • R7-M-1 breakfront, Italian marble table rjpalrj s, alteration! Insured supr. on premise^ tall ioa.'iTOS. ' ,"•;• .' -••=..= • VVm P, Riviere, 6M 7294 OINiNAL Lawn I, * landscape or 374-7060. ED HEINZE PAIIT TIM« secretary for PtIMflllt Best offer 487-1226 bet 911 30 wsrk, New_awti neeged. Call S ———-—— —' R 7-24 gf'* offi i li(fi 10 A.MLo.- alter i PM. ' 2i_ ; Are - ' %1 , J \tr\tf T 1 if if- / trr- "•» '»i/ 'Ull" •> 1 li?, I OV •flicfe •nier I ye ir c! <^n n,u ^ .ill '' Xfir Z v;ri'^s:;n«|i Dow NIB; u Thursday, July 24, 1975. ApD.Wjnt.d 102 OMICM For Rmt W LANDLORDS »cf "MOWl"Si UNION HAVI QUALIFIED TINANTS 420 5q, Ft. on Commerce Av,, LOOKING FOR PRBIBNT. IND union, ] roomi, everything Inierstate uncorks Morris County traffic flow OF SUMMER 8. IARLY FALL supplied except lanlforial. Off. VACANCllli SO WHY WAIT* ilreet parking, 9»4J0ly, . CALL S451SM TODAYI Thi ability of a continuous, connected ex- State Commission, said that these results pollution, for limited investments.': wholesale building of expressways sUeh as thaj;; w,B.$,ico~ preiiway to dramatically relieve traffic confirmed the value of selective highway Interstate ml H a route that runs Ihrough which occurred in the FBSOs and 198QI artj^ NEVER A FEE FOR'LAN DLORDS OllicM Wanted io Rent 119 congestion was demonstrated recently, the Tri- building In key locations, suburban areas of New York and New Jersey opened ii6#high,way corridors," Signer ial4,5 RtlliMi m«Nf & J children wiih ' M HMIWU iNSIIiyllS Of HEALTH Ei nis State Regional Planning Commission laid this "We should give emphasis to completing only north and west of NfiMLjfork City. The :'Whal wa should aim for is a w«lWonfiMt«ij 45 room apartment, Union WANTED -OlfiCf Spite, 10 X 15 system of highways having no missing ports." SMurily- Call butween I AM 4 4 Ft, approximately. Reasonable week, those highway links that would round out the Morristown link was completed in late 1974 by rrVl, 617.7135. rental. Call SM.741J or 43I.IM0 In releasing the rosulta of a traffic study in network," he said. "The Commission's updated the New jersey Department of Transportation. The TriState Commission's study of traffic 2711 PLAY ACTING WintM _ studio or small J or ) FOR HEALTH and near Morrlstown, the commliiion reported transportation plan, anticipated for public Mm Sagnyr, head of (he New Jersey in the Morristown area was based upon aerial room apartment, upper Irvington, that traffic congestion on major roadways in release and review this summer, reflects this Department of Transportation and a member observations both before and after the opening r d UIM Siofii For Rant 121 Creative dramatici has J1 J!^ ' ""Jlneii woman. the area dropped by 90 percent after a link of philosophy. It emphaiiies the maximum use of of the TriStnte Commission, said that the of 1-287. The observations were made during i opened dws for children born RVINOTON Interntate 287 was opened to traffic. Not only existing facilities, among other things, by the completion of 1-287 in Morristown represented the evening rush hour when traffic is at a'peak, Z 7-24 101 urge bright & clean itort In with a cleft lip and palate. business section. Inquire Supt., J Because the handicap usually did North-South roads parallel to the new high- addition of key facilities that close gaps in the the type of highway construction thai makes liefore the highway was open, 40 miles of FurnRoomiForRent Elmwood Ter,, or tail J7IMM,' way show loss traffic, but last-West roads partially completed regional network, Such sense for the mm, roadways were congested. Only four miles 105 „— —_.. Z. 7-34.131 mnkui speech difficult, the children generally show showed improved driving conditions also. projects yield great benefits, in terms of "We shouldn't have an embargo on highway were found to l>e congested after the opening. mviNOTQN Raymond T, Schuler, chairman of the Tri- reduced congestion, accidents and air Copies yf the commission's report are Furnished room (or young VieillonReniili 122 weaknesses in testi of verbal construction, but neither do we need the builnM! man or student, cooking and gestural expression; but iivailabk' by contacting the agency at Ooe prlvileoes I. TV, MO week, ES 4. PT. PLEASANT iiACH World Trade Center, New York, N.Y. 10O4I), MM alter 12 Noon, Beach Iron! bungalows, June Vj after an eight-month program price, Will also trade lor labor, 130 of creative dramatics, Solfki Ocean Av., 892*444 Furnished rooms ayalleble tor -— Z 724.122 children improved greatly in "Join the Family' campaign starts gentlemen only. Call 2459170 their ability to express Report by USDA between 1 & 6 PM, or 541 647* days. Autos For Sale 123 themselves, iSSoT Initially, till? throe to six- Gentleman, ioyelyfurnlshed room, Bear Suburban Publishing; Foster homes being sought for thousands on egg marketing kitchen privileges, bath, Please accept my thanks for the year-olds were shy and with, traniportatlon, ilJO per month. effectiveness ol your classified drawn "watchers." By the Call fdllKJ advertising, I nave lust sold my old Tom is only 13 but ho already claims to have A bright, energetic boy, Tom says he would derstanding, renssuranfT and adult guidance sees demand up '• Z 7.24,105 ear at a satisfactory price, and me fourth month of the weekly, lii«' to be an engineer, but after several school UNION only medium I used was your experimontid with a variety of drugs and to However, with lu-r mother dead and her father Pleasant sleeping room near 94 & classified advertising. two-hour sessions, they were have tried his hand at shoplifting, His mother, suspensions, he seems to be gaining more of an an alcoholic, Angela must solve the problems of Demands for eggs in Ihe first half of calendar N,¥. buses; reilsWe genhenisn, I received about a dolefl working and talking together 1970 will likely be a little stronger than a year non.smoker. References & telephone Inquiries — from such discouraged by her recent divorce and faced education from the streetcorner than from the adolescence by herself. When she can't cope. security, JMM62 or &B83O19. areas as Union, Iryington, and depending less and less with a tight job market, has few job skills, no classroom, she runs away from home earlier because of increasing real disposable Z7-24M5 Springfield, Roseiie park and upon the leader. As they hope and little interest in her ten children, Angela, a fragile 16-year-old, needs un- consumer, incomes, higher,'employment and UNION Vallsburg, For 12 years, Nick hud enjoyed u stable, For mature business woman, People seem to have confidence relaxed in the permissive happy family life But. last year his mother smaller supplies of pork and turkeys Eggs will References required. Alter 6 P.M. in advertisements in their own atmosphere of the class, the face more competition, however, from beef and call 6S7S476, hometown newspapers. A Q was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown and _ . Z7.S4.10S Springfield children participated and now Nick's futhur, a traveling salesman, Hays broilers. These views are contained in the U.S. HA.lf-MJ spoke more and more, At the Department of Agriculture i UHDA) publication Housi For Rent 110 A hot fine for seniors he can no longer hold his job while raising five '74 HONDA Civic Sedan, two 73 same time, their language children alone "Egg Marketing Facts-First Half ilffli," Hondas J, two '72 Hondas taken In improved. Instead of short ELIZABETH trade a, offered for sale to the best Tom, Angela and Nick are only three of released this week 1 family, Chllton St., 7 rooms, 2 offer! V.I.P. HONDS, 101 W, 7th phrases, mostly commands, thousands of children in the state who will As stated in the report, other prospects baths, porch, nice grounds, by st,, Plainfleld. 7131500 for info. they used longer and more It answers their questions N.V. bus line. Ideal mother, —— —— K 7.31.123 require foster parents within the next year. The concerning the egg industry the first half of daughter. IJ1S, Reference & complicated sentences are entitled to. Wo often refer them Io 1IM CHEVROLIT 4 door. H.T. Eligibility for food stamps, discounts on fuel, Division of Youth and Fnmily Services is 1976 include: security, 3520513, By the time they — Z724I10 Newly repaired front end a. new increased benefits under Social Security and tlu'ii county Offices on Aging," currently conducting an eight-month campaign -Costs of producing eggs will hinge largely SPRINOIillLB transmission, MI engine a, dual enacting their own 'We have many callers now svanting to know 4 bedrooms, S lull baths, 2 ear exhausts, 1UJ, Call 24i.i«66 Medicare, free fishing licenses and bus rides. to recruit additional foster homes for the on the outcome of this year's corn and soybean garage, nice back yard, close io between 6 p.m. a. 12 midnight. stories, in the fifth month, These are the questions on the minds of the about the half-fare card [or buses," saitl crop. These crops supply the major feed K7.S4123 growing number of children who need thi-rn everything. 379.1124, their speech became more New Jersey's elderly residents, and now they another Hot-Une staffer, "We also inform The campaign, which features the theme, ingredients and are used in large quantities by - 2 794110 \m INTERNATIONAL Tfiveiali expressive. During the last 19.OC0 miles, full power, AC, have a place to call. them »f free transportation they may he en- "Why Not Join the Family," is a joint state and the egg industry. Other production costs, as House For Sale 111 trailer package, eiieellenf two months, the children titled to that Is run by their county offices. Tht> community effort to reach as many potential well as those for processing and marketing, condition, bl-mi. They may or may not find a program to help —— _— K7J4.1S] wanted to act out their own senior citizens may have heard about it and call foster and adoptive parents as possible, ac- will also be greater. EAST ORANOI them but they always get an answer on the I97J NOVA.Custom, Hatchback, stories almost exclusively. here to find out the details," she said. cording to Institutions and Agencies Com- . —A further reduction In flock size during thu Vicinity of UPSALA College, II vinyl top, p,5., p,i,, Ixeellent Their plays revealed their Senior Hot-Line, a toll-free number (800.792- room house, 3 floors, j lull baths, condition, low mileage. J75-3HJ, Questions on food stamps account for many missioner Ann Klein second half of 1975 will significantly affect egg good condition, Good as Income inner fears, conflicts, and 8820) run by the N.J. Department of Com- calls. Many senior citizens paralyzed with property. have permit for rooming —— — k7.2J.133 "In the past several years, the need for foster production in the first half of next year. The house. Reasonable, Call 785-0913 1972 VBOA Hatchbick, air compassions in fascinating munity Affairs' Division on Aging in Trenton. fixed incomes and rising food costs—want to conditioned, RIH, automatic, new homes has jumped sharply, partly because of laying flock.ori Jan. 1 will likely be about three alter i P.M. , detail, - know if they are eligible. — —--W.-T- ' Z7.24.lll tires, 31,000 miles, $1700, Call 964, Take the call from the senior citizen who' the state's efforts to move more children from percent smaller than a year earlier. However, 3191 Along with this, the senior citizens are asking MAPLEWOOD — • K7-24123 Alligators, crocodiles, found out he was too young for a free fishing institutions to private homes, and partly reduced culling and increased force molting 136,000 JUST RBOUCID FOR about the Meals on Wheels program. This state FAIT iALB, Great paint brush 1911 GHBVY CAPRICi-Auto,, 1 irillas, and monsters that ilcenio. because we are identifying more child abuse could keep the flock from decreasing as much - spicial,jni|ar_work done! Just eyl,, P.S., P.B,, AC I trick, vinyl devoured their vmtimswere __JlWhyjcarLt Lget a freejieense2.Lhear senior program run through some county^ offices redecorate I 3 bedrooms, TV room, toe.-$7O0,-or-i»8toffer-.-eall-aHer rg situations and placing more children in foster as indicated. breakfast nook, nlet yard, popular 5:30 P.M. 374.«]4, main characters in thecitizens don't have to pay!" the caller said, """' meal's" availabl""""'"e t"o homeboun•- — -••——•d senio —r— homes [or their protection," Commissioner Developed seminannually by the Poultry area, MUST Bi SOLD. Fantastic K7.J4.123 children's plays. These One of four persons who daily man the phones citizens, and supplements the Hot Meals potential, 76244KS, eyes 7M-3479. lSMOLDSMOilLi.MRovili, i Klein said Division of USDA's Agricultural Marketing dr,, iedin, 9,000 milt!, like new, themes of oral aggression as from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. hadn't heard that one. But pnigrams served in central locations hy all DYFS Director James G, Kagen said that at Service, "Egg Marketing Facts" is designed to Chris A, Danil, Realtor full powtr, AC, WW, vinyl roof, well as others of bodily injury he made lome calls himself and was soon back county offices. -— 2 734.111 Bf it offer,Call 616-7979, present 10,000 youngsters are placed in ap- help producers tailor production to consumer RAHWAY K 7.24,121 constantly recurred, to the caller. During the colder months, an often-asked proximately O.SOtl foster homes and that needs. Factors- pertinent to this • goal are Mother.daughter setup, SVs over VW DUNE iUOOV-Cuitpm made, question from the elderly concerned relief for 4, 75 )< 10 approximate lot. low mlleagt,extra fires icfigtrs. Begau.se these children all He explained: "Senior citizens are Indeed another 2,000 homes will be needed by July 1, analyzed, but no production or marketing ixceilent flnlnclnfl available. Can be licensed (of fdaB yst, 11300 had undergone surgery to entitled to free fishing licenses. But they have rising fuel costs. 1976. In addition, the state will need ap- recommendations are offered. Asking $40,100. For further infor Call pan, 711.7197 correct their condition, it was to be at least 70 years old. This caller was only "Many programs available to senior citizens proximately 400 adoption homes for hard-to- Copies of the report will be available from the call Qorciyea Aatncy Realtors, ———— KM4.IJJ 1 Ml Chestnut St., Roselle,.141,2442. 1171 Plnte— Green, stindaro not surprising that hospital 85." are not taken advantage of because our elderly place children Informatiiin Division, Agricultural Marketing - Z7.24111 tranl, radio.,rai, ' new tires, pplus scones, too, were enacted citizens do not know about them." said Com- Service, USDA, Washington, D.C. 20250. ROSELLB PARK itudaaedd inow ttiresi , lol w mileageil . The Hot-Line, which began operation in "We're looking for substitute parents willing Of 0. PATON ASSOC, Moving out of state, must sell, often. Children portrayed February, has received about 3,000 calls in its munity Affairs Commissioner Patricia Q. and able to share their home and family life RIALTORS animals or people who needed Wift'han. RoiellePsrk , — -—- K 7.24-123 first four months. The senior citizens are given temporarily with one or more children," Kagen - Z 7.24111 treatment or helpful answers to their questions, or referred to an "We hope, as news of the Hot-Line itself said. "We need homes for children of all ages Museum displays SHORT HILLI Import SiSportsCirs 123A physicians and nurses. They office that can help them. spreads, that we can eliminate this problem. and races, many of whom have special NEW COLONIAL seemed able to view the Must important, by having a friendly and UNDIR CONSTRUCTION When the Hot-Line staff does not know the problems." Far East's crafts Paragano Building Corp, opens PARTS, ACCESSORIES. FOf hospital situation both from answer or where to refer the caller, the helpful ear, we can ease the way by untangling To qualify as a foster parent, Kagen said, a new area on Long HIM Dr., Shori IMPORTS, "SPORTS, jersey's the patient and staff positions. some of the red tape that can be so Traditional handcrafLs of- the Far East Hills, between White Oak Ridge & lafgMt, sidest, nicest, supplier. research begins. The worker will track down person must be at least IB years old and in provide the materials for an "Artist in Asia" Parsonage Hill R'di, silts Imported Auto Center, behind rail Engrossed in their plays, the information the caller wanted and get him frustrating," Commissioner Sheehan said. reasonably good physical and mental health. A available now. station Morristown, 3741M6. the children revealed their And then there are the lonely people who call exhibition opening Saturday in the Auditorium —— •. Kt.f.lHA an answer within a few hours. foster parent may be married, single, widowed Galleries of the New Jersey State Museum, W. Paragano Building Corp. inner thoughts. One boy "Some of the calls are routine," a staff just to have somebody to talk to. They know or divorced, must provide an adequate homo Autos Wanted disclosed his strong, but someone will be there to listen when they dial State street, Trenton. It will continue through 376.1010 12S worker explained, "The people Just want to environment and demonstrate an ability to Labor Day; - > Z 724.11 hidden fear of the ether mask. know where they can find out about programs . HU1I-7B2-8B20, care for and rear a child. There are no family SPRINGFIELD JUNK CARS WANTED H* rushed over to another • Assembled by Mercer County Community Also late model wrecks Income requirementi, College act teacher. Evelyn Stern, as part of an LARGE' FAMILY" Cillsnytlme child who was portraying a Selected foster parents receive a monthly 4apod BR'ilnthls7rm, homtw-2 SI9.4469 and 313,4091 doctor applying an oxygen Asian study project supported by a grant from lull baths, I built-in A-C, 2 ear gar., ktfll.' payment of from SJOO to 1123 from the •Division the National Endowment for the Humanities, Ig. Incl. porch. Now asking 167,000. LOCAL new ear dealer will pay mask to a patient, grabbed the of Youth and Family Services, to cover room Woedslde homes area. over book price for el. suburb - mask, and yelled angrily, the exhibition Includes 65 drawings, and 460 gsed cars. All makes & models. EARTH BOUND 1 1MIII1111U U M t M [ L= and board for each child (more if the child has representative ^examples of contemporary "You're noing to do that to CHARLES A. REMLINGER Also vintage ears, Imm. cash. Call special needs), plus a clothing allowance handcrafted objects. The latter,1 which Realtor 3JM319 Mr. Carr 7636116, 7433400, him like you did to me," K,!M2S 1 By JOSEPH TOBIN Environrntntal consultant, ranging from 180 to $250 a year, depending on illustrate the creative use of.metals, fabrics 17.24.111 Later, he said, "That thing the age and sex of the child and his clothing IPRINOFiILD JUNK CARSBOU6HT chokes you to death." Niw York Botanical Garden and fibers to satisfy both* decorative and SJHOURSIRViCi Niw YorK Botanical Garden needs, Foster children also receive medical utilitarian needs, were produced1 by artisans in NfW LISTING B,A. TOWING SERVICE His mother explained that and dental care through Medicaid. . ONiALTUSROLTOP. 9M-1506 Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesiaj Burma, Lovely raised Ranch, nestled on Kl-f-IM she felt that his 'dread of ad- The ide^Ti 11«ai mo f111 communit1 11! 11 > 11M1111y1 splannin 11111111111111g m board 11 n 1111111s1 ngre 1111111111111w 1 mmakin 11 n 11 u 111g1 processe11111111111 • 11 s> 11 1an > i dn Jus11 u 11111t a1 s^ i ofte11111111111111111n when1 (thii i r (ns i r i i 1111 i (frr More information on becoming a foster Thailand, Nepal', Afghanistan and-India, professionally landscaped CARRS! AND TRUCKS FOR SCRAP ditional needed surgery had expertise has been available—the terminology parent in New Jersey is available from the grounds; 4 bedroom}, centrally air CABBHf PAID FOR YOUR CAR,"NO but of an environmental awareness in the IBBOs "A Sense of Beauty," a multimedia lecture eonditioned, magnlficltnt den with TOWINWINGG FBI. CALL 24J-W424J-W46 7 its roots in a previous that growth and development in our towns and and means of communication (research Division of Youth and Family Services, P.O. relating to the exhibition, will be presented by fireplace, Msny deluxe featurei. AM TO 9 PM OR 241-4JI4 10 AM TO Box 510, Trenton, 08625, Those wishing may call 4 PM. frightening experience in the cities often has taken place at random and has reports) have prohibited a thorough grasp and the artist in the Museum Auditorium at 4 p.m. NORMA LEHRHOFF ALTMAN - —: ' K i-7. Ill hospital, but he had not been resulted in costly and crippling problems for understanding for laymen. As result, com- collect, (609) 292-8966. on Sunday. REALTORS 376-9393 able to explain his fear the next generation of New Jerseyans, munity boards are increasingly plagued with- —___ —— Z7.24.lll MotorcyclesFor Sale 127 previously, Caught up in the Community planning boards, however; have ioefficienpy,and an inability to cope with the SUMMIT excitement of, drama, he scope of environmental technology, By owner, desirable location, . HZJHpNDACL • 17iecfe llent been beset by their own problems, perhaps as room Ranch, A-c, J bedrooms, 2Va W vividly acted out his fear. eostly to the environment as when there were Recenlty, in organiilng representatives balhs, modern kitchen, all conaition, street t'oTrt, security DEATH NOHCES appliances, 2 car garage, chain S, helmetr^asKing iJoo.M, Thus, drama not only Im-' no community boards at all. These problems from community planning boards for a llllllllilllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllilllllilllliliilillliR attractive landscaping. High 70's, Call 3114190, •" McCRACKIN FUNERAl, HOMi; HAt-f-117 proved the children's ability to have grown out of the lack of technical ex- citizen's participation workshop in water HOOVIR-On July 17, 1975, John 273.3M1, • " BACHMANN-On Thuriday, July A, of Toms River, Beloved husband 1S0O Morris Ave., Union, N J, express themselves through pertisi ivailabli to boards in their decision quality, I became aware of just how great this 17, 1975, Agnes S, Shanks, of 411 Interment fvergreen Cemetery, W •"*•»' Waynt Tir., Union, N.J., btloved ol Phyllis (nee Niiman), father of 18th Anniversary speech and gesture, but also problem Is, "They're talking a different John, William, Kelly, Futfy.jo, Hillside. • Witt of .thi late Or. William brother of William, Merrill, 2FAftAILY language," many board members complained Baehmann, devottd mother of NICHOLS-On Saturday, July l?i SoM location, high rental income, provided therapists and vernon, Herbert and Ronald William Charles Schmidt and Hoover and the late Margareta 1975, Harold B,,of 1956 William St., 2 bedroom apartments, laffli lot, CYCLE SALE! parents with a window to each 2administrators regarding presentations by environmental Charles James Schmidt, sister of Union, N,J,, beloved husbind of Hard to beat value at SS5.900- Don't and Norman Hoover, Relatives The biggest sale ever at VIP, child's hidden feelings. hearing officers, as well as industry and jostph Shanki and Wrs, Florence and friends were kindly invited to tht'late Anna (Jordan), devoted pay rent) collect III maybe the blgges. Land, also survived by sl« father of Mrs,- Virginia. Kuebier, Hlifory! Over i7SJ,0M worth ol The drama therapy municipal representatives, "We have such a grandchildren and three great, attend the funeral services at The OAK RIDGi R6ALTY get national posts FUNERAL "HOME OF JAMIS F, brother of. Mrs, idjth King, Realtors . tJt-mi new fc useii Bikes 8, ears are program for children with helpless feeling at these sessions," "We haveio grandchildren. The funeral service CAFF RIY I SON, 109 Lyons.Avi., grandfather of Mrs. Gall Lerman, • Z7.S4.I11 discounted & Anniversary sale, " The top administrators of the offices within was Tiela- it The MC CRACKIN also survived By two great- tasgfd this wfiki Over m new cleft lip and palate at the wear so many hats!" FUNIRAL HOMi, 1100 Alpfris corner of Park p(., Irvington, on grandchildren. The funeral was UNION ----- Honda's oh clisplsyi Sot) usM the N.J, Department of Institutions and Saturday, July 19 Intermenf .conducted from The McCRACKEN Orchard Park - 7 room Split, IVj University of Pittsburgh Cleft There is limply a grtat need for community Avi,, Union, on-- Monday. Hotlywaod Membrlat Rark: - ".' 1 cycles to choose from (Super Cremation private, FUNBRAU HOME, IIBO Wgrrls-' baths, dead,end street, above Agencies dealing with the mentally retarded jaymen to have professional help, someone as Ave., union, on Wednesday, The ground pool fc many extras. Sports, Mini's, choppers, cus- Palate Center receives sup- HUOHIS-On .July- .18, 1971, tom's_,. trail motorerossmgiortroia, ete.ei_ ) Iven and the blind hive been selected for leadership iAUIR-Iuddenly , on July II, Funeral Mass was held at St. Principals only, Call'M7713S. port from NlH's National much a communicator as a scientist, someone l?7l,Cifl I., of Irvlngton, JJjIoved Margaret of Newark, beloved wife Michael's Church, Union, — Z 7.24.111 Honda's Superbme OL.l posts in national groups in thftlr fields, Corn- of Frink Hughes, mother of Mrs. Immed, dellveryl OyerTM7J0'Over 10 s Institute of Dental Research. .who can help them wade through the volumes htjbanhtjsband bf Rosa rnerneii Rajip), William Kastner . (Newark), UNION • . • 4It»,-l|i-jt^ekJBufry:JBufry:,, tnttntWW - fatheh r • of Mrs,M . MaMdaleng a -Membereofthe staff-were so— misiipmLAnnJfhmJiaj. announefaV f_ ^technical information and come out the other- grindrfiBther-oi ifeobert. Kastnsf of P^OTiNSKY=fln MqnBay, July _ SPACIOUS SPLIT""•"" models art hard to gett , gaas prices Dr. Maurice G, Kott, director of the Division OlsliasW, Mrs: EteahdrEteahdr>ff|n('it> h Glen Gardener and Paul Kastner ":2i; 197J, Helen (Falk), of 1970 Delightful 4 bedroom, 1W bath going up 8. cycle prlcei ixptcted pleased with the outcome of side with'some underitandlng, Someone who and MrsM . MarM y RosR e LLwowsW, »lio of irvington. Relative! and friends, William St., Union, N.J,, beloved, beauty with central A-C 8, loadt of momihtariiy), ,6et t ourr lowlow their program, that they want of Mental Retardation, will serve as president can help community boards advocate projects, survived by nine grandchildred. were kindly, invited to attend the wife of the late Otto' Protinsky, exciting features, Mid M's, Don't discoundit t pricie + a 1700 rebat bte on of the National Association x>f Coordinators of Relatives and friends were kindly funeral from. The' FUNIRAL devoted mother of'-Howard and miss It" call, nowl selected models! Forget me "List to extend it to children with not simply turn projects down. Invited to attend the funeral HQME-QF JAMIS F, CAFFRIY Henry Protinsky, sister of Mary Price"! : State Prbgrams for the Mentally Retarded, If we are going to achieve improvement in service at The FUNERAL HOME -&• SON, 109 Lyons Ave,, lallmann, also survived by five OAK RIDGi REALTY othir handicaps as wall. OF JAMII F. CAFFREV & SON, Irvington on Mondiy, July H .grandchildren and two great- NeW'75CB.360T CUM!]?} Joseph Kohn,; executive director of the New 109 Lyons Ave,, Irvington,, on grandchildrert. Trie funeral terviee Realtors 376.4M2 New.'75CB-!in-T community design and planning overall, Thence to St, Leo's Church where a Z 724.111 Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Monday, July 21, Interment Mass was offered. Interment St.- will be held it The McCRACKIN New' SXL.1W.K1 community boards require the greater ef- Hollywood Memorial Park. FUNIRAI- HOME, 1M0 Morris, SCFJ.7MF John's Comettry, irooklyn, N,Y: New Impaired, will be a member of the ficiency which can result from the presence of In lieu of flowers donations were Ave,, Union, N.J.-, on Thursday, al- Houses Wanted: New CL.J60K1 Gross pay II-A.M. Interment Hollywood Rehabilitation Services National Advisory asked to be senfto.the Parkinson, l New CB.12SXC professional expertiie on issues, DeLORENZQ^On July 11, 197J, ^Foundation, . .,-•-, ..•: ctmet'ery. ' ' ••••'.• New'7: (Listl! Committee of the Office of Human Develop- Rose, of Iryington, beloved wife of )£ YOU PLAN to sell or buy—give OU-IOOO Stlyttore, mother of Francis and KOiTHAB-Joseph S,,on Friday, RBICH— Anna, of 370 S. H*frison- us a try. Vou'il be glad you dicfl (.lit rlCMi exclude freight, prep. gets tax aid ment within the US, Department of Health, Nancy DeLorenio it homei sister July li, 1975, of Union, husband of TIMB REALTY Broker St;, East Orange, beloved wife of Gross weekly earnings of Education'and'Welfare, ,< • * of Mrs, Orace Crescenti < and the late Veronica (nee Mt|uM, the-late Aaron, loving mother of 10iacilnl8nAve,.irv, _ J^' brother of beloved Rev. Cresc«ntl, devoted father of Mrs, Eileen Iliine Skolnljk and RoBert Reich, factory production -workars in Relatives and frlenas were kindly Kemper, orandfather of Lori loving grandmother ,ot Debra 1 Puzzle Corner Invited to ittinf the funeral from Kemper, Relative; and friends YOUNO FAMILY with 2 children the New York-Northeastern Tht FUNIRAL HOME . OF Skoinlck. Funeral services were deslrts 6 room house In held from The BERNHBIM, Niw Jersey area rose $1,07 or B JAMES F, CAFFRIY & SON, 809 funeral fform HAIBERUS fc Sprlngflilfl, flulrt siust.gBod slit Bars, RM Arts Gentier bills li!ijliiiiihiii!lii!il|ii y Lyons Aye., irvingim, on Mbntjay. jGOLDSTiCKIR MBMORIAL, yard, Mid or upper M's, Call 374. it Rack, Ri BARTH COLON.)AL HOMi, J»00 HOMI,; IMP Clinton Ave,,, 0.6 percent to 184,31 in ^ly, July.21, thince to St. Paul the Pine Ave, corner yauxhail. Rd,, Mil anytime, ; Match the fictional characters in column one ABbitle, Church where a funeral ± i Iryington, on Wednesday, July 2J u aeeprdinig to Herbert Bien- Unien, on Tuesday, July SJ, thince • Interment leth pavld. Ctmefery.j with their creators in column two, Mass was offered. left Michael's Church, Union, for — -•-'- HA TF W Slsty Bin, Rip,.. r stock, thi U,S..Depsrtmint of /King i Kenilworth. Tht period of Riding Boots, Save up to SO a Funeral Mass. -I'Merinenl In St. , mourning was observed it the, week, tabor'i assistant regional The Garden Itate Arts Center has booked the i, Charlie Chan a,-Gilbert Fatten Gertrude's Cemetery, colonia. : ikolnlck residence, 377,1, Harrison - Offices For Rent 117 100% FINANCING director for tht Bureau of Spinners, singing quintet, and Ben E. King, FIStHiR—Ann, formerly Hahn, St.,,past Orinji, . , ,; 1 Tanan b, Joel Chandler Harris (net Oillk on Thursday, July 17, MITZOIR—Kurt.T., on Saturdayi If you're II. have • I* b qualify. Labor Statistics, who heads rhythm arid blues singer, for in engagement on' 197J,of Irv ngten, N,J., wife of the July 19, lS7J,of Mlllburn, formerly KHULIR-Mabel,F., on Sundiy, buy with no eastv down r Cycle 3, Philip Marlow c, G, K, Chisterton of Hillside, Beloved husband of UNION . insurance arranged on premises. the BLS offiei in New York, lite John Fischer and Philip Hshn, July JO, 1975, of.Springfield, N.J.j; Light attractive ~ fully iirpetfd, yg , A. Perry. Mason . d, Edward Stritemeyer mother of tht lati Robert H(hni Bertha Metiger, deaotfd fathir of: sister of Mrs, Wlnlfre^ (gst, Alfred* ind floor, office space, lOMsa,. ft, Purchasing power, (averagi The Spinners'; repertoire (neludei soul 5; Sam Spade e, Raymon'd Chandler sister of Mrs. Christine Fleischer! Mrs, Ruth siahl and Mn, f»eg§y and, Richard .Schuler, dtif friend^ or wili l subdivide, Ample parking. 1 Mrl. Catherine Traytenberg and Denning, brother of Wr$, Herta of Leon and Louise t-Ruban.4 '"'"" ' maler highways, Nation'VIOONDs L,arg«it A weekly earnings adjusted for ballads, grooving songs, hit recordings, lively fj; Uncle Remus f. Earl Dirt Biggers the late Mrs. Mildred Seeks*! and Blichqff• of also Relatives and friends were kindly Conv jurvlvifl ay 1J grandchildrioachlrio . pverythlnfl Stori, - , federal income and social 7, Frank Merriwell g, Irle Stanley Gardner George Oillk, grandmother of invited to attend tht.funeral cii Z7.M.117 and;: • intricate d«iwft • numbers,,* and im- Linda and Robert Hahn, Relatives Relatlvei andd frlenls were Kindly' service at HABBERLB,. 6ARTH •m Cringe, eh Monday, July !1,1WS; JhurMay,.July \1, 1»7B, age.ii Mlrlnelll and-'Mfs,' 'Herbert J. i the result of tax cuts contained uiiiiiiiaiiiiiiniiiiDiMiiuiiiniDiiiiiiiuj wife of the lite Fred Fude, mother years, M Nnifark; wife of the lit* Tbrum, Funeril was'hieta from t in the Tajc Reduction Act of of Howard Fude, and the late Oscar, Miller, devoted lister of SMITH -AND ..' .'SMITH ', 1 REMEMBER | Robert" Fude, Funeral- service, at Jacob Lelller, Mrs. Helen Miller (SUBURBAN),, 415 Morrl! AV4, iW6i new withholdirig rates SMITH . AND SMITH 'and Mr», Charlkfte iurnp, iprlnsfleid. onfuesday, July 32, . became ifftctlye on Stay l I YOUR FRIENDS § (SUiURBANl, 415 Morrli tve., .Relatives ind fHWs were Hinlly Funeral Mass at St. Rost At Lima ] Springfield, on Thursday, July 24, ilnvlfed to attend the I'uniraV ,Church, Short Hills, R.uiives and ! v;tlj£ Itty a%^wtJ6 I IN THEIR 1 • it 10 A.M, Relitlves and frlendi 'frjenBSiwWe hivlftd -to atttnd . g l#y e ire Invited to ittena. Interment in Irttefnieni »ln- Sty. Ter«id'» s I BEREAVEMENT I , Reitlind Memorial Fark, - •• - ifpt'FSWMIA*^ Ctm«efy V. ,'•„ j jfi foupetjt 'IncreiiB In Clinton Ave., Irvlngton, on B i''.«R8iilWALO-WIIII'«m;WIfiSft Tuesaiyji --Julys IKMnttT.'rfltht' Lavtpgs jMurljEi rt ICIIntoniCBrnMeryi liwlfliton.iti';™ 1 S SENDAHOT TUHKIV, gj liylngton, fprmirly of Vaniburg,' MifSBhywgfrtoipwee MfSBhM i H%H i kAr OH S I|-Mtovt»*usMn*ef«n8.-de»ot« rMwtMef^-dhtJrtntwrt'jifV MI4TTHSY J5|| father ol Edna M CescUsls.iRlta iwnn, m, Hewni.G,«trHeHn!.G,«thej » *Ortyj'ef dipped slijv, minutes to38. 8 Frayne and-Mafy 1. Or"'" J 1 »lso i.iurvlvea -': by idrsn and,on. j. KARTZMAN & SON r i mbffiif of Mrs. Helen O.-Surittc; 3NI SMI 2S Mill Road a •- «,.>>Ki,..J, Services on Thursday Mrs, Dlanne Rleger and Miss "your M-local, « 10 AM, from The «AYM0N6 Doris J, Mltttseh and lister el tarn/ Want Ad, ',. "Ho'i he;re for bf ing joed, I'm hje'ra ^ecauiB.My' folks Irvington 374-2600 F 1AL CBNTiR, MS Sanford Mrs, Doris Wendel. Also survived Call ; 'allsburg. by five grandehildren, TM funeral -.'.-. ' can't rtanii miiroyndtRoho;us*."\ " • alllllMlOMIlllllMIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIli? service was held on Mondav at the



