Archaeological investigation of sites T12/172 and T12/173, Pt Whakatete No 3 Block, Ngarimu Heights, Thames Coast report to The New Zealand Historic Places Trust and Ngarimu Heights Ltd. Andrew Hoffmann CFG Heritage Ltd. 7 Plunket Terrace Hamilton ph. (07) 856 4877
[email protected] Archaeological investigation of sites T12/172 and T12/173, Pt Whakatete No 3 Block, Ngarimu Heights, Thames Coast report to The New Zealand Historic Places Trust and Ngarimu Heights Ltd. Prepared by: Andrew Hoff mann Reviewed by: Date: 26 February 2008 Matthew Campbell Reference: 2008/24 © CFG Heritage Ltd. 2008 CFG Heritage Ltd. 7 Plunket Terrace Hamilton ph. (07) 856 4877
[email protected] Archaeological investigation of sites T12/172 and T12/173, Pt Whakatete No 3 Block, Ngarimu Heights, Thames Coast Andrew Hoff mann Th e excavation of sites T12/172 and T12/173 at the Ngarimu developed bays, harbours and estuaries are present along Heights subdivision, Th ames, Pt Whakatete No 3 Block, with expanses of fl at to moderately sloping coastal land. was carried out over seven days between 28 June and 4 July At Ngarimu Bay a minor coastal platform has devel- 2007. Th is investigation was carried out under authority oped and the coastal relief across the seaward portion of No.2006/190 issued by New Zealand Historic Places Trust the block is more moderate than over most of the adjacent under section 14 of the Historic Places Act 1993. coastline. From State Highway 25 the terrain of the north Both sites were initially recorded by Larryn Diamond west portion of the block rises moderately in an easterly in 1977 as part of a larger archaeological survey of the direction until reaching the toes of two ridges.