Dongseo University
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Dongseo University 47 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan 47011, South Korea T +82-51-320-2092, 2093, 2746 F +82-51-320-2094 Contents Dongseo University 04 President’s Greeting 06 Ten Changes into a ‘Future University’ offers you a ladder connecting 13 Evaluations and Awards 16 Main Campus your dreams to the world 19 Centum Campus 20 Global Studies Institute We live in an era that values how over what. Learning to implement ideas is more important now than memorizing facts. Dongseo University provides 22 Academics future-oriented education that can help you create a blueprint of hope and 48 Minseok College of Liberal Arts realize your dreams. 49 Korean Language Program 50 Busan Metropolitan City 52 Admissions 54 Campus Map My BrigHt FUtUre My BrigHt Dongseo UniversityDongseo 2 3 A BrigHt FUtUre is WAiting For yoU At Dongseo University ▲ Signing ceremony of Global Access Asia ▲ 11th Asian University Presidents Forum ▲ Launching Ceremony of CAMPUS Asia President’s greeting The Dongseo Educational Foundation had the highest early admittance ap- Another way Dongseo creates oppor- vices and extracurricular events or- was established by Dr. Sung Man plication ratio as well as the highest tunities that enhance global perspec- ganized by the GSI help international Chang to provide Christian-based job placement ratio among similarly tives is through its branch campuses students fully enjoy their campus life higher education. Under its supervi- sized universities in its region. Dongseo in the US and China. Dongseo sends at DSU. sion, Kyungnam College of Informa- has also been awarded the highest lev- over 200 students each year to the tion & Technology was opened in els of government funding in its region branch campuses and provides them Finally, the concept of ‘Before Dongseo, 1965, followed by Dongseo Univer- through programs such as Creative with support for airfare, tuition and After Dongseo’ represents our prom- FUtUre My BrigHt sity in 1992, and Busan Digital Uni- Korea (CK) and Leaders in INdustry- dormitory expenses. While abroad, ise to help every one of our students versity in 2002. Together the three university Cooperation (LINC). the students take immersive language succeed. In an era of constant change institutions have over 24,000 full-time classes and keep up with their major driven by industry 4.0, students re- Dongseo UniversityDongseo students enrolled annually, and they A longstanding aim of Dongseo Uni- studies using Dongseo’s distinctive quire innovative education. Dongseo continue to be guided by the founding versity involves the globalization of distance learning system. University offers world-class curricu- philosophy of loving God and one’s higher education. As a result, Dongseo lums and facilities that produce grad- neighbors along with the central tenets currently has agreements for academic For incoming international students, uates who have the skills to face of Truth, Creation, and Service. cooperation with 182 universities and Dongseo has established the Global real-world challenges of tomorrow. research affiliates in 37 countries. In Studies Institute. The GSI oversees We look forward to meeting young Dongseo University has grown rap- 2013, DSU was ranked among the top the English-based programs in Bio- people with big dreams! idly and now has roughly 11,000 full- 50 Asian universities for internation- medical Laboratory Science, Business time students, including about 900 alization by Quacquarelli Symonds Administration, Computer Engineer- international students. Dongseo is a and the Chosun Ilbo. Particularly, ing, Digital Contents, Film & Video, comprehensive university with 63 aca- Dongseo has pursued a strong focus and International Studies. In each of demic departments and division on Asia, which is predicted to con- these programs, students can earn a tracks. It offers some of the best pro- tinue increasing in global importance four-year undergraduate degree by grams available in the fields of IT, over coming decades. Dongseo Uni- taking courses taught entirely in En- Film, Design, Digital Contents, Health versity seeks to foster talented leaders glish. Given the expanding influence Dr. Jekuk Chang Sciences and Business Administration. for Asia by providing students with of Korean culture and industry across Through its vision of becoming a opportunities like the Dongseo Asia Asia, the GSI now also assists the ‘Future University’, Dongseo has been Initiatives Program, the Asia Summer many international students who are widely recognized as a leader in its Program, the CAMPUS Asia program, choosing DSU for its Korean lan- areas of specialization, which is proven and the Global Access Asia online guage programs. Whether studying in