i& l-Thursday, July 24, 1V7J, Special anthems, Flash floods 'a fact of life-arid death,' School lunch amendment oratorio offered for Bicentennial acting director of CD-DC points out by Sen. Case gets OK Four now anthems and a major oratorio, "Although flash-floodsar o n fact of life—and iiiiiill!l!ill!l!!lli[!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!llilMlii!il!IIINi!lliiliiiiiiiiIlliii!il!!IIIN commissioned by Princeton Theological death—along riven and streambeds, most Tho Senate lias adopted an amendment help to safeguard their health and well-being," Senator Case said, "It has been proven time Seminary, the Bryn Mawr (Penniylvanla) people know little about this subject," J. After the flood: Steps to fake sponsored by Sen Clifford P, Case (R-N.J,) to Preibytorlan Church and the Brick and again that well-nourished children are Morgan Van Hin, acting director of State Civil A brochure, "When you Itcturn to n the National School Lunch Act and Child Presbyterian Church in Now York City, are mechanical equipment', floors, Dofenie-DlsMter Control, said this week. Storm Unmuged Home," coiitaiiiH Nutrition Act of IBflfi which regulates vending more alert, better behaved, and learn more in now available for congregations and other woudwork, doors ami roofs, and "Flash-flood* are caused by rains over- limciy advice In view of recent flooding machines competing with the school lunch the classroom. groups planning Bicentennial celebrations. furniture. program. "Many experts and citizens concerned about flowing natural and man-made drainage In New jersey. The works were sponsored in conjunction systems resulting in raging water with ill The amendment restore! to the agriculture thc-presence of junk food in the school cafeteria The brochure includes information on Slnglr copies of this Department of had been in touch with me. I put in this with an anthem-writing contest, announced deadly cargo of uprooted trees and other lloutlnt: and Urban Development department the authority to regulate "com- earlier, designed to provide new musical entering damaged buildings; drying amendment because I share their belief that debris. Heavy rainfall, even for short periods, publication arc available free from petitive foods" in the school lunchroom. It resources for churches to use in honoring the and tlciiriliiK'; clicckliiK electrical and any assault on the quality of our school may be followed by flash-flooding in hilly heating systemsi water supply, locul i\nd county Civil Defense-Disaster includes the admonition of Congress that empty religious heritage of the nation. areas," the CD-DC leader reported^ calorics or Junk foods should not be sold in nutrition programs must be regarded most plumbing and ll.-v. 'n-vyV: I find this behavior of-. top, and do be very sure your will provide thousands ol jobs. In tact, been mailed, so write today to Beltone Motorists are advised by the Allitate Motor Nuelsir »rwgy saves oil IS-j-.r'.uHll.iHuiCw -in .'Outlook Kit Club to pay as much attention to their spare tire fensive. What can I say to weight is correct, more than 4,000 New Jersey workers is well as money. Model, Independence Mall, 1601 Con- will be on the job at these sites during as they do the ones in regular use. Check its air him? -o-o- cord Pike, Suite 65, Wilmington, Del. the next live years. Nuclear generatino slations| pressure regularly. A spare tire can save the Sara Dear Pal and Marilyns are ihe.oniy way to save day, Dear Saras Our son will be 18 next Tha lower eoit of nuclear energy it sizeable amounts ol oil Tell Warren to stop sticking month. Charles is fast-talking important for industry. Our Salem Generating NE!D HELP? Find the R1OHT pins in other people's balloons. and very persuasive for a 16- The price ol electric energy musl remain Station will save rnore pIRS0NwiIhaWantAd,C8il M4, And start looking for a^new year-old. Hf keeps making competitive, otherwise industry and than 400 million gallons fiw: n SHORT DELIVERY SERVICE boyfriend fornorrow7~ ~ remarks liki: 'Tofin'twRittb ol oil every year.- •••• P. 0, Sox 362 Scotch Plain!, N, j, 07076 That kind ol savings Return this coupon today! -0-O- get the motorcycle for may will go a long way Dear Pal and Marilyn! birthday," ' PICKUP DILIVIRY SINCE \W/ 1954 My wife has decided to We have not planned on 100% Gvonntefd change me completely and buying him |uit--a notch Bbove that of ''In-Stock" only draperies, but pert as expensive as "custom mode." • Visit us and see probably li» largest selection oTdraperle* In $1.28 the area ana we'll dive you that "personal service1' that you deserve Remember also, we The leisurely long distance call do make custom draperies o( It still costs less than you think all Kinds Just olve uso coll or bring In your rfleMurtmnnti. Th> Curtain Bin WHERE PERSONAL SERVICE All calls charged using the 60% discount ratti for direct dialed interstate calls-all day Ss^.: Sun, 8 a,m, to 5 p.m.;. COSTS YOU NOTHING EXTRA Sun, thru Fri, 11 p:m, to 8 am. Direct dialM rates do not apply to calls'tb Alaska or to operatpf^ssistid calls such ' 1036 Stupum, Avi. 1 as wialicird.colleot, third number,bilied,person.to-pirson and coin phone calls to qtherttates. ' UNION /686-SQ15 . ' I ^ Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- for Mountainside is Just Phone 686-7700 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside

Ssesnj Clsti Fsttggs Published Each Thursday by Trumsr" Publishing Corp Sgbserlplien Rate VOL. 17 NO. 34: Paid of Mounlllnild., N,j, MQUNTAINSIDi, NJ,, THURSDAY, JULY 3,1. 1975. 2 Now Prsyidenct Roid, Mountainside, N.J. 0W2 II 00 Yearly 25c per copy New guidelines for grading to get additional study Hy AIJNEIl (iOI.D Regional Board of Education Tuesday nigh! at A proposed new set of guidelines for grading David Brearley Regional High School in procedures at all four Regional high schools is Kenilworth, on its way back to the drawing board following The new round of study for the grading more than 3<% hours of discussion by the public system, designed for the coming school year, and board members at an open meeting of the had been schedula! even before Tuesday's meeting, which was attended by more than oO persons, moit of them interested and highly vocal students from the high schools. Swimmers win The meeting was conducted by Sonya Dorsky of Springfield, education committee chairman, with a detailed explanation of the proposal by 31 awards at Dr. Martin Siegel, director of instruction, Dr, Siegel heads a committee of administratori, leathers, parents and students who have been individual meet working on the guidelines since March, The top swimmers from each age group at Most of the, objections, from board members Mountainside Community Pool invaded and students, centered on three aspects of the Cranford last Saturday and came away with plan; the exact procedure for determining a many top awards at the Northern New Jersey minimum passing grade, a mandatory final Invitational Municipal Pool Individual examination or projects in each course and options for students to take many courses on a MCP took 14 members of its A team and .entered 35 events in the 50-event meet. The following grades are outlined: 4,0, Although no team score was kept, MCP cap- superior; 3,5; 3,0, above average; 2.5; 2,0, tured 31 individual awards, including medals average; 1.5; 1,0; below average, and the for eight first places, seven seconds and three minimum passing grade, 0,5, best described as thirds. Ribbons were awarded for seven fourth unsatisfactory but not outright failure, and 0,0, places, five fifths and one sixth, failure. John Fischer received a trophy aj the out- Under the plan, a student receiving an 0,0. or standing boy swimmer at the meet. He cap- failing grade in the last marking period must tured three gold medals, freestyle, backstroke fail the course, regardless of marks In earlier and butterfly, in the 8 and under competition, portions. MCP will face leagut-ieading Nomahegan The report stated, "A final examination, Swim Club at Nomahegan this Saturday, product or project is required In all subjects Swimmers scoring for MCP, their places and except physical education," II added, "Each times are; coordinator, on a district-wide basis, will 8 and under: determine by course whether an exam, product Boys—John Fischer, (1) freestyle, ;18,5; (1> or project is required," The exam or project backstroke, .ZIJ; (1) butterfly, •18.0. will count for one-stventh of the total grade. 9 and 10; The pass-fail option is designed "to en. Boys—Ricky Van Benschoten, (2) butterfly, courage the student to explore the curriculum :37,4; (4) IM, 1:28.0; (4! freestyle, :32,7, more freely,,particularly in areas in which he Girli—Lisa McCarthy, (4) breaststroke, has less aptitude," It applies to all courses :4S,6; (4) butterfly, :42.7; (6) freestyle, :34,4, (Continued on page 1) it and 12; Boys-Paul Jtka, (S) freestyle, ;29,0; David UiliUiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiUiiiiiitilitiiiiiiitliliiiiltiiiUiiiiiitmiiiiitiu- - Crane, (DIM, 2:58.4. _!_._._ Qiril-Penny Levitt, (1) butterfly, :31,4; (£> Regional board sets | freiityle, :28,8; Lisa Fernieola, (2) IM, 2:46,8; (2) breaststroke, :37.2; (5) freestyle, :30,2. meetings this week § 13 and 14; _ The Union County Regional High I Boys—Barren Jaffe, (2) hreastitroke, ;54,7; j School Board of Education will hold two | WI, THI PiOPLI, SWIM—Membars of ths twimming team at the Mountainside Lynne iunin,Allison Keating, Maureen Kelly, Julie Fischer, Hilary Hofeken, Scott (5) butterfly, :31,9; Bobby Anderson, (4) IM, j public meetings next week, | Community Pool ore, left to right, firit row, Ken Lahmann, Peter Jaff», Maureen Connoly, Mik» Anderson, Rick VanBenschot#n, Frank Kelly, Fred Ahlholm, id King, 2:38.3. On Monday the athletic committto j Kennedy, Beth McLaughlin, Sarah Post, Deniia Iryichi, Cindy Ahlholm, Terry fifth row, Tern Fleming, lill Cullen, Cary Levitt, Jean Kascin, Skip Davis, Chuck Girls—Pam BiiSMak, (1) backstroke, :32,4; will discuss athletic and cheerleaders1 j Reorder), Chris Dool»y, Kim Marone, MiJ1nrlmp. The evening will begin at 7:30, and live Mrs. Perselay said: the freeholders must Public Library of Mountainside Thursdays in honesty and integrity of those seeking public ijmsic will be provided by Charlie G's Dance establish priorities "as to the direction county August from noon to l p.m. Admission will be office is imperative Band ' government will take in the future." She said free to children 4 and older. The movies will be "The major challenge to be faced by county Admission will be $15 per couple, by reser- the transition ]o county government under an shown in the Emma Weber Meeting Room. The government," he continued, "is the proper vation only. Reservations for the party will be administrative code would "provide the most schedule: implementation of the new form of county taken every day at the pool until 9 p m , until efficient use Of manpower and eliminate the Thursday, Aug. 7-Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax," government mandated by public referendum. Wednesday Catering will be by Vivian Collyer. overlapping of departmental functions, thereby Disney's "Casey at the Bat" caitoon, "Talcs of "With reference to the rendering of services cutting costs " Hiawatha." most efficiently conducted at the county level, She also urged the incorporation of all Thursday, Aug. 14—Disney's "Saga of in lieu of cither state ar municipal operations, it Council to meet autonomous and semi-autonomous boards Mike Windwagon Smith" and "Toot, Whistle, Plunk would appear at this time that our best services '• The Mountainside Borough Council will hold the Mosquito Commission) Into county & Boom;" cartoon, 'JK-9000, A Space Oddity," are being rendered in the areas of health and . its nart meeting oh Tuesday, Aug. 19, U- the departments within the administrative code, and "The Pirates " social services, mental health, aging, drug ,' Beechwood School; and not on Aug. 12, as was which will be prepared before the county ^Thursday, Aug 21—Disney's "Rusty and The prevention, youth, services, solid .waste, flood announced previously In error At the Aug. 19 manager system is inaugurated. , ' i falcon" and "Arthur's World " control and the like. We are already deeply .' jession, the council is scheduled to vote on Its Mrs. Perselay sees the county as providing a ,V Thursday, Aug 28—Disney's "A World Is involved in these areas. , resolution to Appropriate $25,000 for con- "middle tier government to provide economy ",Born," cartoon, "Secret Squirrel;" "Pan- "It is my position," the candidate continued, sultants in the fight against the proposed path of scale on an area-wide basis in the providing •' cno;" "Alexander and the Car" and "Poly "that county government should be prepared to " of RU-78 through Mountainslde_ (Continued on p«0t 3) LEDA PERSELAY Little Puppy." (Continued on page 3) WAL'l'EftE.bCRtCH S-Thursday. July 31, 1975- Bicyclist, 11, hurt Amid bankrupcy threat,financial crisis, in collision with carat intersection 'Garbage Power' provokes panic,action A 13-year-old Springfield boy was injured last By 1)H, IIKNIIV HlltNK municipalities. Health has been cut, Iran- hot illegality iwth the flavor of a power dueUn a Thursday morning when his bicycle reportedly SprlnKflf Id healih officer sportatlon, education, health care institutions, hungry new world, ' collided with an automobile at the intersection Political chess is a game with many kings. Nobody is alone. But seeing health depart- -O-O- of Morris and Warner avenues. But it teaches more about health nnd en- ments scratched from a funding and support TIIE CANCELLATION of state health aid Police said George Pittenger of S. Maple vironment than you can imagine, In New York that had long been built Into law, hits like a now also forces local health departments to avenue was riding eait on Morris at B;52 a.m. City, Dr. Bellln, city health commissioner, strike of bond-banks. Transportation and violate their own health lawi, those Jiard when he reportedly cut in front of an oastbound discovered how "Oarbage Power" in political education are certainly vital. But have you mandates given local health departments by ear, operated by Frank V, Ocello, SO, of chess provokes its own royal priorities. When ever tried sending a sick child to school, even in the stale, The mandates lie in the Minimum Summit. The boy was taken to Overlook the garbage piled up. City Hall called the a state subsidized train? Standards of Performance, a sot of laws Hospital by the Springfield First Aid Squad for gnnitntion men back to work. But the police The relatively small $4.3 million of State provided by the Public Health Council in 1859, treatment of arm and leg injuries. No charges were still left holding their pink slips. Health Aid has always been anemic enough for which have since been the basis for nearly all were filed against Ocollo, The chess moves seemed to show that gar- the need, Every penny had been converted to subsequent legislative health and en. On July 23, a three-car erash occurred at the bage is more important than crime. Maybe this muscle. The money was constantly watched, vironmentfll activity. intersection of Morris avenue and Caldwell will come to mean a new epidemic of television audited. The dollars were tightly allowed for Now that State Health Aid Is cancelled It place, but all drivers escaped unhurt. shows, a now prime-time horror—a city gar- spending under guidelines like commandments would be impossible for my local health According to police, Anthony D, Chirichello, bage menace. Or a disaster movie call the in rock. The money was then evaluated for department, unless subsidized by local taxes, IB, of Caldwell place, was driving east on "Towering Can," effect. It was audited again, argued over. to continue in (he manner demanded by state Morris at 11:15 a.m. when he made a left turn in Maybe the answer is that garbage is tied to Every squeezed and sweated penny. law. AH health departments, including the front of a westbound auto, operated by Linda human mass health more than street In cancelling the state health old the stale State of New Jersey, would now be in violation Cohen. 34, of Livingston. Their vehicles muggings, If this is the reason for Garbage administration also busted its contract with the in such areas as air and water pollution control, collided, and Chirichcllo's then struck another, Power then perhaps the solution is healthy. The municipalities. The contract waa set by ap- venereal disease, inspection of food establish, driven by Carol Carlueci, 19, of Newark, which sight of garbage building up on a street, in proval of the aid application under which ments, sanitary control of bathing places, food •*m waiting to pull out of a driveway, multiples of cans, bags, exploded paper, ex- personnel and programs had to bo guaranteed poisoning controls, housing, insect and rodent panding^ like bacterial colonies, panics the by the municipality In order to obtain the control; communicable disease prevention public, The sight and smells do funny things to money. against typhoid, encephalitis, polio, tuber- (leclsion-makers, They suddenly find new ways WEDDING SCENE from 'Brigudoon' is rehearied by Cathy McQueen, Steve Davis Then again the state health aid act had been culosis, measles, dipthcria, hepatitis, and Mr. Feder, 83; to find money to solve the problem. many others; drinking water inspections, (center) and George Ispaua, The Lerner and Loewe muiicol Will be preiented by passed by the Assembly and Senate. Unilateral All government likes to hold secret insurance occupational health, sewage disposal, ragweed the Americon Musical Theater at Gov. Livingston Regional High School, Berkeley cancellation of that law, as any law, for any against disaster. But New Jersey still has to and poison ivy eradication, radiation protec- services are held Heights, at 8:15 tonight and tomorrow. reason compelled either by an executive or show its cache. Our state administration has legislative compulsion that both ignores and lion, drug abuse, solid waste disposal, stream Services for Herman Feder of Springfield raneelled $4,3 million in health aid to the violates the legislative process, is just a plain pollution, dental health, maternal and child were held Monday in the Suburban Chapel of health, rabies control, mental health, nutrition, Philip Apter 4 Son, Maplewood, Mr, Feder, Madison man is fined $250 health education, chronic illness, jafety, and who was 83, died Saturday in Overlook other life-lines between blood, law, money and Hospital, Summit the unforgotable victim. Born in Russia, Mr, Feder lived in Newark on damage, assault charges Anybody who has ever worked on a budget and Millburn before moving to Springfield 20 knows about priority. Any housewife with tight years ago. He operated a real estate brokerage Cases involving malicious darrngi as iiilt uffiuent tund" in hi" account He also » i-. funds will buy whatever would be most firm in Newark before retiring 10 years ago and and battery, fraud, a "peeping torn and motm urdtred to make full restituion to tht s,tore necessary to, first of all, keep the family was a member of Triluminar Lodge 112, vehicle violations were among thuse un Ihi Motunsts fined at the sts-ioii mcludid healthy. Alk the housewife, what comes first? FiAM, Newark, Tall Cedars of Lebanon and docket Of Springfield Municipal Court Monda\ Vinctnt A Hartminn 3rd of West Orange wr > Triage is another way of priority. Here, the Salaam Temple of Livinpton, night, with Judge Joseph A Hnranitz paid Ib" and had his lici-ii"e revoked for six bandages are limited, Tht need is great. There Survivors include his wife, Jeanette, a presiding months fnr failure to have liability insurance rn is no fat to trim. Political machismo goes away daughter, Mrs, Alma Rabiner; a brother, Sandy Mazzochli of Madison, arrc ted June his car He hid btcn ticketed un Rt 22 when the sad choices must be made, of who to Maurice; two sisters, Mrs, Florence Sylvan 25 following an incident in tlnrlt\ t) Other drueis their nffenses and penaltus neglect first. New Hard rules have to be made. and Mrs, Nellie Lippin; three grandchildrpn, restaurant, Morris avenue, was fined $50 for were fiiorgio < illy of HaLkcn«.aek speeding mi They can never be good because they are set by and three great-grandchildren. causing malicious damage to property $100 for mph in a Vi mile zone Rt 24 $65 Jonathir broken laws and torn contracts, down to the assault and battery on a bartender and $ino for John on of Newark nn registration in bone. assault on a police officer, Ftl Edwin possession Rt 22 %li and contempt of court Mr, Hartz, 64; Classman, The latter charge also re ulteri in $25 Richard 1 Flostcr of Short Hill" carele ' Maaochli's being placed on thret months driving Morris avenue $31) EJean S Segall ul probation. h bpnngfield avenui Springfield operating a Firemen respond former engineer In other court action, Santiago Medtiru of vchicli- with ,1 noihi muffler Shunpike roid Funeral services for William W, Hartz of Highlands avenue, Springfield, was fined STO and contempt $10 David P Cordillo of Nitt to 10 calls for aid Providence no insurance curd in pcgessum Springbrook road, Springfield, were held for invasion of privacy. He was apprehended Following is the litest listing of calls an. Rt 24 S10 fine 1 suspended) $h court cosh, Friday in the First Presbyterian Church in July 19 after several persons reported set ing swifid by the Springfield Fire Department. contempt $10 LherylL 'stenartof Lewis dnu Springfield, Mrs, Hartz, 84, died July 22 in the him peering into the window of d hnmr on JULYlg King James Nursing Home in Chatham Green Hill road. Springfield careless driving Mounliin asenue $l>i Jean P McGurk uf Ssumn it 7:48 a.m.—Car with rupturid gai tank, Post Township Richard S, Makarewicz of Newark paid d $•>» Office. A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Hartz was a penalty for writing a check in the dtntiunt ut npirating 1 non registered vehicle S Springfield avenue S10 9:30 p.m.-Short in electrical wires, Marlon resident of Maplewood before moving to $124 to Saks 5th Avenue while fusing in avenue, Springfield 37 years ago. He was employed for 9:31 p.m.—Investigate wires down, Mountain 25 years as an electrical engineer with Weston avenue. Instruments in Newark and also with Mid- JULY 19 Eastern Industries in Scotch Plains, Hi was a Irish and Appalachian music 10:08 p.m.—Gave assistance to girl with member of the Institute of Electrical fractured arm until First Aid Squad arrived. Engineers and was a 1934 graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, JULY 22 GRASS ROOTS Springfield doteclives Lt, Samuel Calabrese, S<)t, Dommiek Olive 1:33 a.m.—False alarm, Norwood road. Mr, Hartz, is survived by his wife, Harriet; enjoyed by pool day campers and Janios Hiotala (from left) display some of the spproximottly 300 marijuana JULY 25 two sons, Robert E, and Stephen D,; a As the fourth week of day camp progresses at They will be used as hot plate pads, wall plants reportedly found growing in the bock of a van own»d by a Springfield man. 7;40 a,m,-Pumplng crew sent to floodscene , daughter, Mrs, Doublas Lysem; two brothers, the Springfield Municipal Pool, children en- hangings and doll house rup. The alleged 'pot farmer,' William G, Amei of Foreit drive, Is scheduled to appear in Marion avenue, .:.,..- Frank and Richard, and four grandchildren. tering the third and fourth grades have been Wall hangings in felt were made in another Springfield Municipal Court on Aug. 25, 11:30 a.m.—Investigate imoke condition, Funeral arrangements were completed by Involved in such varied experiences as artistic art activity by Dara Morris, Shawna Dee Rose avenue, the Smith and Smith (Suburban) in Springfield. and musical endeavors, games and sports. Quatrone, thoa Winarsky, Kara Seheinman, JULY 26 From the patio area, strains of Irish folk Lauren Schwartz and Allison Keehn, The Local 'pot' farmer arrested 11;B3 p.m.—Malfunction of lump pump, S, tunes and Appalachian Mountain blue grass children used out-of-door scenes as the basis of Maple avenus. V. Auerbach, 59; music could be heard. Participating in the their pattern designs. 1:30 a.m.—Malfunction of sump pump, music and the exploration of folk and square Anthony Romano, Robert Grossman, Erie Sycamore terrace. roofing employee dance patterns were Rebecca Gabbal, Thea Tesse, Hal' Levine and Frank Eornano were for illegal crop found in van JULY 27 Winarsky, Stephanie Seifert, Shawna Dee among the campers who learned about ancient B:Bi a.m.—Gasoline washdown, S, Funeral services were held Saturday for Quatrone and Dara Morris, Aztec art by winding yarn around crossed A miniature "pot farm," yielding a 300-plant vegetation was growing in a van parked in a Springfield and Hillside avenues. Valentine J. Auerbach, 59, of Springfield, who sticks to make the "God's eye" motif. crop, allegedly was found by Springfield police Forest drive apartment lot. The vehicle was died last Wednesday at home, Creating their own designs, Scott Prager, While all the campers enjoy their swimming in the rear of a Chevrolet van owned by a towed to police headquarters, where it was Born in Newark, he lived in Springfield for Anthony Romano, Alan Souza, Robert periods, Kara Scheinman and Alan Souza have townjhip man, who now faces two counti each opened and reportedly found to contain ap. Grossman and Hal Levine engraved, inked and The Unusual In eight years. Mr. Auerbach was employed by exhibited the most enthusiasm. of possession of marijuana and growing proximately 300 small marijuana plants, Ramig Roofing Co., Newark, for 30 years. He pressed foam-blocks onto paper. The results marijuana. The owner of the van, William G, Adams, 22, wore original birthday cards, Other popular sporting activities enjoyed by ALBUMS was a member of the Composition Roofers the campers are: teatherball, with Stephanie According to police, the grass crop was of Forest drive, was arrested July 14 at his Local No, 4, Irvlngton, Ann Schwartz, Allison Keehn, Lauren Sch- Seifert and Frank Romano having a tense discovered July 12 by Det, Sgt, Dominick Olive apartment on a warrant served by Det, and PORTRAITS Surviving are two brothers, Frank M. and wartz, Jennifer Welnberg, Nicole Jonas and •match; nok-hockey, with Ann Schwarz and after ha received "a tip that som§ sort of Edward Klseh, At the time, Adams was free on Michael J, and a sister, Mrs, Charles P, Kara Scheinman made Jewelry, using coiled, Dara Morris; spud, a favorite of Lauren Sch- $500 bail resulting from an arrest July 9, also Donlnger, braided and macramed wire. A future project wartz, Eric Tesse and Rebecca Gabbai; pin for possession of marijuana and growing The funeral was held from Smith and Smith will be the use of string in the creation of kickball, the most fun for Jennifer Weinberg, City Federal Savings marijuana. Hi had been taken into custody (Suburban), 415 Morris ave., Springfield. traditional macrame items. Nicole Jonas and Michael Gletcher; domino opens Garwood office then by Olivo and Lt, Samuel Calibres! after construction and demolition, the favorite of one plant was found in his apartment. 2S2 MOUNTAIN AVE. The art of sand casting was investigated by Anthony Romano, Scott Prager, Hal Levine City Federal Savings has opened it§ newest Adams now is free on $1,000 bail, pending a Lutheran Church Michael Gleicher, Scott Prager, Frank and Robert Grossman; and Softball, in which office in the Garwood Mall, South avenue and preliminary hearing in Springfield Municipal SPRINGFIELD-379 7666 Romano and Eric Tease, The process Involves Allison Keehn has exhibited her abilities. Center street, Garwood. • Court Aug. 25. pouring plaster of paris over designs made in In addition, all the third and fourth grade The new office will oprate out of temporary has Bible School wet sand. Whin the plaster dries, the children campers have become skilled players of such quarters and will be open Monday through FRIDAY DEADUINi Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 639 Mountain quiet games as Sorry, Trouble, dominoes. Thursday fromB:30a.m. toep.m., Friday from Ail items other than spot newi (houid be In our office by noon ave,, Springfield, will hold its lath annual Stephanie Seifert, Nicole Jonas, Ann Sch- Piggy Bank, Huckleberry Hound and jack B;30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to on Friday. Vacation Bible School Aug. 18-22, Monday wartz, Rebecca Gabbal and Jennifer Welnberg straws. 2 p.m. through Friday, from 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. for have been weaving miniature Indian rugs, children ages 3 to 12 years of age. All 3-year- have created permanent reproduuliuiis, Public Notice olds must have had their third birthdays on or before June l; no exceptions will be made. NOTiCI TO CRIDITORS Istite of RUTH CHAPIN There will be Bible lessons, projects, singing, Rosens at Y camp GERHARD Deceased THE LUXURY CAR recreation and refreshments. For further in- PunuanHo the order of MARY c. Two Springfield youngsters, Robin and Peter KANANE, lurrosatf of Iht County formation, readers may call the church Rosen, are attending Camp Speirs-Eljabar, the of Union, made on Ihe 25 day of Tuesday through Thursday from 9;30 a.m. until July A.D., ms, upon tht YMCA camp of the Poconos near Dingman's application of the undersigned, as THAT SHOWS YOU HAVE I p.m., at 3794525. Ferry, Pa. ixecytpr of ths filiti of slid dictated, notice Is htrtby given to ths creditors of. laid deceased to TIBfJ.AOBRS, find jobs By running Want Adt, Call M6.770Q. now! exhibit to th§ lUBicriBtr under" MORE THAN otth or affirmation their claims and demands against the estate of said dfceasea within six months from thedite of laid order, or they vuilI be forevtr barred from TENNIS INSTRUCTION •prosecuting or recovering the MONEY. same against the subscriber. A luxury car has long been Fidelity Union Trust Company MEN & WOMEN of Newark, N.j. the symbol of having arrived. • Video Tlpi and Bill * Small Classts and Ixeeutor Robert Boyle III Attorney The Volvo 164 shows you Machines Specially Trained Pros 330 Ratzer Road used your brains to get there. Wayne, N.j. 07470 * Intensive Mils and Printed Learning Aids Spfd. Leader, July 31, 1971 The Volvo 164 comes with (fee: UM) Cycle 5 August 4-30 air conditioning, automatic Bank St & transmission, power-assisted llii|!nmrTu,. Th, 7-8 PM"8 l-Hr. Uiions SIB Summit ftve BXBqUTiyiS read our Want Ad! 13 Beginner M, Wed. 8-9 PM 8 1-Hr. Lessons S38 when hiring employees. Brag steering, 4-wheel power disc brakes, Summit _• 273-8811 aBout yourself to over 10,000 14 Beginner M. Wed. JO-IIPMS 1-Hr. LiSions$38 suburban households I call Mi. power frorit windows and leather-faced upholstery... all aTno extra cost. • 15 Adv. Bpg. Tu., Th, 8-9 PM 8 I -Hr, Lesjoni S38 7700, dally 9 to i-00. The 164 also comes with other things an intelligent person can respond to. 16 Ads, Beg. M, Wed, 9-10 PM 81-Hr. LiSioni 138 Like a responsive thrcc-litrc engine with computerized fuel injection. —-trA-dvrBegTTuTTh. lO-ll PMB l-HrLIiloniSJB Even Volvo's front bucket scat,s show a deep-seated commitment to SECURITY: 18 inlirmrtiili M, Wjd. 7-8 PM 8 1-Hr. Lessons 138 Community Presbyterian intelligent design. They're infinitely adjustable. 19lnlwirndii(aTu, Th. QlOPMBJHr. Leisom J38 These arc just a few of the things that make the Volvo 164 what it is. NO RAIN OUTS - WE'RE INDOORS AT ... DAY SCHOOL NURSERY Come in and let us show you the others; «....«.>,JO.™.L.M...... ™ Up to $40,000 Worth! VOLVO 164 THE MILLBURN TENNIS ACADEMY Announces Hold it, we've got you covered 56 E. WILLOW ST. MILLBURN, N,J, The. luxury car for people who think. SPECIAL CLASS and PROGRAM ... up to $40,000 for each sep- Ts njltvl yoyi pnilien, uni Ihn coupon win I [fleck Is THE TENNIS arate account. Stop in today and ACADEMY OF MILLIURN, 51 E Willovr St. Millburn, HI 07041 fUunilign un only III icciptid with iccompinyini piymmt II you m«d fuithir in For find out all about it I lormitlon. all 171 3001 Indicm Cudi Ns Indiciti Group No 3 YEAR OLD CHILDREN SMYTHEVOWO NIJ! Registration For September Available i(M (llair Mirm INC., For Information Call: City Hill BFF CE Mrs, Sue Reardon ... 232-8777 326 MORRIS AVE., SUMMIT 273-4200 ECHOPUZURE*! "*'" ' Bj Mrs. Pat Hoefig ... 233-6743 LONG-TERM LEASING AVAILABLE Mountain | !Hilli!

