Abd-Hadad, priest-king,  Akkaron/Ekron, ,  Abila, , , ,  Akko, Ake, , , ,  , ,  see also Ptolemaic-Ake Actium, battle, ,  Alexander III the Great, Macedonian Adaios, ruler of Kypsela,  king, –, , ,  Adakhalamani, Nubian king,  and Syria, –, –, , , , Adulis, , –,   , , , , , , –, and Egypt, ,  , –, , –, – empire of, ,  , , , , –, legacy of, – –, –, , , death,   burial, – Aemilius Paullus, L.,  cult of, , ,  Aeropos, Ptolemaic commander, Alexander IV, , ,   Alexander I Balas, Seleukid king, Afrin, river, , ,  –, – Agathokleia, mistress of IV, and eastern policy,  ,  and Demetrios II,  Agathokles of Syracuse, , –, and Seventh Syrian War, –, ,  ,  Agathokles, son of Lysimachos, – death, ,  , ,  Alexander II Zabeinas, , , Agathokles, adviser of Ptolemy IV, –, ,  , –,  Alexander Iannai, Judaean king, , Macedon, ,  – Ainos, Thrace, , , ,  Alexander, son of Krateros, ,  Aitolian League, Aitolians, , , Alexander, of Persis,  , , –, , , – Alexandria-by-Egypt, , , , , ,  , , , , , , , Aitos, son of Apollonios,  , , –, , , Akhaian League, , , , , , , –, , , , , , ,  , , , , , , , Akhaios, son of Seleukos I, , , –, –, , – , , , , ,  , –, , , , Akhaios, son of Andromachos, ,   and Sixth Syrian War, –, adviser of Antiochos III, , –  Alexandreia Troas, ,  conquers Minor, – Alexandros, son of Andromachos, king, –, , , –,  , , –, , , Alketas,  , ,  Amanus, mountains, , –,   index

Amathos, Cyprus,  and battle of Andros, , , Amathos, transjordan, ,   Amestris, wife of Lysimachos, ,  death,  Ammonias, Egypt,  Antigonos III Doson, Macedonian Ammonios, minister of Alexander I king, ,  Balas, , – and Karia, –,  Amuq, lake, , ,  Antigonos, son of Demetrios I,  Amyntas, Macedonian commander, Antigonos, son of John Hyrkanos, n,   , Karia,  Antilebanon, mountains, , , , , Ananaias, Ptlemaic general,  , – Andragoras, governor of Parthia, , , –, , , , , , , – , , , , , , – , Lykia,  , , , , , , , Andriskos, Ptolemaic officer, – , , –, , , –  , –, –, , – Andromachos, , , , , , ,  –,  Antioch-in-Persis,  Andros, battle, , ,  Antiocheia, Phrygia, ,  Anemourion, Kilikia,  Antiocheia-, ,  Ankhwennefer, Egyptian pharaoh, Antiochis, daughter of Akhaios, , , , , , , ,   Antiochis, sister of Antiochos III, Ankyra, ,  ,  Anthedon,  Antiochis, concubine of Antiochos Antigenes,  IV,  Antigoneia, Syria, , –, , – Antiochos I, , , , , ,   accession, , –, – Antigonos I One-Eye/Monophtha- and Ptolemy II, –, – , n, , , , , ,  empire of,  and Eumenes of Kardia,  and Antigonos II, – and Seleukos I, , –,  and Galatians, , , ,  and Syria, –, , , , – and Magas, – ,  and First Syrian war, –, , and Ptolemy I, –, , ,  ,  and Greek cities,  death, , , ,  king,  city-founding, –,  Antigonos II Gonatas, , –, , defeat by Eumenes I, – ,  and Crete, – and Antiochos I, –, , , Antiochos II, , –  and Second Syrian War, , , and Galatians,  – king in Macedon, , –,  accession,  and Greece, ,  marriages, , , –, and battle of Kos, ,  ,  and Second Syrian War,  and Thrace, –, ,  and Cyrenaica, – death, , 