President Dongseo University by the fact that DSU has consistently courseware platform. English or Korean, the support ser- 4 5 TEN CHANGES INTO A ‘FUTURE UNIVERSITY’ ten cHAnges into A ‘FUtUre University’ 10ten cHAnges Us & china campuses globalized campuses First Korean unive rsity with Outstanding international students 01 02 FUtUre My BrigHt campuses in the US and China are choosing Dongseo Branch campus: UsA Branch campus: china on entering Dongseo University, stu- international community Joint Degree Programs Dongseo UniversityDongseo Dongseo is a world-class university that sends roughly 300 students to The US branch campus is at Hope Inter- The branch campus in China is located dents experience a dynamic atmos- Of the roughly 11,000 full-time students Dongseo jointly runs degree programs study abroad each year through its national University (HIU) in Fullerton, at Zhongnan University of Economics phere. they can meet exceptional at Dongseo University, about 900 are in- with many prestigious universities sAP-UsA and sAP-china programs. California. Through the SAP-USA pro- and Law in Wuhan Province. Together, students from all over the world who ternational students from countries all abroad. This often allows students in the these programs enable students to gram, Dongseo sends about 100 stu- the two universities also jointly run the have come to study in DsU’s special- over the world. The university provides programs to receive a degree from each gain immersive language training and dents annually with support provided Korea-China New Media Institute. This ized programs. in part, this is due to excellent services through its Global of the two universities where they com- cultural experience. Also, to ensure for their airfare, tuition and living ex- four-year college was the first of its kind academic cooperation agreements Studies Institute to help students adjust pleted their studies. Some of the 2+2 de- that students do not fall behind in penses. Students who meet the language to earn ratification from the Chinese Dongseo has signed with 186 univer- quickly to life in Korea and to get the gree programs Dongseo University their major studies while abroad, proficiency requirement of HIU are eli- Ministry of Education. Dongseo accepts sities and research institutions in 37 most out of their experience abroad. For currently operates include the following Dongseo University has developed gible to take regular university classes about 300 students annually from the countries. instance, students can choose to partic- fields and associated institutions: its own interactive distance learning of their choosing in addition to courses Korea-China New Media Institute to ipate in the unique “buddy program”t a • Digital Contents with Mykolas system. in the intensive ESL program. Dongseo complete the final year of a joint degree DSU, which pairs international students Romeris University (Lithuania) also operates an Advanced Business program. Dongseo University also sends with Korean students for exchanging • Film & Video and Digital Contents Management Program for local resi- roughly 150 students each year to study languages and cultures as well as for fa- with Petra Christian University (In- dents through its branch campus in the at its branch campus in China with sup- cilitating various tasks. Additionally, fun donesia) US. port provided for their travel, tuition, events and extracurricular activities are • Musical Production with Communica- and living expenses. frequently organized to offer opportuni- tion University of China (China) ties for exploring Korean culture and • Business Administration with Na- forming connections with local stu- tional Economics University (Viet- dents. These include a wide range of nam) clubs that international students can join • Biomedical Laboratory Science with and special lectures that they can decide AIPTAKI member institutions (In- to attend. donesia) • Digital Contents with KDU Penang Universit y College (Indonesia) 6 7 TEN CHANGES INTO A ‘FUTURE UNIVERSITY’ Asia-Focused education creative education Put into Practice Embrace Asia in your heart 03 Fostering “right-brain” thinking 04 recent forecasts by the Asian Devel- Dongseo University fosters creativity a year, many students find their creative opment Bank predict that by the year and talent. its forward-looking curricu- potential transformed. 2050 Asia will account for approxi- lum designs and student support serv- mately 60% of world gDP. Dongseo ices are unmatched in developing creativity Development center focuses on fostering leaders for Asia skills to meet tomorrow’s challenges. Opened in August 2016, the Creativity through various innovative programs. Development Center is a space available Design education to all students for applying concepts Regardless