JBS MOUNTAINSIDE(N,J.) ECHQ-Thursday, July 31, 1975-3 THE NOVEMBER CANDIDATES letters to Editor j piiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii imniHiiiiinitniilillKliiiiii liiiiiniinmniinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiinnmiii; inifR THE NOVEAABER CANDIDATES Assemblywoman Profile - Walter E. Ulrich EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT In November New Jerieyans will have the (Continued (com page I) economically consolidated under a more opportunity to vote their support or non-support Profile « Leda Perselay cooperate and render services such as dntn regionalized county structure," of the ERA, tho women's Equal Rights WILSON processing, technical and radio com. Ulrich, 54, li completing his lath year as Amendment. (continued from pigt 1) of government," said tho former social worker, 1 munlcatlon, planning and bulk purchasing to member of the Board of Freeholders, There is much confusion in people's minds of services to municipalities," She said the "New government requires new ideas. I am a reports the munieipolltlei, and further, that county Previously, ho was a GOP county com- regarding this legislation. Most citizens and county must create "innovative programs member of a team which will bring to the most legislatori are in favor of women's rights which will be acceptable to the municipalities Board of Freeholders new ideas for county " government should bo geared to properly mitteeman, a charter commissioner for the KlIIIIHIIIHIflltliilllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllilllilllllllllllilllllllllill 1 city of Railway and a Rahway councilman for and so they think that they ihould support the so that contract services may be provided to government, We will not be Jaded by past ex- program the assumption of any other service amendment. I, too, strongly support women's perience on the board, 1 believe in innovative Many communities in my district suffered • which the municipalities determine they can no 10 years, 195S-65. He is a member of the municipalities at substantial savings of tax severe flood damage as a result of recent heavy Freeholder board's heolth and social services rights and, in fact, am a member of Feminists dollars," Such services could Include cen- programs. My life style and career have been longer effectively handle, but could be more For Life, but I would urge every voter in Now people oriented. County government, as all rains. Unfortunately, this situation is nothing committee and chairman of its public services tralized purchasing, computer services, now. Floods arc a recurring problem that will committee. Jersey to vote against tho ERA amendment in technical services and expertise in planning, government, must, of necessity, be people November, for the following reasons. oriented." not be solved until we establish regional flood During his terms os a freeholder, he also has engineering and grant writing and ap- control authorities with tho power and the served as a member of the purchasing, inter- Women have already achieved all that they plications, Mrs. Perselay, a graduate of Elizabeth's want in the way of employment rights by money to develop and implement adequate governmental' affairs, insurance, roads and "Union County is embarking on a new form Battin High School, received a bachelor of arts flood control programs. bridges and public property committee!. He means of tho Equal Opportunity Act of 1972. degree from Upsala College in 1951, She also The education amendments of 1972 as im- studied at the Now School for Social Research In the meantime, several government and was freeholder representative to the Union other agencies do provide services to flood County Welfare Board, deputy director of the plemented by the HEW regulations of 1974 in New York City and the New York University give women everything we want and need in Murder case School of Social Work, victimsT Board of Freeholders, chairman of the —The local Red Cross will provide aid in department of public affairs and general education, and the passage of the Depository (Continued from pagi ti She joined the Union County Welfare Board Institutions Act of 1974 provides women with Green Grove on Stuyvesant avenue in Union to relocating people whose homes were destroyed welfare and liaison to the board of managers of as a case worker in 1969. In 1973 and 1874 she or badly damaged, John E, Runnells Hospital, Berkeley Heights. the same credit rights as men. pick up something. But police believe he was assistant director and coordinator of Essex But what the ERA will give women (and never reached Green Grove, County's Senior Volunteer Program. —The County Welfare Board and the County Ulrich's other community services have Civil Defense Office can provide help and included membership on the board of trustees men) is the permanent legaliiation of abortion Union Detective Robert Jarman and Her volunteer work has included service with and homosexuality, and what on earth do they the American Association of University useful information, of the Hospital and Health Planning Council of Assistant Union County Prosecutor Leigh —The New Jersey Small Business Metropolitan New Jersey Inc. and the have to do with legitimate women's rights? Waiters were put in charge of the case. They Women, board membership of the Berkeley Once ratified, the Equal Rights Amendment Heights United Fund, which she served as Administration can grant loans at reduced executive committee of Federation of Boatmen said that at the time of the slaying, the three interest rates to repair flood damage to homos, of Now Jersey. In addition, he is a member of will repeal all and every kind of anti-abortion men had finished a $10,5 million deal between treasurer in 196244; a block captaincy and the .law we still now have, and will prevent the 1970, 1971 and 1972 Muscular Dystrophy personal property and businesses in federally American Legion Post 5 in Rahway, Veterans the government of Senegal in Africa and a ship declared disaster areas. The governor has of Foreign Wars, Watchung Power Squadron, enactment of any anti-abortion law in theImllcilng company in Tacoma, Wash , with the campaigns; the co-chairmanship of the future. Berkeley Heights March of Dimes campaign applied to tho President, who has now officially New Jersey Legal Management Association, profit for the three men to be $600,000, split declared New Jersey n disaster area. Franklin Madison Home Owners Association As the' law stands now in this country, three way). from I960 In 1962; advertising journal chair- abortion is still only a "Supreme Court right" Authorities said it was Smith's contacts in man for the 1972 ball of the Opera Theater of —All flood losses in excess of %M) and ,n and the International Narcotic Enforcement excess of insurance reimbursement are Officers Association. and can still be contested; but, once ratified, Europe that helped him get the job with Stein's New Jersey, and co-founder of the Berkeley ERA will make abortion-on-demand a con- firm Smith served with the US, Army in Heights chapter of Deborah. deductible on your 1975 federal income tax He has been a recipient of the annual award stitutional right. Europe during World War II antl stayed there Mrs, Perselay, a former Democratic county return. You should take photographs to of the Mental Health Association of Union Furthermore, passage of this amendment afterwards. After retiring he and his wife, committeewoman, and her husband George, a document the extent of damage incurred. County, the Bronze Key award of the National will guarantee the legalization of homosexual fnrmer French film star Gabrielle Andre, Westfield attorney, live in Summit. They arc —Federally subsidi7,od flood insurance is Council on Alcoholism and the Union County "marriages"and grant them the legal rights of moved to Irvington, She died 2>»2 years ago. He the parents of three children; Geoffrey Scott, now available through commercial channels Council of Senior Citizens Award. husbands and wives. Is this the kind of society had been married to Mrs, Marion Smith for a 22, a Hobart College graduate; Cathie Sue, 20, a for residents of municipalities in my district I1ARL0W CURTIS Ulrich was born in New York City, but has you want to live in? var and a half at the time of his death, student at Wheaton College, Norton, Mass., and While the information I have listed may been a resident of New Jersey since 1923 and of There is immense funding from the A Union County Grand Jury had convened Michael Bryan, 13, prove helpful to flood victims, a permanent Curtis observes Rahway since 1949. He attended Catawba Rockefeller Foundation and Playboy Magazine earlier in the month to look into the murder, solution, in the form of flood control, is what we College in Salisbury, N.C., and Columbia to push passage of the ERA, but your votes can A spokesman for the prosecutor's office said really need. I have introduced legislation to University and earned a bachelor of law degree stop its ratification and 1 urge every voter in ihe county and the FBI are conducting in- Realtor attends establish a regional flood control authority for 35 years at plant from John Marshall School of Law, New Jersey to do just that in November. vestigations into possible loansharklng deals the Green Brook sub basin and have cospon- sored Assemblyman Joseph Garrubbo's bill to 1 An Army veteran of World War II, he rose GRACE O.DERMODY the company may have been involved in. The RELO meeting Harlow Curtis of Mountainside cilebrates from private to captain and saw action In four Pcmhrook road create a similar authority for the Rahway his 35th year with Bristol-Myers Products, spokesman said the investigation may lead to Better service to a growing number of major campaigns. Prior to enlistment, he was organized crime. River. Hillside, this week. transferees moving from one city to another for These bills have passed the Assembly and employed as a public relations clerk by the Contract Expo International was described business reasons was the prime focul of three Curtii worked in the company's manufac- Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, Upon com- jis an international "go-between" that are now in Senate committee. I have been turing area in various capacities for several days, Westfield Realtor Nancy Reynolds has working very hard to get these bills out of pletion of law school, he worked as a claim Playground arranged business deals between European reported after attending the annual midyear . years, thin transferred to personnel. In 1955 he supervisor and supervisor of the legal and American firms, committee and passed in the Senate. I have became personnel manager and in 1B63 was (Continued from page i) meeting and national educational conference of been assured that the governor will sign them department of the Hartford Accident and Obstacle Course; Girls 6-8, Ellen Savage, Stein and Insabella were arrested by Sgt, RELO-Inter-City Relocation Service members promoted to personnel director of plant Indemnity Co., Newark, He now is manager of when they reach his desk. Katie Cushman;' Walter Bettyman of the Mountainside Police in New Orleans, operations. In 1865, he was named plant and the law firm of Stevens and MaUtias, Newark, Flood waters cross municipal and county Girls 9-10, Amanda Wykoff, Karen Flynn; Dept., Detective Sgt. Phillip Powers of Cedar "RELO members assisted 16 percent more . community relations director, the position he Ulrich and his wife, the former Bernice M,. Grove, Detectives Jarman, Herbert Truhe and boundaries, A regional approach is necessary if holds today. Girls 11-13, Heidi Hafeken; families during June 1975, compared with June we are ever to get out from under the constant Janssen of Worthington, Minn,, have a son, Boyi M, David Rizso, Psvid Biackwell; James Williams of Union and Lt, Richard 1974," she said. Over 400 leading real estate Born in Newark, he attended Hillside schools, Waiter E. Jr., a computer science engineer; a Mason and Investigator William Mello of the threats of floods. We simply cannot wait any Ohio State and Rutgers University, He is a past Boys 9.10, Mark Dougherty, Alex Caiola; brokers and sales associates from this country longer. Flood control legislation must be daughter, Marilyn Ulrich Lynn, and one prosecutor's office. and overseas attended the meeting. Miss president and truitii of th« Hillside Industrial grandchild. Boys 11-13, David Cushman, Ted Noe, enacted and implemented immediately Association and a trustee of the Hillside Reynolds moderated a panel on advertising. foundation and technical training program, A director of Junior Achievement of Union Brumell new vice-president* County and the Chamber of Commerce of Miss Smith joins To Publicity Chairmen; OPENING AUGUST 2nd Eastern Union County, he also serves on the Employer Legislative Committee of Union bandtit Va. Tech Would you like County. posts for Friedman, Loomer The Virginia Tech Bands at Virginia some help In pre- / Constant M Polytechnic Institute in Blaeksburg have an- •Robert H. Brumell, ad- Vailghurg Leader and The William Friedman from paring newspaper /iRfflid^ mi Regional nounced that Sandra L. Smith of Mountainside vertising director, has been Suburbanaire, advertising manager of the releases? Write to haj been accepted for membership, Sandra has named viee-president of Union Leader to retail display (Continued from page 1) advertising' of Suburban Brumell joined the thii newspaper and played flute in the Gov. Livingston Highlander organization in 1938 as anadvertising manager of the except thoie required by the state; four years High School Band. She is the daughter of Paul Publishing Corporation's nine mne-new«paper suburban ask for our "Tips A Different Kind of Book Store of English, lJ,S, history, physical education and publications; the Union advertising sato^man with the on Submitting News 4 New Providence Rd, J.Jmith, Irvington Herald. group- Charles Loomer, health. Freshmen accepted into this organization are Leader, Springfield Leader, classified manager, to Releases,11 Mountainside Student objectors stated that pass-fail could selected' on the dual bases of musical The Spectitor, Linden Leader, Additional Staff changes national advertising manager. 232-3023 Daily 10 to 5 lessen a pupil's participation in class. They background and academic ability. At the close Mountainjide Echo, Suburban announced by Aiher Mintz, added that immature gtudents might elect of the marching activities, new members are Leader, Irvington Herald, associate publisher, were; pass-fail too freely and harm their chances for auditioned by the band staff and tike their class ranking and college admission. places with the upperclassmen in one of the Dr, Siegel declared that the new plan makes concert bands, New members may also par- CONSUMER Get Important Savings some changes from present procedures, which ticipate with the Jazz Ensemble or the Wind are somewhat different in each school. Gov, Ensemble, INFORMATION Livingston Regional in Berkeley Heights this While Helping To Conserve Natural Gas ' year wai the only school with final exams. Pass-fail options were offered only In Brearley and Jonathan Dayton Regional in Springfield, J.P.Frank, 77; The comments on final exams or projects ranged from some by student* who regarded Elizabeth native them as a ploy to increase attendance in the final weeks to board member Roland Hecker of A Funeral Mass was offered yesterday at St. SAVE $59! Berkeley Heights who called for com. Anthony's Church, Elizabeth, for Joseph P. Frank of Mountainside who died Saturday, Mr, By prthensive exams in all virtually, subjecti. Charlotte Mitchell Other audience comments ranged from Frank, 77, was the husband of Mrs, Gertrude detailed questions on the exact computation of Knorr Frank, Director of SPECIAL VALUE marks to comments on the philosophy and Born in Elizabeth, Mr. Frank moved to Consumer Information goals of education, which Mrs, porsky reluc- Mountainside 19 yean ago from Westfield, He Elizahethlown Gas FROM OUR tantly ruled out of order, had owned and operated seven! businesses in Mrs, Dorsky closed the meeting by saying Elizabeth, Mr, Frank wai a communicant of St. CARE-CLEANING-CURE CONSERVATION that she had opposed the concept of an open Anthony's Church and a member of the The 3 C's Elizabeth Elks, committee meeting, feeling that it would be of Range Use , • SALI unduly complicated and not conatructive, "But He is also survived by four ions, Joseph of I was wrong," she told the young members of last Brunswick, George of Isellne, Edward of A lew Cirdlnil rutos should the audience, "I have gained a great deal from Roielle Park and Harold of Hillsborough. A ba followed in ordir to pro- your comments," daughter, Mrs, Rose Cobb of Westfield, and 11 tect your gis range. grandchildren. 1, Care — or, an ounce at She atoo laid, "You were the only mm in the prevention. community who cared to come and be heard. I Arrangements were completed by the ; MoCracken Funeral Home, Union. 1. Use csrract (lame size. A won't promise to follow all your suggestions, flamt which Is too high will but they were much appreciated," Mule splattering and boil- overs, b. Uii correct silt pin. (Al- Named io dean's list Golubreelected low for expinsion when neoeisary.) ALLENTOWN, Fa.-Mary Ellen Schaaf, c. ThBfiamBshBuldneverex- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schaaf of Kean chairman ttnd beyond thi bottom of Mountainside, N.J., has been named to tlie thrpari; spring semester dean's list at Muhlenberg Herbert Golub of Rolling Rock road, d. TimB thi cooking opara- Mountainside has been re-elected chairman of lions proptrly and use cor- College, Allentown. She is a member of the mol temptraturt s, Class of 1975. the department of music at Kean College of iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiui New Jersey, it was announced this week by Dr. 2. Cleaning Lawrence Dorr, vice-president of academic IN NEW POSITIONS - a. Hinso and wipe surfaces affairs Robert H. Brumill (natid) dry after waihlng. Golub joined the Kean College staff in 1965 is new viee-preiidint of b. Avoid the uso of gritty advertising of Suburban cleaners, and is an associate professor, Golub received c. Discoloration of the finish •his B.S. and M.A. degrees from New York Publishing Corporation's will occur if foods such at University. His term will run through 1978. nine publications. William fruit juices, codec, tea or MIMIIII Friedman, left, ii retail milk are not wiped off Im- SUBURBAN display advertising mediately. IJEW5PAPSH5 d. Do Nat use commercial Model TRP2BCX OF AMERICA manager, and Charles Softball r oven cleaners on any alum- s loonier is'" national ad- inum, ihfomi of pliitlftJ (Continued from page 1) | vertislng managtr, parti of the range, or on REPLACE »QW! IN WHITE OR COLOR! Published each Thu(*4Ay by the score on hits by Pat Kelk, Peggy Brahm continuous-elearilng oven When you replace your old gas range with Trumar Publishing Corp. Imagine Betting »rang* of this quality tor Tind Vaughn-eushman, liners and oven thermo- a new modern gas range yeu actually use such a low price! Features include i»rg» Suilllllllllliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllliiiiiiliilliiliiil Milton Minti,.put>lisher In the fourth inning, the MOHIB added two stats. less 8«9 to do more—thanks to better de- 24" % 19" s 14V4" oven with light and win- 3. The pound of Curt sign and esnstruetion frttures. dow, deep hinged top for esiy surlacj Aihir Mint*, »iwtl»t« pumlihtr runs to take the leod. Pat Kelk, Judy Crabtree, Vicki Goldenberg, Joyce Wyckoff, Lynn von a. If a spilhover ocnum.'wipi You also cook better on a modern gas cleaning, up-ahgie control panel with N6WSOEPARTMBNT 1.S.D.Y CHOICE FREEZER'SPECTAT immediately with a dry range. So what better time than now to walnut burl design and other wanted fea- der Linden and Vaughn Cuchman all singled to cloth or paper towel. When Kiren Ziutyk < produce the.runs. In the fifth and sixth, the 1 replace your old gas range while you can tures to mike cooking easier. Choose Abner Gold, Sup*rvliin9 Editor range !• cool, clean with save an important iiO.OO on trjit famous, white, avocado, harvest gold or copper- Lcs MaUmu), Director Moms scored four insurance runs on two hits by warm water and detergent. SIDES OF BEEF ?1 make Glenwood. tont.iMad* By ttmoui Oltnwood,; known Joan Kukan, Unda Martin, Joyce Wyckoff and • (Hiddlno WtiOhl J00-323 Idl) ' Rinse with clour warm since 1179 tor quality ranges. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT water, dry thoroughly, RobwtH.Brumtfl, Elsa Halbsgut and single hits by Pat Kelk, Ellic CUT. WRAPPED. FROZEN. DELIVERED vIciprttlMntiMiiivMtlitng * WE ALSO HAVE I DIFFERENT PLANS b. Most ordinary stains can wlllltm PritdmMt, • Riccardl, Judy Crabtree and Sandy Everly. be removed with baking r*t«ii


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[ SUBURBAN PUBLISHiMOCORP. 1 L.1J9.1 jtuyvfuqnt kit,, Union.._N._J._ 07083, g '. "••"• •" ••"'"• 1 CALL 1 Plsolt Insart the following classified oil. •

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1 16 17 18 19 20 | | 'if additional word, ore raquir.d, attach i.parat* lhee! of paper) ' DEADLINE : 1 N™. 4.,.: [ . • ' J1 Addxn „„ .. " • Tuesday Noon For | City .„..,.,...., MT'...w. Phon. '

1 Inxli Ad ,.TIm. (•) P>r In.efllon Slatting .' (Dot.) | 11 Amoun •'.t Enelai.J , ( ) Caih ( ) Check. (_ ).Mon.y Ord.i , ! [ Thursday's Publication.

