
DOI: 10.1595/147106708X329273 Electrochemical Disinfection: A Short Review ELECTRODES USING GROUP OXIDES

By Alexander Kraft Gesimat GmbH, Köpenicker Str. 325, D-12555 Berlin, Germany; E-mail: [email protected]

Electrochemical water disinfection is a rarely used but convenient and highly efficient way to produce germ-free water. The technique works without the addition of chemical compounds to the water to be treated, but is nevertheless based on the biocidal action of various chemical substances. Electrodes with platinum group (pgms) or their oxides as active coatings are generally the best suited to electrochemical water disinfection. In special cases, novel doped diamond electrodes can be applied. A short historical and technical overview of the process is given, augmented by some application examples.

1. Background disinfection’, ‘anodic oxidation’, ‘functional Electrochemical water disinfection can be water’ and ‘electrochemically activated water’ defined as the eradication of microorganisms by among others. using an passed through the water There are three reasons why electrochemical under treatment by means of suitable electrodes. water disinfection has arrived at technical matur- At the phase boundary between the electrodes ity only recently, rather than earlier in the and the water, the electric current leads to the (possibly) 2000 years since its discovery: electrochemical production of disinfecting (a) Sufficiently stable and efficient electrode species from the water itself (for example, materials for electrochemical water disinfec- ozone), or from species dissolved in the water tion have been developed and optimised only (for example, chloride is oxidised to free in the last forty years. These are elec- ). trodes with mixed oxide coatings based on Attempts to clean or disinfect water by direct iridium and/or oxide (7–9), and had been reported as early as the doped diamond electrodes (10). nineteenth century (see, for example, Reference (b)The functional interrelationships between (1)). It has even been speculated that the electri- chloride concentration in the water, current, cal elements (the so-called ‘Baghdad battery’), current density, electrode material, water qual- which were discovered in 1936 in the ruins of a ity, electrochemical production of free Parthian city (inhabited from about 300 BC to chlorine and disinfecting action have been 300 AD) near Baghdad in Iraq, were in use for investigated in detail only recently (11–15). the electrochemical preparation of germ-free (c) Development work on electrochemical water water (2). Since the end of the nineteenth centu- disinfection has often been undertaken by ry there have been frequent attempts to use amateurs in both and water electrochemical disinfection (for example, chemistry, and this remains somewhat true References (3–6)). Until recently none have been today. Only a few electrochemists have been successful, at least not for long-term practical use. interested in this topic, mostly only for a short Different terms are or have been in use to period in their career. This has resulted in mis- describe this type of water treatment process or takes in device dimensioning and in the water produced by this process, such as unscientific explanations of the mechanism of ‘electrolytic disinfection’, ‘electrochemical the process.

