Presentation by Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs
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UTAH STATE DIVISION OF MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS - Addressing Gaps and Barriers faced by Underserved Communities in Light of COVID-19 - Leading by Inclusion Campaign Purpose of Work Session: To Receive Diversity Information and Training Executive Summary The Council will receive a presentation from the Utah State Division of Multicultural Affairs. Representatives from the Division were originally invited to present their Leading by Inclusion campaign to the Council. The on-going pandemic has refocused their efforts on addressing gaps and barriers faced by underserved communities. Background The Multicultural Affairs Office was created by Governor Gary Herbert in January 2012. During the 2019 General Legislative Session, the Office of Multicultural Affairs was codified, renamed, and restructured as a division under the Department of Heritage and Arts, solidifying its integral role in state law and missions. Utah Code Ann. §§ 9-21 et. seq., sets forth the Division’s responsibilities including 1) identifying the needs of the state's multicultural communities; 2) promoting inclusiveness and cultivating trust and cooperation between the state, nonprofit entities receiving state funds, and the state's multicultural communities; and 3) working with state agencies to ensure the state provides equitable resources, services, and programs to address the needs of the state's multicultural communities. The Division provides administrative support to the Utah Multicultural Commission. The Commission is charged with the following: Ogden City Council Work Session: April 28, 2020 Page 1 of 2 1) cooperating with the division and state agencies to ensure access to culturally competent programs and services that meet the needs of the state's multicultural communities; 2) making recommendations to the director regarding policies, practices, and procedures to ensure the proper delivery of state resources, services, and programs to the state's multicultural communities; 3) cooperating with the division and state agencies to ensure proper outreach to the state's multicultural communities regarding state resources, services, and programs; and 4) developing a strategic plan to identify needs, goals, and deliverables that will directly impact the most significant and urgent needs of the state's multicultural communities. The Division also provides administrative support to the Utah Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Commission who have the responsibility of promoting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by: 1) encouraging appropriate ceremonies and activities commemorating the federal and state holiday; 2) seeking to involve the public and private sectors in promoting diversity, equality, and human rights; 3) providing recommendations and assistance to government entities and private organizations regarding the observance of the holiday; 4) coordinating efforts with state residents of diverse backgrounds and with private organizations regarding the observance of the holiday; and 5) partnering with educational institutions to assist schools in promoting appropriate events to honor human rights and the holiday. Additional information about the Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs can be found on their website here. Council Staff Contact: Janene Eller-Smith, MPA/JD, (801)629-8165 Ogden City Council Work Session: April 28, 2020 Page 2 of 2 TRAINING RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT "EDUCATION BUILDS AWARENESS" COMMITTMENT SELF-GUIDED LEARNING TOPICS Facilitating Identifying Fostering Inclusive Unpacking Discussions Implicit Bias Communities Race To learn more, or to request a training, visit us at: > WHAT IS DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION? WHY DIVERSITY? 13% THE DATA Native American 1.211.3% % Asian 22.6% 2.4 % Pacific Islander 17.9%1.9 % 87% African2.8 American % 2.3 % Latino 26.4% 21.7% Annual Growth Rates BETTER TOGETHER DRIVERS OF DIVERSITY BENEFITS OF DIVERSITY WAYS TO IMPACT DIVERSITY 6 STEPS TO CREATING AN INCLUSIVE WORKFORCE DIVERSITY IN UTAH > LOCAL NEEDS AMONG UTAH'S MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITIES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC APR 2020 // PREPARED BY THE UTAH DIVISION Of MULTICULTURAL AffAIRS > ACKNO W LEDGEMENTS This report was prepared by the Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs in collaboration with the Utah Multicultural Commission & the Utah Martin Luther King Jr. Human Rights Commission. A special thanks to the Utah Office of Health Disparities and Dr. Len Novilla of Brigham Young University for their expert guidance in health equity. HOW TO REfERENCE REPORT: Peña, N., Hor, J., Benally-Sagg, R., Loayza, C., & Kum, E. (2020). Local Needs Among Utah's Multicultural Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs. fOR MORE RESOURCES: Visit, for a comprehensive database of COVID-19 information and resources for multicultural communities. i TABLE Of CONTENTS 0 1 P U RPOSE STATEMENT 1 0 5 S E C T I O N 1 : Q U ANTITATI V E f I N D I N G S 1 . 