Cayoosh Range Mountain goat survey in the Cayoosh area, management unit 3-16, Thompson region, British Columbia, July 2008 Prepared for: Doug Jury British Columbia Ministry of Environment Thompson Region 1259 Dalhousie Drive Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z5 Prepared by: Kim G. Poole Aurora Wildlife Research 2305 Annable Road, Nelson BC V1L 6K4 Tele. (250) 825-4063; e-mail:
[email protected] September 2008 Cayoosh mountain goat survey, July 2008 ii ABSTRACT Mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) are managed as a big game species in British Columbia, and as such aerial surveys are conducted periodically to document population trend and productivity, and to establish hunting quotas. As a result of suspected declines in the population and a 10-year gap since the last survey, a survey was conducted to determine the numbers and distribution of goats in subzones 3- 16B, C, D, E and F in the Pacific and Lillooet ranges of the Coast Mountains southwest of Lillooet, southeastern British Columbia, in July 2008. Standard survey techniques were followed using a Bell 206B helicopter. We used 18.4 hrs of helicopter time, including 15.7 hrs on survey, and surveyed a 675-km2 census zone of potential goat habitat under good survey conditions. Overall survey effort averaged 1.4 min/km2. We observed 210 goats (150 adults, 60 kids) in 56 groups. Kids comprised 29% of total goats (40 kids:100 adults [non-kids]). Groups were distributed from 5,400 to 8,100 feet (1,650–2,470 m) elevation. I applied a sightability correction factor of 60% to derive an estimate of 350 goats for the census zone within the 5 subzones (density of 0.52 goats/km2).