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3), 177–185 177 2. General Processes for Water is applied between the electrodes, leading to the Disinfection electrolysis of the water. At the the main Conventional disinfection methods may be product is (Equation (i)): divided between chemical and physical processes. + – 2H2O → O2 + 4H + 4e (i) In chemical processes, disinfecting substances such as ozone, chlorine, hypochlorite or accompanied by an acidification of the water in the chlorine dioxide are added to the water to be treat- vicinity of the anode. At the , is ed. These processes are reliable, and have proven formed (Equation (ii)): their efficiency over many decades. They not only – – 2H2O + 2e → H2 + 2OH (ii) kill microorganisms, but also provide a disinfection reservoir which protects the water against recon- and the water near the cathode becomes alkaline. tamination for a certain time. A frequent drawback Since the evolved hydrogen is generally unwanted, of the chemical processes is unwanted side reac- it must be separated from the water stream. tions of the with substances present Because only small amounts are formed at normal in the water. These reactions lead to disinfection currents (about 0.4 litres of hydrogen is produced byproducts, some of which are considered danger- per amp-hour), this is possible without problems ous. There are also hazards in producing, in most cases. transporting and handling large amounts of such In most practical applications, simple undivided substances as chlorine and ozone. electrochemical reactors employing parallel-plate, In physical disinfection processes the micro- monopolar electrode stacks are inserted into the organisms are removed or killed by means of reactor pipe. The electrode plates may be config- irradiation with ultraviolet or ionising radiation, ured as unperforated or perforated plates, or as heating to elevated temperatures, ultrasound, or expanded metal. separation through membrane filtration. The main Recently, an electrochemical disinfection drawback of the physical disinfection methods is process which completely avoids hydrogen pro- the lack of a reservoir effect. These processes are duction has been developed. Atmospheric oxygen only effective in the immediate surroundings of is reduced to hydroxyl at a gas diffusion cath- their operating devices. ode (16) (Equation (iii)): As compared with other chemical disinfection – – O2 + 2H2O + 4e → 4OH (iii) methods, the advantages of electrochemical water disinfection are obvious: no transport, storage and Here the cathodic reaction (Equation (iii)) replaces dosage of disinfectants are required. The disinfect- the hydrogen producing reaction (Equation (ii)). ing effect can be adjusted according to the on-site The gas diffusion electrodes are composed of a demand. Electrochemical water disinfection shows porous -polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) a reservoir effect and is often more cost-effective layer, in contact with a metal mesh as current and requires less maintenance than other disinfec- collector, and backed by an oxygen-permeable tion methods. Photovoltaic power supply makes it PTFE layer to prevent water leakage. The graphite possible to use electrochemical water disinfection carries a oxide catalyst which eliminates far from the electrical supply grid. This may be unwanted . important for its application to drinking water in developing countries. Electrochemical water disin- 3. Production of Free Chlorine fection can also be used in conjunction with other from the Chloride Content of disinfection methods. the Water In electrochemical water disinfection, elec- If electrochemical disinfection is applied to trodes (at least one cathode and one anode) are drinking water, industrial water, seawater or other inserted either directly into the volume of water to solute-containing water, its effect is mainly based be disinfected, or into a bypass pipe. A DC on the electrochemical production of hypochlorite

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3) 178 and/or hypochlorous from the chloride In the nomenclature of water disinfection, the content of the water. The effectiveness of this sum of and hypochlorite concen- method has always been accepted for water which trations is usually termed ‘free chlorine’ or ‘active contains higher concentrations of chloride ions (17), chlorine’. The disinfecting effect of free chlorine is such as seawater with about 19 g l–1 chloride (18), or based on the release of atomic oxygen according to where large amounts of have been Equations (vii) and (viii): added, for instance to swimming pool water HClO → O + Cl– + H+ (vii) (chloride concentrations here are usually about 2–5 – – g l–1). For the disinfection of drinking water and ClO → O + Cl (viii) other with much lower chloride content, the During the disinfection, chloride ions which have effectiveness of the method was not clear for a long been consumed by electrochemical free chlorine time (19). It was eventually demonstrated that even production are reformed. Thus there is no overall at very low chloride concentrations (less than change in the chemical composition of the water 100 mg l–1) sufficient free chlorine can be produced during electrochemical water disinfection. to efficiently disinfect water (11–15). Where there is a low chloride concentration in The hypochlorous acid/hypochlorite the water to be treated (as in drinking water) the cur- is produced at the anode in a side reaction to oxygen rent efficiency of the electrode material for the evolution. The following simplified reaction mecha- production of free chlorine is crucial; it should be as nism is proposed. First, chlorine is produced high as possible. Very great differences have been electrochemically from chloride ions dissolved in the found in the efficiency of free chlorine production water (Equation (iv)): between different electrode materials at low chloride

– – concentrations (11–13, 15). Figure 1 shows the 2Cl → Cl2 + 2e (iv) dependence of the free chlorine production efficien- Chlorine hydrolyses in water and hypochlorous acid cy on chloride concentration for two dimensionally (HClO) is formed (Equation (v)): stable anode (DSA®) type electrodes (using active

coatings of IrO2 or IrO2/RuO2), platinum and Cl2 + H2O → HClO + HCl (v) boron-doped diamond electrodes. It can be seen Hypochlorous acid and the hypochlorite anion form that DSA® type electrode materials clearly outper- a pH-dependent equilibrium (Equation (vi)): form diamond and Pt electrodes, which are therefore not generally applicable as for HClO ' ClO– + H+ (vi) water disinfection based on the electrochemical

