Trade Negotiations Committee Comité des Negotiations Commerciales Comité de Negociaciones Comerciales


Chairman: Président; Mr. Arthur Dunkei (Director-General) Présidente:


Représentants M. Amar Dahmouche Ministre, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

Mme. Fatiha Bouamrane-Selmane Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office de s Nations Unies à Genève

Mme. Hariba Yahia-Cherif Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Représentantes Dr. Bernardo Grinspun Secretario de Planificaciôn Jefe de Delegaciôn

S.E. Sr. Leopoldo Tettamanti Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Jefe de Delegaciôn Alterno



Représentantes (cont.) S.E. Sr. Angel Oliveri Lopez Embajador, Subsecretario de Negociaciones Econômicas Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto

Lie. Hector Garcia Director Nacional del Sector Externo, Secretaria de Planificaciôn

Sr. Antonio Seward Ministro Econômico y Comercial Director Nacional de Negociaciones Econômicas y Comerciales Secretaria de Industria y Comercio Exterior

Sr. Nestor E. Stancanelli Ministro Econômico y Comercial Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Guillermo Nielsen Ministro Consejero Agricola Secretaria de Agriculutra, Ganaderia y Pesca

Sr. Victor Machinea Ministro Consejero Agricola, Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia y Pesca

Sr. Jorge Ruiz Consejero Econômico y Comercial, Subdirector de Organismos Econômicos Internacionales Secretaria de Industria y Comercio Exterior

Sr. Jorge A. Viganô Consejero Econômico y Comercial Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Daniel Chuburu Secretario de Embajada, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 3


Représentantes (cont.) Sr. Marcelo Gerschenfeld Secretario Comercial, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Representatives Mr. Peter Field Deputy Secretry, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

H.E. Mr. Alan Oxley Ambassador, Permanent Representative to GATT

Mr. David Hawes Principal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mr. Peter Hussin Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to GATT

Mr. Robert J. Arnott Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office at

Mr. Murray Thomas Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. Margaret McDonald Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Anthony Rottier Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 4


Representatives Mr. Gerhard Waas Director-General, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs Head of Delegation

H.E. Mr. Franz Ceska Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Robert Steiner Director-General, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Mr. Ernst Palisek Director, Federal Ministry of Finance

Mr. Richard HochOrtler Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Johannes Potocnik Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Walter Kucera Governing Board of the Chamber of Agriculture


Representatives H.E. Mr. Harun-ur-Rashid Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Head of Delegation

Dr. M. Ishaq Talukdar Economic Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 5


Representatives (cont'd) Ms. Nasim Firdaus First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representative Mr. Samuel Chandler Chief Economist and Head of the International Trade and Research Section, Ministry of Trade and Commerce


Representatives H.E. Mr. Sebastiao do Rego Barros Netto Ambassador, Under-Secretary General for Economic and Commercial Affairs Ministry of External Relations Head of Delegation

H.E. Mr. Rubens Ricupero Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes Neto Head of Economic Department, Ministry of External Relations

Mr. Mauro Arruda President of the National Intellectual Property Institute

Mr. José Alfredo Graça Lima Counsellor, Head of the Trade Policy Division Ministry of External Relations

Mr. Julio Cezar Zelner Gonçalves Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. Renate Stille First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 6


Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Antonio José Ferreira Simoes Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Joao Carlos Parkinson de Castro Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Joao Pedro C. Costa Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Tovar da Silva Nunes Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representative H.E. U Aung Thant Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Head of Delegation

U Thein Tun First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

U Hau Do Suan Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M. François-Xavier Ngoubeyou Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Chef de la délégation

M. Lazare Essomba Directeur du Commerce, Ministère du Développement Industriel et Commercial MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 7

CAMEROUN (suite)

Représentants (suite) M. Pierre Ndzengue Deuxième Conseiller, Mission Permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Representatives Mr. Germain Denis Assistant Deputy Minister Multilateral Trade Negotiations Department of External Affairs

H.E. Mr. J.M. Weekes Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the GATT

Alternate Representative Mr. R.G. Wright Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Members Mr. M. Gifford Department of External Affairs

Mr. P. Gosselin Department of External Affairs

Mr. D. Watters Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs

Mr. R. Higham Department of Agriculture

Mr. D. Iwassa Department of Finance

Dr. S.W. Borland Counsellor (Agriculture), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. J.F. Donaghy Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 8

CANADA (cont'd)

Members (cont'd) Mr. G. LeBlanc Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. J.S. Gero Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. E. Feldman First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. D. Plunkett First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. L. Léger First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. Sheila Riordon First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. A. Marcil Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Luis Escobar Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sra. Carmen L. Guarda Ministro Consejero Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 9

CHILE (cont.)

