S8 bus time schedule & line map

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The S8 bus line (Oxford - Wantage) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Oxford City Centre: 6:00 AM - 10:55 PM (2) Wantage: 6:20 AM - 11:00 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest S8 bus station near you and nd out when is the next S8 bus arriving.

Direction: Oxford City Centre S8 bus Time Schedule 51 stops Oxford City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:00 AM - 9:55 PM

Monday 6:00 AM - 10:55 PM Market Place, Wantage Church Street, Wantage Tuesday 6:00 AM - 10:55 PM

Fitzwaryn School, Wantage Wednesday 6:00 AM - 10:55 PM 53 Road, Wantage Civil Thursday 6:00 AM - 10:55 PM Whittington Crescent, Wantage Friday 6:00 AM - 11:55 PM 97 Denchworth Road, Grove Saturday 6:10 AM - 11:55 PM Grove Aireld Memorial, Grove

Cane Lane, Grove Cane Lane, Grove Civil Parish S8 bus Info Wessex Way, Grove Direction: Oxford City Centre Stops: 51 Evenlode Close, Grove Trip Duration: 59 min Brunel Crescent, Grove Civil Parish Line Summary: Market Place, Wantage, Fitzwaryn School, Wantage, Whittington Crescent, Wantage, Collett Way, Grove Grove Aireld Memorial, Grove, Cane Lane, Grove, Wessex Way, Grove, Evenlode Close, Grove, Collett Wick Green, Grove Way, Grove, Wick Green, Grove, The Green, Grove, Mayeld Avenue, Grove, Williamsf1 Roundabout, The Green, Grove Grove, The Mulberries, East , The Black Horse, , St James View, East Hanney, Ashelds Mayeld Avenue, Grove Lane, East Hanney, South Crematorium, , Garford Turn, Garford, Petrol Station, Williamsf1 Roundabout, Grove , War Memorial, , Post Oce, Marcham, Dueld Place, Marcham, Longelds, A338, Grove Civil Parish Marcham, Morland Road, Marcham, Fairacres, The Mulberries, East Hanney Abingdon, Community Hospital, Abingdon, Victoria Road, Abingdon, Conduit Road, Abingdon, Coxeters, The Mulberries, East Hanney Civil Parish Abingdon Town Centre, Stratton Way, Abingdon The Black Horse, East Hanney Town Centre, Bath Street, Abingdon (A13), John Mason School, Abingdon, Abingdon College, Abingdon, Fitzharrys School, Abingdon, Boundary St James View, East Hanney House, Abingdon, South Avenue, Northcourt, Peachcroft Roundabout, Abingdon, Lodge Hill, Ashelds Lane, East Hanney Abingdon, Sugworth Lane, Bagley Wood, Sawmill, Bagley Wood, Hill Top, Bagley Wood, Hinksey Crematorium, Garford Hill Bottom, Bagley Wood, Bertie Place, Oxford, Canning Crescent, Oxford, Chatham Road, New Garford Turn, Garford Hinksey, Lincoln Road, , Lake Street, New Hinksey, Newton Road, Oxford, Whitehouse Petrol Station, Frilford Road, Oxford, Police Station, Oxford City Centre, St Aldates, Oxford City Centre War Memorial, Marcham

Post Oce, Marcham 18 North Street, Marcham Civil Parish

Dueld Place, Marcham

Longelds, Marcham

Morland Road, Marcham

Fairacres, Abingdon Marcham Road, Abingdon On Thames Civil Parish

Community Hospital, Abingdon Marcham Road, Abingdon

Victoria Road, Abingdon 182 Ock Street, Abingdon

Conduit Road, Abingdon 1 Crown Mews, Abingdon

Coxeters, Abingdon Town Centre 29-33 Ock Street, Abingdon

Stratton Way, Abingdon Town Centre

Bath Street, Abingdon (A13)

John Mason School, Abingdon

Abingdon College, Abingdon Trendell Place, Abingdon

Fitzharrys School, Abingdon Collingwood Close, Abingdon

Boundary House, Abingdon

South Avenue, Northcourt 136 Oxford Road, Abingdon

Peachcroft Roundabout, Abingdon

Lodge Hill, Abingdon

Sugworth Lane, Bagley Wood

Sawmill, Bagley Wood

Hinksey Hill Top, Bagley Wood

Hinksey Hill Bottom, Bagley Wood Bertie Place, Oxford 422 , Oxford

Canning Crescent, Oxford 396 Abingdon Road, Oxford

Chatham Road, New Hinksey 328 Abingdon Road, Oxford

Lincoln Road, New Hinksey 262 Abingdon Road, Oxford

Lake Street, New Hinksey

Newton Road, Oxford 82-84 Abingdon Road, Oxford

Whitehouse Road, Oxford 38 Abingdon Road, Oxford

Police Station, Oxford City Centre

St Aldates, Oxford City Centre 95,96 St Aldate's, Oxford Direction: Wantage S8 bus Time Schedule 48 stops Wantage Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Monday 6:20 AM - 11:00 PM St Aldates, Oxford City Centre 95,96 St Aldate's, Oxford Tuesday 6:20 AM - 11:00 PM