Fig. 1 Dependence of the

–1 electrochemical free chlorine 10 125 production efficiency on the chloride content of the electrolysed water under IrO 2 8 standard conditions using four

100 Current efficiency, % different anode materials (iridium oxide, mixed 6 75 iridium/ruthenium oxides, IrO2/RuO2 platinum, doped-diamond)

50 4

Doped-diamond Pt 25 2

0 Free chlorine production efficiency, mg Ah mg Free chlorine production efficiency, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Chloride concentration, mg l–1

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3) 179 production of free chlorine. Diamond electrodes anode and the scaling is removed due to the acidic have another disadvantage in this application area. anodic pH (see Equation (i)). But polarity reversal Because of their high overvoltage for both oxygen reduces electrode lifetime. This is especially true and chlorine evolution, they may further oxidise for IrO2 or mixed IrO2/RuO2 electrodes (12, 13). hypochlorite to and perchlorate (20). Only Figure 2 shows the results of a long-term experi- very low levels of these disinfection byproducts are ment (still running) on the lifetime of electrodes of permissible in potable water. Chlorate and per- various materials under periodic reversal of polari- chlorate are not formed at DSA® type and Pt ty. A steep rise in cell voltage indicates the total electrodes (11, 13). Earlier devices for electro- stripping of the active coating at the end of the chemical water disinfection employed anode electrode lifetime. The shortest lifetime of the elec- materials such as carbon (1) or Pt (3, 4) with very trodes tested was observed for the RuO2-coated Ti low production efficiency for free chlorine. electrodes, followed by IrO2-coated electrodes Another important aspect in choosing the with a lifetime of about three months. Mixed appropriate electrode material is electrode lifetime. IrO2/RuO2-coated electrodes had a lifetime of Although electrode lifetime has been improved nearly one year under our experimental conditions. where electrode polarity remains constant, fre- These materials are all clearly outperformed by quent polarity change between anode and cathode platinised Ti electrodes, which are still running is still problematic in this regard. Because of the seemingly unaffected after nearly eight years. formation of calcareous deposits at the cathode Other means for cathode cleaning have been during electrolysis in water containing and investigated, such as ultrasonication (21), and con- ions, polarity reversal is necessary to tinuously rotating brushes (22) or vanes (23) which clean the cathode surface of these deposits at reg- move over the cathode surface. Another method is ular intervals (12, 13). The alkaline pH in the the imposition of a current pulse, which increases vicinity of the cathode (see Equation (ii)) leads to the formation of gas bubbles (24). None of these the precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) techniques have been successful in long-term and magnesium (Mg(OH)2). On revers- operation, so that polarity reversal remains the best ing the polarity, the former cathode acts as an automatic cathode cleaning technique to date.

Fig. 2 Cell voltage Electrolysis time, years versus electrolysis 01 678time in Berlin tap 30 water (conductivity about 0.8 mS cm–1) for titanium 25 IrO2 IrO /RuO electrodes coated 2 2 with different active electrode materials (ruthenium oxide, 20 iridium oxide, mixed iridium/ruthenium 15 oxides, platinum): polarity reversal every 30 minutes, Cell voltage, V Cell voltage, 10 current density 20 mA cm–2, electrode distance 4 mm 5 RuO2 Pt

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2250 2500 2750 Electrolysis time, days

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3) 180 An example of an application of electrochemi- companies AquaRotter GmbH and G.E.R.U.S cal water disinfection based on free chlorine mbH. More than 400 systems have been sold and production is the ‘AQUADES-EL’ device. This is installed in hotels, hospitals, barracks, retirement optimised for the cyclic operation of hot water homes and other buildings. Figure 3 shows the recirculating systems in larger residential and com- AQUADES-EL device, which is usually located in mercial buildings. Potable water, especially in such a bypass to the water recirculation system. It systems, is especially prone to microbial contami- employs Ti electrodes coated with mixed nation. This is due to high water temperatures IrO2/RuO2. An advanced control system mea- which favour the growth of microorganisms such sures the free chlorine concentration in the water as Legionella. From time to time the media report at several locations in the distribution system at on legionellosis outbreaks due to contaminated regular time intervals by amperometric detection. drinking water systems in hotels, hospitals etc. In many industrial areas, large amounts of However, Legionella is only the most notorious water are used for cooling purposes, as evidenced genus of germs. Others are also dangerous, such as by the cooling towers dominating the landscape. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Microbial contamination of cooling water, Staphylococcus aureus, to name but a few. whether in cooling towers or air conditioning The AQUADES-EL system has been pro- systems, currently poses a major problem. Large duced and distributed since 1998 by the German concentrations of disinfectant are usually added to

