N.Z. RADIO N.Z. RADIO New Zealand DX Times Monthly Journal of the D X New Zealand Radio DX League (est 1948) D X April 2008 Volume 60 Number 6 LEAGUE http://www.radiodx.com LEAGUE Deadline for next issue is Wed 7th May 2008 . P.O. Box 39-596, Howick, Manukau 2145 CONTENTS FRONT COVER REGULAR COLUMNS Cover and partial page from 1948 Radio Bandwatch Under 9 3 Listeners Guide from League member with Ken Baird supplied by Dallas McKenzie Bandwatch Over 9 12 with Phil van de Paverd English in Time Order 16 with Yuri Muzyka Fcst SW Reception 19 Compiled by Mike Butler League 60th Anniversary Shortwave Report 20 with Ian Cattermole Thank you to Dallas McKenzie for the FM News and DX 24 with Adam Claydon front cover of the 1948 Radio Listeners TV and Satellite News 28 Guide used on this months DX Times with Adam Claydon Cover. Utilities 32 with Evan Murray If you have any similar material that you Combined Shortwave 34 think other members may be interested and Broadcast Mailbag in and may be suitable for publishing in with David Ricquish and Bryan Clark the DX Times please feel free to contact ADCOM News 45 me
[email protected] with Bryan Clark Marketsquare 47 Branch News 48 Mark Nicholls with Chief Editor Chief Editor Ladders 51 with Stuart Forsyth OTHER CLOSING DATES FOR THE NEXT Tiwai Report 40 with Frank Glen 3 MONTHS (2008) Everglades Bandscan 42 You can send your contributions to the with Bruce Portzer NZ Radio DX League at AM Radio Lima 43 PO Box 39-596 On the Shortwaves 49 Howick compiled by Jerry Berg Manukau 2145 or use the email or postal addresses given by the section sub-editors.