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Of Professional Local Government Management SEPTEMBER 2014 | icma.org/pm INSIDE 2 90 YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS 6-9 ICMA’S CENTENNIAL LEGACY 10-55 PROFESSION AND CULTURAL CHANGE 56 THE FINAL WORD of Professional Local Government Management ADVANCING PROFESSIONAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT WORLDWIDE contents September 2014 | Vol. 96 No. 8 CELEBRATING 100 YEARS introduction 30 A Personal Journey From Farm Labor to Aerospace 6 Celebrating Our Heritage, Engineering to City Management Preparing for Our Future and ICMA Leadership Severo Esquivel, CLOVIS, CALIFORNIA Robert O’Neill, WASHINGTON, D.C. 8 ICMA’s Centennial Legacy 34 A Remarkable Scott Hancock, ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND, Management Life SYLVESTER MURRAY, and Alison Ortowski, SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS An interview with JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 9 Recognizing ICMA’s Commitment to Public Service 38 One Exciting Technological 5 Moment in History Joan McCallen, WASHINGTON, D.C. Trajectory WASHINGTON, D.C. Costis Toregas, features 40 Ten ICMA Member Musings Pamela Antil, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA; departments Melissa Mundt, AMES, IOWA; Alex McIntyre, 10 1914: Celebrating the MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA; Brenda Garton, 2 Ethics Matter! Centennial of ICMA and Modern GLOUCESTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA; Khashayar Celebrating 90 Years American Government “Cash” Alaee, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA; Mary of Professional Ethics Richard Stillman, DENVER, COLORADO Jacobs, SIERRA VISTA, ARIZONA; Linda Kelly, WINDSOR, CALIFORNIA; Jane Bais-Disessa, 4 On Point My Lunch with Richard 14 BERKLEY, MICHIGAN; Karen Pinkos, EL What Do You Do to Ensure Sheldon Cohen, ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS CERRITO, CALIFORNIA; and Laura Fitzpatrick, That You’re Being an RIO RANCHO, NEW MEXICO Effective Manager? 16 Legendary ICMA Directors David Arnold, FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA and 44 A New Frontier in Diversity 5 ICMA Anniversary Elizabeth Kellar, WASHINGTON, D.C. Phillip Smith-Hanes, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Moment in History CALIFORNIA 53 Calendar of Events 22 Ethics, Front and Center Troy Brown, LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 46 The Challenge of Changing 57 ICMA 100th Anniversary Organizational Culture Task Force Reflections from Afar 24 Katy Simon, RENO, NEVADA; Darin 58 100 Years: ICMA Michael Willis, SHELHARBOUR, NEW SOUTH Atteberry, FORT COLLINS, COLORADO; and Presidents WALES, AUSTRALIA Rebecca Ryan, WASHINGTON, D.C. 59 100 Years: ICMA Annual 26 Canadian Flashback: The Birth 50 All Roads Lead to Right Now Conferences of City Management in Canada Mona Miyasato, SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, 61 Professional Services Duncan Campbell, WESTMOUNT, QUEBEC, CALIFORNIA Directory CANADA 52 Millennials Are Ready to Tackle Challenges Teresa Taylor, CHAMBLEE, GEORGIA icma.org/pm 56 The Final Word This issue of PM is available online and Simon Farbrother, EDMONTON, mobile at icma.org/pm August 27, 2014. ALBERTA, CANADA icma.org/pm: online and mobile accessible SEPTEMBER 2014 | PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 1 ethics matter! | 90 years BY MARTHA PEREGO CELEBRATING 90 YEARS OF Public Management (PM) aims to inspire PROFESSIONAL innovation, inform decision making, connect leading-edge thinking to everyday challenges, and serve ICMA members ETHICS and local governments worldwide in the pursuit of excellence in local governance. Our enduring commitment ICMA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Robert O’Neill, Jr. riting about the adoption of the ICMA in 1924 DIRECTOR OF PUBLISHING ICMA Code of Ethics, former The 13 articles of the first Code of Ethics Ann Mahoney ICMA President Revan Tranter poured the foundation for a new profes- W GUEST EDITOR set the stage. “The year was 1924. Lind- sion. Presented at the ICMA conference Michele Frisby burgh had yet to make his transatlantic in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 1924, EDITOR flight. Churchill, in one of his wilderness the Code reinforced the obligation of the Beth Payne periods, had just been defeated for a “city manager” to serve the community DESIGN Parliamentary seat. The Australian Parlia- without discrimination; promote the Thor Design Studio www.thor-studio.com ment had yet to move from Melbourne to council-manager plan; support the coun- Public Management (PM) (USPS: 449-300) Canberra, the new capital. cil as a whole and not play an active role is published monthly except February by ICMA (the “Canada wasn’t yet complete: in politics; give credit to the council for International City/County Management Association) at 777 North Capitol Street. N.E., Washington, D.C. Newfoundland was still a British colony. policy decisions; avoid leveraging the 20002-4201. Periodicals postage paid at Washington, Hitler was in his jail cell writing Mein office for personal