Tiountfee of Oxford and Berks, Or Some Or One of Them
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4373 tiountfee of Oxford and Berks, or some or one of said parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or them, or in the parish of South. Hinksey, in other places, or any of them, which it may be neces- the liberty of the city of Oxford, and the county sary to stop up, alter,, or divert by reason of the of Berks, and terminating at or near the poiat construction of the said intended works. of junction of the London and Birmingham and Midland Railways, at or near Rugby, in the And it is farther intended, by such Act or Acts,, parish of Rugby, in the county of Warwick; to vary or extinguish all existing rights of' privi- which said intended railway or railways, and leges in any manner connected with the lands pro- other works connected therewith, will pass from, posed to be purchased or taken for the purposes in, through, or into, or be situate within the of the said undertaking, or which would in any Several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial manner impede or interfere with the construction, or other places following, or some of them (that is maintenance, or use thereof; and to confer other to say), South Hinksey and North Hinksey, in= the rights and privileges. liberty of the city of Oxford, and in the county of Berks, or one of them; Cumner and Botley, in the And it is also intended, by such Act or Acts, county of Berks; St. Aldate, and the liberty of the either to enable the Great Western Railway Com- Grand Pont, in the city of Oxford, and counties of pany to carry into effect the said intended under- Oxford and Berks, or some or one of them; Saint taking^ or otherwise to incorporate a company, for Ebbes, St. Thorna*, St. Giles, Summer-town, or the purpose of carrying the" same into effect, and Summer's-town Port Meadow, and Binsey, in the to take powers for the purchase of land, by com- liberty of the city of Oxford, and in the county of pulsion or agreement, for the purposes thereof* Oxford;. Wytham or Whiteham, in- the county of and for levying tolls, rates, and duties in respect Berks; Upper Woolvercot, Lower Woolvercot, of the use thereof, and to grant certain exemp- Great Cutslow, Little Cutslow, Cassington, Worton, tions from such tolls, rates, and duties. Yarnton, Kidtington, Water Eaton, Thrup, Gos- ford, Begbroerk or Begbroke, Bladon, Kensington, And it is further intended, by such Act or Acts, Hampton Poyle, Hampton Gay, Slu'pton or Ship- in the event of a company being thereby incorpo- ton on Cherwell, Bletchingtofl or Bletchingdorv, rated, to enable such company to sell or let, and Kirtlington, Northbrook, Wootton, Tackley, transfer the said intended railway and works, or any Nethercote, Rousham or Rouseham, Lower part thereof, and all or any powers of such com- Heyfbrd, C'ollcott or Caulcote^ Upper Hey- pany in connection therewith or ia relation thereto, fbrd, Steeple1 Aston, Middle Aston, Dunstew, to the Great Western* Railway Company, and to Somerton, Fritwell, North Aston, Chil- enable the said last-mentioned company to pur- grove, Souldern, Deddington, Clifton, East Ad- chase or rent the said intended railway aad works, derbury, West Adderbury, Bloxham, Bodicot, or any part thereof, and to exercise such powers, Easington, Neithrop, Caltrop, Banbury, Drayton, or any of them; and also to raise and! contribute Hanwell, Wardington, Upper Wardington, Lower funds for or towards the construction?, main Wardington, WiUiamscott, Coton, Cropredy, tenance,- and use of the said intended railway, Prescott, Cropredy Lawn, Clattercutt, Claydon, and works; and generally to enter into and carry Great Bourton, and Little Bourton, all in the into effect such arrangements in reference thereto, county of Oxford? Cropredy and Mollington, in as may be mutually agreed on between the said the .counties of Oxford and Warwick, or one of Great Western Railway Company and the com- them; Aynho, Kings Sutton, Astrop, Astrop pany which may be so incorporated, as hereinbe- Spa or Astrop. Wells, Newbottlc, Warkworth, fore mentioned. Overthorpe, Nethercote, Grimsbury, Middleton And notice is hereby further giveny that Cheney, and Chalcomb, in tlie county of North- maps or plans and sections of the said intended ampton; Farnborough, Farnborough Hill, Farn- railway, and works and of the lands proposed borough' Field, Wormleighton, Fenny Compton, to be taken for the purposes thereof, together with Burton Dasset, Knightcote, Old Itchington other- books of reference to such plans, containing the wise Lower Itchington, Lower Holmes, Old Town names of the reputed owners and lessees, and Farm, Bishops Itchington otherwise Upper Itch- of the occupiers of such lands, will be depo- ington, Ladbroke or Ladbrookes, Lower Hodnell, sited, on or before the thirtieth day of No- Upper Hodnell, Cliapel Ascote, Southam, Napton vember in the present year, with the Clerk of otherwise Napton on the Hill, Stockton, Grand- the Peace for the county of Berks, at his borough, Woolscott, Walcotef End!, Leamington office, in Abingdon; with the Clerk of ths Hastings, Hill, Broadwell, Kytes Hardwick, Peace for the county of Oxford, at his office in Bunchurch, Thtrrleston, Causton, Toft, Bilton, Oxford; with the Clerk of the Peace for the Hill-Moreton, Clifton, Rugby, Browns-Over, and county of Northampton, at his office, in North- Newbold-upou-Avon, all in the county of War- ampton; and with the Clerk of the Peace for the- wick. county of Warwick, at his office, in Stratford-- upon-Avon; and that a copy of so much of the- And it is atso intended, by such Act or Acts, said maps or plans, sections, and books of re- to take power to stop up, alter, or divert, whether ference, as relates to each of the parishes in or temporarily or permanently, all turnpike and other through which the said intended railway, branch roads and highways, railways, tramways, aque- railway, and works, are intended to be made, wilt ducts, canals, streams, and rivers within the afore- be deposited, on or before the thirty-first day of.