10Gb TR-D 10GBAS B/S SFP+ Dxxxl-N00 E-LR/LW Bidi Opti 0
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TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 10Gb/s SFP+ BiDi Optical Tran sceiver TR-DXxxL-N00, 10Km SMF Application 10GBASE-LR/LW Bi-directional, LC connector Features 10Gb/sserialopticalinterfacecompliantto 802.3ae10GBASE-LR,singleLCconnector forbi-directionalapplication,over10km SMF Electrical interface compliant to SFF-8431 specifications 1270/1330nm DFB transmitter, PINphoto- detector,integratedWDM 2-wireinterfaceformanagement specificationscompliantwithSFF8472 Partnumber(0°Cto70°C): Applications – TR-DX12L-N00,1270TX/1330RX High speed storage area – TR-DX33L-N00,1330TX/1270RX networks Lineside,clientsideloopbackfunction; Computerclustercross-connect Advancedfirmwareallowcustomersystem Customhigh-speeddatapipes encryption information to be stored in transceiver ROHScompliant Figure11: Application in System InnoLight Technology Corp. Page1of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This10GigabitSFP+BiDitransceiverisdesignedtotransmitandreceiveopticaldata oversinglemodeopticalfiberforlinklength20km. TheSFP+BiDimoduleelectricalinterfaceiscomplianttoSFIelectricalspecifications. Thetransmitterinputandreceiveroutputimpedanceis100Ohmsdifferential.Data linesareinternally AC coupled. The module provides differential termination and reduce differential to common mode conversion for quality signal termination and lowEMI.SFItypicallyoperatesover200mmofimprovedFR4materialoruptoabout 150mmofstandardFR4withoneconnector. Thetransmitterconverts10Gbit/sserialPECLorCMLelectricaldataintoserialoptical data compliant with the 10GBASE-LR standard. An open collector compatible TransmitDisable(Tx_Dis)isprovided.Logic“1”ornoconnectiononthispinwill disable the laser from transmitting.Logic“0” on this pin provides normal operation.The transmitterhasaninternal automatic power control loop (APC) to ensure constant optical power output across supply voltage and temperature variations.Anopencollector compatible Transmit Fault (Tx_Fault) is provided. TX_Fault is module output contact that when high, indicates that the module transmitter hasdetectedafaultcondition related to laseroperationorsafety.The TX_Fault output contact is an opendrain/collector and shall be pulled up to the Vcc_Hostinthehostwitharesistorintherange4.7-10kΩ.TX_Disableisamodule input contact. When TX_Disable is asserted high or left open, the SFP+ module transmitteroutputshallbeturnedoff.ThiscontactshallbepulleduptoVccTwitha 4.7kΩto10kΩresistor Thereceiverconverts10Gbit/sseriallopticaldattaintoserialPECL/CMLelectricaldata. AnopencollectorcompatibleLossofSignalisprovided.Rx_LOSwhenhighindicates an optical signal level below that specified intherelevant standard.TheRx_LOS contactisanopendrain/collectoroutputandshallbepulleduptoVcc_Hostinthe hostwitharesistor in the range 4.7-10 kΩ, or with an active termination. Power supplyfilteringisrecommendedforboththetransmitterandreceiver.TheRx_LOS signal is intended as a preliminary indicationtothesystem in which the SFP+ is installed that the received signal strength is below the specified range. Such an indicationtypicallypointstonon-installedcables,brokencables,oradisabled,failing orapoweredofftransmitteratthefarendofthecable. InnoLight Technology Corp. Page2of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 2. PROPOSED APPLICATION SCHEMATICS InnoLight Technology Corp. Page3of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 3. PIN DEFINITION The SFP+ modules are hot-pluggable.Hotpluggablereferstoplugging in or unppluggingamodulewhilethehostboardisppowered.TheSFP+hostconnectorisa 0.8mmpitch20positionrightangleimprovedconnectorspecifiedbySFF-8083,or stackedconnectorwithequivalentwithequivalentelectricalperformance.HostPCB contactassignmentisshowninFigure3andcontactdefinitionsaregiveninTable2. SFP+modulecontactsmateswiththehostintheorderofground,power,followed bysignalasillustratedbyFigure4andtheconttactsequenceorderlistedinTable2. Figure 3: Module Interface to Host Figure 4: Module Contact Assignment InnoLight Technology Corp. Page4of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 PIN Logic Symbol Name / Description Note 1 VeeT ModuleTransmitterGround 1 2 LVTTL-O TX_Fault ModuleTransmitterFault TransmitterDisable;Turnsofftransmitterlaser 3 LVTTL-I TX_Dis output 4 LVTTL-I/O SDA 2-WireSerialInterfaceDataLine 2 5 LVTTL-I SCL 2-WireSerialInterfaceClock 2 6 MOD_DEF0 ModuleDefinition,Groundedinthemodule 7 LVTTL-I RS0 Notused 8 LVTTL-O RX_LOS ReceiverLossofSignalIndicationActiveHigh 9 LVTTL-I RS1 Notused 10 VeeR ModuleReceiverGround 1 11 VeeR ModuleReceiverGround 1 12 CML-O RD- ReceiverInvertedDataOutput 13 CML-O RD+ ReceiverDataOutput 14 VeeR ModuleReceiverGround 1 15 VccR ModuleReceiver3.3VSupply 16 VccT ModuleReceiver3.3VSupply 17 VeeT ModuleTransmitterGround 1 18 CML-I TD+ TransmitterNon-InvertedDataInput 19 CML-I TD- TransmitterInvertedDataInput 20 VeeT ModuleTransmitterGround 1 Table 1: SFFP+ Module PIN Definition Note: 1.ModulegroundpinsGNDareisolatedfromthemodulecase. 