In State Competition Islander Earns Awards Captfva Fire Victim*Bfficia
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•'_•" ,'j»«W««""«"ii"J Volume 23, No. 29 Islander earns awards in state competition By Cindy Ouuxaeni In competition with JtilsQdar photography Florida weekly newspapers editor D^vid Meairdon with circulation sf mm received first olaiw honors than ' ifiOt, , The Iilwder hlnlhe liB2. Florida-Prefu earned; second place (or I Association BelW Weekly overall {graphic design and ^Newspaper Contest third place for a special Mcardon accepted his section. There .were more trward end two others-for than 1.900 entries from 83 •ni* Wander al a luncheon * In TaoiDo last week. continued page 2A Captfva fire victim*bfficia!Iy identified;, "1'T ' fiddly Identified as that of GebhardL Comparison A funeral mas* for D«vld Gefctiardt, who died of x-rays and cmnfirmaiionlhat articles or eloihing -earlierJlus month in a fire that destroyed a home found on Vvt body were those Gcbfcardt was and gjfcs'house on Cnptha, v/ns rondurted »t St wearing uhcrt last socn wre the bus's of U>p flnul Mary 3 Catholic Church In Mlddlcton, Ohio, on Jure fdenUf'tnllon Johnson said " - 13 1983 Sheriff Department Sgt David BonaaU, who has Gehnardl 25, lr sunnved bv his pnrprtr, Mr anil been asalitingin Ute inveatig^Uon of (he fire, called, Mrs Joseph Gchhanll of Middieton, five brothers tnc worst on Cdptlva n rran> yeans, &alJ tfw case ~ remains listed as a suspicicua fire x>l itndctcrmined At the timed his death Oebhardt was employed orl^lf. as assistant-manager of Barney's Incredible ••We have followed JJI leads brjt have not -been E&bJcs, a take-out dell on Santbel L able to pinpoint the ccuss " Bon&aU ruild "The Scm Jobnwn ef the Lee County Medical invc^tlgaticn is stL'J open but Inactive anU1 v,-e have Examiner s oflice said Friday the charred body some new lnformatioaoreviacnce," he added found in the ashes cf (be guesthouse had been of Carseat law straps Children's Center By Scott MsrteU expensive, bctwet.ii HO and MO, and the field trip A mew st^te law requiring children under 4 years rides are so short old io be placed in protective carscats will go Into 'Ever> otberWcdncodaylhccn'tdrrntakcaficld effect July 1- trip lo tha Hbraiy," Kennedy says "We doi* t gt> •The effect of the new law on ttie Children's Center very Enr d'sumccs, bi t the la* Is the la * 'Ac have of tlie Islands,' however, might mean the vounccr •ohavethrm " ^studentfl wUl be !ctt, behind when Uie. rest of lnc> Kennedy trolz tite library fa o vital field tri£> for center aiud«its go on Jlcld trips- unlesu Islanders the jcungFtcrs. The fkludenls check out two blcrles search through their diiMy closets and spfder each and have a chance to listen to a tule read by a wehbed garages anl Tnd no-lorger used children's volunteer. "If we don'i come tip to with a way to get seats to danatc them to the center. , carscals, we may have- to cancel the trips," she The school, which enroU» children ftntn 2«i years fears. old and up, had about 42 children cnro'Ied during The new taw stipulates thai chllarerunder4 must tire peak of the season this year." At least ooe-thlrd bo In a separate carrier, and that 4- and 5-ycar-oIds Arnold Goodman, Up. Roy.HuJV ewter. tud Geno.. of these children are under 4, says school'board b-uielt^erscpsraiecarricrsorseatbclls A fine of KdJty, totteM, were ]wt Utree o* U» goltm rto pUytrf member, Ellse Kennedy .$15 will be Icviea for violations; In the Flrat Annual Ho Nansa TOURMRK* oa Satonbqr. The new law could prove valuable, Kennedy says, «t 0>i'3e»divIev.'£eB.ccntpkte Nu NuuAcov but It is a big dUemma for the center The seats arc continued page 2A , hegtnnlntf wi i»8e! IA. phctM byDavid Ueudaa. Inside The blander this week-. Planning commissioners seek policy decision *S *-&**?-%£?{ from City Council on substandard roads talks a^ou't i • ,t i By Barbara d^.^HJTngins development by public In-Tarpon Bay subdivtsion only the council. The Pi&iining Canun&tloii last flcquistlon of property, 5n ice «ib?v properties abutting Island Inn Road Commissioner Larry Simon agreed veek balked at n&jirc* fcng a division, and Sunjbel-Captlva Road currently that the most effective way is "to pass development permit tor a -sln£le- But to date the council tuus mao>i no hsve Improved accesses. The sub- the ball to the council.'