Fig. 3 Electrochemical disinfection device AQUADES-EL (AquaRotter GmbH and G.E.R.U.S mbH, Germany) equipped with mixed iridium/ruthenium oxide- coated titanium electrodes: right-hand side: reactor pipe with inserted electrode stack; upper middle: power supply and control unit; upper left: amperometric free chlorine sensor equipment

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3) 181 the cooling water. The two commonest biocides density and a low water temperature it is possible for cooling towers are free chlorine and quartenary to produce ozone directly from the water accord- ammonium compounds. New biocides continue to ing to Equation (ix): be developed, but electrochemical water disinfec- – + 3H2O → O3 + 6e + 6H (ix) tion is a promising alternative for this application. Electrochemical disinfection has been success- Electrochemical ozone production has been fully implemented in the cooling water known since the nineteenth century (25). recirculation system of a German paper mill Electrolysis was the first production method for (Figure 4). The ‘Hypocell® B4’ device from ozone (25), but for most applications ozone is now G.E.R.U.S mbH employs four parallel reactor produced by corona discharge. The disadvantages pipes. The titanium electrodes carry a mixed of electrolytic production include too low a current 3 IrO2/RuO2 coating. About 130 m of water is efficiency, complicated production systems, un- treated. The water has a typical pH of 8.3, a con- stable electrode materials (such as lead oxide –1 ductivity of 1.9 mS cm and a chloride (PbO2) anodes) and/or difficult-to-handle elec- concentration of about 280 mg l–1. The flow rate in trolytes. Electrolytic production may become more the treatment bypass is 1000 l h–1. attractive using a new simple electrode assembly (26) of a ‘sandwich’ configuration: diamond 4. Ozone Production anode/solid polymer electrolyte (SPE)/cathode If water with low or zero chloride concentra- sandwich. tion is required, the addition of sodium chloride is By using such a diamond-SPE sandwich or sim- not acceptable and free chlorine cannot be pro- ilar device in deionised water, ozone can be duced in situ. Disinfection must therefore be based produced with a high current efficiency (up to on other electrogenerated species. By using anodes 47%) (27, 28). These devices can easily be inserted with a high oxygen overvoltage, a high current into water pipes or reservoirs to produce the required quantity of ozone directly from the water to be treated. The Nafion® exchange mem- brane may be employed as the SPE material. If the doped diamond anode is replaced by a Pt- or

IrO2-coated anode, a much lower ozone produc- tion rate is measured. On the other hand, if Pt is used as the cathode material, the overvoltage for hydrogen production can be lowered, minimising the cell voltage. For the electrochemical disinfection of ultra- pure water, or other waters with very low conductivity (such as rain water), electrochemical ozone production with diamond-SPE sandwich electrodes is the method of choice. Figure 5 shows a small stack of two diamond electrode/SPE/dia- mond electrode sandwiches. With this technology, water volume rates from 60 l h–1 up to 5 m3 h–1 can be treated using different sized electrode stacks. In recent years several pilot projects have been ® Fig. 4 Hypocell B4 electrochemical disinfection device equipped with this technology. An improved (G.E.R.U.S. mbH, Germany), with four pipe reactors ozone generating device is in development. This equipped with mixed iridium/ruthenium oxide-coated titanium electrodes in a cooling water system, installed at produces no hydrogen, and the cathode consumes a German paper mill oxygen.