4 * t * , ' * Future king studies at Union College B'9 band sound Thursday, July 31, 1975-5 Ar ...... on Wednesday at Federal flood aid totals African prince taking criminal justice course Echo Lake Park A Union College student will one day reign as The "big bnnri" sound of the IBM's and ISHO's a king in Africa. Among the criminal justice will return to Ihe Union County Park Com- $400,000 for county majors li Prince Omoiholo, who will become mission's Keho Uke I'ork, Westfleld and king of Owo-Ondo Province In Nigeria when his Mountainside, next Wednesday when the Link father, Chief Omosholo, dies. At "the requeit of lilnki'ly Orchestra will present a program at projects, says Rinaldo his government, the prince is studying the liiiO p.m. Rain date is the following evening. American judicial syitem with the hope of The concert is free. WASHINGTON, D.C.-The award of $400,000 The grants Include $40,000 for expansion of eventually returning homo with a system The band has ten acclaimed as one of the in federal grants to implement five flood the Springfield Senior Citiiens Center; $30,000 tailored to meet the needs of his people who Ix'sl In New Jersey. The program In the Park control projects in Union County was an- to supplement other federal and state grants want "the modern wny," Commission's Summer Arts Festival repeats nounced this week by Hep, Matthew J. Rinaldo, for creation of additional senior citizen centers Prince Omoshola came to the United States appearances in the last two years. (U.-N.J.I. in the county; $20,000 for Improvement of child four yearn ago when he was commissioned to Special "big band" features include the jazz The Union County lasvmakor said recent care services in the county; $10,000 for study food processing technology at For- solos of Kd Finkel of Cranford who improvises heavy flooding in the county underscored the restoration of a historic !7th century farm mingdaie Community College In I^ong Island, to create new melodic lines. The band is one of need for funding the projects immediately. He house on Madison Hill Road in Clark, $20,000 His plans were changed and criminal justice the few to feature four trombones, Some of the described the grants as a major flood control for land acquisition for open space purposes in became his new major. He investigated musicians have played with the "big bands" in development for the county Roselle, and $50,000 for acquisition of land and programs in tho area and was referred to Union the past. The Housing and Urban Development grants buildings for an urban development program in College's. The prince Is presently living in The music is not all ID3O§ and 1040a. Some arc for cnginerinjj and design work Involving Summit. Plainfield with his wife and four of his seven ii(ihi rock is included, along with ballads, storm water detention basins, including one at children and attending the main Cranford latins, up-tuncs and waltzes, Lenape Park to curb flooding danger in campus, Tlio Link Hlakely Orchestra will be Cranford, Itahway, Clark, Keniiworth and AAcCuNoch leaves "The modern way," which Prince Omoshola presented by the Park Commission in Gurwood. hopes to bring home to his native people, means cooperation with the American Federation of equal justice for the poor as well as the rich, flinaldo said the Umape Park project, for Scouting position Musicians Local 151, through a grant from the which a $200,000 grant find been approved, was something which does not exist today. He sees Music Performance Trust Fund, a public George McCuiloch, acting scout executive of in Nigeria what he calls "misplacements of expected to reduce flooding in Rahway by one Ihe Union Council, Boy Scouts of America, for si'rvice organization created and financed by third and to almost eliminate the danger of justice" which place extra burdens on the poor the recording industries under agreement with the past 15 months, has resigned, it was an in areas such as taxation and housing. "The flonding in Cranford, nnunced this week. ihu Federation, A $150,000 grant was made for the Tract 19 modern way" also includes signs of growing The public may bring lawn chairs or blankets Activities of the local Scout organization, industry with seaports, factories and cities detention basin project in Plainfield from which serves some 7,000 young people through for seating on the slope in the lower pavilion which flood prevention benefits are also ex- dotting the landscape, which all add up to iirea of Echo take Park, Motor vehicles should its Cub Scout, Scout and Exploring programs ,n greater progress, the prince believes. He also pected to accrue to Scotch Plains and Fanwood. Eastern Union County, will be directed tern- ROYAL STUDENT—Among Union College's criminal justice ma|ors Is Prince Omo»hola ••nlcr from Springfield avenue and Mill lane Grants of $20,000 each were made for the hopes to build more hospitals, clinics, schools of Owo-Ondo Province In Nigeria, who will one day reign as king following the The program the following week in the Park porarily by a representative of the Northeast and homes, „ Elizabeth River detention basin project in Region, Boy Scouts of America, of which the death of his fathar. The prince ii studying the American judicial system with the Commission's Summer Arts Festival will be "The people need more facilities in order to Hillside and the Carpenter Place detention council is a part, according to Stewart B, Kean, hope of returning home with a system tailored to the needs of his people. Harry Hepcat and the Boogie Woogie Band on basin plan in Crnnford, The Elisabeth River help themselves," Prince Omoihola said. Wednesday, Aug. 13, B:30 p.m. council president, What "the modern way" does not include, project is designed to benefit Union as well as McCuiloch, a resident Of Bloornfleld, has A Park Commission "events" telephone, 332- Elizabeth. The Carpenter Place control work Is however, is the abandonment of his country's MIi), provides up-to-date information about served the local council for five years, initially custom of allowing men to have as many as 60 designed to also aid Linden, Rosolle, Cranford as a district executive and later as field Park Commission takes these and other programs in the Union County and Roselle Park. wives. In the United States, he has only one, parks. director, before assuming the acting council who is also a native of Nigeria, but once he Rinaldo also announced HUD grants of more executive post in April, 1974. His resignation returns home, the prince hopes to keep about than $200,000 for community development was accepted at a meeting of the Council's 25, children to Reservation Family camping programs in Union County, Executive Board. "It's surprising American law does not Opportunities for children to participate in structiun is given in hnrsehaek riding followed permit me to have as many wives as 1 want," activities in the Watchung Reservation are by an hour's ride, jt the Park Commission's the prince commented. "In Africa, to be a with YAA-YWHA First'benefits' being provided by The Union County Park Watchung Stable First recorded worker 300 PAIRS OF husband is a big thing, He Is looked upon as Commission as a part of Its program of Coordinated with the name program the Park An uppnrtunity for parents and children to taking on a big responsibility. Women worship idin|i together will be provided when the New protection benefits in the playground activities. This includes children rommibsion has provided the opportunity, on a United Stales were instituted SLACKS & JEANS their husbands there as gods and whatever they from 14 Union County communities which no fee basis, for children to attend sessions of li-rst-y YMHA-YWHA camps opens Its own they give to their husbands." utilities at Milford, Pa. The family camping by a small Passaic leather $ c REGULAR PRICE responded to the offer from the Park Com- the tennis, and gnlf academies conducted in the company which took out a FOR 00 Prince Omoshola believes his present wife mission's Recreation Department. park bystem Children who havn expressed a pi ograni>, » ill he open for a seven-day period '5 UP TO *2O A PAIR! MmidjN Aug 25 Families can come for all group life insurance policy on might prefer to bt his onlyone ai a result of her Of 32 trip! to the Watchung Reservation on desire to participate in such activities but who its 121 employes in 1911. FOR BOYS' GIRLS" JUNIORS experjfneejn theUnitedJtates, but he believes the summer schedulej eight Jnciudeehildren are unable to provide the fees are ennsidered seven days or for part of the period, including ALL SIZES IN STOCK! his eountryVtraditidh is Wronger? the Lahor Day weekend. eARPlNTiBS, ATTENTION I attending the four playgrounds operated by the In addition the van service has becrrmade Sell ysurwlf to over 10,000 famHIn ~ "It's difficult for Americans to understand available to transpnrt senior citizrns to Wed 1 he piM season family camping program is wltn a tawemt Want Ad. Call M*. LASTWiEK! ALL DEPARTMENTS! Park Commission, while 24 trips are for 7700. this aspect of our culture but this is how both children from the various municipalities. nesday evening programs nf the Summer Arts J umtinuation uf a tradition at the "V camps, ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE my wife and I were raised," Prince Omoshola Transportation in all cases is by a van, Festival in Echo Lakf Park, and efforts are r- ai h family takes over a camper bunkhouse stated. anil partiupatrs in an informal recreation AND MANY AT EVEN provided by the Park Commission. The visits to being made tn interest nlder groups in tours of Vt PRICE GREATER DISCOUNTS! Contrary to his expectations, Prince the Watchung Reservation include par- the Watchung Reservation and garden spots of program using all the facilities of the Mllfqrd Omoshola's experience with American blacks ticipation in a nature talk at the Trallsido the county park system i amps FALL PREVIEW has been favorable, He had heard they would Nature and Science Center followed by a nature The county park playground program at four Mnrning da>-camp activities are provided , ntt NEW FALL • be hostile but discovered this was not the case. walk, during the morning. After lunch, in- locations also includes visits to the Turtle Back hut families spend time together hiking, 20°/eO OTT OUTERWEAR "The first American black I met was when I Zoo and, late in August, a trip to the Franklin swimming, playing tennis, volleyball, baseball Purchased By AUiulf IS stepped off the plane at Kennedy Airport four Institute in Philadelphia Children par , p.m. at the Union board, which now consists of six Democrats County Park Commission's Warinanco Park and two Republican!," Ice Skating Center, Roselle. The exhibit in the THE UNION past has been at the Trailside Nature and Science Center in Ihe Watchung Reservation. Flea market scheduled The exhibit will include results of projects at CENTER Union Catholic Boys High School will hold its playgrounds supervised by the Park Com- annual flea market on Oct. 4 on the school mission staff as well as those of community 'NATIONAL' grounds, 1800 Marline avt,, Scoteh Plains, playgrounds. BANK Public health course added to Union College curriculum Union College has added its first course in prove the quality of service," Prof. Wolf said. public health to Its offerings for the fall "Introduction to Public Health' is designed to semester, Prof. Elmer Wolf, dean of the achieve this goal." college,' reported this week. Among the subject areas to be covered in the Introduction to Public Health is designed for development of health services are private student* who are interested In any of Uie health medical care,.-hospitals-private and com- professions, urban planning, public ad- munity health agencies, the drug industry, ministration or community, development, Wolf voluntary and government insurance plans, said. It will be offered on Tuesdays and and current health issues and problems. The Thursdays from 1:30 to 2:50 p.m. and 6:30 to course carries three college credits. 8:15 p.m. at the college's Cranford campus. Introduction to Public Health will be taught ItXhlmlovrnlnunloni "Providing the proper health Care services In by Dr. Theodore Austin, an associate professor ^—- £«M«t4«l>lw*aU»ir»puM either an undeveloped or ar, advanced society Triinu which now Intludti mor» ol yourMivorM Uiicnuin, ,in Union College's biology department and Mtndrin ind Canlftnisi dllhM. depends upon the coordination and cooperation coordinator of the nursing program. of many different health professions," Wolf Dr. Austin It, a graduate of the Hudson River explained. "This course Is designed to explore SUNDAY BUFFET $ 4.95 State Hospital School of Nursing and holds a Fiiit on • colymilin butl*t Svndiv fregn s PM to I PM. the historical, social, economic,' and scientific bachelor of science degree in hospital ad- Chooii from 10 Olthn Including IOUP. tu •!») Mutri. Ctilldrin aspects of health care service and to provide an ministration from Northwestern University und*r U l^ilf prlci. Liquor not Included, overview and appreciation of the entire health PER He earned a master of business administration PERSON care system." ''" degree from Northeastern University, a LUNCHEON BUFFET $ 2.75 Wolf pointed out that .Union College presently For lunch com* munch on ovr lunch«n bttfltf tvtry wtikdiy master's degree In public administration from from littt AM 1O2IOO offers a biology prograrn wjtfch features nine Harvard University, and a doctorate In ( different pre-professional and career options. education from Boston University. The college, in cooperation with the schools of Prior to joining the Union College staff, Dr. DIHIHG,DANCIHG AND EHTERTAIMENT nursing of Muhlenberg and Elizabeth General Bv«rr Ittunttv night li ihow nlthi. comi«« unit .ntirnlnmwl ind tup Austin served as associate dean and professor out on our Itugamnci floor t» llvt muiit. Nivtr • minims hi of utirtiinomnt Hospitals, also offerii a three-year program in of preventive medicine ahd public health at the professional nursing and a joint program, In College of Medicine and Dentistry of New dental hygiene with Uotoji County Technical Jersey. He was also an executive officer of the Institute and the New'JerjeyfCollege of- Messing Health and Extended Care Facility, Medicine and Dentistry, union .College also Perth Amboy, the Cambridge City Hospital, offers program options In medicof records and the Jersey City Medical Center. Cloud Mondiyi, During Augutt. FORMEKLV CLU4 DIANA MEMBER FDIC administration, urban studies arid public ad- Additional information about; the course In ministration. public health or any of Union College's other 2800 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE UNION, N.J. .CONVENIENT LOCAT "In all of these areas, studenta need a broad health-related programs may be obtained byj Major Credit Cards Honored* For Reiervali ROSELLE PARK Call 486 7700 • chicken cut into 8 pieces. Let well. And it has a 30:mlnute alarm bell! stand in refrigerator for at Yours foforr only $12.95. 3>/2 Room Apt. $245, Air Cond. least 1 hour Dredge chicken 5 Room Apt., $285, Air Cond. in one third flip flour; shake Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with off excess Dip chicken In 2 ? full dining room. Large kitchen can eggs, beaten, then roll in u cup fine, dry bread crumbs 01 accommodate Clothes Washer & dryer. , Fine Jeweleriss Since 184s8 mixed with l tablespoon Beautifully landscaped garden •AMAZING WHAT barbecue spice. Plabe on The Mall* Short Hills IS WE, CAM SOMETIME DEPUTY — George Pregrim (left) of Union apartments,Train to Penn Sta.> & N.Y.C. Montclslr t Wayni • Paromus • Woodbrldpe greased baling pan. Bake in greets Willis C. McDonald of New Orleans, 1975- In 25 nilns. DO WITH A preheated,moderhte oven (350 E. Brunswick• Nanuet, N.Y. eStaten Island, N,V. LITTLC - 76 grand exalted ruler of the Elks, at the fraternal ' Walk.to all schools. Large shopping areas degrees F ) t hour or until .Mpn SThgu Ev«ltjH9 CONFIDENCE/ organisation's convention In Dallas. Pregrim has 1 y^^AyeWatRoSe..eA COMING! done. Serve hot or cold If Diner s Club •Am«ican Expres^s .Bank Amer.csrdeM.iler Charje been named deputy grand exalted ruler of the Elks PROMPT DeLIVERY^Ption.3!»>171 desired,' sprinkle additional .Adds per cmiStleim »c Handling th»« barbecue spice while serving East Csnkal-District _ln NewJeue-y __^.. I.Thursday, July 31, 1975- Your Guide To Better Living in the SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MART • City # Suburbs • Farm Country m Lake # Shore Closing cost eliminated at Westlake The Westlake homes in Lakehurgt, have just been made more attractive through the elimination of all closing costs oh the three bedroom duplex versions. Until Aug. 1, buyers of the newly constructed Lakuhurst homes can enjoy the benefits of owning a home while saving the customary rec! tape ex- penses of moving in. just a 1190 down payment on the $27,990 prieetag will put purchasers in one of the spacious, two-story units. Full basements are included Officers of the DeBow THE BIACON, two-bedroom ranch ityli mobile home at It's on view Monday through Saturday g-a, Rt. 530, Agency, sole sales agency for Pine Bidge-Crcstwood is sold fully cquippid for $13,450,,, Whiting, eight miles west of Toms Rivir Exit BO of the Westlake, say the peripheral Garden State Parkway, costs of owning a home have rsiG BASS LAKE tennis courts have professional Laykold of the BOO-aere home community in the Poconos atGoulds- been cut to provide more surface fo exclusive use by property owneri. This is part boro, Pa. purchasing dollars for prospective homrownprs Mobile Beacon has 2 bedrooms weighed duv»n In thp everyday inflation ir> luing Larsens realize reputation asset Pine Ridge at Crestwood who see this home in our include concrete patios, recreational, hnual and expenses They fi-el the recently unveiled a brand new model area don't quite foundation trim, and un athletic facilities nf the A good reputation is a retiring as a sea captain. He dealing for over 80 years." and the personal attention of easting $1,350 ta^ credit will two bedroom ranch style believe " dergrnund utilities clubhouse lasting asset, even unto the passed the business along to "We pride ourselves on developers who, like them- maki the prospect of hujing mobile home, the Beacon "It A snack-bar pass-through The $1(K) or 5115 per month, fourth generation The truth of his son, and grandson and conveying true value by selves, are on the site every a Weitlake home iwn mnre is offered at what many connects the kitchen dining depending on hum? chosen, pine Kidge is on Route 530, that obsprvation was brought great grandsons continued having top quality day and live right in thi area. economical consider an almost un area with the ifl foot living pays for site rental, heat, near Whiting, Ocean County, home recently,' said John anri the tradition. The Larsens recreational facilities here at The Larsens claim one of bihevably low price— room, which has a decorative taxes, community TV an and is reached via Harden Roth comfort md con Lou Larsen developers of Big began developing choice Big Bail Lake," Lou declares, the features of inspecting 111,450," said a spokesman feature wall The decorator tenna, city water and sev*er, State Parkway, Exit 80 near \emenee are strewed ,it the BJSS Lake the BOO acre home property in the Poeonos over "People who take the time to homesites at Big Bass, ac- G "This price is not for a bathroom boasts a one-piece street cleaning, snnw Tom River Model area is three hedroom duplex homes ccjinmumtv in the Poconos at 12 years ago and since then compare find that we offer cording to most buyers, is that istripped-down model either," lavatory and vanity, deluxe clearing trash and garbage open Monday through in Ldkehurst Homeowners at CiOuldsburo Pa have sold over 2,500 homesites larger parcels of land with there's never any high | according to Joyce Guerin, tub enclosure and an ornate collection, courtesy bus Saturday, y to 6, but closed this uncongested i immunity there, superior facilities for lei! pressure from the sales money. Our beautiful property i sales manager of the active- oval mirrored cabinet Lots of service and the full Sunday can enjoy the ihanging The Larsen hrothers said "To us, this background is reprisintatives, "They are .adult community an Route closets and storage space, - seasons outdoors ami in with tht>\ lake pride in the fact that important," John says, "At a actually sells itself," presint and pleasant, but not total aluminum siding hot air thev are nnt newcomers in the time when land development the Larsens believe that obtrusive. They answer 530, Whitmg, eight milei west even a built-in chest of 1 ,of Garden State Parkway drawers in one bedroom, add heating, aluminum 'indutt ! development nf leisure dnd has been invaded by many developing leisure land can questions, supply complete Included in the basic price are to the Beacon's appeal, she Rent hikes boost and 100 percent fiber glass, recreational communities operators whose practices and never be a mass production information and take visitors 1 ,a fully-equipped General added insulation The king sizi-d Thpir great grandfather product are questionable, we business. They are sure that a on tours of the property, ' the Electric kitchen, complete As with all homes in Pine kitchens feature i dish entered the field un the north can point out that our family community like Big Bass Lake buyers say. even to refrigerator; pecan Ridge, the exterior includes washer, automata Lontrol shore nl Long Island dfter has had a reputation for fair has to have the personal touch "Creating a community like paneling, sculptured wall-to lawn and landscaped grounds, condominium as oven and thoroaghh modern this has to be more than a wall carpeting and luxurious a concrete patio, aluminum step saving design business," Lou says, "A lot of draperies and curtains garden storage shed, off- Model homes are open dailv loving care has to go into it. throughout, street parking for owners and from 10 to 5 WestUke can he Homes sold sight unseen You have to love the land and "In addition to the guests and a buried garbage good investment reached via the Garden htatP have a high respect for necessities," she said, "there receptacle (all utilities are "Continually rising rentals the property taxes and Parkway or Rt 9 tn Rt 70 people- and treat them both are many ettra little touches underground also) for apartments in mortgage interest the} now Then west tor ta-,1 from in Whittier Oaks section kindly." and amenities that make this metropolitan areas are Philadelphia) on 7n tn Cedar To illustrate what thty deduct for federal ta\ pur Corporation of New Jersey, retrigerator-freeEer arid dish- home so livable, and they,-too, All aluminum, color- enhancing the condominium street in Lakehurst Not a single model home mean, the developers note poses " said Miller developer of Whittier Oaks, washer. Desirable options are included in the same low coordinated exterior siding is home js an attractive in »a^ completed, hut the new that social activity has maintenance free over the life For just $190 duwn Julv the first 15 homes sold in the include central air- figure That's what people vestment," according to In addition to the deduc section of 38 homes at Whittier already become one of the of the home, double Insulation buyers will find tomfort as new section were purchased conditioning and mood-setting Nathan J Miller, chairman of tions, owner-residents find Odka off Rt 9 in Freehold important attractions at Big in reihngs, floors and walls well as savings at Westlake by buyers who only had seen fireplace. the board of Building pnd that their property is building attracted bdlei nevertheless Bass Lake, insure all-weather comfort, during the first twij vieeks the plans. The homes can bt financed Land Technology Corporation equltyrtf^rtteiat!ng in value, activities held around From New Jersey and New and every home in Filfe* Ridge justlike a single-family home the swimrrting pool afier the section opening However, Steinfleld states, with as, little as 10 percent York, and other areas to the UNION TOWNSHIP is plugged Into the master '"The condominium 'home," down payments and 8U. Miller points out, "opens up a Situated on one of the Condominium living gives According tn William there are significant reasons east, the route to Big Bass community TV system for residents more time for Sleinfield vice president for why buyers didn't have to wilt percent mortgages by Lake usually lakes in Inter- clear reception of 12 new dimension in everyday highest points of Ocean EXCELLENT RETAIL SPACE leisure and they are com marketing of U S Home to lee the models. Although qualified buyers. The in- state 80, with a turnoff onto 380 Philadelphia and New York living for our residents Of County, the Hill, off Prospect IN CENTER OF TOWN pletely free of the usual the homes in thii section are troductory prices, however, channels equal importance is the op- Street in Lakewood, is an all West to Exit 3, From there it's around community which burdensome chores of home new models, the low In- are available for a limited less than two miles on Rt. 507 portunity it gives owners to time only, SPACE AVAILABLE FROM Financing is available with build equity in their property offers a hilltop environment ownership Snow removal Showroom troductory prices and the to the well-marked Big Bass It is also convenient to the leaf raking, grass cutting views of the fully-completed Thf award-winning Whittier Welcome Center, as little as $4,700 cash down and enjoy all the tax ad Oaks community is 800 to 2,500 SQ.FT. payment Six models of homes vantage^ of home owner metropolitan Areas The exterior painting and mam 1,300 homes at Whittier Oaks is leased made the new homes too good recognized as one of the most are currently being exhibited ship " recreational facilities of the tenance of the expansive 'LOPI BiROiN COUNTYT Jersey shore are just 20 lawns, shrubs, trees and walk Garibaldi Kealtj Corp , to pass up. successful single-family home 17.00 PER SQ. FT, at Pine Ridge at Crestwood Many residents at the Hill communities in New Jersey NEW LUXURY HI RISE ranging from a budget-priced minutes away There are ways are all turned over to bpringfield, industiial real Illustrative of the reasons at High Point, apartment estate specialist has com " for the sales success was the real estate history, in terms of MARLBOROUGH PLUS UTILITIES single at $13,450 to a double- home and townhouse com shopping and cultural centers, professionals foi a modest as well as many parks, monthly fee pleted a long term lease for low introductory price of sales and buyer satisfaction, wiele luxury ranch at $21,450 munity off Prospect Street in Steinfield said. HOUSE LANDLORD WILL COOPERATE All are two-bedroom homes, theatres and restaurants in The one and two-bedroom new showroom and warehouse $47,990 for the new Seabrook 44SO.MAINITRIIT Lakewood, have found their space by General Medical model, a three-bredroom, 2^a- Among the most attractive LQpi, NiW JIRSfY WITH ALL BROKERS and while they are technically net monthly cost is no more the area Frequent express apartment home and BUSES TO MIO.N.Y, AT CORNIR bus service links the Hill to townhouse models at the Hill, Corporation in a modern one bath split level home with factors at Whittier Oaks is the classified as mobile homes, than they paid when they were new public f Igmentary school INQUIRE ABOUT they are offered primarily for major metropolitan business ranging from |17,900, are •story building in Union, ac large, finished recreation 589-3124 collecting ]ust a pile of rent curding to Joseph J Garibaldi room and two-car garage, The directly adjacent to tht • fixed installation as per- receipts In some cases, the centers available with io-year mart gage financing and 10 percent III, vice president and sales Seabrook may be the most community. The new section WMM manent homes on sites that expenses are even less than The community is designed is only minutes from Freehold SPECIAL to appeal to all ages—singles, down manager Feist & Feist of spacious fine home for the the rental they previously paid Newark was co-broker money anywhere around. It and other Monmouth County for a conventional apartment families and adult couples, To visit the Hill at High RENT Point and see the model B W Levine Realty Is the offers all the living spice a shopping areas and both the "At The Hill, they not only and resident! are enjoying the Garden State Parkway and completed clubhouse, harness, take the Garden State owner of the 20,000 square foot family could ask for, plus the enjoy a completely new way of elegant appointments a buyer the New Jersey Turnpike, SAVINGS living, they also benefit from established social life and Parkway to Exit 91 (south- building which is located at bound), Exit «fl (northbound) 1090 Lousons rd on a one acre would expect in a much more Commutation to tht northern Fnllow the signs to Lakewood site The facility was formerly expensive home, metropolitan centers is PLAN and Rt, 9, Turn left on Rt y to occupied by Optical Radiation Thi Seabrook also offers a facilitated by express bus WITH 2YEAR LEASE BEAT THE Prospect street (Paul Kimball Corp of Azusa, Calif, whom spacious living room, a fully- service to Newark and Ntw SPACIOUS U 2 BEDROOM Hospital) Turn right to the Garibaldi office equipped dinette kitchen, York City, AIR COND. APARTMENTS decorator-furnished models, represented exclusively In formal dining room and full Floor plans of thi two new Largt Kitchen \ arranging tht new long-term With Aufo, Plshwashfri open seven days a week from basement. The master models and the entire Whittitr Abundant Cloit t Spice HIGH CCST —10 a-m-to-dusk —lease -between General bedroom suite ha% a private Oaks community can be ONSITIPARKINO Medical Corp and B W bath. reached from the sales office INCL.1NRINT Levine Realty, a release was The other new model in the on Rt, 9 in Marlboro, from FROM ONLY 1273 M0. negotiated for Opltcal IMMIPIATI OCCUPANCY section is the three- or four- noon until 5 p.m., weekdays CALL: WEEKDAYS 9-5 Radiation Corp "with the bidroom Newport priced except Thursday, and from 11 H7.1MD owners during the grand opening a.m. until 6 p.m. on Sundays, •VII.ANDiAT.aSUN, THE CUPOLA HMM9 The modern building has period at $49,990, Homesites To reach the sales arta, take Rinllni Agamon pr.mlui approximately 4,500 square for both new model! art a half the Garden State Parkway to Billy incjiunily A DIRECTIONS: From G«rOt feet of air randitioned office acre or larger, and both have Exit 123 or the Turnpike to Washington Bridge tiki Route TKs HWhWans « Wsst f ssex.N J } BOB uodl, Rochelie psrk exit ro Gracious Residence space which General Medical oil hot air heating and the Exit n. Continue south along MslnSi, (Istjiftl South briMain most modern kitchen ap- Rt, 9 approximately eight It. across Route U, onto loyth - Corp. will use as both IkMaln St. to MsrltorogjivHouse./ People like you for executive offices and pltancesv** including range; mites", showroom for its product lint Are living in dream come true Senior Citizens General Medical Corp is one year'rouncf waterfront homes of the leading wholesalers of injay indepen£fgnf*§ firi^ security surgical, medical and health at Village Harbour. Foras little amid fllagant modern surround care products and equipment $ 4S Ings beautiful frounas loungaa offering support services in as 197, ajQQnth^ libraries, gams raaffli^biauiy and An Offer You Can't Refuse LMNG burtmr shops Inellra tnree design and e^ulp^jlnjfd FINANCIAL SECURITY of a home of your own, sieellenl inaali dally l/om a ulac offices and facilities. Waterfront homes from live manu maid s&v!ce **- private MODERATp RiNT for a modern mobilehoms $ living unlla (for Individuals or community with flood services and nice neighbors. 23 900to*41»900 eouples) complete vftiri iu§g bath 5 and KlIchHiaiti] Forgone monthly We carl work it out for you it South Wind. Uie of Prfvalt SWIM CLUB FROM $29,900 3 bdrm rancher on bulkheodcd lot, 7 V, % morlg tee ,, , UNION TOWNSHIP Private dressing rooms WRIT! OR PHONI FOR FREi flROCHUBi A bsaullfu! way In IIVo — tree ol Typlcel Termn principle and inteFeit sniy baled en 10 % PRESTIGE Ute of year 'round GIVING YOU ALL THi EXCITING DITAILS household rjnores 'fcgew aellvl TENNIS COURTS down, JVt % intsml and 'A % MGIC premium for 360 ties, pleasant companionship right OFFIGE BLDG, See our model homes at prices under 812,000 equal payment! 6n a $29,900 home •at hand Medical and mining cara BARKING, For Bvery Tenant omhunt Instantly availsbla ' 25,000 SO FT security lighting in parking areas. Furnished gr unfurnished. If you've never seen J 95 % financing SyaHsfale ta qualified buyers *SK FOR OUR BROCHURE — HotwstBr Baseboard modern mobilehome, come down and git an BRAND NEW I Dlrecllann Garden Stale Parkway ID enil 63, ent an HI •THi CUPOLA STQR»" HtAB MEAT ABOUT "THE CUPQU" ON THE education! You'll find out why five million 72,.2 mile! Look far our ilgm JOHN BAMILJNfl 6HOW_WOH Facing Garden State Pkwy. Use of SHUPfLBBOARD Americans CHOOSE mobilehome living. It's the IN N J CAll TQU FREE 100-642 9M9 with Kent ts Route 22, COURTS untf VOLLEY BALL COURT SPACIOUS 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Florida type Insure and convenience now right in Ucittd S min. from Newark Ul* of PLAYOROUNP 1 For Tenant! end guaili froni M95 Mo. Niw Jersey, Comi visit with us! W. 100 Rldgewood Avenue, Airport; 25 min. fnm N.Y.C. Paramus, N.J., 07652 MASTER TV ' ANTENNA Hookup Ml unnltlM md ^ available il $8.50 per sq. ft Another line IPC communlly CLEAN, Nf;WLr EOUIPPEp LAUNORV ROOMS 3 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Route 52S, Jackson, New Jersey Th§ Neighborhood on the lay 1 Block to Express H.Y, CorfinUlter feui, IMMEDIATE FROM 2,500 to 25,00 SQ.FT. Lincoln Bus at N Y. Pt. Authority Terminal (seven miles west of Lakewood) PlatfofmJJo. 117 Goes Directly to StmehUnt, OCCUPANCY Across - the Street Full Service (201) 92*0952 - Shopplhg Center. • DIRECTIONS,! Nj. Turnpike to lull n. Oirdtn Qptrf dilly lOflO . i,00, elastd SundiV. BROKRRS State Parkway to Bull 117 to Route ». stay on Rt.» COOPERATION INVITED South to Stonehunt it Frwhold, m mll« loutti «l Far free brQcBiirt, write Box 110, Lakewood, NJ 08701 MANAGER'S OFFICE OP1N 1 DAY! A W1EK Freehold Ractway traffic drde. *t Sctianck RMd. LATE MODEL RESALES AVAILABLE NEVER A WORRY ABOUT APARTMENT MAINTENANCE SERVICE • FOLu TIME ITAfF DCMTIIU> uampiHK ,„„,',.»„ 569-3124 ^4-HOUR EMERGENCY ANSWBRINQ SERVICI. RENTIHG-MANAGIHG AGENT (201) 431-9111

