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I a Good Cigar | 10 THE SEATTLE STAR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1924 WASHINGTON MAY SEND JACK WESTLAND TO BIG GOLF MEET Washington’s Golf Ace BRITT IS STOPPED BY MORGAN THIRD | IN Take Trip OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN |Right on Westland Figures to Win Swamped by Chin Wi Coast Title; May Go to National Collegiate Meet |.~ for Champ BY ALEX (~ ROSE Teddies Home With Westland, the crack golfer Romp 'First Time Britt Has Ever JACK Ballard of the University of Washington 35 to 9 Victory; \ Taken the Count; Small and Pacific Coast conference inter Beats West Seattle and Morrow Draw collegiate champion, may be the STANDINGS first representative of the Far West UREF MORGAN won lot Won Lost Yot a of new in the national tournament in college o 1T(;1) ROOMVEIL ccvsavsenssnssneB 1.000 friends last night, the East 0 1.000 Hallard sstsapinsassaesss B { The classy little Coast feather. sidbenesssnssss B 1 " Plans aro now under 'Nnmdnn way to make | welght king showed the '“’vllho-!11c...v.........! I' skeptics who for the winner the possibls of Coast ::; {sald he couldn't hit, that he packs conference meet, which will be RRttt 1 held E s a punch, when he knocked Frankle YT eeSt 000 In Portland at the Waverley club in L F In the 8 .hrm dead third round of th EIRARMIIN s B 0800 -s sas iasviivntns = May. to go to the national tourna- scheduled six-round battls at ment. RESULTS |! Crystal Pool, m Linocein 11, Garfield # And as Westland won the It was the time In honors l Ballard 27, West Neattle 11, first Britt's & year ago and seems to be the class Hoossvell 35, Queen Anne ¥, ring career that he has taken the 1%, Franklin 14, Oof the field agnin, he stunds a fine Broadway | count, chance of being the Western choice i A right hand on the chin turned Roosevelt and Ballard are Three of the golfers in on greatest leading the high school basket zvha trick. Morgan had Britt the the world are products of intercol {run and cornered him against the ball race today, following their legiate competition, Bobby Jones, o* iropes, pounding him severely and victories over Queen Anne and Harvard, Rudy of Prince. { finally knocking him dead with Kgepper, West Seattle respectively Tues a ton, and Jesse Sweetser, of Yale, on day. and Lincoln | smash the jaw. made ' Broadway have golfing history, The fir® round was slow turned in wins over Franklin : falrly If Westland is sent East, he will and Gartleld, | with Britt doing the forcing and the name of earry Washington to | with Morgan dancing out of reach, The Roosevelt-Broadway game wider athletic fields, the same as the What little Mor. at Broadway next Tuesday will i punching wag done, Purple and Gold crews, track man, {gan did it be the feature game of the baseball teams and the football fourth round. Queen Anne plays Britt rushed to the center of the have done squads {ringIn the second round and at Franklin, West Seattle at Lin started Champlon who is now n Westland, after Hs started a coln and Roosevelt at Garfield Morgan. flock Juntor student, took up the golf lof in the other of the punches, Morgan catching most five gameos day. game years ago along with his of them with his gloves and several - class-mate, Bryan Winters, and it | swings going around his neck. They Was ROOSEVELT, 15; not long before he became a | collided and Britt broke open Mor- topnotcher; breaking into the head. QUEEN ANNE, 9 gan’s left eye, After an Five from Roosevelt | exchange, IHnes of sport pages when he scored ~ young men left was badly cut. Mg#. the | Britt’s eye & sensational victory the journeyed to Queen Anne gym, against | gan began punching and just at the great Dr, 0. F, Willing, in the first yesterday afternoon, and ran rings | bell he sunk a pip of a left hook on “yound of the Pacific Northwest around the champlon Quays to the am. | Britt's chin that shook Britt from meet in tune of 85.9. It was the cleanest and ‘mteur champlonship Victoria, slem to stern. 3922, most decisive beating ever handed LN In the third, Britt again took the to In Se. ; early training was had out a championship team ©Westland's toffensive and landed a few wild &t the Everett Golf club but attle, links, punches, but Morgan smacked him The Teddies rolled 2§ during the past two years most of ~ up pointa to | several times with straight wallops _his goif has been played the In. thelr opponents’ fiva in the first om the chin and whale of Jim {on one a right glewood Country club course, where half., Hyllengren, who caged the body. He forced Britt to the the ball five |to ‘he is a member and also club cham. times during the first and the Tacoman took the K. half, was the blg scoring star, He plon. !ropeu10, wallop. - Whether