[email protected]/deeplink [External] Oppose changes to polygons 148, 1148, 2148, 302 and 276 Changyi Li <li. changyi@gmail. com> Thu 10/31/201911:39 PM To: Hcpss Redistricting <redistricting@hcpss. org> Dear BOE members, My name is Changyi Li. Our polygon number is 1148. am shocked to see Mrs. Mallo's plan and Dr. Wu's new plan (changed from the original plan) proposed the changes to polygons 148, 1148, 2148, 302 and 276. 1. The proposed change splits the Dorsey's Search neighborhood in half by moving our neighborhood's polygons (148, 276, 302, 1148, and 2148) from NES and DMS to RBES and WLMS.These proposals would remove most ofthe affordable housing that currently attends NES and DMS-ln fact all of the town homes and condominiums in Dorsey Search are impacted and both proposals leave only single family homes at Dorsey's Search going to NES/DMS. 2. The proposed change came out in the last minute and has not been fully communicated to the public. And sudden changeswithout careful calculations from multiple people is not acceptable. Any alternative plan must be treated with the same scrutiny as we are applying to this plan. There is no real good reason to make the change to polygons 148, 1148, 2148, 302 276. Please keep our community together. Thanks, Changyi lofl 11/4/2019, 3:24 P
[email protected]/deeplmk' [External] Oppose the Changes to Polygons 148, 1148, 2148, 302, 276 Min Feng <
[email protected]> Thu 10/31/201911:37 PM To: Hcpss Redistricting <redistricting@hcpss.