r. 1 Thursday, July 31, 1975 SUBURBAN CALENDAR iniiiiiM i Niiiiiiiiiitiitiiiii itiiiiiiiiililliimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiliii liHiiiiiiiifHiinii Ammmnt NeuuA DISC N The information contained In these listings originates Music, dance with the spomors of the events. Readers ore odvlied DATA -—~ ————___— )o ca|| )|10 ,pOnsorl (telephone number Is included In By MILT HAMMERiiminiMiiiMili HO-MDIL- Judy Colllni, Mth nlt|.g) |( they require additional Information, July 31 at 8:30 p.m./ Jerry |m ||||||||{||{|| mifiniiiiuiiimfUjilIIlIIMIl iiiimiilllliiiiiliiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiimniimiiimni Theater Time Clock Vale, Aug, land 2at 9 p.m.,* Planetarium shows Avenue,' by Nell Simon, The CarptntfrSi Aug. 4-7, Saturdayi, Sundays and Aug, 7.9, 14-U. All I 1:30 p.m., Aug. B and 9, 9 holidays. 733-6600. performances 8:30 p.m. All times listed are furnished by the theater!. p.m.; Bob Hope and Trlnl NiWARK—N.J, Historical Theatreinthe-Round, Stton Lopez, Aug. 1115,1:30 p.m., Society, Wid,.Sat.( 9:30-5. Hail University, 742.9000 or KLMOUA (Elisabeth)- NIGHT MOVES, Aug. ISand 16,9p.m.; Linda 230 Broadway. 483393?. 7635446, Thur., Fri., Man., Turn, 9:25; Sat,, 3, 6:15,10; Ronifadt, Aug. 18, 8:30 TRINTON —N,J, State p.m.; American Symphony WIST ORANOi- 'Catch Ms Sun., 2, 5:45, 0:30; IlLUME IN LOVE, Thur,, Museum, West State straet. Oreheslra, conducted by If You Can,' through Aug. Kri,, Won., Tues., 7:30; Hat., 1, fl; Sun., 3:45, Mon.Frl.i 95; Sat,, Sun, 7:30. Morton Gould, Aug. JO at 10, Mayfalr Farms Dlnnir and hoi,, 1-5. Planetarium Theatre, 731.4300, -O--O-- 8:30 p.m. Garden State Afts Center, S449200, ihows Sat,, Sun. 409.292. WBSTFIiLD-'As You Like F1VE POINTS CINEMA (Union)- iiii. SHAMPOO, Thur.. Fri., Mon., Tues., 7:30, It.' N, J. Shakespeare STANHOPi—Gary Stewart Fesiival of Woodbrldge, (1:30; Sat., 7:30, 8:40; Sun,, 3:30, 7:30, 0:30. and Dolly Parton, Aug. 2. -0..O" July 30, 31, Aug. 3, 4 at 8:30 Chit Atkins with Morton Theater LQST PICTURE SHOW (Unlon)=W, W. p.m. at Echo Lake Perk, Could conducted thi AND THE DIXIE DANCEKINGS, Thur,, Mon., Sponiored by Union County American Symphony CRANFORO-gacquei Brel SHOW ADDED—The Garden State Arts Center has announced that becouie of the Tues., 7:30, 9:15; Fri,, B:30,10:05; Sat,, 2, 0:55, Park Commission, 3548431. Orchestra, Aug. 9, Teresa Is Alive and Well and Living demand for tickets for the Sept, 2 performance of America, the trio hoi been 11:30, 10:15; Sun,, 1:30, 3, 4:30, 0, 7:35, 0:15, Brewer, Awg, la, Benny In Paris,' Fridays, •o-.n- engaged ai well for Thursday night, Aug. 21, Curtain time for bothshows is 8:30 Goodman, Aug, 23, Charley Saturdays and Sundays at MAPLEWOQD-JAWS, Thur., Fri., Mon,, Art p.m. Ticket information may be obtained by calling 264-9200 or writing to Box Pride, Aug. 30, 31, Waterloo 8:30 p.m, through Aug. 23, Tues., 7:15, 0:30; Sat., 1, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10; Office, Garden State Arts Center, Box 116, Holmdel, 07733. Village Music Fesiival. ifi- Celebration Playhouse,'118 Sun., 2, 4:15,6:30, 9. 4700. South ave, 351.5033, MAPLiWOOB-Skftches by •o-.o.. GAIT ORANOi - Agatha Henry Gasser, continuing ISLV, PI A/\ ilimknl (ONH SS1ONSOI UNION—'An Evening with Christie's 'The Mousetrap.' show, Halt Gallery, 2A Juliet discovered her father A WINDOW CLKANKIl, Thur., Mon., Tues. Romberg,' with John Rait, Performances Thursdayl, Inwood p|. 7625999 r - W 1 ri II ii S it 1 )i II 2) Sun 4 10 (i Barbara Meliter, David Fridays and Saturdays, 8:30 TRINTON-'Women Vision,' SHAMPOO Ihur Mon Tu< 'U)i Fri 7 Bender, Peter Soilo p.m., through Aug. 1, Joe photographs by four women, by writing Colman biography 10 10 SU 6 10 10 Sun (.0. ') J5 Sat ,Sun conducting the Slgmund Qf,ten's 'Loot,' Augv i 'Artist In Asia,' handcraftj Romberg Concert By NANCY ANDERSON into the water, but by some magic she taught mitimis SNOW \M III r W.D THL 1HRI-1 mrough Sept, 6, Actor's Cafe from the Far East, Both SKHK.I S 1 to mrnm FFNDHI Orcheitra, Aug. 12,8 p.m. at Theatre, 263 Central ave. exhibits through Labor Day HOLLYWOOD—"Uonald Colman, a Very me to swim. Union High School, 818.1617, Private I'tTsim," just published by William "And I had the most fantastic birthday o o 1'ii.k Of The US HI-M'ORfc, THE NEXT 675.1881, at the N.J, State Museum, Morrow, was written bv the late actor's parties. One year Daddy found a marvelous OLD HAHWAY (Hallway) -FRONT PACK 1'EAKDROP FALLS by Freddy Fender (ABC WISTPIIL&-Unlon County MADISON - In repertory: West State street. (609) 292 daughter, Juliet Colman, so that she herself seal to entertain the children. Afterward, of Thur , Mon , Tues , 7 10, ITI , fl 20, Sat, 1 DOT IKKSD 2020) Ficd'dv (toes himself pioud Park Commission Summer Henry IV, John Brown's 6464, could become belter acquainted with her course, we had to have the pool drained and 4 15, B 15, Sun , I 10 7 Ml WAI DO PEPPER on tins 1,1* with some very, very smo-o-o-th Arts Festival, Link Blakeley Body, Falstaff, Two Thur., Mon., Tues,, 9:15; Fri., 7, 10:10; Sat \ ocals that ai c sui e to please Especially v, hen Band, Aug. 4, Harry Hepeat fathei scrubbed. r Gentlemen of Verona, That Film A child of dolman's middle vears, Juliet 2 IS, d Ti, 10 05, Sun , 1 4a, i 10 <] 10 \ou IHMI IILS "Hoses Arc Red" .mil the and the Booglt Wooglt Championship Season, New 1 Band, Aug. 13. Swett knew him only as any little p,irl knows her "But when I was growing up, I thought all •0-0- I'UTKreen "I Love My Ranchi) Grande " Jersey Shakespeare MOUNTAINSIDE - Nature PARK (Roselle Park) WHERE DOES 11 Adelines, Aug. 20, Smokey daddy before she began work on her book. children lived that way " Additional selections include "I'm Not A Fool Fesiival, Drew University, films, Sundays at 3,3 and 4 HURT?, Thur,, Fri., Mon., Tues., 7:30; Sat. Warren, Aug. J7, All "J had n child's image of a father," Juliet Juliet wrote the final chapters of her book \nymore," "Please Don't Toll Mo How The Madison, Performances p.m., Trallslde Nature and 1 4'i •) 15, H 40 Sun , J 55 7 25, REIN programs at Echo Lake says, "but now, through my research, that's first, presented them to publishers and was Storv Knds," "You Can't Get Here From Tuesday.Sunday, 377.4487, Science Center, Watehung CARNATION OF PETER PROUD, Thur., Fri Park, 354.8431. been expanded into an image of the man. advised that her father was passe There,' "Wasted Davs And Wasted Nights," "I Reservation, 232.5930. "I thought, 'Well, there goes three years of Mon., Tues., 9; Sat., .1:15, (1:40, 10:10; Sun,, 2 Almost Called Your Name," the title tune MILLBURN - 'God's "I wrote the book, because (a) I love writing Favorite,' by Nell Simon, and (b) 1 didn't know Uonald Colman and work down the drain,'" she says. 5 25, fl Y, 'Uefoie The Next 'ii-ardrop Falls," "Wild Side Listings for this calendar may She was so discouraged, she was tempted to Of Life," "After The Fire Is Gone" and "Then Museums With Godfrey Cambridge, wanted to find out more about him. -o-o- Through Aug, 3, Papermlll be sent to; Calendar Editor, scrap the project, hut because she, personally, \ou C.in Tell Me Goodbye " Suburban Publishing Corp., 'The research has made me miss him more FOX-UNION (Rt. 22)- -FRENCH CON- MONTCLAIR - Montclair Playhouse, 376.4343, was interested in Ronald Colman, she pressed (We turn the i olumn over to Kreddv at this P.O. Box 4, Union, N.J. 07013, than I did. I never saw 'A Tale of Two Cities" NECTION II, « (tonight only). BITE TDK Art Museum, South MOUNTAIN LAKlS-'The forward and finally completed the biography to Listings must' Include date, when I was growing up, but when I saw it as an BULLET, Kri., 7,9:.10; Sat. and Sun., 2, 4:30,7 point) "M\ re.)l iiiime is Hjldemar G Iluelta Mountain avenue and Fantastlcks,' Wednesdays the gratification of (he William Morrow time and place of event- adult my father absolutely statffiered me. <) 30 Mon , Tues 7 is ') 40, V n Sat mi'l I was hoin in the Suutli Te\js Valley border Bloomfleld avenue, at 8:30, Fridays and company. nature of even!,- sponsoring 'He was so good! And 1 felt sad because 1 night show town ot San Benito I'm a Mexican American, Tuesday.Saturday, 10 a.m. Saturdays at 9, Sundays at Next, slie thinks, she will write a book about better yet, a Tex-Mex I just picked my stage orBanliitionj _ tiJiphoni couldn't tell him how piod he was," to S p.m. Sunday, 2 to 5:30 7:30, At Nell's New-Yorker: the house she and her husband occupy in name, Freddy Fcndci, in the late '50s .is d number (or inquiries; and Since the pre-teen Juliet was surrounded hy p.m. Cloied rVlondays. 783. 334.0010, Majorca name that would help my music bell better with name and telephone number stars and children of stars, she didn't think of 43IB, her daddy's life-style as anything ex- "It would have to be part fiction," Juliet Recital on Nov. 3 gringos ' Now I like tin- name SOUTH ORANGE - of person submitting Item for traordinary admits, "because I can't get many facts about "Music was part of me, e\en in m\ early MOUNTAINSIDI - TralislclB 'Harvey,' July 31, Aug. 1, 2, listing. "I didn't realize his stardom when we were in all the people who've lived there. However, it childhood I can still lemember sitting on the Nature and Science Center, 'Prisoner "of Second Hollywood," she said. "It was only when I was a Moorish fortress built on Roman foun- for string quartet stieet coiner facing Pandio Calvin's grocery Watehumj Reservation, stepped outside the club—the circle in which we dations, so we make endless discoveries about The Tokyo String Quartet will appear in ;i store, plunking at my three string guitar It Monday.Thursday, 3 to S moved—that I realized there was something the place morning recital on Nov. 3 at Kunbcrlcy didn't have a back on it, but it sure sounded p.m. Saturday-Sunday, 1-5 different about Dad. ' 'One day we went to an old man in the village pretty good to me and the ciowd of little kids p.m. Closed Frldayi, Auditorium, Montclair Kimberley Academy 1 "My childhood was terribly normal, terribly who knows everything about the area and I he piogram is sponsored bv Unity Institute listening Music kept a lot of us happy, even Planetarium shows Sundays asked him how old our house is. when it was hard for our m^rna to put beans on at 2, j and 4 p.m., down to earth, though looking back on it from 1 which also announced a morning recital on my present perspective I must admit it held "He said, 'About 200 years. May 14, 197C, by violinist Mark Kaplan at the the table Wednesdays at 8 p.m. 232. unusual aspects. "We said, 'But it's got to he mudi older than Montclair Art Museum "When I was 1C I dropped out of high school 5930. "For example, I had a swimming teacher that. Two hundred years old? Impossible!' The Toyko Siring Quartet won the 1070 and pined the Mai ines for thiee years I got to NEWARK-Summer exhibits who looked like Isadora Duncan and sat by our " 'No,' he said, 'I don't mean that it is 200 International Chamber Music Competition in see Califoi ni.i, .lap.in and Okinawa but mainly Include: Muilc In New pool wearing a hat and veils. She never went years old. I mean it was built 200 years A.D.' " Munich and the 1007 Ooleman String Quartet 1 got mv point of view from the time I spent in Jersty, Our American Rev- Competition in l'asadena, Calif. They currently the brig It seemed that \ just couldn't adjust olutlon, By Hand, African RACING NOW thru dcf? CROSSWORD serve as artists-in-residence at the American myself to such a disciplined way of life I Odysieyi, Newark Public MONMOUTH PARK, Ocsinport, N.J. University, Washington, D.C. always liked to play the guitar m the barracks Library, S Washington st, 2 milt! turn Eirtt p St. Partway, Exit 105 EXACTA& PUZZLE Kaplan has appeared as soloist with the and to drink, so much so that sometime!, 1 733.7777, iMCWHUSIi, Garden it. Pirkwiy: Lv. Port ACROSS 41 Colorado NEWARK - Newark Aulh, Term, B Avi. 4 41 SI., 10 Is mm Daily TRIFECTA WAGERING Baltimore, St. I/mis, Pittsburgh and Rochester lorgot where or who I was Lv, T.NJ, Tifm. Pins il. Ntwark, NQSH Daily 1 European resort symphonies. This summer he will perform Hv l%t 1 was hack in the 'valley,' playing Museum, 49 Washington sf, coal 42 Trust Bartok's Second Violin Concerto with again with a Chicano orchestia and learning Monday-Saturday, 12 noon POST 2 PM • Daily Double 1:50 PM region DOWN Lawrence Foster in Cologne, Germany new tiades I was beginning to feel that mavbe to j p.m, Sunday, 1 to S p.m. 5 Cliques; 1 Hawthorne's Series tickets for the two recitals are $9 with 1 was getting too old and should go ahead and coteries birthplace single admission tickets $5. More information hing up my 'gloves ' So I went to vvoik as a 10 Taj 2 Greek may be obtained bv contacting Barbara mechanic and played music on weekends, Mahal market llussell at Unity Institute, u? t.'hurrh St., getting $1 60 j hour and $28 a night picking so site place Munttljir (744 6770) that I didn't starve to death 1 took the (! E I) 11 Having 3 Scottish t( st received my high school diploma and even talons island went to (ollege for two years By 1974 I was 13 Knowledge Sinclair's Oil slated 4 Scottish living in Coipus Christi, Texas, and a friend Be the 14 Helen explorer told me about Huey Meaux, a recording Hunt 5 Tirade; 16 Ragout 26 VIvanhoe" for movie production piod-ici fioni Houston who had produced Jackson harangue 19 "South heroine ROBERT SHAW-Tnugh HOLLYWOOD—Upton Sinclair's novel, SOUK big hits on U J Thomas, Joe Beny and book 6 Make America, 27 Infertile fisherman threatens com "Oil," will he brought to the screen hy producer my good friend Doug Sahm He accepted my first one 1 15 Memorable euphoric Take It - 29 Lay panions aboard fishing vessel Don Devlin for Columbia Pictures during the material and we stalled recording It was in time 7 Machine 22 Outlet away in 'Jaws,' which continues on studio's celebration of its 50th year. one of these sessions that I first cut my country 16 TV part 23 Inventor's 30 Picture screen at the Maplewood "Oil," which tells the story of the oil industry and pop hit, 'Hefoie the Next Teardrop Falls', receiver 8 Ballroom favorite 31 Literary on the Theater, Maplewood. in Southern California, is set 50 years ago, on Huey's 'Crazy Cajun' label ABC's Dot 17 Mortal dance reading work before and after the Teapot Dome Scandal and Records purchased the record and signed me or venial (hyph. material 32 Board or the tumultuous boom in oil. Production • is when it started happening on country stations 18 Sea wd.) 24 Free cloth scheduled for early next year. in Houston I couldn't be prouder " court! cow 9 Ixmger from 37 Friendly 20 Ivy in tenure sin suggestion thicket 12 Coxcomb 25 "Lara's —" 38 Apiece Reserve playing time 21 "Tied 2 ) s 6 7 1 y now for year-round the knot" tennis riqht in your backyard1 22 Extremely 10 1 13 23 Member of The area's newest and most ultra-modern indoor tennis complex a hillbilly's IJ It the PLAZA RACQUET CLUB, family 15 17 Is opening this fall behind Pattimark 24- cat near Rickel's on Rt. 22 in Union. 25 Cafeteria 18 9 10 item FEATURING: 27 — vivant '?'". • 6 Climate-Controlled Championship Courts (or 28 Faucet i'i Year-Round Comfort word li • Spacious Locker Areas h "% 29 Cracker '/,„?„ ____ V " BURT REYNOLDS plays con 25 11 » A Well-Stocked Pro Shop for All Your Tennis Needs 33 Female % man who tnch to promote a Romney U- country band to the top in 'W • A Luxuriously Appointed Clubhouse Lounge _ < 30 31 M 34 Attempt W and tile Dixie Dancekings,' • Specially Designed Glare-Freo Lighting 35 Pop's HEDY'S DINER RESTAURANT M J» is co starring Art Carney and "formerly Super Dinar" • Plenty of Off-Street Parking partner— - m' Conny Van Dyke The picture NEVER CLOSED, "THE IN PLACE TO IAT SCENE FROM 'FRONT Rouii»«,Bloy».,Hlllilde . . and more ' 36 Tutor K J7 is being held over at the Lost w I'AGE'-Susan Sarandon HEDY cordially Invites you to try our DINNER BUFFET, lecond 38-the Picture Show, Union o none. FREE with any entrto froIr m our menu, we.MHn 5 to f Ideal tor the busy executive who and Walter Matthau are Sundays 1 10 1 way >9 shown in newspdpei drama, wants that hour or two of tennis 39 Complete BAKING DONE ON PRIMISES SPECIAL CHILDREN'S M(HU in the afternoon. •2 'Front Page,' at Old Rahway BVIINESSMEN'S LUNCNiON MON FRI 40 Czech Theater, Rahway Jack Company memberships available river PLAZA m Lemmon al&o stars The Reserve your membership now and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuuiiiiimutuiiiiiiiii associate feature is 'Waldo have,a court waiting for you at the Pepper' start of our 30-week Winter I GENE HACKMAN stars as , Season, SECOND BIO WEEK! The terrifying motion picture private detective in murder from the terrifying No-1 bait teUtr. __ mystery, 'Night Moves,' POINTS CINEMA jj§ which came to the Elmora UNiON- 944.9613 mourn g Theater, Elizabeth, yesterday BB7-0077 687-0078 MEYHISS | on a double bill with 'Blumc In || Love' "SHAMPOO" ImiiiiiiHiHiniiiHiuiiiiiiMiiiiiiuiuuiiiiiiiniiiiiiu

SlnglM Slngln Address _ "IV-RV SUNDAY NIT1" I City __ Stato_ Zip. DANCE PARTY & SOCIAL Home Phono. Phone OLD "BLUME "FRONT p»ae- EVERGREEN LODGE IN LOVE" "WALOO PBPPEK" Please reserve a "court und tit™ for hie. 1PRJNOFIILD, N.I, _1« Everything fCryour lasle Parkway, ~ „ TimelPerlod Douta n To SprlngfKIti 51 J1M.BKIITS SI Day even the prlcel Exit 138 ,Av«; to Evergreen Av«. 1st Choico tram _____ a m /p m to •. _ a.m./p.m.. on Stirling 11 ipjvt. at the WIMmr CIMiMr" • 5 Points 2nd Choice' from ' a m /p m to . ANDY WELLS ORCHESTRA HAHrt "SHAMPOO" (Rl » 201 - MU^ . a oi /p m on DANCE INSTRUCTIONS BY Closed Suri, Union, 3rd, Choice from ______a m /p m to CARL& MILDRBO5CHAFER UNION . H4-MI7 New Jersey pavgrltt Dane* K*certft I •When Does Mbn 7iM to I *,M. : Reincarnation ItHortr RESHOUlJ: Group —Family Membership : _0T REFRESHMSNTsI Admlukxi WW JCWttHDlnl. COFFEE (.CAKE (ISO • Peter, ; Proud D1DU Kings IPO) jpiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiimii iiHiHtnim ii[ Thursday, July 31, 1975 STRICTLY fERSONAL] 1 By Pol and Marilyn Davis J M.J, ONLY! SUNDAY fflllilCopioy Newi Service mi Dear I'm and Marilyn: My parent! have argumgiili. Yet, they iccm to 9 A.M. to 6 P love each other. Do all G7S9RS5E NJ. AND N,Y, STORES MON-SAT, married people fight'? PERMIT Cynthia Dfnr Cynthia; NUMBERS Do married people fight? Of 10A.M. to 10 P.M. course they do. Does this ELMQNT #25 PATCHOGUE #4 mean they aren't In love? Of course it doesn't, The more UNION #104 RIVERHEAP #1 you care about another per- p.ORT JIFF, #5 ISUP #6 son, the madder you tin get HERE'S HOW with him—at least tern, VALLEY STREAM #77 porarily. MANHASSET #3-75 IT WORKS You may hear about "the patience of a saint" but few IN ADDITION TO ALREADY saints are married, DISCOUNTED PRICES SHOWN ..0--O-. Dear Pat and Marilyn; HUS so ON THE MERCHANDISE, OUR I have many books and a CASHIERS WILL AUTOMATICALLY friend who constantly borrows PHARMACY, them but seldom returns DEDUCT 35% OFF them. Do you have any tricks SUMMMAKK/T, AUTO for gently reminding people to THE MARKED PRICE return what they borrow1? soviet, CAS mnoiii c,w. Una LIQUOR snm mu) MlfS OF m SALE! Dear CW.i RtMAIH 0P1H AHD ARl Why bo gentle? Give this Everything^ every if@m sold en first csme, friend the address of the HOTCOINCOUT first served baiii, limited ts existing public library, Then tell this OFBUSIHfW invintsry snly! gal that you're not lending any more books, SALE OPEN TO THE -o-o- Dear Pat and Marilyn; PUBLIC AND ALL I am 25 and my mother still insists on running my life. If DEALERS ARE WELCOME! I'm interested in someone, she (Dsalir'i Nst#; Bring yeur resale number and starts to find fault with him. If , offorigg fer your swn trucking,) I stay out past I a.m., she questions me the next day, I live at home so am an easy target, What shall 1 say to ALL TOP BRANDS Mother? INCLUDING FAIR-TRADED ITEMSI Alice You'll find nationally odveftiiid Dear Alice: brand CLOTHING for the tnfirt Don't say anything. MOVE, family, LINENS, COSMETICS, Your mother does not want to SUNDRliS, ELiCTRIC APPLIANCES, share you with another human- SPORTING GOODS, AUTOMOTIVE being, At 25, you should be SUPPLIES, HARDWARE, PAINT, making your own decisioni, HOUSIWARES, HOME FUR. NISHINOS, TOYS, LUOQAOI, Dear Pat and Marilyn: RADIOS, STEREO COMPONENTS, 1 am 15 and my friends and I RECORDS, CAMERAS, JEWELRY, discuss boyi. Several of my SHOES, ETC. friends are going steady and NOT ALL DEPTS. IN ALL STORES some had dated since they were 11, The word "love" is used constantly, Someone is always in love. Do you really think a 15-year-old can love a boy? Square Dear Square; I I'm in your corner. Love carries too much respon- sibility for a 15-year-old. Don't try to ruih growing up. Education level rises Thi educational level of the labor forci continued ill long- term uptrend over the past year, according the the latest (March 1975) Bureau of Labor Statistics lurvey of educational attainment, . Herbert Bienitoek, assistant regional director for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and head of the New York BLS this week/reported findinp that indicated that 7 of every 10 American workers were at least high school graduates- 3 of every 10 had attended college, and half of the latter group had completed 4 years of college or more. These proportions were substantially lower for unemployed workers, Bien- stock noted, but even among the unemployed over half were high school graduates and one-sixth had completed a ALL year of college or more. MFGS. Musical satire GUARANTIES on Jerseyvision AND ?• An encore preitntatlon of WE HAVE EMPTIED OUR "Theatre In America—In WARRANTIIS WAREHOUSES. Fashion," an original musical comedy of manners, will be NEW MERCHANDISE MOW ON telecast on Saturday, Aug. 9 at VALID! THE FLOOR. 8 p;m. on Channels 50 and 58.- BRAN* Based on "Tailleur Pour Dames" by Georges Feydeau, ''in Fashion" satirizes the mores and morals of late 19th century French society. It GILLETTE features a classic comedy of errors including mistaken identities and misun- derstandings. GENERAL ELECTRIC STANLEY. College nqmes REVLON personnel chief Allen F. Will, who has served more than 230 years as a personnel administrator for the U.S. Air Force and ST. MARY'S Montclair State College, has been appointed director of personnel at St. Peter's College. Will, who began his new duties at the Jersey City school last week, will be DECKER responsible for coordinating staff recruiting and the maintenance of employe benefits arid records. PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE! YOUR BANT AD "is EASY TO PLACE;1™ * JUST-PHONE, z BanKAnwrlcird and Matter Charg* ELMONT I VALLEY $t«i«in PATCHOOUE FORTjeFF 8T»J MANHA33ET I m 686-7700 m 1 No th n Wll Ask for 'Ad Taker' .and Him Cards Will Ba Aocaptadl H«<*ttw>T|>M | SunilM Hwi».| SunrlM Hwky I Wt«« ""_ y.l r * * BlvdJ'i RouM # $» Kl she will help you with a MM HUH R«ult-G«rtter Want Ad. l Thursday, July 31. 1975 GALL an 'AD-VISOR' 686-7700 TODAY! DEADLINE TUES. NOON CLASSiilED] FOR THURS. PUBL KHchCabintts 61 PiinttPprhng 73 Apirtmenti For flint 101 Giragi Silts 12 chdsi For Sal* 15 Carpentry 32 DON'T jUiTilTTHEREI CARPENTBR CONTRACTOR DOLLY MADISON Kitchens, IAVBMONBY OARAOS SALIi 119 Wyoming PA I NT SALE WB PAINT TOP Vi IF YOU COULD USB A HIOH Ave. Mapiewood, Sat, Aug. 2, 9-1 All types remodellnfl, additions, factory showroom, Rt, 22, QUALITY RENTAL SBRVICB AT tamebrands.all colors, Interior 4, Sprlnpfield, Kitchen design ser. YOU PAINT BOTTOM vj For health agency, R0g(« 3!. P.M. Rain or shine. Lots ol xterlor, 10c to 19 00 pir gallon, Tipalri 4. alterations, insured, A RIASONABLB LOW PRICE goodies. Household & clothing, Wm. p. Rivlire, 6N 7196, vice A, moderniting by ore 0! New WHYTAKBCHANCiS WE'ARE NOWOFFERINO YOU Springfield, typing SO WPM, short ,at,, Auj, 2nd., ("A.M. • 12 Noon, Jersey's largest manufacturers of hand ID SO. WPM, Cell 3796O42, : l^-___ R7-3MI 37 i, illiabefh Ave., Linden, — ."----" K t (32 THE BEST FOR THE LEAST!! CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR kilchon cabrnots, 179 6070, FREDRICK W RICHARDS ^NEWSPAPER CARRIERS IN UNION! - . R 731-1 YARDSALi-AUQ.a -— _ R 7-31-15 —" _R_M-42 OUR NEW MS POLICY lOA.M, TOSP.M^ EDDIRI air conditioner, 220 Additions, kitchens a, bath 351.5403 (FULLY UNION WHERE ELSE CAN YOU OBT SO SICRfTARY 105 ISABELLA AVE, oils, 40 cyeft, 9700 ITU, 7.1ryrnodeling. All typei repairs & 7*20748 INSJMAPLiWOOD MUCH HELP IN FINDING YOUR * International toed Importer seeks NEWARK. N j. imps.. Original cost 1121, asking a'Uretiens, Free estimates. R, LandscpGardng 63 NEW RENTAL FOR SUCH A secretary with dictaphone, _- :____—" ,K 731-12 25. Call 4160739, Holme, 617 MM, SMALL CHAROErr WBS I. CO, . _ ; statistical typing 5. light stone R 7.11 IS t^ tf33 PAINTINS 4 DECORATINO. Int AUQ, arid, & 3rd. from 2 • i IVM, LANDSCAPE OARDENER & Inf. Alleratloni, paniilng, Free * to deliver The Union Leader and J skills flood benefits e. congenial Antique record player, 2 stereo ADIATOR COVIRS LIKi NBW, New Lawns Made Monthly ZM1.I01 atmosphere. Experience a plus, speskers, sleeping bag, record EASONABLY PRICiD, Maintenance, Spring Cleaning, esl, Insured, K, Schrelhofer. 617- IRVINOTON Caii Personnel, 3F9 6090, An equal CALL TOW IH7, days, M717IJ eves & wknds, * Suburbanalre. * albums, etc. 28 Augusta St., CALL 686 0120 FOR/vlICA CABiNiTS Shrub Planting and Pruning, Lawn Applicationlii s being accepted, 10S opportunity employer. Irvington R 7)1. IS Repair, spof sliding and Lime and "-— ——— L tf7J, W. Grove Ter,, 4 room apartment, BARS Fertiliiing. 1 „ R7.31.12 PC. MODERN sectional couch, COUNTER TOPS PAINTINO- EXTIRIOR & INT. located near transportation s, ^ Get In on a chance to WIN a GALAXY of ^ SHIPPING «. RICilVINO Take Sat, Aug. J, 9:30 A.M. .5 P.M. Pool rquolse with lamp J, table • 1150, VtlRY RIASONAiLE RATES IRIOR. Try usl Oood lob, shopping. Rent, IJOO. See Supt. on JL PRIZES, earn a good Income working j4» charge. Expd., packing, paper accessories, stereo, sewing lack vinyl reciiner chair . 140. ATOZ REftAODILING Call C. Merk, 763 6054 reasonable rates, Free estimate!, premises, work, inventory control. Good machine, furniture, appliances, all after J P.M. 375907!, .Formiea Fronts On Old_-- HAtfM 616S91I ______z 731.101 ^ only 2 days weekly, ^ math, ATCQ, 119 Frellnghuysen clothes, iewelry, household item!. R 711IJ Cabinets YOUNG, AMBITIOUS college —— __" R |,14.71 IRVINOTON Ave. Newark Adult Schwinn tricycle,silver, 931 ,TINO TYPI MACHINE student will cut your lawn, trim J.JAMNIK Large 3W room aparfmerlfi, _ K7-31-1 sterner Rd , Hillside. :OR SALE CALL 687.5647 hedges, etc. Reasonable prices. Exterior i [nterlor Painting, Immediate occupancy, Central * Call eM-7700 and ask for circulation * :__. K 731-12 OOD CONDITION sM.OO K (-14-31 Cairafter 6 P.M. 654.5156. decorating & Paperhanglng. Free location, elevator bulidino. from YARQSALE 373.531J __ R 73163 estimates. Call tit amor 687 6619 %m monthly. See Supt, on Jk- between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm, J$- SPICIAL TALENTS GOOD CARPENTER anytime, premises, 354 Stuyvesant Aye, or Fabulous used clofhing= 7r!