Représentantes (cont.) Sr. Fernando Norales Consjero, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Mario Matus Secretario, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Representatives H.E. Mr. Qiam Jiadong Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Li Zhimin Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Wu Jiahuang Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Yang Weihong First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Yu Yukang Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Cong Yanjun Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. He Ning Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Wang Lei Attaché, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 10


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Felipe Jaramillo Embajador, Représentante Permanente Alterno ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Rodolfo Mosseres Instituto de Comercio Exterior INCOMEX

Sr. Armando Perdomo Instituto de Comercio Exterior INCOMEX

Sr. Ricardo Melendez Ortiz Ministerio de Desarrollo Econômico

Sr. Santiago Perry Rubio Ministerio de Agricultura

Sr. Luis Fernando Torres Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Publico

Sr. Alejandro Gamboa Alder Primer Secretario, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Fernadno Zapata Ministerio de Gobierno



Représentants M. Hugo Paemen Directeur Général adjoint des Relations extérieures Chef de la Délégation

M. Guy Legras Directeur Général de l'Agriculture

M. Rolf Moehler Directeur Général adjoint de l'Agriculture MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 11



Représentants (suite) M. Tran Van-Thinh Chef de la Délégation permanente à Genève

M. Jacques Dugimont Conseiller principal, Direction Générale des Relations extérieures

M. Alexander Schaub Directeur, Direction Générale des Relations extérieures

M. Robert Verrue Directeur, Direction Générale du Marché intérieur et des Affaires industrielles

M. Giampiero Schiratti Directeur, Direction Générale de l'Agriculture

M. Herman de Lange Chef de division, Direction Générale des Relations extérieures

M. Alberto de Pascale Chef de Division, Direction Générale des Relations extérieures

M. John R. Beck Chef adjoint de la Délégation permanente à Genève

M. Paul Rutsaert Chef de division, Direction Générale du Marché intérieur et des Affaires industrielles

M. Mogens P. Cari Chef de Division, Direction Générale des Relations extérieures

M. Albrecht Mulfinger Chef adjoint de Division, Direction Générale du Marché intérieur et des Affaires industrielles MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 12



Représentants (suite) M. Frans Huysmans Conseiller, Délégation permanente à Genève

M. Ivan Klaric Conseiller, Délégation permanente à Genève

M. Helmut Stadler Conseiller (Affaires agricoles), Délégation permanente à Genève

M. Christoph Bail Conseiller (Affaires juridiques), Délégation permanente à Genève

M. David Wright Administrateur principal, Direction Générale du Marché intérieur et des Affaires industrielles

M. Lodewyk Briet Administrateur principal, Direction Générale du Marché intérieur et des Affaires industrielles

M. Jean-Jacques Bouflet Premier Secrétaire (Affaires agricoles), Délégation permanente à Genève

M. Karl-Friedrich Falkenberg Premier Secrétaire, Délégation permanente à Genève


ESPAGNE Sr. Fernando Gomez Aviles-Casco Secretario General de Comercio, Secretaria de Estado de Comercio

Sr. Carlos Blasco Director General de Relaciones Econômicas Internacionales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 13



ESPAGNE (suite) Sr. Jaime Comenge Director General de Politica Comercial, Secretaria de Estado de Comercio

Sr. Gabino Escudero Secretaries General Técnico, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentaciôn

Sr. Aniceto Moreno Représentante Permanente Adjunto para los Asuntos Comerciales

Sr. Juan Antonio Castillo Urrutia Subdirector General de Politica Comercial Multilateral Secretario de Estado de Comercio

Sra. Maria Pérez Ribes Subdirector General de Politica Comercial con la CEE, Secretaria de Estado de Comercio

Sr. Cleto Sanchez Vellisco Subdirector General, FORPPA

Sr. Enrique Castane Subdirector General de Relaciones Agrarias Internacionales, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentaciôn

Sr. Santiago Chamorro Consejero de Embajada, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Juan Manuel Gonzalez de Linares Primer Secretario, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Angel Rodriguez-Mata Consejero Comercial, Representaciôn Permanente en Bruselas MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 14



ESPAGNE (suite) Sr. Alvaro Guitard Consejero Comercial, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Ifiigo Febrel Consejero Comercial, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Manuel Goizueta Consejero para Asuntos Financieros y Fiscales, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. José Ramôn Prieto Consejero para Asuntos de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentaciôn, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. José Maria Romero Consejero para Asuntos Comerciales Agricolas, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Luis Esteruelas Asesor, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentaciôn

Sra. Blanca Revenga Asesora, Secretaria de Estado para las CC.EE.

Sra. Ana Salomon Secretario de Embajada, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 15



FRANCE M. François David Directeur des Relations Economiques Extérieures

M. Bernard Vial Directeur de la Production et des Echanges, Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. Jean-Pierre Landau Chef de Service de la Politique des Echanges Extérieurs

M. Patrick Lefas Sous-Directeur, Direction des Relations Economiques Extérieures

M. Gérard Moulin Sous-Directeur, Direction des Relations Economiques Extérieures

M. Jean-François Boittin Représentant permanent auprès du GATT

M. Bernard Prague Représentant Permanent auprès des Communautés Européennes

M. Hubert Testard Chef du Bureau de la Politique Commerciale Extérieure Direction des Relations Economiques Extérieures

Mlle. Pascale des Mazery Attaché agricole, Direction des Relations Economiques Extérieures

Mlle Agnès Roussel Chargé de Mission, GATT-NCM, Direction des Relations Economiques Extérieures

M. Grégoire Postel Vinay S.G.CI. MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 16



FRANCE (suite) M. Jacques Lapouge Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. Jean-Luc Pelletier Ministère de l'Agriculture

Mme. Evelyne Mathey Ministère de l'Industrie

M. Dominique Babin Chef du Service des Relations Internationales, Ministère de l'Agriculture

Mme Claire Sauvaget Sous-Directeur des Affaires Européennes et multilatérales, Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. Ralph Ichter Attaché agricole, Ambassade à Washington