Police Station, Oxford City Centre Wednesday 6:20 AM - 11:00 PM

Whitehouse Road, Oxford Thursday 6:20 AM - 11:00 PM Friday 6:20 AM - 11:00 PM Newton Road, Oxford 106-110 Abingdon Road, Oxford Saturday 7:30 AM - 11:00 PM

Lake Street, New Hinksey 190 Abingdon Road, Oxford

Lincoln Road, New Hinksey S8 bus Info 272 Abingdon Road, Oxford Direction: Wantage Stops: 48 Chatham Road, New Hinksey Trip Duration: 54 min 251 Abingdon Road, Oxford Line Summary: St Aldates, Oxford City Centre, Police Station, Oxford City Centre, Whitehouse Road, Canning Crescent, Oxford Oxford, Newton Road, Oxford, Lake Street, New 307 Abingdon Road, Oxford Hinksey, Lincoln Road, New Hinksey, Chatham Road, New Hinksey, Canning Crescent, Oxford, Hinksey Hill Hinksey Hill Bottom, Bagley Wood Bottom, Bagley Wood, Hinksey Hill Top, Bagley Wood, Hinksey Hill Interchange, Civil Parish Sawmill, Bagley Wood, Sugworth Lane, Bagley Wood, Lodge Hill, Abingdon, Peachcroft Roundabout, Hinksey Hill Top, Bagley Wood Abingdon, South Avenue, Northcourt, Boundary Oxford Road, Kennington Civil Parish House, Abingdon, Oxford Road Shops, Abingdon, Our Ladys Abingdon, Abingdon, Vineyard, Abingdon Sawmill, Bagley Wood (A10), Stratton Way, Abingdon Town Centre, Conduit Road, Abingdon, Victoria Road, Abingdon, Sugworth Lane, Bagley Wood Community Hospital, Abingdon, Fairacres, Abingdon, Morland Road, Marcham, Longelds, Marcham, Lodge Hill, Abingdon Dueld Place, Marcham, Post Oce, Marcham, War Memorial, Marcham, Petrol Station, Frilford, Garford Peachcroft Roundabout, Abingdon Turn, Garford, South Oxfordshire Crematorium, Oxford Road, Abingdon On Thames Civil Parish Garford, Ashelds Lane, East Hanney, St James View, East Hanney, The Black Horse, East Hanney, South Avenue, Northcourt The Mulberries, East Hanney, Williamsf1 Roundabout, Grove, Mayeld Avenue, Grove, The Boundary House, Abingdon Green, Grove, Wick Green, Grove, Collett Way, Grove, Evenlode Close, Grove, Wessex Way, Grove, Cane Lane, Grove, Grove Aireld Memorial, Grove, Oxford Road Shops, Abingdon Whittington Crescent, Wantage, Fitzwaryn School, Wantage, Market Place, Wantage Our Ladys Abingdon, Abingdon

Vineyard, Abingdon (A10) Vineyard, Abingdon

Stratton Way, Abingdon Town Centre Tannery Court, Abingdon

Conduit Road, Abingdon 68 Ock Street, Abingdon Victoria Road, Abingdon 173 Ock Street, Abingdon

Community Hospital, Abingdon Marcham Road, Abingdon

Fairacres, Abingdon Tesco Petrol Station, Abingdon On Thames Civil Parish

Morland Road, Marcham

Longelds, Marcham

Dueld Place, Marcham

Post Oce, Marcham 18 North Street, Marcham Civil Parish

War Memorial, Marcham

Petrol Station, Frilford

Garford Turn, Garford

South Oxfordshire Crematorium, Garford

Ashelds Lane, East Hanney Ashelds Close, East Hanney Civil Parish

St James View, East Hanney

The Black Horse, East Hanney

The Mulberries, East Hanney The Mulberries, East Hanney Civil Parish

Williamsf1 Roundabout, Grove A338, Grove Civil Parish

Mayeld Avenue, Grove

The Green, Grove

Wick Green, Grove

Collett Way, Grove

Evenlode Close, Grove

Wessex Way, Grove

Cane Lane, Grove Cane Lane, Grove Civil Parish

Grove Aireld Memorial, Grove

Whittington Crescent, Wantage 25 Elizabeth Drive, Wantage Civil Parish

Fitzwaryn School, Wantage 53 Denchworth Road, Wantage Civil Parish

Market Place, Wantage 44-45 Market Place, Wantage S8 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved