University of Central Florida STARS Stetson Collegiate Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-1-1903 The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 13, No. 04, January, 1903 Stetson University Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stetson Collegiate by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation Stetson University, "The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 13, No. 04, January, 1903" (1903). Stetson Collegiate. 493. The Stetson Collegiate VOLUME XIV. , 1 nf\-i NUMBER 4. January, 1903 THE STETSON COLLEGIATE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY When I zvas a lad I used to play "hookey" from school, go foraging for eggs and then "hike" off to the creek zvhere zve caught a mess of Ush; boiled our eggs in a tin can; split our fish in halves and baked them on a plank; picked berries in the spring of the year and in the fall gathered nuts for our desert—and zvhen zve got home at night usually got our "just desserts. 44 A Spread'' Is appreciated by anyone zvho enjoys the "good things" of life. The nearer we get to na ture the more enjoyment zve get out of life. A girl is neither less mischievious nor less ad venturesome than a boy—as one lad tersely expressed'it "They're just like kids, only they're different." The UP-TO-DATE GIRL zvaits until the "lights" are out and then steals softly dozvn the corridor to "Number pp" zvhere phantom-like figures are gathered around "a bunch" of WHITE FRONT dainties.