M. Bernard Testu Direction de Relations Economiques Extérieures

Mlle M.C. Armaignac Attaché commercial, Représentation Permanente auprès du GATT

M. Michel Leflon Attaché commercial, Représentation Permanente auprès du GATT

M. Claude Champigneulle Attaché commercial, Représentation Permanente auprès du GATT

Mme Elisabeth Michaud Attaché, Représentation Permanente auprès du GATT MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 17



IRLANDE Mr. J.T. Dully Assistant Secretary, Department of Industry and Commerce Head of Delegation

Mr. M. Dowling Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Food

Mr. J. Flavin Counsellor, Department of Foreign Affairs

Mr. B. Harte Principal, Department of Industry and Commerce

Mr. S. Healy Principal, Department of Agriculture and Food

Mr. R. Molloy First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. K. Cassidy First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. E. Forde Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

ITALIE M. Giovanni Sardi de Letto Directeur Général des Accords Commerciaux, Ministère du Commerce Extérieur

M. Marco Guido Fortini Ministre Plénipotentiaire, Délégué à la Propriété intellectuelle Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. Bernardo Uguccioni Conseiller, Direction Générale des Affaires Economiques Ministère des Affaires Etrangères MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 18



ITALIE (suite) M. Sebastiano Di Gaetano Directeur Général adjoint Ministère du Commerce Extérieur, Attaché (Affaires économiques), Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

Mme. Laura Mirachian Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Francesco Simeone Direction Générale des Accords Commerciaux, Ministère du Commerce Extérieur

M. Tulio di Pietro Direction Générale des Accords Commerciaux, Ministère du Commerce Extérieur

M. Roberto Nicolai Direction générale Tutelle, Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. Nelusco Natali Attaché (Affaires économiques), Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

Dr. Guiseppe Baronci Direction générale des Accords Commerciaux Ministre du Commerce Extérieur

Dr. Sandro Fanella Attaché (Affaires commerciales), Représentation permanente à Bruxelles

LUXEMBOURG S.E. M. Alphonse Berns Ambassadeur, Directeur des Relations Economiques Internationales et de la Coopération, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. Rene Zahles Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 19



PAYS-BAS M. Frans A. Engering Directeur Général des Relations Economiques Extérieures, Ministère des Affaires Economiques Chef de la délégation

S.E. M. Robert J. van Schaik Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Aart de Zeeuw Conseiller spécial au Ministre de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche

M. Pim van de Locht Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Edmond Wellenstein Division de la Politique commerciale Ministère des Affaires Economiques

M. Roelof van der Kraan Division de la Politique commerciale Ministère des Affaires Economiques

M. Jan Schotanus Direction des Affaires Internationales, Ministère de l'Agriculture et des Pêches

M. Thomas J.A.M. de Bruijn Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Jos Douma Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. Kees Klompenhouwer Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. J.C. Tonnon Ministère des Affaires Economiques MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 20



PORTUGAL Mme Teresa Moura Sous-Directeur général, Direction générale des Communautés européennes, Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M. José Guerreiro Joaquim Sous-Directeur général du Commerce extérieur, Ministère du Commerce et du Tourisme

Mme Isabel Villa Santa Directeur de Services (Agriculture), Direction générale des Communaités européennes Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Mme Helena Martins Directeur de Services (Relations extérieures), Direction générale des Communautés européennes Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M. Ramiro Fonseca de Almeida Conseiller, Direction générale du Commerce extérieur Ministère du Commerce et du Tourisme

M. José Sousa Machado Conseiller, Direction générale du Commerce extérieur Ministère du Commerce et du Tourisme

M. Pedro Alvares Conseiller, Représentation permanente auprès des Communautés européennes à Bruxelles

M. Antonio Pinto de Lemos Conseiller (Affaires économiques), Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 21



ROYAUME-UNI DE Mr. Christopher W. Roberts GRANDE-BRETAGNE Deputy Secretary, ET DE L'IRLANDE Department of Trade and Industry DU NORD Head of Delegation

H.E. Mr. John Sankey CMG Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. D.E. Love Assistant-Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry

Mr. Richard Carden Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Mr. Michael Simmonds Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Ms Rosemary Spencer Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Mr. Robert Madelin Permanent Representation in Brussels

Mr. P.M.W. Vereker Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Tony Dell First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Hugh Bartlett First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. David Hayes Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Ms. Shirley Leathers Department of Trade and Industry MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 22



BELGIQUE S.E. M. R. Guillot-Pingue Ambassadeur, Administrateur-Directeur Général des Relations Economiques Extérieures Ministère des Relations Extérieures

S.E. M. H.D. Segesser de Brunegg Ambassadeur, Représentant permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Emile Detraux Conseiller, Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. Piet Steel Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Charles Godart Conseiller, Ministère des Affaires Economiques

Mlle J. Roccas Deuxième Secrétaire, Mission Permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

DANEMARK M. Flemming Hedegaard Sous-Secrétaire des Affaires Economiques Extérieures, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

S.E. M. Mogens Isaksen Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Christian Oldenburg Chef de Section, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. Michael Gormsen Conseiller, Représentant Permanent adjoint auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 23



DANEMARK (suite) Mme. Birgit Gottlieb Chef de Section, Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. Claus Haugaard S^rensen Conseiller, Représentation Permanente auprès des Communautés Européennes à Bruxelles

M. Lars Koefoed-Johnsen Premier Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Anders Munk Jensen Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