2.Shallbepulledupwith4.7K-10Kohmstoavoltaagebetween3.15Vand3.45Vonthe hostboard. InnoLight Technology Corp. Page5of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 4. TRANSCEIVER BLOCK DIAGRAM 5. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Thesevaluesrepresentthedamagethresholdofthemodule.Stressinexcessofany of the individual Absolute Maximum Ratings can cause immediate catastrophic damage to the module even if all other parameters are withinRecommended OperatingConditions. Parameters Symbol Min. Max. Unit PowerSupplyVoltage VCCC 03.6V StorageTemperature Tc -40 85 C OperatingCaseTemperature Tc 070 C RelativeHumidity RH 595% RXInputAveragePower Pmax -1.5dBm Table 2: Absolute Maximum Rating 6. RECOMMENDED OPERATING ENVIRONMENT RecommendedOperatingEnvironment specifies parameters for which the electrical andopticalcharacteristicsholdunlessotherwisenoted. Parameters Symbol Min. Typical Max Unit PowerSupplyVoltage VCC 3.135 3.3 3.465 V PowerSupplyCurrent Icc 300 mA OperatingCase T 0 25 70 C Temperature, Table 3: Recommended Operating Environment InnoLight Technology Corp. Page6of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 7. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS The following optical characteristicsaredefined over theRecommended Operating Environmentunlessotherrwisespecified. Parameter Symbol Min. Typical Max Unit Note OperatingReach 10 km Transmitter Center wavelength 1265 1275 nm TR-DX12I-V00 λ 1325 1335 nm TR-DX33I-V00 SideMode SMSR 30 dB SuppressionRatio Launchedpower Po -4.4 0.5 dBm Transmitterand DP 3.2 dB dispersionpenalty Averagelaunch powerofOFF Poff -30 dBm transmitter Extinctionratio ER 3.5 dB RIN RIN -128 dB/Hz OpticalReturnLoss RL 12 dB Tolerance Receiver Center wavelenngth 1325 1335 TR-DX12I-V00 λ TR-DX33I-V00 1265 - 1275 nm ReceiverOverload 0.5 dBm 1 ReceiverSensitiivity RSEN -14.4 dBm 1 Receiver RRf -12 dB Reflectance InnoLight Technology Corp. Page7of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 Verticaleyeclosure 2.2 dB 3 penalty LOSAssert LOSA -30 dBm LOSDe-assert LOSD -14.5 dBm LOSHysteresis 0.5 dB Stressedeyejitter 0.3 UI 2 Receiveelectrical 3dBuppercutoff 12.3 GHz frequency Receiverpower 1.5 dBm (damage) Table 4: Optical Characteristics Notes: 1. AverageeopticalpowershallbemeasuredusingthemethodsspecifiedinTIA/EIA- 455-95. 2. Receiversensitivityisinformative.Stressedreceiver sensitivityshall be measured withconformancetestsignalforBER=1x10-12. 3. Vertical eye closure penalty and stressedeye jitterarethetest conditions for measuringstressedreceiversensitivity.Theyarenottherequiredcharacteristicof thereceiver. 4. Power budget is defined as the different between the Rx sensitivityandthe Tx outputpoweroftheinterface. 5. Pathpenaltyisintendedasthepowerpenaltyoftheinterfacebetweenback-to- backandthemaximumapplieddispersion. InnoLight Technology Corp. Page8of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 8. DITITAL DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONS The following digital diagnostic characteristicsaredefined over theRecommended OperatingEnvironmentunlessotherwisespeciffied.ItiscomplianttoSFF8472Rev10.2 withinternalcalibrationmode.Forexternalcaliibrationmodepleasecontactoursales stufff. Parameter Symbol Min. Max Unit Notes Over Temperaturemonitor DMI_Temp -3 3 degC operating absoluteerror temp Laserpowermonitor DMI_TX -3 3 dB absoluteerror RXpowermonitor -1dBmto- DMI_RX -3 3 dB absoluteerror 15dBmrange Supplyvoltagemonitor Fulloperating DMI_VCC -0.18 0.1 V absoluteerror range Biascurrentmonitor DMI_Ibias -10% 10% mA TTable5: Digiital diagnostic specification table InnoLight Technology Corp. Page9of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 9. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ThefollowingelectricalcharacteristicsaredefinedovertheRecommendedOperating Environmentunlessotherrwisespecified. Parameter Symbol Min. Typical Max Unit Notes DataRate - 10.3125 - Gbps PowerConsumptioon - 800 1000 mW Transmitter SingleEndedOutput -0.3 - 4 V VoltageTolerance Ccommonmode 15 - - mV voltageetolerance TxInputDiffVoltaage VI 180 700 mV At TxFault VoL -0.3 0.4 V 0.7mA DataDependentInput DDJ 0.1 UI Jitter DataInputTotalJitter TJ 0.28 UI Receiver SingleEndedOutput -0.3 - 4 V VoltageTolerance RxOutputDiff Vo 300 850 mV Voltage RxOutputRiseand 20%to Tr/Tf 30 ps FallTime 80% TotalJitter TJ 0.7 UI DeterministicJitter DJ 0.42 UI Table 6: Electrical Characteristics InnoLight Technology Corp. Page10of13 TR-DXxxL-N00 Rev1.6 10. CONTROL AND STATUS I/O TIMING CHARACTERISTICS TimingcharacteristicsofcontrolandstatusI/OareincludedinTable8,whichisalso definedinSFF-8431. Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Condition TX_Disable t_off 10UsTimingfromrisingedge of TX_Diisable to asserttime when the optical output falls below 10% ofnominal TX_Disable t_on 1ms TimingfromfallingeddgeofTX_Disableto negatetime when the modulated optical output rises above90%ofnominal Time to t_init 300 ms From power on or neegation