Hoover Abandons War Debts Plan
i « niBM *rti iamtaa»*i>a*» fUf l.inM.k -ml Mftti Mt ttmttt In L.*i, ,.'.* II...I ,.*., — .I »«***.•—»**l*tf*. n.*itl. "•*'- •>» ete • • ji ~t i iwan a—i it . niatW rum. • Ai pe WAfffRfllf IP '*.'.11WJS f** Illftt I 1_M EVENING tm r\ _____________ 141 * m. at l>. ! 19:4* u.m., 0.1 It. LOOK N«w unfilff I:H iKfia I II MP —.>•!*. aaa ai«a* *NIMORMC>w—. HN aate « M n'rl—a I 4l*» o'lilO—t Member Associated Press VOLUME LVH NUMBER 806 SAMTA MONICA. CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1832 PRICE TWO CENTS ODAY'S Bttt HOOVER ABANDONS WAR DEBTS PLAN Human Interest nmimnmmimmmiiimip inniHiiiniimttiimmiiiiip iiiiiiiHiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiHiiiimitiiHimiiiiimftitt T»Stor y *,•*»•• Here Are Important Provisions of 1st Gov. Roosevelt MAN'S name, signed by Police Hold 13 in Liquor Raid Series someone else, is nos Collier's Beer*_or*Revenue Bill as A worth tbe paper it is Declines Plea written on, much less $300 in STORES TO STAY Passed in House of Representatives back dues. This bit Sf funda OPEN AT NIGHT Henry to Face Drys Confident mental lara doe. not, of course, be* Truckloads of come effective unless the person UNTIL SATURDAY WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 (AP)—The important provisions To Cooperate sued for tbat sum happens to recall 15 Accusations Senators Will Of the Collier 3.2 per cent beer Mil, passed by the house and the fact that he did not sign a paper Intoxicants to With aaata Claus" visit al sent to the senate, are: which happens to be the basis of most here, Jutt two short days President a Elect Refuses away, a survey of Santa Mon Legalizes beer, ale, porter aad lager beer of 3.2 per cent alcohol by litigation.
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