ALLEMAGNE, M. Wedige von Dewitz REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE Directeur, Ministère fédéral de l'Economie Chef de la délégation

M. Rudolf Genske Directeur-Général, Ministère fédéral de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et des Forêts

M. Rainer Faupel Secrétaire adjoint, Ministère fédéral de la Justice

M. Peter Witt Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Ulrich Rosengarten Chef de Division, Ministère fédéral des Affaires Etrangères

M. Dietrich Barth Chef de Division, Ministère fédéral de l'Economie MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 24



ALLEMAGNE, M. Ulrich Schirmer REPUBLIQUE FEDERALE Chef de Division, (suite) Ministère fédéral de l'Economie

M. Peter-Jurgen Witt Chef de Division, Ministère fédéral de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et des Forêts

M. Hans-Georg Schlief Chef de Division adjoint, Ministère des Finances

M. Bernhard Zepter Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Rudolf Adlung Chef de Division adjoint, Ministère fédéral de l'Economie

M. Arnold Wallraff Premier Secrétaire (Affaires commerciales), Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Herbert Neubauer Premier Secrétaire (Affaires commerciales), Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

Mme. Evita Schmieg Chef de Division adjoint, Ministère fédéral de Coopération Economique

M. Hubert Soquat Attaché, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

GRECE M. Yiannis Drossos Conseiller spécial auprès du Ministre du Commerce

M. Dimitris Kollias Conseiller spécial auprès du Ministre de l'Economie Nationale MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 25



GRECE (cont'd) M. Manolis Manoussakis Premier Conseiller (Affaires Economiques), Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. Panayiotis Kamenidis, Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Aristotelis Xenakis Conseiller (Affaires Commerciales) Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Pavlos Pezaros Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. Petros Mavroidis Conseiller, Ministère du Commerce

M. Antonis Bredimas Conseiller

Mme. Maria Asimakopoulou Conseiller Commerciale, Representation à Bruxelles

Mme. Maroula Sakellariou Ministère du Commerce

M. Elias Pentazos Conseiller Commercial, Representation à Bruxelles

M. Dimitrios Vlachos Deuxième Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 26



Secrétariat Général M. K.-D. Jagstaidt Chef du Bureau de Liaison du Secrétariat Général à Genève

M. G. Testa Chef de Division

M. J. Brodin Chef adjoint du Bureau de Liaison du Secrétariat Général à Genève

M. T. Heaton Administrateur principal

Mme. A. Marques de Athayde Deutième Secrétaire


Représentantes Sr. Carlos Herrera Amighetti Représentante del Ministro de Comercio Exterior, Ministerio del Comercio Exterior

Sr. Pablo Rodriguez

Sr. Jorge Rhenân Segura Ministro Consejero, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Représentants S.E. M. Emmanuel K. Nouama Ambassadeur, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Chef de Délégation

M. K. Soumahoro Ministère du Commerce

Mme. Marie Gosset Conseiller Chargé des Affaires Economiques, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 27


Représentantes Sr. Eduardo Delgado Bermûdez Director, Direcciôn de Organismos Internacionales, Ministerio del Comercio Exterior Jefe de Delegaciôn

Sr. Arnaldo Hernandez Perez Jefe Departamento, Direcciôn de Organismos Internacionales Ministerio del Comercio Exterior

Sra. Mayda Ceijas de Jimenez Segundo Secretario, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Miguel Jimenez Aday Segundo Secretario, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Representatives Mr. Miroslav Pravda Director, Ministry of Foreign Trade

Mr. Oto Hlavâcek Commercial Counsellor, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Miroslav Prflsa First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Mr. Nabil Elaraby Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Adel El-Gowhary Minister-Counsellor, (Commercial Affairs) Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 28

EGYPT (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Moustapha Omar Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Hani Riad Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mme. Naela Gabr Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Maamon Abdel-Fattah Counsellor (Commercial Affairs) Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Moshen Helal Counsellor (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Hisham El-Zimaity First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Abdel-Hamid Mamdouh First Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Adalberto Gonzalez Embajador, Représentante permanente adjunto ante la oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Rodolfo Trejos Asesor MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 29


Representative Dr. Paavo Kaarlehto Under Secretary of State for External Economic Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Head of Delegation

Alternate Representatives Mr. Bror Wahlroos Secretary General, Ministry of Trade and Industry

Mr. Reino Uronen Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture

H.E. Mr. Olli Mennander Ambassador, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Advisers Mr. Osmo Sarmavuori Director in Chief, Ministry of Finance

Mr. Antti Satuli Deputy Director General for External Economic Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Erik Hagfors Ambassador Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Jorma Julin Director, Division of External Economic Relations Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi Minister-Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Kim Luotonen Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 30

FINLAND (cont'd)

Advisers (cont'd) Mr. Ossi Tuusvuori First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Antti Kuusela Attaché Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M Léon Lekounda-Boumy Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Leslie Teale Directeur Général, Centre du Commerce Extérieur

M. Owondo Bourdettes Conseiller du Ministre, Ministère du Commerce

M. Faustin Mintsa Nzue Ondo Conseiller (Affaires économiques et commerciales) Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Representatives Mr. Kwadwo Agyepong Director, International Organisations and Conferences Division Ministry of Trade and Tourism

Mr. W.K. Larbi Commercial Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 31


Représentante S.E. Sr. Carlos Humberto Matute Irias Embajador, Représentante Permanente adjunto ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Representatives Mr. M.C.C. Sze Director of Trade, Trade Department

Mr. K. Broadbridge Permanent Representative to GATT Economic and Trade Office in Geneva

Mr. James H. Lau Jr. Deputy Permanent Representative to GATT, Economic and Trade Office in Geneva

Ms. Y.Y.P. Choi Deputy Permanent Representative to GATT, Economic and Trade Office in Geneva

Mr. Peter Cheung Assistant Representative, Economic and Trade Office in Geneva

Ms. Angelina Yang Assistant Representative, Economic and Trade Office in Geneva

Mr. J.A. Miller Deputy Dierctor of Trade, Department of Trade

Mr. P.L.C. Lau Assistant Director of Trade, Department of Trade

Mr. Andrew Wong Principal Trade Officer, Department of Trade MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 32


Representatives Mr. Ferenc Furulyâs Director-General, Ministry of Trade Head of Delegation

Mr. Andrâs Szepesi Permanent Representative to GATT

Mr. Lâszlô Balogh Director, Ministry of Trade

Mr. Lâszlô Vajda Director, Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Péter Bales First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Sândor Bojtor First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Sândor Simon First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Sverrir Haukur Gunnlaugsson Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Kristinn F. Arnason First Secretary, Deputy Permanent Representative United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. Bjarnveig Eiriksdottir First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 33


Representatives H.E. Mr. A.N. Varma Commerce Secretary, Ministry of Commerce

Mr. A. Hoda Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce

Mr. P.S. Randhawa Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Commerce

Mr. A. Sajjanhar First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representative H.E. Mr. Kamarulzaman Algaman Ambassador, Head of Delegation

Alternate Representatives Mr. Sri Hadi

H.E. Mr. Hassan Sampurna Kartadjoemena Ambassador, Special Envoy to the GATT Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations

H.E. Mr. Darry Salim Ambassador, Special Representative to the Textiles Surveillance Body

Mr. Djumena

Mr. Bedu Amran

Mr. Gofar Bain

Mr. Rukiyat

Mr. Aswin Darwis Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 34

INDONESIA (cont'd)

Alternative Representatives Mr. Riyanto Burham Yosokumoro (cont'd) Commercial Attaché, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Susanto Sutoyo First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Benny Permadi Suryawinata First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Robert Inkiriwang

H.E. Mr. Wisber Loeis Ambassador, Permanent Representative to GATT

H.E. Mr. Poerwanto Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Mr. Pinhas Eliav Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Ilan Nave First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Yehuda Gerstein Attaché, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 35


Representatives H.E. Mr. K.G.A. Hill Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Peter King Vice President, Jamaica Promotions Ltd. (Overseas Operations) Washington

Mr. R.A. Smith Minister/Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Miss D.E. Montague First, Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Stanley Odle Adviser


Representatives H.E. Mr. Yoshio Hatano Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

H.E. Mr. Hidetoshi Ukawa Ambassador for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Hidero Maki Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Shigeo Muraoka Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr. Yuichiro Nagatomi Director-General of the Customs and Tariff Bureau, Ministry of Finance MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 36

JAPAN (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Sadayuki Hayashi Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Katuhisa Uchida Deputy Director-General of the Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Hirohumi Ueno Director-General, International Affairs Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Eiichi Tamori Deputy Director-General, Consumer Goods Industry Bureau Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr. Wataru Aso Director-General, International Economic Affairs Department Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr. Yuji Ikeda Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Ryuichiro Yamazaki Director, First International Organizations Division Economic Affairs Burea Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Toshihiko Amano Director, First International Affairs Division Customs and Tariff Bureau Ministry of Finance

Mr. Tadatsuna Koda Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 37

JAPAN (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Hidehiro Konno Director, International Economic Affairs Division Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr. Ichiro Shirakawa Director, Second International Economic Affairs Division Coordination Bureau Economic Planning Agency

Mr. Kunihiko Makita Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Mamoru Ishihara Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Toru Shinohara Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Kenichi Komatsu Director, Office of GATT Affairs International Economic Affairs Division Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Gen Ito Coordinator, Administration Division Minister's Secretariat Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Hiroyuki Ishige Director, GATT Affairs Office Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr. Takeshi Nakane First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 38

JAPAN (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Takeo Shikado Assistant Director, First International Affairs Division Customs and Tariff Bureau Ministry of Finance

Mr. Shigemitu Tsukui Assistant Director, First International Affairs Division Customs and Tariff Bureau Ministry of Finance

Mr. Futao Motai Assistant Director, First International Organizations Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Shigeru Omae First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Akitaka Saiki First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Hiroshi Yamamoto First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Naomi Kawata Assistant Director, International Policy Planning Division Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Kunio Naito First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Keiichi Katakami Assistant Director, First International Organizations Division Economic Afffairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 39

JAPAN (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Seiichi Nagatsuka Assistant Director, International Economic Affairs Division Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr. Hirotsugu Amamiya Assistant Director, International Economic Affairs Division Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Hiroshi Sato Official, First International Organizations Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Satoshi Watanabe Official, Second International Economic Affairs Division Coordination Bureau Economic Planning Agency

Mr. Takeo Akiba Official, Second International Organizations Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mrs. Naoko Saiki Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Shinji Urabayashi Official, First International Organizations Division Economic Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Yutaka Fujiwara Official, International Economic Affairs Division Ministry of International Trade and Industry MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 40