1 RACIAL AND ETHNIC POP U LATIONS SER V ED 6 1 . 2 L A N G U AGES SPOKEN 6 1 . 3 AGE DEMOGRAPHICS SER V ED 7 1 . 4 AREAS Of SER V ICE 8 1 . 5 I D E N T I f Y I N G U NIQ U E B A R R I E R S 9 1 . 6 MODES Of INfORMATION 1 0 1 1 S E C T I O N 2 : Q U ALITATI V E f I N D I N G S 2 . 1 P H Y SIOLOGICAL AND SAfET Y N E E D S 1 2 2 . 2 L A N G U A G E & L I T E R A C Y ACCESSIBILIT Y 1 6 2 . 3 COORDINATED DISSEMINATION Of INfORMATION 1 8 2 . 4 C U LT U RALL Y M I N D f U L & I N C L U SI V E APPROACHES 2 0 2 . 5 I N C L U D E D I V ERSE REPRESENTATION & P E R S P E C T I V ES 2 2 2 . 6 A D D R E S S S Y STEMIC INEQ U ITIES 2 5 2 9 S E C T I O N 3 : RECOMMENDATIONS 2 9 4 5 CONCL U SION 4 5 4 7 APPENDI X & G L O S S A R Y 4 7 i i PURPOSE STATEMENT PAGE | 01 PURPOSE STATEMENT On March 6, 2020, Governor Gary R. Herbert issued an executive order declaring a state of emergency in response to the evolving outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) (Exec. Order No. 2020-1, 2020). We thank our state leaders, crisis command, emergency responders, frontline advocates, faith leaders, nonprofits, and service providers for their relentless work in helping Utah during this season. More than ever before, we need solidarity, hope and the civic will and cooperation to see this crisis through together (United Nations, 2020). We also recognize that in the face of such an unprecedented situation, the unique nature of COVID- 19 requires us to consider the many social and economic dimensions of this crisis to ensure that the burden does not fall on those who can least bear it (United Nations, 2020). Under Utah Code 9-21-202, the Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs has been tasked to identify the needs of the state's multicultural communities and work with all agencies to ensure the state provides equitable resources and programs to address the gaps in services to Utah’s diverse population (Division of Multicultural Affairs Act, 2019). This report reflects a collaborative effort between the Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs (MCA), the Utah Multicultural Commission (MCC), and the Utah Martin Luther King Jr. Human Rights Commission (MLKC). Collectively, we seek to establish a baseline of The survey was centered on the following immediate needs and unique barriers faced by questions: marginalized communities during the COVID-19 outbreak to inform our state leaders and solve Do barriers exist for your clients in accessing these concerns together. timely information about COVID-19? What unique barriers do your clients and those To begin to understand the social, cultural and you serve face in light of the COVID-19 resource impact experienced during the pandemic? pandemic by underrepresented populations, What do you think are the priority needs that with the support of MCC and MLKC, MCA have remained unaddressed among vulnerable prepared a survey for those working directly and underserved individuals and families in the with vulnerable and historically underserved communities that you serve? communities. What suggestions do you have to centralize and streamline information regarding COVID-19 for MCA widely distributed the survey to hard-to-reach and vulnerable communities? professionals in human services, community What recommendations do you have to based organizations, and emergency outreach improve cultural inclusivity during an and preparedness that predominantly serve emergency? children, people with disabilities, low-income households, communities of color, Limited Ninety-three (93) professionals participated in the English Proficient (LEP) individuals, immigrant survey and several community members followed and refugee populations, LGBTQIA+ up with MCA to provide additional context. organizations, tribal communities, and populations that have intersectional resource and The qualitative data collected identified ways that access needs. historically underserved people are uniquely affected during the current pandemic and helped With guidance from the Utah Office of Health highlight the lived experience of underserved Disparities, we use the term “vulnerable” constituents. The qualitative responses also populations” in regards to COVID-19, as groups informed the recommended strategies to close of people at a higher risk for severe illness due to gaps and encourage culturally relevant and pre-existing health conditions (see glossary, inclusive approaches in emergency practices. The page 83). Our survey and report distinguishes data was coded based on keywords, phrases, and this from marginalized groups experiencing ideas that emerged from each question. These barriers based on socioeconomic, cultural, and codes allowed us to cluster the data based on racial-ethnic disparities.