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3) 182 Fig. 5 Electrode stack with two diamond-SPE-electrode sandwiches for ozone production in deionised water (Gerozon device by G.E.R.U.S. mbH, Germany)

5. Disinfection or Germ Minimis- concentration of oxygen in water which is in equi- ation by Electrochemically librium with air at 25ºC is about 10 mg l–1 Produced Oxygen (0.3 mmol l–1). The oxygen produced by the anod- In some applications, electrolytically produced ic half reaction according to Equation (i) can also oxygen, the main anodic reaction product, shows be used for the cathodic production of hydrogen some germicidal activity. This is especially true if peroxide. In this case, higher concentrations of anaerobic bacteria are the disinfection target. dissolved oxygen are possible, because the water is An example of this type of application is the in contact with pure oxygen, and not merely with wash water cycle of car wash stations. Here, the air. It is also possible to use a gas diffusion cath- formation of anaerobic digestion products often ode on which the oxygen from the surrounding air leads to bad odours. Anaerobic conditions are is reduced to H2O2. In terms of energy efficiency, eliminated via the fine dispersion of bubbles of the electrode material best suited to H2O2 produc- electrolytically produced oxygen in the water. This tion is graphite. This material (without additional is a highly effective mode of dissolution. For this catalysts) is also the core component in gas application, Pt-coated electrodes are the most suit- diffusion electrodes for H2O2 production. able anodes, because the main germicidal effect is Because of its lower oxidation potential, H2O2 based on electrolytically produced oxygen and not is a less effective disinfectant than free chlorine or on free chlorine. Figure 6 shows the Hypocell® B4 ozone. Therefore, higher concentrations and/or device for germ minimisation in car wash stations, longer disinfection times are necessary, limiting its based on this technology. About twenty-five applicability. Hydrogen peroxide has the advan- systems have been successfully installed. tage that its disinfectant action produces neither byproducts nor residues. 6. Disinfection by Cathodically Produced Hydrogen Peroxide 7. Conclusion While most of the possible disinfectants in Electrochemical water disinfection has many electrochemical water treatment are produced at advantages compared with conventional disinfec- the anode, hydrogen peroxide may also be pro- tion technologies. It has proven its reliability in duced at the cathode. This process has been used several practical applications, mainly for the dis- by Dhar et al. (29) and Drogui et al. (30, 31) for infection of drinking water, swimming pool water water disinfection (Equation (x)): and industrial cooling water. Electrochemical

– – water disinfection has also been used or tested O2 + 2H2O + 2e → H2O2 + 2OH (x) for the reduction of bacterial contamination in Oxygen dissolved in the water may serve as dental water supplies (32), and for the disinfec- the reactant in Equation (x). The maximum tion of contact lenses (33) and

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3) 183 resins (34) etc. However, only a few electrochem- ical water disinfection products are currently available on the market. This is due to the relative unfamiliarity of the technology, and to fierce market competition with other technologies. Eventually, the cost and performance advantages of electrochemical technology should lead to its wider use.

RuO2 and/or IrO2-coated electrodes are the best suited to disinfection based on hypochlorite generation. This is due to their high production efficiency for hypochlorite from water with a very low chloride content. Pt is the favoured electrode material for oxygen production from natural waters. Pt electrodes are also the most stable. For the production of ozone and hydrogen per- oxide, pgm electrodes are not the first choice, being outperformed by carbon electrodes, i.e. doped diamond for ozone, and graphite for hydro- gen peroxide production.

® Fig. 6 Hypocell B4 electrochemical disinfection device (G.E.R.U.S. mbH, Germany) equipped with platinised This article is a translated and revised version of titanium electrodes, mounted in a car wash station Reference (35).

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The Author Alexander Kraft is co-founder and Managing Director of Gesimat GmbH, Berlin, Germany, a company which develops ‘smart’ switchable electrochromic glazing. Before starting Gesimat in 1998, he developed electrochemical water disinfection technologies and devices at G.E.R.U.S. mbH, Germany, from 1994. He continued to work for G.E.R.U.S. as a scientific adviser until 2006. Alexander Kraft received a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (semiconductor electrochemistry) from Humboldt University, Berlin, in 1994.

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (3) 185