Representatives Mr. R.C. Makokha Director, External Trade Authority Ministry of Commerce

Mr. Frost 0. Josiah Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. CM. Chika Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Mr. Sang Ock Lee Ambassador, Permanent Representative to GATT Head of Delegation

Mr. Kyoo II Jo Assistant Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Young ¥00 Park Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Kang Doo Lee Director-General, International Policy Coordination Office Economic Planning Board

Mr. Sokan Chang Director-General, Multilateral Trade Affairs Ministry of Trade and Industry

Mr. Hyuck Choi Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 41

Mr. Nam Kee Lee Attaché (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Hyung Byun Attach (Financial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Sung Joo Lee Director, Multilateral Trade Organizations Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Bong Soo Park Director, International Customs Division Ministry of Finance

Mr. Jong Ki Hong First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Kwan Yong Lee Attach (Agricultural Affairs) Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Bu Kyun Jeong Assistant Director, International Economic Policy Division I Economic Planning Board

Mr. Myung Soo Ann Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Joon Ho Jung Assistant Director, International Cooperation Division Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Young Hag Kim Assistant Attaché (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 42

KOREA (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Yong Jin Choi Assistant Director, Multilateral Trade Affairs Division Ministry of Trade and Industry

Advisers Mr. Young Ho Choi Director, Research Division National Agricultural Cooperatives Federation

Mr. Yong Kyun Joh Director, Agriculture and Fisheries Products Marketing Corporation


Representatives H.E. Mr. Khor Eng Hee Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Asmat Kamaluddin Deputy Secretary-General, Ministry of Trade and Industry

Mr. Ahmad Pharmy Abdul Rahman Minister (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Zainol Abidin Rashid Deputy Secretary, Economics and International Division Ministry of Finance

Mr. Shaik Ahmad Soekarno Shaik Mohd Hussein Under-Secretary (Planning), Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Abdul Razak Haji Ramli Deputy Director (Trade Policy), International Trade Division Ministry of Trade and Industry MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 43

MALAYSIA (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Merlyn Kasimir Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Mohd Zain Mohd Dom First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. J. Jayasiri First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representative Mr. Richard Saliba First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentants M. Hassan Abouayoub Directeur du Commerce Extérieur, Ministère du Commerce et de l'Industrie

M. A. Sasson Chef de Division (Affaires Economiques), Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Réforme Agraire

M. Abdelkader Lecheheb Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Représentantes Dr. Herminio Blanco Subsecretario de Comercio exterior, Secretaria de Comercio y Fomento Industrial Jefe de la Delegaciôn

Lie. Miguel Angel Toro Director General de Negociaciones Comerciales Internacionales, Secretaria de Comercio y Fomento Industrial MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 44

MEXICO (cont.)

Représentâtes (cont.) Dr. Hector Olea Director de Organismos Internacionales, Secretaria de Comercio y Fomento Industrial

Lie. Guillermo Funes Director General de Asuntos Internacionales, Secretaria de Agricultura y Recursos Hidraulicos \

Lie. Sergio Osorio Représentante Alterno ante los Organismos Internacionales, Secretaria de Agricultura y Recursos Hidraulicos

S.E. Sr. Jesus Seade Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante el GATT

Lie. Alejandro de la Pefia Representate alterno ante el GATT

Lie. Francisco Demeneghi Consejero Econômico, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Lie. Sergio Soto Consejero Econômico, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Lie. Jose Poblano Consejero Econômico, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Lie. Luis Carlos Tellez Consejero Econômico, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Lie. Martha R. Lara Agregado Comercial, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra MTN.TNG/INF/6 Page 45

MEXICO (cont.)

Asesores Lie. Marco Antonio Velazquez

Lie. Carlos Yarza Ochoa

Lie. Miguel Lozada

Lie. Horacio Rangel Ortiz

Lie. José Maria Morfin

Lie. Fernando Espinoza


Representatives Mr. E. Woodfield Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of External Relations and Trade Head of Delegation

H.E. Mr. G.C. Fortune Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. D.G. Greenfield Director, Multilateral Trade Division Ministry of External Relations and Trade

Mr. A.H. Macey Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. C. Falconer First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. J. Tyndall Second Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 46


Représentantes Sr. James Zablah Ministro Adjunto de Economie, Industria y Comercio

Sra. Alicia Pereira Martin Director General de los Organismos Multilatérales, Representate Especial ante el GATT Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Comercio

S.E. Sr. Gustavo Adolfo Vargas Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sra. Y. Abdallah

Sr. Oscar Aleman Consejero (Asuntos econômicos), Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Representatives Mr. E.T. Ibanga Director, External Trade Federal Ministry of Trade Head of Delegation

Mr. 0.1. Udoh Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. C.J. Ihim Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. A.K. Mohammed External Trade Officer MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 47


Representatives H.E. Mr. Martin Huslid Ambassador, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Einar Bull Acting Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Sverre Kvakkestad Deputy Director General, Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Kjell Lillerud Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Harald Neple Co-ordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Bjorn Eidem Senior Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Kâre R. Aas First Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Mr. Ahmad Kamal Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Dr. A.H. Khan Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce

Mr. Munir Ahmad Economic Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. S. Gulrez Yazdani First Secretary (Economic), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 48


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Oswaldo de Rivero Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naclones Unidas en Glnebra