— — K7.311i Able to do porches, panelling & COMPLiTI LAWN CAR! ~- L t-f-73 Teaching, sales supervision of household items, pool table (as Is), Weekly of monthly rates Lower J$ HAt.f.l >$• public relations background? FENDER" Super reverb rec, rooms, 3717JM, L INT, I. IXT. PAINTINO. aishos, glassware, costume mpllflt r, (IstiSJO., sell S17I,, also — — K9JS3J rates for senior citliens, call'241, Leading service company ieweiry, books j, surprise misc. •Iggy-Back ampiifiir, cabinet S 4855, LIADER 1 GUTTER WORK. IRVINOTON ••••••••••••••*•*•••• requires attractive articulate sat & Sun., Aug 3 4 3. IS a.m. • 6 ead , 1175,, all like new, Toro —————— R 1.763 FREE ESTIMATE. INSURED. 10 Welland Ave., 4 room apartment person for local public p m rain date Aug 9 8. 10. 1132 ,now blower . ISO,, AirCarpeting 33 STEPHEN DEO J!4 6110. available, near recreation s. speaking assignments before OINfiRAL LAWN & LNDSCAPB transportation. Rent 1190, See Lenapii Rd , Linden (olf Princeton ondltloner, 11,000 ITU '- $131, WORK, NEW ACCOUNTS women's groups. Extremely world look . Encyclopedia, 944, i*H PAINTINO Supt, on premises. Interesting work, prepared CARPiTINSTALI,lD NiEDED, CALL ON ANY JOB, Int. & ext, Reasonasle, free tst, I 731101 material furnished. One ?iL _— K7.3MJ Wallto wall, Plus repairs 171 8264 OR 3749721, Guaranteed masonry work, IRVINOTON evening per week. Salary, K 73111 Experienced, Call Andy — R 8.21.63 351-7716 3 large modern rooms, In elevator NEWSPAPER CARRIERS Interested? Send Information RummigiSaies 755-6781 '." — — R 7S47J apartment building,' neat «. hot on your background^ to OFFICE FURNITURE IEQUIP. K i-lj.33 Masonry water. Adults, No pets, immediate Personnel Director, R,p. 7, JAR DISCOUNT CARPET PAINTINO & PAPIRNANOINB occupancy, $115 month, Quarter Mile Road, SUNDAY-AUG. 1, 10 a.m.. 3 P.m. Pastering, carpentry i mason IN MILLBURN ALL MUST 00! 781 Lyons Ave,, Irvington work. Free estimates. 375,055b call lup,,, 1,2,76,5; llwm ietnlehem, Pa, 110U. 250 Mf vernon PI,, basement, Ivy J74J17J RBTIRIPMASON Hill Park Apt!., Newark tcel desks «• chairs. In good SPECIALIZING IN or 3747010, id HIINZB The Suburban Publishing Corp. has orjdlfIon, Also misc. shelves, Full jineof carpeting for IRVINOTON Sisterhood Mf, Sinai Cong, . all your needs. NEW STEPS IRIMODILINO —— R B-J1.71 Large 3 room apartment on 1st openings In Millburn for newspaper — K7-31-13 ablnets, L refurni, good adding CALL S64,7i!0 after J P.M. INTERIOR* EXTERIOR TELIPHONE WORKiRS machines, Lookg, make offer, Carpet cleaning done in your home R 9.4.66 floor, IliO; & nice 2Va room Steady work from home, NO J PAINTINO, LEADERS * apartment, 1165, Both available carriers to deliver the Suburbanalre. DATA PLUS,INC. ~ ~——— K f.f,J3 ALL MASONRV-Sttps GUTTlRi. FRBI BSTIMATBI. selling, we will train, Loll & Found 471 ChestnutSt,,Union s'mowaiks, waterproofing, self now. 371,2712, MB3B47.469B197 14 INIURID, 6B67»11 OR 7537M». Z 7-31-101 „,, : K 7 31 1 . 944.7010 Caipt.Cleaning 33A employed, insured. A, ZAP-MR. J. OIANNINI. I _ — ' R 7-1315 PULLO, MU 7 6476 or !l 2-407? IRVINGTON Get in on a chance to earn good pay LOST! DIAMOND PENDANT ^.— *—-—------R f,f.73 Modern two,bedroom air TELEPHONE S CU FT, FROST FRBE f:' tf6i PAINTIN9 working only two days monthly, & no SOLICITORS UNION AREA CARPETS PICKED up & relayed conditioned apartment; Linden IF POUND CALL! REFRIGERATOR, OOLD, 1190 CARPIT ITiAMCLiANINS BRICK STEPS INT. 8. EXT. TRIM WORK. Avenue; Vi block from eenttr and collections. Mothers, would you like taget paid 6871011 CALL 374,2291, APARTMENTS. NO JOB TOO while talking about food? If so, call Minor repalrsfree, Reas, All types 0) Maionry, Sidewalks, SMALL, all transportation; off-street R 7-31-14 • '-" R7.31.1S Call filch 731.9591 parking and garages; science 964-9100 M&AHOUIESALE pallos, patching, LOSTi iinkbook No, 51304901, - , K 7-11-33A CALLW40I94 kitchen; phone ana ty lacks; Boys and girls at least 12 years old are R 7 311 Howard Savings institution, 383 ilmwood Ave., Maplewood, R 7-31-H parquet floors; natural gas Newark, N,j, Payment stopped. Aug, 1-2, Frl.-Sat,, 10 A.M.. jP.M. AL OBNIS PAINTING cooking and heating with invited to apply. Please return to bank, L.R. sofa, cuf velvet irm chairs, Ceiling! 35 individual thermostats; electricity TELLERS end tables, lamps, pianos, MASON CONTRACTOR STiFS FROMIRVINOTONKETIS _ — R7.JM4 "SIDEWALKS-PATIOS painters, Int, tut. Fully Insured, Is the only utility you pay; high EXPERIINCiD fireplace equip,, B.R, table w.j Caii anytime, 3735343 or 171.9717, Call 6M-7700 and ask for circulation chairs, breakfront, buffet, dinette TONY SUiiNSKI IPICIALiZE IN SMALL JOiS Billion Dollar First National State Mchdse For Sale IS sef, complete Henredon bedroom iuspended ceilings, wall paper, 167 RAY AVI,, UNION, N.J. ; L t.f.73 between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm. Bank has opening for experienced (double bed) , desks, chairs, TV's, painting, home repairs. 68|.4ili SPIRO'S PAINTINO Interior-Exterior, Specializing In .RVINOTON fellers throughout their system. Dear Classified Advertising Dept,. bapy equip,, toyi, dolls, ilnens, 372.4613 R t.f 64 AC modern well-kept garden brica.brae. Moving! Everything .___. K t.f.JJ • SMALL MASONRY JOBS stucco. Well established. Suburban Publishing: References, 647.5819, apts,, upper stuyvesant Av,, 31/1 we offer an excellent salary and priced to sell. No cheeks, ANY TYPE rooms M_, 4VI rooms i!4J, Call provide unequalled benefits. For Sale ad^eertainly do work in R 73115 36 FRIE ESTIMATE -J— • R 1.7.73 359.3019, Unmatched hospifaliiation and Suburban's local community PURNITURi* APPLIANCES SIDNEY KA1I MALI attendant for nursing unit weeks long vacations. 27.31101 in home for retired men. 3 P.M. to newspaper!. Ad ran in your WELFARE ii PIOPLI WITH PAINTINO, PAPIRHANOINe, IRVINOTON ACCTS PAYABLE CLERK SIDEWALKS, steps all prick and 1'LASTIRING INT, & BXT. 11 P.M. Call 7624248, classified section en Thursday and CREDIT PROBLEMS, INSTANT HOLLYWOOD 3 rooms e. bath, near center; heat, International food importer seeks Please apply any weekday at the I sold it en the first call,,, there CRiDIT. IMMED, DEL, CALL MEMORIAL PARK block. Fully Insured, 25 years' FRBI ISTIMATEI, 617.7171, gas e. electric supplied. Available clerk with typing ikllii f. ability to KMi-1 Personnel Department. were many calls thereafter from MR. ORAND, 3736611, 1 Oethstmane Gardens experience,..FRRE estimates, 'M, • ^=^-^-= —"" L t.f.73 Immediately. 373,1664. MEDICAL ASSISTANT Deutsch, Springfield,' DR »,»M», work accurately with numbers. EXPERIENCED OR SCHOOL 9AM, toil AM. interested people in Roseiie, • ———- R t-f-15 Mausoleum CARL P. KUBHNIR Z 731.101 Call Personnel, 3796090 Equal 1:30P.M. 101:30 P M. Linden, Keniiworth etc. —————-—- R 7.31.66 INTERIOR PAINTING* PAPER. IRVINOTON Opportunity Employer. TRAINED, 4 DAY WEEK, NO OARAOBSALI:Sat,,Aug,2,y. 19 Shiyyeianl Aye.,,'.'Unrpn 681,4150 t SATURDAYS, PERMANENT' B.R noon, 191 South iprlngfiild Ave., Off lee: liOO Bfuvvwant Ave.. Unlnrij JOHNNICASTRO HANGINO. FIRST CLASS WORK. 3 rooms, 3rd floor, heat & hot wafer iiNIFITS. IRVINGTON union Springfield, Household furniture, K M-Ji INSURED. 3710127, supplied, newly dteoratid. HAtlli toys, etc, "MASONCSNTRACTQR" ————— R 8-21.73 Business couple. Available Sept, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CENTER. 373 4545 First National 4 eiMHTARY PLOTS, I burials, CLBRK, BiBerienced in applying =—— R 731-1 HEALTH FOODS, We carry a fut| — R7.3115 For all types masonry work. M A J PAINT 1st. Call 3734301, Hollywood Memorial Park, Union, Sidewalks, steps, patios, concrete Good work . Reasonable , Z7.31.101 cusfomir remittances ts open NOW interviewing for part time Stats Bank iine of natural foods, honey, sal N.J, Call 341,0169, fireplaces. For expert designing IRVINOTON invoices, will train to audit and employment in dry cleaning free 8. sugarless foods, nuts, IR. 'DISCOUNT OUTLET ——• K 7.J4.36 Cair]73507« rates. Experienced. Free 4 room luxury apartment, tile code freight bills and other office department in laundromat. Eve, yiNOTON HIALTH FOOD — —— R 9.2Si« estimates. 675,7315, kitchen, bath, oil heat. Nice area, duties. Contact Mr. Joseph Lux at hours 6,9 P.M., weekend hours ail of Hew Jersey STORI, 9 Orange Aye,, Irvington DIRECTORY ISA CALL Mi LAST, Ail masonry, RIS173 adults preferred.References,Rent , 37&,*4iO PARA MFG., Cranford, day, Call for appt. dally M79I41 372-6B9I, SUMMIT HiALTH ChildCare 36A plasterino, waterproofing, self "'. PAPERHANOINO 1200, Call 375-4811 500 Broad Street, FOOD STORI, 4S4 Springfieii employed and insured, work Also painting if required. *£_ • K MM —• R7-3I-1 Ave,, Summit. CR.7.30JB, 27-3M01 ,OFFICE CLEANING Newark, N.J. DISCOUNT CARPIT OUTLETS Guaranteed, A, NUFRIO, 30 yrs, FREE E5TIMATBS IRVINOTON ADVERTISING SALES Will We have permanent, all,year ~— R tf-l Call 379-1240 after i P.M. Modern efficiency, A-C, Irvington. Train, Career opportunity for round partttme lobs for ambitious AnlqualOpportunityEmployer Living room or aen furnitun CASH «, CARRY CARPIT, Rt, 22 REGISTER NOW!! R 73173 Union line. Available Bept.lsf. aggresiivi male.female. Group of including sofa, two club chairs, Eastbound, Union (Across from PAINTINO, No |ob too big or Rent ilJi, Call 964 4739 or 226.9130, men s, women who wish to work S, commode, 2 end tables, 1 leathe quality suburban weekly earn top wages. Reply to class,, R 7-11.1 RkkeMs) All National Brands, LITTLE RASCALS Moving&Starage 87 small. Oood work and reasonable. 17.31101 newspapers In Union and Isseji loii 3000, £.0 Suburban Publishing reciiner, 2 lamps, coordinated 11'^ save to 70 percent,- Rugs, NURSERY SCHOOL Call for free estimate. IRVINOTON Counties, Many company benefits, Corp., 1291 Stuyveiant Ave,, x 7Vi area rug. Can be purchased Remnants, Carpet, Broadloom 617.7729 , Bedroom A-C apartment, good Martina salary, Call Mrs, Union, N,j, separately. Call 331-4418 after i, (Wall • to • Wall installation avail.) llatelic,,full i'/jday sessions, RITTINHOUSI TRUCK SiRV, available sept, 1st,, heat supplied, wolltnberg M6.77M for appt, ———' HA-ll-1 4il Blvfl,, Keniiworth. "- — ^- — R 73171 : KI.JJ1 Orientals, AxminslerS; Cushioned MOVINO «. STORAOi A.I PAINTINO CO. M40 month. Call S7S.JIS3. —— _H_.M TYPIST MATJRIiSES, FACTeR^ No • wax Vinyl Rugs t, Inlaid; Call 272-3281 Local, Ions distance, prompt, Fully Insured, Leaders I, gutters & ZlSllOl "ATTENTION DEMONSTRAT. RBJECTS: FROM 1.9S Bedding Credil Cards ok, 564 0!33 for info, courteous service, 241,9791 IRVINOTON . Lt.f,1iA plastering, new 8. old. Roofing S, J rooms.ls! floor, near buses & ORS — Toys B. gilts. Work now Manufacturers, Ii3 N. park St., ———— — R T.F67 repairs, Sii.ini anytime, thru December, Free lampie Kit, Sast Orangei open 9.?j also MS shopping,, heat supplied. No txptrlence needed, tail or PART TIME FOROUR West Front St.", Plalnfield. GIBRALTAR MOVING CO. ~~ _-." R1J173 Immediate occupancy. 1120 write Santa's Parties, Avon. Conn, TYPiCAL TYPIST, —— . 1. t.t.i Dogs,Cats,Pits 17 121 per hr., personally supervlsed, month. Write class. Box 1001 c-0 INROLLNOWl insured, furniture paddid. Local «, Suburban Publishing 1391 07001, "PheVw (303) S73145S. Also SEWINO MACH. We repilr .. statewide. Short trips to and from, Piano Tuning 74 booking Parties," CLERICAL make of model, in your homg ws DQO OfJEO!INCi,_10 lesson ORCHARD PARK 24 hour servlee. Free estlmatii. Stuyvesant Ave, Union, - ^- R Mil .... all we ask is that you type will o]l, de-lent, ad), tensions. tourse-slo^ UNION, WESTF11LD, Piano specialists. 7461700, (BOO) PIANOS TUNED 17.31.,01 ATTN;HOMEMAKEHS S6 95. Piaia Sewing Ser. liS-lWO! & SUMMIT, NJ, DOO COLLEGE, T IRVINOTON File this under 41 wpm or better. Accurately! 687-S393. NURSERY SCHOOL, UNION 2426727 ALSO. Friendly Home Parties Is Of courie, we want someone ~ ^~ Kt-l-l PIANOS RlPAIREB 3 room apartment, 1st floor, near • expanding and looking for "Opportunity" —-—— — RT-F-17 State Licensed, full & half day, — _ R T.F67 COOSCINSKI . ES IttU transportation, heat & hot water with a pleasant perionaflty PIANO RiNTALS low rates, call after 6 P,M, supplied. Call 175.1717 or 372013S, managerj in your area = Party wno will fit right in with all the STARR'S POODLE BOUTIQUE Florida Specialist' ." .___•• LM.74 Plan experience preferred. Call This is a terrific opportunity From 18,00 per month, appilcabl Professional Dog grooming. No 373.5402 for someone who'd like s other congenial people around to purchase. Organ triai purchasi IRVINOTON collect to Carol pay . 511,4194171 hire. We also like people to tranquilizers used,," Pick up I, For Further information, Plumbing! Hailing or write! Friendly Home Parties, steady part time job during the have a neat, business.like plan also available, deliver. Call for appt, 374,1019 7S 64 Brutn Av,, iovily 3 room 1 K73116A 20 Railroad Ave,, Albany, N,Y. months of August & appearance, too . since you'll RONDO MUSIC " R 114.17 DON'S apartment available; air 1220J, September, We need a file be dealing with people at this ECONOMY MOVERS, INC, conditioning, off-street parking, . R 711.1 clerk to work from lli4jto4:4S HWY Jj AT VAUXHALL RD, BIRDS - 1 pair of young peach PLUMIINO & HIATINO near shopping & transportation, P.M, each day, Mon, thru Fri, large Insurance organliation. UN ION 6172250 face love birds. 1 plum headed REGISTER NOW FOR SEPT!! Local &Lo_ng Distance Repairs, rernodellng, violations. Set Supt, on premlsts, or call 373. Csme en|ey our pleasant ' Kt.f-li parakeet with cages. Wholesale Bathrooms, Kitchen;, hot water AVON Wi'li pay you a good salary and ; Wondar World DON ALBBCKER.MOR, 0371. '-, TO EARN MONEY &IUY you'll enjoy the very pleaiant working conditions, 50 PINEALL macnines, JUK prices, • • tollers, steam a, hot water Z7.S1.101 Call our District Manager; working atmosphere at convenient location, good boxes-sisq up, new for M5i, W 27J.90SJ Union, NJ. systems. Modern sewer cleaning IRVINOTON starting salary ana excellent Nursery. School • R t.f-67 Commercial & residence. Call irvington Area: 3712100, Scotch Kemper, one of the country's buy & sell, NOVEL AMUSIMHN' • . R7.J1-1? 1319 Morris Ave. Union 617-0035 residence. Call Attraclivt large i'A room Plain! Area; 647.1114, Rahway Benefits, Call 52J48OJor apply CO. 1ISM19. Herb Trlefler, 65 20660. iargest Insurance in person to; Full & half day session, pre- L tf.7S apartment, neat k hot water Area: i?4.IJJ0, Union, RoseHe; organizatloni, Please apply in , RTF. Wauled to Buy 18 school curriculum, state MOVING supplied, elevator building, near Elizabeth Area: 3S1-4II0, person, INDOOR.OUTDOOR AN NEEDAPLUMBBRT N,Y, bus line. NO AOBNCV OR 7 licensed Local t. Long Distance Mapiewood Area: 711.7100. HANGING HAS KIT PLANTS Free Esirmates CALLOERARD FEB. Call 37S0169 or 39944S1, Summit Area; S7307O1, KEMPER FOR INFORMATION fi. APPT LIONEL, AMERICAN, FLYERS Call 687.2452 insured No log too small, Reasonable 17.31.101 R 7111 CALL IIA.J76B130 [VES & other toy trains, Hlghesi (Keep us moving and you save) rates. Call MTMOf, IRVINOTON KEMPER ————= HATF-II ——^—___—,K 1.U36A1 ~— ' = — R 8771 INSURANCE prices paid, immediate cash. 464 PAUL'S M&M MOVING Aug. 1st, 62-4 Mill Rd., 4 rooms, C#st Iron gas furnace 8, Sun ray *";<"•""•• Kt.Mi il7l.« 8. 5 rooms, S1I7, Call 372. BANKING 25 DeForest Ave, recess steam radiators, Best offtr. DilivirySinf, 3IB 192! vauxhai) Rd,,Union 3701 or 467,0041, INSURANCE Call 4111699 afterj, CA5H FOR SCRAP USB-7768 Pools Summit, NJ, Load your car. Cast iron — R t-f.« 1731.101 EXPERIENCED TELLERS Si DeForest Ave, iqualQpportunltyEmpioyerMF ——— HA.tf.li WANTED CUSTOMERS IRVINOTON I PLASTIC GARBAGE LINERS. newspapers, 40 cents per 100 lbs. CHARLIB CHIPS DILIViRY KELLY-MOVERS POOL OWNERS — Tired of high 3 rooms, garden apartment, ntar Summit, N.J. 07901 R'7-31-1 tied up bundles free of foreign IqualQpportunltyimpioyerMF I WHY BUY 10 BAOS FOR M,00 SBRV, Home or office. Chips, LOCAL & LONG DISTANCI prices for. maintenance, repairs, center, AC, Controlled heat EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPERS 1 WHEN YOU CAN BUY 210materials. No, 1 copper, 40 cents prehels, cookies, etc. Delivery day Agent.North American Van Lines, etc. Call: ". parking, Oct. Occupancy. 1220 plus A pleasant working climate In a R 7-11-1 TYPiST 1 1ETTIR BAGS FOR 117.10. SIZE per Ib, Brass just 50 cents per Ib, er night, Hlllslat, lev, & Vailsburg The OBNTLEmin movers. DAN— 7M-N71 bank IMt's growing in a highly Rags, .01 cents. Lead and security. 373200i. RieiPTIONIST 16 1 14 x 17^5AVi OVBR 10 % area. Call mornings, 241.3406. 312-1380 Spring openings, : pool desirable Suburban area. batteries, A&p- PAPER STOCK Z7-31-101 PART TIM! HANDY MAN. Make Telephont and typing required, 31 EASY TO STORE, OTHER'SIZES .—— — R 17MI R 1147 maintenance, repairs, IRVINOTON Show us the experience and we'll own hours, Perfect for retired hr, week, New office oldg, in Co,, 4114 So, loth St., Irvington. SHORTLINE MOVERS Installations, Free estimates ,,, no match It with a commensurate AVAILABLE. CALL FOR FRII (Prices sublecMo change). Phone 3 room apartment, heat 8. hot person. Permanent position, 37s, cranford, 171-3311. DILIVIRY, 1710110, PACKAOINO & STORAGE APR. l5l>t 5mal1 salary, Olorified benefits tool belore delivery,. 174,1710, Electric Rprs. 44 UANC|_MOViNO . 24 HOUR- « ' , HA t.f.J5A water supplied, near stores i, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL; ' ———; K7.ji.is Ltfll transportation, security required. " ' . —— K 7-31.1 WAITRESS WANTED SERVICE. 416.7247. PERSONNEL QEPT, 467,1100 WOODWORKiR. Black walnu), R t.f.« Adults preferred. Call 372.0310. ii P.M. IRVINGTON Cherry and colonial Pine lumber TV SET WANTED J S M ELECTRIC Roofing £ Siding 10 Z3-31-101 ASK FOR JOHN OR NICK and planks from Penna. Sawmill, PORT ABLE, BLACK&WHITB Residential & eommerelel Wiring, MILLER >S MOVINO IRVINOTONMILLSIDE PART TIME SECRETARY CALL 17J44W Reasonable rates. Local long INTER COMMUNITY Two busy Insurance exMi. need Oak and elm table rounds. 215-822- 81 COLOR CALL M7,W74, •Iso carrier room air-conditioner Neor Union, 3 rooms & baffi, Jnd R 7-31-1 2760, • -• T — -.'-.— L t-M •ales. Call 3S2.6S19 days, eves. 35!- distance. Shore specials. Insured. floor In private 2 family house; sharp person, good typing skills, WAITRESS WANTED Free estimates, 34S329I, ALL"IfATi~"rC66pTNG able to handle; clients, telephont —— *- R a.14.1I 256$* Quick heat, gas S- electric Included for BANK Irvington-Small luncheonette, 7 OLD CLOCKS WANTED' — ——-• KT.p-44 • ' -.-"- - R 9.4, it Fret 687.5157 1190 month. Quiet responsible S2MlllburnAv,,Spfld,,N.J .07011. detail work. Lovely Springfield A, M, , 1 P.M. Please call 37J. istimatt Servlee office. 25 hours, 1100.00. Caff Ms. Any condition. Top prices paid, J.A.H. ELECTRIC , MOVINO «, HAULING business couples may call for EqualQpportunltyBmployer fllJ, Also clock Repairs §l7,«tOI, '•DIRT CHEAP." Local & long Ipeclaliilng In all type foefs ana appointment after 6 PM. Available Conroy. -——• K 7-31-1 MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE AH types of electrical Installation. seamless gutters. Fully insured. —-—-— R 7.31.1 37MM0. Special prices on services. Call dlstanct. For free estimates. Aug. 1, 6I6,5JO4, WAREHOUSEMAN M-F . For of fine John Hancock Red Wood WE Call4SMM9* Above all - a flood roof, R 711.1 4|7S4J6 ——-——— L t.f.fjo (]) POSITIONS OPEN automatic parts stockroom . to Outdoor furniture. AH to bt BUY AND SELL BOOM —— .:.. _. R 1.767 IRVINOTON (Upper) BOYS GIRLS pick orders . reliable, keep sold at 40W Wf retail ibtlow 311 PARK AVE'., PLAINFIBLO MINZA ROOFING CO. Rebooting 3rd floor apartment for business Office Clerk , with bookkeeping couple, 3 rooms, all utilities Work part time after school. ackground. Typist - must typt 40 accurate records, must have contract Prices) Must pick up PL 4)900 Odd Jobs 70 a, roof repairs. Leaders & Gutters, Hours, 3:45 to 7:41 dally, 10:30 to driver's license. All btneflts. Call in their Trenton warehouse or Furniture Repairs Guaranteed d. Insured, Frit Including rtfrlgeratsr & A-C. iS.t WPM. Counter Clerk . Must be L f-f-lB sp 3IH er Is,4,9129, 2:30 Sat, Ages 14 to 11. Noexperienced d mature ptrsonl. Tony.-467.11W, Spring!lei*, N,j,- -Delivery. collesL_QU!i__i__2_ Oriui nal Recyelira Strip Metal estimates, Call 379,41»7. " "" experience necessary, earn S30 to Full or part time, RUBIN iROi; — — R 7-31.1 MAX WEINSTBIN SONS OiJy,jvuufllrtHUSf 1741:101' 160 per week. Cell Mr, Russo, 963- 6847793 FURNITURl POClIHINtr basements, remove old furniture ' WILLIAM H, VIiT IRVINOTON (Upper) Newark, Ml-IKO, WILLING TOO LEARN NEW SI NCI 1920 REPAIRING, ANTIQUES 1S51, dally, Mon,.Fri. 9130 tos, 2426 Morris Ave,, Union appliances. Days 4J?2iai after Roofing,Seamless Gutters 6 rooms, heat 8. hot water - -—• K 7-31,1 K 7-31-1 THADID T Opportuniti y ffor 11S6,« I. It 7-31.15 RESTORED, REFINISHING, 4:30, 9I4143J, supplied) 2nd floor. Aflulfs only. RIAL ESTATE SALES, per week, phone today 486-1414, Otliy 15, Sat, tl : M4.J236 HBNRY RUFF. CALL MU IStlS. Free estimates. Do own work CHILD CAR! needed for . • R 1.7-1 - -- • • K tf.ll L t.f70 NJ, Insured Slntt 1932,373111], Aug. 1st. can mam kindergarten age ehlia. Experienced sales people wanted WIIGHT with New Ihapt •--" __.-."-.:." ""- R t.f.SO NiiB ODD lobs done I Cleaning Mornings, i a.m. to 12:15 P.M, o coyer Summit, New Providence, Tablets and' Hydrtx water, pills PAYINO U.00 for every 11,00 In IRVINOTON (UPPIR) lerkiley Heights, ihorf Hills 4 s and'Hydrtx Water Pills sHver coins, also buying used gold- •wages, basements, attics ijli.ROOFIOINo Ideal for mother with same toe SituitiontWanfed 7 At Bora Drugs Ganp Doors ' 52 (ebrls, general clean up! All fypesi N»w or Repairs . 3 room asartmfnf, 3 family 3rd. child or lenlorcitliin. Call 37940JJ more, j modern oftltes, M,L, Keniiworth • sterling lewelry.vyafehes, DENNIS floor. Adults only, No pits.- servjets, Summit, Morris & Essex COINS 120 stuyvesant Ave. Gutters, Leaders, Chimneys, Free after 6 P.M. EXPERIENCED DEPENDABLE KI7-15 '-— L t.fj70, Estimates, All Work Guaranteed, Security. 371.9661 — — R 7.31.1 Congenial atmosphere, many tools irvington 37S.5499, OARAOI OOORS,"lNITALLiD, at your command, Yeu can't miM PAINTiR AVAILABLE, LOS1 WI1OHT with New lhape — ———'!- R7-JU18 IRV CAN FIX IT — Painting, car- 374.690S, PRY CLEANING store; counter f. garage extensions, repairs & pomry, eisetrlcai, plumbing, IRVINOTON (UPP1R) '•'.«••••• Bagger, 3 days week, experienced with an established leader. Call CALL 3751072 Tablets and Hydrtx Water plils service, electric operators ana 3 rooms, in floor, ownir Milton Lowi Mr s conlldtntla! ANYTIfinB, AT repairs and new installation. No preferred, Union, at Mlllburn Accounting radioeontrols, sfevins Overhtad lob too small. Reliable and occupied/ available Aug. 15. No Mall, 416.4144 Inttryiiw, — ~ K 7-31-7 SCMRAFT'l PHARMACV IS OinSmOffirid 121 pets. Security, |17S month,,571. —— —— R 731.1 FRANK H. TAYLOR & SON, INC. EXPERIENCED gontlomsn Irvington reasonable, 273-4751. \ . " sflf* wishei work as material handler _— KI.7.1S , HILP6R for food stera. Part Realtors, M Main St,,Mlllburn SMALL BUSINESSMEN ATTINTIUN HOMEOWNtRSI Z 7.31-101 time, call between 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 376.S7M Inyentory clerk, currently working LIVINO ROOM furnlturt 1 BC, SMALL BUSINESS Bookkeeping WINDOW IRVINOTON (Upper) part time as church receptionist, Home Improvements 58 Attics, cellars, garages and yards — ~— K7.J1.1 sectional sofa with slip eovtfs, done by experienced accountant. cleaned. All dirt - and rubbish DRESS1R- 6 roomi with J bedrooms & full %7 J3§£S corner table, 2 lamps, Also RCA Monthly reports. •"-.' Insured. bath, available Aug. 1st, heat«. hot K7.11-1 RUB1BRMAID PARTY PLAN -———— K7.31.7 AAA-FM stereo console with record removed. Leaden and gutters FRiBLANCE ' water tupplled, conyenltnt to HtLPWANTID Needs cart time and lull tlmi Reasonable te». Call 6I6017B . cleaned, trucking. Very reason, HAS A F EW OPBN DAYS MIDDLE AOID WOMAN DE5IR. changer Call mua -.-::--',: K7-31-19 ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS able rates, " schooli, churchet, ihopplno S. AuemblyS, wiring demonstrators and managers, • . iOOKNOW transporfaflon, Refersncei '..Cynix Mfg. Corp. Fastest advancements, highest ES.LIVi.lN POSITION AS COM. K7.J1.li .CEILINGS, PHONff HARPER Call 76360S4 , 241.3010 ••;••" requlrrt. By appolnlment only. it Brown Av#,,sprlnjf leid commissions. No packing, no PANIpN.COOK. BXPERIiN. ONCI IN A LIFE TIME OWN A AifCond. 22 HA t.f.70 K 711.1 delivery. For information call 2M, CUD. TEL. 334.1149, • COLOR TV SET For 1165, Cash & -^——~: ; KTf-S4 fB«, Marie MachlnBa, Mgr. — ' K 7.317 carry The Garden state Motor RUBBISH, REAAOVAL Lodge, Rt. 22, -Union, NiJrYls- "K7-M.1 Tl«if*B(perHnciB71V JVROOkTitraindltlpnlfiisr ALTERATIONS & ROOFING All appllaneei, furniture, W8Sd> APL6W0OD— InSprirtgfield.iJfoJP.M. SECRETARIAL opining eurrtntly repracing their Phllee 11" eolor TV heating, Servlee, installafron, and" m.etalt laken away. AHrts, position as babysitter. Springfield sets. All sets under service. repairs, 24 hr, day. Call ' LOW W1I8HT, 4 room apartment, heat, parking. 3797760 available, It you in|ay talking with area. Day or evenings. Call 173. FREE ESTIMATES basementi and garagti cleaned Available Oet, lit. Call sftt? i PM, R ; peoplf, ttliphane work, faking Working & open for Inspection. out. Reasonable rates. 32J27I3, Self lmprey»ment.Ssl(Hypno(lf ii30, . PORCHBS , SUN DBCkS ? 7B1-OS13, ri,i charoe.dlveniifica dutlts.M right j ;; — R 7.31-7 Come sea the picture for yourself. -— ^— K 1-7-70 KEYPUNCHOPIRATORI hana to Bosi, vsry pleasant T Salt 2 days only Thurs,7-3i.7l,Fri - pORMBRS , ADDITIONS •KITCHENS CAilNITS IV R1MOVAL -of all appllartces ete. I 1 1 immedlBte placement for allworking conditions! (hen pltasi, II, 12 noon til 9 P.M. Cash * ctliars, attics, yard cleaned, 'MIDDLNX " " keypunch machine operators. eonlacTMr. North at 371.4242 tor Person ils Carry. .Alarms 2ZB COUNTBR TOPS , DOOR & Hamiitgnien, Apt|, Warrenvllle 10 TRIM SPECIALISTS-,,ROOF. moving. Reasonable rates. Call Ntglstn- It once- No fee. appointment. Irvington, RJS1.1S 373-3217 or 743-9175. 'c Center | Rd & Bound Brook Rd , near Rte. Mapiewood area. WASHBR, ' DRYER 8, C1R ALARMS ING & SEAMLESS GUTTERS 2B, l & 2 bedroom apartments, A-l T1MPS Art You Troyhltd? Worried? & LEADERS , OVERHEAD _KB-7-70 . Z 7-3U2B fH-lMl ——-— R MM RIFRIOBRATOR, HXC1LL1NT Residential - tire • burglar & from 1210, newly dacoratad, A-C, 10!N.yVesdAve,,Llndtn call CONTACT-Wt Gin CONDITION. IBST OFFER. Intercom systems. Call day or DOORS. Includes cooking gat, Mat 4, hot fM-iNl DIOI201-332-2D80 LINN CONSTRUCTION CO, INC. PainttPprhni 73 WSMorrUAve.,Union K 741-1 INDIVIDUAL OR PACKAOB. MS. night, Free estimates. 9640920. Tutoring water, swimming pool, on ilte SICRITARiiS Pay or Night, confidential " —~—— KB 14 MB 371-1654 687-5059 parking, call 96) 061Sor tea Supl., M-MF ITgDINTI Z • 1-7-10 HA T-F-li 'RB-21.SS - DAN'f PAINTINO Apt "27. Work (ra(ram h horn* on fh* ftltphen.. TYPiSTS , A &K BARTENDERS SIARSDIShwashjr, copper, 4 TUTORING Certified teachei Z7-31-10Z731101 •imRio 17, p#f hour, Call Mi. Short t> lenf M asilgnmsnti ixpeflenced Bartenders wish to AND DECORATING, INT; & EXT wlshesto tutor grades J a, Math, ytars old. Tappan Electric oven. Asphalt Driveways 25 C&DCONTRACTORS REASONABLE RATES* FREE MORRIS TWP. (MORRISTOWN), : In Union I Essex countlei. do Wtfldlngi, parties. Bar Painting, leaden t, gutters, English and Rending, Pieaje coll 1,2,3 bedroom luxury, A-C Garden " — RI7-1 Perm, opportunities alls Mltiyahs etc, Reaionable rates. M790iS ESTIMATES. INSURED: 2899434. 27< IB54 after 5 pm, Apartments, Pool,l$375 up N Y C. available. Call after #, ?M.1M4, K 751 .IS ASPHALT Drlviwayi, parklrig aluminum windows, fencing, L t f-73 rooting. Fully Insured Free DBNIZ •— HA t.f 91 bus. trains. 53*6431. taking Never A Fen • Eyir ———^7-^= HA.ff-10 I PC. LIVINO room set good for lots, Alt work done vdlth power applications. ., , -, HOTICI TO JO1 APM-IC*MTt college student!, lamps, bike?, roller, AH kinds imasgnry Jamet estimate! 375 1685 or 371534J. AND 1 and odds 8. ends. Call ffi-Hlf LaMorgise, ig Paine Ave , Irv 1 R 7-24.54 DeANOBLIS z 7-ji-nr- Thli ntwipiBtr, HN ntt Fin Mirktt 101 •——-——, R 731.15 THE BROfHBRS INTERIOR PAINTING MORRIS TWP: MORRISTOWN l«M^J>INWIMIpJMMM STAND-BY PERSONNEL ES 2 3021 f LARGE MIRROR, flrt screen, ———— K t f 25 CARPENTRY, ROOFING, 375 1415 Real Estate $400 " m nit tMr ntnmm M coffee fable, 115,90 each. Portable PAINTING. — ,HA/1073 ANTIQUE 8, Flea Market—ly The sewing machine, portable ASPHALT IlttlVBWAYS LUXURY2 BEDROOM MM aMIM to •mploymtnt In PERMANENT TEMPORARY Fr ends of Animals, at Keen parking lots, 'Curbing, all work FREE ESTIMATES 372 7366 PAINTIR . Interior & (xterlor IMtrMttT tamrma, II mw College, Union, Sept. 21. Deol typewriter, J50.00 each. Electric guaranteed Potenfe Pavlno Co, f|» Mtlnuim, Fully Insured, R BEAUTIFUL RUSTIC SETTING ««rl*Mtti«itt»Ho«l minimum Industrial Work moWtrr*io,4emoWtr*io4eafy«o»hi;B5, « 674-6W4 eves iS75.Mll dayi, est. 6 756 &9msnsK> Acreage We ar* now taking application* (or wanftd-call 379-2116, -CALLCIMTBAI l.OO a few select ap»r"m«rihi HjaWrtngr- mgi (tlJ» in hour Mr mou «7ChMtnum,Unl(n . ; . :.: , . Z7.J1.101 each, li70J3i " 467 8715 : covtrWcflofto PfMtry.1,1M7, K 7.31.11 For all your Home Improvements 2 LARGE BEDROOMS ^^ - K.14 2S From custom kitchen ceblnttt, — L t f 73 PoeonoBIg Bass Lake $1 acr«7 •mt ti N ah hew fW Mi FRIOIDAIRi air conditioner, 5000 0TCH DEN &OR STUDY 1 MM «mp(oyt«l w fill H (ty bathroomi, Alum, ildlng, roofing, ,'. V,P W^ PAINT* Year-round rec comtriunitV. .2 FULL'BATHS. 1.' Giriii Sales 12 BTU, mahogany dining room table etc, No I OB too tmall or too big, Indoor Outdoor pool, Jake, tmnft, itit (ppiiont wwtiM. ' NEVEHApfeBEVSR with extra leaf ft pads, rug, Car Wash 31A 1 fnmlly,out«id« 4r Inside. *17S/ V ALL WITH DECkS Thll nnrtBtptr MM ,ng| 1 485-4M5 l.mii 4*575 t, up. Roorni, •king etc. A magnificent w. Special lie In p«oplt.^ appf ox, ,1?' XII , gold lovi liat; dubnouie Buy from owner. Eve. FULLY DECORATED knwlngly araS'HOP wtntw JAT. 8. Sun. Aug. 2nd «, 3rd 13 noon ~— r— H « 14-36 hallwayi, officsj, *JS \ Up. A|K>' Am^OND^QD Ml HIM MtSt • piMnnci . S PM., China; furnltu™, H00K CJ1IW4.44JI •;-,..