The Lesson 2: Decoding Propagands

J’Accuse…! Edouard Drumont in Response to Emile Zola (the excerpt below was translated by John Pollack)

Letter to Mr. Félix Faure President of the Republic

1. However that may be, Mr. President, since Mr. Zola, in the name of the Syndicate [council] accuses...I accuse, too…:

2. I accuse , who is a Deputy in Parliament and member of the Army Commission, son-in-law and nephew of Baron von Reinach, the notorious head of Prussian [German] espionage [spying] in ; I accuse Mathieu Dreyfus, brother and probably accomplice of the traitor; I accuse Leblois, who set himself up as the receiver of stolen documents that could only have come from the Ministry of War—I accuse all of them of being auxiliaries [supporters] and agents of a foreign power.

3. The crime of “acts undermining state security” has never been as clear as this. What security is there in a Nation that allows its military leaders to be denounced as fools, as imbeciles, as dupes capable of condemning an innocent man without any proof of guilt?

4. I accuse all of these people, therefore, and in support of my accusation I show as evidence the foul publications that are distributed in massive numbers to French citizens, that are given out to every house concierge [caretaker of a house], that are sent by the millions into the countryside. To pay for this vile propaganda, you need money. Who provides the money?

5. As the country regains its composure, this affair—this affair that I will not label—reveals its true face. The typical Jewish machinery [organization], an international conspiracy, emerges.

6. The only ones who are surprised by this are those who do not know the Jew. It is true that those who have studied the Jew do not always dare to say everything they know concerned Israel, because they fear doing harm to the anti-Semitic cause by appearing to exaggerate.

From the Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair Kislak Center For Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania Page 1 The Dreyfus Affair Lesson 2: Decoding Propagands

Reading Roadmap Edouard Drumont’s version of J’Accuse…!

First, read through the entire excerpt in order to better understand the overall tone and message.

1. In section 1 why does Drumont state he is writing these accusations?

2. Read section 2. Drumont accuses each of these men as being “Auxiliaries” which means “people who provide additional help.” How did they “help” the enemy and does Drumont provide any evidence?

3. Looking at section 3 and 4, how is Drumont using fear as a tactic to help his viewpoint?

4. In section 4 who is he insinuating paid for the pro-Dreyfus propaganda? What group is generally associated with banking and finances?

5. What do we learn about Drumont’s beliefs in sections 5 and 6. Ultimately, what is he trying to prove?

From the Lorraine Beitler Collection of the Dreyfus Affair Kislak Center For Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania Page 2