Sr. Jaime Stiglich Ministro, Représentante Permanente adjunto ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Julio Mufioz Ministre—Consejero, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sra. Maria Eugenia Echeverria Segundo Secretario, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Fernando Quires Tercer Secretario, Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Representatives Mr. Hector K. Villarroel Minister Counsellor, Acting Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Antonio I. Basilio Director, Bureau of International Trade Relations Department of Trade and Industry

Mr. Jose Antonio S. Buencamino Commercial Attaché, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Ruben Pascual Agricultural Attaché, Embassy in Brussels

Mrs. Victoria Sisante-Bataclan First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 49


Representatives Dr. Piotr Freyberg Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Representative to GATT

Mr. Witold Jozwiak First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M. Gheorghe Dolgu Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

Mme. Simona Ruxandra Valceanu Directeur adjoint, Ministère du Commerce Extérieur et de la Coopération Economique International

M. Liviu Paunescu Conseiller, Ministère du Commerce Extérieur et de la Coopération Economique Internationale

M. Vasile Radu Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Représentants S.E. M. Alioune Sene Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Thierno Ngom Conseiller technique, Ministère du Commerce

M. Assane Gaye Secrétaire d'Ambassade Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 50


Representatives H.E. Mr. SEE Chak Mun Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Head of Delegation

Miss Margaret LIANG Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mrs. TAN Seok Lee Manager, Trade Development Board

Miss YONG Siew Min First Secretary (Economics), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives Mr. G.J.J. Breyl Deputy Director-General, Department of Trade and Industry Leader of Delegation

H.E. Mr. A.L. Manley Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. P.J.A. Swart Director (Marketing), Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing

Mr. A.J.W. Roodt Minister (Economic), Alternate Permanent Representative to the GATT

Mr. D.J.M. Jordaan Counsellor (Economic), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 51


Representatives (cont'd) Mr. A.J. van der Merwe Counsellor (Agricultural Economic), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. J.C. Triebel Third Secretary (Economic), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. J.J. Taljaard Attaché, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives Mr. M.L. Fernando Director of Commerce, Department of Commerce

Mr. D.M. Jayasekera Minister (Commercial and Economic), High Commission in London

Mr. L.P. Douglas Pemasiri Permanent Representative to GATT

Mr. R.N. Abeysekera First Secretary (Economic & Commercial) Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M. David de Pury Ambassadeur, Délégué du Conseil fédéral aux Accords Commerciaux Chef de la Délégation

S.E. M. William Rossier Ambassadeur, Chef de la délégation près l'AELE et le GATT à Genève Suppléant du Chef de la Délégation MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 52

SUISSE (suite)

Représentants (suite) M. le Professeur Hans Popp Suppléant du Chef de la Délégation pour l'Agriculture

M. Luzius Wasescha Chef du service GATT Office fédéral des Affaires Economiques Extérieures

M. Oscar Zosso Chef de Division, Office fédéral des Affaires Economiques Extérieures

Mr. Balz Eberhard Conseiller de Direction, Office fédéral des Affaires Economiques Extérieures

M. Nicolas Imboden Chef adjoint du service GATT, Office fédéral Affaires Economiques Extérieures

M. Thomas Cottier Chef de Section, Service GATT Office fédéral des Affaires Economiques Extérieures

M. Didier Chambovey Service GATT, Office fédéral des Affaires Economiques Extérieures

M. Alexander Karrer Office fédéral des Affaires Economiques Extérieures

M. Rudolf Ramsauer Conseiller d'Ambassade, Délégation près l'AELE et le GATT à Genève

M. William Frei Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Délégation près l'AELE et le GATT à Genève MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 53


Representatives Mr. Michael Sohlman Under Secretary of State, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Christer Manhusen Assistant Under-Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

H.E. Mr. Lars Anell Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Nils-Eirk Schyberg Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Anders Klum Head of Section, Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. Claudio Vedovato Head of Section, Ministry of Finance

Mr. Arne Rodin Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Anders Ahnlid First Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Karl Leifland First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Peter Kleen Head of Division, National Board of Trade MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 54


Representatives H.E. Mr. Amir Habib Jamal Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. E.E.E. Mtango Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. M.W. Namfua Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. K. Sued Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. M.J. Kisiri Counsellor (Trade), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. G.E.P. Lauwo Trade Officer, Ministry of Industry and Trade


Representatives Mr. Bajr Israsena Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce Head of Delegation

H.E. Mr. Chao Saicheua Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Miss Sukon Kanchanalai Director General, Commercial Registration Department, Ministry of Commerce

Mr. Thongchai Petcharatana Deputy Secretary General, Office of Agriculture Economics Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 55

Mr. Karun Kittisataporn Deputy Director General, Business Economics Department Ministry of Commerce

Mrs. Apiradi Tantraporn Director, Trade Policy Division, Business Economics Department Ministry of Commerce

Mr. Apiphong Jayanama Director, International Economics Division Economics Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Somchin Santavaruk Commercial Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mrs. Puangrat Asavapisith Chief, Trade Policy Section Trade Policy Division Business Economics Department Ministry of Commerce

Miss Srirat Rastapana First Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Kittiphong Na-Ranong Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Weerachai Nopsuwanwong Second Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Miss Chutima Bunyapraphasara Second Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Warute Setsuwan Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Miss Jirawassa Chamsai Economist, Trade Policy Division, Business Economics Department Ministry of Commerce MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 56