„;• PAL'S AUTO OtlHM ' carpefitry, guturt U IMdaft, 351*3732. *• •- v i*< R" 71111 ^pi«rd»t>tw«rdmfi»l. vary 00 !h* -Agi eCRBTAR rugs, desk, gltisware t, many Moke, your car Idok like new ourretts, WINDOWS, DOORS'," WAU OVEN ' Dlvtrinttd ,dytltr,-•• iomi meri hoUithold " 1i»msr4W w. I M.P. POWBR lawn raki, I Compounding, Slmonlilng, and PORCH ENCLOSURES, CAR rtasonabW Krss esffmatss, Free- ===C=r2rfr£L H* tfJ ^REFRIGERATOR" ptciifittffi In flifi^tiyfflAi expnrlmce dmlroble, good typing Gibbons St. (off St. Oiorgts Av) speakeri HI-FI portable minor repairs Fully Insured 373 Act, Conttit Hw unthrt lt«ln (Furntable), lv" Zenith portable Interior Cleaning, 687 4459 Ask for PENTRY, REPAIRS. DEAL 4O00 or 374 5436. * AjMrtmenbriMlIent .LAUNDRY ROOMS ubtr OijHnmtnt't tool edict ikflli and llsht Mime pNtwrM Linden, Jfrry. House oils by appt WITH INSTALLER 73! 1891 ON PREVISE PARKING ability to work Indtpindently. —-— _____ K73111 TV a. stand, black & white, lift, —- HA M41A lor nMr* InlormttKm. Tut JnlonafM Call Mrs Kummtrfor aluminum boat, .4 tenter with — R I-7.S6 •Bxe SHOPPlilG & MALLS OARAOB SALE: 115 Clermonl cushions* and oars> etc. Old Interior & extarlor, gen. repairs, IHVIriOTON JOOGS NOT PF«M|TTEO Ave, Irvington TueJ , f. Wed , Nieo HELP> Find the RIGHT TBBN-AOeRJ, find lobs by quality workmanship, , Free orl Underwood typewriter. Call qly i,,H! '' JJP«tment2 tment, t elevator -CONV. (lYCau* 1 TRAINS Aug 5 t, 6, 94 PM Clothing 4859 after 6 P.M. PERSON wMh a Wsnt Ad, Call m- running Want Adlr Call 6S6 7700 - estimastet s ^iS?'.! '^ ?,"""?"" • AvailablAilble EqtrtlOppOrtimltyEmploytr Appliances, mlcs. Items. 7700. nowl • Ipimadlalely. Call Supt. 37J03J5 „,, FORJAPPOINTMENT R7-31-15 WsOl -— K 7-3M R 731-12 R S-21 73 Z7-1M0V 201519M31 O Z 7-Jl.lOI Apirtminh For Rint Thursday, July 31, 1975. 101 Homes for Sale 111 MotorcyclesForSala 127 State investigates CHATHAM ipRO Charming Colonial local on qulii USDA clarifies Ireellned itreet, featuring living 18th Anniversary claim settlements •00m with fireplace, formal dining Jersey job count drops oom, porch, country kltehm with •pom apis, with large dining latin area, large panelled family CYCLE SALE! package names area, from 1225, A.e" newly oom, 3 bedwoms, Iv, bathi, he biggest sale ever at VIP, on cost of funeral decorated, fret cooking gas, Wt ncelient condition, new wail to laybe Ihe biggest sale in Cycle t, hot water,_swimming pool, wall carpeting, walk to everything. Historyl Over 1711,000 worth of State insurance CommlNSloncr Jnmei J, on sausage labels tS9,M0. principals only, US07JI, new I, used bikes k cars are ihceran said this week that he is looking, into by 5.5 pet. in 12 months Z711.111 llscounted k Anniversary sale RVINOTON tagged this week! Over 500 new he claims settlement practices of auto In- The standardized names "pork sausage," ROJELH"" ""•"•"" Employment in Northeastern New jersey dropped 137,000 (9,3 percent), Factory em- a nice room Colonial, front t, back Honda's on display! 300 used urancc companies in paying funeral expeniB "beef sausage," and "breakfast lauiago" may Large i roomi, 1st floor, tilt bath, pwch, I car garage 5. driveway, cycles to choose trom (Super dropped 5,5 percent in the 12 months ending In ploymenl was down 7fl,000 (12.5 percent! in h«it I, hot water, al! Sports, Mini's, choppers, cus- not be combined on o label, for example, as tr«nsporf«flon. tilg plus security. wnefits under the nn.faiill insurance law. Northeastern New Jersey, 45,000 (7,3 percent) Z 731,111 tom's, trail motorcross, etc) Even May, according lo Herbert Diitisloek, assistant "beef breakfast sausage" or "breakfast pork Quiet adults. No pets. 6M2I04. RviNOTON Honda's Superblke OLIMO lor The law provides for the payment of "all regional director of the U.S. Bureau of Ijibor in New York City and 14,000 (6,1 percent) in the BQiBL LIP ™ t7'31OQl Immed. delivery! Over 100 7i0s & •gasonable funenil burial and cremation ex- sausage," the U.S. Department of Agriculture HO's In stocki (Hurry, these Statistics. For the entire New York-New rest of the New York area outside New York 1 large rooms, rilrlgtrator; ACT NOW! (USDA) said this week, clarifying ill in- models are hard to get, gas prices icnses, subject lo a maximum bunefit of . Jersey metropolitan area the job loss for the City. business couple. Desirable area, Modernlied 2 family home, 2 joing up «. cycle prices expected 1,000," to the ncxt-of-kin or estate of any spection regulations. near transportation, 1110 per bedroom apartmenti with itiomentarily), Oet our low year was 3.2 percent. Private nonfartory job losses in the region month plus security, 2411499 after ipacioys kitchens (, TV rooms on person dying from injuries suffered in a private discount price j 0 170 rebate on At 1,817,000, employment in Northeastern totaled 84,00(1 for the 12-month period. The In other words, two or more standardized large lot. Asking J45,Mu, A great selected models! Forget the "List passenpr nutu accident. 1 7 101 price"! New Jersey accounts for 28 percent of the region totaled B4.000 job losses (2.1 percent) product names may not be used on the same UNION HILLS16B MNI '"' Sheeran said that a "distressing" instance of 3 bedrooms, j baths, kitchen, ' OAK-RIOGE REALTY area's ]obi, laid Blenstock. A May 1874»May New York City lost 45,000 (2,0! percent) of its label to identify another federally inspected Realtors 376413! New'75Ci3MT (LlstSIOiO) dnlng room, living room, ww jListHW) an iinaccepfaljle and insensitive practice by an non-factory jobs; the New Jeriey job loss in meal or poultry product, USDA's Animal and ciosifi 8. garage. Private yard. — Z731111 New'75Ci JOOT 1975 employment loss of 107,000 in Nor- AHWAY Mew '75 XL- 10D,Ki (ListM09) insurance company had been called to his theastern New Jersey accounted for more than this category was 38,000 (3.8 percent) and the Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said. Miner-daughter setup, 2Vj over Slew'7JCB-750F (List SHU) l attention. The commissioner said that the rest of the New York area dipped by 2,000 jobs UNION—^ "'•"" : 75 X 10 approximate lot, New'75CL360l(l (List HOBO) half of the region's Job drop, and was close to According to APHIS officials, packers of 4 room apartment, j bedrooms, xcellfnt financing avallabie, New'75CI12iXC (LlifM«) parents of a youth who died as the result of an (linible the New Jersey sector's share of the (0.2 percent). 2nd floor, heat a, hot water sklng 140,500. For further Infor New'7!OL10u0 (List 1274?) auto accident had submitted a bill io their in- these sausage products will have until Dec, 31, supplied ,• maturi business adults all Oorctyca Agency Realtors, area's employment, Government employment was the only major 1976 to deplete existing stocks of such labels, only. Must have references, NO '21 Chestnut 5!,, ffoiclle, 241.2442. # List rices exclude freight, prep. uratice company, which included $535 in job sector which rose over the 12 months ending pets. Available Sept. 1st. 4177417. I, license fees, Wage and salary employment in New York after which all labels must be in full com- • — ~ Z 731 111 funeral expenses. City fell 9,3,000 over the iz-month period. In the May 1975, up 9,000 or 0.9 percent. The govern- UNION Z 'I1'01 ROSELLE PARK CYCLI ACCESSORIES The company, Sheoran said, paid only $590, pliance with the clarified regulation. This Oeo, PATON Assoe Close out on huge 250,000 parts c. rest of the region (Nassau, Suffolk, West- ment job tola! rose 3.3 percent in Northeastern compliance date will allow packers time lo 3 room aparlmtnf, lit floor, near REALTORS necessory boutique inveniory disallowing charges of $20 for an organist at the New Jersey and 1,8 percent in the New York Center. 1200 month. Available Roseiie Pork 2411686 iroup, Chester, Iloekland and Putnam counties, in New secure replacement labels and also will provide immediately, llertuempfel'. Ost.' funeral service, $6 for copies of the death area outside the City In contrast, In New York ertag Rltrs., 6860651, 6HM477 jolefy Bars, Reg, S!4,9i ...13.00 York) the job total was down 12,000 over the an uninterrupted availability of such sausage eves, Chrome Rack. Reg, to $29.91... 13 record and $19.00 for newspaper death notices. vi'ar. City, public sector employment was down 4,000 U ~ " The company also lamented the fact that products to consumers VAILSiURO Z'"101 Sissy Bars, Reg. to i».95 ... 1316 Almost seven-tenths of the region's Job losses or 0,6 percent over the year. Riding Boots, five up to SO this the 1590 it paid included an 'inadvertent' 4Vj rooms, 3rd floor, Ifamlly,-1140, 'aragano Building Corp. opens during the period was concentrated in the The May monthly employment rise in the The Federal Meat Inspection Act prohibits Supply own heat. References, new area on Long Hill Dr., Short week. allowance of $53 for hire of u limousine for the the practice of combining names for which Available immediately, call after Hiili, between White Oak Ridge a, 100% FINANCING factory sector as manufacturing employment New York-Northeastern New Jersey area was 6 PM, 371,7571, Parsonage Hill Rds, Sites If you're 18, nave a lob 1. qualify, funeral service," Sheeran said, "The company, definitions and standards of identity or com- avaliablf now. centered in government, up 12,000, largely l7ihm buy with no cash down! Cycle it seems, takes a very limltedview of what eon position have been prescribed by meat in- VAILSIURO (UPPIR) nsuronee arranged on premises, such appropriate regulations as the cir-reflecting gains in New York City, Wholesale 1 nice FURNISHED rooms, Paragano Building Corp. be considered reasonable or necessary funeral cumstances dictate," and retail trade employment in the area was up spection regulations, APHIS said. kitchen ». bedroom, private bath, expenses and apparently also will not pay for As a preliminary step, Sheeran mid, he has 4,000 and services up 3,000; both increases were Federal composition standards for each of in private home. Call MSjtti, 376-1010 V.I.P. HONDA appropriate burial clothing and a headstone. these fresh sausage products differ. Con- Z 10 ————_.' z 121111 asked the presidents of the Northern Jersey seasonal. Partially offsetting these increases VAILSBURO (UPPER! "' ' SOUTH MANTOLOKINO Nation's Largest Honda, "I would hope that this kind of practice is not sequently, consumers mav be misled by 2 rooms, modern, heat & electric For sale by owner: Furnished Iverylhlng Store. Claims Managers Council and the Southern was a decline of 5,000 in manufacturing, and a supplied. Available Aug. 1st; 1131 general in the insurance industry. I plan to find combination! since it would not be possible to Ranch, 2M ft, from ocean i living, 10IWes17thSt. Plainfield.NJ Jersey Claims Managers Council to.take a 4,000 drop in construction employment that in month. Call 374 2027. dining area, modern kitchen, 3 out what the prevailing practieeji are in settling determine by the name the standard of com- bedrooms, bath, enclosed garage, CALL 7531500 sampling of the claims practices by other in- part reflected strikes in Northeastern New VAILSBURO (UPPER) """" hot water heat, large enclosed — K 7.31127 funeral expenses, and if necessary, 1 will issue surers and issue a prompt report to him. Jersey. position with which the product should comply. Lovely 1 bedroom apartment in porchi ya,ooo firm, i»2.42i3, MiniBikesKartsSno-Mbl 127A elevator building. Available for HA.tf Immediate occupancy,. Call Supt, SPRINSFIILD si 373,1723 HONDA-Mini Bike. —~z — Z7.31.101 BUYER'S CHOICE Mint Condition. Longer life for autos Beautiful selection of 4 bedroom, 1200. DEATH NOTICES Aptj.Wint«d 102 21/, baths tamlly site Iplits. Priced 944,8196, to tell. For personal service can -'- K7-31127A Marilyn Sehuiman, 371937?. means tire purchases Rillabli*mo7htr L 2 ehlTdren"wish ^NDERSEN-Henry o, Jr., on DUOUIB — Agnes MeAdam, of and Stephen D, Harti, Brother of ITIRS-On July 24, 1975, 45 room apartment. Union. NORftAA LEHRHOFF WASHINGTON, U.C.- replacement tire, make sure it 'uesday, July 15, 1975, age 44 Mountainside, on Wednesday, July Frank and Richard Hartz, icholas H. Sr,, of Irvington, Public Notice leeri, al last Orange, devoted 16,1971, wilt of James M. Duguid, grandfather of four grandchildren. Moved husband of the late Emma More tires are being replaced is the same construction ni the Memorialservicewasheiaat First iee Nolk), father of.yVaiter H. of 376.939] ather of Gary E, Andersen, mother of Mrs. Donald C. Weber, 1 f.Ji.ioa ALVIN D, MILLIR . these days because more ears other tire on the same axle. If brother of Oeorge Andersen, Mrs. sister of Mrs. Ernest F. Swlsher, Presbyterian Church, Morris Ave., vington, Niehoias H. Jr. of Z 7.31.111 ATTORNEY AT LAW Ruth Lanes and the late Mrs, also survived by three Springfield, on Friday, July !S. interact and Robert o. Peters of •USINiSS couple seeking 3 or 4 SPRINOFiBLD are seeing longer service. it isn't, erratic steering and Relatrves and friends were Invited room apartment with reasonable J09 larclay Pavilion west Laura Allen, Carl and Edward grandchildren. Funeral service, aplewood, ilso survived by six »t. 70, Cherry Hill, N.j. The Tire Industry Safety irregular wear patterns can Andersen, Relatives and friends was held at SMITH AND SMITH to attend. Arrangements were •andsons and one great. A CHARMER were kindly Invited to attend the (SUBURBAN), 411 Morris Ave., under the direction of SMITH AND anddaughter. Relatives and mmaeuiate 3 bedroom cape with Council offers these guidelines result. funeral services af HAEBBRLE 8, Springfield, on Saturday, July 19. SMITH (SUBURBAN), ends were kindly Invited to deck off kitchen and beautifully ATTORNEY FOR plantiff. for replacement tire selection BARTH HOME FOR Relatives and friends were invited Springfield. (tend the funeral service at The WANTED Small 2 or 3 room or paneled ree room. Quick —If you buy two radial tires to attend, interment In UNERAL HOME OF JAMES F studio appartmenf, upper Plaintiff FUNERALS, 971 Clinton Ave,, KILLT-On Tuesday, July 22, possession, Low M's. Call today I and use; to pair with other con- irvington, on Thursday, July 17, Presbyterian Cemetery, In lieu of 1971, James w,, of 202 Woodmont ,FFRE¥ &SON.109 Lyons Ave,, Ifvlngton, for refined quiet flowers, contributions wtre asked business woman. Call 375-77I9.' LARSON MORTOAOI COMP. —Check the owner's manual structions the radial pair must Cremation at Rosedaie Rd., Union, N.J., beioved husband Mngton on Saturday, July 21, OAK RIDGE REALTY ANY, A New Jersey corporation Crematory, Orange, to be made to Memorial Fund of of Emily (Szymanski) devoted erment Flower Hill Cemetery, or the tire instructions fixed always be placed on the rear. First Presbyterian Church, Bergen, In lieu of flowers, RETIRED Serman speaking lady Defendant father of James T,, William F, ard MIKI KORIMIA AND ANNA ANDRASiK-Mary, on July 23, Springfield. John E, Kelley, Mrs, Kathryn infributlons were asked to be would like awor J room apartment TOMSRIVM -'-"• to the car first before you axle. lade to the charity of your choice, in union, up to I1M month, by lepf, 2 bedroom home, ivj bafhs, utility KOREMiA, his wife,- RONALD H. 1975,of Newark, N.J,, beloved wife EISENHAU1R ,— Adam, of Savin and Miss Helen Kelly, also NiILL¥~ANP SHEILA NIILLY, consider any tire —Unless miJSed with radial of the late John, devoted sister of survived by 1! grandchildren. The lit. Call if6.7704 after i PM, room, living room, dining room, his wife; HAUL ALFORO AND Union, on Thursday, July 24, 1975, UTTIR-Liman (nee Sirota), — Za.7.102 kitchen 8. den, sereened.m porch, replacement. pairs, new tires should go on Frank Strlyc of Newark. Relatives husband of the late Helen Marquet funeral was conducled from The i 91 So. Midland Ave., Kearny, central AC 70 X 100 lot, 119,900. JOHN DOI, husband of Haiti and friends were kindly invited to Eisenhauer, father of Edward R,, MC CRACKEN FUNIRAL J., beloved wife of Julius, loving LI!T HERE LANDLORDS Alford, said name belna fictieiousj —If you pick a larger size the roar wheels for hotter ear attend the funeral on Saturday, HOME, 1100 Morris Avs., Union, For absolutely no charge we can 3416194 after a PM. Albert W. and Frederic M, lother of Ronald S. and Kenneth JBNNY lOWARDS AND JOHN July 26, at 1 A.M. from The iisenhauer, also survived &y 5i* on Friday, July 25. Pletter, dear, sister of Ida make renting any vacancy easier. 117111 DOE, said name being ficticious, than the original equipment handling and safety. PARKWAY WOZNIAK We have many qualified tenants husband of Jenny idwards) grandchildren. Funeral service iblinsky, Harold and Isadore tires, stick to the safe options —If you need new tires MEMORIAL HOME, 320 Myrtle was held at SMITH AND SMITH KOERMAiaR-FrankAnthony.of rota, also survived by five waiting i, we lust may have the Houses Wanted 112 WILLIE AND ilVIRLY Ave., irvinglon, thence to Sacred right one for your place. TOLBIRTl OINERAL recommended by the carbefore you think you should, (SUiURTiAN), 411 Morris Ave,, Ipringfield, N.j,, formerly nf •andchildren. Funeral services Heart of Jesus Church, Irvington, Springfield, on Monday, July 21. Mapiewood, N.J., on Monday, July ere from the BIRNHEIM- WiS a, CO. iLSCTRIC CREDIT have an expf r| check the old for a Funeral Mass. Interment lve CORPORATION,- TRUST manufacturer. He has token Relatives and friends were Invited 14,197J, husband of the late Edith OLOSTiCKER MIMORIAL Oil MS-liMToday. Oate of Heaven Cemetery, last to attend, Interment Hollywood Marion Koermaier, father of Mrs, OME, 1206 Clinton Ave., COMPANY OF NEW JIRSEY, into consieration load ratings, ones to see why If they did Hanover, N.J. Broker Cemetery, In lieu of flowers, Robert Zieser and Mrs, Grace vington, on WednMday, July 23, 27.31102 tire dimensions, fender wear out prematurely without contributions to the Heart Fund Afluiilno, also survived by six terment King Solomon 1010 Clinton Ave., Irv. 399.4221 AUERBACH-Vaientlne Joseph, Z 731,112 SUPIRiOR COURT OF clearances and rim size. material defect, improper were asked to be made. grandchildren and two great- Ifmetery, Clifton, N.J. The period FyrnRoortiiFBrRint of Springfield, on Wednesday, July grand children. Funeral was from f mourning was observed at the IDS VOUNB FAMILY wilh 2 children NEW JERSIY 23, 1975, brother of Frank M. and desires 6 room house in CHANCERV DiVISION —Never select a Inflation or other bad vehicle FAIOIN - David, of .230 Mt. SMITH AND SMITH miiy residence, Michael J, Auerbach.Mrs, Charles vernon PI., Newark, beloved uncle (SUBURBAN) , 415 Morris Ave., IRVINOTON Springfield,quiet street, good size ISSEX COUNTY maintenance habits may bep. Doninger, uncle of Oarrett C. yard. Mid or upper M's, Call 371. Docket No, F.5991.74 replacement tire smaller than of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lipkln, Springfield, N.J,, on Thursday, lAtHS-Maii, of It Lawrence Large attractive room for- 1 the, problem, end Jeffrey P. doninger. Funeral July 17, Funeral Mass was held in person, kitchen privileges, private 3925 anytime. NOTICE TO A1SINT the original equipment tires dear great-uncle of Mr. and Mrs. we,, west Orange, beloved was from SMITH AND SMITH Paul TJpkin and Mr. and Mrs. St. James Church, Springfield. usband of Rosalind (nee iaum), DEFINDANTS ilore information on (SUBURBAN! , 411 Morris Ave,, tot>M5?s;ii1 State of New Jersey on the ear. A smaller size may Larry Russack. Funeral services Relatives and friends were invited sving father of Roger A, and selection and other tire care, Springfield, on Saturday, July 56, were held at The BERNHB1M. to attend interment Holy ihardn Sachs, dear brother of ZM1 affect the suspension system Funeral Mass was held at St. ara^rROHLLB : MIKE KORBMBA AND ANNA GOLDSTiCKER MEMORIAL Sepiuchre cemetery, East Orange. Ubert Sachs Sr., also survived by of the car, ground clearance safety and mileage tips is James Church, Springfield. HOME, 1200 Clinton Ave., wo grandchildren. Funeral Furnished roomi available • for Office WanfiiMo Rent 119 KORIMBA, Relatives and friends were invited gentlemen only. Call 245-9170 his wife; and instrument accuracy, and available in tht Tire Industry irvington, on Friday, July 25. LBMQNOFF-ROfe, age 77, of 55 ierviees were from The to attend. Interment In Gate at interment King Solomon Glenwood Ave., East orange, on SERNHEIMOOLDST1CKIR between I & t PM, or 3416471 days RONALDH.NIBLLYAND Safety Council's Consumer Heaven Cemtery. WANTBD -Office Spact. 10 X 1} IHEILA NIILLY, is not designed to carry the Cemetery, Clifton, The period of Monday, July 14, 1975, beioved MiMORIAL H0M|, 1200 Clinton UHION • lm-m Ft, approximately. Reasonable his wife vehicle load, Tire Guidi^ For a, free eppy mournini was at the home of Mr. wife of Samuel, loving mother of Ave,, irvington, on Thursday, July Pleasant sleeping room near 94 8. renlar Call Mj.7413 or tttAUti, YOU ARE HEREBY write to "Tire Safety," Box BABBITTS-John.on Friday, July and Mrs."Kenneth Lipkin, « Sager Ruth Chavkln and June Everitt, 34, Interment B'nai Jeshurun N,Y, buses; reliable gentleman, •—~rr Z7.ji.ii5i SUMMONED and required to —Stick to the same size and 25, 1971, of Newark, age 62 years, dear sister of Alice Srigg and Cemetery,.Hillside, period of serve upon Alvin p. Miller, construction on all four 726, New York, N,Y, 10010. beloved husband of Marie (nte William, also survived by four mourning was observed at the Slows For Rtnl Romano devoted father of Mrs, FEIGHERY - On Tuesday, July grandchildren and two great, family residence, 121 Esquire, address is 209 Barclay Enclose a stamped, self William (Joan) Mayfleld, Mrs. grandchiiflrin. Funeral service Z Paylllon west. Route 70, Cherry wheels, if possible, for better 15, 1975, Julia L. (Makowsky), of UNION ""« Hill, New Jersey 0I002.an answer car handling. addressed, business-size Richard (Barbara) Ollham, Judy, 24B Homestead Dr., whiting, was held from The •ERNHIiM. ALIMiHNE-On Friday, July 21, For maturi business woman IRVINOTON (UPPIR) to the complaint filed in a civil John J, and Richard M. Babbitts, N.J, beloved wife of the late OOLDiTICKER MEMORIAL 975, Anne (Arcillo) of !13 Shelfon References required. Alter 6 P.M Brlgnt store, good location for action in which Larson Mortgage —If you -select a single envelope, brother of Mrs. Josephine sober, WMiiam J. Feighery, sister of HOME, 1800 Clinton Ave., rerr,, Hillside, N.J,, beloved wife call M7 5474 business. Near all transportation, Mrs, Sophie Flammer, Mrs, Tlllte Joseph Makosky, Mrs. Mary irvington, N.J., on Wednesday, )f the late Frank salimbene, Company Is plaintiff, and Mike Huzar, Mrs. Irene Mielnlck, July 14. interment Mt, Lebanon ievofed mother of Mrs. June IM iee iupt,, 3 Elmwood"er"., or Koremba, et als, are deiendants, HimmeI, Mrs. Helen Marino, Mrs. UN.ON '-'« phone 3716164, pending in the Superior Court of Public Notice James and William Babbitts and Marie Besseft and Mrs. Genevieve Cemetery, Iselin. latena, sister 0) Miehaei ana Furnished bedroom, private home — Z 731111 New Jersey, within thlrtyflve Public Notice the late Mrs. Frances Powell, also MeOeniey. The funeral was ouis Arelllo and Mrs. Jennie for gentleman only. survived by 10 grandchildren. (avinq, also sjirvived by two days after July 31,197S, exclusive Relatives and friends were kindly conducted from the MeCRACKIN MANZ — Gottlieb, on Monday, Autos For Sale of such date. If you fall to do so, contracting officer, advising the FUNERAL HOMB, 1500 Morris July 21, 197S, of union, N.J., Ifandchlldren. The funeral was ""»• 123 ludgment by default may be labor union or workers' Bond Law of New jersey, in invited to attend the funeral Ave., Union, N.J., on Saturday, husband of the lite Bertha Talmon onducted from The MC representative of the contractor's anticipation of the Issuance of said service from HAEBIRLE & IRACKIN FUNERAL HOME, rendered against you for the relief BARTH HOME FOR FUNER. July 19, The Funeral Mass Holy Manz, devoted father of Kari O. SMARTLY furnished bachelor Dear Suburban Publishing- demanded In the complaint. You commitments under this act and bonds and to temporarily finance Spirit Church, .Union. Mam, brother of Mrs. Freda 500 Morris Ave., Union, on efficiency, carpeting, linen, Ac, shall file your answer and proof 01 Shall post copies of the notice in said improvements or purposes, ALS., 971 Clinton Ave., irvington, Soehnle of Oirmany, also survived •uesday. The Funeral Mass was brick building,' parkins, Single service in dupliate with the clerk conspicuous places available to negotiable notes of the iorough in on Monday, thence to sacred by two grandchildren. Relatives ierd at Christ the King Church, person only SJ35. M7-1O7I employees and applicants for the principal amount nol Heart Church, vaiisburg for a iillside. Interment Holy Cross of the Superior Court, State House Funeral Mass, FRANK - On Saturday, July 26, and friends were kindly invited to —— —— 27.11.101 Annex, Trenton, New Jersey, in employment. exceeding 116,625.00 are hereby 1975, Joseph P., of Mountainside, attend the funeral service af :emetery, North Arlington. UNION only medium |'V«S was your accordance with the Rules of Civil iy order of the authorlied to be issued pursuant to N.j., beioved husband of Gertrude HAiBERLJi BARTH COLONIAL Private entrance & bath, with classified advertising,. Practice and Procedure. Township Committee and within the limitations Louise (Knorr) Frank, devoted HOME, 1100 Pine Ave., corner IAMMBT—Albert M., of New prescribed by said law iELLBRBY-Edward, on irunswlek, on iaturday, July U, refrigerator. Mature business I received about a doien The action has been instituted Mary T. Llotta Thursday, July 17, 1975, of father of Joseph O., Oeorge M,, yauxhall Rd,, Union, on gentleman. Call between 4 & 7 PM Township clerk SECTIONS. Idward T,, Harold C., and Mrs, Wednesday, July 30, cremation at 9175, husband of the late Maria telephone Inaulr es - from such for the purpose of foreclosing the Irvington, husband of the late Ann (iemp Sammet, father of Mrs. Mi.jjli or 7M0590. morfgagf dated August 31, 1970 union Leader, July 31, 1975 !a) The improvements hereby M. ieilerby, beloved son of Emma Rose F, Cobb, Also survived by Rosedaie Crematory. areas as Union, Irvington, - (Fee: 121,12) authoriied and the purposes for eleven grandchildren. The funeral iflargot McDonald and Harold n made by Mike Koremba and Anna and the late John Beuerby,brother iammet, grandfather of three VAU3CHALL " VeHsilrg Park and Koremba, his wife, to Larson tht financing of which said of Harry Beiierby. Relatives and was conducted from the MARCANTONIO—Mlchelina of 1 furnished room in private home People seem to have confidence obligations are to be issued are: McCRACKEN FUNERAL HOMI, Mlllburn, at her home, on irandehildren. Funeral service Mortgage Company and concerns BOROUGH OF RQSiLLB PAR K friends, also members of vas at SMITH AND SMITH Call MS 2433. In advertisements in their own real estate located at 376 S, aist Union county, N.J, SI) It having been deemed that steamfltters local 471 last 1500 Morris Ave,, Union, on Tuesday, July 15, 1975, wife of the ' — Z7.J1.10, an emergency situation exists and Wednesday, The Funeral Mass at late Nicholas Mercantonlo, mother SUIURiAN), 415 Morris Ave,, hometown newspapers, & Q Street, Irvington, New Jersey, NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN Orange, and Irvington Garden ipringfield, on Wednesday, July Springfield and, also, for possession of said that the following proposed that it is in the best interest of the Club, were kindly invited to attend St. Anthony's Church, iniabeih. of Albert and commander Anthony Borough of Roselle Park that the in lieu of flowers, contributions Marcantonlo U.S. Navy, sister of 10, Relatives and friends were Unfulnished Room Fof Rent 105A = HA'tf'123 premises, ordinance was Introduced and the funeral from HABIBRLi 1 milled to attend, Interment in passed on first reading by the sidewalk between Orant Avenue iARTH HOME FOR FUNERALS, were asked to be made to the Mrs. Pasquillna Monaco, Mrs, You, Mike Koremba and Anna and Its Intersection with Galloping Mountainside Rescue Squad, Rose Monaco, Constantino Methodist Cemetery, Springfield, Koremba, his wife, are made, Mayor and council of the lorough 971 Clinton Ave., Irvinoton, on in lieu of flowers, contributions to of Roseiie Park, in the County of Hill Road and last Westfleld Saturday, July 19. Mountainside, N.J, Spailpne and Mrs, Phiiomena 2 unfurnished room!, all utilities parties defendf nt because you are 1 the cancer Fund were asked to be Union, N.J,, at a special public Avenue at its intersection with Massimo and plus refrigerator supplied. Car the original mortgagors of the Oaiioping Hill Road be replaced grandchildren. Funeral was held made, , premises under foreclosure, and meeting held on July 21, 1975 and OAR BIS - Alice Hess, of East K 731,123 that said ordinance will be taken and-or repaired for the benefit of iERRY-On Tuesday, July 11, Orange, on Monday, July 21, 1975, from SMITH AND SMITH maay still be oblieated under the the health, safety.and welfare of 197i, Luther H. of 422 Stratford 1|« PLYMOUTH Sport Fury 3 bond) and, you, Ronald H, Nleiiy up for final passage on Thursday wife of Michael Oarbis, mother of (SUBURBAN), 415 Morris Ave.. ilOLlV — (Kelly), on July Si, PS, Auto, Trans, radio Good evening, August 14, 1975 at 1:30 the citizens and residents of the Rd,, union, N,j,, beloved husband Edmund Oivens, sister of Henry 0, Sprlngfleldi on Saturday, July 19, 1971, Reglna E, (nee Kelly) of Pt. and SheilSheia Nleiiy, his wifwife, are Borough of Roseiie Park, of Gertrude Sehoellne'r ierry, 3 FumRoomsWanled 10f» condition. Call 915.7711 after I ade parties defendant herei o'clock, prevailing time, or as soon Hess, grandmother of Lisa Orace Funeral Mass was at St. Rose of !easanf, beloved wife of Patrick made parties defendant herein thereafter as said matter can be (b) The estimated maximum devoted father of Mrs. Lois Koval, Oivens. Funeral service was held Lima Church, Short Hills, . Sigley and mother of idward because you assumed the Mrs. Judith A Currie and Mrs. at SMITH AND SMITH Relatives end friends were Invited :ett of Florida, Kenneth 6, Kett ol MAN, refined, retired, desires ™ K74MB mortgage and may still be liable reached, at the rfgular meeting ot amount of bonds-or notes to be Linda Chesner, brother of furnished or unfurnished sleeping said Mayor and Council to be held issued for said purpose is (SUBURBAN), 411 Morris Ave,, to attend, interment in Sf, Rose of 't. Pleasant, Mrs. Joseph (Joan) under the bond, at the Borough Hall in said 116,425,00, George and Raymond Berry and Springfjild, on Thursday, July 14, Lima cemetery, (oil of Newark, sister of George room in private hems in Upper importi.SpflrtsCirt 123A MORTIMBR-O. NEWMAN, JR. Mrs Lorraine Meho, also survived Relatives and friends wire invited irv., parking facilities. Need by Borough of Roseiie Park, and that (e) The estimated costs of said by six grandchildren. The funeral telly of Newark, grandmother of Clerk of Superior Court. ail persons Interested therein will purposes Is 117,500,00, the excess to attend, interment in Fairmount MAYER—Florence D, (nee even grandchildren. Relatives Sept, 1st, write Box 30O7 e.0 DATED; July 21, 19M service was held at The Cemetery, Suburban Publishing, 139 PARTS, ACCESSORIES FOP be given an opportunity to be thereof over the said maximum MCCRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, Donovan), on Wednesday, July 16, md friends are kindly invited to irv. Herald, July 31, 1971 heard concerning same. amount of bonds or notes to be 1971, of Union, N.J,, beioved wife ituyvesant Av.i Union, IMPORTS, SPORTS, jersevs (Fee: 121.MI 1500 Morris Ave., Union, on largest, oldest, nicest, supplier By order of the Mayor and issued therefor being the amount Friday July 11 Cremation private. OBLLER — Bernlce (nee of oeorsoorse MayerMyer,, devoted sister of mmmgiwrnm imported Auto Center, behlfiS rai Council of the Borough of Roselle of the said 1175,00 down payment Friedman), of South Orange, OeorgOree DDonovan , MMrs . CatherinCthi e RBY & SON, J09 Lyons Ave,, station Morrlstown. 