* lilKh'i should oooHnos In the low to mlrt Wo fAmilv home on propcrfj in Tarpon ffeasions on '•' a laafc term • pcUcy,. division: functions essentially as a "it would be dead wrong for us to this v-xk wltb aw*!;- »B<3 us! chMxxs sf Bay subdivision Uwt curKcUy hai no Pfanner Ken Pfatxef pointed out The storm water drainage basin, Isley try to set policy," be eddeil. typical sumiaer- tbuadenhowera to the AI- access mod. cocncU H fcchoiuled to -canUnua the said But Chairman Ann Wintcrbotham teraocnt. iaiw SiouWrtaalaln the low Tan. lo approve (he permit would have discussion at 3 special meeting next Later ID the meeting last week the opposed denial and argued Ih&t, 'II Last week's weather eccnvUnK Co record* put the commission in the posltloa ot U.edr«tday, Juno », to review (he 'commissioners faced with the same ihese applications had cotoe t»(ore us kept" At:. tbe r.$«i)ibeK^iiptlva . Quunbcr - ol setting policy, which Is really Uw City City'* proposed Surface Water "policy making" problem In dealing one at«time, I'm «n* we'd approve Commerce wes as toli&ws: Council* Job, the tommlsaiiners Management program. with requests for developjnent per- them as we have oeverd. others An the agreed. * The tommlsefos hoped to mits for five single-family homes in past/* HIGH LOW RAIN For several months the council has 41 "precipitate a policy decision by the; Sonibel,'Highlands and a sixth in Robert York, who lives in Jhe 90 76 0 been discussing the problem of Jeotmcll'Vat next week's meeting by Sanlbcl Center subdivision oil Highlands south nf Cass Vbel Roati, AAowUy.JuiwU 60 70 .OG Inches development in at least three sub- denying vithmtt prejudice last week Periwinkle Way, said he was amused that the ccm- J 72 .ttlnctes divisions (Tarpon Ba>, Santbet Howard and Betty Ct>Iftnah*» request All six applicants were anxious to mlsslon would-' ecnsMer? mans ^Ap- WraJnewfa 74 Garden* and Sanibel highlands > ihat for-a. development permit to build a 'obtain approval before.June SO, the proval and not consider each parcel Ttlursbyby.JuiMK. ! 75 0 hive been identified as having eub- single-family residence on a group of - deadline (or Inclusion in the July Rate Individually in in area thst la "mrt a Friday. JanJa e 17 76 - 0 modern platted subdivisionand that SU aJ - lots in Tarpon Bay subdivision.: of Growth allocation. * 0 97 74-0 If developed, tbrae subdivision* The commissioners were upset that Allot the sites are on substandard lias such* extreme-'eJevaUon dif- thai ore prirwlly in wetlands, wood as a condition of approval ttw plan- -roods,,, and UK* planning alaff have severe drainage problems : nine? staff • had - recommended .;: the recommended as a condition of., ap- Asa compromSw!' Commissioner Several options that ha\e th- Cottmam construct *n if all weather" proval that all mustbc upgraded to an SHI Read proposed approval cf all nbc What's polcntla) to correct the problem of 'Xt-toct #x«a road on one of the : all-weather driving warfare,;making klpmntpenitaubiecitoUippit e substandard road access have beet: "paper" rignts-or-way (deoijpuiled as them; acceaRtble- to all ? vehlcJes,,* r-flvc condiUcns reMnwDtisded by *Anit 'suggested by the Planning Depart- Park Avenue but actually a mosquito r part icularly emergency vehicles. -and any otheric thst may be.imposed inside ! Elementary school balloons^ ment * *" ii-ditch) tram Sanibel-CapUvn Road to S'The .and.curren.ndforldntnBed ifrjj by the Cliy Cadeit on June » They Include establishing special Shore Sired that fronts the property. ?. developmenl of policy and road ac*' t- Hiai£X>tion paased by a +-2 vote with taxing districts assessing property < "I think thte is asking too much of cess standards,*' ixdeiRonstraled by . Siiuon and - Lwoison dlsssentitts. owners lo pay for road construction, one person," Commissioner Emily the number of applications for Commistioner -Henry McKee was 'turn up throughout Florida including In the city's capital Im- J3arerield objected. - development on lota with substan-ianl dbaent provements program lira cost of "Someone li&s to do It,"!' Planner mad access, the staff reported. < Pfaker said It would help tlic building thn roads, requiring the : Jp-kn isJey, explained. J'It*s an awfc- Commissioner - Lennart: lx>rcn£on OJUIICI) in ««lng po!tcy to bavcr'real, By Scott Martell balloon went. H landed as light Ma fishing fly un Individual property -owner who wants, ward situation, but thai (s the whole propose that rather tiian try to,set live examples", to whieb'to apply, What goes up doesn't necessarily come down LakcOkeechobee to develop ills property lo construct standards the'commission deny all anymore. But luckily (or some, students at Sanlbcl p.-ot-iem with this.ana Sanibel Gar- .standards. " •* . 0 1 Nor does third grader Sunshine' Weekly have to the necessary access road, tuid dens subdivision" j* five requests end leave the decision to ElcmcntarySchool.the balloons released onthelnst dream thoii(j.hta of drifting balloons. Her balioon Acck of school cannot be equated to permanent was fotinrt in Belle GlstJ* exactly one week after Uic Portrait satellites.