Representatives H.E. Mr. Rabindranath Permanand Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Dr. André-Vincent Henry First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Représentants S.E. Dr. Souad Lyagoubi-Ouahchi Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Youssef Mokaddem Représentant Permanent adjoint auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Abderrazak Azaiez Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Khaled Khiari Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Representatives H.E. Mr. Ercliment Yavuzalp Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Onur Gokce Minister-Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Ertugrul Tepe Consellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 57

TURKEY (cont'd)

Representatives (cont'd) Mr. Murat Semercigil Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. ErcUment Enc Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representative Mr. James Muaume First Secretary, Permanent Mission in New York


Representative Mr. Warren A. Lavorel Coordinator for the Uruguay Round, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Executive Office of the President

Alternate Representative H.E. Michael A. Samuels Ambassador, Deputy Trade Representative in Geneva

Advisers Mr. Rufus Yerxa Consultant, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Executive Office of the President

Ms. Suzanne K. Early Assistant Representative for Agriculture, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Executive Office of the President

Mr. C. Michael Hathaway Senior Deputy General Counsel, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Executive Office of the President Mr. Michael K. Kirk Assistant Commissioner, Patent and Trademark Office Department of Commerce

Mr. Donald McConville Director of Office of International Trade, Bureau of Economic Business and Affairs Department of State

Mr. Sol Mosher Assistant Representative for Congressional Affairs, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Executive Office of the President

Mr. Charles J. O'Mara Assistant Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service Department of Agriculture

Ms. Marjory Searing Director, Office of Multilateral Affairs Department of Commerce

Mr. Timothy Skudd Acting Director, International Trade Office Department of the Treasury

Ms. Betsy White Assistant Director, International Labor Affairs Department of Commerce

Mr. Frederick L. Montgomery Deputy Chief of Mission, Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Mr. Stephen C. Arlinghaus First Secretary (Commercial) Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Ms. Dorothy Dwoskin Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Executive Office of the President MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 59


Advisers (cont'd) Mr. Seward L. Jones, Jr. Attaché, Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Ms. Christina M. Lund Attaché, Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Mr. R. Mattheisen Attaché, Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Mr. C. Christopher Parlin Attaché (Legal Affairs), Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Mr. Joe Papovich Office of the Trade Representative in Washington Executive Office of the President

Mr. David P. Shark Attaché, Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Mr. Robert Shepherd Minister Counsellor (Textiles), Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Mr. James Truran Counsellor (Agriculture), Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Ms. Nevenka Furjan-Scott Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Ms. Patricia Hart Office of the Trade Representative in Geneva

Mr. Bob Riemenschneider Director of Multilateral and International Trade Policy Affairs Division Department of Agriculture MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 60


Advisers (cont'd) Mr. Craig Thorn Leader of MTN Analysis Group, Department of Agriculture

Mr. Gary Blumenthal Legislative Affairs, Department of Agriculture

Mr. Len Condon Deputy Assistant Trade Representative for Agriculture, Office of the Trade Representative in Washington

Congressional Advisers The Honorable Kika de la Garza Chairman, Committee on Agriculture House of Representatives

The Honorable Bill Emerson Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives

The Honorable Jerry Huckaby Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives

The Honorable Jim Moody Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives

The Honorable Robert F. Smith Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives

The Honorable Arlan Stangeland Committee on Agriculrure House of Representatives

The Honorable Charles Stenholm Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives

Congressional Staff Mr. William Gillon Advisers Counsel, Committee on Agriculture Senate

Mr. Laverne Hubert Assistant Couunsel, Committee on Agriculture House of Representatives MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 61


Congressional Advisers (cont'd) Mr. Marshall Livingston Staff Assistant, Committee on Agriculrure House of Representatives

Ms. Janet Nuzum Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives

Mr. William O'Connor Deputy Minority Staff Director Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives

Ms. Maureen Thibodau Staff Assistant to the Speaker, House of Representatives

Ms. Mary Jane Wignot Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives

Mr. John Ziolkowski Committee on Agriculture Senate


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Julio Lacarte Murô Embajadaor, Représentante Permanente ante el GATT

Sr. Elbio Rosselli Consejero, Représentante Permanente Adjunto ante el GATT

Sr. José Pedro Buda Ministro-Consejero (Asuntos economicos y comerciales), Misiôn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Srta. M. Cristina Figueroa Primer Secretario, Representaciôn Permanente ante el GATT MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 62


Representatives Mr. Boran Karadzole Assistant Federal Secretary for External Economic Relations

H.E. Mr. Marko Kosin Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mrs. Radmila Milivojevic Head of Department, Federal Secretariat for External Economic Relations

Mr. Milovan Koprivica Special Advisor, Federal Secretariat for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Radoslav Tesic Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mrs. Olga Lazic-Djerdj Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Borislav Vukovic First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Representatives Mr. F.S. Siame Director of Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry Head of Delegation

Mr. S. Mutondo Trade Commissioner in London

Mr. G. Mumba Director, Balance of Payments and International Economic Relations Bank of Zambia MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 63


Representatives H.E. Dr. A.T. Mugomba Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva Head of Delegation

Advisors Mr. S.D. Mangoma Counsellor (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. Madzima Assistant Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Dr. G.M. Chipare Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. P. Chali First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva

Mr. C. Mbegabolawe First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva MTN.TNC/INF/6 Page 64



Representatives Mr. Jack P. Barnouin Acting Director, Office in Geneva

Mr. Roger P. Kronenberg Economist, Office in Geneva