gain; and demonstrate D.C., and at additional mailing offices. The opinions expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and Kampf. Coolidge was president of the exemplary personal conduct. do not necessarily reflect the views of ICMA. United States. Babe Ruth was in his ele- The Code ended with a call that re- COPYRIGHT 2014 by the International City/County ment. And Perry Cookingham was yet to flects the Athenian Oath: “A city manager Management Association. All rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced or translated without begin his career as a city manager. It was will be known by his works, many of written permission. as they say, a different era, when ICMA’s which may outlast him, and regardless of REPRINTS: Apply to the editor for permission to reprint original Code of Ethics was published.” personal popularity or unpopularity, he any part of the magazine. Today’s era is different as well. We should not curry favor or temporize but SUBSCRIPTIONS: U.S. subscription rate, $46 per year; other countries subscription rate, $155 per year: single copies, $10. are strong and thriving with much of should in a far-sighted way aim to benefit Printed in the United States. what Tranter noted was missing from the community of today and of posterity.” Contact: 202/289-4262; [email protected]. the profession in 1924: assistants, county Throughout the decades, ICMA has POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Public Management, ICMA, 777 N. Capitol Street, N.E., administrators, COG directors, interna- engaged the membership in an ongoing Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20002-4201. tional members beyond North America, dialogue to ensure that the Code remains ARTICLE PROPOSALS: Visit icma.org/pm to see consultants, women, and minorities. relevant to the profession. The member- “Editorial Guidelines” for contributors. A truly global profession now must ship has approved changes to the tenets EDITORIAL INFORMATION address the shared challenges of the ac- on only seven occasions. Here are the 202/962-3619 [email protected] celerating pace of technological innova- highlights of those changes: tion and its impact on society; building ADVERTISING SALES Ben Harmon sustainable communities and organiza- 1938. In the first amendment, a preamble The Townsend Group, Inc. tions on an economic, environmental, was added to better explain the council- Tel: 301/215-6710 x106 and equity front; sweeping demographic manager structure and ICMA’s mission. Fax: 301/215-7704 [email protected] changes; and evolving public expecta- Also added was a statement of the PRINTING tions of the role of local government. profession’s commitment to merit-based Westland Printers Challenges and times do vary, but hiring, noting that “political, religious, Laurel, Maryland the profession has enjoyed one common and racial considerations” carry no weight thread over the years: its commitment to in personnel decisions. Interestingly, refer- principle-centered leadership in order to ence to the manager’s duty to stay out of build trust with the public being served. politics disappeared from the Code. icma.org | icma.org/pm 2 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT | SEPTEMBER 2014 icma.org/pm 2013–2014 ICMA EXECUTIVE BOARD THROUGHOUT THE DECADES, ICMA HAS ENGAGED THE MEMBERSHIP IN AN ONGOING DIALOGUE TO ENSURE THAT PRESIDENT Simon Farbrother* THE CODE REMAINS RELEVANT TO THE PROFESSION. City Manager, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada PRESIDENT-ELECT Article 3, while updated over the years, tion of the fact that women were truly James Bennett* City Manager, Presque Isle, Maine remains virtually intact today: “The city part of the profession. PAST PRESIDENT manager is governed by the highest ideals Bonnie Svrcek* of honor and integrity in all his public and 1998. An increase in political activ- Deputy City Manager, Lynchburg, Virginia personal relationships in order that he may ity by members led the charge to VICE PRESIDENTS merit the respect and inspire the confidence amend the profession’s commitment WEST COAST REGION of the administrative organization which he to political neutrality in Tenet 7 by Troy Brown directs and of the public which he serves.” emphasizing the broader principle. City Manager, Tracy, California The new version stated: “Refrain from Rodney Gould* City Manager, Santa Monica, California 1952. The eternal debate over the all political activities which under- Robert Harrison precise role of the manager in the policy mine public confidence in professional City Administrator, Issaquah, Washington arena was reflected in tweaks made to administrators. Refrain from participa- MOUNTAIN PLAINS REGION the policy-related articles. Sagely, the tion in the election of the members of Mary Jacobs* Code advised managers that they should the employing legislative body.” Assistant City Manager, Sierra Vista, Arizona avoid coming in public conflict with The board also revised guidelines to Mark McDaniel* City Manager, Tyler, Texas council on controversial issues. provide more advice about election cam- Jane Brautigam*
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