someone will this was high point man with 11 count. appear B. C. Puck | Roy Small and Billy Morrow Joar to snatch some of the burden ore, ' | fought another of their The one from this lad's heavy laden brow, amazing work of Captaln |draws, Morrow having & sl alone Monte Snider of the north end team illWeak ‘time will tell, but from the Wi Eyes Hinder | shade, ~ Wiy that he Is improving his way one of the pleasing features of game For three rounds Babe Folmer, had #t seems a safe bet that he will be the Queen Anne Waterloo.., Poter. i in Pat Willlams Coach { eating leather, but in ‘the 1924 king-pin in Pacific coast son, D'Vorack's new forward of Ilho final round Willlams showed _college golfdom and that he will have find, played an aggrossive game, ap- Seattl Youngest Shugrues? plenty of fight. But Folmer had too the honor of belng the University of pearing to advantage, Ev Nowell, the Boattie Mots on *the bad much of and the eyesight stop the third of the an edge earned the de- : Washington's first seeker of national Husky Teddy guard, uncorked wrru Shugrues? pralrie playing Saskatoon to- 4 defonsive WILLJoe _golfing honors when the curtain goes bangup play, bholding Shugrue, a great lightweight in his day, was cision. ; night, O'Brien in the Bolstad, forward, the Vancouver and Victoria Jimmy was far too good _Up big shuw In the East this Percy Quay to only compelled to retire at the height of his form on account hockey clubs will furnish the week- for Perry Clark and the three shots from the fleld and scor. of bad latterwas ly puck battle at the Arena here. eyesight. Shugrue once knodked out knocked silly in the fourth roumd ~ Invitations to compets In ths Call. ing two long baskits himsell, Hyl- Benny The lineups for thelr game follow: Leonard. He was that after taking a bad beating. It fornia Intercollegiate meet have been lengren's guarding, also, was well good. have been to the THE LINEUPS John came should stopped sooner. % Northern colleges and nigh perfect. Anderson, Quay cen. Shugrue along later and took up the light- g Vanrayver Yieteria Sewell Dean and Saflor Neil, a a ter, put the in the lead TARMSAN the is likelihood that young West. Hilltoppers covopnee BOBL cosiveess Fowler weight assignment where his older brother left off. John's will be at the first tipoff, but COoR. .ocvvsves -Defense. .. 0.. Loughlin catchers, Jand among those present Hyllengren bothered couple of fought a slugging Dunemn . ooovaq Defense. ... Malderson eyes Lim, too, and the other night he vir- In .. was this field teesoff at svened the count with a long bas draw the opener. .. e 5 _When the .Del Matis .. vuiiDefenae. Frederickeon ~ tually knocked into retirement Pal A good house saw the card which ket, From that time on, the Teddies Boucher by Moran. Shugrue Monte linksonthe 22nd day of next ..., . Conter. ..., Mosking JACK BXinner Hart was staged by Dan Salt and Lonnie WESTLAND werd never headed. ovoeis Porward. coieinass. couldn't see after the fourth round. The Mackay ........Forward...... Anderson Austin, ; ~ Teddy scrubs won thelr game, Now comes the third of .o the Parkes ...ooove Rosorve. ove.. Trikey Shugrues, Willie, youngest ——————————— of the Pacific Coast and one 1311, Tom e Champion golfer conference Hyllengron starred, Dostrom ......Re5erve......... Briden of lot. ~ the Willie made his debut recently and won in MACK SAYS ‘ of the ranking players of the Northwest, Jack Westland, Nommevelt (38) Queen Anne (8) Halder (§) f. Balstad (1) impressive style. His eyes appear to be perfectly normal. University of Washington golf erack, has a chance to play Peterson (§) Butler WILL r. (1) Will they that way? BE ¢ stay in the national intercollegiate meet this spring in the East, Day (4) Anderson (1) ~ HE _ Nowell (1) 5 Austin Jan. the PARIS, 23.—Charley Ledoux first time that Washington will have been represented in J. Hyllengren (11) Kalley (1) -~ §. last night lost his French UPINRACE Bcore by quarters— bantam- this tournament, ’ Koosevell .....iOOOd 1 3 39 weight title when he was outpointed PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23—~The ~Photo by Price O’'DONNELL AND & Carter, Star Staff Photographers Queen Anne ......18 10 - =33 LOSES in 20 rounds by Andre Routia, usually reticent ‘& Connie Mack Bubstitutions: 15 already making the prediction ! Roossvelt: Tlagist (3) for Pelerson; Jan, 23 -~Willie Hoppe, iKRAUSE he will Queen Anne: Carulll for Boletad. ILOB Jan., ‘that finish in the first divi- CABS CH!CA(K).world's 18.2 balkline billiard ANGELES, 23.~Danny | HELENA, Mont, Jan, 23.—Bat- 'YELLOW Referse: Wes Bennle; Umpire: Windy Kramer, and GENARO VICTO champlon, was leading Young Jake FPhiladelphia, Johnny ‘| ting Krause, St.
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