374,16)6 for said purposes, devoted wife of Albert, beloved Dowries, Mrs. Mae Moore, Mrs, :orner of Park Place, Irvington, House For Rent PUBLIC NOTICE Park. BROOHAMMIR-On Saturday, 110 UNION, N.J, JEAN KIINAN SBCTION 4, The following mother of idward, Shayna and Dr. Anna Darby and Miss Frances exit 143), on Thursday, July ai at 1 July 26,1975, Otto, of 1011 Woolley Susan Geller, devoted daughter of Donovan, Relatives and friends Sealed bids will be received by Borough Clerk additional mailers are hereby Ave., Union, N.j,, beloved 1:30 A.M. tost. Dominic's Church, (RVINOTON the Purchasing Agent in the determined, declared, recited and Beatrice Friedman. Funeral were kindly invited to attend the rlekfown; (St. Martha's), whire MosWinftd ORDINANCE NO. 940 husband of Hedwlg (welsser) services were held Friday, July it, funeral from HAEBERLi•""' 1 family house, i rooms, ija 121 letting Room Bi the Municipal stated^ .,-.._ devoted father of Mrs, Heddy i Funeral Mass will be offered at month. Supply own its heat, FO Wilding,' I960 Morris Avenue, (a) The said purposes described from The BfiRNHeiM . BARTH COLONIAL HOMi. ill. 0:30 A.M. SlTffll'rlFTHl Llpke and Mrs. Eleonore Donnelly, OOLDSTICKER MEMORIAL Pine Ave,, corner of Viuxhall Rd., Information call J74M0O, JUNK CARS WANTBD "" RECONSTRUCTION AND In isction J of this bond ordinance also survived by two brothers in are not current expenses and are HOME, 1100 Clinton Ave., Union, on Saturday, July 19, SOSSIN-Joseph, of West Orange. Also late model wrecks- Oermandyandfpur Irvington, N.J. Interment B'nai thence to St. Michael's Church,, i . Callanytlme improvements and acquisitions grandchildren. The funeral service Funeral was held from The which the lorough may lawfully Jeshurun Cemetery, Hillside, N.j. union, for a Funeral Mass, BIRNHEIMGOLDSTICKER 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large lot SW-MM and 353.4098 was held Ath MC CRACKEN in lieu of flowers, contributions Interment in-Gate of Heaven convenient all schools, shopping fc Kf.f.iaKf.f. ! acquire to make as general FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris MEMORIAL HOME, 1200 improvements, and no part of the were asekd to be made lo the Cemetery, last Hanover. Clinton Ave., Iryington, N.J., on buses. 1425 month. Least to start LOCAL new ear dealer will Specifications and Form of Ave.,. Union, on Monday at Braille Service of the American Aug. IS, 197S, REMLINGER Proposal can be obtained at the costs thereof has been or shall be Interment Hollywood Memrolal Thursday, July 17. The period of specially assessed on property Red Cross, 104 Washington St., MAZURKI-Albert, of Mlllburn, mourning will be observed at 274 REALTOR 37i.3]W ".' used cars. Al makes i models purchasing Agent's Office, Lower Park. East Orange, N.J. 07017. ' -'- -:--• 17.31.110 Level, Municipal Building during specially benefitted thereby. on Monday, July 11,19M, husband B. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Livingston, regular office hours, fb) The period of usefullness of of the late Winifred Waldmann said purpose within thi limitations iURCHARDT- On Friday, July OUNTILe- on July 21, 1971, HouiM For Sill Specification requirements 21,1975, Werner E, of 2314 Sfeuben Philip F,, of Irvington, beloved Maiurkl, father of John A., 111 JUNK CARS BOUGHT Include the following: lid Bond, of said Local Bond Law, according St., Union, N.J,, beloved husband Frances C, and Edward A. MMiPANIK-On July 11, 1971, certified Checker Cashier's Cheek lo the reasonable, life thereof husband of the late Emily, c. (nee Maiurki, also survived by twoWaller, of Elizabeth, N.J., beloved 24HOUR SERVICE computed from the date of the said ol Alieie (Craft), devoted father of Brueker), father of Philip G, and i.A.TOWINOSBRVICS In lOpereeM if the total amount bid Mrs. Lorna Oordon.'steplather of Michael V, Gentile, Mrs, Mary grandchildren.. FuneraFune l was from husband of Theresa (kueher)(kueher)., Choice •Imora area, lmrnedlaf< and Performance bond. bonds authorlied by this bond SMITHANANDD SMITH brother off Stanley and Frank ordinance Js 20 years. idward Koima, brother of Harold Pietrrosantl end Mrs, laith occupancy, 1 family dwelling; During the performance of this Burehardt and Mrs. Dorothy Dalton, also survived by seven !SUBgRiAN),_4ii Morris Ave., Siczepanlk. Funeral was HARDINO HD,. brICK «. Stucco, j contract, the contractor agrees as ,c) The -Plierfiit n Goesl, also; survived by two grandchildren. Relatives and Springfield, en Thursday, July 14, conducted from The MC rooms, driveway- sY garage follows; Statement reflulri d by said grandsons. The funeral service friends are kindly Invited to attend Funeral Mass was held at St. Rose CRACKlN FUNERAL HOME, Reduced to MI,908, Verona Aye,, 7 a. The contractor or been duly made and file was held at the MC CRACKBN the funeral from kThe NUMERAL of Lima Church, Short Hills, 1500 Morris Ave., Union, N.J., on room Menial, IVJ baths, driye-tn subcontractor, where applicable, office af the Borough Clerl k am FUNBRAL HOME, 1500 Morris HO/VII OF JAMBS F, CAFFRBY Relatives and frltnds were Invited Friday, July 11 with a Funerai Will not discriminate against any complete executed duplicate Ave., Union, on Monday, | SON,,B09 Lyons Ave., corner of to attenattend,d , intermenInterment in StSt. Mass at St, AdalbertAdalbertss - Church loDLJOOC' RD,, Colonial, employee or applicant for therMf has been fiiM in the Office Interment Hollywood Cemetery,, Theresa's Cemetery. In ileu of nterment St. Gertrude's mmer i bedreomt, centra! A-C, employment because of age, race, of the Director of the Division of JreontrlbuHonrwenr asked must be seen to appreciate, creed, color, national origin, Local Finance In the Department to be made to your, favorite Contains many special features, 2 ancestry, marital status or sex. of Community Affairs of the State ; MotorqieJaFgrSafi BUTf-lR-Bertha R. ehUrity, ... •.;. TORTOmLLO-Domlniett. on ear garage. Low Ms, - The contractor will take of New Jersey, and such statement RighlefjVonTtlday, on Ftlday,, JulyJuly' H, \W, Saturday, of Newark, beloved affirmative action to ensure that shows that the gross debt of the of Mlllb'urn. Jrn,, N.J,N.J,,, wifwife oof the late Oate of Heaven Cemetery. husband of Helen, devoted father 1171 HONDACL. 17SCC,e«ctllent such applicants are recruited and Borough as defined; In *ald law Is Hurley. Relatives and friends also NiiliROALLfleorge J.. i©n of Edward, William, James, Increased by the authoriiatlon of poii -On July 17, ItTj, Wlllfam Tuesday, Ju|y IJ, 1971, ape «7 uRIIi'advartisrt' . wsstflsld eonditloni street » dirt, "stcurity employed, and that employees are members of Si, Stephen's L,, of Hillside, formerly of Danny .and „ Mrs,:, „ Kim Ave., ideally suited for lafgi treated during employment, the bonds and notes provided for In Episcopal Church, of Mlllburn year*, of I rvinaton, beloved Lamrgschino, brother of Anthony, ii, asking «00,M, th{s bond ordinance by 116,625,00, Newark, belovebovedd husband of husband of Mary r«ee lesofsky), (amlly, 9 Foom Colonial, c without regard to their age, race, were klndley Invited to attend the Josephi A ( McCashl) Frank, Sam, John, Lena, Sadie bedrooms, lunparlor, iv» baths. creed, eofer, national origin, tmsswaautt and the obligations authorlied by funeral service at HAEBERLB & Josephine A. (nee McCashlon); devoled.fathtr of Paul and Alber Carluecl, Antoinette Ferrari and Convenient to schools. Imrntdlate ancestry, marital status or sets. BI ITORDAINBDby tht Mayor this bond ordinance will be within IARTH COLONIAL HOMB, 1100 step.fatheepfather of Helen BndleBndlerr, Nlebergall, Brother of Ernest, •elores Wiess, also survived by y, Low jqs Such action shall Include, but not and council of Roselle Park. In the all debt limitations prescribed by Pine Ave., corner of Vauxhall Rd, bromef of RbRobertt MM. , RihRichardd jj , William, Fred, Edward and eight grandchildren. Runernl was • be limited to the following,' County of Union, N«w Jersey (not said law. union, on Monday, July 11, and, Joseph N. Smb., and Mrs, Joseph Nlebergaili Mrs, Christina Loretta Wright, RelativeRelati s and pfaff, Mrs. Anna Rumme and Mrs. on Tuesday, from The RAVMONO employment, upgrading, less thin twothlras of ill tht (d) An aggregate amount not Interment Oreenlawn Cemetery, FUNERAL CBNTIR, 311 Sanfort demotion, or transfer; members thereof iffirmitlvely Newport News, " friends and memberb s f th Katherine Sonn, also survived by 6g&J exceeding 13,000,00 for interest of flyrsranflchllaren: Relatives and Ave., Valliburg, Funeral Mass NOTICE OF HEARING recruitment or recruitment concurring) as follows: said obligations, costr of Issuing was herd at Sacred Heart Church, advertising; layoff or termination) SUCTION i. The'improvements friends, 1IS0 members ; of Notice U herctiy given that said obligations, and, enolneering CAMFIELL _ on July 16, IMS, Teamsteri Local NB, 171, were (Vaiisburg), > , lication hai been mode to (he rates, of pay or other forms of dtiwibea m Section 3 af thli bond costs and other Items eTexpense John of Dover, formerly of compensation,' and selection tor ordinance are hereby authorlied listed In and permitted under Bloomfleld, Beloved husband of .fpsmna r. tftrrRET S, 3UPi, ffiJ¥ training Including apprenticeship. as |imral Improvimtnts to be Lyons Ave,, at the corner of Park WERNER - George J., on Section 40A:2.]0 of the said Law Luellai (nee Barkman), stepfather 1 The contractor ajrees to post fn made or aeoulsltlonia bv • trie. may be Included te part of the of Mrs, Nell jpatriciat McQlnnis, Place, irvington, on Wednesday, Thursday, July u, 1W5, of'Onion ,. conspicuous- place, available to Borough of Roselle 'park.' New Funeral services were held on July 30, to Christ the King ehureii wmoa&Clinton ,Ave,, IrvlnBtofi, , on N.J., befoved husband of LillUn- costs of said Improvements and,is Thursday, July 24, Interjment employees and applicants for Jersey, For the-..' s§ld Included In the forNoIng estimate where a Funeral Mass was Schneider Werner, aavsted employment, notices to provided Imprpvtments or purpeifi ititsd offered. Interment Holy Sepiuchre iHollywooa Memorial.fark, ;• ;;, rother of Ousfave Werner. in said Section 1, theFe is hereby thereof, * ' :f, '•:••: r,- . .: cemetery • Line contracting officer setting appropriated the sum of IlF.iOO.vO, SECTION 5, The full faith and CAFFRiY&SON.MtLycVisAve,; PARI5I — Fannie (nee Morro), on Relatiyesvana : friwds, also ~- "^ •— of this credit of the Borouihare hereby irvington. Interment jvergreen 1 ; July ll,;:1f7S age 71 slid ium being Inclusive of all cemetery, . • ; OUNIIT - William A ,, on l; -appropriations heretoforc'-nnde. pledged to the punetualpayment of Tuesday, July al, ifJi; aji. w jUJinloni formerTy.oi therefor and Including the sum of ihraSeipaMaWrte^toie prlnclpal.of and'lnterast onnth thee OiiTLIIN - lisle M, (nee years of NiwafkrbelovWfiusbana newarK, wife of the late Daniel subcontractor, where applicable H7S,M as the down Daymen! for sai/oblljationsJUtheflM'••••"• flWlledbVd by this Pesarcik), oh Wednisday, Mv'toi of Bertha M, MefMerlOunset, Paris), devoted jtiethif of Carmen. will, in all sollEttatTons or said Improvements ar ourpesis bond ordinance. Said.obligations ml, of Union, N.J;, belbyed wife brother of Mrs, Catherine Mary, Olorla and Pred Pariil, ins advertisements for employees required by lew and™w available shalIIl be dlrect,.,i',yniTmlfedlrect,.,i',ynllmlfed Blersaek, Mi's, Anna Mann and is Fuow; iiittr of.dphfl placed by or on behalf of .the ||!l|«t!ofisof,theBogatlonsof the Bowushjani d the of Alvln • A. Dletteln, devafed Carl Haptdorn, Relatives and , porlunlty to hi heard, A map of .therefor by virtue of provision! in mother of Robert W., Rlehirl A, ret, Lvuujnw a previously, ifloBtii budolt or ough shall be opIlgalM to levy and peter R. Diefieln, sister of Tht proposep d luMIVlslbrlb t Is on file applicants. win receive Budgets of the Bsrouih for dovm ad Vvaloreu m faxes ;«rtn ail the LaBarrnervV MtmoflaW Post No, Ir*.lawI*lann clerk.'Diuhlslpslkhllj Mrs, Lois DanleiSi Mrs,' Helen coMlderatlen tut employment payment ' er for ' capital able projertyp.within the Sprsy and eharltl^Ptsireik, 1 •Chlrliffi^CouisTJf™**^— ng, irvlhgfen. KiJ, V*ir«f without regard to aoe;f ice, creed, lorluah firjtne PWnjmfrt said ahW't' ' dSEW^'-'jS W^Vjjfit. ** Mdb th BII randmother of Tracy Lynn eeior, national origins-ancestry, oblsangns and TnnMrf thereon Htileln. Relatives and friends marital status, or sex; ; •sal* Improyements/or prupous without ilmltatlgB.ef• rate or .1.4 ii. .. i ..;•_._. t_ _a,_ . • , ,~ FOR'luNlRALif*m eiwH ug«. 1M1-17M Stuyveunt Ave. , Chairman c, The,, contractor or , and to meet the part of said : Ave,, Irvington, on Thursday, yulV Union irvingtorr ...-••-.- irvlngtsn planning ioart , SBCTJON JThisbtfi ordinance irv, Hirald, July 11,1975 subcontractor Where 'applicable, J17.S00.00 appropriation not 14,, interment In Hollywood ;W..peclelli»,lrTpljM will send . to each labor, union or provided for "by application ine Ave., co>ner,tf,vauxhail Rd., Memorial Park, ', ,••*.•'••:'. represlntatlve or workers with hereunder of said down,payment, WART2'.:•:— William W;, of.i& which he has a collective unlen, on ^Saturday, July 26, •LUf THOII DUOS I Find negotiable bonds of the Borough thence to St. Mlctiail'i cKureh, Sprlngbrook Rd., Sprinofleld, BMrniliiifor In ; We Classified bargaining agreement or other are hereby authorlied to be Issued fSSfLTW^! Union, for a Funeral Man, Tufida/, July m lffi, hMbaM Uttt: vmti, (touJmSoiMl^ contract or understanding, a In the principal amount • of Interment In oate §f Heaven Harriet ighelt Hartt, fattier _. Itvtifirtitii TB H§l* :'<<£Hii> 'Wfttfti"."."'?'^ notice to ae provided by the agency S1«,iffi,go pursuant to the Local The Spectator, July .31, 1975 Cemetery, North Arllneton. (Pet; MS.30) Cemetery, Mn, Douglas Lyiem, Robert 1, j :. r .Thursday, July 31* 1975-1 The apiarian bug bites Mortgage relief ready Hobbyists learn bee-keeping Want a Calcinating new hobby, on op> everyone wearing protective velli. The next in 12-county flood zone portunity for spare-time or full-time Income day, at a demonstration of hiving a swarm, and n chance to add to the nation's food supply? only a few students bothered to don veils, but Commissioner Richard F. Schaub of the The regulations which the commissioner nobody was stung. invoked allow financial institutions to; That's what 120 students took away from n N.J. Department of Bonking announced this three-day course at Rutgers University's Cook —Grant an additional mortgage on a one- week Ihnt he has invoked emergency College last month. Despite a "warning" from Dr. Hadclyffe provisions of the banking Act which allow state family dwelling which along with the unpaid Hoberij, technical director of the course, that balance of the initial loan would not exceed 160 The student! learned how to produce the chartered financial Institutions to "refinance, world's oldest known sweet—honey—and in tho getting stung was a requirement for com- compromise, adjust or otherwise relax percent or the appraised value of the real pleting the course and obtaining a certificate, property, process discovered the basic importance of provisions of mortgage loans on property" honeybees to New Jersey and world agriculture none was able to produce the "necosiary,' —Grant an additional mortgage'on n one to located within disaster areas, including the and to the New Jersey and world food supply. sting. "You'll just have to 'complete' that four family dwelling which along with the reduction of the interest rate and extending the Now Jersey, incidentally, has the second course requirement back homo with your own unpaid balance of the initial loan would not term of residential mortgage loans, largest number of honeybee colonies per acre bees," he told the students, exceed 100 percent of the appraised value of On July 1315 and 20-21 storms arid floods of in the nation such severity struck much of New Jersey that the property, Even if there were no honey produced by (lev, Brendan Byrne issued a general —Grant an additional loan for home Im- The course Cook's pnnual offering in bees, the insects would bo valuable for their declaration of emergency. On July 23, provements which along with the initial home 'Beginning Beekeeping," is being followed this role in fruit production, a major source of in- President Ford declared 12 counties within the improvement loan docs not exceed 133 percent year for the first time by an advanced course, come to New Jersey farmtrs. Apples, stale to be disaster areas. These counties are of the appraised value of real property, which is now under way blueberries, cranberries and cucumbers could lierpn, Burlington, Cumberland, Essex, —Extend existing mortgage loans despite Students in the bcgmner'i course, ranging In not be worth growing If bees were not around to Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Union, exiiting limitations in the mortgage agreement age frum very junior Cio-Jear olds) to \ery carry pollen from one blossom to another to Salem, Somerset and Sussex, up to the original principal amount of the loan, serjmr (70-p!us) citizens, came from widely "set" fruit in abundance the instructors scattered parts of New York and New Jersey The commissioner said that "I have in- —Grant a mortgage loan on real property repeatedly emphasized. vestigated and reviewed the conditions in the which is subject to a mortgage loan held by They learned about bees, honcj, winemaking disaster areas and have concluded that much another financial institution, and candle dipping, and the problems and Out of approximately 5S,0O0 colonies of bees daniap and destruction has occurred to real -Reduce the rate of interest on mortgage rewards of what is a hobby for more than 5,000 in New Jersey, more than 99 per cent are property subject to existing mortgage liens loans, and New Jersey residents. operated by hobbyists working from one to 10 securing mortgage loans by the state's —Extend the term of an existing mortgage If any studenti were apprehensive about colonies each. About a half-dozen beekeepers financial institutions. It is in the interests of the loan up to two times the term of the original getting stung, they gained a noticeable degree operate commercial enterprises ranging from disaster victims, the welfare of the public and mortgage. of self-confidence rapidly. On the first day, a 000 to 1,200 colonies, primarily for pollination of the safety of the financial institutions involved The comissloner concluded that, "Tin- stale's demomtrition of beehive manipulation had fruit crops. that I have invoked the provisions of a financial insiiutiqns now have the power, as regulation dealing with emergency measures well as the moral duty^ to assist those persons •MIKi TOjl* to taken concerning mortgage loans in Disaster who have suffered extensive damage to their Bird import Yeur Areas. For this reason 1 have today mailed real property secured by mortgage loans. This notice to the state's financial institutions that regulation is especially important to our state's ONE GUY in HILLSIDE says: the emergency provisions are in effect as ot home owners who can find little relief from the rules listed this date." federal government's program which are If you're planning to travel KiEP COOL designed to assist communities, businesses and abroad soon and expect to A-D-V-E-R-T-l-S-E-M-E-N-T farmers." with bring back a pet bird, you may in Hi iilll lililiiiiii i; run into a few problems unless you take ' the necessary Afraid You're 'Colonies' select precautions spelled out in a brochure issued recently by the Animal and plant Health ' -HtrtfixrinJr ' I Going Deaf? Jerseyan leader Inspection Service of the U.S. Walter T, Peters Jr., executive director of Department of Agriculture. Wilmington, Del. — A free offer of the New Jersey Bicentennial Commission, has special interest to those who hear but do According to the booklet, been elected chairman of the Bicentennial you're allowed to bring in no ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS not understand words, has been an- Council of the 13 Original States, JONATHAN MEETS JONATHAN — Jonathan Levins, 7 months old, of Danville gives more than two birds after you nounced by Beltoni. A non-operating Peters' term will be for the key Bicentennial model of the smallest Beltone aid ever the jrnpreiiion thai he Isn't pleased with sharing his stroller with Turtle Sock loo's sign a sworn statement to the year, which began this month and will run to Jonathan Seagull. The confrontation arose at the Turtle lack Zoo's education effect that they have been in made will be given absolutely free to the 200th anniversary of the signing of the your possession for the anyoni requestingit . building where a lecture on New Jersey wildlife was being hold. After Jonathan Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1978, Seagull was removed from the stroller, Jonathan Levins changed to allimiles and previous 80 days, isolated The council was erganked in 1970 to help from all other birdi, and show ERITAGE COMPACT Send for this non-operating model continued on his visit to see the rest of Turtle Sack Zoo's, 1,000 animals. The zoo is coordinate Bicentennial activities in the 13 no signs of illness. ' AIR CONDITIONER now. Wear it in the privacy of your own located at 560 Northfleld Ave., West Orange. The hours are from 10 to 5, Monday home to see how tiny hearing help can original states, particularly those of regional through Saturday and from 11 to 6 on Syndoyi and holidays. In addition, the birds must MODEL AHHOBOBFA #H)M0TU-HR.CMIIn8 be. It's yours to keep free. The actual impact, and to serve as a clearinghouse for information. It is made up of representatives of be kept in isolation for a aid weighs less than a third of an ounce, period of 30 days to make sure • Only 7vi Ampi.,plun and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No the Bicentennial Commissions in each State lnt@ ifii idi^uittly w)rt€ Ms Vilf irsundtd elrsvlt !yblt£t ts IHll and operates with private funding. that they did not enter the wires lead from body to head. Recovered patients sought country with a disease that • QUIET OPERATION ... IDEAL FOR BEDROOMS. In addition to New Jersey, the member states • Sulcti-Msgnf . Durinn guMHr (wnltitr ildt) cut msltM ol These models are free, so we suggest are: New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, could possible poie a serious Liiin (R! Riilri cm'! Ruil, you write for yours now. Again, we threat to the bird and poultry • 10-T«ir rirti I, Slrvltl Ull»r R>pl«c PICKUP OELIVERY president of a firm that ibout yourif It tor only 13.60! CiM traumatic experienci encountered." The M4.77M, dally » to SiOO. assists companies in National Burn Victim Foundation Burns Nuiley girl to represent developing programs to use Recovered program can, according to Gaynor, SERVING ALl JERSEY women's skills better, will be provide ho|)C and reassurance to burn victims state in teen-ager finals Sandra Elkin's guest on and their families during the initial and Miss Lucille Mullcr, 16-year-old Nutley High 322-2040 "Woman" next Tuesday at reconstruction stages of treatment. School junior who was selected Miss New 10:30 p.m. on Channels 50 and "Nurses whn specialize in the care of burn Jersey Tcen-Ager, will represent the state in 68. patients play a major role in the emotional Hcuen jtr Stnlce Ktmpiptn the national finals of the Miss National Teen- The two women will probe outlook of the victim," Gaynor said. "There is a Ager Pageant Friday, Aug. n, in the Memorial sex discrimination in business great need for current burn patients and.their Arts Center, Atlanta, Ga. and discuss ways in which families to talk to others who have gone Tlie finalists, from Uic 50 states and the companies can become more through the ordeal." District of Columbia, will be competing for aware of the needs of their Walter Reardon of Hahway, a member of cash scholarships totalling $10,000 and other DAILY, WEEKLY, OR MONTHLY women employees, 5 Great Burns Recovered was burned on 50 percent of prizes. Each contestant will recite a 100-word 24 HOUR SERVICE RENT THAT ROOM with i went his body in an industrial accident two yours essay on "What's Right About America," the Ad. Only lie pet word Win, $3,60) ago. He was treated in a burn center in Boston. pageant theme call 684)7700 Decades of p.m., beginning Sept. 3, at the Auditions County College of Morris, Route 10, Randolph Township. 1 Supreme Aug. 4-1-1 Handel's "Messiah" and FIX UP YOUR HOME 1'oulenc's "Gloria" are STUDIO among the works to be LIGHTING Growth**G * for chorus rehearsed during the fall CENTRE and save _ ^s^ Auditions will be held season. TheCchorus will Monday evenings, Aug. 4 and perform its annual series of 376-7210 S Greal Savings Plans For Your 11, for the Masterwork five concerts of Handel's % Chorus' fall season. The "Messiah" at Lincoln Center LAMPS Financial Growth! auditions will begin at 7:30 at and Carnegie , Hall In. December. MOUNTED 30 ••* the Morris County Park Commission Cultural Center, Those interested in joining Savings Certificates 300 Mcndliam >d-, the chorus~can wrlte~or call REPAIRED Guaranteed 4 Years or More Guaranteed 3 or 4 Yoars Morristown, There are the Masterwork Foundation AND ALUMINUM SIDING openings in all voice parts. office at 53H-1860" between 9 1,000 sq.fl, NOW "Requirements for mem-a.m. and l p.m. for further LAMP Complotoly Installed ONLY bership in the Chorus," says information. per $349 David Randolph, director, SHADES annum PLUMBERS, ATTENTION I Sell 259 Morrli Ave., Spflnglleld Minimum S10 000 Minimum $10,000 "arc not stringent. Singers arc your services to 30,000 local VINYL CLAD SIDING required to have blending lomNKs with o lowcost Want Ad. 1 Block above Newbertys Compounded or Paid Quarli'rly Compounded or Paid Quarterly Call 686-7700. X voices and some ability to Guaranteed 1 or 2 Years Guaranteed 3 Months ' 1,000 sq.ft. NOW read music." Completely Installed .....ONLY Rehearsals for the Masterwork Chorus will be, SOLID VINYL SIDING held every Wednesday at 8 SINCE 1954 per ©•CTVZurn finnum 1,000 sq.ft. NOW Minimum S5 00P Minimum S1.000 Completely Installed..... ONLY #749 "MR. BIN" "is... 12 Months or 12,000 Miles Compounded or Paid Quarterly Compounded or Paid Qu.irlrrly Nationwide Written PwH Let's talk about Sifting helps you slop painting, nriils bflniily lo your home, ends costly home repairs decorating the Guarantee... on Engine, Terms and Rates Guaranteed to Maturity! II 5 your choice, aluminum, »m>! elm! 01 solid vin,. sidmq WniLliuver you choose, living room and TnmmlMlon, Mffanntlal (In the ovortl pf Pfirly fr al* from tavmgfi certificate* federal rogulfltiom require that ycu roceivn they all insulate anil wemher prool nil y«,v lonq dining room or your home. The unt you withdraw and lliat a pwaliypfOO days Inlttrost also be ctiarfgad.) ANY HOUSE. ANY STYLL, FORGET IT1 biggest problem most people 1 seem to nave Is You've Seen Ans Like Tliis Bplori-' Biq Promise.;' Bui They Can! Deliver '«» VOLKSWAGEN deciding on a •73 MERCURY color I Camper W-pop top. White, Passbook Savings Cougar, While «. Blk , 31,516 mi 68,909 ml. If you have smalt lo medium '74 V0LK5WA0IN site rooms the color of your Model nil. Blue, ",808 ml '7« GREMLIN rug i% the best Qulde By Green 63,9(1 ml,es. GARRIS DELIVERS using 6 color drape the same '74 CORVETTB 0NAL LY0U R '70 RAMBLER as the rug you will give the Silver 7,w mllM rooms an overall larger look. Grornlin, Green, 68,981 ml. By .using contrasting colors '73 VOLKSWAOKN Corn pounded pr Paid Onartorfy .they lend Jo enclose and cut Green, Model 22)1, 4t,3?3 ml. 'n VOLKSWAGEN down .the room size. Of '70 IMPALA ,' ' Model 4313, Blue, 21,398 ml. HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS! course, personal taste still Is '70 ooooe' the most important factor to Custom Coupe, Green,4B,441 ml Part swinger, Purple, 36,775 •Replacement Windows •Roofing consider, vou must like the •74 CHEVY Pick OF ml color because you are going, CuJtorfi 10 wllltS&frlPav Blue. '7] MBRCURY . 6 for $89. - Casings Only. • Finished Basements H to have to live with III 17,179 ml tv " Montego ' MX Coupe, Blue, •Bathrooms Completely Installed •Porch Enclosures Antique satin IS still the belt 42,583 ml , from $699. • Dormers fabric to , consider, NO Model Ml, Redf 17.045 miles •74 VOLKSWAGEN material "hangs" as well and « VOLKSWAOSM ; Model 1131, Green, 25,916 miles •Kitchens Completely Installed no fabric "drapes" as well, 'M VOLKSWAGEN DMI Direct With A Oarrls we hflvft (ini'atftrk) _many_ Karmen Ghls "Conyi, White -coriv WhH from 11299. colors Including moss, •Room Additions No Salsa' Commissions antique gold, red, white and and Loan Association / royal In single width, one and 28 Y«if« of Swing N.J. Homnvontrtl one-halt wWtti, double width and triple Width In A3" to 95" Home OffIc#: lengths; 'A choice of over 86 colors area available on 1331 Springfield Ave., Irvlngton • 374-8200 special order). Branch Offlfce: , , Tl 1065 Stuyveaant Ave., Irvlngton • 371-0840 " Curtain Bin Both Offices Are Open Dally 9-4; Mond6yB9-6. WHBRI PBRSONALSERVICa COSTS YOU NOTHING HXTRA 964-1846 2195 MIUiURN AVE. Watch For The Opening Of Our New Office At' MAPUW0OD, NJ. 173 Mountain Avepue, Springfield. UNION . 686-5015 763-4567
